A small ransom of the bride scenario. Funny scenario of the ransom of the bride

Bride price is a long-standing joyful tradition that is carried out at weddings to create a cheerful atmosphere. Such a ceremony can be made varied, but it is not advised to stretch it, usually the most optimal option in terms of the amount of time is 10-15 minutes. Such a tradition with ancient origins will appeal to everyone, from young to old. The newlyweds themselves will not refuse it either. The redemption scenario can be developed individually, depending on the wishes and the amount of time available.

We offer you a list of interesting competition in the form of mini-games for mini-ransom, the length of which will be at least 5 minutes. All the guests invited by you, the ransom participants themselves and the neighbors who will become casual spectators will be delighted!

Redemption of the bride in 15 minutes. Finished script

Bride ransom in 10 minutes scenario

Three glass glasses must be prepared in advance, in which the groom must put something rustling (money), ringing (smaller money), and foaming (pour champagne).

After such filling of the containers, the groom is allowed to the competition.

Then, the same glasses are taken out to the groom, but with salty, sweet and bitter water (one of these can be replaced with sour). The groom should not be told what taste of water in these glasses. With what expression on his face he drinks everything, with such a husband the bride will live.

All weddings are different from each other in many ways:
and the script, and guests, and various. So, according to our research, it becomes clear that there is no single scenario and plan for how to organize the ransom of the bride.

The choice of a contest that is suitable in every sense is always yours, dear friends.

You can do the following:

  • Offer the groom to put in the basin what is most dear to the bride. Perplexed suitors, as a rule, do not guess to stand in the basin themselves, showing that they are the most important thing for their beloved.
  • Give the groom cardboard boxes or several sheets of paper in different colors, for example, coffee, blue, green, gray. The groom will have to answer the question of what color is best for the bride. This is a question of ingenuity, because according to such a set of colors, the groom will have to guess that the color should be chosen, the most similar to the color of the eyes of the future wife.
  • Stick a big poster (printed on paper) to the entrance to the bride's room and do not pay attention to it, as if there was nothing. When the groom understands everything and breaks such a “disguise”, you can demand payment from him for the damage caused.
  • Write in advance a lot of papers listing household chores that can be for both the groom and the bride. After this package with duties is given to the groom, and he must have time to read all of them in a fixed amount of time and say who has what duty. In such a hurry, very interesting answers are obtained. Don't forget to capture it on camera! Reviewing the ransom, the groom laughs to his heart's content.
  • If it was decided to hold a ransom indoors, then you will definitely like the prank for the groom offered by us. From under the first door closest to the threshold, stretch a few ribbons, and put them right in front of the threshold. In the room where the tapes originate, get a man and a pensioner. Dress the man as a bride, and let the pensioner put on a veil. The task of the groom is to “pull out” his bride. As you can imagine, it's just not there. The groom will have to pay off again, otherwise he will go down the aisle with an old grandmother.
  • put two pieces of paper of different colors, let's say white and red. If the groom first steps on the white one, then he will have to list all the best qualities of the bride, if on the red one, he will say why and how he will scold her.

If he refuses, make him pay a fine!

And the last contest is to tell the groom that he can come up and take his bride by the hands, but for this he will have to approach her without touching the ground.

The task is as follows: Will the groom be able to guess that a witness can carry him in his arms?

After that, the bride ransom script for 5, 10, 15, 30 minutes is considered completed.

If future newlyweds want to organize a wedding, observing established traditions, the classic bride price is the best option, although many consider it banal.

If the organizers approach the matter with a soul, the event turns out to be fun and interesting. For example, a good way to diversify a traditional ritual is to act out the classic prose bride price.

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The main thing is not to extract more money from the groom, but to please everyone present with fun contests and an exciting spectacle.

The role of traditions in a wedding

If now the future newlyweds themselves decide how their wedding will go, then before all marriages took place according to the same scenario, which was determined. In each culture, they were formed in their own way, depending on the experience of previous generations and religious beliefs. Many are still observed by newlyweds.

At weddings in ancient times, all customs were performed in order to bring happiness and prosperity to the life of newly-made spouses and protect them from bad influence. People tried to attract the mercy of the gods to the family and ward off the evil entities that strove to harm on the wedding day.

Now traditions no longer play such an important role, these are just touching memorable stages that are customary to observe on. Young people come up with their own customs, which are no longer dictated by religion, but by their own preferences and fashion. In any case, old and modern traditions form the framework of the marriage scenario, on which other stages are then layered.

What does the rite symbolize?

The history of this rite stretches back hundreds and even thousands of years. Since after the wedding the bride left her father's house and could no longer help her parents with the housework, then it was not customary to give a girl in marriage just like that - the groom had to pay a ransom. Its amount was determined by the beauty, good breeding and thrift of a potential wife.

The ransom was agreed in advance during the matchmaking, and if both parties came to an agreement, then the engagement was announced. In addition, on the day of the wedding, the groom had to prove that he was worthy of the hand and heart of his beloved, and for this he had to pass simple tests.

The most popular task, for example, began with the young man's neighbors blocking his way to the bride's house with a fallen tree. The groom was given a saw, and he had to saw through the barrier in order to pass on.

Now the ransom is less grandiose. Since the hero of the occasion must look perfect at the wedding, contests are held not for physical actions, but for ingenuity. In addition, financial compensation to the bride's parents is no longer provided. The groom pays a symbolic amount only for the fact that he cannot pass any competition.


The advantage of such an event, not tied to any creative theme, is that the organization does not take much time. Girlfriends and relatives of the bride, who, as a rule, are preparing tests for the groom, do not need to select special costumes or decorate the place of celebration in a special way.

The organizers of the ransom remain in their usual outfits, which will not change throughout the entire wedding. A sign or poster is hung on the front door to the house of the hero of the occasion with an inscription in the spirit of "The bride lives here." The inside of the entrance is decorated with posters, paper garlands, lanterns and pompoms, balloons, colorful ribbons, etc.

It is so accepted that the ransom of the bride should be prepared, but recently this role has been given to several girls at once. It’s even better, because if the event is hosted by one friend, she will quickly get tired, but several hosts replacing each other will create a more interesting scenario. Most often, the ransom is carried out by 3 people.

Stage one - meeting the groom

The scenario of a classic bride price with phrases like “We have goods, you have a merchant” will be faded. Such remarks have long become boring to everyone. It is better to make dialogues more original - you can even speak in your own words.

For example, when the groom and his retinue arrive at the house of his beloved, the host can meet the guests with a speech.

Leading. Hello, (groom's name). Where are you in such a hurry? Why did you complain?

The groom says that he came for the bride.

Leading. For the bride - it's good. Look how many of us are here - for every taste and color. Blondes, brown-haired brunettes, tall and short, funny and serious, calm and fast. Each of us will go to the registry office even now.

The groom says that he has already chosen a bride for himself, calls her name.

Leading. Ah, so you came for the most enviable bride. Well, the lip is not stupid. Do you know that the parents of your beloved strictly forbade her to give away just like that? You will have to complete tricky tasks, show your strength and ingenuity, and in some places pay off with money, quench our thirst with champagne or sweeten us with sweets. Are you ready for such challenges?

The young man replies that he is ready.

Interesting! To give the beginning of the wedding a "zest", you can come up with or take as a basis a ready-made classic script.

Stage two - competitions

The groom and all the guests stand under the windows of the bride.

Leading. First, show us how much you love your bride. Although she is far away now, she will definitely hear the words of true love. Shout three times how you love (name of the bride), and if she throws her handkerchief out of the window, then we will move on.

After the hero of the occasion throws off a handkerchief smelling of her perfume, the whole procession goes inside the entrance.

On the ground floor, the presenter shows the groom a large flower with individual paper petals, each with a number written on it.

Young woman. If you really love our (name of the bride), then you should know everything about her. Numbers are written on the chamomile petals, you need to guess what they mean. For each miss you will pay a fine.

Numbers can be:

  • foot size;
  • the last three digits of the phone number;
  • clothing size;
  • heel length on wedding shoes;
  • how many children the bride wants, etc.

When the groom answers all the questions or buys them off, then everyone goes up to the next floor. Footprints are glued on the steps and walls leading to the next landing.

Leading. In married life, the wife must be sure that you can rely on you, that you will not deviate from the intended path. Now you need to follow the tracks exactly, without stepping anywhere else, to the next floor.

The groom jumps on the first step himself, and then he must guess that his friends should carry him, applying him to the footprints on the walls or distant steps.

There is a dart board on the next platform, but the usual fields on it are replaced by the following phrases:

  • the demon beguiled;
  • tired of ironing shirts;
  • I want to fall asleep in an already heated bed;
  • ran out of clean socks;
  • mom made
  • by calculation;
  • kicked out of the house;
  • tired of escorting home;
  • for love (in the center).

Leading. Now we will find out why you actually decided to get married. Here's a dart for you, you only have one try. Throw it at the target and by hitting we will know your true intentions. In which case you can buy a few more darts if you don’t hit the right target right away, otherwise we can tell the truth to the bride.

When the groom hits the "bull's eye", then everyone goes up the floor. On each step to the next landing is a paper heart with a letter written on it.

Leading. On the way to the next competition, you need to tell your beloved a compliment on the letter that lies on the step. You can skip some heart if you can pay off.

You can use not only ordinary letters, for example, "l", "d", "p" or "k", for which it is easy to come up with a compliment, but also 2-3 dummy ones, for example, "b", "b" or "s" ".

Interesting! On the letter "b" we can say that the bride has a soft character, on "b" - a firm hand. If the groom guesses such a trick, then the answer is counted.

On the next floor, a drawing paper with 20-30 prints of female lips hangs on the wall (you can also add male ones for comic relief).

Leading. We know for sure that our (name of the bride) kissed you more than once, and if so, then you must unmistakably distinguish her lips from all the others. Look at the prints and say which area your loved one kissed, and for each miss you will pay a fine.

After completing the task, everyone rises further.

Leading. And now let's check how things are with your memory. It is very important for women if you remember memorable dates, so you will train now. I will name the date, and you will answer what it means.

Questions might be:

  • date of your acquaintance;
  • date of marriage proposal;
  • mother-in-law's date of birth;
  • date of the first kiss;
  • wedding date is reversed, etc.

When the groom copes with the task, everyone goes up to the bride's floor.

Leading. Before the last jerk, let's give the groom a rest - now there is a competition for the witness. The groom's friends should know exactly what his beloved looks like. Let the best friend of the hero of the occasion prove that he will cope with such a task.

Childhood photographs of the bride and other girls hang on the wall. The witness will have to recognize the chosen one of his best friend. After that, everyone goes to the bride's apartment. In front of her room, several colored ribbons stretch under the door.

Leading. Here is the last step to your destiny. Guess which ribbon the bride is holding on to and pull her towards you.

In addition to the hero of the occasion, a girl, an aged lady and a man dressed as a woman can sit in the room. The competition continues until the groom finds the bride.

Interesting! For comparison, see . Choose the best option.


Redemption of the bride in a classic style is not necessarily boring and banal. The organizers of the tests for the groom can bring a twist to the contests if they take into account the individuality and characters of the future newlyweds. In order not to delay the event, it is advisable to dilute long tasks with simple ones.

A wedding is a very important event, because a new family is born! And, of course, you need to properly prepare for the celebration. And an interesting wedding scenario ensures that your guests will be satisfied and the event will be held at the highest level.

To comply with all wedding traditions, of course, you need to organize the ransom of the bride. And such a wedding ransom scenario should be well prepared by the witness with her girlfriends. At the same time, one should not forget that a wedding is always associated with fun, happiness, and joy.

Short ransom script

The wedding scenario of the ransom of the bride is best done in a playful way, to force the groom with witnesses to overcome obstacles, to show your mind and ingenuity. At the same time, this should be done in such a way that it is fun and interesting for everyone.

For the ransom of the bride, you must prepare:

  • Three footprints made of paper, painted on one side with any color (you can use colored paper, but, of course, not black), and on the other side, write on one blank - "By calculation", on the second - "For love", on the third - "As needed." These three footprints show the groom with the painted side up and he must choose.
  • Hearts painted red, their number must match the number of steps on the stairs.
  • Stool.
  • Three glasses of water with different tastes, sugar is diluted in one glass, salt in the second, citric acid in the third.

Hello dear guests! Why did you complain to us?

For the bride.

Not a bride, but a queen, and such a craftswoman! We value the bride, we won’t just give it away! We need a ransom that cannot be expressed in price: Three bottles of lemonade, two bars of chocolate, vodka, beer - all in a river, and a golden ring.

Witness (on the street):
So that the bride at the window does not get bored alone, you owe her from here, shout about your love.

And now, little groom, you can't go anywhere: tell us frankly, Why are you getting married: Here are three tracks in front of you, Choose any one for yourself. ("For convenience", "for love", "for need" - the reason may not be liked, and this is played out.) How bad is the reason, Is it possible to oversleep the groom? If you want to go up, pay off richer!

Witness (on the stairs):
How many hearts, So many affectionate words.

We do not know the groom at all, And we want to know everything about him. Let the friend-witness slowly List us the merits of the groom. If a friend does not name ten qualities in advance, There will be a complete turn from the threshold to the gate.

Witness (on the stairs):
This ladder of songs: For each ladder - a song.

We ask the groom to stand on a stool, Now let's see - how is he dressed? Yes, dressed in fashion. And the jacket is not a hoodie, As if sewn in a "Silhouette", It's just lovely how it sits. A fashionable tailcoat, a watch with fire, Even a tie with him. In general, we can be calm. In appearance, the groom is quite worthy.

Witness (on the stairs):
What do these numbers mean?

For the beauty of the bride Dance, groom, on our pelvis. And you, witness, do not be shy, Dance us the dance of swans.

Witness (at the apartment):
And now, dear bridegroom, show us what kind of life you will have. Here are three glasses of drink for you: In one glass, the drink speaks of the sweet life (with sugar), in the second - of the bitter (with salt), and the third will say - of the sour (with citric acid). Drink a drink from any glass, and by your face we will know what kind of life awaits you.

Witness (in the bride's apartment):
Well... (groom's name), it's yours, only I have the shoe. If you don’t find a shoe, you won’t take (name of the bride) to the registry office.

The groom redeems the shoe, goes into the room where the bride is sitting, gives flowers and shoes her.

On this short wedding scenario for the ransom of the bride can be considered complete. And finally, we wish all the best to our newlyweds, we want to give them wise advice at the same time: never forget those who gave you life - your parents. Do not spare them a kind word. After all, an affectionate word is not difficult, but quick.

As a rule, all this happens in a playful way. This is not surprising, because a successful ransom is a unique sight. He is usually remembered for a long time by both the newlyweds and their guests. The ransom of the bride should not last too long. The most suitable option is 15 minutes for all the main actions. Competitions must be chosen, starting from the ability of the groom to freely cope with the proposed tasks.

It is necessary to compose such that the bride and groom have time to take a break from the hustle and bustle, laugh, cry. The guests were able to say important words and congratulate the newlyweds. If you approach this issue with knowledge of the matter, then you can please absolutely everyone! The script is compiled for the venue of the wedding banquet, taking into account the composition of the guests. The success of a festive celebration lies in careful planning, where there should be no trifles. Do not forget about the needs and preferences.

Newlyweds dream that their wedding is memorable, so they start preparing for the wedding in advance. The ransom of the bride is one of the most fun and colorful events at the wedding, as almost all the guests of the evening participate in it. In this connection, it is necessary to approach this event responsibly and prescribe a detailed scenario for the redemption for planning. It should be a cool and funny story, told by the hosts of the evening, in such a way as to involve as many people as possible in the process of buying the bride.

Modern scenarios of bride kidnapping written in verse work very effectively. Then all those invited are even more immersed in the atmosphere of celebration, and the ransom of the bride turns into a fairy tale.

Cartege drives up to the entrance. A bridegroom, a witness, comes out of it, followed by guests. At the entrance to the entrance they are met by the Hosts Elena and Irina (You can take any names by substituting them in the script).

Host Elena: What is this gentlemen?
Did they come to us here?
What do you need in part?
Maybe tea, marmalade?

The groom replies that he came for the bride.

Host Irina: What a smart look
Wants to find a sweetheart.
I think there is here.
If you remember. The name of?

The groom says that Catherine (for example)

Host Elena: There is one! Lives here.
But, it just won't work.
Need something in two glasses
And it rang and rustled.

The hosts serve two empty glasses on a tray. In one groom puts paper money, and in the other coins.

Host Elena: The bride was bored there.
There is little time left.
Let everyone know that you are here.
Shout out love to her.

The groom screams as he loves the bride.

Host Elena: Well, do you know Katyusha.
Nose, Eye, Handle, Ear.
Well give me the answer
And draw her portrait.

Bridegroom Contest with Witness

For this competition, you will need to prepare the eyes, forehead, nose, lips and chin. Different photos of the same format. And the groom with the witness should make a sketch.

Host Irina: Well, here's all the armor
You are nowhere without her.
You are here for a long time.
Katya, they won't give it back

The presenter points to the bride's relatives.

Host Irina: With everyone, you know for sure.
Dad, grandmother, sister.
Sister's husband, nephew.
Are you ready to take on the challenge?

The groom agrees. The hosts escort him to the entrance.

Host Elena: Our first assignment.
Are you ready to pass now?
Answer right here on the spot.
Where are the lips of the scarlet bride?

Competition for the groom

On the wall, there is a sheet of A3 format, on which there are about 6 prints of female lips. The groom must guess where the lips of his bride are. Only one person can leave fingerprints. For each miss, the groom must complete a task from the host, for example, sing a song about Catherine, dance, or pay. After moving a few steps higher.

Host Irina: Well done for guessing.
Waiting for you now emergency.
Father loves his daughter very much
And the task will judge you.

Contest for the Pope

Hanging darts. Leaflets are glued on it (with the reverse side. For example (Fur coat, car, apartment, trip, ring) That's where it hits with a dart, then we unfold the sheet and dad says that where he got, he should give it next year. What is more expensive, fasten to The groom will probably aim at the center.

Passing the first flight.

Host Elena: Here is your first gift.
So good and all so sweet.

Host Irina: Boldly, frisky you go
How will you go further?

Host Elena: My sister has a barricade here
You will do everything right

Host Irina: Well sister, let's do the job
Let the groom begin his efforts.

competition for sister

The sister wants to check how strong the groom is, the witness and the groom are given boxing gloves, the situation is heating up, for example, that they will now measure their strength. And then they give both of them candy and who will quickly deploy it with gloves.

The groom goes upstairs.

Host Elena: What a clever bastard
All trades daring!

Host Irina: You surprised me too
Did you forget about the bride?

The groom answers

Host Elena: You've already gone half way
How to get through the next one?

Host Irina: Now the holiday will begin.
At the helm is now a nephew.

Competition for nephew

Does the groom remember his bride well? The groom is blindfolded, given a felt-tip pen, and he must depict his beloved on paper. And at the end, the nephew says that he will give this drawing for a year of marriage.

The groom passes the second flight.

Host Elena: Liho, you made a beauty
Drawn - straight feast for the eyes.

Host Irina: Just like Demi Moore
But Katya is better - I'm not lying.

Host Elena: Grandma is still here
Cherishes his granddaughter

Host Irina: Well, the groom gathered with will.
Prove that Katya is worthy.

grandma competition

Grandma does not have a big box with a hole in her hands, things are stacked there (lipstick, garlic crusher, spoon, corkscrew), etc. Grandmother says how he understands women's things. The groom must describe the object by touch, he must pay for each miss.

The groom goes upstairs.

Host Elena: Well, here is the sister's husband
Brave guy look.

Host Irina: He is like a dark horse.
Hope everything goes smoothly here.

Contest for the husband's sister

Several children's photos of the bride and her bridesmaids are taken and the groom must guess. Let him pay for each wrong photo.

The third flight passes.

Host Elena: Well, here is the finish line, there is the bride
Soon you will be with her

Host Irina: There's a beam hidden behind the door
Pick up the key to the door

Final competition

(In front of the door) This is the most interesting competition, the door is locked, the key is frozen in BOILED water. (In order for the water to be clear). In a plastic glass, then the glass is removed and let the groom suffer as he wants. Though it licks, though it breaks.

Host Elena: Well, she's beautiful
Very sweet and light.

Host Irina: Walk a little, just a little.
Only redeem left.

The groom refuses. Then he and the witness have to perform tasks from the leaders. for example, sing a song about Catherine, dance, well, or pay. At this time, all the relatives who will sell the bride sit down to the bride. The hosts escort the groom to the table and the auction begins, for how much they agreed to sell the bride. Leading actively participate in the auction. As a result, the groom redeems the bride from everyone. And sits next to her.

Regarding the entrance decorations, you can use a large number of balls, confetti, crackers and tinsel. It will also look spectacular traces on the steps, which you can do yourself or buy and arrows on the walls. Directions to the bride.

Video example of a cool bride price

To show you how it might look

The ransom of the bride should not last too long. The most suitable option is 15 minutes for all the main actions. Competitions must be chosen, starting from the ability of the groom to freely cope with the proposed tasks. There is no need to invent something that he cannot do, because in this case this day will not bring him joy and fun, and the ransom scenario should be quick and short. The contests that you will learn about after reading the article will appeal to both you and your loved one.

  1. At each rung of the ladder are envelopes with questions that concern you. A young man will not be able to step on the next step until he answers the question posed. The groom is fined if he does not know the answer to any question.
  2. Stick matches into the apple in advance. When the bridegroom with the witness is at your doorstep, give the fruit to the latter. Each match pulled out of an apple is a new positive quality of the groom, which his friend should name.
  3. This short bride price contest is a bit similar to the previous one. You need to stick a lot of long matches and only one short one into the fruit. This apple is given into the hands of a young man. He must pull out the matches, one by one. Each long match is an affectionate word addressed to the bride. Compliments must be spoken very quickly. If he hesitated and did not say a compliment to his beloved, he is fined. The competition ends when the groom reaches a short match.

  4. According to the scenario, on the steps of the stairs you need to write the letters that you only wish. When the groom's foot moves to a new step, he must pay a compliment to the bride. Affectionate words should begin with the letter that is written at a certain level.
  5. Daisies painted in two colors are placed on the steps. The groom stepped on a red flower? Let him compliment his future wife. If his foot is on a blue chamomile, then he is offered to scold his beloved. The groom who refused to scold the girl pays a fine.
  6. Before redemption, freeze the key to your apartment in an ice cube in advance. You can mix the desired ice cube, which contains the wrong keys.
  7. Cut out hearts from colored paper and write on them a possible reason for marriage. Captions should be funny. A heart is placed on the top step, on which is written "Marriage for love." The young man must get to the cherished inscription without getting on the steps with unnecessary reasons. He can't hold on to the railing. Will his friend guess to take the groom in his arms and deliver him to his destination?
  8. Stock up on balloons with pieces of paper inside. One of the leaves is decorated with the coveted inscription "key". The groom must choose the balloon he likes and pierce it with a needle. Guessed - give him the keys. I made a mistake - I paid a fine, this is the scenario.
  9. The groom, who has approached the threshold of the bride's apartment, is given a glass of water. The young man has to throw in a lot of coins.
  10. Take a deck of cards and stick cool pictures on top of the standard images. Among the photos from an erotic magazine and various caricatures, there should be one photo of the bride. Invite the groom to draw a card from the deck and show everyone his betrothed. If a young man made a mistake with the choice of a card, then he is offered to draw a new card. Naturally, according to the scenario, the retry is paid.
  11. The doors that are in your apartment must be tightly closed. The handle of each of them is a place for interesting questions addressed to the groom. A young man comes to any door and answers the question he found on a piece of paper. For the correct answer, the treasured door will open before him. The wrong answer is a reason to make a choice in favor of another door or pay off with money. It will be interesting if the groom finds a man in a veil in one of the rooms. This will amuse all the guests present at the ransom.
  12. Let the groom write the name of his beloved woman in a non-standard way - with the help of money on the table. This is a short but interesting contest.
  13. Take baby photos of the bride and her bridesmaids. Lay out the pictures in front of the young man. Will the groom recognize his future wife?
  14. A dart board should hang on any of the doors. Each target has glued inscriptions that answer the question: "Why did you decide to get married?". Captions should be fun. Invite the groom to throw a dart. The target he hits will give the answer to this question.
  15. Let the groom and his friends dance a cheerful dance. Music according to the script cannot be included in this case. Let them come up with their own accompaniment that everyone present will like.
  16. Give the young man a piece of paper and ask him to draw a picture of his future wife. You can agree in advance with some old woman and then tell the groom that she is most similar to his drawing. Let him take her to the registry office. This competition will make all the guests smile.
  17. Let all the women present in the apartment at the ransom kiss a large sheet of paper, leaving an imprint of lipstick on it. This is what the bride does. The groom must guess which "lips" on the sheet belong to his beloved woman.
  18. Place a small basin in front of the young man and invite him to put there exactly what will warm the soul. Perhaps he will guess to stand there himself?
  19. The door to the bride's room should be opened only after the magic phrase that the groom says ("I love you"). He must figure this out on his own!
  20. The path to the treasured room is hard and long. How surprised the groom will be when he sees an old neighbor in a veil there!
  21. The last door at the ransom, from under which ribbons stick out, is the place where the bride should hide in the company of several people. The hand of each contestant is tied to a ribbon. The groom must pull the ribbon he chooses. Perhaps he will pull out not his beloved, but a familiar old woman. He can pay off with money or he leads the person he has chosen to the registry office.
  22. The room that the groom has been looking for for so long is finally open. He hugs the bride and notices that she has no shoes! A young man is looking for a shoe in the boxes that the girls have prepared in advance.

If you still need to shorten the script for the ransom of the bride, then you can take not all the contests, but the ones you like the most.