Lemon catnip (catnip): description and use of herbs. Why do cats love mint? Collection, preparation and storage of catnip

The very name of the plant "catnip" or "catnip" suggests that its connection with the behavior of a cat has been known for centuries. This is a low perennial herbaceous plant with heart-shaped leaves and small light-lilac flowers collected in a brush. Catnip can be found in almost all regions from the European part to the Far East. The plant, both green and dried, exudes a peculiar "lemon" smell, which intensifies if you rub the leaves between your fingers.

How does catnip work

It is this lemon smell that attracts cats like a magnet. Catnip essential oils enter the cat's nose when inhaled, and from there a signal is sent to the hypothalamus of the brain, which forms an interesting behavioral response. As soon as the cat smells the catnip, she falls into a kind of euphoria: she begins to roll on the floor next to the smelling place and purr. This behavior persists for 10-15 minutes, after which the cat relaxes and may doze off. It seems to acquire "immunity" from exposure to the smell of the plant, which lasts about half an hour, after which the euphoric effect can be repeated.

Why use catnip?

You can put it in a toy bag. Or vice versa, dip the toy in catnip and hold it there for several hours. After that, the cat will be happy to talk even with a boring toy. Cat owners advise using catnip as an “antidepressant”: if the cat has experienced some kind of stress, you can give it a bag of catnip to relax it. Or do it in anticipation of an inevitable stressful situation, for example, before moving. The cat will inhale the essential oils that she likes, and this will help her relax.

Can catnip be given to cats?

The effects of catnip on cats are considered harmless, the plant is even sold in pet stores. By the way, we advise you to buy it there, and not in supermarkets and not by weight, so that you get catnip without stems. Chopped stems are odorless, but they are tough and can injure a cat's mouth if she decides to chew them.

How to make tea from catnip in order to heal quickly? Where does catnip grow and how not to confuse it with other plants?

The catnip plant, lemon catnip or catnip, is a member of the Lamiaceae family, and also has a variety that reaches up to 250 species. Due to its qualities, including adaptability, it is able to withstand difficult conditions for breeding and is currently grown on most continents, including North America, South America, Eurasia and Africa.

Fields, meadows, forests, as well as mountainous areas are considered suitable for growing catnip. This landscape allows the plant to reach up to 120 centimeters in height during the summer months, which in turn is an excellent indicator of the plant's fertility in terms of medicine.

True catnip color

Kotovnik is considered a perennial and can exist in a favorable climate for more than two years.

  • It is an upright, slightly drooping stem with an ovoid triangular leaf blade, pointed edges, and a heart-shaped base.
  • The flowers of the plant at the end of the shoot are collected in an inflorescence brush.
  • The maximum length of the cup varies on average up to 7-8 millimeters and is presented in a curved form.
  • The petals that form the corolla of the catnip are two-lipped, occupying a length of up to 10 millimeters. The lower lip is presented in off-white or pink colors, and also in exceptional cases has pigmentation in the form of spots.
  • It has fruits in the form of brown nuts. In summer, the fruits ripen in August and if the plant does not receive the necessary moisture, the seeds are dry and unsuitable for cultivation.

The plant can be easily cultivated and grown in a home environment if you fulfill all the necessary conditions for this. All this is argued by the adaptation of the plant to environmental conditions, the main thing is to create a warm and ventilated environment.

in the photo you can distinguish catnip and other plants
  • The upper part of the catnip plant has a characteristic strong smell of lemongrass, as well as a similar smell to geranium and mint. This is characterized by the presence of essential oils in the plant, which occupy 3% of the mass of catnip.
  • The taste of the plant depends on the quality of cultivation, most often it is sharp, spicy and bitter.

Name catnip the plant received due to the fact that its actions have a strong effect on the species of cats, including lions and domestic cats. Cats become drugged from the plant for 10 minutes, after which they return to their original state.

In the wild, it can be found in the desert, forest glades, slopes, waste places, as well as along roads.

the Latin name for catnip is Nepeta cataria

Video: What is catnip and how is it used?

What is the difference between lemon balm and catnip, what is the difference?

Catnip, mint and lemon balm are the most popular plants grown by gardeners. They are often used in the preparation of pharmaceutical drugs, and are often used in traditional medicine recipes. This is due not so much to the presence of pleasant citrus and mint taste qualities in them, but to the diversity of the influence of biological properties on the body.

The most common type of melissa is lemon balm, it is also a member of the Lamiaceae family and is the main representative of the genus. Mint is considered the closest relative of lemon balm, so it is difficult to find this plant without a characteristic delicate and subtle mint smell, combined with notes of lemon.

For the first time, lemon balm was seen in the Mediterranean, after which it was identified as a native of the southern countries of Europe, Central Asia, the Caucasus and the territory of Western Siberia.

Melissa plant
  • Melisa is considered a perennial herbaceous plant, unlike catnip, it can only reach up to 80 centimeters in height. The stem is straight, tetrahedral and branched.
  • The leaves on the plant are painted light green, attached to the stem with a petiole, ovate.
  • The color spectrum of the two-lipped corolla of the flower is covered by shades of yellow, white, pink
  • Melissa rhizome has a branched shape.
  • The fruit of the plant is dry, subsequently splits into 4 brown or black nuts.
  • The taste of the plant is bitter and has a strong lemony west.

In the cold season, the lemon balm plant quickly dies out due to its sensitivity to low temperatures. It is recommended to use places for the location of the flower that are well lit and limit the access of the cold.

In order to breed catnip, it is necessary to use seeds, with proper care, the plant sprouts in a few weeks. It is best to sow the land in spring or winter.

Melisa besides this, it reproduces with the help of bushes, layering, as well as due to vegetative propagation when transplanting cuttings.

plants of the Lamiaceae family - a source of essential oils for the body

Women are advised to brew tea from lemon balm with ovarian dysfunction, with hormonal disorders, during difficult critical days, with intoxication during pregnancy, as well as during severe menopause.

In all other cases, it is recommended to brew tea from lemon balm in cases of hormonal disorders of the body, with nervous diseases, including during psychoses or neuroses. The substances contained in lemon balm leaves can improve memory, increase concentration, and improve metabolism.

The effect of tea helps to cleanse the intestines, duodenum and stomach, which affects the increase in well-being. Also, when helping the body with the help of tea, the work of the cardiovascular system improves, as the renewal of leukocyte and lymph cells is accelerated, which in turn helps to heal wounds faster and restore dying cells.

Actions catnip in this case, they differ somewhat from lemon balm in that it is aimed at antiseptic effects on the body, lowering the heat, on the limitation of seizures and spasms.

a clear example of the difference between flowers

Kotovnik useful and medicinal properties and contraindications

From the point of view of a remedy, catnip is considered by no means a distressed plant, as it contains essential oils, tannins, flavonoids, a complex of vitamins B, C, as well as a huge organic complex of acids, saponins and glycosides.

flower bed of eremurus, knifofiya, lilies and catnip

In the field of traditional medicine, a water-based infusion of catnip is used:

  • to awaken the appetite
  • in cases where there is a deficiency of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the body.
  • when a person has a severe convulsive cough
  • dyspnea
  • when there is pain in the liver, stomach, intestines
  • when the body is prone to vasospasm
  • to eliminate hysteria
  • as a choleretic and antihelminthic agent

From catnip, it turns out, to produce a lot of nectar, so the plant is rightfully considered an excellent honey plant. Honey obtained from nectar has an amber color and, like any other honey, sweet in taste and fragrant, but distinguished by its medicinal benefits.

catnip tea with mint

Due to its qualities and rich content, catnip practically does not contain trace elements that provoke contraindications. But even despite this, in exceptional cases it is recommended not to use catnip for medicinal purposes.

  • First of all before setting a course of treatment catnip needs a few simple oral medication procedures to determine if the body is able to accept the plant.
  • Being in a state of pregnancy, the whole environment, the course of taking drugs and treatment has a great influence on the woman's body. In such and similar situations, it is recommended to limit yourself from taking funds containing a large number of substances.
  • It is also not recommended to randomly use medicinal substances during lactation so as not to spoil breast milk.

In order not to take risks, you can visit the local hospital and ask the general practitioner about the possible effects of the drug on the body. Although the remedy is mostly harmless, there is a possibility that it may not be compatible with other heavy remedies.

unripe catnip plant

Video: How not to confuse catnip and lemon balm?

The use of catnip in folk medicine: recipes

To prepare prescription medicine, the catnip is cut and dried in advance. During the flowering period, 15 centimeters of a herbaceous plant are measured from the top down the stem, after which it is cut and dried in a dark room in a draft. The plant is placed in paper packaging, where it is stored until the expiration date.

Upon reaching two years of harvesting, the plant accumulates useful properties and acts more efficiently.

difference between catnip leaves and leaves of other plants
  1. For effective treatment gastritis and stomach cramps can be used in the course of treatment catnip. To do this, you need to brew 1 teaspoon of catnip grass in a glass of 200 grams. The drink is infused for several hours, after which it is filtered. The finished product is used before each meal, one teaspoon. Tea leaves after cooking can be used in the treatment of skin diseases.
  2. For elimination insomnia a recipe is prepared from mint, hops and catnip. All the ingredients are poured into the container in equal portions and mixed, after which the mass is placed in a thermos and filled with half a liter of water. The drink is infused for no more than one hour, then filtered. The finished drink is drunk in the evening after dinner in the amount of up to 100 milliliters.
  3. For infectious diseases such as angina or when hardening of the throat it is necessary to brew a drink from 3-4 teaspoons of catnip grass for a capacity of 200 milliliters, while the medicine is adjusted for no more than 30 minutes, after which it is filtered. The rest of the tea leaves are then squeezed into the same container. Ready drink should be gargled 3 times a day.

in the photo you can distinguish catnip from other plants

Useful and medicinal properties of catnip tea and its application

The actions of decoctions based on catnip have a beneficial effect on the body of not only a sick person, but also a healthy one. All this suggests that the catnip plant is universal and can be safely used for preventive purposes. Some of the most important qualities are:

  1. The ability to reduce the infectious inflammation of the body, which is a consequence of both internal and external medication.
  2. Direct influence on the human nervous system, namely the directed impact on the stressful state of the individual and the creation of conditions under which a person is able to feel more comfortable.
  3. The ability to eliminate negative phenomena such as spasms, convulsions or colic. Many people have encountered these problems, which in turn are able to solve a decoction of catnip for three times a day.
  4. The ability of catnip tea to muffle pain for a while.
  5. Interaction with sputum during acute respiratory infections or influenza. In such diseases, tea is able to interact with drugs and stimulate sputum production when coughing.
  6. Effect on blood vessels. This helps to dampen external and internal bleeding when injuries are inflicted.
  7. Stimulation of the diuretic apparatus by cleansing the kidneys. At the same time, a positive effect on the reduction of swelling of the kidneys is also recorded.

Thanks to all these qualities, the benefits of catnip were undeniable even in ancient times, and even today they have not changed their position. The main thing to remember is that the plant is versatile and contains many substances that you may be allergic to. It is best to consult with a general practitioner about the appropriateness of using this type of traditional medicine before using the herb.

add mint leaves or lemon to your drink if desired

Video: How to make tea with catnip?

Real drug or useful herb for cats? Catnip is a plant around which there are many legends, some owners are positive about its use, others do not want to hear about such a remedy. But what is the truth really? What are the features of the application and why do pets give this herb?

Catnip - what is it for?

An unusual plant with the scientific name lemon catnip is catnip. What is it for? The remedy has an incredible effect on cats, and this grass grows in almost any wasteland, in a forest, in a meadow. True, it can be difficult for an unprepared person to immediately determine the desired shoots. The leaves are heart-shaped, like ordinary mint, and the smell is divine: a combination of geranium, rose, lemongrass.

The grass has been known since ancient times, even in Egypt it was given to some cats that lived in temples. It is generally accepted that the remedy has an invigorating effect on the animal, improves mood, and cures diseases. In those days, shoots were used as bait, and it was very difficult to find leaves. Today, the grass has grown all over the continent, it is resistant to frost, appears after the snow melts. So it won't be hard to get it. It is also sold in pet stores at a low price.

Why do cats like this plant?

It is known that the scent of your pet is very sharp, nature has endowed her with sensitivity to essential oils. What is catnip for cats? The animal smells a floral scent with hints of lemon, starts sniffing, then screaming, drooling, jumping, rolling on the ground. After a few minutes, the concert ends, the pet tastes the leaf and calms down. Nothing bad is happening.

The explanation of how catnip works on cats is quite simple: the essential oil affects the receptors, causing mild hallucinations, neurons are actively produced in the brain, and a certain reaction occurs.

Note! Not all cats are susceptible to grass, the love of mint is inherited, a small kitten will certainly be indifferent until puberty.

If you really like catnip, the seeds of which are easy to find in stores, then you can also please your cat by planting weed in a pot. Source: Flickr (Peter_Head)

Why cats are given catnip, the pros and cons of its use

Mint for cats is often used by pet owners to correct behavior. For example, you can give it to an aggressive beast: his habits will become accommodating, tenderness will appear in his character. Lethargic cats instantly become active, because the product relieves stress well and is not a strong drug, the main thing is not to pamper your pet too often. A remedy is recommended when changing the scenery, moving, going to the doctor - this is how you calm the baby. For accustoming to the scratching post, catnip for cats is also used.

Thus, there are several advantages of using it:

  • positive effect on the body;
  • calm;
  • stress relief;
  • harmless to digestion.

She has only one drawback: the grass is considered a light drug, the use is too often prohibited, as it is addictive. The pet stops responding to it, that is, a defensive reaction is developed.

Nuances and features of the use of catnip

It is better to use the drug infrequently: for 20 minutes once a week. You can find fresh leaves in your yard, buy dried weed at a pet store, or find a special spray or drops. For a long time, special toys with this essential oil have been sold on the market. If you really like catnip, the seeds of which are easy to find in stores, then you can also please your cat by planting weed in a pot.

If you were wondering: “Catnip - what is it?”, Now you know how the plant affects the body, and whether it is worth using it for your pet is up to you. The main thing is to know the measure, because constant use can be harmful. Remember that it's best to give weed in stressful situations, when there's a reason, or if you want to pamper your cat, but don't do it every day.

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Catnip (catnip) or, in other words, "lemon catnip" is well known to everyone in whose house a fluffy pet lives. In cats, the smell of this plant causes real euphoria, and the behavior of animals at these moments can be the most inadequate.

They begin to meow or make rumbling sounds, scratch their noses with their paws, rub their heads on the floor and perform many even stranger actions. It is not surprising that many owners are concerned about the question: is catnip safe for their pet? And if so, where can you buy this odorous herb?

Lemon catnip - what is it?

Natural substances that act on cats as pathogens have been known to people since antiquity. In different areas, plants such as citronella, valerian, honeysuckle and, of course, mint itself were used for these purposes. In ancient Egypt, these herbs were well known to the priests of the goddess Bastet, depicted as a cat.

The perennial plant catnip is common in almost all countries of the world, excluding the northern latitudes and tropics. It can be found in the central strip of Russia, in Southern and Central Europe, in the North Caucasus, the Far East and the USA. A hard woody stem with carved heart-shaped leaves reaches a meter in height. It is crowned with a large brush of small flowers of a white or lilac hue.

Inflorescences, and especially the leaves of this plant, have a powerful smell, reminiscent of the aroma of geranium and lemon at the same time. It is the smell that is the cause of the excitation shown by cats. The essential oil of catnip contains about 77% of the active substance - nepetolactone, which mimics cat pheromones released during mating.

The appearance of the inflorescences, the height of the stem and the shape of the leaves may be different, because today more than 120 varieties of this plant are known. However, the reaction of cats does not depend on how the catnip looks.

The effect of catnip on animals

The essential oils contained in catnip cause pleasant sensations in cats and have an exciting or, conversely, relaxing effect on them. At such moments, they rub their head or whole body against an object that smells of mint, try to lick or gnaw it, rub their muzzle with their paws, some saliva can be seen stretching from their mouths.

The reaction of different cats to this grass may vary. Some people experience a rush of energy, starting to run around the house, uttering loud screams and trying to jump on cabinets and tables. Others, on the contrary, become lethargic and very accommodating: at such moments, cats gladly allow themselves to be stroked, even if in their normal state they do not have an affectionate disposition.

The action of catnip does not last long: from 5 to 10 minutes. Then the cat develops a kind of immunity to the smell, and for the next hour and a half the animal will be absolutely indifferent to it.

It is worth noting that the essential oils of this plant do not work on all cats. About 30% of animals simply do not have the gene responsible for the perception of this smell, which means that their nervous system does not respond to it. The fact is that the active substances of this plant are perceived by olfactory receptors and affect some parts of the brain - primarily the hypothalamus and the cerebellar amygdala. It is in these places that the behavioral reaction of a cat to a sexual partner is formed.

That is, by and large, catnip is an artificial pheromone for your pet. This is also confirmed by the fact that this plant has no effect on sterilized animals and kittens up to 5-6 months of age, and the effect on old cats is much weaker than on young and healthy ones.

The pleasant sensations caused by this plant can serve as an excellent tool for raising a cat. It can be given as a treat during training, rewarding commands, or added to unpalatable but essential medications. And a little mint sprinkled on a scratching post will save expensive furniture from the sharp claws of a pet.

You can buy this useful herb in the form of dried leaves, powder or spray. Already prepared foods and toys with its addition are very popular. This smell makes any cloth mouse or soft ball unusually attractive to a cat.

The benefits and harms of catnip

Everyone, in whose house a kitten appeared, sooner or later asks the question: will the famous cat grass hurt his pet? Surprisingly, it is not only not dangerous, but in some cases even useful.

  • It can be used when moving or visiting the veterinarian: for most cats, it has a calming effect and helps to more easily endure nervous events.
  • Regular consumption of this delicacy by a cat reduces the risk of worms.
  • If you sprinkle it on the couch, the cat will quickly remember its place.
  • When you first meet a cat, catnip can be given to make the animal more calm and friendly.
  • Thanks to him, you can reduce the pet's panic during the first walks on the street.

Many owners are frightened by the reaction of their pets to catnip. Indeed, from the outside it resembles intoxication. However, catnip grass is not a drug: it is not addictive and does not cause any harm to the cat's health.

In small quantities, this herb is completely harmless, and only in concentrated form does it become toxic.

Of course, there are exceptions:

  1. Animals that react too violently to this smell, become aggressive or begin to rush about like crazy, are not recommended to give catnip. Such bursts of activity exhaust the animal and have a bad effect on its nervous system.
  2. This plant is also contraindicated in pregnant or lactating cats.

Where can I buy?

In any city, there are many places where it is easy to buy catnip:

  1. Almost any pet store will offer you this herb in several forms - powder, spray, seeds for planting, and even ready-made seedlings.
  2. You can find it in the pharmacy, in the department where herbal preparations are sold.

Catnip is sometimes used in herbal medicine as a mild sedative, expectorant, and remedy for indigestion. You can buy several packs in reserve at once. In the pharmacy, catnip is sold in sealed bags, so it can be stored for several years. But, being unpacked, it very quickly loses its smell and ceases to attract tailed pets.


The price of catnip depends on the form in which it is sold:

  • So, the cost of dried leaves starts from 100 rubles per 50 grams.
  • You will have to pay more for a spray bottle: about 250 - 500 rubles, but it will last for a longer time. When added to the spray, catnip does not lose its properties, since the essential oils that affect the cat are highly concentrated.
  • Edible pads with the addition of this herb will cost you 150 - 200 rubles per bag.
  • Toys that are sewn into a little "cat's joy" for the smell are also not too expensive. A fragrant ball or a cloth mouse can be purchased for an average of 150 - 200 rubles.

However, for those who are experiencing financial difficulties, there are more "budget" ways to give your pet pleasure. The pungent smell of catnip, considered a weed, can be seen in many vegetable gardens. Most likely, summer residents will gladly give you a few bushes. The perennial plant catnip is unpretentious, easily transfers, and it can be grown in your own front garden or even on the windowsill.

More than 200 species of mint are known. They are united by a similar appearance, spicy aroma, useful properties. A certain type of mint is very exciting for cats or any member of the feline family. In the people it is called catnip, scientifically - catnip.

The plant grows on all continents, is used in industry, medicine, cosmetology and cooking. How catnip works, why it is needed, where to buy this remedy, we will tell in the article.

Cat and catnip

What it is

Catnip is a small perennial plant that exudes a pleasant lemon scent. The scientific name for catnip is catnip. Belongs to the Lamiaceae family in the class of dioecious plants.

Features of catnip:

  • Appearance resembles mint, lemon balm.
  • Kotovnik grows up to a meter high, branches, spreads along the ground, forming a beautiful bush.
  • It has small heart-shaped leaves, the color of the foliage is light green, with an admixture of white or pink. The leaves are covered with hairs, appear velvety.
  • It blooms with small white flowers with purple dots. Flowering takes place in the first half of summer. Flowers have a large amount of nectar and are honey plants for bees. Many beekeepers specifically grow this grass next to the beehives.

It belongs to spicy plants. Contains essential oils, ascorbic acid, tannins. Exudes a subtle lemon scent. If you rub the leaves, the aroma will intensify. It repels insects: mosquitoes, midges, annoying representatives.

The catnip is undemanding in care, it can grow in wild places on sunny edges, meadows or fields. Often found in Europe and North America.

Why do cats love catnip?

Cats are sensitive to essential oils, especially their fragrance. The catnip contains essential oils, which act on the olfactory receptors. Catnip for cats acts like valerian. The composition of the essential oil contains the substance nepetaloctone, which is of such interest to the cat. A few facts about the catnip.

  • Interestingly, not all cats react to the plant in the same way. Some get very excited, others remain the same. According to scientists, attention is paid to catnip in 70% of cases.
  • The stimulating effect comes from sniffing the herb. The animal begins to rub its back against the ground or floor, purr, tumble and lead in an unusual way. The substance acts on the receptors in the animal's brain, causing hallucinations.
  • If the cat eats the leaves, the effect will be the opposite. He will immediately calm down and begin to lie passively, he can even fall asleep.
  • In ancient times, with the help of this plant, wild cats were lured: tigers, panthers, leopards, lions and other representatives.

The effect of the influence of the catnip disappears 10-15 minutes after the cat stops smelling the plant. Catnip leaves are absolutely safe to eat.

Pros and cons

The caterpillar has its pros and cons. Their manifestation is especially individual for each pet.

Pros of using:

  • Behavior modification. It has long been noticed that with the help of this plant, aggressive cats become more calm and docile.
  • An excellent remedy for restoring appetite in cats, relieving stomach cramps.
  • It is bactericidal and kills worms.
  • Relieves stress during moving, visits to the veterinarian.
  • Not addicted to the smell of catnip.


  • Depletes the nervous system.
  • Not safe for pregnant cats.

It is necessary to observe the behavior of the pet when using this plant. If the cat reacts strongly to the smell, becomes aggressive, inadequate, then you should abandon it, use something else.

cat mint

Where can I buy

You can buy catnip in specialized pet stores. Pet stores sell it as a spray. A bottle with a spray bottle costs from 20 rubles per 5 ml. Most often, packages of 10-150 ml are sold.

The price varies from store to store. Pet stores sell mint toys. As a rule, dried leaves are sewn inside the toy. Catnip is also sold in the pharmacy. There are sprays, dried leaves. The cost depends on the manufacturer and the volume of the product being sold. It is better to buy dried leaves in a package, not by weight. There are no thick stems and sticks in the package, which can damage the cat's mouth.

How to use

Catnip should be used in a variety of ways.

  1. The easiest option is to plant a plant in a pot, on a bed in the garden. The cat will find the mint itself and will come to the plant to get "happiness".
  2. You can make a toy, with catnip for cats it will be the best way to have fun. The cat will play only with her, do not spoil the furniture, wallpaper and other items.
  3. To accustom to the tray should be with the help of mint sprigs: put them under the tray.
  4. If you bought a scratching post, and the cat is indifferent to it, put a few mint leaves, tie it, the cat will love the new fun.
  5. The same effect has the upbringing and training of the cat. Kittens do not react to catnip until six months. If after that they did not show interest in the plant, then another drug is needed.
  6. Correct the cat's behavior with the help of a plant. Relieve animal stress.


  1. Maria. I decided to buy a catnip to tame a cat to a scratching post, at the same time to drive it away from wallpaper and furniture. I opted for the spray. First of all, I sprayed the scratching post with this tool. The cat came up and began to behave excitedly. It was all gone in a few minutes. And since then, he hasn't approached her. Very disappointed with this product, waste of money.
  2. Anna Viktorovna. I have 2 cats two and three years old. Bought for them a house with a scratching post. On the first day, they had no interest. They all slept on the couch. On the advice of sellers, we purchased catnip spray. Sprayed the house inside and out with this tool. The cats were drawn to her like a magnet. Slept in it all night. In the morning we barely crawled out of the house. I was very frightened by what I saw. It turned out that this is such an effect. They took the house to the balcony to ventilate a little. Since then, the cats have loved their new home, literally living in it. They rarely come out. The tool was no longer processed.
  3. Paul. For the youngest daughter, we bought a kitten, a house and a bunch of toys. As a result, the cat played with them for a couple of days and lost interest. He began to tear the wallpaper, sharpen his claws where necessary. They didn't know how to wean him off. The store advised me to buy catnip. We sprayed all the toys with this product and changed the cat. At first, I was completely inadequate: I ran, jumped, almost flew around the apartment with these toys. Then he calmed down. Now he can't play without them. Starts to meow, if driven somewhere under the closet. They sprinkled his couch with this remedy. Now he sleeps there. Super tool! You can spray once.
  4. Zhenya. We decided to pamper the cat with this plant. We have an adult Maine Coon. I bought spray from the store. The smell is barely perceptible. It looks like simple water. Sprayed on the toy. The cat came up, sniffed and everything. No reaction. Useless tool and waste of money. I do not recommend purchasing. Maybe dried herb would be more effective, but I don't think it's likely.
  5. Vitya and Marina. They got a cat. We bought him a house, toys and a scratching post. The seller recommended buying catnip to tame a pet. Taken in the form of dried herbs. They put some funds in different bags and laid them out in the house, sewed them into toys, made a scratching post with catnip. The effect is impressive. At first he was kind of crazy. He played, ran, jumped, but quickly got tired and fell asleep right on the floor, where he fiddled with the toy. When I woke up, I became calm. He sleeps only in the house, and in the corner where the mint is sewn in. Problems with the tray were also solved with the help of this tool. For six months, the cat was not seen in this case in other places. Very happy with the tool. The cost is quite worthy for such a tool.

Catnip is an amazing plant that affects the behavior of representatives of the cat family. Reviews about it are confirmed by research by scientists: it has an effect on some pets, but not on others. This plant is absolutely not whimsical and can grow in any conditions.

catnip and cat

For use, you can use a live plant, dried leaves, spray. Many owners use the tool to tame or train the animal. To do this, sew toys with catnip inside. The plant in any form is sold in specialized stores and veterinary pharmacies. The cost depends on the manufacturer and volume. Spray and dried leaves cost about the same.