Consultations for parents “Adaptation of the child to kindergarten. Psychologist's advice on successfully adapting a child to kindergarten: a memo to parents

Consultation for parents "How to facilitate the adaptation of the child to preschool"

This methodological development provides recommendations for parents to facilitate the adaptation period. The material is intended for parents of toddlers, it will be of interest to teachers working in an early age group.
Target: Increasing the level of psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents in matters of adaptation of the child to the conditions of the kindergarten.
Parents need to know how to help the baby go through the adaptation period, which consists in a smooth transition from a family home atmosphere to the conditions of a preschool institution.
Kindergarten - a new period in a child's life. For the baby, this is, first of all, the first experience of collective communication. Not all children accept a new environment, strangers immediately and without problems. Most of them react to kindergarten by crying.
Ways to reduce your child's stress.
1. It is necessary to create in advance at home for the child a day regimen (sleep, games and eating), corresponding to the preschool educational institution.
2. Every day, leave time to talk with your child about what kindergarten is, why it is needed and why mom wants to take him there (it’s interesting there, other children play and walk there, mom needs to take care of family affairs)
3. Plan your walks to the territory of the chosen institution in advance. Pay your child's attention to the beauty of the territory of the kindergarten. Focus the child's attention on the fact that soon he will be able to walk and play here with all the children and the teacher.

4. Be sure to talk to him about the role of caregiver. Many children mistakenly believe that their mother abandoned them and gave them to someone else's aunt. Teach your child how to address the caregiver, how to properly express their needs.
5. Warn the baby that there may be difficulties due to the fact that there are many children there, and there is only one teacher. Teach him patience, but always reassure him that mom or dad will definitely come for him. Play the game "Kindergarten" with your child at home. Create a couple of typical situations that may arise in a children's group. Suggest a few options for the baby that will help him respond to them. By this you will already lay the foundations for communication and the entry of the baby into a new team - first for children, then for school, and then for adults.
6. An important means of communication in a preschool is children's toys. For part of the family atmosphere to be with the baby, let him take his favorite toys with him. Teach him to share them with other children.
7. In the first days, you should not leave your baby in kindergarten for more than two hours. The residence time should be increased gradually. After 2-3 weeks (this period is individual for each child), given the desire of the baby, you can leave him for the whole day in preschool.
8. Every time after coming from kindergarten, it is necessary to ask the child about how the day went, what impressions he got. It is imperative to focus the attention of a son or daughter on positive aspects, since parents with such short remarks are able to form a positive attitude towards a preschool institution in them.
9. If the baby is crying, you should take him in your arms, calm him down - he probably lacks the touch of his mother, which there were much more recently. It is advisable to put the child to bed early, stay with him longer before going to bed, talk about the kindergarten. You can agree in the evening what toys he will take with him to kindergarten, decide together what clothes he will wear in the morning.
10. On weekends, you should adhere to the daily routine adopted in the preschool educational institution, repeat all the activities that the baby has already learned.
11. Maintain relationships with the caregiver and other parents. Be interested in who your baby is friends with, greet and encourage the friendship of your son or daughter, Participate in the life of the baby, rejoice in his success and creativity. This is a good foundation for a strong parent-child relationship.
12. Solve conflict situations, misunderstandings with educators without aggression and not in the presence of the child. Do not criticize the kindergarten, do not be indignant at the shortcomings of the work of a preschool institution with a child.

Remember that with the start of attending kindergarten, the child is temporarily deprived of physical contact with the mother. It is important for small children that they continue to be picked up, hugged, put to bed. Therefore, try to pay more attention to the child.

When it comes to adapting a baby to kindergarten, they talk a lot about how difficult it is for a child and what help he needs. But “behind the scenes” there is one very important person - mom, who is in no less stress and worries! To help yourself, you need:
1. Be sure that the family really needs to visit the garden. The less doubt the mother has about the advisability of visiting the garden, the more confidence that the child will cope sooner or later. And the baby, reacting precisely to this confidence of the mother, adapts much faster.
2. Believe that the baby is not really a “weak” creature at all. The adaptive system of the child is strong enough to withstand this test, even
if tears flow like a river. Paradoxically, but true: it's good that the baby is crying! Crying is an assistant to the nervous system, it does not allow it to be overloaded. Therefore, do not be afraid of children's crying, do not be angry with the child for "whining". Of course, children's tears make you worry, but you will definitely cope too.
3. Enlist support. Around you are parents experiencing the same feelings during this period. Support each other, find out what "know-how" each of you has in helping the baby. Celebrate and celebrate the successes of your children and yourself together.

Vera Bashkatova
Consultation for parents "Adaptation of the child to kindergarten"

Advice for parents

« Adaptation of the child to kindergarten»

Target: to give an idea parents about that duration and character adaptive period depend on how the baby is prepared in the family for the transition to children's institution; help to form such stereotypes in behavior child that will help him painlessly enter new conditions for him; neutralize eliminated anamnestic risk factors associated with the conditions of the social environment; help organize the first days of your stay child in preschool.

Tasks: show parents significance of the problem adaptation and the possibility of its solution; prevent the possible transmission of anxiety and nervous excitement from mother to to kid; create conditions for the successful inclusion child into a new social environment; eliminate contradictions between the possibilities child and requirements of the environment; think over an algorithm of joint actions with parents; to reveal the role of the family in solving this problem.

Dear parents!

We are very glad to see you all! You are now entering an important period in your life and the life of your child - he goes to kindergarten. And in order to adaptation passed it to the new conditions as calmly and quickly as possible, you should know more about the features of this difficult period. It is very difficult for children of any age to start attending Kindergarten. Each of them goes through a period adaptation to kindergarten. Entire life child changes drastically. They literally break into the usual, established life in the family changes: a clear daily routine, the absence of relatives and friends, the constant presence of peers, the need to obey and obey unfamiliar adults, the amount of personal attention sharply decreases.

Baby needs time, to adapt to this new life kindergarten.

Adaptation is an adaptation or adaptation of the body to a new environment.

At the age of 2-3 years child everything is interconnected: state of health and emotional mood, physical and neuropsychic development. This is the most fertile age - the most tangible changes: the baby began to talk, assemble or disassemble the pyramid himself, ask the first questions: "why?", "where?". And that's not all. The baby receives the necessary development at this time through toys, the most important activity for him is the game. We here constantly play with children, because it is in the game that they get acquainted with the outside world, visual activity, designing, fiction. In the game, the development of children's speech also takes place.

Good help adapt games developing skills to perform daily duties, developing responsibility. The idea of ​​the technique is to prepare and tell the child about children's kindergarten on the example of the game, namely in the most pleasant way for the child. It is necessary to play in the kindergarten a few months before your baby enters it. You can use a variety of games: “Doll Masha went to kindergarten. Masha will have her own locker in the kindergarten. Masha has found many new friends.” Push baby suggestive questions: “Do you want your locker?”, “Show me how you will sleep in the garden; how will you play?.

For everybody parent's child is the best, the cleverest. But here it is given to Kindergarten. Naturally, mom and dad have the first experiences associated with the garden. But as the child will get used to? Will he like it?

Usually period adaptation children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution does not exceed two months. But in order for it to pass without unnecessary shocks, we should all try to rid the newcomers of the traumatic factors as much as possible.

What is needed for this?

1. Parents should get used to thoughts: "My child goes to kindergarten, he will be fine there, they will take care of him, he will play with his peers. I want him to go to kindergarten."

2. In the corner for parents hanging sheet of the daily routine child. This is another important point of getting used to. To adaptation passed safely, at home you need to accustom the baby to the daily regimen, which is similar to a large extent to the regimen DOW: breakfast, lunch, sleep, afternoon tea, bedtime. And try to stick to this routine as much as possible.

3. To child did not feel discomfort, it is advisable to accustom him to the potty in advance, wean him from the pacifier.

Here we come to the very main: all documents are ready, child and parents ready to go to the kindergarten, to the children. On the first day you bring baby for a few hours; on the second day, before lunch. And we are watching him and depending on his behavior (addiction, emotional state) we tell you when it is better to leave it for a daytime sleep, and then for the whole day.

But here the child cried, and y parents have a question: "How to be?". Why, it's very good that the baby is crying, quiet, "indifferent" children, because they keep all the experiences in themselves. Child cries - and calms down emotionally, he gives "signal" pay attention to him. With all responsibility, we can say that children who cry at first visit in the future children's garden with more fun than quiet and peaceful.

In the process of our communication with you, various questions will arise, please do not hesitate to come to us and ask. We will be happy to answer them, and if necessary, we will consultation.

And in conclusion, I would like to wish you success in raising your kids. Good luck to you!

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Advice for parents
"Adaptation of the child in kindergarten"

Dear parents! We are very glad to see you all! You are now entering an important period in your life and the life of your child - he is going to kindergarten. And in order for it to adapt to new conditions as calmly and quickly as possible, you should know more about the features of this difficult period.

In a child, everything is interconnected: the state of health and emotional mood, physical and mental development. The baby receives the necessary development through toys, the most important activity for him is the game. And parents need to remember that you can achieve what you want through the offer: “Let's play!” We here constantly play with children, because it is in the game that they get acquainted with the outside world, fine arts, design, fiction.

For each parent, it is his child who is the best, the smartest. But now he is sent to kindergarten. Naturally, mom and dad have the first experiences associated with the garden. How will the child get used to it? Will he like it?

Parents' concerns are well founded. When a child comes to kindergarten, the conditions of his life change dramatically: daily routine, room temperature, clothing requirements, nutrition, educational influences, style of communication with others. All this affects the baby.

Doctors, teachers, psychologists note: the period of adaptation to a preschool institution requires a lot of nervous tension from the child. Therefore, sometimes the adaptation period is so difficult that the child gets sick. Parents are looking for the cause of the disease and usually find it in a cold, infection. But, as experience shows, often a child begins to get sick not because he caught a cold or caught an infection - most often the disease is the body's response to psycho-emotional stress, which depresses the body's defenses, and the stronger the more excitable the child. Usually healthy children get used to new conditions in a few days, and they do not experience such consequences. Stressful situations lie in wait for an unprepared child in any new environment for him.

Usually, the period of adaptation of children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution does not exceed two months. But in order for it to pass without unnecessary shocks, we should all try to rid the newcomers of the traumatic factors as much as possible.

What is needed for this?

1. Parents should get used to the thought: “My child is going to kindergarten, he will be fine there, they will take care of him, he will play with his peers. I want him to go to kindergarten"

2. In the corner for parents there is a leaflet of the child's daily routine. This is another important point of getting used to. In order for the adaptation to take place safely, it is already necessary to accustom the baby to the daily routine, which is more similar to the DOW regimen: breakfast 8-9 in the morning; lunch 12-13 hours; sleep from 13 to 15 hours; afternoon snack at 16 o'clock, laying down for the night no later than 21-22 o'clock. And try to stick to this routine as much as possible.

3. So that the child does not feel discomfort, it is advisable to accustom him to the potty in advance (to the toilet) and wean from the pacifier and the bottle.

1st day - you bring the child for 2 hours (or maybe less depending on the behavior).

Then during the week we observe him and depending on his behavior (addiction, emotional state) we tell you when it would be better to leave it until lunch, for an afternoon nap, and then for the whole day.

But then the child began to cry, and the parents have a question: “What to do?” Why, it’s very good that the baby is crying, quiet, “Indifferent” children are of great concern, because they keep all the experiences in themselves. The child cries - and calm down emotionally, he gives a "signal" to pay attention to him. With all responsibility, we can say that children who cry at first visit kindergarten in the future with more pleasure than quiet and calm ones.

The first classes and acquaintances with specialists are held in our group, so the kids get used to new people gradually.

In the process of our communication with you, various questions will arise, please do not hesitate to come to us and ask. We will be happy to answer them, and if necessary, we will consult. Do not keep questions to yourself, do not rely on the advice of friends. Qualified specialists will work with you and your children.

And in conclusion, I would like to wish you success in raising your kids. Love them unconditionally, just for having them. Good luck to you!

adaptation of the child to kindergarten

The adaptation period is a serious test for babies 2-3 years old. Stress reactions caused by adaptation disrupt the emotional state of the baby for a long time. Therefore, we recommend:

Bring the home mode in line with the mode of the kindergarten group in which the child will go.

Get acquainted with the menu of the kindergarten and introduce new dishes for him into the diet of the baby.

Teach your child at home all the necessary self-care skills: wash your face, dry your hands; dress and undress; eat independently, using a spoon while eating; ask for a potty. Clothing must be comfortable for a child of this age, the best option: trousers or shorts without fasteners and straps.

Expand the "social horizon" of the child, let him get used to communicating with peers at children's playgrounds, visiting friends, staying overnight with his grandmother, walking around the city, etc. Having this experience, the child will not be afraid to communicate with peers and adults .

It is necessary to form a positive attitude in the child, a desire to go to kindergarten. The baby needs emotional support from the parents: tell the child more often that you love him, hug him, take him in your arms. Remember, the calmer and emotionally positive parents will relate to such an important event as a child attending a kindergarten, the less painful the adaptation process will be. Avoid talking to your child about concerns about kindergarten.

Plan your time so that in the first month of your child's visit to kindergarten you have the opportunity not to leave him there for the whole day. The first weeks of attending kindergarten should be limited to 2-4 hours, later you can leave the baby until lunch, at the end of the month (if the teacher recommends) bring the baby for the whole day.

During the period of adaptation at home, it is necessary to observe the daily routine, walk more on weekends, and reduce emotional stress.

The child should come to kindergarten only healthy.

If it turns out that the child has a developed need for cooperation with close and outside adults, if he owns the means of subject interaction, loves and knows how to play, strives for independence, if he is open and friendly towards peers, consider that he is ready to enter the nursery garden or nursery.

Before a child who has started attending kindergarten, there is a problem of changing an already formed behavioral stereotype, due to a change in the usual living conditions and the establishment of new social ties. Some children enter the new environment almost without problems, and tears, sighs and heavy morning separation from their parents continue only in the first few days. Some experience negative emotions a little longer - 3-10 days. And others kindergarten adaptation process spread over two to three weeks.

1. So that negative emotions do not interfere with the child during the period of mastering new ways of life, it is very important to form in him a positive expectation associated with visiting kindergarten. You should not frighten the child with a kindergarten: “If you don’t obey, I’ll give it to kindergarten,” and later, when he already visits him, threaten to leave him there if he doesn’t stop crying or acting up. This will cause the child to be afraid of being in the preschool, lengthen the adaptation process, and the future visit to the kindergarten should be discussed at home as a good event.

2. Calm and confident adaptation of the baby in kindergarten is facilitated by awareness of life in it. It is necessary to introduce the son or daughter to the teacher of the group, to talk to him so that the child hears that he has already grown up and will attend kindergarten, where a kind, sympathetic teacher takes care of all the kids, who walks and plays with them; let the baby also get acquainted with the children, with the group room, with toys, and, encouraged by adults, show interest in others. At home, he should evoke pleasant memories of what he saw, a desire to quickly go to kindergarten. Before going to kindergarten, it is useful, having agreed with the head and teacher, to take a walk with the child on its territory for several days.

3. It is not necessary to leave the child in the group until the evening on the first day: a long stay in an unfamiliar environment is still difficult for him. It is better to gradually lengthen the time spent in kindergarten. Let him stay in the new team for the first time for 1.5 - 2 - 2.5 hours.

It’s also nice that this first day in kindergarten falls in the middle of the week, closer to the weekend. And let it be (if possible) in spring, summer or early autumn. At this time, many childrenwalk, and the situation of walking is familiar to them.

Parents should also not forget about such a feature of babies, which can be called "infection with emotions": someone cried, and after him, look, a few more cried among those whose kindergarten "experience" is short. Such a “chain reaction”, of course, negatively affects the psychophysical state of the child, and therefore it is fair to know in advance how many newcomers will come to the group during the week and when exactly to bring them. If it is in the morning, it is better to bring your baby in the afternoon. When there are three or four or more newcomers, it is advisable to postpone a visit to a preschool institution until the next week.

4. In addition to the official name of the child, it is useful for caregivers to know his “home” name. After all, it may happen that there will be several Artems or Olecheks in the group, so Sashulya, Lucy? Bunny, Sunny will willingly respond to their usual appeals.

After discussing the behavior of the baby on the first day, it is worth agreeing on the duration of his stay in the garden the next day. In the evening at home, it is worth celebrating the beginning of kindergarten life and acquainting all family members with how the day went and what was interesting for the child.

In the future, you should consult with the teacher more often, analyze the behavior and mood of the child with him. If it is noticed that he is a little tired, let him come into the garden for a few days only for a walk. Certain inconveniences from this (temporary) are compensated by the awareness of the main benefit of such a variant of the regime: the preservation of the physical and mental health of the baby, his positive attitude towards the preschool institution.

Factors that directly affect the process of adapting a child to kindergarten:

Mutual compliance with the regimes in which the child lives at home and in a preschool institution;

A certain independence in household services (by age);

The level of mental development.

Since the child is already accustomed to the nature and rhythm of home life, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with the regime in which his age group lives. This will ease the possible physiological discomfort in the event of a discrepancy between the modes. It may be like this: the child is offered to eat, but he is not hungry; a little time passes, and he has a feeling of hunger, which is why he begins to act up, or almost falls asleep at dinner, and before that, on a walk, he cried, was excited because he wanted to eat, sometimes the coincidence of feelings of hunger and fatigue can become double source of irritation.

Consequently, at least 2.5 - 2 months (or even six months - a year) by the time the child starts attending a preschool, parents should find out what kind of regime the kindergarten group lives in, which corresponds to him in age. You can visit the nearest kindergarten if you walk far to the one you have chosen.

If the home regimen and the kindergarten regimen have the same sequence in holding regime moments, and do not coincide in time by about 20 - 30 minutes, this is quite easy to help. But if both modes are radically different in time and sequence of regime moments, there is something to work on. The gradual convergence of modes will provide the child with a physiologically comfortable stay in kindergarten, especially during the period of adaptation to it.

In some families, adults still consider the child small for a long time, they do not want and are not able to notice that he has become older, they are too protective and block the development of his independence. Sometimes, in an effort to save time, parents rush to dress and feed the baby themselves, which hinders the formation of the necessary practical skills. This is not entirely correct and the child gets used to being "helpless"

So what cultural and hygienic skills should a three-year-old child master?

Education programs in a preschool institution provide that a three-year-old child should be able to:

Eat neatly and independently; chew food thoroughly; use a napkin do not crumble bread; do not spill the soup; leave the table only after finishing eating; thank;

Roll up sleeves while washing; wash hands and face without splashing water or spilling clothes; dry hands and face with a towel; hang it in place;

Use a handkerchief in a timely manner; toilet; be neat; comb your hair; to notice and eliminate the mess in the outfit yourself or with the help of adults;

To dress independently or with little help from an adult, fasten buttons, tie shoelaces; take off your own clothes and shoes; neatly fold clothes;

Purpose: To create conditions for parents to get to know each other. To acquaint parents with the program of development of children, the tasks of development and education of children.

Entering a baby in a kindergarten is the first step in an independent life, which is not easy for all children.

Our task is to do so. To make the adaptation period painless for the child. To do this, friendly, partnership relations must be established between us. Every child sooner or later has to socialize, i.e., becomes able to live among other people. This is a necessary step for everyone.

Adaptation is the adaptation of the body to a new environment, and for a child, a kindergarten is undoubtedly a new, still unknown space, with a new environment and new relationships. Adaptation depends on the psychophysiological and personal characteristics of the child, on the existing family relationships, on the conditions of stay in a preschool institution. That is, each child adapts in his own way. However, there are some regularities that I would like to tell you about.
There are certain reasons that cause tears in a child:
- Anxiety associated with a change of scenery (a child under 3 years old still needs increased attention. At the same time, from the usual, calm home atmosphere, where the mother is nearby and can come to the rescue at any time, he moves into an unfamiliar space, meets even benevolent, but strangers) and the regime (it can be difficult for a child to accept the norms and rules of life of the group in which he fell. In kindergarten they are taught to a certain discipline, but at home it was not so important. In addition, the child’s personal daily routine is violated, this can provoke tantrums and unwillingness to go to preschool).
Children 2-3 years old experience fears of strangers and new situations of communication, which is exactly what is fully manifested in the preschool educational institution. These fears are one of the reasons for the difficult adaptation of the child to the nursery. Often, the fear of new people and situations in the garden leads to the fact that the child becomes more excitable, vulnerable, touchy, tearful, he gets sick more often, because stress depletes the body's defenses.
- Lack of self-care skills. This greatly complicates the child's stay in kindergarten.
- Too many impressions. In preschool, the baby experiences many new positive and

negative experiences, he can overwork and, as a result, be nervous, cry, act up.
According to how children adapt to kindergarten, they can be divided into three main groups.

Easy adaptation - almost half of the children make up the most prosperous group - they attend kindergarten without much loss, more or less with desire. Usually the adaptation period is 3-4 weeks. There is almost no trouble with such a child, and the changes that you see in his behavior are usually short-lived and minor, so the child does not get sick.
The child calmly enters the group, looks around carefully before stopping his attention on anything. The child makes contact on his own initiative, may ask for help. He knows how to occupy himself, adheres to the established rules of behavior, adequately responds to remarks and approval. He knows how to play next to other children, is friendly to them.

The average degree of adaptation - children without nervous disorders fall into this group - they "only" begin to get sick often in kindergarten. With this type of adaptation, the child's morbidity can be reduced by a doctor. The sooner he prescribes corrective measures for the child, the less likely it is that your baby will get sick.
Child behavior:
The child comes into contact by observing the attractive actions of the educator, or through the inclusion of bodily sensations. He responds adequately to comments and encouragement, may violate the established rules and norms of behavior (social experimentation).
With this type of adaptation, the child, on average, adapts to a new organized team for more than a month and often falls ill during adaptation. Moreover, as a rule, the disease proceeds without any complications.
A severe degree of adaptation is children who react to a change in the situation with a nervous breakdown, and colds are also added to this. Regression (reverse development), urinary incontinence, short flashes of temperature (adaptive suppositories) may occur; there are complex mental reactions of the body (for example, false croup, fainting, rash). This is the most unfavorable option.
Child behavior:
Contact with the child can only be established through the parents (in the worst case, the child cannot be contacted at all). The child can fall into a stupor, like a mannequin, leaving it only when the front door is opened. Or, on the contrary, react violently and aggressively to any attempt at contact. The remark or praise of the educator leaves the child either indifferent, or he is frightened. There are cases of obsessive behavior. So the baby can go all the time for a nanny or tutor, constantly asking crying: “Is mom coming?”, Or rocking in a chair, falling into a state. But, gradually everything can be settled, and this largely depends on the situation at home and the correct behavior of the parents . Remember that a child with a difficult adaptation, in addition to you and the caregivers, will only be helped by a pediatrician or a psychologist!
Therefore, children with severe adaptation, which is usually predicted in a child even in a children's clinic, it is advisable not to send them to kindergarten at two or three years old, but if possible a little later, as their adaptive mechanisms improve.
Boys are more vulnerable to adaptation than girls, because during this period they are more attached to their mother and react more painfully to separation from her.
In order for your child to get used to kindergarten as quickly and easily as possible, you need to adhere to the following recommendations.
Recommendations to parents.
Tune the child in a major way. To inspire him that it is very great that he has grown to the garden and has become so big.
Do not leave him in the preschool team for the whole day right away, take him home as early as possible. Start visiting preschool educational institutions according to the algorithm proposed by experts.
Create a calm, conflict-free climate for him in the family. Spare his weakened nervous system.
Do not increase, but reduce the load on the nervous system. For a while, stop going to public places, to visit. Reduce your TV viewing by a lot.
As soon as possible, inform the doctor and caregivers about the personal characteristics of the baby.
Do not wrap your child, but dress him as necessary in accordance with the temperature in the group. Talk to the teachers, they will tell you how best to dress the child.
Create on Sundays at home for him the regime is the same as in a children's institution.
Do not react to the antics of the child and do not punish him for children's whims.
If there is a change in the child's usual behavior, contact a pediatrician or psychologist as soon as possible.
With severe neurotic reactions, leave the baby at home for a few days and follow all the instructions of the specialist.

Dear Parents! Concluding my recommendations, I would like to draw your attention to a few points.
Full adaptation of the child to kindergarten is possible not earlier than in 2-3 months. And during this entire period, care must be taken that the child does not feel too keenly the gap between his former and present life. For example, try to dress him in familiar clothes for the first time, give him his favorite toy with you to kindergarten. If a child is very bored, a photograph of his mother in a locker for clothes or under the pillow of his crib can alleviate his condition, some small thing of his mother, for example: her scarf or handkerchief, can serve the same.

Show as much interest as possible in his activities in kindergarten, listen carefully to his stories, save the drawings and applications that he brings; curiosity and the desire for action arise and develop (as well as the ability to talk or walk) with the benevolent and patient participation of adults, thanks to their constant encouragement.
At first, a child can be very tired in kindergarten: new experiences, new friends, new activities, a large number of people. If a child comes home exhausted and nervous, this does not mean that his adaptation is difficult. It just takes time for the baby to get used to the new routine.
Maintain relationships with the caregiver and other parents. Be interested in who your baby is friends with, welcome and encourage friendship. Participate in the life of the baby, rejoice in his success and creativity.

Remember that with the start of attending kindergarten, the child is temporarily deprived of physical contact with the mother. It is important for small children that they continue to be picked up, hugged, put to bed. Therefore, try to pay more attention to the child at home, read, play, watch cartoons together, do homework. Emphasize how big and skillful your baby has become, how he went to kindergarten,

how strong, brave and smart he has become, how much he learns every day in kindergarten. Be gentle, patient and kind. And, most likely, the stress associated with admission to kindergarten can be avoided. Good luck to you!