Paintings from shells on a marine theme. Crafts from natural materials: a panel of shells

Many of us have shells brought from the sea coast. From them you can create a beautiful panel or picture that will remind you of the warm summer sun and a pleasant stay on the beach all year round. A picture of shells is an excellent solution for needlewomen who want to create an unusual interior decoration in a marine style with their own hands. It will not only delight you with its appearance, but also carry positive energy.

A picture of shells and stones will look good in a marine-style bathroom or living room, and a hand-made one will gain special value as a gift. The plot may be different. You can make an abstract composition or lay out a drawing with shells. Some craftsmen make portraits in this style.

We collect a picture of shells with our own hands in a step-by-step lesson

Shells for the picture can be collected on the coast, or can be purchased at needlework stores. To create a composition, you can also use beads, beads, sand and stones.

The rest of the materials necessary for work will surely be found at home for everyone.

All you may need:

  • Plywood or board
  • Shells of different sizes and shapes
  • pebbles
  • Beads, beads, rhinestones, cereals, buttons, twigs, feathers, etc.
  • Paints
  • Glue (preferably a glue gun)
  • Frame
  • Acrylic varnish (optional)

Any available materials can be used to create an original painting. You can show your imagination and create a unique, one-of-a-kind piece.

If you decide to make a picture of shells, then first you need to process the material with your own hands.

  1. Sort the shells by size. Rinse them properly and dry them.
  2. Decide on the composition and the colors and shades necessary for it.
  3. If desired, to give the shells a different shade, you can paint them with acrylic paints or treat them with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, which will give them a dark red or brown color. A rich dark shade can be obtained using a stain. An interesting effect is obtained if you paint shells with nail polish.
  4. Dry the shells well so that the paint does not accidentally smear.
  5. The board for the base must be selected or adjusted to the size of the frame. The board must be treated with sandpaper so that its surface is even.
  6. The frame can also be painted. White or blue is especially suitable for a marine theme, but you should focus on the color scheme of the composition and interior.

While the shells are drying, you can start sketching for the picture. You can draw a drawing yourself with a pencil or print a photo you like from the Internet and circle it as a template using carbon paper. Do not get carried away with small details, they will be very difficult to implement with material such as shells. But if you still want to add them, then you can use crushed crumbs from shells. When the drawing and materials are ready, you can get to work.

  1. We insert the prepared base into the frame.
  2. Various fabrics and even burlap are often used as a background. They are glued to the board. You can place sand in the background. To do this, the surface of the board is covered with a layer of PVA glue and sprinkled abundantly with sand or grits, then left for a couple of hours for the workpiece to dry completely.
  3. The third point is the most important. We make a complete picture from the details. Carefully glue each element of the picture.
  4. Finished work can be varnished. Thanks to this, it will look more complete and beautiful overflows will appear on it.

Let's analyze a detailed master class: flower arrangement of shells

Such a hand-made picture of shells will look beautiful not only in a room designed in a marine style. To create a flower arrangement you will need:

  • shells
  • basis for the picture
  • frame
  • varnish and paint
  • film


  1. Color the background of your painting.
  2. Treat the shells as described in our article above.
  3. Put glue on the film and glue the shells one by one to each other to make flower petals.
  4. A small shell or bead is glued to the core.
  5. Do not try to match shells that are the same color. The more varied the shades of the petals in one flower, the more alive it looks.
  6. Make as many flowers as you need and think about their placement in the picture.
  7. Glue the shells and varnish.

In the presented photos you can see what kind of paintings from shells you can do with your own hands. Get inspired, fantasize and create your own creations!

Video on the topic of the article

We invite you to watch a video master class in which you can learn other useful tips on creating paintings from shells quickly and easily with your own hands.

Decorating your own home is one of the most interesting activities. It requires certain creative skills, knowledge and a considerable amount of imagination. However, all those crafts and trinkets that you can buy in modern markets cannot be compared with homemade souvenirs. Therefore, the topic of our article is paintings from shells. It is very easy to make them with your own hands, and now we will look at how such a masterpiece is born.

Necessary materials

So, in order to translate such a picture into reality, you first need a foundation. It can be plywood of a certain size or thick paper. Attaching shells to thin paper is not recommended, as under their weight your entire creation can easily tear. We will also need glue, shells of various shapes and sizes, paints, beads, any accessories that you deem appropriate. Now you can start making paintings from shells.

With your own hands, cut plywood or whatman paper according to the desired parameters. There are no special rules, just keep in mind that large canvases can be supplemented with shells, making the so-called accent with their help. If the composition is small, then it can be completely made up of these "marine accessories". Then we dress the base in a frame, it will look much neater and more beautiful pictures from shells. With your own hands, you can make a bezel from the same shells. Well, if you prefer wooden frames, then it is easier to buy them.

How are these paintings born?

Now let's start creating the composition. It is desirable that in your arsenal there are as many small shells as possible, since it is easier to draw drawings from them. It is better to leave big seafood for the production of souvenirs and toys. Flowers - roses, daisies and lilies - are the simplest shell paintings. With your own hands, you can stick the petals alternately, creating a bud, and then attach a leg and leaves to it from smaller shells. Just teach that if you are working on a white surface, the shells will need to be filled with some kind of paint. You can make the picture monophonic, or you can paint according to all the rules - the foliage is green, and the flower itself - red, yellow, white, etc. On a “wooden” background, black and any other, a composition of shells in its original form will look beautiful.

Several working moments

It is also important to note that you first need to draw up a sketch of the future drawing.

Of course, if you are making chamomiles consisting of five to seven petals, then you can do without this moment. However, sketches are necessary if you are making more complex and interesting shell paintings. Photos of such masterpieces are presented in the article, and you can use them as the basis for further creative fantasies. If you own the "artist's brush", then on a large canvas you can recreate any landscape or still life with the help of shells and paints. Such paintings look not only voluminous, but ingenious.

Abstract creativity

From such natural raw materials, excellent abstract compositions are also obtained. How to make a picture of seashells in this style? Very simple. It is enough to create a sketch that conveys your mood, but does not have an exact shape. If nothing comes to mind, use stencils. Then fill the composition with shells of various sizes and shapes. Color them if necessary.

It's nice when the house is decorated with various paintings, panels or other handicrafts. Such things have their own energy, a kind of attraction, the style of the author is felt. In the store, such interior items are expensive, but you can do a beautiful craft with your own hands.

How to make paintings from natural material

Using shells, you can create unusual paintings or decorations. Doing this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You just need to approach the work from the creative side, using your imagination. The main material is shells, which can be bought or collected on the coast. Then they must be sorted according to type and size. For the birth of a masterpiece, you will also need such improvised material:

  • base, you can use plywood, board or thick cardboard;
  • frame;
  • glue;
  • paints;
  • beads, twigs, blades of grass, sand, beads and other decorative elements.

The process of creating a picture of shells consists of the following steps:

  1. Sketching. In case you are not very skillful with a pencil, find a picture on the Internet, scan and make an image along the contour.
  2. Foundation preparation. Thick plywood or a board, such as a cutting board, is best. It is recommended to treat the base with sandpaper, and then repaint it. The background can be made with a stain of a suitable color or potassium permanganate.
  3. Drawing drawing. If you are working with a sketch, it is better to use carbon paper to transfer the picture to the base, or simply draw up the future picture immediately on the board, like a mosaic. You need to paint the material before you start gluing it. It is advisable to use bright acrylic paints. If you are making a flower, it is better to take white or multi-colored paints, and for a panel with a seascape, green and blue shades are suitable, which convey the color of the waves well.
  4. Sticking material. Shells and other decorative elements are well fixed with PVA glue.
  5. Making a picture in a frame. Homemade baguettes can transform paintings, but their manufacture will require a lot of patience and skill.

Panel of shells with a seascape

This type of needlework will awaken in everyone his creative abilities. A panel with a seascape will look great in the bathroom. It is not too difficult to make it according to the master class:

  1. Paint the frame with stain or potassium permanganate, set it aside to dry completely. For a panel with a seascape, take white, blue and green paints.
  2. Insert the prepared base into the frame.
  3. The background can be made from mesh, sand, fabric or burlap. Cut the material according to the size of the baguette, attach with glue or a special glue gun.
  4. Proceed to the next step - drawing up the picture itself from shells. Remember that you need to carefully attach each part with glue.
  5. Cover the finished panel with acrylic varnish. This will give it a complete look, and the sea will shimmer, as if you really are standing on the shore.

Seashell portrait appliqué

A handmade painting will be a great gift or decoration in the house. To create a shell appliqué, you need to have a lot of base material in different sizes and colors. If you are good with a pencil, then making a portrait from shells will not be difficult. The process itself is as follows:

  1. Prepare the basis on which the creation will be located.
  2. Draw a sketch using a photo of a person as a reference.
  3. Lubricate the image with glue and immediately lay the shells, not allowing the glue to dry. Elements must be appropriate in color and size.
  4. When the portrait application is ready, do not forget to spray it with varnish. This will give it shine and completeness.

Making a flower arrangement from shells

Using natural material, you can create original interior items. To decorate the decor of the room will be a hand-made flower arrangement of shells. For manufacturing you will need:

  • the main material is shells (any size);
  • frame;
  • varnish and paints in cans;
  • universal glue;
  • piece of film.

A step-by-step picture of flowers is done like this:

  1. Make a background for the future work with paint. Using a can for this purpose, you will do everything neatly and without streaks.
  2. Start making flowers: wipe the shells, put them in a row (it’s more convenient to take).
  3. Put some glue in the center of the film.
  4. Glue the shells alternately in the shape of a bud.
  5. Make the core of the flower: glue a small shell of a different color in the middle of a half-opened bud.
  6. Make the rest of the flowers in the same way, the quantity depends on your desire. It is worth noting that the flower arrangement will turn out to be more interesting if shells of different shades alternate in one flower.
  7. Think over where each flower will be located on the basis, you can make marks.
  8. Glue the flowers and sprinkle with varnish.

Abstract mosaic of seashells

Such paintings will make any interior exclusive. Making a mosaic of sea shells takes a long time, but you will spend it excitingly. When creating a masterpiece, an important stage is the preparation of the foundation. Often use the "plakuna" shell. Get down to business:

  1. Draw an even circle on the sink, cut it out with scissors.
  2. On the prepared base (photo frame, planter or any other object), stick the shells in a certain order. Start from the top contour, moving down, from the right side to the left. It is better to attach with a glue thermal gun, applying the composition to the base and to the sink. Please note that the strips of glue should be no more than 2-3 cm.
  3. When most of the mosaic is done, apply glue only to the shells and carefully push each one into place, pressing firmly against the base.
  4. Decorate the background with backfill - plastic or glass chips. Apply glue with a brush to the desired area, then fill the material with a dense layer, press with your fingers to seal. After - turn the picture of the shells over so that the excess falls.

Video: do-it-yourself shell panel

Which of us did not collect seashells in the summer by the sea, putting them at home in a secluded place as a memory of sunny summer days. Summer is over, the shells are now in the closet, but it's a pity to throw them away, because you want to feel happy and carefree days at sea again.

Looking at the shells that shimmer with mother-of-pearl and seem to return back to the seashore, I want to give them a new life. There is nothing easier, they can be used to create paintings that will bring back happy memories to everyone again or will be a wonderful gift for friends.

In addition to the shells themselves, to create paintings you will need a flat board, plywood (you can chipboard), PVA glue, a jigsaw, stain, rhinestones, paints, sandpaper, a brush, plasticine, a pencil and a frame.

First you need to choose a sketch of the future picture. You can draw it yourself, find a picture on the Internet, take a photo or postcard that you like. If you chose a postcard, scan it and use Adobe Photoshop to create an outline image. Be sure to select the appropriate thumbnail size, then print.

How to make the basis for a picture of shells?

  • Now proceed to the manufacture of the basis for the future picture. It is best to opt for a board or thick plywood. A good option would be a cutting board.
  • If you are using an ordinary board, be sure to sand it with sandpaper. The surface should become even.
  • If you decide to leave the shells light, then make the main background of the picture darker. To do this, use a dark stain. This contrast will help to focus on the shells.
  • If there is no stain, use a dark solution of potassium permanganate. It will help create color shades from rich red-brown to light brown.

After the basis for the picture is ready, apply the contours of the drawing on it. Copy paper will help you with this. You can, without making a drawing, create it from shells by folding them like a mosaic. If you want to change the color of the shells, then paint them before you start creating a drawing. Acrylic paints are well applied to shells. Use them in bright colors. Let the shell drawing turn out to be joyful, like a sunny summer day.

To convey the color of the waves, use blue or green colors, and if you decide to create a landscape or a panel with a still life, then you will need paints of various colors, depending on the plot of the picture that you have chosen. Glue the shells with PVA glue, you can also use universal glue.

Decorate the picture with more beads, rhinestones, feathers, beads, lay out flowers using multi-colored grains of cereals.

A picture of shells can be made without glue. Instead, use ordinary plasticine. To do this, cover them with the basis of the future picture. Make a layer from 3 to 6 cm. Level the surface. Choose the color of plasticine so that it contrasts with the color of the shells. After that, draw the outlines of the drawing.

Arrange the shells in order, pressing each lightly with your finger. A picture made with plasticine can be a good constructor for a child, or you can redo it yourself as soon as you want to change something in it.

To make a panel of shells, take plywood 1 cm thick, shells in the form of long narrow petals, beads, dried flowers, leaves and dried flowers. Sand the surface of the plywood with sandpaper. Choose your favorite fabric color for the background. Paint the frame golden brown. Now lay out the future elements of the picture and choose the design that you like best, or use an example of finished paintings.

You can use glue to glue a bouquet of dried flowers in the middle of the composition, then large shells at the bottom of the picture and on all sides of the frame. Distribute the stems and leaves of the flowers on both sides of the bouquet. Glue 3 small shells in the corners of the panel. Place beautiful and bright beads between them. You can glue green grass stalks at the bottom of the picture between the shells to complete the composition.

  • To create an original painting, use a glue gun to glue the middle of the flower. Then, drop a drop of glue on each of its petals and glue a small shell at the base of the flower.
  • Then on the next petal, start gluing the next shell, continue gluing until the circle is completed. After that, glue the leaves and flower stem. To complete the picture, use stones, beads, rhinestones and bows.
  • After the glue dries, take a look at the resulting panel and evaluate what is missing in it. There are no limits to fantasy here.
  • You can put some words on the picture of shells that will help you feel happy. Cut off all unnecessary elements that go beyond the frame.
  • To keep the picture of shells for a long time, cover it with varnish.

Creating paintings from shells will give you a boost of energy and the opportunity to show your creative abilities, fill you with positive energy. At one glance at the picture of shells, each member of the family, smiling, will remember summer, rest and happy carefree days. And if your child has collected shells, then he will be doubly pleased that his mother found such an excellent use for them, and he did not collect them on the seashore for nothing.

Wall panel "Nostalgia for the sea" made of shells. Master class with step by step photos

In summer, relaxing by the sea, we collect shells and pebbles. Arriving home, we carefully put the "treasures" smelling of the sea in a secluded place in order to preserve a pleasant memory of sunny summer days...
But now the summer is running out, and so I want to capture those carefree happy days by the gentle sea in my memory for a long time. Sorting through the shells, we seem to return to the sea again and again, and we want to keep these pleasant memories! Those wonderful days are gone, but we can give a second life to iridescent mother-of-pearl shells by creating an original interior decoration - a wall panel!
Ivashchenko Victoria Nikolaevna, teacher of additional education, MBU DO SYUT, Salsk, Rostov region.
Description of work: The master class is designed for children of any age, teachers and parents.
Purpose: interior decoration.
Target: creation of a wall panel "Nostalgia for the sea" with your own hands.
- learn how to create an original interior decoration - a wall panel made of shells;
- improve the skills of working with the necessary materials in compliance with the rules of safety;
- to develop individual creative abilities, eye, artistic taste;
- educate diligence, accuracy in work.
Materials, tools:
shells brought from the sea;
photo frame "50 by 20";
cork coating on a self-adhesive basis;
decorative details (glasses, floral material, mesh);

Universal glue "Moment Crystal";
PVA glue;
construction rollers;
wet wipes.


To create a panel, you first need cute shells, preferably of different shapes and sizes, a frame and universal glue.

Let's disassemble our frame by carefully removing the glass (it will not be needed) and the back.

I had to pick up the base for a long time, but fortunately I found a piece of old wallpaper, a small one, part of which had already been used before (shared with Polina for her "Penguins"). It’s good that I didn’t throw it away, because the rest of the materials are inappropriate colors - green and red, which is not suitable for making a composition in a marine style.

I prepared a construction roller - for wallpapering.

We circle the back of the photo frame on a piece of wallpaper, and then cut it out. The edges of the backdrop are uneven, we process either with a knife or sandpaper, since it is difficult to do this with scissors.

We prepare PVA glue and a foam roller. We apply PVA glue to the back of the frame with a foam roller, glue the prepared piece of wallpaper, and then carefully roll it over the top with another construction roller. We work on oilcloth so as not to stain the surface of the table. Wet wipes are a must!

The base is ready!

From a sheet of self-adhesive cork, cut out three squares with a side of 10 centimeters.

We arrange the squares with an interval of 5 centimeters on the base and paste.

We prepare decorative details - glass, mesh and floral material.

Glue a mesh on the middle square (remained from a bouquet of flowers).

Glue floral material on the other two squares.

Now you can experiment - let's decompose the prettiest shells into squares. Glue using Moment Crystal glue.


The finished work can be placed on the wall both vertically and horizontally - as you like! I haven't decided for myself yet. The main thing is that the panel created from shells will keep the memory of summer holidays for a long time!