Who and when invented a ball handle? Modern ballpoint pen. The history of the creation of a ballpoint handle

The ballpoint pen, at first glance, is an ordinary and fairly simple thing, which, in our time, no one gives values \u200b\u200band simply uses ballpoint handles of various colors, design and shape.

But do you know that before the beginning of 1888, no one even guessed that the pen was replaced - ballpoint pens And you will win your convenience and ease of use the whole globe.

Once in the American state of Massachusetts, the inventor, patented the first ballpoint ball in the world, this event occurred on October 30, 1888.

Ball handle design.

John Laud's ballpoint handle design, very much reminds modern ball deodorants. The thick rod of the ballpoint handle passed the ink to the rotating ball, thereby leaving traces on paper. For ballpoint handles, special inks were used, they were more viscous than those that came with feather handles. Such a feature of the first ballpoints, interested in many enterprising citizens, and soon a unique invention with rapid speed spread in America, gradually conquering more and more fans of comfortable ballpoint pens.

Competition in the car market.

For the next 30 years, the mass of those who want to patent their own varieties of ballpoint pens appeared, but only John D. Ludu, managed to maintain the secret of his universal and popular invention, and his followers did not receive the desired profit, because their ballpoint handles were not good enough, often They drove, spoiled, and the ball itself performing the basic function of rotation, simply dropped out of it after several times to use. As a consequence, John D. Laud was able to become a pioneer in creating a ballpoint handle, and his competitors were not disturbed, thanks to some secrets known only to him alone.

Disadvantages of automatic ballpoint handles.

But the invention of Mr. D. Ludua, as it is not deplorable, still, had its drawbacks. For example, the ballpoint handle began to flow into hot weather, due to the fact that the ink was listed a little and became liquid, and in winter, the ballpoints completely refused to write, because the ink simply frozen in them.

Today, the ballpoint handles are the need for everyday life, and only thanks to the talented inventor John D. Lauda and his followers, each schoolboy can safely use an improved ballpoint handle that does not proceed and breaks.

John Laud (1844-1916)

Who and when invented this subject, so indispensable even in the era of universal computerization? It turns out that the ballpoint pen has several inventors!

The principle of operation of the ballpoint handle is to apply ink on paper as a result of a ball rotation at the end of the writing tip. This principle invented American self-taught self-taper from Massachusetts John Loud in 1888. By profession, LAUD was a cashier in a bank. He called his invention "handle with a rotating tip."

Looud received a patent for his invention, but it was not possible to implement him into life or himself nor his closest followers for several decades. Blame in this was ink. In those days, there were only inks for feather handles. Louds and used them in their experiments.

However, these inks are too liquid. They proceeded through the handle tip. Fix this problem by thickening ink did not work: thick ink formed lumps who scored a ball, and he stopped rotating. The best thing that managed to create at that time is a handle that more or less normally wrote in the temperature range from 18 to 25 ° C. At lower ink temperatures, it was frozen in it, with a higher handle started to leak.

Create a handle that does not dock hands when used and does not pollute the clothes, if you put it in your pocket, the Biro brothers in Hungary were able in the 30s of the last century. It happened so.

18-year-old Lassel (Ladislav) Biro, demobilized after the end of the First World War, immediately began to look for his place in life. At first he tried to engage in medicine, like his father, then hypnotic sessions, worked in the company for the production of petroleum products. At the same time, he was fond of auto racing and even developed an automatic transmission, and then sold a patent for her General Motors. But none of these classes attracted him to truly. And then he became a journalist. In 1935, Lasla Biro decided to try himself as a newspaper publisher.

By the nature of the activity, he had to engage in editors, and then he fully appreciated all the "charms" of the feathers. Newspaper paper, as you know, perfectly absorbs ink. On it, when writing a pepper handle, blurring ink stains were often formed. In addition, the feather often rushed fine paper. Brother Laszlo Gyorda (Georg) was a chemist, and Laszlo turned to him with this problem. The brothers together began to think about how to correct the flaws of the feather handles. As ink, they decided to use typographic paint, as it dries quickly and leaves no leaving. In the process of development, they tried dozens of types of handles. The brothers did not suspect that the US Patent Office had already issued 350 patents to other inventors of such structures, although none of them did not find practical application.

Once during the holidays on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, the brothers showed one of the experienced samples with a random acquaintance - the elderly Mr. He really liked the handle. This acquaintance was President of Argentina Agustin Pedro Husto. He suggested the brothers to open the production of ballpoint pens in his country, promising them to assist.

In a few years, the Second World War began. The Biro brothers decided to leave Hungary, without waiting for the arrival of fascists. Remembering the proposal of Agustin Pedro Husto, they went to Argentina. The President accepted them, helped find investors. The brothers founded the company under the name "ETERPEN". In 1943, the factory for the production of ballpoint pens began its work.

Laslo Biro's birthday (September 29) in Argentina is still noted as the day of the inventor, and the ballpoints there and today are called "Birome" - this name was given by manufacturers in their time (from combining the names of Biro and Chief Investor Juan Maine).

Lasla Biro (1899-1985)

However, ink in the handles of the Biro brothers had all the shortcomings of their predecessors. They were still too fluid. The ink stream was intermittent, and clots remained on paper. In addition, the Biro brothers committed the same mistake as other inventors to them: they relied on gravity, under the influence of which the ink fell into the ball. And it means that the handle wrote, it was necessary to constantly keep strictly vertically.

And then the brothers began again for experiments. The result of their works was the invention of the capillary design of the handle. In such a handle, the ink feed does not depend on its position.

About a year later, new handles appeared on sale. But, despite the fact that it was an improved model, she did not use in demand. By that time, investors' money was over, and the bios were forced to suspend production.

But the inventors unheardly lucky. During World War II, Argentina has often been the pilots of the American Air Force. They found that the biro brothers handles can be written at any height, and even if the paper is not at the bottom, and on top, and they do not need to be able to refill. The US Department of State offered its manufacturers to start the release of the same handles. And then the American company "Eberhard Faber" bought a patent for the production of pens from the Biro brothers for 500 thousand dollars.

However, the "birome" could not seize one of their most promising markets - the United States, because inventors actually stolen this right. It happened so. Somewhere a month after the conclusion of the deal with Eberhard Faber, Argentina visited Chicago businessman Milton Reynolds. He drew attention to the biro handles and appreciated their commercial potential. Having bought several copies, he returned to his homeland. There he studied the question and found out that - this is good luck! - The term of all American patents on the design of ballpoint pens, starting with John Laud's patent, already expired. Then Reynolds quickly patented the invention Biro. It is the day of the patent for this invention by Reynolds - June 10, 1943 is considered the birthday of the ballpoint pen, although it was not the invented, not in 1943 and not in the United States. Here is such historical injustice.

To get around Patent Biro, Reynolds recycled a handle with the help of the William Hemnergourt's engineer: instead of the capillary effect, he used a thin vessel, open on one side; The paste was served to the ball under the action of gravity (already familiar to us the idea, is not it?). Drinking, Reynolds released handles on sale earlier than Eberhard Faber. Biro tried to sue Reynolds, but lost.

Reynolds sold his handles in the New York Gimbels department store. When in 1945, the first batch of ballpoint pens went on sale, the authorities were forced to set cordon from several hundred police officers to keep the head of people, the burning desire to acquire a "wonderful, fantastic handle, which is guaranteed not to retire for two years." On the first day, 10 thousand handles were sold, and in the first year - more than two million! And this despite the fact that they were worthwhile - 12 dollars 50 cents.

However, due to the shortcomings of the ballpoints, which did not go anywhere, people were quite quickly disappointed in them, despite the extensive advertising campaign. Ball handles have fallen a lot in price and cost 50 cents. But even if someone bought them, seduced by the cheapness, once staining clothes, did not want to use them anymore. Reynolds closed in 1951.

And here the French manufacturer Marseil Bish (1914-1994) appears on the stage (1914-1994), which was engaged at the production of feathers and other stationery. Bish carefully watched the adventures of the ballpoint pens of the brothers Biro. In the end, he as an honest businessman appealed to the inventors with a request to sell him a patent, and they agreed.

For more than two years, Marseille refined the Biro brothers model. Along the way, he also experienced other inventions in this area, buying all new products and pedantically studying them. And only by 1952 he managed to create an ideal ballpoint handle. Bish used a new method of metal processing with an accuracy of the hundredths of a millimeter, in the development of which he previously invested money. The ball in his handle had a diameter of only 1 mm. She wrote softly, and the line that the handle left on paper was flat and continuous. The ink of the new handle did not flow, but did not fall down.

Marseille Bish made the first model of his ballpoint handle, hexagonal form. Such she remained almost unchanged. From the very beginning, Bish made a bet on the low cost of his product (only 29 cents), so his handles were available to all segments of the population. In addition, the low price allowed not to purchase spare rods for the handles, and simply purchase a new handle. The fact is that during the development of Bisha dawned: 80% of the cost of the handle falls on the rod; Is it not more convenient to produce disposable handles from cheap light plastic? By the way, later the firm of Novator was also famous for the production of disposable lighters and razors.

Marseille Bish (1914-1994)

First, Bisha handles won France. Then he decided to go to the external market. In 1958, Bish defended his invention to the US patent, bought the famous company "Waterman Pen Company" and founded the company in America for the production of pens. Bish perfectly understood that under his name, the promotion of goods to the international market would be problematic, and changed the name of the brand so that it is easily uttered by residents of any country. He removed only one, the last, letter from his last name (Bich - Bic), and the handles began to be called "bik". Nowadays, Bic Cristal ballpoint knobs know the whole world. A day is produced up to 14 million BIC pens, of which 1 million is sold daily only in the United States. Bish invented many other models and handles designs, but the old good reliable BIC remained the main source of company income.

In the USSR, ballpoint handles appeared in the late 60s of the 20th century. In those times, rods and writing parts were a deficit, and therefore practiced refueling with ink rods in special workshops.

At first, the ballpoint pens were much lower in quality than feathers. Therefore, it was believed that the ballpoint handle spoils the handwriting. Pupils of primary school were allowed to write only with feather handles, and on the balls it was possible to go only in high schools when the studio of a schoolboy was already formed. But gradually, as the quality of ballpoint balls improves, this ban was removed. In the mid-1970s, schoolchildren from the first class began to study with ballpoint pen.

Ball pen

Ball handle tip with ball: magnification

Ball pen - The handle using the so-called rod (tube filled with pasty ink) with a ball writing node at the end. The channel for which ink pass, on the end, is blocked by a small metal ball, which rolls on the surface of the paper, wetting ink from the back side. A small gap between the ball and the walls allows it to rotate and leaving the trace on paper. These are the cheapest, the most simple and therefore the most common handles. Ink paste, used in balloons, differs from ink for letters with feather handles. It is created on an oil basis and is more thick, which prevents it from the rod leakage.

The principle of action of the handle was patented on October 30, 1888 in the USA John Laut. In subsequent years, various structures of ballproofs were invented and patented: May 3, 1904 - George Parker, in 1916 - Van Van Vecten Reisberg.

Modern ballpoint handle invented by a Hungarian journalist Laszle Biró (László József Bíró) in 1938. In Argentina, where a journalist lived for many years, such knobs are called in honor of him "Biroms".

Originally ordered by the Royal Air Forces of the UK, since ordinary feathers proceeded in airplanes from reducing atmospheric pressure at a height set.

In 1953, the Frenchman Marcel Bich enhanced and simplified the design, having received the cheapest (disposable) in the production of a ballpoint handle model called Bic (Bic Cristal).

In the USSR, ballpoint handles were distributed in the late 1960s, after their mass production began in the fall of 1965 on Swiss equipment. For a fairly long time in Soviet schools, students of junior classes were not allowed to use ballpoint handles, believing that it is impossible to work out the right and beautiful handwriting. This ban gradually went to no in the 1980s.

There are two main types of ballpoints - disposable and with interchangeable rods.

see also

  • Space Pen - Fisher Space Handle



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Watch what is "ballpoint pen" in other dictionaries:

    Ballpoint pen, a device for a letter consisting of a tank (rod) filled with thick ink (paste), which from one end is closed with a small ball; The ball during the nazhima on the rod rotates and transfers the paste on the paper. ... ... Scientific and Technical Encyclopedic Dictionary

    See the handle ... Go to the handle .. Dictionary of Russian Synonyms and Similar expressions in the meaning of expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. Pen Pen, Rysfeheder; lever; sting Cupga, Knutovishche, ballpoint pen, handle, handle, foot ... Synonym dictionary

    The style of this article is non-Encyclopedic or violates the rules of the Russian language. The article should be corrected according to Wikipedia's stylistic rules. This term has other meanings, see the handle ... Wikipedia

    In WikiSlovar, there is an article "Handle" handle: handle Writing, with which you can leave the ink track on the surface. Feather handle Writing for writing on paper with liquid ink. Ball pen handle, ... ... Wikipedia

    Space Pan Space Pen (Russian Space Peng Space Handle) Also known as Zero Gravity Pen (Handle of weightlessness), ballpoint handle created and sold by Fisher Spacepen Co., in which the ink is in a special ... ... Wikipedia

    Handle, and, wives. 1. A part of the subject, for to the room it is kept or taken by hand. Door r. R. kettle, suitcase, saws. 2. Part of furniture, serving hand support, armrest. R. Chairs. Handles of the sofa. 3. Written an elongated holder for ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    SUM., G., UPOTR. Often morphology: (no) what? Handles, what? handle, (see) What? handle than? handle what? about the handle; MN. what? Handles, (no) What? Handles, what? Handles, (see) What? Handles than? Handles, what? About the handles of a man's hand 1. Handle ... ... Explanatory dictionary Dmitrieva

    AND; MN. Rod. Check, dates. chkam; g. 1. Reduce. Lask. K hand (1 zn). Little r. Baby. Make handle (talk; about gesture with hand in goodbye). Go under the handle (\u003d at hand). To make a handle (ion.; Kiss your hand to some; usually ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    a pen - and; MN. Rod. Check, dates. chkam; g. See the TZH. to handle 1) reduce. Lask. K hand 1) Little RU / CK baby. Make handle (talk; about gesture hand in goodbye) go under the handle (\u003d d / d) ... Dictionary of many expressions

Pen - writingWith which you can leave the ink track on the surface (usually paper).
Distinguish the following types of handles:
ballpoint pens,
capillary handles,
engineering handles,
gel (helium) handles.
Sharic handles, fountain pen and helium pens Sometimes they have "washed" ink.

Term and History

The painting feathers are known with deep antiquity, from about 3000 BC. E., and cut out of the stems of the cane. The English word "Pen" (pen, puberty) occurred from the Latin "Penna" (bird feather), since a large distribution was acquired by goose feathers, which were calculated from the root. From the 6th century to n. e. Feathers were used for over a thousand years with many civilizations. The best samples were made of flies of swans, turkeys and geese as having the greatest size in the wings. Archaeological finds in the ruins of Pompeii include bronze features of feathers, but they received distribution only by the end of the 18th century. A century later, fountain pen appeared, the capillary system for which was invented by L. E. Waterman (L.E. Waterman), the New York seller of the stationery. Laszlo Biro (Laszlo Biro), relying on the latest methods of manufacturing ball bearings for machines and weapons, added the capillars with a ball mechanism and introduced the world a ball handle around 1944. The Tokyo stationery firm PENTEL became the first to represent the world of Flomaster in 1960.
The Russian term comes from the word "hand."

Ball pen

Main article: Ball pen
Invented by the Hungarian journalist Laszlo Biro (Laszlo Biro). In the Argentine city, where for many years a journalist lived, such knobs are called in honor of him "Biroms", the eponymic name "Biro" is distributed in Europe.
Originally intended for the Royal Air Force UK, since the usual feather auto pen Not functioned in airplanes at high altitude.
There are two types ballproof handles - Disposable and refilled.


Since the 1960s, Fisher has developed Space knobs that could operate at zero atmospheric pressure, in conditions of weightlessness and extreme temperatures. Before the development of the American aerospace Agency NASA used for its lunar program pencils, but the latter often broke and represented the danger to the astronaut (chips could get into his eyes). In addition, the tree represented the risk of fire in the oxygen atmosphere. It should be noted that these handles are not the only ones that can be applied in space, ordinary ballpoint pens Also coped well.

Pens with the ability to erase your own ink

Handles with the ability to erase their own ink in the opposite of steel "skate" from the beginning of the 1980s before the early 1990s. Produced with blue, black and red ink. The handles almost disappeared from use due to low quality ink, not guaranteed "wasarability" and the absence of a specific application.

Computer with feathery data entry

Special manipulator, externally resembling a handle, allows you to enter handwritten data to the computer. Next, the entered images can be interpreted by the symbol optical recognition system. See Light Feather, Graphic Tablet, Touch Screen.

History of writing tools (tools for writing)

There are few more than 6,000 years, marked by milestones leading to a change in technology and methods and in a brief presentation looks like this:
About 3000-4000 years BC e.
A man scratches a wet clay plate with a bronze or bone wand.
About 3000 years BC e.
Egyptians begin to use images in their writings. Inscriptions on a scroll of papyrus are applied with thin cane tassels or feathers
1300 years BC e.
Romans are used for the letter thin waxhels, applied on wooden tiles, and metal feathers. She is erased written by the second end of the pen.
Middle Ages
In addition to Parchment, Anglo-Saxes use tiles filled with wax. They write metal or bone feathers, in which one end is sharpened, and the second is used for erasing.
600-1800 of our era
The Europeans found that the use of a sharpened pen changes the style of the letter (handwriting). First, they use only capital letters, but later appear and uppercase to increase the speed of writing. Fountain pen (goose feather) (first appeared in Seville, Spain) was used as a writing tool from 600 to 1800 of our era.
Sticky Pencil Invented independently in France and Australia.
The metal feathered handle was patented in 1803, but the patent was not used for commercial purposes. Steel feathers entered public use in the 1830s. In the 19th century, metal handles fully fassed the handles from goose feathers. In the 1850s, the use of goose feathers decreased noticeably when the quality of steel handles was improved by starting to produce tips from heavy alloys with the addition of iridium, rhodium, osmia.
Lewis Edson Waterman (Lewis Edson Waterman), an insurance agent, invented the first real real fountain pen.
The invention of the principle of work ball knob Officially dates from the end of the 19th century. In 1888, the patent received John Loud (John Loud), in 1916 - Van Van Vecten Reisberg. Unlike other patents, these were used for commercial purposes.
The invention of modern ballpoint handle is attributed to Josef (Laslo) and George Biro (see above). In the summer of 1943, the first industrial copies were made. Patent rights were bought by the British Parliament. Ball pen Used by the military during World War II, as it was more convenient and stronger feathers.
The ballpoint pen appeared on the US goods market. The handle was sold as "the first handle that writes under water." Success turned out to be dizzy. One of the departments of a large department store in New York sold during Lunch on October 29, 1945 more than 10,000 pens.
First inexpensive ballpoint pens Appeared when the French Baron Beach (Bich), Bic CO engaged in production ballproof handlesIt was possible to significantly reduce production costs by improving the technological process.
In Japan, a felt-tip pen was invented (see above). In the 1960s, markers appear in the US market and capture it. Following the success of markers, the production of the handles is in force by the production departments of any modifications, including markers.
Rolers. Roller handles appeared in the early 1980s. Unlike dense ink used in a conventional ballpoint handle, rollers are equipped with a movable ball and liquid ink, which allows you to get a smoother line on paper. The technological progress of the late 1980s - early 1990s significantly improved rollers in all indicators.
1990th ...
Public recognition get pens with rubberized surfaces, which reduce pressing on the handle.
Ringpen knobs are running in mass production (see above). These handles are designed for writing without pressing the handle with three fingers.

In modern form, the ball handle invented Laslo Biro, a Hungarian journalist, who had lived in Argentina for many years. Biiro ballpoint appeared in 1931, however, he managed to register a patent for his invention only in 1938. But it would be unfair to consider the sole inventor of the ballpoint handle with the sole inventor of the ballpoint handle, since the principle itself is a rotating ball that transfers ink on paper, was not invented by him, and in the 19th century, John Lauta from Massachusetts (USA). He managed to create enough viscous ink, which would not have emerged, but at the same time "smeared" on paper, leaving a trace. Patiented his invention John Loud in 1888, that is, almost half a century to Laszlo Biro. Why did you need to reinvent the ballpoint pen again? The problem was that the handle of Laud and all subsequent species had problems with ink - small fluctuations in the temperature were made either by fluctuating them, or thick, and then the handle stopped writing at all. The optimal temperature at which the ballpoint pen wrote, as it should, was within 20-22 degrees.

Laslo attracted to work on the ballpoint handle of his brother Dierda, a chemist for education. Together they managed to develop sufficient high-quality inks that did not flow and not busy. Since the beginning of World War I, they decided to leave to South America (Argentina), where in 1943 they opened a factories for the production of pens. However, on this, their tests were not over - despite the new ink ink, the handle had to keep the knob all the time in a vertical position, otherwise she refused to write. The factory had to close. The brothers revised the traditional design, which was recognized since the time of Laud, choosing the capillary ink supply system to the ball. Brothers Biro protected the newly invented handle by Argentine Patent and sold it to Eversharp, which was engaged in their production.

But even after all the improvements, the handle suffered all the same shortcomings as before, although in a much lesser extent. For the further development of the ballpoint handle, Marseille Beach was taken - manufacturer from Paris, which made writing instruments. In the 50s, he bought a patent for the Bio Bio Handle. He sharply reduced the size of the ball in the handle, so that it began to write fine, and the ink practically did not flow and left Kleks. By 1952, after a thorough study of all the existing models of the handles, he created the perfect handle - both by the quality of the letter and the price. Having received a handle and American patent, he managed to break through his invention and the US market. For the American consumer, he somewhat modified his surname - in Bic. Perhaps you know it not only by handle, but also disposable, inexpensive razor machines.

Many people in the world still enjoy the result of the work of those who invented the ballpoint handle - a simple, inexpensive, easy to use and so ordinary, imperceptible in everyday life that we don't even think about what kind of complex path did this invention for the last One hundred and small years, with surprise, finding that quite recently, the ballpoint handles were not in everyday life and people wrote a fountain pen or at all in the old man, as many centuries ago - feathers and ink.