Benefits of lonely retirees for paying utilities. Free and preferential medicines. What types of benefits have lonely pensioners

Pensions in the Russian Federation are guaranteed on several grounds. The first is the achievement of a certain age, the second - disability, the third - merit to the homeland. In the presence of at least one of these conditions, pension payments may be appointed, which can be arranged in the PF office at the place of registration of the applicant. Pensioners belong to unprotected segments of the population. To support health and improving the quality of life, the state awards them with benefits.

In a social package, a monthly material allowance can be introduced, the preemptive right to commit a number of actions and concessions in different areas (social, tax). In different regions, the list and procedure for granting sending and benefits for pensioners may differ. Some benefits are provided at the federal level and operate across the territory of the RF, and individual preferences are established in the regions.

Social benefits, relying by pensioners in the Russian Federation

What benefits are introduced at the state level can be recognized from the decisions of the government and the laws of federal significance. The form and procedure for providing preferences in the field is governed by legislative acts of specific subjects of the federation. For example, operates throughout Russia, but surcharges are paid only in St. Petersburg.

Communal services

It is worth knowing everyone that unprotected low-income citizens can use reluctance in the field of utilities. They will be compensated for part of the amount when paying payments for services as well as half the cost of capital repairs at home. Pensioners with the status of the Hero of the USSR or can get a 100% apartment building.

The procedure for granting a subsidy is regulated by Article 159-160 LCD. But the peculiarities of the appointment of such social measures for each individual category of citizens (veterans, disabled) are regulated by thematic laws. As an example, FZ "On Veterans". The standard list of documentation that is enshrined for all subjects of the Russian Federation is registered in the NO761 Resolution, which was adopted by the Government of 14.12.05.

The size of the subsidy that is introduced by the government depends on the level of citizen's income and the total cost of housing and communal services. In the standard order, pensioners are 50% discount. In addition, alone residing retirees provide for compensatory payments when performing overhaul:

  • category of low-income citizens, disabled and can count on 50% discount;
  • all persons after also relies 50% of compensation;
  • pensioners, which 80 and above years are guaranteed 100% reimbursement.

For such preferences, the applicant should be applied to the MFC (Multifunctional Center), in local government or social protection. The territorial representation is written by the appropriate statement to which the following papers are attached:

Decree of the NO456 government, which was adopted on 10.06.2011, provides for the financing of the gasification of the pensioner's house. Benefits are guaranteed by those persons who do not work. The residential building should be the only place of residence of the applicant. In this order, only part of the costs are compensated.

What benefits are pensioners in the field of health

Support for the health of pensioners is one of the priorities of government policies. Special programs for rehabilitation and treatment of citizens of the Russian Federation of Pension Age are being developed.

Consider the most common health care preferences:

  • 50% discount on pharmaceutical preparations in retail pharmacy points;
  • free travel in the direction of the medical center, within the region of residence of the pensioner;
  • preferential vouchers for rehabilitation / treatment in the spa complex.

Additional new and old benefits:

  • for disabled, a list of preferential drugs is expanded to 360 items;
  • by decision of the local authorities, retirees can be provided an extraordinary free visit to geriatric, gerontological centers;
  • free trips to sanatorium complexes for pensioners from the category of veterans or disabled. Benefits operates in separate subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • influenza vaccination for free base, if the age is higher than 60 years;
  • for applicants from the age group of 60-99 years, planned free dispensarization is provided, which is held 1 time in three years. For veterans, disabled, Leningrad blocks, and an annual procedure is provided, regardless of their age;
  • compensation of funds for the trip to the place of rest for pensioners of the Far North and other regions with the same complex living conditions.

A set of pension benefits includes also compensation for travel in urban transport. Or a citizen goes around the city for free, or compensates for itself the cost of preference in monetary equivalent.

Also with discounts, pensioners can buy a ticket for train, train and aircraft. To grant the right to benefit, you need to present a pension certificate at the checkout.

Tax preferences for Russian pensioners

  1. real estate tax;
  2. income tax;
  3. transport fee;
  4. duties when submitting a lawsuit in court.

Pensioners are also provided discounts in the payment of land tax and tax deduction when the residential property is issued.

NFFL income categories such as:

  • pension payments for the State Program and
  • social surcharges and assistance of the regional and federal level;
  • compensatory amounts for paying for sanitary-resort treatment and medical care, which are provided by means of organizations;
  • the amounts of material assistance, the benefits applies to cash receipts within 4000 rubles.

Transport and land benefits establish local authorities.

Pensioners are fully exempt from property tax. Upon reaching the retirement age, you need to contact the inspection at the place of residence, write an application for termination of accruals. If the applicant paid the receipt, being retired, then he will have to recalculate.

consent to the processing of its personal data and agree to

The most socially unprotected category of citizens - people who cannot work in age living on social benefits. The question of what benefits have lonely retirees in Moscow, whether there are other groups using privileges, causing older people who consider each ruble to retirement. Find out it is not easy, since the legislation changes regularly. To determine the size of social assistance, discounts on the payment of housing and communal services, made by the physicals receiving old-age retirement, one must know which pensioners in Moscow are established in Moscow in 2018.

What benefits are pensioners in Moscow

The country is olden, the number of pensioners increases, the economic crisis, creeping up inflation, depreciate the pension benefits, forcing the elderly to cut the needs to a minimum. Understanding the situation, trying to correct the situation, the state introduces a number of measures aimed at supporting the normal standard of living of forefall persons. All options in due privileges are divided into two types - provided at the federal level and sponsored by the local budget. Preferences are divided into several types:

  • tax benefits for pensioners in Moscow;
  • discounts on payment of utilities;
  • social address assistance provided to those who need citizens;
  • benefits when purchasing medicines, travel on long-distance, urban transport, the provision of treatment, buying vouchers.

At the federal level

An elderly person who receives old-age benefits, regardless of the place of residence, the state guarantees different types of preferences that can be used if necessary. These include:

  • Monetary monthly payments established for individual groups of citizens - the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, the veterans of the defense of Moscow, the fighting.
  • The preferential rights of exemption from paying certain taxes - on property, personal income tax.
  • Compensation of payments for utilities, contributions for overhaul of an apartment building.
  • Tax deductions when buying an apartment.
  • Benefits of disabled pensioners in Moscow and other persons to acquire expensive medicines in accordance with the approved list of drugs subject to compensation.

Local benefits

The federal budget can not carry a load on the complete provision of needing retirees with laid benefits. Some obligations on the payment, discounts and benefits of pensioners in Moscow in 2018 are transferred to local authorities, obliged the following privileges in need of elderly citizens:

  • targeted social, material assistance;
  • benefits on the payment of transport tax, contributions for the land plot;
  • compensation for using a landline phone;
  • the opportunity not to pay for garbage collection;
  • free medical care at home, if health does not allow you to visit the clinic;
  • obtaining dental care for the social program;
  • a trip once a year to the site of the sanatorium-resort holiday in the relevant medical testimony.

Regulatory legal regulation

Pensioners of Moscow, as well as other subjects of the federation, are advantages on the basis of articles of various regulatory documents. Officials are based on the following regulations, in determining the magnitude of the discount and cash payments:

  1. Articles 159-160 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, stipulating receipt of benefits on housing and utilities.
  2. Decree of the Government of Russia dated July 17, 1995 No. 710, stipulating the rules for preferential medical care to pensioners.
  3. Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia for № 225 of 11/22/2004, establishing the rules of preferential preparation of medicines.
  4. Letter of the social fund for № 07 44Shs from 09.02.1996, providing for benefits to treat veterans of hostilities.
  5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2005. No. 761, providing for benefits to pay utilities and other payments for residential premises.

What benefits from pensioners in Moscow in 2018

Residents of the capital who receive state retirement benefits in old age are used by extensive privileges. These include:

  • tax breaks;
  • delegations of property tax in the acquisition of real estate;
  • monetary monthly and lump-sum payments provided to those in need of individuals who have a minimum income "does not reach" to the level of subsistence minimum in Moscow;
  • compensation of utilities, gasification, overhaul;
  • free or preferential prepared drugs medicines;
  • medical services, including dental services, rehabilitation funds compensation, passing to the place of sanatorium-resort treatment.

Tax preferences

Pensioners are exempt from paying some taxes. Benefits are given in the following types of tax payments:

  • Real estate tax belonging to a pensioner if the cost of housing is not higher than 200 million rubles. Under property, residential and non-residential premises are understood (garages, economic extensions, decorated for this physical).
  • Transport contributions, if the car's power is not higher than 100 drugs, a junior or engine boat - below 5 LS.
  • Land tax. The right not to pay is given to persons with disabilities, participants of the Second World War, Chernobyl accident.
  • NDFL. Pension, other income of an elderly person is not subject to this collection.

Tax deduction for working pensioners

If the physical, located on a well-deserved holiday in old age, continues to officially work and acquired real estate, then he has the right to tax deductions when buying an apartment. You can make a benefit for previous three years, if there is evidence of the acquisition of real estate. The deduction is given upon presentation of the certificate of ownership or contract on equity participation in the construction of housing.

Social surcharge to pension to subsistence minimum in the capital

If the non-working resident of the capital places the local authorities with information that the amount of the retired retirement is below the subsistence minimum (PM) in Moscow, then it has monetary monthly compensation payments to the minimum amount established by federal legislation. In Moscow in 2018, the size of PM was 11,560 rubles, in Moscow region - 9160 rubles. When paying funds, address assistance received by the pensioner, all types of subsidies are taken into account.

Housing Subsidies

Payment of utilities lies with an exorbitant burden on the shoulders of an elderly person. The federal authorities provide benefits to pensioners in Moscow in 2018 on housing and utilities payments. If the total amount of municipal payments paid by a citizen who presented a pension certificate is 3-10% of its income, he is provided with a subsidy. The amount of compensatory payments is determined individually, taking into account the magnitude of the pension, paid by the receipts of housing and public utilities, and is subject to revision every six months. You can also compensate for the gasification of the house at your own expense.

Compensation of phone costs

Using stationary telephone citizens of advanced years, permanently residing in Moscow, receiving retirement benefits, use benefits when paying communication services. The size of the discount is 190 rubles. To get it necessary to apply. Benefits are granted to present a pension certificate and applies to payment of intracity telephone lines.

Free and preferential medicines

The elderly person who is well-deserved rest may apply for free medicines according to the established list approved by the Moscow Government. If an expensive drug was acquired at his own expense, then a resident of the capital once for the year can compensate for the amount of funds spent by contacting the FSS at the place of residence. You can find out the list of free or in the preferential cost of drugs at the attending physician, obligated to inform information about preferences to the patient.

Medical service

The list of benefits to pensioners in Moscow in 2018 has significantly expanded due to the introduction of privileges to receive medical care. Elderly, the following preferences are laid:

  • Free medical care is out of turn in the clinics at the place of residence of the pensioner.
  • Providing vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment according to the testimony of the doctor.
  • Discounts in pharmacies when purchasing medicines.
  • Full or partial compensation payments for the acquisition of the elderly of technical rehabilitation funds, according to medical prescriptions.
  • Compensation of dental prosthetic prices made in state clinics.
  • Other types of social address medical care provided individually.

Monthly compensatory payments to working retirees

Officially, employed citizens often do not know about due charges. Receive compensation preferential payments can work elderly, whose size of income, including retirement benefits, varies within 12,000-20,000 rubles. You can count on surcharge when working on the approved list of professions, where there are librarians, nurses, faghers, wipers, educators in DDU and other citizens. Monthly compensation payments are assigned to people who have proven health problems, regardless of profession and position.

Luzhkovsky payments

In the list of benefits to pensioners in Moscow in 2018 there is a Luzhkovskaya surcharge. Obtaining it is associated with some difficulties, since the size of the subscription is tied to the magnitude of the social status of Moscow and PM. Pensioners living at least 10 years in the capital, with low income, receive extra charge to the Social Standard adopted for this period, which is 14,500 rubles for 2018. If a pensioner lives less than 10 years in Moscow, then it can only claim to PM, the size of which is less and is 11,560 rubles.

Automatic accruals are not performed. To get a surcharge, contact the MFC or the PF Department at the place of residence with the necessary documents. Required:

  • passport with registration, proving ten-year accommodation in Moscow;
  • Reduss;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • application for surcharge.

Transport benefits in Moscow pensioners

Persons receiving pension payments can ride for free in Moscow, using buses, metro, trolley buses and trams. These benefits of pensioners in Moscow in 2018 are possible upon receipt of a Muscovite social card, or a travel ticket, an outstanding social protection fund. To get it, you need to have a permanent Moscow registration. Pensioners are presented to employees Rusz Moscow The required packet of papers for the right of a preferential passage. There are documents, a complete list of which can be found by calling the hotline of the Social System.

Features of preferences for some categories of pensioners in 2018

Separate categories of residents of the capital have advantages in accordance with the rules established by federal and regional legislation. Preferences differ from the main privileges of Moscow citizens receiving age-related retirement benefits. Measures on the social protection of such Muscovites are extensive and include a variety of discounts, compensation and cash issues. You can select several groups that are installed individual benefits:

  • lonely people;
  • persons receiving "military pensions";
  • pension disabled people;
  • labor veterans.

Lonely and poor

The weak citizens of old age living alone, without the help of close relatives, can count on the following list of benefits:

  • Discounts for paying utilities, overhaul. Pensioners over 70 years old are provided 100% compensation.
  • Free manufacture and installation of dentures, incl. Of expensive materials.
  • Free medicines or discounts for the purchase of medicines.
  • Extraordinary medical care in hospitals, clinics, at home.
  • Addressible household care for the purchase of products, necessary things and drugs.
  • The help of nursing care sites, devoid of self-service opportunities, citizens.
  • Free or preferential services of housekeeping for apartment cleaning.
  • Ritual services with discounts.

Benefits of military pensioners in Moscow

Citizens who served in the army, the former military, have special prerogatives, even if they have not reached the age necessary for the accrual of social government age benefits. They are given right:

  • Receipt of compensation for housing and utility payments. Persons who have reached retirement age can apply.
  • Do not pay land, road, property tax payments.
  • Arrange a kindergarten or other DTD child within 30 days after submitting an application.
  • Free travel on urban and long-distance transport.
  • Improvements once for the year in the institution of sanatorium-resort type for free according to medical prescriptions and health status.


Regional legislature authorities have established special benefits to pensioners in Moscow in 2018, having a certificate of the presence of a group of disability. These citizens have such privileges:

  • do not pay taxes on property;
  • receive a special retirement regional allowance;
  • enjoy free travel on any urban transport, except for route taxis;
  • provided by free recreation in the sanatorium based on the instructions of the attending physician.

Labor veterans

The state encourages long-term employment experience and active professional activities, rewarding individuals by special privileges. The following benefits of labor-veterans in Moscow have been established in 2018, if they have confirmed data on work experience more than 40 years:

  • gratuitous travel on all types of urban transport, with the exception of minibuses;
  • compensation up to 50% of utility payments;
  • the right to unpaid two-week additional vacation for working persons;
  • preferential dental services of state clinics;
  • discounts on medicines, medical care services;
  • regional surcharges to PM in Moscow;
  • monetization of discounts, if a person refuses privileges.


Once in the nursing home, a person usually feels abandoned and no one needed. Even under the supervision of doctors, being in the society of the chamber's neighbors, the elderly people are in dire feeling loneliness. Personnel, it happens, is not enough time to navigate in the individual characteristics of the inhabitants of the boarding school and pay due attention to everyone. It often happens that people who are not able to move without assistance, are not in the fresh air for years. Most of the day the inhabitants of boarding houses are provided to themselves, and the choice of occupations is very limited. Therefore, it is important to come to the old people, giving precious attention to them, care and communication.

Trips organize Sofia charitable foundations, "Old age to joy." If you have a dog, you can become part of the Pet team of the therapists "not just a dog" and give the joy of lonely people along with your pet.

People who spend the rest of life in social institutions is very lacking new impressions. You can become a guide for them in a large and beautiful world, located behind the walls of the nursing home. Not so important than you want to please them: the music number, theatrical production, chess game or cognitive occupation, the main thing is your sincere desire that they will definitely feel. So, you can take part in the preparation of holidays or help your designer skills, hairdresser, photographer or lawyer.

Among the many institutions in which the elderly lives, there are comfortable boarding schools with fresh repairs and a cozy atmosphere. However, more often the condition of the premises in which the old people are crushed single days, leaves much to be desired. In order for them to become a little cozy, no equilibrium activists help boarding and repairing the territory, and at the same time communicate with their inhabitants. You can take part in a charitable cleanup or go on a long trip to one of the volunteer camps.

If you speak with old people about their values, they will most likely get a letter and photographs from their treasures. The last of them was probably obtained in the distant past, and new, unfortunately, not to wait. Communication with once close people cut off, so they were here. You can become a real friend for a single pensioner, even if you live at the other end of the Earth. How long have you written paper letters? But this is one of the easiest ways to give the elderly joy. Start correspondence, and soon you will look forward to a response from a new friend.

City and regional institutions for the elderly receive a limited amount of funds for the purchase of medicines and hygiene items. In this regard, it is purchased only the most necessary - inexpensive medicines. Hygiene products and other elderly things needed things in boarding schools only thanks to charitable funds. You can provide post assistance: Reception of the essentials and collection of funds on their purchase is engaged in the Funds "Sofia", "Old age in joy" and the project "Not just dogs".

We want to rejoice in holidays to everyone: both children and adults. Elderly people left without care of relatives and loved ones, it is especially difficult. They also need to read in a beautiful postcard the words of congratulations and get their gift sent for them to a specific, not indifferent person. In your power to make a small miracle and give a lonely person a part of its heat. This gesture will be for someone really long-awaited and will leave joyful memories of the past celebration. You can send a postcard a birthday or collect a gift set. The site of the Starhod in Joy Foundation lists things that will be useful to old men.

If you do not have enough time to take direct participation in the life of single old people, you can provide material assistance to one of the charitable organizations dealing with the problems of the elderly:

Other funds are supported by the elderly. Learn about the opportunities to help on sites of organizations:

"Vera" - the Hospite Assistance Fund and their patients. The creators of the organization are convinced that if a person cannot be cured, it does not mean that he can not help.

"Heart to Heart" is a charity foundation, providing assistance to various segments of the population, including pensioners who have found in the care of the state, veterans and anyone who needs help.

"Tradition" - a charity fund, is engaged in collecting funds and help in need. Each fundraising is carried out for specific assistance programs, they are all 9.

"Joint" - organize creative classes in day centers, in the "home care" program helps the elderly to keep the farm, organize hot food and distribute food kits, carry out medical programs, carry out the "Saving memory" classes, provide emergency assistance, help not climb in winter .

"Orbi" - help the patients who have suffered a stroke, and their relatives. We need volunteers for home care, paperwork, accompaniment for walks and events. Directly the Fund will use legal, transport assistance, IT services, translation of texts and design. We need those who will hold master classes. Constantly required musical groups and performers.

"Fair help" is a public organization created by Dr. Liza. Assistance has seriously ill, dying patients and their families, help homeless. You can make a donation directly on the site or watch the lists of the necessary things in the "Needs of Our Ward" section.

"Need help" - here the volunteer can even be just online. Fill out an application on the site, everything will be taught. Either make a one-time or monthly donation from 100 rubles.

"Live" - \u200b\u200ban adult assistance fund aged 18 to 60 years. Help people having serious diseases.

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The retirement age in Russia comes from 60 and 55 years for men and women, respectively. With retirement, an elderly person receives not only monthly payments from the State PF, but also some social privileges. The benefits of lonely retirees are somewhat expanded on those who have the opportunity to enjoy material support of the spouse or children.

Pensioners (male faces, which turned 60 years old, and female faces, which turned 55 years old), not related to the preferential category, can:

  • moving around the city in trolley buses, buses, trams, metro;
  • have the ability to free dental prosthetics.

To lonely legislation, the elderly people who have no children and other relatives or they are, but are disabled: pensioners, minor dependents, disabled 1 - 2 groups.

At the same time, not every single pensioner will receive some benefits, for this it should be recognized as needing. According to the law No. 134-ФЗ, pensioners and their disabled relatives fall under the category of poor, if their cumulative income (pensions, salaries, benefits) does not reach the subsistence minimum per family member.

Federal and regional benefits for lonely pensioners are as follows:

  • travel by public transport free of charge;
  • free repair of a dental prosthesis without taking into account the cost of precious metals, metal ceramics during the manufacture;
  • monetary monthly telephone compensation in the amount of 190 rubles;
  • the option of payment for the removal of solid domestic garbage;
  • single persons of the retirement age should be paid compensation for the monthly payment services of housing and communal services;
  • pensioners can use a television collective antenna with a 50 percent discount;
  • the opportunity to receive a ticket to a sanatorium every year if there are medical testimony;
  • discount on the purchase of medicines;
  • partial payment compensation for technical means of medical care;
  • pensioners who have lost the possibility of self-care have the right to guardian;
  • assistance in purchasing purchases of those pensioners who were in a difficult situation;
  • social forms of service, namely: day stay of a guardian with a lonely older man;
  • assistance guardian in providing sanitary and hygienic services, room cleaning, patronage;
  • people over 80 years old and the heroes of Russia should be released from the contribution for the overhaul.

Although for many people preferably "live" money than other benefits, lonely residing pensioners who do not have support from relatives, it is worth thinking well before abandoning some social services. With unimportant health, get cheap medicines are much more profitable than to take money for them and independently buy drugs in the pharmacy. It should be understood that the final sums of monetization are not covered with a small share of the costs that the state provides for one beneficiary. However, those services with which the pensioner does not use and is not going to, better replace for payments.

Preferential conditions for lonely labor veterans

If a lonely pensioner has a documentation confirming that it is a labor veteran, he has the opportunity to get even more preferential conditions. Namely: he will be able to drive on railway suburban electricians at no cost. He will also be able to undergo a course of treatment in the sanatorium, getting there by train for free.

Obtaining benefits

The state takes care of the elderly citizens who have no one to count on material support. However, all benefits are appointed not "automata". To get them, it is necessary to declare their rights to the local organs of social protection, contacting sobes or MFC.

To the application you need to add a package of documentation:

  • certificates of the personality of the pensioner and his dependents: passports, birth certificates for minors;
  • pension Status Document: Pension book;
  • certificates for confirmation of low-cost: certificates of income, extracts from the FIU, wheelchair and other available paper;
  • additional documents: a veteran certificate, a marriage certificate, a divorce, about death, etc., depending on the situation.

If employees of social protection adopted a statement, then the decision to recognize the pensioner in need of surcharges and benefits is accepted within a month. After that, the citizen will receive relying privileges.

Each person should know his rights and privileges, especially if this person is a lonely pensioner. The category of lonely pensioners includes citizens whose families consist only of pensioners. Compensation of lonely pensioners and benefits are obliged to be paid under the law of the Russian Federation.

What has the right lonely non-working pensioner

In addition to monthly pension payments, various discounts, subsidies and benefits. Obtaining some benefits occurs automatically with retirement, others require personal participation in the form of applying and providing the necessary documents. Sizes and shape of the provision of benefits depends on the status, age, region of residence, employment experience and some other conditions.

Here are some benefits of lonely to resident pensioners, should be paid:

  • on tax deductions;
  • reached older age;
  • health care;
  • veteran;
  • for public transport;
  • for utility payments.

Tax breaks

Monthly labor pensions are not taxed, it is not charged with material assistance, gifts, subsidies.

Russian pensioners do not pay taxes onproperty. House tax, garage, country structure from pensioners is not charged. To make a benefit, you need to submit a passport, and documents confirming the status of a pensioner and ownership.

The pensioner is not completely released from the transport tax, but its value is determined by the region in which region it lives, as well as the number and characteristics of transport in its property. Land tax is determined at the local level.

Tax deduction

If the pensioner acquired or built housing, a plot for construction, he can take a tax deduction on personal income tax. The same deduction may be on the repayment of interest of loans taken and spent on the construction or purchase of housing, land for housing, (13% of money earned) is calculated on the size of earnings for the 3 previous years of work. Subsidies of lonely resident pensioners are defined by Article 159-160 LCD.

In old age

At the occurrence of age 80 years old can be obtained:

  1. Increase the insurance pension twice.
  2. Free treatment and stay in nursing homes.
  3. If there is a need - free housing.
  4. Help lawyer, psychologist and care compensation. Its size is determined at the place of residence.

For health care

Manuals in medicine are determined in each individual region. Within the Russian Federation, all pensioners from 60 to 99 years pass Dissanserization once every three years free. Also for free you can hurt from influenza.

The rights of single pensioners who are veterans also need to be considered. There are two categories of veterans: federal and local importance. Benefits for veterans of the first category are operating throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, and for regional may vary depending on the area of \u200b\u200bresidence.

Rights having federal status:

  • free use of urban public transport;
  • the same applies to trains and buses of the suburban message;
  • partial refund of utility bills;
  • free prosthetics and treatment of teeth in public clinics;
  • 50% discount on the use of a home phone.

Travel Benefits

In this list pass discounts on travel in public transport. There are differences in Regions of residence. This benefit does not exist, in case the health resort is located abroad.


Standard order determines that lonely resident pensioners Can get a discount on the payment of housing and communal services. This size is not fixed, depends on the level of income of citizens and differs in different regions.

Gasification services

Disabled lonely pensioners Provided discount for gasification Buildings, if it is his only housing, and the pensioner is his master. Its size is regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 456 of 10.06.2011.

Subsidies for single pensioners are installed Article 159-160 LCD. Nuances and distinctive features for various categories of pensioners are determined by thematic laws, such as the Federal Law "On Veterans". The necessary information can be found in the Government Decision No. 761 dated December 14, 2005.

Pensioners may be provided by subsidies for:

  1. Payment for housing and utilities. Such a subsidy is provided only to those pensioners, who has income on each family member of no more than a certain amount. After half a year, the subsidy is required to re-refline.
  2. Acquisition of drugs.Article 219 of the Tax Code provides for a tax deduction for the purchase of drugs. Costs return not completely, but only those money that is paid as a tax.

What benefits are put on lonely pensioners, everyone should know every elderly man. If a person was in a serious life situation
He can get material assistance with money, necessities of essential or food

If a lonely pensioner is disabled, his removing expenses for medicines listed in the list.Documents required for this:

  • recipes in form 107 / y;
  • payment checks;
  • certificate of pension.

The life of a lonely pensioner is complex, so the state is trying to provide support and assistance.

Compensation is lonely resident pensioners: how to get

To obtain reimbursement, MFC is presented:

  1. Help on persons registered at the place of residence (stay).
  2. On the absence of debt.
  3. Information about the details of the account in the credit institution.
  4. Maxuing about payments for residential premises and utilities.
  5. Passport.
  6. Certificate of state registration of law.
  7. Application for the provision of public services.

Care for single pensioners is carried out by special services.


According to Article 169 of the LCD RF, each citizen is obliged to pay a monthly fee for the overhaul of an apartment building. But for lonely pensionerswhose age is exceeded 70 yearsProvided fifty percent discountIf age 80 or more years, this contribution is not charged.

There are conditions for obtaining this relief, namely:

  • living space no more than 54 square meters. m;
  • registration on this area;
  • an elderly person must be registered there alone, or with other people over 70 years old;
  • there are no debts for paying housing and public utilities and overhaul.

In the Russian Federation, lonely pensioners can compensate for the tax deduction for the repair of the residential premises purchased or those built by them. The purchase agreement should indicate that the apartment (home) needs to be repaired.

In order for the state to reimburse the costs, payment checks should be placed on materials and confirm the costs of paying the work done. For this category of citizens there is an opportunity receipt of compensation Expenditures on the purchase of large purchases (Household appliances, furniture). It is provided more than once a year. The size is appointed individually by the Special Commission.

For registration you should attach:

  • passport;
  • certificate of lack of arrears in housing and communal services;
  • purchase check indicating the delivery address and buyer name;
  • application with a description of the material difficulty.

If an elderly disabled citizen needs to care, a caring person provides for a monthly payment of 1,200 rubles, which is charged together with the pension. It requires confirmation from the medical institution.

Pensioners living in the Far North, have the right to reimburse expenses on the road to the place of recreation and back, but only if they are resting not abroad of the Russian Federation.

There are two options for handling:

  1. Before the trip, apply as a request to acquiring tickets to social security bodies.
  2. Upon returning from the trip to attach to the application used tickets and return the consumed money.

Compensation is paid at the calculation of the minimum ticket price and the shortest way. Payment of travel is carried out no more than once every two years.

Disabled and veterans of war In many regions can receive free Trainers In all health resorts of Russia. This right is stipulated in the Federal Law No. 122. Order of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 No. 328 establishes the procedure for registration.

If there are indications and there are no contraindications for sanatorium treatment, the citizen receives a certificate in the district clinic to obtain a ticket. No later than a ten-day period, an answer should be made about the possibility of providing it. After receiving a ticket, it is necessary to arrange a spa card in the clinic at the place of residence.

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