real wife... - Will you be my wife? real wife… Update: report from the wedding ceremony of nazhud guchigov and luiza goylabieva

Today we finally saw the 17-year-old heroine of the dramatic matchmaking of the head of the police department from Chechnya. Some believe that all issues have been removed, others that there are only more of them. Stas Eliseev I tried to figure out why this story so excited the audience.

Recall that for two weeks now, various media outlets have been retelling the story of Kheda (Louisa) Goylabieva from the village of Baitarka, who is allegedly forcibly demanded to be given to himself as a second wife by the 57-year-old head of the Nozhai-Yurtovsky District Department of Internal Affairs of Chechnya, Nazhud Guchigov. At first, officials did not notice the uproar in the press at all, then Ramzan Kadyrov announced that the issue had been resolved, the parents agreed, everything was in order. Over the past two days, Pavel Astakhov and a number of Chechen officials have expressed contradictory opinions about the problem. And only on Tuesday, two weeks after the start of the scandal, the first shots of the interview with the girl and her relatives appeared on Life News.

There are a lot of cuts in short videos: either the heroines could not formulate answers, or they were not as expected. Kheda, she is Louise, Goylabieva answers uncertainly, you can hear how answers are prompted to her. Her mother behaves exactly the same way. Uncertainty can be interpreted both as a fear of answering the wrong question and as simple shyness of the villagers, who are being filmed for the first time on television. In both cases, for some reason, an aunt sits nearby. It is somewhat strange that instead of the girl's father, we are shown her uncle. Be that as it may, we see that the relatives really agree to the marriage and the wedding will take place soon.

The key is the last phrase of Louise, separately pasted to her interview: “Yes, I know that he was married, that he has children from his first marriage, but it so happened that I am now marrying him.” - the wording, to put it mildly, is significant, but it is worth noting that Louise does not look at all downtrodden or weak-willed.

At the same time, the groom himself, Nazhud Guchigov, seems to be actually not 57 years old, but 46, that is, he is still not suitable for the bride's grandfather. Thus, one fundamental question remained unanswered - is the head of the Nozhai-Yurt District Department of Internal Affairs still married?

From the point of view of a Muscovite and even a Krasnodar resident, polygamy is savagery, although from the same bell tower, a man who pays money for sexual services is, as it were, not so savage, but a businessman who has a mistress on the content is the norm. And what is better: such consumer urban promiscuity or Caucasian bigamy, when a person assumes obligations according to custom, although not according to the law?

It is strange in general that this question in Russia, despite its two tens of millions of Muslims, generally still causes such a stormy agitation. Either let's persecute all violators of the articles of the Family Code of the Russian Federation in the press, or let's call this custom the norm and stop being a hypocrite.

Of course, the question of age difference worries everyone, but this, frankly, is also a matter of private life. The age of consent in Russia is 16 years. Formally, this consent has been given. So the issue is closed?

Not really. Because the story about the 17-year-old bride is about the history of Chechnya and journalism. We still don't really understand anything. There is no interview of Guchigov himself, no opinion of the girl's father, no comments from fellow villagers.

For two weeks of hype in the press, no one simply dared to poke his head into the village of Baitarka (the author of the first publication, Elena Milasheva, writes that some journalists tried, but the police did not let them in). Chechnya is just as closed a place for reporters as it is for Stavropol investigators.

This is certainly a small victory for freedom of speech, which in the end Louise still had to show. And although this was done in a very strange way (perhaps none of the Life News employees even went to the Goylabievs, but employees of the administration of the head of Chechnya filmed), it’s not bad that Kadyrov and his advisers considered it necessary to present evidence that violence was not happening.

Better such an appearance of well-being than complete disregard for the issues that arise in society.


The story around the wedding of a 17-year-old Chechen schoolgirl and an elderly local police chief continues. Despite the statement of the bride herself that her consent had become voluntary, the special correspondent of Novaya Gazeta decided to personally visit the girl's ancestral village. Chechen law enforcement officers advised the journalist to monitor her own safety.

F journalist Yelena Milashina of Novaya Gazeta has dealt with the case from the very beginning. It was she who started the hype around the matchmaking of the head of the Chechen police department for an underage schoolgirl. Moreover, Nazhid Guchigov already has one wife. Formally, polygamy is prohibited in Chechnya. Subsequently, after the intervention of Ramzan Kadyrov, the girl said on LifeNews that her family agreed to this age misalliance. But, according to Milashina, 17-year-old Heda (Louise) Goylabieva was threatened, and most likely, in order to save her family, she agreed to this marriage. For more information, Milashina went to Chechnya herself.

At the checkpoint at the entrance to the Nozhai-Yurt district of Chechnya, where Goylabieva's native village is located, she was stopped by "Russian policemen". The guards warned Milashina that Chechen law enforcement officers pay great attention to her person.

It was the guards, as follows from the newspaper report, who warned Milashina of the possible danger. The journalist, in turn, does not leave attempts to get to the village of Baitarki, since she learned that today Goylabiyeva can be found at home and talk with her about her wedding with the head of the Nozhai-Yurt district police department, which, according to the latest data, did not take place.

The journalist nevertheless visited Kheda's native Baitarks and talked with her relatives. The girl herself, by coincidence, was not at home. On the way back from the village, the journalist noticed that several cars were following her car.

“Message from Elena Milashina, who is now on her way to the village of Baitarki in the Nozhai-Yurt district of the Chechen Republic, where Kheda Goylabieva lives. The Russian police officers who stopped two cars of The Joint Mobile Group in Chechnya, in which, in addition to Lena and the guys from the SMG accompanying her, there is a journalist from the Nizhny Novgorod MK Konstantin Gusev, told her that Chechen law enforcement officers were very interested in her personality. We were advised to pay close attention to personal safety. Yesterday, when Lena and the escort from the SMG were leaving Baitarok, their car was driven almost to Khasavyurt,” says Olga Bobrova, a colleague of the journalist.

Elena Milashina arrived in the Chechen Republic a few days ago on the instructions of the editors to prepare a material about the upcoming wedding of the head of the Nozhai-Yurt District Department of Internal Affairs and Kheda Goylabieva. The Chechen wedding became the main regional media event in the first half of May, and it was Elena Milashina who was the first to tell about it, to whom young Goylabieva's fellow villagers turned for help. After this story, the residents of Chechnya spoke about the pressure on the families of girls when entering into marriages.

In turn, the television company "Grozny" claims that the bride's dress is the most long-awaited in the life of Louise Goylabieva, and she chose it for a very long time, as well as gifts for the relatives of her future spouse.

Chechen journalists claim that neither the bride herself nor her mother, Makka, opposed the marriage. In a conversation with them, the girl said that she had never spoken to any of the journalists on the phone. And the fact that she communicated with the film crew with great difficulty is explained in the plot by the national mentality and custom.

"The absurdity of the accusations of violating the rights of the girl, some human rights activists and the media is obvious. If both the former and the latter were so worried about the region and its inhabitants, they would certainly know that it is here and precisely on behalf of Ramzan Kadyrov that work is being actively carried out to strengthen the institution of the family On behalf of the head of Chechnya, early marriages are prohibited, in addition, his decision to ban the ancient custom of kidnapping brides received public support," the TV channel notes.

"Grozny" assures that the hype did not affect the girl's decision to marry an adult fiancé, and suggests that the actions of federal media journalists were dictated by the fulfillment of an order or the habit of "making ratings" on the Chechen topic.

“I'm just reminding. The next time Mizulina wants to say at least a word about the sexual education of schoolchildren and the molestation of minors, or Astakhov suddenly decides that he has the right to broadcast on behalf of children and adolescents, or Golodets, together with Yarovaya, will suddenly remember family values ​​​​and patriotic education, or Zhirinovsky will blurt out another populist about the reduction of sex or Milonov will again worry about the seduction of young boys by old men ...

Just, dear fellow citizens, remember that none of these deputies, supposedly caring about family values ​​and supposedly zealously defending the rights of children and minors throughout our country. None of them interceded for a 17-year-old underage girl from Chechnya, Luiza Goylabieva, whom Nazhud Guchigov, 46, the head of the police department of the Nozhai-Yurt District Department of Internal Affairs, forcibly wants to marry (and the second wife).

This story makes my hair stand on end.

How is this even possible in Russia? Or Chechnya still does not live according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which states that polygamy is illegal and that only adults can marry.

Maybe Chechnya lives according to Sharia law, when brides can be kidnapped, forcibly forced to marry oneself, where women do not even have the right to vote and their future is decided for them either by the father, or, as in this situation, the head of the police department.

How can this be discussed from the position: "well, they have their own rules."

And what does it mean that a Chechen or an Indian, or another representative can come to Moscow, for example, marry a blonde, a brunette and a redhead for a change, and then they will also get nothing for it. Because they have such orders? Hurley.

I'm not ready to let this happen.

If they want to live according to Sharia law, let them live, but there is no need to beat your chest and shout at every corner to Ramzan Kadyrov that Chechnya lives according to the laws of Russia.

Shame on our deputies that they did not even utter a word in defense of the girl. You look at her. Yes, she is scared to death, answering questions only after her mother whispers to her.

Just know, citizens. You have been wildly deceived.

No one will protect you, no one will help you if a Chechen policeman likes you, because our deputies are mummers. And who they really are - clowns or agents working for our enemies (you just can’t think otherwise) - you already know that! A shame! A shame! A shame!"

“In Meduza, there is a very intelligible report on the situation of wives and brides in sovereign Chechnya.

Three quotes from there:

The famous Chechen singer Kheda Khamzatova was listed as missing for some time - shortly after, according to human rights activists, she refused to marry a high-ranking Chechen. Subsequently, she planned to marry an Armenian, but the wedding did not take place due to the intervention of Ramzan Kadyrov. At a government meeting, he said: “We followed her to Armenia, saying that it was a shame for a Chechen woman, plus an honored artist of the republic, to marry such a rabble! I gave instructions to many to follow her. Took permission from her parents and took her out of there.”

Young girls in Chechnya are quite defenseless if they do not have security forces in their families. Attractive girls who belong to families with no special status are the objects of special attention. The real interests of the girl and the presence of a young man are not a serious factor ... In cases where the matchmaking for the elderly takes place on the part of people in power, the refusal, of course, induces significant fears among the bride's relatives. It is known that the security forces in the territory of Chechnya have absolute influence and can steal, burn down a house, and so on.

18-year-old student Amina Edieva was abducted in the afternoon on Grozny street. Four men forced her into a car; Edieva screamed and tried to resist. One of the attackers turned out to be her future husband. Eight months later, she returned to her parents' house.

Sharia law and personal orders of Ramzan Kadyrov have priority in Chechnya over the federal laws of the Russian Federation. The Family Code of the Russian Federation contains article 14, according to which the presence of a wife in a man is considered an obstacle to him entering into another marriage, and article 27, which says that a marriage entered into by a married man is invalid. Neither one nor the other norm of the federal legislation is observed in the Chechen Republic. That is, there you can get yourself a second, third, and fourth wife - just this marriage will not be registered in the registry office, and this wife will not receive any legal rights, and if the husband wishes to kick her out of the house, then he will leave the children to himself, and may forbid them to communicate with their mother at all.

It's like Russia. Like Europe. Like 2015. Spirituality, braces, that's all. But I somehow doubt that this Medusa material will attract the attention of sofa warriors against the sexist threat. Because it's one thing to expose Igor Belkin, Matt Taylor, Galya Timchenko and Nadya Tolokonnikova, and quite another to publicly raise the issue of women's rights in Chechnya. ».

For almost two weeks this Chechen love story has been at the top of the news, while there is nothing at all clear at first glance and everything is clear at the second.

The wedding of 17-year-old Kheda Goylabieva and the head of the Nozhai-Yurt District Department of Internal Affairs of Chechnya, Colonel Nazhud Guchigov, is one of the most discussed topics in Russia right now. But what exactly is known about it?

1. Nazhud Guchigov is already married

Nazhud Guchigov (on the right in the photo) already has a wife and a son. Russian laws do not allow any bigamy. The Commissioner for Human Rights in Russia, Ella Pamfilova, commenting on the upcoming wedding, urged not to allow violations of Russian laws in Chechnya.

2. Marriage to a 17-year-old girl is possible only in a “special case”, which is not here.

Schoolgirl Louise (Kheda) Goylabieva (pictured) is to become the so-called “second wife” of an Interior Ministry colonel at the age of 17.

Under special circumstances it is necessary to understand: pregnancy, the birth of a child, a direct threat to the life of one of the parties.

Circumstances that may serve as a reason for marriage by a minor must be documented.

But there are no restrictions on the age difference between future spouses by law.

The initial information about the forced marriage was spread by the schoolgirl's friends.

The whole village is buzzing about the situation, but - quietly. Because everyone understands on whose side the force is and what will happen to those who go against the head of the police department, Guchigov, who apparently imagines himself as the owner of the Nozhai-Yurtovsky district.

Kheda's friends, out of desperation, tried to write Ramzan Kadyrov on Instagram (after all, it is he who calls himself the "master of Chechnya"). Alas, Instagram and other social networks of the head of Chechnya are very good at clearing all requests. Because the requests of the Chechens can compromise the principle "only good news comes from Chechnya."

4. The Colonel himself didn't want to get married either.

On April 29, Novaya Gazeta was able to get through to Nazhud Guchigov (pictured). The potential groom, however, categorically denied the fact that he plans to take the minor Kheda as his second wife on May 2.

Also, he did not confirm the fact that the village of Baitarki, where Kheda lives, was blocked by posts on his orders (so that relatives could not take the bride away).

Moreover, as the same Novaya Gazeta reported, some time ago, residents of the Nozhai-Yurtovsky district were forced to take their daughter out of Chechnya (Novaya Gazeta knows the name of this girl) in order to prevent her from marrying the all-powerful head of the local police department.

5. Kadyrov said - there will be a wedding, but then he said that there will not be

The intentions, which the groom denied in a telephone conversation with Novaya Gazeta, were unexpectedly confirmed by the head of the republic, Ramzan Kadyrov.

But on May 12, the press secretary of Ramzan Kadyrov, Alvi Akhmedovich Karimov, officially stated in an interview with the radio station "Moscow speaking": "No wedding between this girl<Хедой Гойлабиевой>and this person<Нажудом Гучиговым>in the Chechen Republic was not ... ".

6. As a result, apparently, in the aggregate of all the above facts, they decided to play a wedding

Yesterday, this only record of the “most truthful in the world” TV channel Lifenews appeared, from which it follows that the “bride” does not mind the wedding again.

It turns out that Kheda has known the head of the ROVD “for a year”, they “have been talking”. I recently found out about the upcoming wedding. The wedding date has not yet been set, but the wedding will take place "within a month."

“Yes, I know that he was married and has children from his first marriage. But it just so happened that I am now marrying him.

I wonder what a newly-baked fiancé would say to the Lifenews channel, who until recently, being in a sober mind and sound memory, assured that he did not know any Kheda and that no one, especially the head of the police department, would dare to violate Ramzan Kadyrov’s ban on marriage in Chechnya with minors?

The day before, the head of the medical company, which includes Lifenews, Aram Gabrelyanov posted the following tweet:

Ah, then everything is fine! And it seemed that this whole story takes place in some kind of Absurdistan in the Middle Ages.

UPDATE: WEDDING CEREMONY REPORT Nazhuda Guchigova and Louise Goylabieva

On May 16, 2915, the official wedding ceremony of 17-year-old Luiza Goylabieva and 46-year-old head of the Nozhai-Yurt District Department of Internal Affairs Nazhud Guchigov took place in the city wedding palace in Grozny. The newlyweds officially registered the union.

No comment. You can see everything on the video.

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Maryam - the mother of the prophet Isa (peace be upon him) belongs to the family of the prophet Daud (peace be upon him). Her mother's name was Hunna, and her father's name was Imran. As they say in reliable sources, the Hun had no children and she asked Allah: “O my Lord! If I have a child, I will give it to You in Bait-ul-Maqdis." After this vow, she became pregnant.

“Remember when a woman from the tribe of Imran said: “Lord! Verily, I have vowed to sacrifice to You the child that is in my womb, freed from all other cares than obedience to You. So accept from me, for, verily, You are the Hearing, the Knowing.”(meaning verse 35, sura 3).

Some time later, she gave birth to a girl and named her Maryam. “When she was relieved of the burden, she said: “Lord! I resolved to be a girl." But it is better for Allah to know by whom she was allowed, because the boy is not the same as the girl. “I named her Maryam. I entrust her and her offspring under Your protection from the accursed Satan ”(the meaning of verse 36, sura 3). Before that, it was allowed to send boys to the mosque and for this a large reward was given. So the boys from birth to adulthood remained in the mosque. After adulthood, they could do business at their discretion. The Almighty accepted Maryam into service, after which it was allowed for girls. The Hun gave her daughter to the servants of the mosque. They cast lots to decide who would take custody of her. By the will of Allah, the lot went to the prophet Zakaria (peace be upon him), who was the imam of this mosque and the son-in-law of the Hun. When Maryam was weaned, she was taken to the Bayt-ul-Maqdis (mosque), where a separate room was allocated for her. This room is called mihrab (direction). Only the prophet Zakaria (peace be upon him) could enter it. He opened and closed its doors with his keys. This continued until Maryam reached the age of 12. One day he saw various fruits in the room, which he did not bring, and asked with surprise: "Where does this come from?" Maryam replied that it was granted to her by Allah. Every time Zakaria (peace be upon him) entered her chambers, he found food with her and once asked: "Oh Maryam! Where did you get this from? She replied: “This is from Allah. Verily, Allah will provide sustenance to whom He wills, without restriction.(meaning verse 37, sura 3).

Maryam worshiped the Creator day and night. Her piety became famous among the sons of Israel. She was among the chosen servants of Allah. She is praised in the Quran as being pious. “Remember, Muhammad, how the angels said: "Oh Maryam! Indeed, Allah has chosen you, purified you in faith and exalted you above the women of the worlds. Oh Maryam! Be obedient to your Lord, prostrate yourself and worship with those who worship.”(meaning of verses 42-43, sura 3).

In obedience to orders, Maryam's piety grew so much that she prayed until her legs swelled ...

The angels, when they brought Maryam the good news about Isa (peace be upon him), said: “And the Lord will make him a messenger to the sons of Israel, and he will say to them: “I have come to you with a sign from your Lord. I will create for you the likeness of a bird out of clay, blow on it and it will become a bird with the permission of Allah. I will heal the blind and the leper, and I will revive the dead, by the leave of Allah. I will tell you about what you eat and what you store in your homes. Indeed, in all this there is a sign for you, if you are believers.”(meaning verse 49, sura 3).

The Almighty honored Maryam by granting her miracles.

One day, Allah sent the angel Jabrail (peace be upon him) to her, who took the form of a handsome man who had no vices and shortcomings. He incarnated as a man because Maryam would not be able to look at him if he appeared in his true form. When she saw him, she was frightened, because she was far from her family and other people, and an outsider could do harm and encroach on her honor. Then she decided to resort to the protection of the Lord and ask Him to protect her. She said: “I resort to the Merciful to protect me from you, if only you are God-fearing. I ask Allah to have mercy on me and protect me from the evil that you can do to me. And you will not do me any harm if you fear Allah and follow His instructions. Get away from me!"

Saying this, she simultaneously asked for protection from Allah, reminded the stranger of the severe punishment of the Almighty and ordered him to observe the requirements of piety. She was a young girl and there was no one around except a handsome and well-built man who did not say a single rude word to her and did not try to harm her. And even in such a situation, she was afraid of Allah, and this was the perfection of chastity and the desire to move away from evil and the paths leading to it. Such chastity is one of the most excellent deeds, because it is manifested at the moment when there are all conditions for committing a sin and nothing prevents it.

This is why Allah praised Maryam (meaning): “And also Maryam, the daughter of Imran, who kept her chastity, and We breathed through him (through the cutout on her clothes) through Our Spirit (Jabrail). She believed in the Words of the Lord and His Scriptures and was one of the humble.” And again (meaning): “Remember also the one who kept chastity (Maryam). We breathed into her through Our spirit (Jabrail (peace be upon him)) and made her and her son (Isa (peace be upon him)) a sign for the worlds ”(21:91). For chastity and virtue, Maryam was rewarded with a son who became one of the signs of Allah and one of His messengers.

Angel Gabriel (peace be upon him) said: “Verily, I have been sent by your Lord to give you a pure boy.” Maryam answered him: “How can I have a boy if I have not been touched by a man and I have not been a harlot?”

When Jaibrail (peace be upon him) saw the fear that seized the girl, he told about his mission, about who he really was and that he had appeared in order to convey the message of the Lord to her and please her with the news of the imminent birth of a pure boy. This good news meant that she would give birth to a boy who would be devoid of bad temper and would have only beautiful qualities. Of course, the news of the birth of a son without a father greatly surprised the girl. But Gabriel conveyed to her the words of the Lord (meaning): “Your Lord said: This is easy for Me. We will make it a sign for the people and a mercy from Us. This matter is already decided!”

When Maryam became pregnant, she was afraid of shame and decided to retire from people. When the time for the birth of a baby approached, labor pains led her to a date palm. Maryam gave birth to Isa (peace be upon him) near Bayt-ul-Maqdis on Monday night. The miraculous birth of the prophet Isa (peace be upon him) was a foregone conclusion. It was originally ordained by Allah, and nothing could prevent it. And so Jabrail (peace be upon him) breathed the Divine spirit into the neckline on Maryam's chest.

After the birth of the child, Maryam became very hungry. But Allah created a stream and a fruit tree next to her. Thus He delivered her from hunger and thirst. However, it was not only this that tormented her - Maryam was worried about what people would say about her, and was afraid that she would not have the patience to endure the upcoming difficulties. That's when she wished to die before that happened. And then she heard: "Do not worry! Your Lord has created a stream under you. Shake the trunk of the palm tree and fresh dates will fall down. Eat, drink and be happy! If you see any of the people, then say: I made a vow to the Merciful to remain silent and will not talk to people today.

If an unmarried woman brings a child to people and declares that this child has no father, then people will not believe her even if the veracity of her words is confirmed by several witnesses. And therefore, the proof of Maryam's innocence had to be a miracle that would not be inferior in its significance to the miraculous birth of her child.

Maryam came to her relatives, carrying little Isa (peace be upon him) in her hands. They said: "Oh Maryam! Your father was not a bad man, and your mother was not a harlot.". She was confident in her innocence and purity, and therefore did not attach much importance to what she heard. To their question: "Where is he from?" Maryam did not answer. She did this because she was ordered to make people understand by signs that she had taken a vow of silence if people tried to speak to her. Instead of answering, she pointed to the child with a sign, as if looking for an answer from him, but people were surprised at her act, because children, as a rule, do not know how to talk in infancy. They asked, "How can we talk to a baby in a cradle?" But at this time, the baby Isa (peace be upon him) answered: “Indeed, I am a servant of Allah. He gave me the Scripture and made me a prophet. He made me blessed wherever I was and told me to pray and give zakat while I was alive. Allah commanded me to treat my mother well and take care of her in the most perfect way, and I will faithfully fulfill my duties to her, because she is a glorious and worthy woman and because she is my mother. I am deeply indebted to her for bringing me into the world and doing so many other things for me. Allah did not make me one of those who arrogantly refuse to worship Allah and treat His creations with arrogance. Allah also did not make me one of those who do not see happiness either during life or after death. On the contrary, Allah has made me a submissive slave who humbles himself and humiliates himself before his Lord and does not exalt himself above His slaves. He made me and my followers happy both in this life and after death.” So, the proof of Maryam's innocence was a miracle - the speech of a baby.

The great mercies that the Almighty bestowed on Maryam:

1. Before her, only boys were accepted into the ministry, and thanks to the prayer of her mother, she was also accepted.

2. She was under the care of the prophet Zakariya (peace be upon him).

3. The Almighty fed her heavenly food.

4. Allah gave her the opportunity to see the angel Gabriel, which was given only to the prophets.

5. Allah protected her and her son from the wiles of Satan.

6. Her son - the prophet Isa (peace be upon him) spoke from the cradle and stood up for his mother before the people who slandered her.

One of the virtues of Maryam is that her name is mentioned in the Koran. In this sacred Scripture, Maryam was awarded the most beautiful words and the most wonderful praise, which became a reward for her wonderful deeds and perfect aspirations.

She completely and completely surrendered to sincere worship of the Almighty and humbled herself before Him. She wanted to fulfill the will of Allah, about which the angels told her: "Oh Maryam! Indeed, Allah has chosen you, purified you and exalted you above the women of the worlds. Oh Maryam! Be humble before your Lord, prostrate yourself and bow with those who bow."

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Imran's daughter Maryam is the best among the women of her time, and the best of the women of my community is Khadija."

Material from the book "Submissive to God"