Matte foundation. Foundation Maestro Fusion Makeup SPF15, Giorgio Armani. Long-lasting foundation Time Plus, Seventeen

In one cosmetic community, I encountered the fact that not everyone correctly understands the meaning of the word “matting”. Often they say “I need a cream that mattifies well” in the sense of “hiding imperfections well”. In fact, “mattifying foundation” means that such a cream 1) makes the skin look matte, that is, velvety and 2) controls the production of sebum so that this very matte effect lasts longer.

Let's take a look at the effects.

Matte skin looks powdered, practically does not reflect light, does not shine. Its surface is not smooth like silk, but soft like velvet.

Compare with satin skin, radiant, as if wet.

To achieve this velvety effect, certain ingredients are added to the mattifying foundation, powders that absorb sebum throughout the day. Due to these ingredients, such a foundation is most often thicker in consistency, more difficult to distribute over the skin, unlike a highlighting foundation. But this does not mean that it is always denser and always covers imperfections better. Matte tonal can have both a light degree of coverage and a dense one. And if the visual effect (matte skin, satin skin, natural) is usually indicated on the packaging, then only the brand specialist knows for sure the coating density (not to your taste and experience, but according to information from the manufacturer, how it was intended and how much pigment is mixed into the cream ). Mattifying tonal can emphasize dehydration of the skin, peeling, uneven relief due to its thick texture.

My swatch of two different tones. On the left is L "oreal Mat Magique (does not shine), on the right is MAC Mineralize Moisture Foundation (glitters and liquid)

Who needs it anyway? This cream is suitable for owners of really oily skin, smooth and dense. Sebum dissolves makeup, so a cream that can absorb oil will last longer. However, you need to understand that the duration will depend on each specific skin, on the atmosphere surrounding you (in a well-ventilated room, makeup lasts longer), and haze does not always last all day.

Oily skin is often dehydrated. Yes, at the same time: oily skin is a type, dehydration is a temporary condition. (And it's not exactly the same as combination skin.) In the case of dehydrated skin, it will be somewhat more difficult to apply and wear a matting tonal foundation, as it will “cling” to peeling, relief, and can emphasize all this. In this case, you can apply a moisturizing, illuminating base under the tonal. For oily skin, such a base should always be oil-free, that is, without oils, otherwise the skin will shine even faster. If nothing is said about oils on the packaging, take a look at the composition: you don’t have to be an expert to notice the word “oil”. (And treat dehydration! Moisturizing mask every night.)

Now the world is in pursuit of radiant skin, as such skin looks more even in texture and color, and therefore younger and fresher. Satin-effect foundations are easier to apply, blend better with the skin, and tend to moisturize. But it will not always be easy for owners of oily skin with such ones - they dissolve faster. If you really want, you can combine it with a matting makeup base and powder.

Matting tonal foundations are not always suitable for aging skin, as such skin becomes thin, wrinkles, relief appear on it, the skin loses moisture. Here it is just better to try shining textures. If your mother has been using powder all her life, then you can replace it with a highlighting powder (powders are also divided into matte and shining) or apply a highlighting makeup base under the usual powder.

In everyday life, matte and radiant textures are best combined in one make-up. Compare:

On the left, everything is matte: skin, lips and eyes, as a result, the effect is not the most natural, the image seems to be fabulous. On the right, matte skin, and on the eyes and lips the textures are shining, on the nose, the highlighter looks more natural.

Everything shiny at once in everyday life will also not look adequate, after all, the bow “I emerged from the pool” is relevant directly by the pool:

If you have oily skin and don't trust radiant textures, it's best to mattify your t-zone while leaving the rest of your face slightly radiant. (Just don’t shine with lard, the lard must, of course, be removed, otherwise the makeup will come off). It will be both practical and meet modern ideas about more or less natural makeup.

A slightly exaggerated example of a combination of textures on the skin. Remember that radiance in strategically important places can also be created with a powder product - a highlighter.

I hope it became a little clearer to someone. If you're confused, ask questions in the comments :)

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For any owner of oily skin, such a flaw is considered a real nightmare. But in this case, it is not necessary to be upset, because there are means that allow you to deal with such a problem. It can be noted that even oily skin has a number of advantages. For example, girls with oily facial skin can reassure themselves that it will look young for a long time, and remain firm and elastic to the touch.

Due to the excess subcutaneous fat that representatives of this type of skin have, it does not dry out, which contributes to the fact that early wrinkles do not appear. And to eliminate the shine of the skin, there are many different means, for example, a matting foundation. With it, you can easily mask oily skin and make it look natural and attractive.

Most women are convinced that oily skin is a vice and try to fight it with all sorts of options, sometimes even unpredictable ones. It is believed that products containing alcohol help to get rid of oily sheen. In a sense, there is some truth in this.

You can regularly “torment” your skin with alcohol, mask it with a ton of powder, or you can find an easier solution and just go to a specialized cosmetics store and buy a matting foundation. This solution will kill two birds with one stone and get rid of a huge number of problems associated with oily skin.

It is remarkable that today the market of cosmetics is overcrowded and its assortment is replenished daily with a variety of new products that help to overcome a wide variety of skin problems in a short time, and painlessly. In addition, there are many products that help eliminate problems not only with oily skin, but also with its other types.

Mattifying foundation appeared on the market relatively recently, which is why today it is not so popular among the fair sex, but, nevertheless, this does not mean that you do not need to try this wonderful and effective product, which will become a "lifeline" for women with oily skin.

The only drawback is that girls with dry skin will have to give up this amazing remedy. The fact is that on such skin it will look unnatural. And the lack of nutritious fatty elements that are not included in its composition can emphasize all the flaws that are on the face (including fine wrinkles). This happens for the reason that there are practically no oils in such a foundation (and if there is, then in minimal doses).

Benefits of a matte toner

First of all, you need to understand that a matting foundation, on its own, without the use of any auxiliary means, will not be able to make a woman look fragrant, and the skin on her face without flaws. But there are also positive aspects: with its help, you can even out the complexion, make it fresh, smooth and velvety, like a “blank slate”, on which you can draw whatever your heart desires.

On top of the "tonalnik" you can easily apply your favorite cosmetics. For example, you can use self-tanner, blush or concealer - this will help make the skin blooming and fresh. But it is important to remember that you should not apply too much product, as this can ruin the image of a woman.

Such a foundation does not begin to act quickly, because its properties appear gradually. That is, the effect will be immediately noticeable, but all the properties of the "tonal" will appear over a certain period of time. This does not mean that the skin will look "unhealthy" throughout the day, but, on the contrary, the cream will absorb oil from it, which will make it velvety, soft and smooth.

This cream is made on a matte basis, which allows you to easily apply it to the skin, smear and shade. It leaves no stains or marks. This saves a woman from worrying about her appearance.

The matting “tonal” stays on the skin for a very long time, while similar products completely lose their appearance.

Properties matting "tonalnik"

With the help of a matting foundation, you can create not only a high-quality, but also an ideal make-up base, so you can not worry about your appearance throughout the day.

This cream can be used constantly, because it has no temperature restrictions.

It has one drawback: it is very difficult to wash it off. Trying to wash off such a cream with a tonic or lotion is useless. In this case, it is best to use products that include oils or silicone.

Choosing a matte foundation

When choosing such a cream, you must first of all take into account what type of skin you have. It is perfect for those with oily skin. You don’t even need to think about it - pay immediately at the checkout! The only thing that is not recommended is to apply foundation on makeup, as this will not give any effect.

With mixed and normal skin, in addition to the “tonal”, you need to buy an additional moisturizer. This tool must be applied under the foundation. If there is no effect, then it is better to refuse such a “tonal”.

How to apply

As a rule, correctors and concealers have convenient applicators or they are produced in the form of a pencil, which makes them easy to use: make a light stroke in the problem area and blend. But, regarding the matting foundation, it is best to apply it with your fingertips. It is not recommended to use a sponge, as it can make a dense coating, which will spoil the whole effect. You don't need to put on a lot of foundation. And in no case should you rub the foundation into the “danger zones” - the chin, cheekbones, forehead.

Do not forget that before applying foundation you need to completely get rid of makeup. Many women complain that foundation clogs pores. But this can be avoided if you wash them thoroughly before going to bed. As for the matting foundation, we already know that it will not be possible to wash it off with the help of a gel, foam or lotion. But only with a product that contains oils or silicone. But cosmetics can be washed off with a special tool designed to remove cosmetics.

With these tips, every girl can easily pick up a matting foundation and a means to wash it off at night. Our recommendations will also help those who previously did not know how to properly apply a matting “tonal”.

Now, without hesitation, you can go to a specialized store and purchase a high-quality foundation. After all, now all its advantages and components are known, which will allow you not to make a mistake with the choice.

The main thing to remember is that not all types of facial skin are suitable for matting cream. It is recommended to give preference to girls with oily, normal and mixed skin. But representatives with dry skin should refuse such a remedy.

Good luck with the acquisition and use of such a miracle cure, which allows you to get rid of many shortcomings.

1 year ago

Foundation All Matt Plus, Catrice

Although I test many luxury products as a beauty editor, this budget cream has been my faithful companion for 5 years. I have a complex skin tone, so neither pinkish nor yellowish products suit me. I always use the Catrice Light Beige foundation: it has a neutral undertone, plus it's really light. It's not a super matte cream - it has a natural finish, especially when applied over a moisturizer with a beauty blender. True, it seems to me that All Matt Plus is not suitable for masking serious flaws, but it turns non-problem skin into porcelain!

Foundation Lasting Performance, Max Factor

The foundation in a convenient compact package from Max Factor is perfect for owners of oily and combination skin: it has a record durability, plus a matte effect lasts all day! Despite the dense texture, the product is perfectly applied with fingers, brush and sponge. Remember, the layer must be thin, otherwise the mask effect cannot be avoided.

Resistant matting foundation Infaillible, L'Oreal Paris

As the owner of dry (and in summer combined) skin, I will say that this is just a “reinforced concrete” foundation. It leaves no chance for redness and imperfections, and is perfect for oily and problem skin. The tool honestly mattes all day, does not flow and stays in place even without powdering. If you have dry or normal skin, but you want a reliable matte finish (say, for filming), then I recommend using my personal beauty hack. My L'Oreal Paris tone was too light, so I mixed it with a dark shade of moisturizing foundation - both the color is right and the skin is comfortable. You can dilute the matting cream with any moisturizer or simply apply makeup on a nourishing cream - you get a matte, but natural coverage without a mask effect.

BB creamDream Fresh, Maybelline

This BB cream is my personal favorite! Thanks to the light texture, the tone lays down in an imperceptible layer, which, oddly enough, stays on the skin all day. The tool does not forget the pores, does not roll down and does not leave spots on the skin even in the evening, and also gives a fashionable “wet” gym skin effect, so even a highlighter is not needed with it. In addition, the BB cream has an SPF 30 protection factor - relevant in the warm season.

Cream Petit BB Aqua, Holika Holika

For fans of Korean care, I recommend BB cream from Holika Holika. The product with a creamy texture and a neutral undertone is suitable even for snow-whites: it really adapts to the skin tone, you just need to let the product “sit down”. Thanks to the extracts of green tea, chrysanthemum, lotus, lavender, rose and hyaluronic acid in the composition, the cream moisturizes, tones and even fights spot inflammation, treating them by the end of the day. Despite its lightness, the cream masks flaws with a bang, creating a Photoshop effect. Another advantage is a fairly high degree of protection SPF-25.

Long-lasting foundation Time Plus, Seventeen

Although the foundation from the Greek brand Seventeen has a liquid oily texture, it is absolutely comfortable on the skin, does not clog pores, does not flow and does not go “bald spots” until the evening. Time Plus cream has a natural satin finish, so those with oily skin will need to use mattifying wipes or powder during the day. The tone perfectly hides redness, bruises and other minor imperfections, so it may well replace the cosilier.

Sustainable Foundation Ton Conscance, Vivienne Sabo

In the assortment of a budget domestic brand with a French flavor, there are many noteworthy funds. For example, the Ton Constance foundation with a pleasant floral aroma lays down in a thin, imperceptible layer, but perfectly masks redness and visible vessels. The tool "keeps" on the skin for up to 10 hours, and does not shine even on the T-zone. And the best part: Ton Constance not only does not emphasize flaking on dry skin, but also visually smoothes them. I would like to separately praise the convenient dispenser, which gives out the right amount of cream and does not “spit”.

Foundation Healthy Mix Serum Gel, Bourjois

Bourjois foundation cream-gel promises not only light but long-lasting coverage, but also care: it contains a tonic and even tone “cocktail” of lychee, goji berries and pomegranate. Natural antioxidants protect the skin from aggressive environmental influences - important for city dwellers! The product with a natural satin finish will be loved by the owners of small age spots and freckles, but, alas, it will not hide serious inflammation.

Tone creamMatch perfection, Rimmel

Rimmel's Match Perfection Lightweight Foundation creates a second-skin effect with subtle radiance - no greasy sheen, just an inner glow. The product has an average durability - you will have to powder during the day. It's nice that the line has a really light shade for snow whites. The cream not only does not dry the skin, but also moisturizes, so if you apply the product on clean skin without a moisturizer or base, there will be no feeling of tightness and noticeable peeling.

Tonal fluid "Lightness and breath"Pure light, Yves Rocher

According to the promises of the manufacturer, the Pure Light foundation guarantees the effect of a “second skin”. The foundation does the job perfectly: it gives a very light coverage suitable for “make-up without makeup”. The product has a natural matte finish that does not fade until the evening. The fluid is ideal for evening out the tone and the warm season, but it will not hide serious flaws (for example, the product does not cope with freckles).

Text: Maria Stefanova

Similar materials from the rubric

A cream that will give odds to many care products: it contains Persian acacia, chlorella extract and red grapes, which increase cellular metabolism. Peptide soy extract stimulates collagen, white willow extract and vitamin E protect and moisturize the skin. Despite the fact that this is a full-fledged foundation, it is almost not felt on the skin and does not create an excessively dense coating.

The price is about 9000 rubles.

Dreamskin Perfect Skin Cushion, Dior

Luxurious care for youthful skin and a perfect complexion. Upon application, it is instantly absorbed into the skin, making its surface smooth, hiding redness, oily sheen and pores. Throughout the day, Dreamskin Perfect Skin Cushion benefits skin to reduce enlarged pores, reduce redness and protect skin. The skin looks fresh, matte and radiant, and its tone remains flawless. The record-breaking SPF 50 PA+++ guarantees complete protection against solar radiation.


The price is about 5000 rubles.

Skin Foundation Stick, Bobbi Brown

The foundation is based on a multi-layer pigment base that allows you to achieve the perfect combination with your own skin tone. The light creamy texture of the new product is quickly absorbed, provides flawless coverage, helps to reduce the appearance of pores and effortlessly hide skin imperfections. The tool adapts to the needs of the skin, based on which it either controls the production of sebaceous glands, or moisturizes too dry skin of the face. The foundation is resistant to moisture, provides a natural even coverage and lasts for 8 hours.

The price is about 3000 rubles.

Les Beiges Teint Belle Mine Naturelle, Chanel

The lightest foundation that gives the skin a natural glow and protects against the aggressive effects of external factors. Suitable for any skin type. Kalanchoe extract in combination with UV filters protects the skin from aggressive external factors. Mineral pigments "Healthy Glow Booster" instantly give your skin a natural glow, make the complexion uniform and emphasize its beauty. Kalanchoe extract, a herbal active ingredient, strengthens and protects the skin from aggressive external factors.

The price is about 3800 rubles.

Super-Moisture Make Up, Clinique

A long-lasting foundation that instantly gives the skin a healthy glow while moisturizing it. This extraordinarily light formula has translucent to medium coverage and looks fresh and natural on the skin. The skin receives the same amount of moisture that a moisturizer gives it!

The price is about 1500 rubles.

Skin Caviar Concealer Foundation SPF15 La Prairie

Half luxurious foundation, half professional concealer, this luxurious lightweight formula, enriched with peptides for increased firmness and elasticity, helps skin look natural and flawless, and stay hydrated all day long. Perfectly matched professional corrector in the cap of the bottle masks dark circles under the eyes and skin imperfections. Both formulas provide fortification with legendary caviar extract and help protect skin from aging factors.

The price is about 15,000 rubles.

Face&Body Foundation, MAC

A liquid foundation for face and body that provides light to medium coverage and gives your skin a flawless satin sheen. Long lasting, does not create the effect of a mask, waterproof, does not stain clothes!

The price is about 2300 rubles.

Camera Ready CC Cream, Smashbox

Especially for photography! Joke. This excellent tonal product makes the skin even and smooth, gives a healthy glow and protects from ultraviolet radiation, blends perfectly and remains invisible even in the evening.

The price is about 2000 rubles.

Double Wear All Day Glow, Estee Lauder

A luxurious treatment that hydrates the skin and prevents premature aging, effectively protecting against wind, frost or dryness thanks to its sunscreen and moisturizing ingredients.

The price is about 3600 rubles.

Lingerie de Peau, Guerlain

Discovered by the House of Guerlain, Bio-Fusion micro-mesh works in perfect harmony with the skin, smoothing and shaping the contours of the face, providing natural coverage. Fits perfectly, does not clog pores and looks completely natural!

The price is about 3500 rubles.

We write a lot about how to choose the right foundation, how to choose the best one or summer, what is the best way to apply it so that it blends with the skin as much as possible, we regularly give selections of the best foundation for different skin types. And not in vain. After all, foundation is our second skin. It helps to hide skin imperfections, evens out the relief and refreshes the complexion, and becomes the basis for the perfect day or evening make-up. Saving on this category of decorative cosmetics is bad manners. Many girls think so. But today we will destroy this myth! There are excellent tonal products for quite reasonable money, which do their job for five plus and have long become favorites of famous Ukrainian beauty bloggers.

CC Nude Magique Anti-redness L'Oreal Paris, Healthy Mix Bourjois, Lumene CC Cream

Healthy Mix by Bourjois, ColorStay by Revlon, Time Plus Long Lasting makeup Fond de Teint SPF 15 by Seventeen, Oil Free Foundation by Make Up Factory, CC cream by Lumene, CC Nude Magique Anti-redness L'Oreal Paris - these budget foundations funds have become favorites of girls, whose daily work is directly related to testing a huge amount of cosmetics. They can certainly be trusted!

The material was created on the basis of a selection painstakingly collected by beauty blogger Inna Dubrovina, author of the skin loves me blog. Read and follow Inna on social networks!

  • What is good: it has a dense texture, but at the same time it easily lays down and spreads on the skin. It does not create a mask on the face, but at the same time, it perfectly masks all defects in the form of enlarged pores and redness. Bloggers appreciate it for its durability in any weather and matting properties, for flawless coverage and hydration that it gives to the skin.
  • Choice: Dashi Voice, Dasha Voice of Beauty and Iruldina Atayeva,
  • Price: 233 UAH

  • Why it's good: A long-lasting foundation for combination to oily skin that stays on the skin well throughout the day, has plasticity and a decent even coverage. I like the variety of shades in the palette and the matte effect.
  • Choice: Marina Teplova,
  • Price: 348 UAH

  • What is good: it has a liquid and satin texture, it is easily and evenly applied and covers the skin, hides minor imperfections in the form of redness and uneven color, relief. The most important plus of tonal is that it does not emphasize dryness and flaking on the skin. It magically evens out all the unevenness of the skin, rewarding makeup with a light, dewy finish. Gives medium hold throughout the day.
  • Price: 220 UAH
  • Choice: Alena Vishnyakova,

  • What is good: its magical ability to even out skin tone, hide redness and other defects, but at the same time remain completely invisible on the face. It creates a natural make-up without the effect of a mask - this has long been one of the main global beauty trends. The main plus - skillfully neutralizes redness on the skin.
  • Choice: Elena Sagun, beauty editor of Harper's Bazaar, co-author of the blog.
  • Price: 450 UAH