Food mask. Creams for the skin of the face prone to fading. Nutrient face mask from bee wax

To face for a long time remaining beautiful and healthy, regular food is necessary. Bad ecology, incorrect food, stress and other negative factors worsen the condition of the skin, but thanks to properly selected cosmetics, the balance of nutrients can be restored.

Useful substances for nutrition

Among the numerous minerals and vitamins, you can select the most suitable for nutrition. They can be found in products and medical preparations.

To power the skin of the face at home suitable:

This is only a small list of useful substances that allow you to improve the condition of the dermis, saturating it with different minerals, acids and vitamin complexes.

What masks can be used?

Before talking about the useful compositions, we will understand the rules of application, as it is important to obtain the result. First, it is necessary to test the test for allergies and on the wrist to apply a little finished mass. Hold all a while, wash and look at the reaction. If there is redness and rash, then the procedure should be refused.

Before applying the healing composition, it is necessary to clean the face, deleting cosmetics residues and other contaminants. To do this, you can use the foam, lotion, but the scrubs should not be applied, because they can damage dry skin.

Include only fresh components and apply the tool immediately after cooking. Apply the mask is not needed on the lips and eye area. After that, you can not smile, talking so that wrinkles do not appear. The mask is kept depending on the specified time, and then everything is washed off with warm liquid, but better herbic decoction. At the end, it is recommended to apply a soft moisturizing cream.

Nutrient masks help not only moisturize, but also clean and toning the dermis. In addition, they have a soothing and relaxing effect. With regular use, you can smooth out the face and improve the skin color, as well as the dermis will become elastic, elastic and healthy.

Popular recipes.

Feed skin with cream

In order to buy in the store or done with your own hands, the tool benefits, you need to know some rules for use.

You need to choose cream depending on the time of year and your skin type. In the morning to apply the tool after washing to a wet face, and in the evening - an hour before sleep.

It is necessary to do it with light pattering movements, without dispersion, which lead to the stretching of the dermis.

Cream prepared at home.

  1. With an apple. Very effective tool is preparing simply: take about 20 g of fresh apple juice and add 40 g of juice from white cabbage leaves. Separately, it is necessary to melt 1 t. A spoonful of natural wax, and then pour 17 g of corn oil and, constantly stirring, add a mixture of juices. Remove from the fire, take care carefully and cool. This universal cream is better for night use and is suitable for everyone;
  2. With chamomile. For a start of 1 tbsp. Chamomile spoon Fill 100 g boiling water and insist for 15 minutes. After that, resolute and place 7 g of glycerin and 12 g of honey. Mix to dissolve. Separately melt 20 g of cream, and then add as much olive oil. There is also a teaspoon of camphor oil and yolk. Connect two ready-made mixtures and, using a mixer, sweat everything until uniformity. Cool, lay out a jar with a lid and keep in a cold place, but not long;
  3. From vegetables. This product includes many vitamins. To begin with potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, eggplants, zucchini, cucumber and cabbage you need to get 55 g of juice. Add yolk to him and mix well. Melt 1 tsp. Spoon of bee wax and pour it into the mixture. There, send 1 h. Spoon of glycerol and 17 g of peach oil. Heat and, using a mixer, bring to uniformity.

Now you know the main tricks and the rules for using various tools for nutrition. Try to evaluate the benefit of any of the presented masks or creams, believe me, the result will not wait long for a long time.

Materials on the topic

Water deficiency is old, reduces its elasticity, contributes to the emergence of wrinkles. Therefore, after cleansing it must be moistened. For this, special moisturizing creams are used that cover the skin an invisible protective layer.

There are day and night creams. The main purpose of the day cream is the moisturizing of the skin and the detention of evaporation from the skin of its own moisture. Some daytime creams also protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet sun rays. The daily cream is applied 30-40 minutes before entering the street. A good day cream should hold moisture until the evening, that is, you should not have a feeling of tightening the skin in two or three hours after applying the cream. Night nutritious Cream In addition to moisturizing the skin, during sleep, it supplies with its useful fats and vegetable oils. It is applied for an hour and a half (but not later than 30 minutes) before sleep. The dry skin, the fatter should be cream.

Unlike light low-fat day creams, night should be fat. They also contribute to the recovery of cells, help the skin to receive additional moisture from the outside, improve its structure, compensate for the loss of fat after purification and prevent wrinkles. Of course, each tool has some one effect. That is why you need to choose a night cream depending on the specific needs of your skin and in accordance with age.

Over time, less collagen becomes in the skin - the first mimic wrinkles appear; If there is lacking vitamins, proteins and trace elements - it becomes land, loses its natural color and thinning; Hormonal changes lead to the occurrence of pigment spots. In accordance with this, choose night cream: with vegetable additives of parsley and cucumber, improving the complexion of the face, with collagen, with fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E.

❀ Spend centuries in the evening. To care for them, it is desirable to apply only special funds on which there is a mark "to care for the eyelid."

❀ Winter is recommended to use more fatty facial creams. In the morning (no less than half an hour before leaving the house), clean the skin, and then easily apply a thin layer of the fat cream so that it is completely absorbed. And for the night, after careful skin cleaning, pamper face, neck and area with bold cream. The cream can be left on the face no longer than two hours. Before bedtime, its surplus should be removed with a soft napkin.

❀ If you think that moisturizing cosmetics is expensive pleasure, pay attention to the effective funds that nature itself offers. Home cosmetics does not contain preservatives. But, on the other hand, for a long time to store their own cooking creams, it is impossible even in the refrigerator. Prepare drugs in small quantities and apply until they are fresh. Storage period in the refrigerator - up to seven days.

❀ The cream is not recommended to immediately apply on the skin: the cool mass of the cream is too thick and will cause an unpleasant feeling of cold on the face and narrowing of the vessels. Initially, a little cream must be squeezed into the palm and slightly be lost with the tips of the fingers. The cream will quickly acquire softness and warm up to the skin temperature.

❀ Apply cream on a slightly wet skin and gently rub the finger tips on massage lines in the bottom up and from the center to the external borders. In the morning, the cream is applied to the wet (after washing with water) the skin. In the evening, after cleansing the skin by lotion, the cream is applied with a cotton swab, moistened in water, salt solution or inland herbs.

❀ History from the use of cream immediately before going out, because the upper layer of the skin is loosened and the protective reaction is reduced. Fresh air, especially if the street is windy, damp or frost, you can go out at least half an hour after applying the cream.

❀ Have a few kinds of cream at the same time and use them alternately so that the skin does not have time to get used to any one.

❀ Neck requires exactly the same care as a person. As for the skin around the eyes, then it is the first manifests of aging. Therefore, to care for it, use special creams for the eyelids and in no case - face creams.

❀ The lips unlike the rut do not have a sebaceous glands, so they need even more care and protection from the sun, frost and wind. At night and in the morning until the lipstick apply a moisturizing lip cream.

Fire Leather Creams

Apply nutritious creams that contain oils, it is not worth it for fatty sensitive skin. Instead of fat creams, it is best to use a light emulsion (hydrogel) from a series of anti-inflammatory skin care products. They contain very little fat and a lot of moisture. The emulsion is applied in the morning on the cleaned skin and, patting the fingertips, rub. It is quite acceptable to use the daily humidifiers for oily skin at night. They do not clog pores, which eliminates the appearance of acne and spots on the skin. Also, do not forget that there are special creams for oily skin. They can be purchased in a cosmetology clinic.

Creams for oily skin can be prepared at home.

Honey. To twist in ½ glasses of water 6 g gelatin, to the swollen mass add 80 g of glycerin, 50 g of honey, 1 g of salicylic acid. Place a cup on a water bath so that the mixture is dissolved, then cool and beat. If you wish to add a fragrance. You will have a wonderful cream jelly, which moisturizes and revitalizes fatty skin.

Sandalova. In 50 ml of oily skin cream (preferably on a vegetable basis) add one droplet of tea tree essential oils, sandalwood and geranium. Such a combination of ingredients reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands and slightly narrows the pores.

Protective. Mix 1 teaspoon of zinc ointments and vegetable oil (better than olive). Well protects the skin in frosty days.

Equalometer. In the evening, instead of a moisturizing cream, a fatty skin can be wiped with fresh kefir or rustic.

Susoring pores. Beat the egg protein, to it add 100 ml of cologne, 100 ml of a 5% solution of alum, juice of one lemon and 4-5 g of glycerol. Well narrows pores. If the skin is porous, but not very fat, you can add 4- 5 g of castor oil to this mixture.

Dry skin creams

At night, the face can be lubricated with sunflower oil with the addition of castor. Sometimes the cream should be applied on dry skin for a longer time (for example, at night). In this case, a wet method of application is recommended. To do this, on a moistened in water (better slightly salted) and slightly squeezed cotton swabs put a small amount of oily cream and lightweight and flutter movements to apply it to the skin of the face. When applying a cream in this way, fat and moisture penetrate into the skin.

Below are the recipes for the preparation of fairly effective natural creams for dry skin.

Yolkovo-creamy. Yolk mix with 100 ml of cream, add 1 tablespoon of vodka, brandy or balsam and half of the lemon.

Yolkovo-sour cream. 100 g of fresh sour cream thoroughly mix with egg yolk, add the juice of half lemon.

Calendulian. Prepare oil extract of calendula flowers (1 part of dry calendula flowers on 10 pieces of plant refined oil, insist in a dark place during the week, time-shaking periodically). In the water bath, melt 15 g of bee wax, add 1 tablespoon of corn oil and 50 g of calendula flowers extract. To half a cooled mixture, add in parts 10 g of glycerol and mix until complete cooling. It is recommended to use for the night.

Peach. Mix over 1 teaspoon of cosmetic vaseline, peach oil and water.

Nutritious. Fur in the water bath fresh pork fat and mix 1 teaspoon of fat with 1 teaspoon of castor oil. The cream is applied to the skin with a thin layer, leave for 5 minutes, then the excess fat is wedged with a paper napkin.

Chamomile. 1 tablespoon of daisy flowers pour half cups boiling water, insist for 2 hours, strain. 50 g of top-quality cream oil to dissolve a couple; Constantly stirring, add 1 tablespoon of castor oil, VI teaspoon glycerin, "L glass infusion chamomile and (dropwise) 30 g of camphor alcohol. Aromatic oil Add to wish. This mask for dry and normal skin.

Floral. 3 tablespoons of any nutritional cream mix with 1 tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil and add 2 drops of roses, linden or lavender essential oil.

Sour cream. In the evening, instead of a moisturizing cream, you can wipe dry skin with any vegetable oil, in which sour cream is added.

Creams for normal face skin

Protective. Mix 1 teaspoon of lanoline or spermacet cream, zinc ointment and vegetable oil. Protects the skin from severe frosts. Also suitable for dry skin.

Herbal. In the summer, it is recommended to regularly apply herbal creams made from any nutritious cream to normal skin, made from any nutritious cream with the addition of a finely chopped celery greenery, parsley, dill, taken in an arbitrary ratio, and 1 teaspoon of alcohol tincture of peppermints.

Strawberry. On a water bath to dissolve a dessert spoonful of Lanolina, add a dessert spoonful of oatmeal or oatmeal and slowly pour, stirring, ½ cup of fresh or frozen strawberry juice until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Creams for the skin of the face prone to fading

A good effect for fading skin has peach oil, which can be applied to the skin in pure form. With a fat and dry fading skin in creams, you can independently add tincture of birch kidney (increase skin tone), from calendula or chamomile (possess an antiseptic effect), from nettle (nourish the skin).

Perfectly affect the fading skin creams with aloe. This plant is an active regenerator and well aligns the skin from wrinkles and prevents its aging. But it is better not to hurry using aloe to forty years.

Medovo pink. Three lemons fill the glass of boiling water, let it stand for 10 hours, strain. Add 1 teaspoon of honey, juice of three lemons, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of cream, 3 tablespoons of cologne, ½ cup infusion rose petals. Mix everything well.

Regenerating. 2 tablespoons of lemon pulp thoroughly with 2-3 tablespoons of melted bone marrow, one yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Rubbing the mixture, add 1 tablespoon of camphor alcohol to it dropwise. The cream is designed for dry, fading the skin of the face.

Citric. Prepare a pre-infusion of two lemons (crushed zest to pour a glass of boiling water, insist 8-10 hours, strain through the gauze, well by pressing the residue). Margina's paste to be confused with 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, one yolk and 1 teaspoon of honey. The mixture is slowly, serving, add juice of two lemons, 10 drops of vitamin A oil solution, 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon of camphor alcohol (dropwise) and an infusion of lemon crust.

Cedar. 50 ml of cedar oil heat in a water bath up to 90 ° C, add in strict sequence 5 g of sugar powder, 10 g of lime honey, crushed in meat grinder lemon, 15 g of crushed seeds (kernels) pumpkin, 1 ml of rose oil, 10 g of chopped coconut Nut or almonds, 10 g of dopey seed. Mix well and insist in a cool dark place for 10 days. Use cream only during the day.

Our skin feeds be healthy as - immediately from two sides. She is from those whom they say "eats in two throats", because all the useful substances leather gets both outside and from the inside.

So, for the health and beauty of the face, you need to monitor both your own balanced nutrition, including the necessary "skin" ingredients and for the timely application of "outdoor" nutrition.

To the vital for the skin of the face elements include vitamins PP (eliminates the roughness of the skin), and (prevents dryness and peeling), E (supports elasticity, slows down the appearance of wrinkles), water (prevents aging) and zinc (stimulates the epithelium update).

Therefore, in our daily diet, there must be products saturated with the "skin" trace elements. Vitamin RR (otherwise nicotinic acid) is contained in a coarse grinding flour bread, cereals and beans dishesIn addition, nicotine acid is contained in yeast - you can take yeast in tablets. Vitamina and we get from beef, calf, chicken liver, butter, carrots, tomatoes, kuragi, sufficient amount of vitamin And contains orange juice. Vitamin E is easiest to "extract" from any vegetable oil.In addition, the oil is necessary for a full assimilation of vitamin A. Zinc is in chicken and turkey meat, oatmeal, beans, peas and walnuts.

As for water - it is clear, it just needs to drink a lot, not less than 8 glasses a day. It concerns power from the inside. Outside, "feed" the skin is also necessary, and no less thoroughly. Best of all, various nutrient creams are coping with this task, but only if they are applied in all the rules.

  • First, it is not recommended to use the same cream for a long time, since a year later, the skin is getting used to it and the effect of exposure is noticeably reduced. By the way, not all cosmetologists support this point of view, considering it by the advertising trick of weak manufacturers who are trying to get around competitors with such an argument, but it is probably better to change the cream from time to time - at least for the purposes of invoking diversity.
  • Secondly, the cream is chosen necessarily depending on the time of year. In the summer, he should be light and low-fat, in the winter, the opposite, thick, as saturated as possible.
  • Thirdly, the cream should be applied after washing, on another wet skin in the morning I.Not less than an hour before sleep in the evening. The fact is that the water is well "conducting" nutrient elements in the skin, and the cream itself "gives" its power somewhere for an hour.

Well, of course, the cream should be applied only with light cotton - no rubbing, smearing and smoothing is not categorically allowed. So if our skin in both of her throat is in a timely and efficiently "feed", at least five minutes daily in the morning and in the evening, the healthy complexion is special, "from the inside the glowing" effect will not wait long.

Velvet: Alexandra Aleshkevich

Cosmetologists believe that the older the skin, the more it needs food. However, even young women, skin can become dry and sensitive, for example, under the influence of external factors. So that such changes have not led to the emergence of early mimic wrinkles, an enhanced feeding is necessary.

Nutrient creams not only soften and moisturize the skin, they also restore its structure and functions. Modern cosmetics are created taking into account all skin needs. When choosing a cream, focus on its composition - the more natural ingredients, the better, as well as on the type of your skin and its individual features. Creams, which include vegetable and animal fats (spermacet, wax, lanolin), are better tolerated than the means containing mineral components (vaseline, paraffin).

Dry skin needs enhanced diet, up to three times a day, especially in winter. Vitaminized must be applied with a cotton swab diphed into a slightly salted water. On highly thinned and peeling skin sections should be imposed a denser layer.

Fatty skin feed with creams containing, wax, herbal extracts, sulfur and benzoic acid. To prevent the appearance of oily shine, use the nutritional cream with fatty acid (stearin).

Before applying the nutrient cream, melting it in the hands - the cooled tool will cause the narrowing of the vessels and weakened the action of active. After 30 minutes, erase the excess cream with napkins or the tile sides of the palms.

The skin nutrition procedure can be combined with self-massage. Press the cream with the fingertips of the fingers of both hands from the chin to the horses of the ears, from the corners of the mouth and from the wings of the nose to the middle of the ears, from the center of the forehead to the temples. In the eyelids, we put the cream in clapping movements from an external corner of the eye to the internal.

Two or three times a week I need to feed the skin with masks. Conduce the procedure in the evening, in a relaxed atmosphere. Hair is removed under the bandage. The skin must be cleaned and can be heated with steam bath. Apply a mask on the skin with your hands or cotton swabs, hold 15-20 minutes and rinse with cool water.

After a person, you can make a thermal or mineral water and give it to dry. Then apply nutrient cream on the skin.

To power the skin of the body, take a bath with a nutritional composition, which was used by Cleopatra. In 1 liter of hot milk, add 4 tablespoons and 2 tablespoons of almond or olive. Pour the mixture into the water before bathing. If you do not want to mess with the manufacture of household composition - purchase a ready-made cosmetics. After the bath, carry nutrient cream or milk into the skin of the body.

In order for the skin more nutrients, observe the special power mode. Twice a week, prepare fish dishes from fatty varieties - salmon, salmon, mackerel, etc. Fatty sea fish contains unsaturated fatty acids that are necessary for the production of collagen and elastin. Every day, use protein products (meat, milk, cheese, eggs), thanks to which skin cells are updated.

Moisturized skin of the face, the body always looks younger, more pleasant than the lack of nutrition, moisture.

How to achieve the result so that the appearance is perfect? What steps need to be taken for long-term conservation of charm, skin youth? Unfortunately, some industrial cosmetic tricks here will clearly lack, they give a short-term effect.

The content of the article:

  • two ways to save skin moisturized
  • different skin types: dry, oily, normal
  • care Methods: Moisturizing, Recommendations, Masks
  • how to cook a mask

Beauty begins with a sufficient amount of fluid in the body.

Does everyone know, but do all the amounts of water drink, which is required?

The human skin is 75% of water. If this ratio changes, it dries, peeling and aging.

Any type: Dry, Normal and Fatty can suffer from a lack of liquid. An extremely relevant problem becomes over the years, when the collagen generation slows down, the gradual process of wilting starts and the batch of horny cells is destroyed. The moisture begins to evaporate faster from the surface, it is with a catastrophic speed, noticeable for us, loses density, elasticity.

To preserve the water balance, steps should be taken aimed at moisturizing face and body: proper nutrition, masks, cosmetic and hygienic procedures.

There are two ways to preserve the skin moisturized: Preserving your own moisture and an increase in the amount of moisture with the help of substitution therapy.

The first step towards this - Creating on protection that will form a film that prevents the loss of water. It will not evaporate from the surface, keeping the natural moisture. This can be achieved by influencing the means containing fats, oils, wax, silicone, glycerin.

Second Step- Application for the care of funds that will restore its humidity. These are funds that include amino acids and proteins.

Dry skin. Moisturizing and care.

If you are the owner of dry skin, you can not do without deep intense humidification of the face and body at home not only in summer, but also in winter.

You, like no other, are susceptible to the appearance of early wrinkles. You are familiar with dryness and depths, peeling, loss of elasticity and flabby. Your skin is dehydrated and you should fight.

This can be done at home. By creating your individual masks and scrubs, you can achieve noticeable shifts in care for your body: moisturize and rejuvenate.

The following recommendations will be suitable for you:

  1. Actively use masks that moisturize and the composition of which includes various oils and vegetable components. It may be olive, linen, sea buckthorn, peach, cocoa butter, jojoba oil, almond and others. And from fruits, vegetables and other plants are perfectly suitable for aloe, cucumber, daisy flowers, banana, oatmeal, carrots.
  2. In the manufacture of masks, use yolk eggs, sour cream, cottage cheese, honey.
  3. Eat fruits and vegetables that have a large amount of juice.
  4. Daily drink 1.5 - 2 liters of fresh clean water or non-carbonated mineral water.
  5. When using cosmetics, give proper moisturizing in the summer and nutrition in the winter.
  6. Taking a bath, add a little any oil or 0.5 liters to water.
  7. Drink vitamins complexes to replenish skin moisture.
  8. Exclude greasy, sharp, fried food, sharp spices from your menu - they entail dehydration, dryness.
  9. Deep intensive humidification of the face at home should be for you everyday ritual.

Several excellent masks for your skin type.

For dry skin.

2-3 chamomile tablespoons to scream with boiling water. Give to stand 30 minutes. The decoction to merge and use separately for wiping. Cashitz from colors mix with 1 tablespoon of any heated oil. Add not a complete tablespoon of glycerol or pulp with aloe juice. The mask evenly distribute the face for 20-30 minutes.

0.5 teaspoon honey mix with yolk eggs, add 1 tbsp. A spoonful of linseed oil, a few drops of lemon juice and 1.5 tbsp. Spoons of ground oatmeal. Mask time - 20 minutes.

1 tablespoon thick sour cream, crushed or grated on a grater cucumber, ten drops and half of a teaspoon melted on a water bath of cocoa oil. All mix and apply. Suppose 20 minutes.

50 grams of sour cream, yolk of one egg, ground finely crown of one lemon and olive oil to bring to the consistency of sour cream. Let stand for a few minutes and apply. A few minutes later, remove the chamomile decoction, parsley.

It is equally taken to take milk, cottage cheese, carrot juice, olive oil. Apply for 25 minutes, then erase with a wet cloth.

Mix porovna banana with yogurt. Hold 10-15 minutes.

Masks for dry skin.

2-3 Tea spoons of calendula and daisies scream with boiling water, let it stand, strain. Add a few spoons of any juice or fruit pulp, a teaspoon or any oil. All mix until homogeneous mass. Apply to your hands, wear cotton gloves, then cellophane (or rubber). Hold 2-3 hours. Remove, wipe ice. A protective film is formed on the skin, and they will seem much younger.

At night, apply a mixture of any oil with a gasy ground oatmeal. Wear gloves. In the morning your hands will delight freshness, smoothness.

Masks for dry skin skin.

Mixed cottage cheese, sour cream, cream and milk are in equal amounts on wet skin. Leave for 15-20 minutes. The skin will be soft, velvety.

Chamomile (you can take a collar and stepmother, mint or linden) to pour almost boiling milk, allow you to cool, breed. Add grated strawberries, raspberry. Wipe the body. You can add a mixture to the bath, soak it in it 20 - 30 minutes, then take a warm shower.

Mask for dry skin of the head and dull brittle hair.

Take a quarter of a glass of ragger of the plantain, mix with two eggs, a teaspoon of castor oil, a bag of flush in warm water gelatin. All mixed, evenly distribute over the entire surface for 30 minutes. You should wear a cellophane hat, wrap your head with a cloth with a cloth. Ruff a little warm water.

Masks for the skin around the eyes.

Skin care around the eye needs to be paid great attention. Moreover, those who have dry skin. Under the eyes, it is the thinnest and not protected by fat cells. There are too few muscles here, so it is one of the first to stretch and covered with wrinkles. If you do not take measures to preserve it at a young age, it will soon lose its elasticity.

To care, natural light components should be chosen so that the skin stretching is minimal.

Noticeable moisturizing dry skin around the eyes at home is given natural oils: shea butter and linen, which requires slowly applied with fingertips. Leave until morning.

The flesh of the banana to smoke with a small piece of butter, neatly, without stretching the skin, apply for 10-15 minutes.

Perfectly moisturized the skin around the eyes of fresh cucumbers left for 30 minutes around this area. After such a procedure should not be washed.

Located raw potatoes mix with a tablespoon of sour cream or cream. Apply for 20 minutes. Washed off with warm milk, wipes a piece of ice.

Pour the boiling milk tablespoon of oatmeal, cool, add half the teaspoon of oil (any). Apply for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Oily skin. Moisturizing and care.

This type of skin often requires additional moisture, but methods of moisturizing using various oils and ingredients containing fat molecules are absolutely not suitable. This type has large extended pores that make it problem due to non-proper work of the sebaceous glands.

The owner of such a skin admire one unforgivable error in relation to its appearance - use cosmetics that contain alcohol tinctures. For the treatment of frequent inflammatory processes, the eels such methods do not help, but only complicate the problem. The alcohol dries the skin - it produces even more fat for its protection. Moisturizing does not work, fatty rises. Inflammation, clogging pores increases.

  1. For care and humidification, lemon, kiwi, apples, tomatoes, oranges, grapefruits should be used.
  2. They will become indispensable when careing: aloe, potatoes, starch, egg protein, low fatty fermented milk products.
  3. Full rejection of cosmetics containing alcohol.
  4. Cleansing your skin up to five times a day by foams, herbal decrains or soft gentle peels.
  5. Once a day, be sure to make a mask from low-fat dairy products and a small amount of yeast to restore the percentage of water in the skin, reduce the exit of the sebum.
  6. Exclude fat, salty, sharp food - it provokes the reinforced work of the sebaceous glands.

Good mackered skin recipes for oily skin.

1 teaspoon of honey, egg squirrel, 2 tbsp. Spoons of oatmeal. All this is diluted with 1 tbsp. A spoon of ragger chamomile. Applied for 20 minutes. Washed off with warm water, is wiping with a cube of herbal ice.

Grate the cucumber and mix with the added squirrel eggs, having a middle of a camp banana. Apply for 15-20 minutes, wash off.

10 drops of lemon juice, 2 tbsp of oatmeal, quarter of kiwi fetus, 7 drops of vitamin A and E. All mix and apply to the skin. To withstand 30 minutes, then rinse a little warm water.

Tomato straightened to puree, add 1 tablespoon of starch. Apply a thick layer for 25 minutes. Wash off cool water.

Grate carrots on a shallow grater, add egg protein and 2-3 drops of Vitamin E. Hold half an hour. Wash off with water and wipe ice cube from nettle.

Raw grained potatoes mix with a small amount of lemon juice and three drops. Add an apple, squirrel egg. Hold 15 minutes.

Apply aloe juice, withstand 15 minutes, then the pulp of grapefruit, mixed with potato starch. After 10 minutes, we wash off cool water.

To wash it almost hot water to open the pore, apply orange juice with a small amount of kefir. Eliminate the application to the area around the eyes. After 20 minutes, rinse.

Normal leather. Moisturizing and care.

In order for the skin is always healthy, moistened, should not be washed with water from under the tap. Everyone knows that our tap water has, as a rule, a high level of hardness, the percentage of chlorine in it leaves much to be desired. It is very bad not affected by the skin of the body, hands, head, face.

For washness and simultaneous moisturizing, nutritional nutrition, an excellent alternative to tap water will be infusions, grasses ragners. A good effect is given morning wipes with a piece of herbal ice. If your skin has no special problems, you should simply support it to save in this state.

For any type of skin, moistening will be useful during the day using a small pulverizer filled with informed herbs or decoctions of vegetables diluted with thermal water. Practically imperceptible to an extraneous eye, such irrigation will be perfectly affected by the overall skin condition.

Masks that can be moisturized and nourishing normal skin .

The grated cucumber is mixed with oatmeal, add 1 teaspoon of honey, a few drops of olive oil and. Apply on the face cleaned skin and keep 25 minutes. Wash off cool water.

1 tbsp. A spoonful of milk to mix with a crowded banana, oatmeal and a small amount of jojoba oil. Hold 25-30 minutes. Wash warm water. Wipe with a piece of herbal ice.

Warm tea bags put around the eyes for 10 minutes, then remove, lubricate with oil solution of vitamins A and E, added to the favorite cream.

1 teaspoon of honey, yolk of one eggs, pulp aloe, 3-4 drops of sea buckthorn oil. Mix all, add oatmeal to thickness liquid sour cream. Apply for 20 minutes and wash off cool water.

Maching independently masks and other skin products, you must adhere to certain rules and remember that:

Masks have several actions. They moisturize, nourish, rejuvenate, cleaned simultaneously.

Before applying any mask, it is worth the first thing to clean the skin from dead cells of the epidermis: take advantage of the shepherd of herbs, peels, scrubs, independently prepared or purchased cosmetic products.

Do not forget that the mask needs not only the face, but also the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck, chest, hands.

The skin of the body also extremely requires moisture and nutrition. Indulge yourself.

Use the cooked mask shortly after its readiness.

Do not store even a short time in the refrigerator.

Masks prepare exactly on the recipe, not to break the time of exposure to the skin.

Many masks create a protective film that retains moisture in the skin. They are better not to wash off, but use a towel, cotton disks, paper napkins.

Apply a nutritious or moisturizing cream after removed the mask.

For dry skin, you need to make masks 3 times a week, and for oily enough one.

So that the result fastens and was, as they say, "on the face", it is necessary to moisten and feed the skin with the help of the corresponding masks 2 weeks with a break in two months.

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