Unusual ideas for meeting the New Year. One for the new year: how to meet

People are so different ... Paul, age, social status, hobbies and habits distinguish us from each other. But there is a unifying factor, or rather, a holiday - New Year! I would still, because this celebration recalls childhood and marks the beginning of another life turn. On the eve of the cherished evening, many are asked questions: how fun to celebrate the New Year? How to spend the originally night so as not to regret your choice? And most importantly, with whom to meet a holiday: with parents, with friends, with your loved one or alone?

In fact, everything is extremely simple! We will give a few options for developing events, and you choose the one that you have to do.

Family celebration

How often do children want to escape from the parent home and hold a New Year's Eve in a noisy crowd of peers! Or, on the contrary, moms and dad leave their babies with grandparents to celebrate the event with the company in the restaurant. But after all, the new year is the main family celebration. And the more representatives of different generations gather at one table, the better. So the option to celebrate the New Year with the family unexpectedly becomes the favorite of our small ranking.

So, a common myth: to cope a holiday with relatives is boring and unlikely. In fact, it all depends on the training in the evening and the mood of all family members. So start from the main thing - from the tree! Well-marked New Year unthinkable without coniferous beauty. Therefore, connect to its decoration and babies, and representatives of the older generation. By the way, this is a very good reason to rally the family and tune in to the wave of the upcoming holiday.

The celebrations of the New Year implies not only the bursting table and a festive concert on TV. We will tell the ideas that will make the evening especially cheerful. For example, you can arrange awarding the "best". To do this, you need to prepare the diplomas and enter into them the fun achievements of each family members. For example, Hand Handbooking "Document", indicating his merit in the field of cooks for the kid. And the child can receive a bachelor's degree in the pronunciation of sound "P". Grandma Award the medal for resistance when watching kinearies!

Another way, how to celebrate the new year at home and do not bother - to arrange contests. But for their successful, you need to remember several rules:

  • if this evening with you are the elderly or children, competitions should not be too noisy;
  • forget about ambiguous contests with erotic subtext;
  • a small area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment / houses may interfere with moving games.

An excellent contest for relatives is "crocodile". The essence is simple: the presenter comes to one of the participants any animal, a plant or subject. And he must, without words, only with the help of facial expressions and gestures, "explain" the rest, what is the question. Usually, the "crocodile" causes a storm of emotions and laughter - what is needed for a fun family holiday!

Among other games that are suitable for such a company are "Phanti" and comic predictions for each family member. The main thing is that the maximum number of relatives will be involved in them.

Thus, you can note the new year in the circle of relatives and get the maximum of pleasant emotions! After all, the family is the value that remains with a person for life.

Welcome with a twinkle with friends!

Knowing how to celebrate the New Year with children and parents, you can arrange a truly cheerful and a good party. But what to do if an alternative solution is made?

If you, for example, intend to celebrate the New Year with friends, you need to act differently. First, select the place of your festive dislocation. And here are some options:

  • "Apartment" at one of the friends;
  • rent a country house;
  • hike in a nightclub;
  • sauna overnight;
  • order table in the restaurant;
  • full "gap" in karaoke club;
  • trip to ski resort.

First of all, the choice of place depends on the financial component and the common interests of the company. If the decision is already accepted, then whatever it is, consider costumes! You can, of course, get dressed in a difference ... But it is better to agree on a certain single style. It will make a party more creative.

Where to draw ideas? They lie on the surface: literature, cinema, history. One of the directions relevant to the New Year's Eve is a gangster style. In order to "get to" in it, it is necessary to recreate the chicago atmosphere of the beginning of the 20th century. Men are dressed in dark costumes and varnish shoes, among the accessories - silk scarves, cufflinks, hats. Mustache are welcome! Women look gorgeous in sophisticated dresses of direct silhouette, fur and feathers, with long pearl threads on the neck and in unusual hats. Among other attributes are toy, but similar to the real pistols, decks of cards and Tomik "Ankal Father" Mario Puezo - why not?

Another topic for a party with buddies - Pirates of the XXI century! Actual vests, dressings on one eye, image of a funny Roger and straight troughs with a treasure (it can be Christmas gifts to friends). If someone succeeds in to get a speaking parrot - it means that the authenticity of the pirated life is provided.

Of course, similar scenarios telling how to recklessly celebrate the New Year with friends, a great set. Among them:

  • holiday in eastern Aladdinovskaya style;
  • party in the spirit of Brazilian carnival;
  • new Year's Ball of Vampires;
  • cheerful "overnight" in Hoggwarts;
  • traveling with Alice to Wonderland.

Each person who marked the New Year in this way, will suggest him in his memory for a long time! You will remember the adventures, and when summer comes, and when the next winter comes!

With Milic Paradise and in ... New Year

Undoubtedly, the most romantic company for meeting the New Year is your second half. And no one else needs! Oddly enough, this version of the celebration chooses a small percentage of couples in love. The fact is that many people simply do not realize how interesting to spend the sensual winter evening together. To debunk this myth, we give a couple of options.

For example, celebrate the new year ... in the bathroom! If the area allows, install a low Christmas tree somewhere in the corner, decorate the walls with garlands and balloons. Type the hot water bath, use the scented foam, blank a plate with chic fruits and berries. Place romantic candles and turn on pleasant music ... Every guy or girl will appreciate such a romantic entourage.

If you still have not decided how to celebrate the New Year with your beloved, we offer the number two option. Order a limousine and ride on holiday streets, make a desire, enjoy communication and romantic music.

And, of course, a traditional answer to the question: "How to celebrate the new year together?". The classic of the genre is a romantic dinner with candlelight, fragrant mandarins, "Irony of Fate ..." on the TV screen. After all, the most banal things become beautiful if a loved one is located nearby!

And now consider another event development scenario: non-standard, but spectacular. You are a man, celebrate a new year with a girl who intend to take wives soon. Are you sure about your feelings for all 100%? Urgently make a proposal of hands and hearts! After many years, you can tell children about how they decided to celebrate the New Year with a loved one, and in the end they created a beautiful family.

Options - a lot, choose your own!

And here are some more examples of how unforgettable new year!

  • Urban Christmas Tree

You can come closer to the midnight - the whole family, with friends or with a boyfriend or your beloved girl. At this time, the mass of the people is going here, and the air is written by the atmosphere of universal fun and joy.

  • Part-time job

If you have a couple ready not only for New Year's entertainment, but also to adventure, use it with benefit. Buy Costumes of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden and go on apartments with congratulations! By the way, not only have fun and deliver joy to others, but also earn money.

  • Unusual places

They are in every city: abandoned buildings, high towers, roofs of houses. These locations are excellent, though the non-bank answer to the question "how can you celebrate the new year and not bother at the same time."

And remember to accept: who will celebrate the New Year - with the one and you will spend it! So think not only about how to unusually celebrate the holiday, but and who will be near. However, if you are most decisively configured to be alone with yourself - your right. Knowing how to celebrate the New Year alone, it is not less pleasant to spend this amazing evening. You can go to the exotic coast, order a table in a restaurant or wrapped in a favorite plaid before the TV screen. The main thing is to feel harmony within myself and keep it for the next 12 months!

Now, not far from the mountains on December 31, but where to go to the New Year holidays, and remains a mystery. On this night, almost the whole world celebrates the main holiday - New Year. On the eve of the celebration, the inhabitants of the planet are fussy, buy gifts and decorate their homes. This day carries magic and a wonderful atmosphere.

Undoubtedly, everyone with trepidation expect this wonderful holiday. But the closer the holiday, the more important the question becomes where to spend the New Year's Eve. After all, everyone wants to get a maximum of pleasure and joy in this particular day, fully immersed in his atmosphere. And someone, maybe, on the contrary, want to be alone.

Each time it becomes more and more difficult to find suitable options, where and how to spend the new year. After all, traditional options have already become, and there are not enough money for unique ideas. Then fantasy and email come to the rescue. New Year can be found at least on the roof of the house, even under water - who is what is much.

Overview of methods to celebrate New Year

So, options can be a lot. Here is a list of new year celebration ideas, of which everyone can choose the most appropriate way:

  • traditional family New Year evening;
  • registration of the house in an unusual style;
  • preparation of unusual dishes;
  • New Year in the company of friends;
  • main square of the country;
  • big Adventure;
  • New Year in a hiking tent;
  • turbase;
  • bath or sauna;
  • on the seashore;
  • fairy ball.

Each of the listed options is good in its own way. The main thing is that the holiday goes interesting and unforgettable for everyone.

Traditional family New Year's Eve

Most of the country's population is not even asked where you can spend New Year's Eve. In their family, it is customary to celebrate this holiday at home, in a family circle and with traditional dishes. The full immersion in the family and the atmosphere of the holiday will bring together all relatives. A cozy warm house, which smells like grandmother's pies and mother salads; Dad playing with children and suddenly disappeared when Santa Claus comes; kids who are constantly looking under the Christmas tree in anticipation of gifts; Congratulations to the President and Blue Sparkle on the TV screen.

What could be better than the only day in a year when everyone is assembled. Such a new year meeting has a special atmosphere of love and kindness, especially if the whole family is rarely going to a large table.

House design in an unusual style

Previous option is a vivid example of the classic celebration of the New Year. But it is he who is very annoying to people and pushes into unusual ideas. Such as, for example, the design of the house in an unusual style. It can be anything - from the most minor changes to complete distraction from the traditional style.

You can dress the Christmas tree with unusual toys made, for example, with your own hands or made in one color scheme. And you can decorate the whole house in the style of other nations. To do this, learning the features of the tradition of celebrating the New Year in other countries. For example, in China for the new year of the house there should be many different colors, each of which will symbolize something good in the new year. In England, it is customary to decorate the house of the mistleta.

Cooking unusual dishes

This option can be used as the only variety or in addition to the previous option. Choosing decorations for a house in the style of some country, you can explore their traditional dishes and cook for the New Year's table to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the overseas holiday.

If overseas ornaments and dishes do not fall, you can simply move away from the traditional menu and choose new dishes from more familiar kitchen. For example, you can completely remove the traditional Salad "Olivier" and instead to make "Caesar". If pork is always preparing for the new year, then you can replace it with duck meat, turkey or even beef. You can also try to spend a non-alcoholic holiday.

New Year in the company of friends

Such a new year promises to be cheerful and full surprises. With friends you can remove the cafe or country house. The duties of the preparation of the New Year's table can be divided into all. Each will need to prepare any particular dish that it turns out better than all. It will take quite a bit of time, while the abundance of goodies will simply affect.

Cook each other small, but funny gifts. If the holiday is carried out in the warm room, you can arrange a bunch of contests and fun games. After all, in the company of friends it is so great and fun! Then you can go to the street with the whole company and go to watch the city salute, throwing snowballs along the way.

Main square of the country

Of course, every citizen thinks about where to spend New Year's Eve in Moscow. Red Square is an ideal place for such a holiday. The Kremlin simply strikes with his beauty, and the battle of the Kurats excites the heart. Festive salute fascinates with its magnificence. This is not a comparison with the broadcast on TV. All the magic and greatness of the Russian New Year can be fought, only being on Red Square. And after you can go on a New Year's rink or concert.

big Adventure

For lovers of outdoor activities on New Year's days, you can go on a journey. Perhaps you have to celebrate the New Year on the road, on the train, contemplating the beautiful snowy windows, or in the aircraft cabin. By the way, some airlines organize special programs for lovers flying on a festive night.

And you can go hiking. New Year's Eve on the mountain slopes - the dream of lovers of tourism and mountaineering - or in a fabulous country. In this celebration there are its advantages, because you can go skiing or snowmobile, conquer new mountain peaks. It should only be prepared in advance. Experienced climbers and travelers know what to do, but those who have never been doing this, but is ready to take a chance, it is better to hire an experienced conductor to avoid trouble.

New Year in a hiking tent

For those who are not ready for such difficulties, but still want to celebrate the holiday in nature, there is a simpler and convenient option. You can spend a new year in a tent in the forest or on the shore of the frozen lake. There, of course, it will not be necessary to have special equipment for lasagna in the mountains. But thorough preparation is still needed. Be sure to need to be warmed up, acquire heat underwear and thermosums. Warm blankets and clothing should be available with a margin. The tent should be winter with special heaters. All items will be needed for campfire.

Such a new year will guarantee the full pleasure of nature and absolute peace. After all, away from the city holiday will not be annoying salutes and shouts of drunken Balagurov until the morning.


The celebration of the New Year on the turbase allows us to combine the beauty of winter nature and the benefit of civilization. You can rent a cozy warm house for a relaxing family evening, and for a noisy company of friends. At any time you can go out and breathe fresh air. And dishes cooked on the grill diversify the table.

In the company of friends you can enjoy all night at home and on the street. If you make a program with contests and games - it will be much more fun. You can fool all night as children and play snowballs, and spend a calm and romantic night with songs under the guitar.

Bath or sauna

Bath or sauna is also a solution to how fun to spend New Year's Eve. Such a vacation will have to do so many. Best of all, if it is a bath on a plot of country house. This method is good because it is fun, useful and simple. No need to think about your hairstyle, painting and pick out the outfit. After all, in the bath they are not at all. Food should be simple and easy. And alcohol in no case strong. Such a celebration guarantees ease, vigor and fun all night.

And those who can afford something more expensive, you can go straight to Finland, enjoy the famous Finnish saunas.

By the seaside

Surely everyone dreamed of a cold winter night to be on the seashore. This is an excellent option for fans of the sun and those who have superficial means. Instead of snow - soft and warm sand. And instead of a dressed Christmas tree - high palm trees. For example, in Rio de Janeiro, the new year falls on the most height of the summer season. There everyone meets this holiday in the fresh air of the night beaches and arrange stunning parties.

Fabulous Ball

Each girl at least once in his life wanted to feel like a real princess. This dream can be implemented. Probably, this is the most unusual idea where to meet the New Year. An unusual thing in the modern world, because previously just the main celebrations were held. But, oddly enough, and now there are still real New Year's lush balls. True, they are held only in several places of the globe, for example, in London or Vienna. Yes, and on the pocket they will come far away. After all, to get to such a score is on average at least 300-400 euros. And this is not all. No one will miss there in jeans or ordinary cocktail dress. We need lush, corresponding to the ball, outfits - namely ball dresses, tuxedo, costumes. Plus, hairstyle and makeup will also force to spend a fair amount. All secular bones are usually going to such balls. That is, people are wealthy and famous.

New Year celebration with a small child

Where to spend New Year's Eve with a child - the most exciting question for young families. First of all, they caress the well-being of the baby. But this does not mean that parents must divide themselves with fun and joy. Here are some tips:

  • If the kid is quite small, it is still better to refrain from hiking on New Year's Eve to entertainment establishments and large noisy companies. The child may be, and scoops all night, but parents in the morning after a rapid holiday will be extremely difficult to carry out normal care of the baby.
  • For the baby, a preschooler can be at home to call Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, visit a variety of children's holidays and christmas trees. At this age, you can already calmly call the guest house.
  • The guys of school age are already quite interested in adult celebrations. The child can be taken anywhere, and in a cafe and on the trip. He may not sleep all night, just like parents.

For pre-day days, a fuss and preparation of a festive table is characterized. And often parents have no time to deal with the child. But it is very important to pay attention to the baby, play, stroll. If this is not done, in the evening the child will grind and will be capricious. And if you give him at least a little attention, the baby will be calm and slightly shocks all night.

Each person certainly wants to spend New Year's Eve so that it remains in memory for many years. After all, positive emotions, good mood and unique memories should be enough until the next winter. Therefore, it is recommended to think in advance to where to spend New Year's Eve. By the way, it is also desirable to also acquire gifts in advance so as not to fuss and do not run on shopping in pre-holiday. Try to realize all your dreams, because the new year is the time of the wonders and the fulfillment of all the desires.

It is said that the wait is still and exciting. Especially when we look forward to the approach of the best holiday in the year - the New Year. But if the thoughts are overshadowed by the deficit of funds, the approach of any event becomes torture. Leave gloomy thoughts. After all, it is quite possible to celebrate the new year inexpensive.

After all, often a pathos solemn banquet in a prestigious restaurant on New Year's Eve turns out to be a boring dinner with born toasts, from which I want to escape.

And the party with friends in a hostel on New Year's Eve leaves indelible impressions. Agree, good mood and impressions depend at all from the high cost of the interior and the diversity of snacks.

But everyone perceives the question where he is inexpensive, in its own way, depending on the purpose of celebrating and financial opportunities. Someone wants to just save on the holiday and chooses where to relax for the new year inexpensive abroad or on the exotic islands. And these proposals on the network can be found unlimited quantity.

And someone really has a budget limited, every penny in the account, and the question where to post the new year is inexpensive, it is critically.

Do not give up from the holiday due to the complete lack of finance or limited budget.

Therefore, we suggest to consider where the new year is best without investments or with minimal spending.

Where to celebrate the New Year's budget: the most low-budget ideas

Many after the meeting of the new year in warmth in a rich table go to the city square to continue the celebration.

We suggest not wait, but to get drunk, and before the onset of midnight go out. Believe me wishing to meet the new year in the open air will be plentiful. And the place of collection is indicated - the city square.

It is not necessary to stock up snacks and champagne. Especially in the cold, it is better not to connect alcoholic beverages.

It will be enough to take a thermos with coffee or hot tea. Here you can find new friends and like-minded people.

Adopt congratulations and to congratulate strangers themselves. Folk festivities, dancing, songs, fireworks - what else is needed for a fun holiday.

Do not like noisy companies - choose little places. In anyone there will be beautiful places where crowds are not going to New Year's Eve.

For a privacy, a shore of a lake or river, a gazebo in a snowy park. For visiting such places, finances do not need. And what to take with you, choose at your discretion.

Even several tangerines, chocolate and mulled wine will create a festive entourage.

But you can refuse snacks at all. Dedote the time of the game in snowballs, riding from the slide, throwing snowballs. Especially such an idea will have to do with children.

The new year in the nearest park will be remembered for a long time. No nearby park or forest? Just go to the courtyard. Even if at midnight there will be no like-minded people here, immediately after the battle of the chimes you wanted to have fun in the air there will be quite a few.

Where is the new year budget and unusually celebrate?

City New Year's guys seem boring and ordinary? Look for options where to celebrate the new year inexpensive, but unusual?

Close to the roof of a multi-storey house. To arrange a party on the roof - the idea is not new, but few people decide to celebrate the New Year. But it is so interesting to watch the festive city of hassle when the whole world turns out to be on the New Year's Eve right at the feet.

Just do not forget about safety rules. And you should not climb the roof with young children.

It will not be superfluous to capture with you plaid and warming mulled wine in the thermos.

Or descend under the ground where the new year is cheaply in the metro car. Directly at midnight here are hurrying and fallen.

And they will gladly join your idea to congratulate strangers with a holiday in an unusual place. All costs for such a holiday will consist of the cost of tokens, champagne and disposable cups.

Where to cheap the new year with friends

The easiest option of the organization of a cheap holiday is to cover the table to expound. Such a prototype of the "student" style is popular not only among youth companies, but also among family pairs.

Divide the cost of buying products, fireworks on all participants in the holiday.

We will have to pre-draw, make a script and calculate the cost of all necessary for the holiday. You can distribute not only cash costs, but also duties.

Let someone take on the preparation and holding of a festive program, another is responsible for the decoration of the Christmas tree and the premises, and several people prepare a year and.

Another option to distribute costs is to offer each bring delicious or.

A youth company for which the question is more critical where to celebrate the new year is cheap, can rent an apartment. But find a suitable room and make a prepayment better in advance.

Or go to the entire company in nature. More costly options are to remove a country house or cottage, relax in the boarding house. But it is better to just find a house in a village who will hand over locals, or a hunting house. Even better if someone has its own country house in the company.

Where to celebrate the new year cheap and fun?

We offer to go to a small New Year's trip. But not by foreign countries, but for guests.

Wear a Santa Claus Costume or Snow Maiden and go to visit our family, familiar, friends.

Believe me, on New Year's Eve before you will open any doors.

And for fun and good congratulations and a glass of champagne pour, and the salad will feed.

Just do not forget that you came to visit to congratulate, cheer the owners of the house, and not to nourish the soul. In order not to look for an invincible guest, do not delay for a long time, and move back to the next item of your New Year's pitch.

Where and how to relax for the new year?

Options where you can relax in the new year inexpensive, it is better to look for or long before the holiday, or in the last days of the year.

In the first case, you can save at the cost of the flight, the vouchers itself at the expense of armor or prepayment.

Moreover, the tour operators are invited to break the tour operators, which will not be so consistent for the family budget.

When buying vouchers at the last moment, you can find interesting options for "burning trips", allowing you to rest for the new year in interesting places for the singer of penny.

But consider that there is always a risk at all not to buy a ticket. Therefore, think about alternative options where to relax on the new year.

You can save on the design of documents for the trip. It is better to choose countries where the visa is not required or to go on a tour of the native country.

If the priority is not a meeting of the new year abroad, and rest on the New Year holidays, choose the tours with the arrival and departure, which does not match the dates of the celebration. Such vouchers will be much cheaper.

For lovers of European shopping, it is better to go on a trip in early January - it is during this period that sales begins.

Plan your costs, choose budget and interesting offers. The lack of money or a limited budget is not a reason to abandon the meeting of the New Year. You can always find options for inexpensive holidays for the New Year, which will have to do.

Video: where is cheap to rest for the new year without a visa

We offer to get acquainted with the options in cheap holidays in the video.

It is believed that the new year is a family holiday. And it should be met if not with the family, then at least in a funny company. But what to do those who will celebrate the New Year alone? How to entertain yourself?.

According to studies, 5% of Russians annually meet the New Year alone. There are several reasons for this - one day before the holiday quarrels or part with loved ones, others move to a new place of residence, the third simply has not yet found their loved one, and the fourth feel so tired that they do not want to go anywhere and see anyone at all. How to celebrate the New Year in such situations?

If you have chosen the Option "Society", ask yourself another question: "Do I really am alone?" It is likely that you can only feel lonely, because they quarreled with a young man, and close friends went to celebrate abroad and you did not have time to join them.

Your sadness is clear. But in the circle of your communication there will always be people who will be happy to you. These may be parents, friends, neighbors, colleagues, virtual acquaintances, in the end. And where society is there and fun, and in this case you will be suitable for all of the methods listed below.

All options are in no way ready-made recipes, but only serve as a starting point for your creativity.

Holiday according to your rules for those who want to be alone

If in the New Year you remained alone, it does not mean that you are a failure. Appreciate loneliness. Believe me, there are many people who would like to be alone with them at least a few hours. And therefore, enjoy the opportunity, do everything you want! We suggest you listen to some of our ideas:

  • Be sure, yes, what you always wanted! Do not save on yourself.
  • Prepare your favorite or unusual dishes or order food in the restaurant. What can be prepared for the new year with your own hands, you can find out.
  • Follow and look at them on New Year's Eve. Yes, and do not forget about the children's New Year's fairy tales: "Morozko", "New Year's adventures of Masher and Viti", "Three nuts for Cinderella", "Snow Queen", "Twelve Months", and you remember the simple truth - good always wins evil.
  • Make a desire when the clock is trying at midnight. Write a letter with the most kind of wishes yourself, your beloved. Write what you want to achieve in the new year, what to learn and what impressions to get, wish yourself everything that you really want to, seal and put in a secret place, for example, in a box with the remaining. And a year later, getting toys, you will come across the message from the past and check what your dreams come true.
  • Take with you goody, glass champagne, turn on Skype and talk with friends through a common chat. You can even meet the New Year on Skype, uttering toasting and raising glasses.
  • By the way, the new year is a great opportunity to chat with those with whom you are familiar little, or for some reason stopped contacting. Go in, and you will be surprised how many people meet the new year just like you. Perhaps some of them are now lonely and he is looking for communication on the Internet. Congratulations to each other, find out who and how to celebrate the main holiday of the year, talk about dreams, about the plans. You may want to meet.
  • Lie to sleep. Why not? Not at all, it is not necessary to wait for the New Year, to stay late, heroically forcing himself to watch New Year's programs. If you are clone to sleep, go to bed and sleep as much as you like.

Holiday for those who need society

So, if you honestly admitted that you still want to spend a holiday in the company, but under the New Year remained alone, we can recommend the following ideas to you:

One for the new year: how to meet?

  • You can get into the light. If you feel well in the company of other people's people, but turned out to be lonely, go to the restaurant, in the nightclub, to the main square or visit another mass event. Naturally, all this must be taken care in advance - learn about interesting places and their program for New Year's Eve, if necessary - to purchase tickets and pick up the outfit. Do not be afraid to communicate with people, in such a holiday they are more good-natured and open. Boldly ask to help you set fire to Bengal lights, sculpt the champagne, take a picture of you against the background of the sparkling Christmas tree and so on. Have fun, dance, invite to dance - universal joy unites hearts!
  • Create a topic on the forum: "Meet the new year one, who will make the company?" The method is suitable for sociable, initiative, unemployed, lungs on the rise of people, since it may have to come up with and implement a holiday plan or agree to the conditions of others.
  • Arrange the holiday of good deeds. Buy candy, cookies, chocolate, festive souvenirs and go out on the street with congratulations. Hand new year presents to all in a row - children, familiar and unfamiliar adults. We think that no one will refuse them. By the way, this is a good way to meet your destiny. Did you get a nice man? Come to him with an open box of candies and offer to treat. Let only try not to invite you on a date!
  • On New Year's Eve, go to the grocery store - for example, to one that you often visit - and congratulate all the staff. Give workers with postcards and small souvenirs. What will be remembered for a long time, we guarantee.
  • Prepare, sign the postcards in advance and throw them into the mailboxes with your neighbors. You can even give them personally.
  • If you have a dog, buy her Santa Claus costume, and they yourself dress up the Snow Maiden and go to walk in a good mood. The attention of passersby is provided. Grab more sweets, lollipops and small souvenirs - for sure you will have to congratulate the audience.
  • Or change the dog to Santa Claus, and the cat is in the Snow Maiden and arrange a photo session. Take care of scenery and security!

Holiday with parents

One for the new year: how to meet?

Tell you a story on this topic:

20-year-old Tanya was firmly sure: to celebrate the New Year with parents is childish. For several years now she met a holiday with her young man and his friends. Despite the fact that her relationship with a partner suffered a disaster, she insisted that he should meet another new year with him. The holiday did not bring anything good - they once again quarreled.

When the next morning, offended, the bored and hungry Tanya returned home, he saw sweetly sniffing parents, the full refrigerator of the New Year's yoke and folded for her under the Christmas tree gifts ... The girl realized that it was necessary to meet a holiday with those who were really needed.