Male gaze: eye creams. Features of the male anti-wrinkle cream

For many people, the use of anti-wrinkle cream is associated with the fair sex. Indeed, it is difficult to meet a woman who could just put up with age-related skin changes. But, nevertheless, anti-wrinkle cream for men is becoming an increasingly popular cosmetic product, since the stronger half also wants to look young and have beautiful, smooth skin.


It's no secret that men's skin is significantly different from women's. The main differences are the coarser cover and the secretion of more sebum. In addition, men constantly expose their skin to the negative effects of razors, sunlight, due to which various irritations occur. Men's skin is considered more problematic than women's, and therefore requires increased attention. It follows from this that wrinkle creams for men should be special.

The main features of men's cosmetics are:

  • The presence of various minerals in the composition of the anti-aging product which have a beneficial effect on rough skin.
  • Lightweight, non-greasy structure of the anti-wrinkle cream that allows you to easily apply the product and does not leave an oily sheen.
  • The presence of active substances, which increase the effectiveness of cosmetics and allow you to achieve the desired result in a shorter time.
  • Pleasant aroma, which should quickly erode.

Unlike women, men neglect creams until the wrinkles are very noticeable and urgent measures must be taken to eliminate them. That is why the most effective active ingredients are included in the anti-aging skin cream, allowing you to fight deep imperfections.

After 30 years

30 years is about the age when the first wrinkles become visible on a man's face. As a rule, age-related changes at this stage are not very noticeable and not too deep, so the cream can easily cope with them. The main component of anti-aging cosmetics for 30 years is hyaluronic acid. In combination with vitamins and plant extracts, it easily copes with the first signs of aging, makes the skin smooth, firm and improves the complexion.

Many cosmetic products are rich in bioactive substances that make the skin firm and taut, giving it a wonderful healthy look.

Over 40

The main quality of creams for men over 40 years old is to improve microcirculation in skin cells.... Thanks to this process, tone and elasticity increase, the face becomes more toned, and fine wrinkles are hidden. In addition, an important feature of cosmetics for this age group is its participation in the production of collagen and elastin - important components of any skin type at any age.

When using a cream with such a composition, a slight tingling occurs, which helps well to increase skin tone.


Unfortunately, many representatives of the strong half start using anti-aging cosmetics only when the problem becomes most pronounced. But even in the most advanced cases, anti-stress creams can help fight unpleasant changes on the face. At this age stage, the skin needs not only to increase its elasticity and saturation with vitamins. The main component of many products is vitamin E, which enhances the effect of active components, saturates the upper layers of the skin with moisture and softens it well.


For face

Creams for men for the face are now not a rare product. Most of the well-known cosmetic companies do not forget about the strong half and pay special attention to the creation of cosmetics. More often than not, men's creams are versatile and can be used to prevent wrinkles and dryness. In addition, some products are good for fighting irritation and redness caused by shaving.

Unlike women's cosmetics, which are divided into night and day facials, men's cosmetics are a 2-in-1 product, as it is unlikely that a man wants to pay so much attention to his skin.

For the skin around the eyes

Regardless of gender and age, the skin around the eyes is considered the thinnest and most sensitive., and most often it is in this area that the first wrinkles appear. Men's creams can be versatile, but they are much more expensive. All the same, most face creams are forbidden to be applied to the area around the eyes. Representatives of the stronger half can start skin care with a cream for the area around the eyes, thereby relieving the face of mimic wrinkles and dark circles. Instead, sensitive skin will take on a well-groomed, toned look.

From deep wrinkles

The frontal area on a man's face is the main facial area., therefore, wrinkles in this area appear early and are the deepest. The effectiveness of the cream against deep wrinkles on the forehead largely depends on the regularity of the use of the product and the active substances in its composition. In any case, if you have set a goal for yourself - by all means reduce the number of wrinkles on the forehead, you need to approach cosmetic procedures with all responsibility.

For the best effect of the cream, treat the skin with a deep scrub and peeling. So the active ingredients of the anti-wrinkle cream will penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and help wrinkles to become less noticeable faster.

How to choose

The choice of a male cream should be based on knowledge of the type of skin. As already mentioned, male skin is more problematic, so not every cosmetic product is suitable for one type or another. Cosmetologists take this fact into account and try to create products for all types of skin.

In addition to the type of skin, when choosing anti-aging products, it is necessary to take into account the age of the man, on which the presence of certain components in the product will depend.


The composition of creams for men may differ depending on the age category for which they are suitable. Hyaluronic acid is found in most products, only its amount can vary. Each cosmetic company strives to surprise and delight its customers with a unique composition that effectively fights wrinkles. Essential oils and vitamins enhance the effect of the cream, so their presence is mandatory.

Rating of the best manufacturers


Swedish company Oriflame boasts a wide variety of men's skin care products. Anti-aging products are market leading and proven to be effective. The company is constantly updating its assortment and improving the existing products. Reasonable price and decent quality make anti-wrinkle products for men especially popular.

The beauty and youthfulness of the skin has always been the main focus of a woman's care for herself. But those who believe that mainly women pay attention to their appearance are very mistaken on this score. Men, like women, do not want to age ahead of time and are hostile to the first external signs of aging - wrinkles, which often appear by the age of 30. Therefore, the anti-wrinkle cream for men is in demand and success among the male half of the population, even despite the far from low price of this product. And this has its own logic, because what can be dearer than youthful skin associated with beauty and health ?!

Indications for the use of anti-wrinkle cream for men

Everyone understands that it is pointless to argue with the fact that both female and male skin are equally susceptible to aging. This is a physiological process from which we cannot hide, we cannot hide. And yet, it can be slowed down by using special means of wrinkles and sagging skin, which help the body to rejuvenate the cells of the epidermis, saturate them with strength and beauty, taking into account the characteristics of the skin of different genders.

Nevertheless, many believe that anti-wrinkle cream for men is a kind of PR stunt, and the stronger sex can successfully use women's creams with the same effect. This opinion is wrong. In principle, you can use skin care products designed for women, but you should not expect the desired result from their use.

And the fact is that men's skin, whether we like it or not, is still different from women's. It is much denser than a woman's, which makes it difficult for the nutrients of the cream to pass into the deeper layers of the skin. That is why the structure of a cream for men should be different from that of a woman's cream. Due to their light consistency and delicate structure, men's creams are absorbed faster and have greater penetrating power.

Daily shaving - a privilege of men - also leaves its negative mark on men's skin, removing the protective layer, increasing the skin's susceptibility to damage and negative environmental influences. This means that men's face cosmetics should be saturated with antiseptic, wound-healing agents that prevent infection from entering through damage to the skin.

Due to shaving, the skin loses its natural lubrication, becomes thinner over time and becomes dry and wrinkled. Therefore, creams should have moisturizing and protective properties, vitamin complexes, glycerin, fatty acids.

Women's and men's skin also differ in oiliness and moisture content. Of course, there are fewer sebaceous glands in men, nevertheless, under the influence of the male hormone testosterone, subcutaneous sebum is secreted much more actively than in women. In youth, men's skin looks sufficiently hydrated and elastic.

But with age, the production of fat slows down, the skin becomes drier, and wrinkles begin to appear on it. Moreover, in men, this process starts earlier than in women, but due to the peculiarities of male skin, its manifestations are not initially so noticeable. Over time, wrinkles both on the forehead and in the corners of the eyes become deeper and more noticeable, and this certainly does not paint any women or men.

It is a mistake to think that the indications for the use of anti-wrinkle creams are changes in the skin at this stage of aging. The fight against existing wrinkles is not an easy process and is not as effective as the prevention of age-related skin changes, which is recommended to begin no later than 30 years. And the cream for men from wrinkles around the eyes requires an even earlier start of application from the age of 25, when there is not even a hint of wrinkles yet.

The need for anti-aging creams in men is due to many factors. These are metabolic disorders caused by physiological factors or negative external influences. Bad habits, such as alcohol abuse and especially smoking, are bound to leave their unattractive mark on the skin.

Many men are employed in industries with harmful working conditions, which negatively affect their skin, causing premature aging. The unfavorable environmental situation and prolonged exposure to UV rays also contribute to the reduction of the protective properties of the skin.

All of the above suggests that men need to pay attention to their skin no less than women. And the anti-wrinkle cream for men will be a good helper in this matter. It will help to heal men's skin, make it smoother and more elastic, giving a truly masculine scent, which is another important feature of the masculine cream.

Release form

Difficulty can arise when choosing a suitable cream, because a final assessment of its effectiveness takes time, at least 3-4 weeks. However, those who do not take risks do not drink champagne. The names of anti-wrinkle creams for men are not as numerous as for women, however, many self-respecting cosmetic companies consider it their duty to take care of the male half of the population and launch the production of male products for face and neck skin care.

Anti-aging cosmetics for men TM Shiseido

The products of the Japanese cosmetics company Shiseido with production bases in Japan, France, and the USA are one of the most popular among the strong half of society. After all, she provides professional skin care, as in the best salons, which, as usual, men do not have enough time to visit. Yes, however, and desires too, because they consider the procedures at the beautician a purely female pastime.

In the Shiseido series for men, you can find a corrective anti-wrinkle cream in a volume of 30 ml, a cream that restores the energy balance of the skin and slows down its aging (50 ml), a revitalizing cream for men against wrinkles around the eyes (15 ml), a soothing gel for the skin around the eyes with cooling effect (15 ml).

Let's take a closer look at the first anti-wrinkle remedy, which, along with the eye cream, receives many admiring reviews from women who notice positive changes in the appearance of their loved ones. After all, men themselves are so stingy with reviews.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of TM Shiseido wrinkle-correcting cream. The product has a pronounced anti-aging effect, visibly reduces the depth of wrinkles, removes fine wrinkles, makes the skin more elastic and smooth.

The unique formula of Damage Defense Complex with a protective effect corrects the oval of the face, makes the skin youthful and elastic. Vitamin A (retinol) in the cream makes the skin surface smooth and radiant. This effect is enhanced by the exclusive component of the LAG Revitalizer cream, plus rejuvenating skin cells.

Castor oil relieves dryness and flaking, improves metabolic processes in tissues, makes the skin smooth, saturates with moisture, and is also known for its pronounced antibacterial effect. Ginseng root extract rejuvenates the skin, giving it a second youth.

The cream comes in a bottle with a dispenser, is easy to use and quite economical. It has a good moisturizing effect, is perfectly absorbed without leaving an oily sheen. You need to apply it 1 or 2 times a day.

The TM Shiseido Regenerating Eye Concealer Cream will help men not only effectively get rid of crow's feet in the corners of the eyes, but also say goodbye to such manifestations of fatigue as puffiness (bags) and dark circles under the eyes for a long time. The cream actively fights against age-related manifestations: dryness and decreased elasticity of the skin.

The unique formula of the cream, containing a bio-complex with hyaluronic acid and a protective complex against damage to the delicate skin around the eyes, provides hydration, protection and strengthening of the skin for 24 hours. A remarkable effect is obtained by two times application in the morning and in the evening. The cream for men from wrinkles around the eyes does not clog pores and does not cause eye irritation and swelling, so its use as a night remedy is quite justified.

The method of using anti-wrinkle creams for men may differ not only in the frequency of application, but also in the method of application. If the anti-wrinkle cream just needs to be gently distributed over the skin of the face, especially in the area of ​​accumulation of creases on the forehead and mimic wrinkles, without active actions leading to stretching of the skin, then the concealer cream around the eyes is driven into the skin near the eyes with light but active movements of the fingertips ... This "shock" massage makes the skin around the eyes more elastic.

Face creams can also be applied to the neck area, but not under the eyes. For this, there are special products for the skin around the eyes.

As for the interaction with other drugs, this cosmetics is perfectly combined with concealers - concealers for minor imperfections on the skin.

Colistar and care for the beauty and health of male skin

The Italian cosmetic company Colistar also did not stay away from the problem of the appearance of wrinkles in the stronger sex and has developed a special repairing anti-wrinkle cream for men. The manufacturer recommends starting to use it from the age of 25. This cream, like the previous ones, belongs to a professional elite series of cosmetics for face skin care.

Collistar's Daily Revitalizing Anti-Wrinkle Cream contains a unique formula with essential vitamins and nutrients to rejuvenate the skin and prevent premature aging. It is a nourishing cream based on natural essences that saturates the skin with beneficial trace elements and antioxidants. Antioxidants, in turn, protect the skin from the loss of moisture by its cells, activate regenerative processes in various layers of the skin.

Elimination of wrinkles and a smoothing effect on the skin as a whole is ensured by the presence of a special tensor lifting formula in the cream, which gives the skin a feeling of rest and relaxation.

You can use the cream at any time of the day once or twice. The use of this regenerating cream is also practiced as an effective after shave remedy.

Health And Beauty and Premier for Men

Israeli cosmetics company H&B has also taken care of men over the age of 30 with a protective anti-wrinkle cream for men with SPF 15, which actively protects the skin from UV rays. Although this cream is not a professional product, it has proven to be an effective anti-aging and regenerating moisturizer. The cream is produced in classic packaging (glass jar), so you can adjust its consumption yourself.

The cream is suitable for all skin types. Thanks to its soothing and moisturizing effects, it helps to easily get rid of such unpleasant symptoms of skin aging as dryness and flaking. Chamomile and aloe extracts, together with tea tree oil, have an excellent antiseptic and disinfectant effect, which makes this cream a good after-shave product.

Fatty acids from the Omega series saturate the skin with nutrients, and youth coenzymes Q10 activate the body's defenses against the signs of skin aging, the most noticeable of which are wrinkles. Inhibits the aging process and Dead Sea minerals in the anti-wrinkle cream TM Health And Beauty.

Vitamins A, C, E, acting as antioxidants in the cream, noticeably weaken the negative effects of free radicals on the skin and saturate it with energy. Also, the cream has a sun protection factor SPF 15, which actively fights against photoaging of the skin.

The light consistency of the cream allows it to be quickly absorbed without leaving marks on the skin, which makes it possible to use it at any time of the day, if necessary, using a face and neck skin care product.

The famous Israeli brand Premier is represented in the line of anti-aging products for men with a firming anti-wrinkle serum, a nourishing regenerating cream and an anti-wrinkle night cream.

Serum (serum) with a rich vitamin complex, fatty acids, oils and minerals from the Dead Sea is intended for the face, neck and eye area. The nourishing cream contains a liposome complex, oils, minerals, vitamins, useful plant extracts of aloe vera, rosemary and lavender, citrus acids. It effectively moisturizes and softens the skin, restoring its elasticity and preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

Interesting from the point of view of our topic is a unique professional anti-wrinkle night cream for men TM Premier... It helps to fight fine and deep wrinkles, promotes rejuvenation of skin cells and normalizes metabolic processes in it, relieves puffiness, strengthens and tightens men's skin even in sleep.

The cream is enriched with Dead Sea algae and beta-carotene. Designed for both the neck and face areas, including the skin around the eyes. It is used before bedtime. It is considered one of the best cosmetics for men in this area.

TM Apivita offer for men

Apivita, a Greek brand of cosmetics, has its own grooming series for men, which includes after shave products, as well as creams and balms for regular skin and hair care. Attractive for men over 35 years old, a universal cream against wrinkles and fatigue for the face and skin around the eyes with cardamom and propolis will seem.

Like other products of TM Apivita, this cream is a product related to natural organic cosmetics, which is also due to its rather high price. 96% of the composition of the cream are natural substances with the effects corresponding to the purpose of the cream. By the way, to increase the antioxidant effect of its products, Apivita uses an infusion of organic green tea instead of water, which increases the effect of using these cosmetics.

The TM Apivita anti-wrinkle cream for men contains beech extract, which can not only prevent the formation of new wrinkles, but also noticeably reduce the depth of existing ones, while simultaneously charging the skin with energy and erasing traces of fatigue in the form of edema and ugly dark circles.

Propolis and cardamom have a protective effect against unfavorable environmental conditions and the action of free radicals that cause early aging of human skin.

The cream is recommended to be applied to cleansed face skin (relevant for all creams!) Once or even twice a day with light movements, while there is no need to avoid the area around the eyes, since the cream is universal, intended for the face and eyelids.

The beauty of male skin from a domestic manufacturer

The Ukrainian manufacturer of organic cosmetics company "Yaka" has developed a natural face cream "Green care for men" with an effective formula to combat the first wrinkles, which can be used from the age of 18 as part of a series of caring products for men.

Buyers of this cream note a pleasant, unobtrusive smell, which is liked by both men and women, a light cream texture that does not leave unsightly marks on the skin and more than an interesting price. So 220 ml of domestic natural cream cost about 80 UAH, while 30-50 g of professional imported cosmetics for anti-wrinkles will cost the buyer 800-1300 UAH, or even more. True, many users consider such a large amount of anti-wrinkle products in a jar without a protective membrane to be rather a disadvantage than an advantage of the cream.

TM Yaka anti-wrinkle cream for men is considered a wonderful protective agent for men who, for a number of reasons, are outdoors for a long time, and their skin is susceptible to negative environmental and weather factors. Skin nourishment and hydration is provided by enriching the cream with shea butter, which is able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the epidermis, saturating cells with moisture and energy. Many men are happy to note the excellent effectiveness of the product in combating dry and unaesthetic skin flaking.

The cream can be used on the face and neck as a day care. After applying the cream, the skin regains enviable softness, which makes it pleasant to the touch.

Loreal, Bioterm and Yves Rocher means from wrinkles for men

The famous French company L "OREAL has developed a cosmetic series for men to resist premature skin aging. Bright representatives of the Maine Expert Vita Lifting series are a cleansing cream mousse with a toning effect and an anti-aging complex with a moisturizing effect.

Both products have a pronounced lifting effect, which makes the skin taut and elastic, and also helps to hide the true age of its owner. Vitamin A-based Pro-Retinol formula effectively smoothes wrinkles. The steam-elastin in the cream strengthens collagen and elastin fibers. Vitamin E improves skin tone. The unique ADC complex has a calming effect, relieves various irritations and increases the protective properties of the skin, preventing negative external influences.

Another interesting representative of the Loreal Maine Expert series is the universal anti-wrinkle cream for the stronger sex Stop Wrinkles, which also contains a moisturizing and protective complex, like the previous products, plus a formula enriched with Bosfelox, which relaxes the skin and prevents the formation of wrinkles. Small wrinkles are smoothed out within an hour from the beginning of the action of the remedy.

Method of using Loreal anti-wrinkle creams for men. The cleansing cream mousse is recommended to be applied twice a day, gently lathering the product and applying it to damp skin with gentle massage movements. Remove the remains with a cotton swab. The anti-aging complex and anti-wrinkle cream are spread on the skin, paying particular attention to the areas with wrinkles. You can use 1, or better 2 times a day. Suitable as aftershave.

TM Bioterm, developed by the aforementioned company Loreal, has developed its own line of anti-aging cosmetics for men based on thermal water, which gives the skin a second life.

A striking representative of this line is an anti-wrinkle cream for men. Biotherm homme age refirm intended for males over 30 years old. In a short time, it is able to significantly reduce the number as well as the depth of wrinkles, significantly increasing the elasticity of the skin.

Pure silicon is included in the composition of Bioterm anti-aging cosmetics, which faithfully serves to strengthen the structure of the skin. And biopeptides contribute to the constant regeneration of skin cells. The cream is rich in protective and moisturizing (glycerin and sebum oil), as well as sunscreen components. Special polymers actively smooth the skin, eliminating early wrinkles.

The cream is applied as a care agent twice a day. It is a wonderful after-shave product that perfectly relieves irritation and gives a fresh scent.

Biotherm force supreme homme- a nourishing anti-aging cream for men with SPF 12 sunscreen, which also helps to significantly reduce the depth of facial wrinkles. It produces a rejuvenating effect in the deep layers of the skin, regenerating cells and preventing the formation of wrinkles.

French cosmetics company Yves Rocher has developed an effective anti-aging face cream for men to help fight the unattractive manifestations of aging skin like wrinkles. The main component of the cream is ginseng extract, which has a remarkable protective, stimulating and rejuvenating effect.

The cream is used for the face and neck area, not for the eyelids. Application of the cream 2 times a day after a month will significantly reduce the indicators of skin aging visible to the eye.

VICHY anti-wrinkle cream

The French company Vichy, known to many as a manufacturer of cosmetics equivalent to pharmacological agents, did not disregard our men and developed an anti-wrinkle cream corrector for men. Vichy homme reti-fill, capable of giving youth and beauty to men's skin for a long time.

The main active ingredients of the cream are antioxidants: retinol (vitamin A), which stimulates the production of collagen in the body and prevents the formation of wrinkles, and vitamin C, which is known for its protective effect and prevents skin aging. The cream effectively protects the skin of a strong half of humanity from the negative effects of UV radiation and adverse environmental factors (polluted air, wind, frost, etc.).

Daily use of the cream improves the appearance of the skin, and wrinkles become less noticeable with each use. The cream fills them from the inside, as it were, smoothing the surface of the skin. UV protection prevents the skin from drying out and maintains the necessary moisture level.

It is advisable to use the cream twice a day, for example, in the morning and in the evening. It should be applied only on previously cleansed skin, while avoiding the area around the eyes. The cream can be used as a soothing and protective after shave product.

Declare cosmetics for wrinkles

Elite anti-wrinkle cream for men is famous for its deep action on the skin. Declare 24h Anti-Wrinkle Comfort Cream with a unique SRC-complex. This component of the cream increases the protective properties of the skin and prevents the destruction of its cells. In addition to it, the cream contains useful vegetable oils of coconut and sunflower, flax extract, vitamin and mineral complex, toniskin, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, citric acid, xanthan gum.

Oils, glycerin and hyaluronic acid help to rejuvenate the skin and maintain an optimal water-salt balance in it. The latter is a kind of "rejuvenating apple" for the skin. And glycerin also has outstanding protective properties, preventing the negative effects of harmful factors affecting the skin from the outside.

Yeast extract (toniskin) has been used since ancient times in cosmetics for skin rejuvenation, because it contains those vitamins, amino acids and trace elements that the skin needs so much for normal functioning. In addition, yeast has a good anti-inflammatory effect, which is very important when using an aftershave cream. The acids in the cream soften the skin, and xanthan gum is used in cosmetics as a thickener for the cream.

According to the manufacturer, regular use of the cream will allow you to get rid of fine wrinkles in a short time, and deep wrinkles under the influence of the cream will become almost invisible. This will give the skin a beautiful glow and noticeable firmness.

Energizing anti-wrinkle cream ТМ Declare Anti-Wrinkle Energizing Cream also contains SRC-complex, vitamin-mineral complex, hyaluronic acid and yeast. The cream saturates the skin with energy and moisture, relieves irritation symptoms, improves skin elasticity, reduces the number and size of wrinkles on the face and neck.

Oriflame for men

Many people believe that the famous cosmetics company Oriflame simply must have a series of men's care for the skin of the face. And they are not wrong. Such a series exists and it is called North for men... It includes care creams and balms for the face or eyelids, cleansers and after shaves.

Effectively helps to fight such a nuisance as the appearance of wrinkles on the face, the "Nord" anti-wrinkle cream for men from the Oriflame company. It contains vitamin E, which increases the hydration of the upper layers of the skin, leaving the skin softer and smoother. The caffeine in the cream helps fight puffiness. The lifting effect of the cream is also provided by the incorporation of caffeine into the cream. Peptides actively and effectively fight wrinkles, activating the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the body.

The cream also contains 2 effective patented complexes. Advanced moisture complex helps to retain moisture inside the skin and prevents it from losing, fighting dry skin and flaking. Arctic Pro Defense (Rodhiola Rosea Root Extract) is a complex based on an extract of the root of Rhodiola rosea, a resident of the Polar Regions, a storehouse of antioxidants that protect the skin from the negative effects of certain environmental factors. The cream also contains protective UV filters.

It is advisable to apply the cream from Oriflame in a small amount on clean skin of the face and neck, and gently massage into the skin in circular movements, avoiding active actions that lead to a loss of skin elasticity.

Other anti-wrinkle creams for men

French TM Phytomer is a cosmetic skin care product with seafood. The men's series of cosmetics for anti-aging skin and wrinkles is represented by an anti-wrinkle revitalizing cream for the eyes and lip contour, which has pronounced anti-aging, regenerating and protective properties. The cream effectively fights against external indicators of fatigue (bags and darkening of the area under the eyes) and aging (wrinkles) of the skin. Ideal for sensitive skin prone to irritation.

The Italian TM Planter "s has developed an active anti-wrinkle cream with hyaluronic acid for men over 30. Hyaluronic acid, together with vitamins and plant extracts, helps to rejuvenate the skin and fill it with energy. The cream perfectly tones the skin, leaving the effect of freshness and relaxation.

The Guam company presented to the male population of the planet TALASSO anti-wrinkle cream with algae extracts, sea water, malachite extract and a marine complex to fight wrinkles. The high content of bioactive substances directly transforms aging skin, giving it elasticity and a real healthy glow, characteristic of youth.

Firming anti-wrinkle cream based on rice peptides and organic silicon Men Renergy 3D ТМ Lancome intended for mature men over the age of 40. It activates microcirculation in cells, improves skin tone, participates in the production of collagen and elastin. The application of the cream is combined with a tingling motion to tone the skin.

General information on anti-wrinkle creams for men

All of the above means are not medical preparations, and contraindications to their use are usually limited to individual intolerance to some components of the creams. Side effects of wrinkle creams for men can manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions (rash, itching, redness, runny nose), as well as attacks of bronchial asthma (with obsessive aromas of the cream). Overdose of anti-wrinkle creams is usually not observed.

As for the effectiveness of these creams, the best anti-wrinkle cream for men is the one that suits your skin and its individual characteristics. And this is already determined empirically. In any case, the correct application of the anti-aging cream according to the instructions will pay off and help the skin to cope with dehydration and early aging.

The lack of effect is often associated not with the cream itself, but with improper preparation of the skin for application of the product. The skin must be pre-cleaned. To do this, you can use special cleansers, preferably the same series as the cream, or at least soap.

An important role in achieving the desired effect of the cream is played by the regularity and timeliness of its application. You should not expect a mind-blowing effect, using a cream for wrinkles from time to time. This is a kind of medical cosmetics that requires regular use. Do not wait for the first wrinkles to appear, as getting rid of them will cost more than preventing them. In addition, the use of creams is quite a pleasant experience, in contrast to some rather aggressive salon procedures for skin rejuvenation.

The shelf life of creams is an important factor in their effectiveness. Storage conditions for anti-wrinkle creams are usually limited to room temperature, but if other conditions are indicated on the packaging with the cream, they must be adhered to. In this way, you will avoid premature disturbance of the smell and consistency of the cream, indicating the deterioration of the cream and its unusability.

This is not to say that all creams for men are considered here that help get rid of unsightly wrinkles on the face. Most well-known brands have more than one anti-aging remedy to help solve this problem. And every day there are more and more new and improved anti-wrinkle products. So it is simply impossible to consider all of them in one article. It is important to understand that there is a choice, and skillfully use it.

Facial skin care is a priori considered the prerogative of women. But in the current realities, a strong half of humanity begins to take care of their appearance more actively. More and more wrinkle creams for men can be seen on the cosmetics shelf. What is its difference from similar products for women, and what varieties does the modern cosmetology market offer?

The male body is aging as inevitably as the female. And given that wrinkles on the forehead and in the area of ​​the eyes in men become noticeable at an earlier age, facial care must be carried out without starting the problem for a long time.

Why do men need to use an anti-wrinkle face cream?

  1. The skin of the male body has fewer sebaceous glands. Its protective function is carried out in a smaller volume, which means that the skin is daily exposed to significant negative effects of external factors.
  2. The presence of testosterone in the body leads to increased production of sebum, and, consequently, frequent clogging of pores and the formation of abscesses.
  3. Daily shaving removes a large part of the sebum, thereby leaving the skin exposed to the sun's rays, wind, and other influences. In addition, frequent use of a razor entails the appearance of additional irritations, scratches, wounds that violate the integrity of the cover.
  4. The older the man becomes, the more the above processes are aggravated. So, every year the thickness of the skin tissue decreases and the synthesis of sebum decreases.
  5. Also, one should not forget about a constant decrease in the rate of metabolic processes in tissues, a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin.

Male anti-wrinkle cream has a number of features. The first and most important difference lies in the texture of the product. Due to the denser structure of men's skin, creams should not be too heavy. The lighter their consistency, the faster they are absorbed into fabrics without leaving an ugly oily sheen.

Aware of the likelihood of frequent skin injuries as a result of shaving, the manufacturers of anti-wrinkle cream for men took care of adding antiseptic ingredients to its composition. They contribute to the rapid healing of microcracks and wounds. Also, such products have more characteristic fragrances for men for greater attractiveness. As for the appearance of the packaging, it is also different. If women's creams, as a rule, are placed in jars, then men's ones - in tubes and bottles with dispensers.

How to choose the right male anti-wrinkle remedy

When choosing the best anti-wrinkle cream for men, it is recommended to pay attention to the following:

  • skin type (oily, combination, dry, normal);
  • age restrictions (25 - 35 years old, 35+, 45+, 55+);
  • information on the label (composition, precautions, shelf life and storage conditions).

The purchase of such a cream is fraught with harm to the skin, which will manifest itself, at best, rashes and redness, and at worst, more serious complications.

Rating of men's anti-wrinkle products

Among the variety of anti-wrinkle creams for men, it is difficult to choose one that is suitable in all respects. In order to understand the main anti-aging products on the market, we have compiled a rating of the best.

Men's anti-aging cosmetics from TM Shiseido (Japan)

It's no secret that men rarely have the opportunity, and indeed the desire, to carve out enough time to visit the salon. But with the help of Shiseido cosmetics, professional facial skin care can be carried out at home.

The Shiseido Men's Series includes:

  • face cream with a corrective effect (30 ml);
  • cream for toning the skin and blocking the aging process (50 ml);
  • eye cream for men (15 ml);
  • cooling gel for the eye area with a soothing effect (15 ml).

A feature of this line of products is a unique formula. The creams contain both common ingredients (retinol, ginseng root extract, castor oil) and a special ingredient LAG Revitalizer, developed in the company's laboratories. Thanks to the latter, skin rejuvenation at the cellular level is ensured.

Daily Revitalizing Anti-Wrinkle Cream from Collistar (Italy)

Most recently, the cosmetic company Colistar has released a new product - Daily Revitalizing Anti-Wrinkle Cream for men for the face, which is part of the professional line of anti-aging products. The cream is based on natural extracts with pronounced antioxidant properties. In addition to protecting against negative external influences, their use contributes to:

  • retaining moisture within tissues to prevent drying out of the skin;
  • stabilization of metabolic processes for a better course of collagen and elastin synthesis;
  • saturation of the skin with the necessary microelements.

Another important component of the face cream is lifting, which has a unique tensor formula. It is thanks to him that smoothing of wrinkles and toning of integuments is ensured.

Series for men from Apivita (Greece)

A well-known cosmetic brand from Greece presents a series of products developed taking into account the characteristics of men's skin. Elite products from Apivit are certified accordingly. It contains mainly natural ingredients that ensure the best results.

The series includes:

  • special products for and after shaving;
  • anti-aging eye cream for men;
  • deep moisturizing cream-gel for the whole face;
  • shampoo with a tonic effect;
  • combined means for washing the body and hair;
  • shampoo against hair loss.

The basis of the cream, designed to eliminate early and age-related wrinkles, is a beech extract. Its inclusion is necessary not only to reduce the depth of existing folds, but also to prevent the appearance of new defects. In addition, the cream perfectly tones and tightens the skin, removes traces of fatigue, flabbiness, energizes. And the increased antioxidant properties are due to the replacement of ordinary water with green tea infusion at the base of the cream formula.

Anti-aging wrinkle face cream for men is recommended to be used from 25 to 30 years of age, at least once a day. At the same time, it can be applied to all parts of the face, not excluding the areas around the eyes.

Caring products from TM Yaka (Russia)

TM Yaka is a manufacturer of organic cosmetics. The anti-aging cream for men developed by her has very good reviews. It is recommended for application as a protective agent against frequent exposure to external factors, as well as to prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles.

The best domestic wrinkle cream for men Green care for men has a unique formula. It is enriched with a large amount of shea butter, which allows the product to be quickly absorbed and energize the epidermis. At the same time, moisture is retained inside the tissues, wrinkles in men are smoothed out, the skin is tightened.

The undoubted advantages of the cream are:

  • affordable price in comparison with foreign creams of similar action;
  • not harsh, pleasant smell for the most comfortable use;
  • lightweight texture for optimal absorption in a short time.

Regular use of the product provides deep hydration of facial tissues exposed to frequent exposure to wind, frost, sunlight, as well as smoothing and removing irritation from excessively dry skin.

Anti-wrinkle cream from Vichy (France)

The world famous company for the production of health-improving cosmetic products did not disregard the problem of aging of the skin of the face in men and developed the Vichy Homme Reti-Fill cream. Due to the presence in the composition of powerful antioxidant components, such as vitamin C and vitamin A, the product helps to preserve the youthfulness of the skin for a long time.

With regular use of the cream for the eyes and other areas of the face, the following is observed:

  • smoothing wrinkles and tightening facial contours;
  • maintaining an optimal level of moisture for better protection from external factors and reducing drying out of the dermis;
  • improvement of appearance and improvement.

Any skin tightening cream should be applied to cleansed skin. To do this, before the procedure, it is recommended to thoroughly wash and dab your face from excess moisture.

For normal daily care, it is enough to use a toner, a nourishing cream for the face and separately for the area around the eyes from wrinkles. As additional care, special peels and masks are used, which should be applied no more than once or twice a week.

Did you know that the skin under the eyes is only 0.5 mm thick? It is she who takes on the first age-related blow. Sooner or later, both men and women are faced with the fact that the skin begins to lose elasticity due to age and facial expressions. This is especially true for the dry sensitive area under the eyes, which is practically devoid of subcutaneous fatty tissue. Here, an individually selected cream for wrinkles around the eyes can come to the rescue.

Regardless of the price, brand or age range, any cream must meet the following characteristics:

Facial skin care begins with the use of cosmetics at home. Homemade cream can be no worse than salon cream, the main thing is to choose it correctly in accordance with age and skin type

Funds after 25 years

Now let's talk about the nuances of age. According to research, the first wrinkles begin to appear on average after crossing the 25-year line. However, cosmetics for this group are needed mainly for preventive purposes, and here we can advise the following:

  • Bioderma "Sensibio Eye" is an anti-wrinkle cream under the eyes that is gentle on sensitive skin. Even dermatologists recommend using it, since the product can protect against aggressive environmental factors. It is produced in the form of a gel - it promotes good microcirculation of the skin of the face and moisturizes.
  • "Maximum hydration" Avon - it is advisable to apply this cream before going out. Beneficial extracts of zinc, algae and cactus moisturize and protect.
  • Pure line "Parsley and strawberries" - a girl with any income can afford to buy it. Suitable even up to 25 years old, because sometimes the first wrinkles appear even at that age. Perfectly removes traces of fatigue, saturates with vitamins.
Cream Protection against aggressive external factors Effect on skin elasticity Reducing dark circles under the eyes Reducing the number of fine wrinkles
Bioderma "Sensibio Eye" + + + +
"Maximum hydration" Avon + +
Pure line "Parsley and Strawberry" + +

After 30 years

Metabolic processes after the indicated age limit slightly slow down, and the skin becomes thinner.

Cream for wrinkles around the eyes after 30 years should help produce collagen, remove puffiness


Moisturizing Antioxidant action Effect on skin elasticity

Removal of swelling and elimination of dark circles

Korres "Rosehip" + +
Evelyn "Orchid Magic" +
Dr Hauschka + +
Coral club "Eye contour cream" + +

Funds after 40 years

But at this age, you need to stimulate some processes like collagen production more actively.
It is unlikely that it will be possible to buy such a tool that would completely eliminate defects, but it is quite possible to smooth them out partially. For example, you should pay attention to the following creams:

  • An impressive result can be drunk when alternating the remedy for Celkosmet and balm from Agolodzhi. The latter contains micro-pearl in its composition - it will mask wrinkles and give the skin a natural glow. Ideal for consolidating the results after Celkosmet.
  • "Age expert trio asset" from L'Oreal - creates lifting, eliminates signs of fatigue, makes wrinkles less noticeable. The skin receives renewal thanks to active substances that ensure tissue microcirculation. The composition includes collagen with minerals useful for this age group.
  • Coral club C7 Series Eye Contour Cream - restores hydrobalance, improves skin tone, moisturizes and nourishes. Cream of the most balanced composition: peptides, amino acids, hyaluronic acid, vegetable proteins, a minimum of chemical additives.


Elimination of pigmentation Nutrition Improving skin tone

Removing dark circles

Cellcosmet products + Agolodzhi balm + + + +
"Age expert trio asset" from L'Oreal + + + +
Coral club "Eye contour cream" C7 series + + + +

Cream for men - what should it be?

Anti-wrinkle cream for men is not the female equivalent. The fact is that the skin of the stronger sex is much denser, which means that it is more difficult for useful substances to penetrate into it. As a rule, products designed specifically for men both penetrate better and are absorbed faster. We recommend taking a closer look at the following products:

  • Shiseido - products have long won the love of American, Japanese and French men. It is in no way inferior to salon products, affecting metabolic processes and saturating the skin with moisture. Contains ginseng root, thanks to which this male anti-wrinkle cream gives the stronger sex a second youth.
  • Colistar - suitable for men over the age of 25. It nourishes the sensitive skin around the eyes with a necessary set of vitamins and other valuable components. The dermis is rejuvenated, with the result that the signs of aging appear later. It is recommended to use it twice a day.
  • Health And Beauty is the flagship of Israeli products. Protects the sensitive area around the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, moisturizes. Contains tea tree oil, chamomile extract, dead sea minerals.

The best luxury facilities

  • La Prarie White Caviar Illuminating Eye Cream - This caviar-based product is considered one of the most popular in the world. It also has antioxidants available, eliminating not only wrinkles, but also from circles under the eyes, puffiness. The skin is smoother and more radiant.
  • Nubo cell dynamic eye focus - studies show that you can say goodbye to wrinkles literally a week after you start using it. It will take more time to tighten the eyelids, but the result will certainly please. This most effective anti-wrinkle cream is also lightweight - it is perfectly absorbed without making you feel greasy.
  • La Mer The Eye Balm Intense - literally after the first application, the skin looks more well-groomed. Feels lightness and freshness. A similar effect is explained by the composition - because of the seaweed extract, it is definitely worth buying.
  • Helena Rubinstein Re-Plasty Pro Filler Eye & Lip Contour is really powerful. It is water-based and contains active ingredients. The skin becomes softer and fuller.
  • Guerlain - the golden orchid found in the product of this brand has been used in cosmetology for a long time. Wrinkles are smoothed out, elasticity is increased, and radiance is given. The texture is light, pleasant to use.

Popular remedies

We have provided a list of luxury products, but they are not always affordable for the average client. Which cream has gained popularity?

  • Yeux by Vichy has been appreciated by women with thin and irritated skin. Dark circles, wrinkles, swelling and puffiness are removed quickly enough. Research shows that a month of use is enough to get rid of crow's feet.
  • "Idealia" from Vichy is excellent for preventing the appearance of wrinkles, and for smoothing existing ones. It contains special thermal water, which renews the integument and soothes. Convenient that suits all skin types and is perfectly absorbed.
  • Aven is a French product based on the thermal waters that are considered the property of France. The products are unique in that they can help even extremely sensitive, allergy-prone skin. Softens integuments, gives elasticity, takes good care of, which is important, for centuries.
  • Yves Rocher - the brand is a recognized world leader in the production of anti-aging cosmetics. The secret of popularity lies in the fact that the company produces products based on natural ingredients. It works no worse than pharmacy ointments.
  • Eluage - it is impossible not to remember this brand, since we are already talking about pharmaceutical products. This is the Aven brand line, which will be appreciated by women 40-45 years old. It boasts a whole complex of regenerating trace elements, neutral acidity.

Natural beauty is by far nature's best gift. But in order to preserve such beauty, you will have to make a lot of efforts. And the use of a cream on the list of such efforts must be included without fail.

The harsh conditions of business and the modern socio-cultural environment place increased demands on the appearance of a strong half of humanity. To match the time as much as possible, you need to monitor not only clothes, but also the condition of the skin. Therefore, wrinkles in men also need correction, and a beloved woman can help him with this by giving a man's remedy for wrinkles.

Should a man wear anti-wrinkle cosmetics?

Success is inextricably linked to tough discipline. Last but not least, she is needed in order to keep yourself in shape and carefully monitor your appearance. The face and hands sometimes say much more about a person than an impeccable suit.

Wrinkles appear imperceptibly. Many men sometimes do not notice when irreversible changes in the body begin. Meanwhile, this is very important: by catching the moment, you can significantly slow down the aging process.

You need to think about anti-aging care since the age of 30. After this mark, the use of anti-wrinkle products for men becomes an objective necessity. Otherwise, by the turn of 40-50 years, the skin will need "heavy artillery" in the form of botox, plastic surgery and other types of cosmetic therapy.

The time of the appearance of wrinkles on a man's face depends on heredity, lifestyle, temperament. The richer the facial expressions and the faster the pace of life, the faster it is reflected on the skin.

The need to use anti-wrinkle products is associated with the peculiarities of the life of modern men. As a rule, this is a consequence:
  • regular shaving: in addition to inevitable injuries, the skin becomes thinner over time, it becomes drier;
  • constant stress;
  • physical and nervous strain;
  • bad habits (smoking, consumption of energy drinks and alcohol);
  • inadequate sleep;
  • lack of rest;
  • improper nutrition;
  • unfavorable working conditions (for example, constant exposure to the sun or in front of a monitor).

Can a man use a female anti-wrinkle cream? Differences between anti-aging creams for men and women

Women are the main target audience for cosmetic brands. The global beauty industry is focused primarily on the weaker half of humanity. While there are very limited choices in the menswear department. However, men should not use wrinkle creams for women anyway. Better to spend a little time ordering online delivery than buying the wrong product.

Men's skin is different from women's. In men:

  • a coarser and thicker layer of the epidermis;
  • subcutaneous fatty tissue is evenly distributed in a dense, thin layer;
  • increased number of sebaceous glands;
  • large pore sizes.
This, as well as frequent inflammation, irritation, pustules and even micro-injuries from shaving require a special approach.

A man's anti-wrinkle cream for men, as a rule, differs from a woman's in the following parameters:

  • Lightweight structure and consistency for rapid absorption. Ensures the absence of a specific oily sheen on the skin.
  • Pronounced persistent aroma. Cosmetics for women doesn't smell that strong.
  • The packaging is more ergonomic: bottles with dispensers or special tubes. Although the cream for men is also sold in jars. The design is predominantly austere and restrained.
  • Anti-aging products with combined functionality are widespread. For example, in the form of aftershave lotions.

There are more collagen fibers in men's skin. The aging process is not as visible as in women, although wrinkles are usually deeper. They are more difficult to deal with if you do not pay enough attention to prevention. At the same time, you should not expect an instant effect from the cream.

Essential ingredients in products for men

Taking into account the special needs of the male body, the peculiarities of the skin and aging processes, male creams and other products have a slightly different composition. In anti-aging cosmetics, the following components must be present:
  • Antiseptic and healing agents that help to stop inflammatory processes, help to cope with microtraumas of the skin.
  • ... An important element in the fight against wrinkles. Restores skin elasticity. Prevents moisture loss, renews fabrics.
  • Collagen or elastin. Provides smoothing of the skin, increases the activity of natural ingredients.
  • Vitamins. A particular focus is on antioxidants. In particular: vitamins C, A, E, P, D, B. They nourish and protect the skin.
  • Natural oils, including essential oils, as well as plant-based amino acids. The presence of extracts, extracts and oils in the male anti-wrinkle cream guarantees soft, natural skin regeneration. The effect of their application will not appear soon, but it will remain for a long time. The most effective oils in the fight against wrinkles are avocado, jojoba, almond, olive, chamomile, and calendula oils. The list goes on and on. It is worth noting that it even includes seaweed and carrots.
  • Minerals. They help cleanse the skin, restore the water-salt balance.
  • Silicone, glycerin or other ingredients to moisturize the skin and retain moisture.
An anti-wrinkle cream for men has universal characteristics. In addition to directly fighting aging, it must moisturize, nourish and protect against UV radiation.

Do not look for day creams separately. Of course, they are, but you can buy one, universal: it will cope with anti-aging changes with the same success.

TOP 10 anti-wrinkle creams that are suitable for men

Despite the dominance of women's anti-aging cosmetics in the skincare market, men also have a choice. It is not limited in cost: a good cream can be found at loyal prices from budget brands. Well-known brands, in turn, will gladly offer high-end fashion products.

Do not think that price can affect the effectiveness of the cream. In any case, you will have to make some effort and spend your time fighting wrinkles. You need to tune in to a new daily ritual in your life. The use of creams must be part of the system, the only way you will be successful.

Choose your cream carefully. In this case, it is necessary to take into account:

  • skin type;
  • age;
  • the presence of allergies;
  • best before date;
  • manufacturer's reputation;
  • originality of products.
The assortment line of the most famous manufacturers of men's anti-wrinkle creams is regularly updated. The pricing policy is also changing, but the quality is maintained at the same level.

TM Biotherm

One of the first brands to start producing cosmetics for men's skin care. The French company Biotherm has a wide selection of not only commonplace antiperspirants and shaving products, but also special moisturizing, restoring, toning and nourishing products for a strong half of humanity.

To fight for youthful skin, Biotherm offers two whole series for men. From the first signs of aging - AGE FITNESS. Age cosmetics - AGE FITNESS ADVANCED. When buying any cream from these lines, you need to count on a price of $ 80 for 50 ml.

Each product is based on a specially developed and tested formulation with extracts of thermal plankton, olive leaves and a variety of plants with antioxidant properties. Face and eyelid creams can slow down aging by rejuvenating the skin of the face and activating the body's defenses.

TM Declare

Declare's wide range of anti-aging treatments for men are renowned for their effectiveness and consistent Swiss quality. A 75 ml tube will cost from $ 30.

The recipe is based on the use of natural ingredients enriched with a vitamin and mineral complex. They have an antioxidant effect, help to cope with inflammation and microtrauma, improve complexion and restore skin structure.

TM Shiseido

The world famous Japanese company produces a series of anti-aging anti-wrinkle products for men. Each of them is based on moisturizing and tightening substances, antioxidants and vitamins that help restore the water-salt balance of the skin, stimulate the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluron.

Shiseido actively uses a special complex against damage and vitamin E. The composition of the creams includes extracts and pomace of eastern and western herbs, forest beech buds, Ginkgo Biloba.

In the series, you can choose to buy:
  • Revitalizing cream. Allows you to eliminate the signs of premature aging of the skin. (Total Revitalizer).
  • Cream to restore the natural energy of the skin. Designed to quickly activate natural processes, energize and restore firmness and elasticity (Skin Empowering Cream).
  • Concentrate recommended for use on the eyelids. Protects skin from premature aging (Ultimune).
Depending on the volume and name, Shiseido TM products differ in cost. A small volume (15 ml) costs from $ 50. Samples (5 ml) - from $ 15. When buying a large jar (50 ml), you will have to pay about $ 100.

TM Collistar

The Italian company Collistar is distinguished by the use of recipes in which the balance of vitamins, minerals and amino acids allows you to quickly even out not only the skin tone, but also restore its structure. The cost of 30 ml starts at $ 50.

Collistar offers the following anti-wrinkle creams for men:
  • Moisturizing Pure Actives Hyaluronic Acid. It is based on hyaluronic acid, which activates the internal resources of the skin and allows you to achieve renewal of the epidermis, restoring the structure of the skin. Thanks to the lifting, the skin is tightened, the complexion improves.
  • MEN ULTRA-ACTIVE (anti-age cream). Recommended for use after 40 years. The formula enriched with mineral and plant extracts, amino acids and saturated fats allows you to achieve an even tone and smooth the skin structure. Improves tone, increases elasticity.


The famous French cosmetics brand launches the Men Expert series especially for men. Means that provide toning and moisturizing care, fight against signs of skin fatigue, restore tone, provide nutrition and hydration.

Tightened, radiant skin without signs of fading is possible thanks to the use of a special ADS complex, as well as vitamin and mineral supplements and PAR-elastil in the composition. The recipe allows you to turn on the body's own forces, maximally toning, nourishing and moisturizing the skin. Cosmetics relieve irritation, inflammation, fatigue and have a pronounced antioxidant effect.

Vitalifting 5 and Hydra Energetik will be inexpensive. The purchase of anti-aging care will not exceed $ 15.

TM Yves Rocher

The brand, which is renowned for its respect for the environment and the environment, uses 100% natural active ingredients to create an anti-wrinkle cream for men.

The Anti-Fatigue Moisturizing Treatment is based on guarana extract, sesame oil and caffeine. They provide tone, restore water-salt balance, moisturize and nourish. The skin replenishes energy losses and looks rejuvenated. The cost is no more than $ 20.


The energies of thermal waters with a high level of mineralization are the main ingredient in the French dermacosmetics VICHY. Anti-aging products in the HOMME range for men are no exception. In addition to highly mineralized thermal water with a high specific gravity of magnesium, it contains vitamin C and Dextran.

VICHY offers anti-wrinkle anti-fatigue moisturizer for men. The cream guarantees hydration of the face and tightens the eye contour. The cost of 50 ml is no more than $ 20.

TM Sea Of Spa

Israeli cosmetic brands use Dead Sea minerals in their product formulations. The company has a wide line of Sea Of Spa, in particular, Metro Sexual products are designed for men's skin care.

Revitalizing, protective, day and night creams are selected individually depending on age. Minerals and plant extracts gently care for, soothe, moisturize, tighten. The price for the cream (60 ml) starts at $ 25. The Premier and Health And Beauty brands have similar characteristics.

TM Natura Siberica

A domestic brand, which, thanks to the use of natural ingredients and an original recipe, is well known abroad. Budget option: the price of an anti-wrinkle cream for men (50 ml) starts at $ 5.

Ginseng, St. John's wort, cloudberries, black caviar, caffeine, lemongrass, northern mint guarantee a mild lifting effect and are the strongest organic antioxidants. In addition, the creams perfectly moisturize and nourish the skin.

TM Payot

French TM Payot in the Optimale series produces SOIN TOTAL (ANTI-AGE) men's fluid (cream with the most delicate texture). Cost from $ 30 for 50 ml.

With regular use, it smoothes the skin relief that changes with age, copes with mimic prints on the face, and strengthens tissues.

The composition of the TOP-10 is constantly changing. The former leaders are being replaced by new ones. Not finding anything suitable or acceptable for your wallet, look at Korean cosmetics or chain brands such as Oriflame, Avon, Mary Kay.

Cream application rules

The cream should not be applied to uncleaned skin. Enlarged pores contain sebum and micro dust particles. If you do not take care of timely cleansing, the problem of wrinkles will be exacerbated by inflammation.

Wash your face before applying the cream. It is advisable to choose a special gel with a mild effect and moisturizing effect, and a couple of times a week to use a scrub or peeling for a deeper exfoliation of the dead epidermis. This will cleanse the pores and promote better penetration of the cream components into the skin structure.

The inevitable shaving while washing your face requires toning your skin. To do this, it is best to select moisturizers that do not contain alcohol. Otherwise, you only exacerbate the loss of moisture and the appearance of wrinkles.

Do an allergy test first: apply a little cream on the crook of the elbow. If itching, burning does not begin within a few hours, the skin will not be hyperemic, the remedy can be used. Wherein:
  • apply the cream in a small even layer, without rubbing, not only on the face, but also on the neck;
  • avoid eyelids; it is not recommended to apply to the lips, and a special agent is needed for the area around the eyes;
  • while spreading the mass over the skin, lightly pat with your fingers. It is better to do this along the massage lines: on the neck - up, on the face - from the center to the sides and to the temples;
  • after a quarter of an hour, the face can be blotted with a paper towel, removing the remaining cream.
The appearance of wrinkles marks a new stage in a man's life. The choice is yours. You can accept the changes and not take any action. But there is another way - to preserve your youth, postponing the moment of the onset of inevitable age-related changes, using male anti-wrinkle creams.

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