Who founded on March 8. How a female holiday appeared. Why in Russia this day is made to give gifts, and not to strike for equal pay

March 8 - International Women's Day, Spring Holiday and Increased Woman. On March 8, our beautiful women are waiting for tenderness, colors and gifts from us. Such is the tradition of this day. We all wait for this holiday, rejoice at him when he comes, but rarely who delve into its original meaning. Over time, the meaning of the holiday on March 8 is completely destroyed, and we sometimes ask ourselves the question: what, in fact, and why do we celebrate March 8 in "International Women's Day"?

March 8Initially, it was not thinking at all as the day of glorifying the beautiful lady, but as a feast of women revolutionary. It was this holiday of the newspaper "True" at the dawn of the revolution called the "Day of the Women's Work International", this is a holiday of those women who sought and seek to be equal in rights with men, it is the day of Emancipation. Unfortunately, Currently, the holiday has lost its former historical destination. Although, in many countries, on this day there are still massive shares of feminists, and this day many women perceive as a day of struggle with strong floors.

America, or the first women's union
In New York in 1857, on March 8, the sewing workers and shoe factories gathered on the manifestation. Their requirements were improved working conditions, reduce the duration of the working day equal to men wages. In those days, women worked until 16 hours a day, and received for their work pennies. After decisive performances, men still managed to achieve the introduction of a working day lasting 10 hours. At that time, trade union organizations began to emerge in many enterprises in the United States. On March 8, 1857, another trade union was formed - women were made by his members for the first time. Welcome on this day in New York, in many cities, hundreds of women went on a demonstration, with the tricks of the submission of them of electoral law.

Clara Zetkin
Europe. The history of the holiday on March 8 is traditionally associated with Clara Zetkin. This woman created a revolutionary squad, which consisted only of women, she decided to include the irrepressive energy of women in the fighting exploiters. Creating this squad was a matter of not one day, but it was still decided to choose a teet day, which could be considered the birthday of the "female proletariat."

In 1910, on the 2nd International Conference of Socialist Women in Copenhagen at the proposal of Clara Zetkin on the establishment of the "Day of Women's Rights Day", a resolution was adopted to carry out women's day annually, "which first of all serves as agitation for the provision of selective women rights". It sounded like a call to all women of the world to rise to the struggle for equality. In response to this call, many women of different countries are involved in the fight against poverty, are responsible for the right to work, respect for their dignity, for peace.

At the suggestion of a member of the Central Committee of the Social Democratic Party, Elena Greenberg, the date of the International Women's Day was approved on March 19. And it was March 19 in Germany, Austria, Denmark and Switzerland, the first international women's day was celebrated. In 1912, he passed in the same countries, but on May 12. In 1913, due to organizational difficulties, it turned out a complete difference: in Germany celebrated March 12, in Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Switzerland, Holland - March 9, in France and Russia - March 2. But only in 1914, the International Women's Day was held everywhere on March 8, due to the coincidence of him on Sunday, in other words, with a non-working day - weekend. So the holiday "International Women's Day" entrenched on this date.

Anti-Semitism ... According to the very popular theory of Diacon Andrei Kuraeva - the choice of number belonged to Clare Zetkin, taking the birth of a new squad fighting against injustice, with the history of the Jewish people. Many centuries ago the Queen Esphyri saved his cunning people from destroying. This woman is dedicated to the annual, the most fun Jewish holiday is Purim's holiday. It is celebrated at the transition from winter to spring, and in 1909 it was celebrated on the eve of March 8th.

The official position of the Russian Orthodox Church unequivocally expressed Alexy II at the end of 1991 in New York at a meeting with American rabbis: "The unity of Jews and Christianity has the real soil of spiritual and natural kinship and positive religious interests. We are united with Jews, without refusing Christianity, not contrary to Christianity, and in the name and by virtue of Christianity, and Jews are united with us not contrary to Jews, but in the name and by virtue of the true Jew ... The Jewish people are close to us by faith. Your law is our law, your prophets - These are our prophets. The Ten Commandments of Moses oblige Christians, like Jews. We wish to live with you in the world and harmony so that there are no misunderstandings, hostility and hatred between us. "

Purim's holiday - "Native Brother" Carnival
Purim does not apply to the holidays religious, he is a sovereign brother of our carnival, European carnival, Greek Dionysius (or Vakhanaliya), Bulgarian Cook, Persian Novruz-Bayrama. This is a holiday in honor of the beating of enemies and dates back to 480 before the Nativity of Christ, when the Old Testament people, the people "crucible", with the help of tricks, Esphyri freed from the Persian power. The story of Queen Esphyri is described in detail in the same book that is part of the Bible.
Tsarina Esphyr is revered by our church along with other Old Testament Righteouss per week, the forefather (two weeks before the Nativity of Christ).

In Russia
For the first time in Russia, International Women's Day was celebrated in St. Petersburg in 1913. Late in the name of the Grador, it was announced about the organization "... scientific morning on the female question." The authorities gave permission and on March 2, 1913 in the building of Kalashnikovskaya Bread Exchange on Poltava Street, a one and a half thousand people gathered. The agenda of scientific readings included questions: the right to vote for women; state support of motherhood; About the high cost of life.

From the first years of Soviet power, March 8 became a public holiday. In March 1917, women in Russia received the right to vote, and the 1918 constitution consolidated the policies of the equality of women as the state and the authorities of Soviet authorities began to carry it into life (it can be reminded that the Soviet idea of \u200b\u200b"gender equality" led to us for the emergence of such "purely feminine "Professions as an asphalt paver ...).

Gradually International Women's Day Lost his political color.

Since 1965, this day has become non-working. There was also his festive-official ritual: at solemn events, the state reported to the Company about the implementation of state policy against women.

But during the period of restructuring, many women literally were thrown into the side of life. The terms appeared: "female unemployment face," violence in the relationship of women "," male parliament "," Mother's family "," Maternal mortality "," social orphanhood "," female alcoholism ". Discrimination of women in the labor market was officially recognized.

At the IV World Conference on Women (Beijing, 1995), the Government of the Russian Federation has finally announced its obligations to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women. In 1996, the Concept of improving the status of women and the National Action Plan to improve the situation of Russian women was adopted. Similar documents were accepted in the subjects of the Federation. However, neither March 8, nor on the mother's day in November there were no reports on the implementation of these important state documents.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Day of March 8 remained in the list of public holidays of the Russian Federation. Women's day is marked in the CIS countries: in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine as an international women's day; in Belarus and Uzbekistan as a mother's day; In Armenia, April 7, celebrate the day of motherhood and beauty.

XXI Century. Russia
"And God created a man in the image of his own, in the image of God created him; a man and a woman created them" (Genesis, ch. 1, Art. 27). If human society in their development was guided by these words, the need for an international women's day would not have arisen because women would not need to prove that they were also people, and fight for their human rights.

But, alas, only in the 20th century, humanity, represented by his best representatives, was reorposed before the awareness of this truth, and in 1948 the United Nations adopted a document - "Universal Declaration of Human Rights", which says:
Article 1: All people are born free and equal in their dignity and rights. They are endowed with a mind and conscience and should come in relation to each other in the spirit of Brotherhood.
Article 2: Each person must have all the rights and all the freedoms proclaimed by this Declaration, without any difference, somehow in relation to race, skin color, gender, language, religion, political or other beliefs, national or social origin , property, class or other position.

The declaration became a base, on the basis of which other international documents were accepted, aimed at protecting the social, political, economic and universal rights of women (September 1, 1985, the Government of 88 countries signed the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Women's Discrimination).

But to declare the right and ensure its implementation is absolutely different concepts. After all, today women and children are subject to violence and humiliation: this is human trading, coercion for prostitution, cruelty, manifested with armed conflicts and wars. Growing poverty and neglect of human rights - the root causes of violence, besides poverty and by itself there is already a form of violence. And the victims of poverty, as you know, are primarily women and children.

The twentieth century was marked by a socialist, scientific and technical, cultural and sexual revolution, and it remains to be regretted that there was no place for the revolution of the spiritual in this row. And without this, all the Declarations and Calls of the UN, UNESCO and other organizations will remain the voice of the blatant in the desert.

Holiday wing-Mironoszitz, or give women flowers not only on March 8!
The founders of the Soviet state were militant atheists, and were unlikely to be guided by Jewish religious motifs when choosing a date for a "female day". They needed to create their own system of beliefs, rites and rituals in counterweights of the Church. Soviet traditions - parody of spiritual life, fake, propaganda dummy. Party instead of the Church, the corpse of the leader instead of the Savior, portraits of managers instead of icons, parties instead of church cathedrals, demonstrations instead of the glory moves ... Instead of reverending the Mother Mother of God, the lubricated worker-peasant crowd was offered "Women's Day", so successfully inscribed in the Soviet calendar . Yes, it's hard to choose the best time to celebrate than the early spring, when nature awakens from the winter sleep, the sun begins to shine and the first snowdrops are blooming.

Our contemporaries are not particularly thinking about the origins of the celebration of March 8, but simply perceive this day as a reason to give flowers to their expensive women. But it is worth remembering and honoring the traditions, especially since in the Orthodox Church, the third Sunday after Easter is dedicated to the memory of the wing-mironeos, who in the morning of the Sunday hurried to the coffin of Christ and the first received a joyful message about his uprising from the dead. And if so, let's remember that our wives and mothers, sisters and colleagues we can congratulate when the church glorifies the care and loyalty to the Mironositz women. And even better: let's not forget them and on other days! Therefore - give gifts and flowers to your beloved women not only on March 8.

It became the day of the first revolutionary step of women - the New York textile and shoe factories workers went on a rally with the requirements for reducing the duration of the working day, increase wages, improve working conditions, etc. In 1857, the working day of a woman could reach 16 hours, and the wage was minimal, while similar male work was assessed much higher. On this day, the first female union was formed, who had to fight for the rights of women in the labor collective.

A few years later, in Copenhagen, at the International Conference of Women, Clara Zetkin offered to hold an annual women's day, which would have a call to women around the world. The slogans about the struggle for equality, respect for the dignity, the world and other revolutionary calls were sounded at the meeting, where it was made to celebrate this day on March 19. Within three years after the congress, the holiday was held on different days, but in 1914 it was decided to hold an international women's holiday - since then the date remained unchanged.

Gradually, the feast was lost his political character, he was made a non-working day, and in Soviet years, meetings were held on this day, where the leadership was honored by well-deserved workers, and reported the implementation of the state's policies against women.

Now on March 8, it is customary to give women flowers, gifts, organize corporate events, encourage their cash rewards. Together with, when men congratulate, the holiday became a day when even the kids in kindergarten are preparing matinees for their own, and children congratulate mothers, sisters and girlfriends. To give at least a symbolic gift is considered mandatory, and girls have already known since childhood that this day should be the most beautiful, and you can wait for gifts and attention boys.

By analogy with the Day of Mother on March 8, it is customary to visit her grandmothers, congratulate them, arrange a feast with abundant snacks, sweets and alcohol. The female holiday is associated with the onset of spring, the freshness and revival of nature from winter hibernation, so it is already cheerful, cheerful and optimistic.

Celebrated past, present and. International Women's Day is a holiday celebrated annually on March 8 in a number of countries as "Women's Day". The holiday is celebrated by the United Nations, and in some countries - Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine - this day is a national holiday.

Interestingly, the idea of \u200b\u200bholding an international women's day first emerged at the beginning of the 20th century, when an industrially developed world experienced a period of expansion and shocks, demographic boom and the origin of radical ideologies. Althoughit is believed that the first in the history of the "march of empty pots" of New York textiles, which took place on March 8, 1857, became one of the prerequisites for the celebration of International Women's Day . Women protested against unacceptable working conditions and low wages, demanded a reduction in the working day, improving the working conditions equal to men wages. Women at the time worked up to 16 hours a day (unlike men who have already achieved a 10-hour working day), and their work was very low-paid.

Half a century later, in 1908 on March 8, the Americans went on a rally again demanding a ban of child labor , improvement conditions in factories and again -. After a year, the National Women's Day in America was announced last Sunday of February.

In 1910, the 2nd International Conference of Working Women (Second International Conference Of Working Women) took place in Copenhagen. The leader of the female group of the Social Democratic Party of Germany Clara Zetkin (Clara Zetkin) put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bcelebrating the International Women's Day. It suggested that the Women's Day was celebrated annually in each country on the same day. The purpose of this holiday Zetkin called and although the creation of a holiday was a matter of not one day, it was decided to choose a day that could be considered Happy birthday "female proletariat" . Having studied the experience of American colleagues in combating , Zetkin offered women all over the world to choose the day when they attract the attention of the planet to their requirements.For several years, International Women's Day was celebrated in different countries at different times.In 1911, this holiday was celebrated on March 19 in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. Then more than a million people took part in the manifestations in defense of women's rights. Then the holiday was celebrated on May 12, 1912.

A year later, for the first time, International Women's Day was celebrated in Russia - in St. Petersburg. Late in the name of the Grador, it was announced about the organization "Scientific MORE on the female issue" . The authorities gave permission, and on March 2, 1913 in the building of the Kalashnikovsky Bread Exchange on Poltava Street, a half thousand people gathered. The agenda of scientific readings included questions: the right to vote for women; state support of motherhood; About the high cost of life. AND Only in 1914 in many European countries of Europe on March 8 or about this day, women organized marches - this time protested against war.

February 1917.

February 23 in old style (March 8) 1917 during the beginning of the riots, the seventeenth-in-law of the Vyborg district of Petrograd, who had emerged subsequently in the February Revolution, were one of the first to declare a strike. Also, the procession with the requirements of female equality and bread was held on Nevsky Prospekt to the city Duma.

International Women's Day and UN

Since 1975, UN, in connection with the International Year of Women, began on March 8 to hold an international women's day. In 1977, the UN General Assembly (Resolution No. A / RES / 32/142) proposed to States to declare, in accordance with their traditions and customs, any day of this year the day of the struggle for the rights of women and the International World of United Nations. This decision was made in connection with both the International Year of Women and the International Decade of Women (1976-1985). The binding Day for the Rights of Women and the International World of the United Nations activities are subject to the UN by March 8.

the USSR

International Women's Day was popular in the world in the 1910s and 1920s, but then his popularity was noted. For the first time, "Day March 8" in Russia was celebrated in 1913 in St. Petersburg, as a popular event of Western society. IN 1921, by decision of the 2nd Communist Women's Conference, it was decided to celebrate the International Women's Day on March 8 in memory of the participation of women in the demonstration in Petrograd on March 8 (February 23, on the old style) of 1917, as one of the events preceding the February Revolution.International Women's Day March 8 From the first years of Soviet power became a public holiday. Even there was a certain festive ritual - on this day at the solemn events, the state reported to the Company about the implementation of state policy against women.

Since 1966, in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 8, 1965, International Women's Day has become a holiday and a non-working day (weekend). Gradually, in the USSR, the holiday completely lost political color and binding to the struggle against women against discrimination (according to some points of view, the cardinal change in the meaning of the holiday in the public consciousness could be more or less than the result of the intentional activities of the country's political leadership), Becoming the "Day of All Women" and acquired modern features.

Countries in which the holiday officially celebrates March 8:Armenia (in 1996 he was canceled and instead of March 8 in Armenia began to celebrate on April 7 as a day of motherhood and beauty. Later, in 2001, on March 8, it was restored in the calendar. Now in our country there are March 8, and 7 April.), Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Belarus, Burkina Faso, Vietnam, Guinea-Bissau, Georgia, Zambia, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Kiribati, China (officially ordinary for all working day), Costa Rica, Cuba, Laos, Madagascar (weekends only for women), Moldova, Mongolia, Nepal, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Croatia, Montenegro, Eritrea, Latvia.

In modern Russia

The celebration of March 8 in Russia includes the established "ritual" of the gift to women flowers and gifts.According to VTsIOM, for most Russians (regardless of gender, age and genus) March 8, above all, female holiday . So marked this day 66% of respondents. According to 18%, March 8 - the celebration of the beginning of spring, 9% of respondents regard it as an international day of solidarity of workers of women, 8% - as an additional day off, and 4% do not consider the holiday at all on March 8.

A number of Russian authors and organizations (for example, the journalist Natalia Radulov) criticize the perception of international women's day and the nature of his celebrations established on the territory of the former USSR. In their opinion, the holiday, contrary to its initial meaning, promotes sexist stereotypes. In Russia, it is considered that 8 ma the mouth is the only holiday when men give their women - Mama, sisters, grandmothers - not only flowers and gifts, but also by washing dishes.

Based on materials: calend.ru ru.wikipedia.org; russian-holidays.ru; Big Soviet Encyclopedia (3rd edition);uN website; prazdnik.contentOffice.ru; Gisher.ru.

Tass dossier / Inna Climacheva /. March 8 annually celebrates International Women's Day (International Women's Day). Since 1975, it is held with the support of the United Nations (UN).

history of the holiday

The first state who marked the National Women's Day was the United States. On February 28, 1909, on the initiative of the Socialist Party of America, he was held on the territory of all states, celebrated until 1913 (on the last Sunday of February).

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe International Day for Women belongs to the leader of the German and international labor movement Clare Zetkin. With the proposal to celebrate the holiday annually on the same day in different countries, she spoke in 1910 in Copenhagen (Denmark) at the 2nd International Conference of Working Women (International Conference Of Working Women). Its initiative was supported by more than 100 women out of 17 countries participating in the conference. However, the specific date was not established.

For the first time the day of the solidarity of women in the struggle for equal with men, economic and political rights was held on March 19, 1911: Ringings took place in Austria, Germany, Denmark and Switzerland, in which over 1 million men and women took part. In 1912, the holiday was held in the same countries, but on May 12th. In 1913, in Germany, this day was celebrated on March 12, in Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Switzerland, Holland - March 9, in France - March 2. In the same year, March 2 (February 17, on the old style), Women's Day was held in Russia - in St. Petersburg. As wrote "Petersburg Listka", "on February 17, for the first time organized by a female day organized for the first time ... In the big hall of the Kalashnikovskaya Bread Exchange ... A more than a thousand representatives of the workers' layers of the capital gathered ... a statement was announced ... the need to provide a woman political and social rights. "

The tradition of holding a holiday on March 8 began to strengthen everywhere after in 1914 women of Austria, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Russia, and a number of other countries held rallies of protest or solidarity on this day. It is believed that the date was chosen in memory of the major strikes of workers of textile factories in the United States, held on March 8 in 1857 and 1908.

UN support

In 1975, the UN attracted the attention of the world community to women's problems, offering to announce the International Year of Women and to hold a World Conference in Mexico City. The following World Conferences on Women's Problems (Fourth World Conference On Women) took place in Copenhagen (Denmark; 1980), Nairobi (Kenya; 1985) and Beijing (China; 1995).

On December 16, 1977, the UN General Assembly adopted resolution 32/142, which proclaimed the day of the struggle for women's rights and the international world and invited States to celebrate it on any day in accordance with traditions and customs. This decision was made in connection with the International Year of Women and the Decade of the UN Women: Equality, Development and Peace "(1976-1985). On November 28, 1978, the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) at the 20th session of the General Conference, the C / 13.2 resolution proposed to celebrate March 8 as an international women's day.

Documents and United Nations Women's Documents

The first international agreement, proclaiming the equality of men and women as the fundamental human rights, was the UN Charter (signed in 1945 in San Francisco, USA). Other UN Documents on Women's Rights include: Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), Women's Political Rights Convention (1952), Married Citizenship Convention (1957), Convention on Marriage, Marriage, Marriage and Marriages Registration ( 1962), Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1979), Beijing Declaration (under the Regulation of Women; 1995), etc.

In 1946, the Commission on Women's Regulations (CCG) was established for the UN. In 1976-2010 The UN Fund for Development for Women (UNIFEM) was acted. Since 2011, the new UN structure has begun to function on gender equality and the empowerment of women - UN-Women (UN Women; created in July 2010, performs the functions of the main secretariat of the CCR).


As part of the celebration of International Women's Day, the achievements of women are noted - regardless of nationality, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences.

Every year the UN announces the topic of the day. In 2016, the theme of the holiday will become "Planet 50-50 by 2030: we are speaking for gender equality" (the topic of 2015 - "expansion of women's capabilities is to expand the possibilities of mankind. Remember it!").

Currently, March 8 - International Women's Day (either under other names - Women's Day, Mother's Day, etc.) is a non-working holiday in all countries of the former USSR with the exception of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. It is also a non-working day in Vietnam, Cuba, Mongolia and in some other countries. In China and Nepal, March 8 is a weekend only for women.

Holiday in Russia

In Russia, International Women's Day was called in the press as an official holiday since 1919. In the early years of Soviet power, the International Day of Workers was called. From the late 1920s. became referred to as an international women's day.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 8, 1965 declared a non-working day. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was preserved in Russia and is a non-working day according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 (the latest changes were made on December 30, 2015).

As reported websiteThe modern celebration of the International Women's Day no longer has the purpose of approving equality, but is considered a day of spring, female beauty, tenderness, spiritual wisdom and attention to a woman, regardless of its status and age. But initially, the inflamed goals were different.

The history of the emergence of international women's day

In 1910, the 2nd International Conference of Working Women was held in Copenhagen, in which the leader of the women's group of the Social Democratic Party of Germany Clara Zetkin nominated the idea of \u200b\u200bcelebrating an international female day. She proposed to celebrate Women's Day annually in every country on the same day - March 8.

The purpose of this holiday Zetkin called the struggle of women for their rights. Interestingly, the idea of \u200b\u200bholding an international female day - on March 8, first arose at the beginning of the 20th century, when an industrially developed world was experiencing a period of expansion and shocks, demographic boom and the origin of radical ideologies.

Although, there is an opinion that the first in the history of the "march of empty saucepan" of New York textiles, which took place on March 8, 1857, became one of the prerequisites for the celebration of international female day.

The official status of "International Women's Day" This holiday acquired in 1975 by the UN decision.


The Chinese March 8 is very unnoticed and quiet. No traditional roses and tulips on this day.

On March 8, on the streets of China, you can meet only a fussy foreigner in search of a bouquet for congratulations to your woman.


Here is March 8 - Women's Day. However, the beautiful half of humanity celebrates it without men, in its own companies in a restaurant or cafe.

This day is an excellent reason to relax from the everyday fuss. By the way, in Rome - the capital of Italy, women on this day can see the male striptease made free. In Italy, March 8 is not a weekend day, so it will notice it only after work.


This holiday is not widely noted here. The media mention that such a holiday is, but it is generally the communists and supporters of the left.

French women will feel the queens a little later, namely in May, on the day of the mother. But here is not so simple. The fact is that this holiday has nothing to do with young girls. They are customary to congratulate on Valentine's Day.


On the territory of Bulgaria, the celebration of March 8 has not yet become a national tradition. This is a regular working day. Therefore, men always have a reason to congratulate both their spouse and female colleagues from work.

Often at work after lunch, a feast is held, or employees of the whole group go to a cafe or restaurant, very similar to our corporate party. Recently, individual Bulgarian women have a little cooled at the celebration of March 8. Others began to relate to him as an attribute of the socialist era.


In Germany, March 8 is not a day off. This holiday here is connected exclusively with the socialist past.

Previously, when Germans congratulated their women in East Germany, they didn't even hear anything in Western. After the reunification of the country, March 8 somehow forgotten and is no longer celebrated. Although the media of Germany and talk about the feast of women, but as such a people's love did not receive this holiday. Women here congratulate in May, on the mother's day.


In Belarus (as the locals say) the holiday of March 8 begins in the evening of the seventh and, judging by the evening urban streets on the eve of the holiday, they note its mainly men. But in any case, all women of Belarus are waiting for flowers and, of course, congratulations on March 8.

In Belarus, this wonderful day is also an official weekend day that everyone pleases. Congratulate from March 8 in the Belarusian language, it is possible like this: you are a genuine day!


To the International Women's Day, all men of Kazakhstan are preparing thoroughly, planning or secretly learning what a gift for March 8 to give mother, daughters, aunt, grandmother, a beloved girl or wife. This day is a day off. In Kazakhstan, in most cases, International Women's Day is associated with the celebration of mothers, because the mother's gift will be in the first place.

In all organizations, regardless of the forms of property of lovely ladies, colleagues are congratulated by colleagues, and corporate parties are organized and held, at the state level, in most cases "business women", make festive events for large women, in honor of the International Day of Women are addressable charitable assistance to everyone Women disabled and much more. In the Kazakh language, congratulations on March 8 (with translation) sounds like this: Äyelder Künine Quttıqtaymız!


The significant holiday this year will be March 8 for residents of Turkmenistan - they are waiting for a compliment from the state. In 2017, according to the Order of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, on March 8, the women of Turkmenistan will give $ 11. A gift will receive all women working in enterprises in institutions and organizations of Turkmenistan, regardless of the ownership.

In addition, the presidential gifts for March 8 will receive women by Turkmenistan, receiving a pension and public benefits, studying in graduate school, doctoral studies, clinical order, listeners of the Academy of Civil Service, student, schoolgirls and pupils of kindergartens.


Give girls, girls and women on March 8 in Poland are now given rarely. In fashion, other flowers and other ways to rest - no one walks for rallies for a long time. But the International Women's Day remains a reason for meetings and the attention of the ladies of all ages.

But still there is no weekend from Poland. They all go to school together, to work or by their affairs and only in the evening for a festive dinner can congratulate the favorite women in Polish from March 8.


Probably, most of all I was struck by the seriousness of the celebration of March 8 in Vietnam. And all because two thousand years ago there were marked the day of memory of Ching, who courageously defended their homeland.

Today, this celebration accounts for the holiday of March 8. An impressive experience of the holiday is 2,000 years old. Of course, the celebration must be appropriate.


Considerable importance is the celebration of March 8 for Cubans. On the island of freedom is a special day. It is not just another one of the events of the holidays, when you can not go to work, and a vouaker will wither a duty bouquet. March 8 in Cuba is filled with a special meaning, the spirit of revolution and freedom is in the air.

We almost began to forget that the revolution is women's business. But in Cuba they honor the traditions and indulge in the celebration of March 8 truly with revolutionary fervor.


International Women's Day in Uganda is connected with the age-old traditions of peoples. The legend of the locals about March 8 is based on the fact that once one of the women, wooden pest, which cried boiled root root, hit God (for some insult). Since then, the feet has become African Red Earth and water deficient here. And inhabiting water creatures, mostly snake, became a symbol of women.

According to the beliefs of local, the most significant female secrets lie on the river day, and are driven by their tears, salty, like the sea. Therefore, many Women Uganda, continuing traditions, bathe naked, hoping to get answers, to the questions that they worry them, who have long left the world of the great-grandinets.

On this holiday, March 8, women put on many jewelry, arrange dancing and have the opportunity to finally forget about their problems. In Uganda, all sorts of concerts and festivals are held, which form a single Giangoby program.


In Japan, women have two holidays in March. The first - Hina Matsouri, who celebrate March 3, and the second is the holiday of girls and blossoms of peach. And on March 14, it is also a female day and symbolizes the "white day".

According to tradition, gifts and congratulations on this day are accepted only those women who gave something their beloved on Valentine's Day (fairly).