Grapefruit oil for health, beauty and good mood. Grapefruit essential oil: main properties, use in medicine, cosmetology and aromatherapy

Grapefruit oil is widely known as a tonic and soothing agent. The product occupies a special place in aromatherapy due to its delicate, slightly bitter, refreshing scent. In addition, the oil has a rich fortified composition and is saturated with substances useful for the body. It is widely used for cosmetic purposes, as well as for the treatment of certain diseases.

Grapefruit is a citrus tree that was grown by crossing an orange and an exotic pomelo fruit. The essential oil from the fruits of the new evergreen tree began to be extracted in industrial plants in the early nineties. Since then, the product has become very popular in perfumery, folk medicine, cosmetology and aromatherapy.

The grapefruit peel is especially valuable. It is from it that essential oil is made by cold pressing. The finished product retains all the useful components inherent in fresh fruit.

Grapefruit oil has a pleasant fruity flavor and has a unique refreshing aroma, which contains sweet notes with a bitter tinge. It looks transparent with a yellowish tinge. Consistency is homogeneous.

It is more difficult to get essential oil from grapefruit than from other citrus fruits, since half a liter of oily liquid requires at least fifty kilograms of peel. This circumstance affects the cost of the product. And in order to purchase high quality grapefruit oil, you need to be prepared for considerable expenses. Its cost in pharmacies for twenty milligrams is more than three hundred rubles. Oils made by steam distillation are much cheaper.

The main part of the oily product is limonene, a hydrocarbon that is the source of a persistent citrus scent. In addition, grapefruit oil contains:

  • citral;
  • kadinen;
  • myrcene;
  • paradiziol;
  • alcohols - geraniol, linalool;
  • coumarins;
  • furocoumarins;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins - A, B2, PP and C;
  • calcium;
  • potassium.

Due to such a rich composition, citrus essential oil is excellently used in cosmetology and medicine.

Useful qualities

The oily liquid from grapefruit is a good antiseptic. Also, the product has many properties beneficial to the human body:

  1. psychotropic;
  2. choleretic;
  3. immunostimulating;
  4. harmonizing;
  5. diuretic;
  6. anti-cellulite;
  7. antimicrobial;
  8. carminative.

Grapefruit essential oil is considered a good aphrodisiac. It helps to increase libido in both men and women.

This citrus product has a number of medicinal effects:

  • lowers blood cholesterol levels;
  • reduces pain in the head;
  • normalizes the work of the gallbladder and liver;
  • strengthens the body's immune defenses;
  • improves the functions of the digestive system;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • increases muscle activity;
  • activates the endocrine system.

The oil is successfully used as a preventive measure for atherosclerosis. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on psychoemotional functions:

  • improves mood, eliminates depression;
  • increases mental alertness;
  • eliminates insomnia;
  • strengthens the nervous system.

The oily product made from grapefruit peel is also famous for its cosmetic properties:

  1. removes skin rashes and prevents their appearance;
  2. improves the work of the sebaceous glands;
  3. eliminates cellulite;
  4. smoothes wrinkles and makes the skin smooth and elastic.

Grapefruit oil is the best care for oily hair.

Grapefruit oil belongs to the group of essential oily products with high phototoxicity. Therefore, in order not to get burns on the skin, it is forbidden to use it while staying in the sun. In addition, the oil has several contraindications for its use:

  • it is not recommended to use it on an empty stomach;
  • can not be used during pregnancy and lactation;
  • beware of contact with eyes;
  • do not take in case of individual intolerance to the product;
  • do not exceed the recommended dosage for oral administration.

An essential oil is a highly concentrated product that must be diluted with suitable base oils. Grapefruit oily liquid goes well with olive, almond, lemon, lavender, cypress and coconut oils.

Ways to use grapefruit oil, dosage

This citrus product is used for medicinal purposes inside. But it is not recommended to use it as an independent food component. It is best mixed with jam or honey. It is also good to add it to tea, juice, milk, yogurt, kefir, or simply dilute with water.

For the prevention and treatment of ailments, two or three drops of oil are used per glass of liquid. You can just put a couple of drops on the bread and eat. But one should not forget that self-medication is very dangerous and carry out any therapeutic action without medical advice.

Also, grapefruit oil, in addition to internal use, has a wide sector of other beneficial effects on the body:

Such water procedures are used for obesity, cellulite, neurological disorders. Grapefruit baths have a beneficial effect on the skin and are especially useful for people with high oily skin.

To prepare such an aromatic bath, you need to fill an immersion container with water at a temperature of thirty-eight degrees and add six drops of essential oil mixed with sea salt. The duration of the procedure should not exceed thirty minutes. After taking a bath, dry yourself with a towel and put on warming clothes.

This therapeutic treatment requires four drops of grapefruit oil mixed with base oil. An oily peach or almond liquid works well for this. Massage cream is added to this mixture. The finished product is applied to the desired area of ​​the body and a massage session is performed. The procedure is very useful for headaches, neuroses, depression. Also, grapefruit oil prevents stretch marks on the skin, eliminates cellulite.

To relieve pain in the head area or other painful sensations, use special cold compresses from essential citrus oil. To do this, dissolve three drops of grapefruit oil in one hundred milligrams of cold water. A piece of gauze is soaked in such a liquid, squeezed out a little and applied to the place that worries. This could be the neck, temples, or muscles in the arms or legs. The procedure is performed within twenty minutes.

Aromatherapy treatment with grapefruit oil is carried out to relieve fatigue, neuralgic disorders, insomnia and obesity. For the procedure, it is necessary to pour hot water and two drops of essential oil into a container in a liquid lamp. The citrus aroma is inhaled for no more than an hour. Subsequent sessions are carried out with an increase in the dosage of oil. The largest serving of an essential product for a small room is seven drops. The aroma of grapefruit should not be intense and unbearable.


For oily skin and acne, medicated ice is used. It is prepared with ten milligrams of milk, half lemon juice, half a liter of mineral water and five drops of grapefruit essential oil. All components are stirred and frozen in special molds. These pieces of ice are used to wipe the face in the morning. This procedure is carried out within a minute.

It is very good to take a bath with a drop of an essential product or spend an hour in a citrus-scented room at the end of a hard emotional day or after physical exertion.

An essential citrus product has more than a pleasant, relaxing scent. It helps to restore healthy shine, strength and beauty to damaged hair. Also, a little of the grapefruit peel eliminates and prevents dandruff.

In order to heal your hair, you need to add a few drops of an essential oily liquid to the shampoo or hair balm and regularly wash your hair with this product. In addition, massage hair combing is often used with the addition of oil, which is previously applied to the comb.

An oily citrus fruit peel product helps with some hair problems:

  • dandruff;
  • split ends;
  • oily hair;
  • dropping out;
  • dry spans.

To make hair manageable, fill it with shine and give it a healthy look, it is recommended to use masks. They are made from a variety of useful ingredients with the addition of grapefruit oil. The most popular are several of these masks:

  1. For hair strengthening. Three drops of an oily grapefruit product are mixed with the same amount of sage, rosemary and grape oil. The mixture is applied to the hair, and the roots are rubbed in with the help of massage actions. The head is covered with insulating material for an hour. After that, the product needs to be washed off, and the hair should be washed with shampoo.
  2. Nourishing mask. Mix a spoonful of honey with egg yolk. Add three drops of grapefruit and a spoonful of castor oil to this mixture. The ingredients of the mask are slightly melted in a water bath. Warm liquid is rubbed into the roots and distributed along the entire length of the hair. To enhance the effect from above, cover the head with a towel for half an hour. The mask is washed off with shampoos and water.

The result from these funds is achieved after just a few applications.

Grapefruit is good for fighting cellulite on the skin. Baths, massage, wraps using a mixture of a grapefruit oily product with basic essential oils are especially effective in eliminating such manifestations on the skin.

The ratio of essential substances should not exceed the ratio of fifteen milligrams of grapefruit peel oil and thirty milligrams of the base element. A glass container is used to combine the products. It is recommended to drip oil first, which is used in smaller quantities.

The best anti-cellulite treatment is body wraps. They can be performed using such mixtures:

  1. Three drops of grapefruit oil are mixed with a rosemary and mint base. To such an oily solution, add ten milligrams of apple cider vinegar and the same amount of water. The solution is applied to the body and wrapped for an hour.
  2. Three large spoons of honey are combined with a glass of cocoa powder. Five drops of grapefruit oil and a spoonful of olive oil are added to this mixture. The mask is applied to the body and covered with a film and a warm cloth. The procedure takes forty minutes.
  3. Black clay is diluted in water. Five drops of grapefruit oil and ten drops of oily peach product are added to the solution. All components are mixed and used for wrapping, which takes thirty-five minutes.

Perfectly restores skin elasticity and eliminates cellulite formations massage with grapefruit oil mixed with a base oily substance. To do this, take a mitten for massage, drip on a mixture of oils and rub the problem areas of the skin in a circular motion. The procedure is carried out for forty minutes. For the twenty first minutes, you need to make movements in a circle in one direction. And the next twenty - in another.

Grapefruit essential oil is a very valuable product. It has an unusually fresh and invigorating aroma, has an invigorating effect and helps to solve a variety of problems. It is used in hair, face and body care, added to mixtures for inhalation, creams and aromatherapy baths. Read on to learn more about the benefits of grapefruit oil and how to use it.

Benefits of grapefruit essential oil

This pharmaceutical product has a very wide spectrum of action, ranging from cosmetic and ending with medicinal properties. Its pleasant aroma stimulates the body, raises the mood, and the beneficial substances contained in it treat a whole range of diseases.

Grapefruit oil can be used to solve the following problems:

  • As one of the elements of complex therapy in the treatment of diseases of the biliary and urinary tract.
  • To get rid of stress and depression.
  • To stimulate the immune system.
  • To combat cellulite.
  • For hair restoration.
  • In skin and body care.
  • In the fight against excess weight.

Treating diseases with grapefruit oil

Due to its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, this essential oil is very effective in the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract. For the treatment of the gallbladder, 1-2 drops of oil are dripped into a teaspoon of liquid honey, mixed and taken twice a day before meals. In the case of a diseased liver, warm compresses with grapefruit oil are very effective. To do this, mix 5-7 drops of oil with a tablespoon of any vegetable oil (sunflower or olive), heat, soak a gauze or linen napkin. We apply a compress in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, cover with plastic wrap and insulate.

Grapefruit oil in the fight against cellulite and obesity

To get rid of the notorious "orange peel" and extra centimeters on the waist and hips, you can use massages, baths or wraps with grapefruit essential oil:

  • In the first case, before the procedure, we mix the massage cream with oil in a ratio of 3: 1 (3 parts of cream and 1 part of oil).
  • For wraps, you can use blue clay with the addition of grapefruit oil. For 100 g of clay, take 15 g of essential oil. First, dilute the clay powder with warm water to a creamy state, after which we add aromatic oil to it. Apply the mixture to problem areas with cellulite and wrap it with a film. Wash off after 20-30 minutes.
  • To prepare an aromatic and healing bath, take a glass of milk, stir a spoonful of honey and 5 drops of grapefruit oil in it. Pour the resulting cocktail into a bath with warm water. The duration of such a procedure is no more than 15-20 minutes.

Skin and hair care

Grapefruit oil is most effectively used to combat oily hair and skin. It also helps to repair damaged hair and give it shine and elasticity. To obtain a cosmetic effect, the oil is added to the usual preparations - creams, lotions and shampoos.

In this case, the following dosages are permissible:

  • for a fifty-gram jar of face cream, the optimal dose is 15-16 drops of oil;
  • essential oil is added to the shampoo at the rate of 5 drops per 15 grams of detergent.

When using grapefruit oil in treatment and aromatherapy, you should strictly adhere to the dosages, since, among other things, it also has psychotropic properties. Therefore, if the prescription provides for taking the drug by mouth, it is better to consult a doctor before using it.

An irreplaceable remedy in the fight against eternal autumn colds and blues. It is a powerful natural antidepressant, its fresh fruity aroma lifts mood, instills self-confidence and awakens zest for life. In modern aromatherapy, grapefruit oil is valued for its tonic properties, in addition, it has a tonic effect, has a positive effect on the nervous and digestive systems. In addition, it has the ability to reduce appetite, therefore it is used if necessary to lose extra pounds, as well as in the fight against cellulite and edema.

Grapefruit oil - an excellent antioxidant, which allows it to be successfully used in cosmetology. Grapefruit oil is a part of many professional anti-aging products, however, it also gives a good result.

Depends on the ultimate goal to be achieved.


The bath temperature should be 37-38 degrees.

Method 1: 5 drops of grapefruit essential oil are mixed with 1 tbsp. honey, sea salt or milk. Mix for good water solubility. Then dissolve the resulting mixture in the bath. It must be remembered that a high concentration of essential oil vapors can harm health. You should also not be in the bath for more than 25-30 minutes. help to cure a runny nose, colds, get rid of pain in muscles and joints.

Method 2: An aroma bath is best suited to improve mood and strengthen immunity. Add 4-6 drops of natural grapefruit essential oil to a glass of milk, stir and pour into the bath. This bath will not only give you strength, but also make your skin soft and silky.

Massage with grapefruit oil.

If you dream of getting rid of cellulite, it will help you. As many drops, three to five will be enough, mix with a base oil such as olive, corn or almond. The massage is carried out depending on the necessary goals:,. It is advisable to carry out the massage regularly, otherwise there will be no effect.

Oil burner.

The aroma lamp must be filled with water with 5 drops of grapefruit essential oil. To calculate the required amount, you need to estimate the approximate area of ​​the room. For every 30 sq.m. it is necessary to dilute 10-14 drops of essential oil in 1 liter. Aromatherapy should not be performed more than 3 times a day.

Well, if you want to create a holiday atmosphere at home, light an aroma lamp and add 1-2 drops of grapefruit oil there. Bright, “New Year's” aroma will delight both you and your loved ones.


Feels that you are about to get sick, your throat has a sore throat and a runny nose begins? Then do an urgent inhalation with grapefruit oil. Add 2-3 drops per 1 liter of water to the inhaler and breathe for 10 minutes.


The mixture for the compress is prepared at the rate of 300 ml of water for 7-9 drops of oil. The cloth for a compress is dipped in water with dissolved essential oil. Then you need to remove excess water and apply a compress to the problem area. To keep warm, you need to wrap the compress with cellophane and a woolen scarf or cloth. Compress with grapefruit oil is effective for bruises, injuries, colds, respiratory diseases.

The use of essential grapefruit oil for cosmetic purposes.

In cosmetics, for example. , you can add 3-5 drops of oil per 10g of cosmetic product.

Essential oils in ancient times were considered products of luxury, wealth and self-sufficiency. The composition was presented as a gift as a high respect for a person. As for grapefruit oil, its discovery happened much later than its counterparts. Therefore, citrus ester can be attributed to a young product. The composition has gained popularity as a unique remedy that can fight versatile ailments.

The use of grapefruit oil in cosmetology

  1. Citrus ester has gained wide popularity due to its ability to rid the female body of flaws in the form of an orange peel. The composition is especially effective in massage practice.
  2. To achieve the result of getting rid of cellulite, grapefruit oil is combined with esters of lavender, lemon, fennel, orange, geranium, neroli, bergamot, juniper, patchouli, chamomile, rosemary and cypress.
  3. It is preferable to carry out the massage procedure after taking water procedures. It is at this moment that the skin is steamed and pliable. It will not be difficult to make a massage mixture yourself. To do this, mix 20 ml. any oil, 4 drops of grapefruit ether and the same amount of herbal composition with an anti-cellulite effect to choose from.
  4. Also, for a massage procedure, you can resort to the second version of an effective remedy. Take 15 grams. massage cream, add 2 drops of ether, juniper, lemon and grapefruit to it. Apply the ready-made mass to problem areas, begin to make reinforced circular movements from top to bottom along the area of ​​cellulite formation. After 10-12 minutes, go to the pinch action.
  5. After a full massage, moisturize your skin with an anti-cellulite cream, for a more effective effect, add 3 drops of grapefruit oil to a single portion of the product.
  6. As a product for everyday use, you can make a simple mixture. You will need 120 gr. medium-sized sea salt, 1 ml. grapefruit ether and 1 drop each of peppermint, anise and vetiver oils. Rub the composition into the problem area.
  7. Besides fighting cellulite, grapefruit oil is popular for preventing oily sheen and skin problems. Get in the habit of applying the composition daily. Use a small cup and add 12 ml. the usual cream, 2 drops of bergamot, grapefruit and lemon balm ether.
  8. Please note that the undiluted product can only be applied topically. Spread grapefruit ether on the pimple pointwise. As a result of the manipulation carried out, the inflammation will disappear, the flaw will dry out.
  9. If you are going to get rid of age spots and freckles, you need to resort to preparing a simple composition. Mix in a suitable 35 ml container. almond oil, add 5 drops each of ginger, rose and grapefruit ether. The finished product is applied locally twice a day.
  10. In the fight against wide pores, a different agent is used. Mix with 10 ml. everyday cream esters of lemon, chamomile and grapefruit oils (you need to take 1 drop of each oil). Apply as usual.
  11. If you are the owner of an oily type of epidermis, do not despair ahead of time. To restore the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, it is necessary to do steam baths based on grapefruit ether 1 time in 7 days. Observe the proportions of the ingredients: 500 ml. boiling water must be added 1 ml. citrus oil and 1 drop each of bergamot and lemon balm.

Mask for problem skin

  1. If you systematically apply such a composition, then soon you will increase the elasticity of the skin, even out the tone of the face and dry acne. The tool has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Combine in a small container of 12 ml. pure alcohol, 40 gr. flower honey, 15 ml. purified water, 2 drops of tea tree ether and grapefruit. Stir the ingredients thoroughly. Spread the mask evenly.
  3. Keep in mind that before applying, the face must be steamed and cleansed. The procedure is carried out using warm gauze compresses. After that, the mask is kept on the face for a quarter of an hour.

  1. Grapefruit oil is recommended for women with hair loss.
  2. To solve such problems, it is enough to mix 3 drops of grapefruit ether into the detergent. Apply the herbal composition once each time, do not over-make the product.
  3. After several procedures, there will be a visible result. The curls will acquire a strong structure, become much more obedient. The hair will become shiny. In addition, the tool will help get rid of fat content.

Grapefruit oil in medicine

For the liver
To overcome ailments associated with the gallbladder and liver, it is necessary to take grapefruit oil by mouth. Stir 1 drop of herbal product to 25 g. honey. Consume this composition three times a day after a meal.

If you have been diagnosed with diseases of the gallbladder and liver, warm compresses will help to cope with the ailments. Lotions must be installed on the right hypochondrium.

To prepare the composition, warm up 15 ml. corn oil and add 5 drops of grapefruit ether to it. Saturate the gauze cloth with the prepared product, place the napkin in the indicated place, secure with cling film. For best results, place a heating pad on top.

For the digestive tract
If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or are faced with a banal severity, a crust of bran bread will help solve the problem. In this case, the flour product must be soaked with a mixture of 2 drops of grapefruit ether and 3 ml. lemon juice. Eat a slice of bread if you have problems like this.

For the oral cavity
To get rid of bad breath in a short period of time, add 3 drops of grapefruit oil to a standard glass of water. Rinse out your mouth, repeat the procedure as needed.

For the nervous system
It's no secret that essential oils have worked well in aromatherapy. The herbal composition of grapefruit is no exception. This ester is an excellent antidepressant. To cope with stress and depression, you need to take a bath. In a separate container, combine a mixture of grapefruit and bergamot essential oils (5 drops each), stir in 30 gr. honey. Dissolve the resulting mass in a bath of warm water. Enjoy the procedure for about a third of an hour.

To tone the body
If you want to quickly replenish the body with life-giving energy and vigor, you need to take a warm bath. Add a mixture made from 40 gr. To the water. sea ​​salt, 50 ml. homemade milk and essential oils of rosemary and grapefruit (5 drops of each oil).

For muscles
Taking a relaxing bath will help to put the muscles in order and relieve tension from them after physical exertion. Add 6 drops of grapefruit ether to a standard glass of milk, stir the ingredients until smooth, dissolve in water. Enjoy the procedure for no more than 20 minutes.

  1. Grapefruit oil is used only after a meal. It is forbidden to take a herbal product on an empty stomach and less than 1.5 hours before going out into the fresh air. This effect is due to the fact that the skin becomes more sensitive to the sun's rays (there may be burns).
  2. Keep in mind that it is strictly forbidden to use 1 drop of oil more than 3 times a day. Always take an herbal formula along with olive oil, acidified water, or honey.
  3. If you are worried about heartburn, grapefruit ether should be drunk with fermented milk products (natural yogurt, kefir).
  4. Consider individual intolerance to the product or the possibility of an allergic reaction of the body to grapefruit ether.

If you have not previously used grapefruit oil, you should treat the product with caution. Take a test. Apply a small amount of the composition to the skin, you should not experience prolonged redness, burning and itching. In the first minutes, such a phenomenon is considered the norm. If the symptoms persist, do not try to use the remedy.

Video: top 8 oils for problem skin

In the modern world, stress is a constant companion of every person. How to deal with it? Drinking handfuls of antidepressants, constantly consulting psychologists and feeling uncomfortable?

Grapefruit essential oil is a unique mood boosting agent! Moreover, its use will help you lose weight, as well as hair and skin problems.

An interesting fact is that no one knows where the birthplace of the grapefruit tree is. Some researchers believe that the first tree was found in Barbados, others in India. The only thing everyone agrees with is that his appearance is truly a generous gift from nature.

Why is grapefruit so useful?

This is an excellent antidepressant, thanks to which your mood will rise, its smell has a general tonic effect on the body, has antiseptic properties.

This is a godsend for those who cannot wake up in the morning for a long time. Thanks to its subtle aroma, you can increase your mental abilities, tune in to a calm and philosophical perception of the world around you.

Indications for using grapefruit essential oil and how to use it

Grapefruit oil is widely used in aromatherapy and is also added to various cosmetics. It contains a high concentration of vitamin C, due to which the metabolism in the body is normalized, immunity is strengthened, and mental fatigue magically disappears.

The main indications for the use of this essential oil:

1. Depression, emotional fatigue;

2. Systematic headaches;

3. Inflammation of the gallbladder and liver;

4. Excess weight;

5. Problem skin;

6. Hair loss;

7. Problems with the hormonal background of the body.

There are many ways to use grapefruit essential oil, but we will focus on the simplest and most affordable for everyone.


1. Aroma lamps. The use of aroma lamps allows you to create a unique atmosphere of comfort in the room, to emphasize the individuality of the owner. The scent of grapefruit will allow you to forget about the minor troubles of life, get rid of a bad mood. The volume that can be used for aromatizing a room is calculated from the proportion of 5-7 drops per 15 square meters;

2. Baths. In the process of taking a bath, beneficial substances enter the body through the respiratory tract and through the skin. Thus, a double therapeutic effect is achieved: inhalation stimulates (or calms) the nervous system, and substances that enter through the skin have a beneficial effect on the internal organs. To take a bath, you should add 4-5 drops of oil to the water, this will be very effective;

3. Scented medallions. If you really liked the delicate aroma of grapefruit oil and you wish not to part with it for a minute, the aroma medallion is exactly what you need. Thanks to it, you can enjoy your favorite scent all day without making any effort. The optimal amount is 3 drops;

4. Grapefruit essential oil is useful in some cases take orally... Attention! Never take it on an empty stomach, or you risk getting an ulcer.

Grapefruit for hair

This oil with a bitter aroma will give your curls freshness and shine, help to cope with excessive oily scalp, and eliminate hair loss. Even a simple enrichment of the shampoo will return the hair to a healthy look, provide the necessary hydration and nutrition.

How to use grapefruit oil for hair? Add 2-3 drops to 1 spoon of shampoo - and you get an excellent preventive remedy for hair loss and dandruff.

If your hair is dull, then you can use this recipe: 20 ml of shampoo, 3-4 drops of grapefruit and mint oils and 2 drops of lavender oil.

Shampoo for weakened hair: 40 ml shampoo, 8 drops of grapefruit oil, 5-6 drops of essential oils of mint and rosemary.

With continued use of oils, your hair will be strong and shiny. These fortified shampoos are especially beneficial for oily hair. Over time, the robot of the sebaceous glands will normalize, the volume of hair will increase and excessive contamination of the strands will decrease.

Grapefruit face

It can be used by adding 3-4 drops to creams or homemade face masks.

If you have pimples on your face, apply undiluted grapefruit oil to it. In this case, acne will dry out quickly enough and will not leave behind scars.

If you want to lighten the complexion a little - add 3-4 drops to one tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil and lubricate the skin with this mixture daily as a cream.

Grapefruit for weight loss

There are many ways to lose weight using grapefruit oil. First of all, you need to consult with your doctor and find out if you have any allergies. A contraindication for taking grapefruit oil inside is an increased acidity of the stomach.