Wrinkles on the forehead. Mimic wrinkles: what they can tell about you. Diseases associated with wrinkles on the bottom of the forehead

→ wrinkles

Some people achieve maturity by 20 years, others to thirty years. As physiognomists believe, it depends on the fate of a person. Typically, intellectual maturity develops as experience gained. What with a large number of problems we face, the more we are forced to develop and use our abilities to solve them. In the course of this, marks and lines appear on the face, well-known facial readers as wrinkles.
In physiognomy, it is believed that the lines between the forehead and chin reflect the fate of a person. Some lines can be clearly expressed, others are only slightly.
People who have a heavier life, usually have deeper wrinkles. But this is still not a clear rule, since many young people prematurely acquire deep wrinkles. When studying a person, analyzing these phenomena can discover a lot relative to the nature and fate of a person.
Of course, there are a large number of different lines on each part of the face. We will explore here only the main ones. For example, through the forehead usually passes from one to six lines.
Incorrect lines - thin, short, wavy and scattered on the forehead - characterize insufficient concentration, poor health and helpless life. Such people have a tendency to evil acts. They sang even such a person rises to a high position, all his different mind will be noted suspicion. If these lines are very deep, it may indicate a premature death.
Incorrect lines, but rough and more distinctly expressed and also scattered on the forehead , indicate the collapse of plans, sullenness and inability to complete the target targets. Such people also suffer from domestic troubles.
One-only horizontal line passing through the middle of the forehead - a sign of excellent and noble life. Such a person seems to be successful in all its endeavors, and especially in young age. However, if the line is located in a slop close to the eyebrows, i.e. "Too low," it may indicate an early misfortune in life.
Two or three lines crossing forehead are considered a good sign. The forehead with two. Rini is very often in successful and resourceful people. The forehead with three lines indicates a high degree of artistry, and literary talent.
If three lines on the forehead intersect in the middle of a short perpendicular line This is a sign of nobility, especially favorable fate, long life and high position related to power.
Three long lines without breaks, going through the forehead, forming a big arc , indicate a person great popularity. Such a person enjoys great respect and has a wide range of friends. People of this type live a relatively calm life, without any adversity.
Lines of unusual outlines crossing forehead , Indicates that man is early engaged in an outstanding position. However, if other features of the face are weak, it means life, complete deprivation.
Rare line in the form of rhombus Indicate for a long life and loud fame. This is often found among writers, artists, musicians and other creative personalities.
In position 28, between eyebrows, there are often two short wrinkles or lines, each of which is slightly twisted and parallel to one another. These lines indicate a great success in the government or in industry. Such a person is probably a thinker, organizer or administrator. If other features of the person find themselves incompatible with such forecasts, anyway, such a person has abilities and he will be able to make a brilliant career.
However, if these two lines are messy or twisted This may foresee a personal danger in the late years.
Similarly, if there are three vertical lines in position 28 This indicates that a person can rise to a prominent position in life early.
But if three vertical lines are incorrect This means the problems of the psyche and, possibly, criminal inclinations.
Sometimes these three vertical lines are placed under the eyes. . This means that the person will have an unhappy marriage, which will end in a divorce or death.
Single, deep, vertical line in the center of this site, as if a partitioning face into two equal parts - Bad omen. Among Chinese physiognomists, she got the name "harsh needle." This line puts a constant threat in the form of personal danger or anxious marital relationship. If the rainbow shells of such a person are poorly agreed or tended to form "overturned crescents" at the bottom of the region of the Ael-ka, and if the chin on the look is cleaving, then the human life will be short. "Hanging needle" is often found among those with a high position in the government or industry. However, they usually have compensating features, such as perfect eyebrows, eyes and nose. Without compensating, the person will be in constant personal danger.
Wrinkles, departing from the outer angle of the eye in the form of the so-called "fish tail", and reaching the temple, mean a tricky character and a deft businessman. Such a person has serious complications with a marriage partner, and his marriage is not long. Lines in the form of a "fish tail" point to dressiness and frequent cases with the opposite sex,
If the "fishe tail" is noticeable by 20 years, or, if two or three lines bend upwards This indicates that a person will come into marriage more than once, perhaps even three times.
Small red lines around the age Point to impending misfortune. Since these lines are often in a large number under the corners of the eyes or near the nose, then they should be carefully considered in terms of color. The red tint indicates a danger.
In a woman in a childbearing age, short wrinkles at the top and bottom lips predicts the birth of a son. In senior women, such lines do not have much importance.
Two horizontal lines crossing grooves , a sign of a low public situation, life with prosults in the Middle Ages, and poverty in old age.
Wavy lines under the tapered chin , indicate misfortune from water, perhaps on the sea. The deep red lines speak about the same.

Still, no wonder there is physiognomy. Knowledge accumulated over long time by the wise men and healers often turn out to be interesting and surprisingly accurate.

Have you ever thought that mimic wrinkles about you? After all, the drawing on the face of different people is different. One person has from school age on the forehead "Borozda", another funny "goose paws". And someone has an unusual stamped wrinkle at the bridges. What does all this mean?

It is believed that lines on the face can also tell about human health, and about the character. According to one of the versions, engaged in an external appearance - with the help of cosmetic procedures or ordinary face gymnastics - and reducing the manifestations of wrinkles, health can be improved, that is, to determine the cause.

But this is just one of the points of view, which can be taken to note, but not too discovering it.

So, what can the Mimic Mimic Wrinkles tell us?

Mimic wrinkles on the forehead

  • Longitudinal wrinkles in this part of the face usually suggest that the person is self-sufficient and smart.
  • Small intermittent horizontal wrinkles say that a person does not know how to bring the matter to the end. In addition, it may be a consequence of love for gossip.
  • Vertical stripes are usually at open and good people.
  • Transverse Mimic Wrinkles may also arise from those who are tormented by migraine.
  • The longitudinal lines between the eyebrows say that you are a man shy and uncertain.
  • Vertical wrinkles on the nose demonstrate a smart and purposeful person, with analytical thinking. It is also notice of intelligence.
  • But for the owners of the low forehead, the vertical wrinkle on the nose talks about the concerns of unsolvable problems.
  • The "curve" forms of wrinkle on the nose usually give an unbalanced jealous.
  • The bridge lines may also signal about malfunctions in the bladder and kidneys.
  • The lines up from the external corners of the eyebrows speak of human unreliability.
  • Corner wrinkles over eyebrows whisper about an alarming state.
  • But small horizontal wrinkles over the external edge of the eyebrows declare honesty and devotion.

What will the eyes tell

  • "Goose paws" indicate care and good memory.
  • If "goose paws" are directed up, then their owner is a cheerful man. If down - suspicious, nervous, pessimistic.
  • Cercular wrinkles around the eyes talk about anxious and sometimes aggressive character.
  • "Goose paws" can also be a signal to what is worth paying attention to the gallbladder and stomach. And can become the result of frequent squinting of mygous people.
  • Little facial wrinkles under the eyes or eyebrows show the habit of surprising.
  • The grid of wrinkles under the eyes can suggest a lack of vitamins or insomnia.
  • For those who are attentive to small details, there are often circular lines around the eyes.
  • Folds on the upper eyelids can mean heart problems.

We look at the mouth

  • Raised up wrinkles near the corners of the lips have a man with a lung and joyful look at life. Updated down the line talk about negative emotions towards themselves and others.
  • Mimic wrinkles around the mouth usually have lonely, closed people who are also indecisive.
  • Nasolabial folds are most strongly expressed in people, many suffering in life, disappointed.
  • Wrinkles at the very bottom of the face, below the lips talk about long-term physical and mental flour.
  • Vertical wrinkles above the upper lip can show hormonal and gynecological problems, as well as intestinal diseases.

But the condition to which many seek, without wrinkles, with age can mean tacity, passivity, indifference. So, maybe it is worth thinking, but is so much fear of mimic wrinkles. After all, they are the external signs of your inner world.

Lovers of searching for hidden essence can be wondering what means wrinkles between eyebrows. Almost every once faces their appearance. In the peculiarities of the drawing of these lines on the face lies a lot of information. If you believe the decryption of wrinkle values, they may tell about the characteristics of the character, the tendencies to certain diseases.

Health - which means wrinkles between eyebrows

Some face wrinkle at a fairly early age. There is a lot of reasons for this: excess of staying in the sun, health, physical and mental load, stress, surgical operations, genetics. Active fairytale largely contributes to their appearance.

There are medical techniques that allow diagnosing diseases based on the picture of the wrinkle. The vertical folds on the nose are characteristic of people often suffering from pain, especially from migraine. Therefore, it is almost confident that you can say that you mean wrinkles between eyebrows in very young people. This is a sign of problems with vessels, injuries of the head or other clinical problems associated with pain.

A large vertically located in the middle of the forehead is a look - reason to examine the stomach. The presence of a deep vertical groove between the eyebrows says that the body is experiencing a lack of oxygen, and it is necessary to walk more in the air. Such a line can be shifted. If she is closer to the right eyebrows - a person is likely a gallbladder or liver failure. If close to the left eyebrows is a problem with a spleen.

Personality - What I mean wrinkles between eyebrows

It is interesting to understand a lot about a person, just considering it. Multibloral folds will help to figure out the features of character. For example, someone is noticeable one, explicitly outlined wrinkle directed from the middle of the forehead to the nose. So, a person extremely seriously perceives life. It will not be easy in communication, because the tendency to analyze itself and others makes the personality of critical or cynical. If such an interlocutor sees offense in your words or actions, the quarrel is inevitable. And the reconciliation is hardly possible. The insult can be fetched, you will have to follow my speech in conversation.

If there is a couple of short, slightly twisted wrinkles between the eyebrows, they indicate success in matters, tend to think, organize, administer. When the same two lines are twisted, some dangers with age can be foreshadowed. If smooth vertical lines in this area are three, they can talk about the early achievement of the prominent position. And uneven triple folds can issue criminal inclinations or problems in the mental sphere.

Even hundreds of years ago, philosophers said that the face is the reflection of the essence of a person, his thoughts and acts. To date, the science of physiognomy appeared, which is studied by all features of the person. It is difficult to imagine that specially trained people can learn about your life almost everything, only once at the shape of eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips, and even wrinkles will reveal all the secrets of your life.

What do wrinkles on the forehead mean?

Based on the physiognomy, you can understand what wrinkles on the forehead mean. For example, there are cases when a person, in essence, is still young, but already has the first wrinkles. It is believed that if wrinkles appear at an early age, the life of this person is not easy. If the wrinkles are deep, this is an indication that this person had to pass very difficult tests at a fairly early age.

Of course, on a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe face, the characteristic of wrinkles is different, but in this article we will tell you about the designation of wrinkles on the forehead.

Foreign person

Horizontal 2-3 lines are considered a good sign. If there are two wrinkles, it means that a person is traveled and succeeded in life. And if the forehead adorn three wrinkles, this means that a person has an artistic talent and easily demonstrates it if necessary.

Successful special

Successful Officers Very often between their eyebrows have two small parallel wrinkles. Such lines show that a person can be successful in the sphere of culture, industry and the government direction.


Popular personalities have three long lines that are not interrupted. Such people love to have a big circle of friends, are popular and have great fame.

Heavy share

One deep wrinkle that is located in the heart of the forehead warns of unsuccessful or complex relationships in personal life. However, not everything is lost for those who have beautiful eyes, nose or eyebrows, but only specialists will figure out all these nuances.

Very often such a line can be seen from high-ranking officials, successful actors, this line also reveals a high intellectual level of human development.

Fingerprint Manyaka

Even the maniac can be calculated, looking at wrinkles, so be careful, getting acquainted with new people. If a person has three smooth lines between the eyebrows, it will quickly rise through the career ladder. Danger is hidden in people who have three curves of vertical lines, they indicate mental deviations and a tendency to commit crimes.

Owner man

A person who over time can achieve great power, has three lines on the forehead in a horizontal position intersecting with short perpendicular wrinkles. This promises a person a high position, a position in society and a happy life.

Happy man

A noble person who conducts a measured life has one single wrinkle passing through the entire forehead in the center. Such a person will come to success in all its endeavors, but if the line is placed closer to the eyebrows, some of the age are possible some troubles.


The lines taking an unusual form say that a person will reach the intended target early.


Such lines are very rare, they are inherent in creative parts and have a form of diamond.

Creation of metoposcopy (from Greek. "Metopon", which means "forehead") is usually attributed to the Italian Jeronimo, or Jerolamo Cardano (1501-1576), known as Jerome Kardan. To conclude that the character of a person can be read on the lines of his forehead, he used knowledge on astrology in combination with observations over several hundreds of persons.

Cardana physiognomy in pictures

Cardan was a famous doctor, physicist, mathematician and astrologer; Among his numerous achievements were the first clinical description of the rapid title and the first systematic work on probabilistic mathematics.

In 1570, he lost the right to publish labor, because it was imprisoned on charges of heresy. The end of his life can be considered the execution of his own prophecy: they say that he brought himself to death to depletion to prove the truth of his horoscope.

Cardano theory about reading the character of a person on the lines of forehead

Jerome Cardan (a) illustrated his Book on Metoscopy with almost 800 engravings, giving interpretations of various lines combinations. Character of man on the lines of forehead:

1. Peaceful and successful person.

2. Visigar, cruel man.

3. Exalted, religious nature.

4. The violent death is predetermined to this person.

5. The weakweight, weakly accuracy type.

6. Successful warrior.

7. Remover.

8. He is written in his head.

We read the character of a person on the lines of forehead

Divide the forehead with the help of seven equivalent parallel lines: the distance between the lines varies depending on the height of the forehead. These lines will allow you to establish the effect of planets and interpret it.

Planetary lines of forehead - communication with character

1. Saturn line. If it is straight and well-fired - caution, intelligence, susceptibility, insight.

2. Line of Jupiter. If direct and distinct - honesty, generosity, success; If it is longer than the Saturn line, is wealth.

3. Line Mars. If deep - courage, ambitions, stamina; If brooded - passion for disputes, indulgence with its weaknesses.

4. Line of the sun. If direct and well-defined-ambitions, earthly success; If brooded - egoism, greed; curved - malice, ill-witness; Crossed another line - honesty, nobility, wealth.

5. Line Venus. If distinct - happiness in love: if brooded is a series of novels.

6. Mercury line. If curved up - luck; If sidier is divided - humor, eloquence.

7. Line of the Moon. If clear - travel, imagination, intuition; If broken - temperament; If you crossed another line - good luck in wartime.

What does the shape of the lines on the forehead

Wavy line - travel by sea. If the book is lowered at both ends - travels on the ground: if it turns up at both ends - traveling through the air.

A straight line, curved at one end - weak health.

Slightly inclined line - happiness.

One horizontal line - success in wars.

One diagonal line - adventure.

Two horizontal lines at a considerable distance from each other - happiness, luck.

Three horizontal lines located at the top of the forehead - softness, peacefulness, financial instability.

Three horizontal lines located at the bottom of the forehead - aggressiveness.

Three horizontal lines at a considerable distance from each other - intelligence, kindness, religiosity.

Three horizontal lines, cut vertical line - longevity.

The line, close to the scalp, if completed - intelligence, if broken - irritability.

Line above the left eyebrus - imagination. Line over the right eyebrow - ambitions. If long - success; If brooded - selfishness.

Vertical lines between eyebrows. One line is a dedication; Two lines - variability; Three lines - practicality, sense of duty; Four lines are an active, wide range of activities.