Do I need to dilute goat's milk? Goat milk for babies: pros and cons. How to introduce goat milk for babies into the diet, the basic rules for complementary foods

With the advent of a baby in the family, the mother seriously thinks about how to organize his nutrition in order to maximize health promotion and reduce the risk of allergic reactions. Such issues are especially acute in a situation where there are problems with breastfeeding, and you need to take extra care of the nutrition of the newborn.

Dairy products have a noticeable effect on the baby's body, and their introduction into complementary foods requires special care. Because cow protein is a fairly strong allergen, many moms choose to feed their babies goat milk first. What are its benefits and harms, and at what age is goat's milk safe for babies? This will be discussed further.

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    When to start feeding?

    There are cases when mothers, having problems with breastfeeding, began to give goat's milk to their babies almost from birth. But modern pediatricians approach the issue with caution and do not recommend including this product in the diet of children under 1 year old. It contains a large amount of protein (much more than breast milk), so drinking it too early can adversely affect the baby's digestive system.

    In the nutrition of formula-fed children, goat's milk can be carefully included from 9 months.

    First, it is diluted with water, carefully observing their reaction. Fermented milk products prepared on its basis are introduced a little earlier: cottage cheese - from 7 months, yogurt - from 8.

    How to introduce milk?

    The fat content of the product should be 3-4%. It must be boiled. It is better to use enamelware for this. First, it is recommended to dilute it with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1: 3 (in three parts of water). You should carefully monitor the reaction of the baby: has he become restless, are there any skin rashes, has the consistency of the stool changed? If no allergy symptoms are detected, then gradually the amount of diluted water decreases (to a ratio of 1: 2), then it is completely removed, and milk is given in its pure form.

    How to give goat's milk to a baby? Like any other complementary food, it should be started with ½ teaspoon, gradually increasing the volume every day. After about 3 weeks, it will be 100 ml. And at the age of 1 to 3 years, the norm is the use of 200 ml per day.

    It is advisable to start the introduction of the product by adding it to the porridge so that the child gradually gets used to its specific smell and taste. You can also make cottage cheese from it and feed in small portions.

    If the baby is breastfed, then the mother should also regularly include a goat product in the diet in order to enrich her milk with useful substances and enhance its beneficial effect on the health of the crumbs.

    Positive properties

    Goat milk for babies is useful because:

    • contains substances valuable for growth and development: vitamins (A, B6, B12), trace elements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, copper);
    • is not an allergenic product;
    • the casein included in its composition is absorbed quite easily, since it does not form such a dense clot in the child's stomach, which is contained, for example, in cow's milk;
    • helps to strengthen bones, teeth and prevents the development of rickets;
    • favorably affects the process of hematopoiesis and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
    • well suited for children with lactase deficiency, because it contains very little lactose;
    • reduces the likelihood of regurgitation due to the complete breakdown in the body of fat globules contained in milk;
    • strengthens immunity with the help of taurine, the content of which is almost the same as in breast milk;
    • reduces the risk of diathesis and accelerates the healing process if it has already been identified.

    Bad influence

    Reasons why goat's milk is not recommended for infants:

    • it is quite fatty, and there is no lipase enzyme that breaks down fats;
    • it contains little iron and vitamin D, so goat's milk is not suitable as the main food;
    • the amount of folic acid necessary for the full development of the newborn is also small;
    • phosphorus contained in excess creates a high load on the kidneys of the baby.

    How to choose a quality product?

    1. 1. The best option is to get it from your own goat. But at present, only a few can boast of keeping such animals on the farm. Therefore, quite often the product is bought from friends, in a store, in the market, in villages or through advertisements.
    2. 2. When purchasing milk in a store or on the market, you must carefully study the information on the package or find it out from the seller. It is important to make sure that you have a veterinary certificate in order to prevent the risk of contracting the dangerous disease brucellosis. You also need to pay attention to the date of manufacture, expiration date and quality of packaging. If the term is about to end, then such a product should not be given to the child.
    3. 3. If possible, smell the milk. There should be no bad smell. If it is present, then this is evidence of improper storage or keeping the goat in not the best conditions.
    4. 4. Be sure to try the product yourself first. Do not give it to your baby if you find a foreign taste, rancidity, which indicate that the milk is spoiled.
    5. 5. Milk should be consumed immediately after boiling, having previously cooled it to the desired temperature. It is not reheated again so as not to lose the valuable substances contained in the product.
    6. 6. Milk is stored in the refrigerator for three days. After pasteurization, the shelf life increases to ten days. You can also freeze it. At the same time, it does not lose useful trace elements, and after defrosting it looks like fresh. Metal storage containers are not used. The most suitable would be glass, ceramic or enamelware.

    Goat milk mixes

    For babies who are on artificial or mixed nutrition, it is now easy to find a quality formula that is close in composition to mother's milk. Moreover, the choice is so great that you can easily buy a product made on the basis of goat's milk, for example, "Nanny" or "Cabrita". These mixtures are allowed from any age, it is only advisable to consult with a pediatrician who has a baby. To choose the most suitable mixture, it is necessary to carefully monitor the mood of the child during and after feeding, the condition of his skin, the nature of the stool.

    Among the positive nuances of the use of infant formula, the following can be noted:

    • easy assimilation of the nutrients that make up the mixture;
    • the quality of production is strictly controlled, undergo regular certification;
    • the mixture does not overload the work of the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract of the child;
    • helps to strengthen the immune system;
    • a mixture prepared on the basis of goat's milk helps to cope with constipation, improves digestion of the baby, reduces the likelihood of colic and frequent regurgitation;
    • mixtures are divided into several "steps", each of which corresponds to a certain age in composition: "0" - for premature babies and newborns with low weight, "1" - from birth to 6 months, "2" - from 6 months to 1 year , "3" - for babies older than 1 year.

    Curd preparation

    Many mothers prefer not to buy store-bought complementary foods for their children, but cook them themselves at home. For example, goat's milk cottage cheese is very useful and is perfect for feeding a baby from 7-8 months.

    To prepare cottage cheese, you need 1 liter of goat's milk and 700 g of yogurt (preferably low-fat).

    • Milk must be heated to 40 C.
    • Then add yogurt to it and mix.
    • Remove the resulting mass from the fire, wrap in a warm blanket (blanket), leave overnight.
    • In the morning, the container with a dense mass must again be put on fire, heated, stirring constantly for 20 minutes.
    • Then the container must be removed from the heat and placed in a larger bowl with cold water. The water will have to be changed several times until the mass has completely cooled.
    • The mass must be filtered through a colander lined with a cloth that can let the liquid through.
    • The tissue with the mass is tied and placed in a colander in the refrigerator on a dish to collect the whey.
    • During the day, it is necessary to regularly drain the separating serum.
    • The curd is ready to use. Enjoy your meal!

    The considered properties of goat's milk allow us to state that it can and should be included in the nutrition of children. The key point is the timeliness of this, because any food that the baby gets acquainted with should bring the necessary nutrients and contribute to its development, and not take away the body's strength to combat the unpleasant consequences of improperly introduced complementary foods.

    Therefore, for children who are breastfed, the first step in getting to know the goat product should be its inclusion in the mother's diet, and then its independent use from the age of 1. Artificial children must first be accustomed to a mixture based on goat's milk, then gradually introduce the product itself from 9 months. And, of course, the most important thing is to constantly monitor the reaction of a growing organism in order to take timely measures, prevent undesirable health consequences and adjust nutrition.

Milk is a key product in the diet of young children, and in the first days and months of life it is the indispensable and only food for babies. The search for an alternative to human milk in the absence of breastfeeding or as a supplementary feeding option is an important and responsible task. The ability to use goat's milk for babies and its beneficial properties are being widely researched today.


The use of goat milk in infant nutrition

Animals that feed their young with milk differ greatly in their lifestyle, habitat, metabolic rate, and food preferences. For each species, it has a specific composition, structure and energy value, designed to best meet the needs of the growth and development of offspring. Therefore, a full-fledged replacement for female breastfeeding for children in nature does not exist.

The centuries-old search for suitable food for infants, for various reasons left without mother's milk, has led to the widespread use of cow's milk for this purpose. However, the experience of generations suggests that the use of a goat product is safer than a cow product. A goat is a clean and active animal, it is much more resistant to tuberculosis and brucellosis than a cow. The dietary properties of her milk are officially recognized, it is recommended for baby food by the Paris Academy of Medical Sciences. At the congress of pediatricians in 1906, it was also named the best natural substitute for female breastfeeding.

Modern research confirms the effectiveness of its use as an aid:

  • for the recovery of weakened and often ill children;
  • for the treatment of rickets, immune deficiency, diseases of the digestive system and respiratory organs (especially with tuberculosis);
  • when recovering from injuries, bone fractures.

Studies on the use of goat milk formulas have shown that they have an advantage over cow formulas. Of these, fat and iron are better absorbed, and intestinal colic stops bothering the child. The indicators of their tolerance, the dynamics of growth and development of babies coincide or slightly exceed those of children receiving standard adapted mixtures.

Video: Opinion of Dr. E. O. Komarovsky on the use of goat milk in children's nutrition

Features of the composition and structure of goat milk

The chemical composition of goat's milk for the baby's body does not have fundamentally important differences from cow's.

Composition and calorie content of women's, cow's and goat's milk (per 100 ml of product)

Goat's and cow's milk are products in which the protein substance casein predominates. The ratio of casein and whey proteins is 75:25 for goat's milk and 80:20 for cow's milk, while a similar characteristic of human milk is 40:60. The benefits of goat's milk for children's nutrition are determined by the qualitative indicators of the composition and structural features, which significantly move it away from cow's and bring it closer to human.

In goat's milk, as in women's milk, beta-casein predominates, in cow's milk - alpha-S1-casein, which often causes an allergic reaction, a rash in infants. Among the whey proteins in the goat product, there is more alpha-lactalbumin, and in the cow - beta-lactoglobulin, which is not found in human milk. The composition and structure of proteins allow goat milk to be digested in the child's stomach much easier, since small and soft clots and small loose flakes are formed. The same thing happens when mother's milk enters the digestive system of the baby.

The fat globules of a goat product are 10 times smaller than those of a cow. They do not stick together, are in suspension, so they are absorbed by the baby's body almost completely. The main part of saturated fatty acids, due to structural features, is easily absorbed from the intestines directly into the circulatory system. They do not require the body's resources for digestion and also help restore mucosal cells. There are slightly more unsaturated fatty acids in goat's milk than in cow's milk, but much less than in women's.

Lactose in the milk of goats and cows is less than in breast milk, and there are much more micro and macro elements. It contains a lot of phosphorus and calcium, but the absorption of such calcium by the human body is difficult. In any case, calcium and iron from goat's milk are absorbed better than from cow's. It also contains more manganese, copper and molybdenum.

The amount of vitamins in goat milk varies depending on nutrition, season and environmental conditions. Compared to the cow product, the goat product contains more ascorbic acid (although much less than the female product), vitamin A, but the content of folic acid is 5 times lower, as well as vitamin B12, which can cause the development of anemia in infants. Vitamin D in goat's milk is half that in women's. The process of lactation in the human and goat organisms follows the same mechanism, the peculiarity of which is that biologically active nutrients, for example, growth factors, penetrate into the milk.

Rules for the use of goat milk in infant nutrition

Only mother's milk can serve as a complete food for the baby in the first months of life. Despite the fact that goat's milk is much better suited to the needs of the baby than cow's, and has fewer allergens in its composition, it is not a worthy substitute for women's milk. In the case when natural feeding of a child is impossible, it is necessary to individually select an adapted nutritional mixture for him, and options based on the components of a goat product are preferable.

Natural goat's milk should be introduced into the baby's diet no earlier than 9 months, but it is better to wait up to a year. It must be boiled and diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:3. You can start complementary foods with 1 teaspoon of the drink, gradually bringing its amount to 100 g per day. The proportion changes over time in the direction of decreasing the proportion of water, and after a month you can offer the child a whole product.

Warning: For children who are allergic to milk proteins, it does not make sense to replace cow's milk and standard mixtures based on it with goat's. The allergens present in the goat product in most cases will be sufficient for the development of the disease.

It is better to buy milk from a private farm, if possible - on the recommendation of friends, the owners should have a certificate that the goat is healthy. It should be stored in glass, ceramic or enameled dishes. When purchasing a product in a store, you need to make sure that its expiration date is not running out, pasteurized milk is preferable to sterilized.

Many external factors lead to the fact that breastfeeding becomes almost a luxury, not a reality. And although most mothers try to do everything possible to increase lactation and self-feed their child, every year the percentage of children who are breastfed decreases. It is necessary to find a worthy analogue that can not be inferior in composition to breast milk, does not cause allergies and is perfectly absorbed by the baby's fragile body. Recently, goat's milk for babies has become a worthy alternative. And for those who are offered various alternatives, it is necessary to think carefully before feeding the baby with adapted mixtures, and not giving preference to a natural natural product.

Can a baby goat's milk?

For parents looking for a worthy alternative and striving to give their child only the best answer to the question: “Can a baby goat's milk?” Is obvious. Naturally, the answer is yes. And in this case, it is worth considering that, unlike adapted mixtures made from cow's milk, you can completely avoid allergies, eliminate lactose intolerance, avoid dermatitis and improve the health of the baby. And all because the fats contained in goat's milk are closer in structure to mother's milk. They do not have a negative effect on the pancreas, are easily digested and become a worthy alternative to breast milk.

Goat milk for babies should be selected with great care. And this means that industrial milk should be excluded. Like cow, it may be of insufficient quality. Cattle intended for industrial purposes are fed with genetically modified foods, soy and other feeds that can have a negative impact on the health of the child. Moreover, over time, such negligence can lead to irreversible changes. If you use goat milk for babies, then you should have your own goat or at least a trusted supplier whose cattle have passed the necessary checks. The benefits of this product will be incommensurable. Allergies, indigestion, inhibition of the pancreas will not bother you, because, unlike the adapted mixture, this is a natural product that has passed centuries of testing and has nurtured a single child healthy and happy.

What can you expect if a baby is brought up on goat's milk? Only positive results. The child will:

  • gain the right weight;
  • have a healthy pancreas;
  • not have allergies;
  • it is good to absorb iron from goat's milk;
  • develop in accordance with the norms;
  • do not lack vitamins and trace elements.

Babies on goat's milk will achieve similar results quite quickly. Unlike mixtures produced through numerous chemical treatments and operations, milk does not have such a complex structure. It is close to the mother, which means it brings undeniable benefits.

Goat milk for babies, from what age?

Goat's milk in its quantitative and qualitative composition is significantly different from human breast milk. Its distinguishing features are:

  • high concentration of minerals (calcium, phosphorus and potassium);
  • high saturation with B vitamins, especially B6 and vitamin A;
  • great nutritional value.

Manufacturers of infant formulas rationally combine all the positive qualities of this product with the addition of missing minerals.

The use of goat's milk earlier, especially as a main food, can lead to:

  • to significant disruptions in the digestive system;
  • to violations of mineral metabolism in the form of neuro-arthritic diathesis, dysmetabolic nephropathy (salt in the tubules of the kidneys and pelvis);
  • to allergies;
  • to persistent metabolic disorders in the body (acetonemia, acetonuria, and others).

This is due to the immaturity of all systems and organs of the body.

Since this dairy product can, under certain conditions, harm the child's body, feeding infants after 6 months should be started with a small amount of porridge (the first dose starts with a teaspoon). In the absence of pathological changes, you can gradually increase the amount of complementary foods as the baby grows older.

How to breed goat milk?

Many people believe that whole milk, which has not undergone various types of processing, retains vitamins, trace elements and nutrients unchanged. Therefore, a completely logical question is: is there a need to boil this product? Much depends on the age of the baby - up to a year, boiling is required. For older kids, it all depends on many factors:

  • when buying milk powder, you need to pay attention to maintaining the integrity of the package and the expiration date;
  • the quality of whole goat milk - you need to make sure that the animal is in full health, the cleanliness of the owners, good conditions for keeping the animal;
  • for babies up to a year, goat's milk must be diluted.

Instructions for introducing this product into the baby's diet:

  • milk must undergo thermal cooking by boiling;
  • the foam must be removed;
  • water for boiling also needs to be boiled;
  • for children up to a year, the proportion for breeding is 1: 5 (boiled goat's milk: boiled water);
  • after dilution, the milk must be filtered through two layers of gauze and cooled.

As the child grows older, milk can be diluted:

after a year - 1:3;

after 1.5 years - 1:2;

after two years, the introduction of whole milk into the diet is allowed (in the absence of adverse reactions).

goat milk for allergies

Goat milk practically does not cause allergic reactions, even in the presence of atopic dermatitis after taking cow's milk. Also, many experts consider a goat dairy product to be a strong antihistamine and when used in children suffering from diathesis, the signs of this disease gradually decrease (but only in children over six months of age as complementary foods, following all the rules for introducing a new dish and breeding standards).

Goat milk is useful in reducing the reactivity of the immune system and frequent viral or colds.

How to give goat's milk to a baby?

In order for the baby to develop properly, it is important to know how to give goat's milk to the baby. There is nothing difficult in this process. But, you must follow the rules.

First, goat's milk should never be given in its pure form. It should be diluted 1/1 with filtered boiled water. Otherwise, a strong effect on the pancreas will be exerted and digestive problems may appear.

Secondly, milk must always be boiled, skimmed off the foam, and passed through at least three layers of gauze. Such a precaution will protect against infections.

Thirdly, even boiled milk for babies should not be stored for more than a day, since its beneficial properties are leveled.

How to give goat's milk to a baby is clear and quite simple. It is worth making only a minimum of effort in order for the child to receive the maximum benefit from such feeding and to observe his correct and timely development.

Goat milk for babies reviews

From those who do not experiment, but use centuries of experience, goat milk for babies has the most positive reviews. At whatever stage of the life of the child it would be introduced into the diet, the benefits are undeniable. Even for children with lactose intolerance, it can be a worthy alternative to mixtures. For children after a year, it is indicated as a prophylactic and a natural supplement to the diet.

Goat milk for babies has undeniable benefits. And for those parents who want to take care of their children with maximum efficiency, it will be a solution to many problems and a real helper in maintaining a normal diet.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 02.11.2018

Can babies take goat milk

Often mothers ask themselves the question: is it possible to introduce goat milk into complementary foods for babies? It happens that without consulting a pediatrician, they begin to feed their baby from the age of 3 months.

Naturally, nothing can replace real breastfeeding, but due to some factors (stress, caesarean section, illness, etc.), when a mother's lactation disappears or decreases, parents have to look for alternative options for feeding an infant.

The benefits of goat milk for children

According to the research of specialists, it is the goat milk that is closest in composition to the maternal one.

It is known that milk consists of tiny balls, which, depending on the type, have a different size and consistency. Human contains the smallest, goat - medium, cow - the largest.

Children's intestines perfectly absorb the first, the largest balls most often cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract. But goat's milk is a kind of golden mean, it can be given to a baby much earlier than whole cow's.

This product contains the following useful properties:

  • includes a large number of useful minerals of groups A, C and D;
  • it contains vitamins such as: B12, which improves the process of hematopoiesis in the human body, and magnesium, which helps to remove heavy metals from the body and strengthens the child's nervous system;
  • power acid helps in the prevention of rickets in infants;
  • fatty acids are easily broken down in the child's body;
  • indispensable for babies prone to constant regurgitation, since the small size of the milk balls allows it to be completely absorbed;
  • practically does not contain milk sugar (lactose), respectively, it can be safely given to all children with lactose deficiency.

Harm of goat milk

Despite the fact that this milk is healthy and nutritious, it is better not to fully consider it as the only food for feeding:

  • it contains casein protein, which is hardly absorbed by the child's body and often leads to intestinal colic in children under one year old;
  • it contains a lot of mineral salts that increase the load on tiny kidneys;
  • practically does not contain iron, therefore, children who consume exclusively goat's milk are often diagnosed with "anemia";
  • it also contains an insufficient amount of vitamin D3, which is so necessary for an infant;
  • a large percentage of fat content makes goat's milk not only nutritious, but also not entirely suitable for full digestion.

It is known that the milk of any animal is what it eats. And if a cow eats exclusively fresh grass or hay, then goats can chew anything, for example, grass containing heavy metals, or withered plants that contain various toxins. Therefore, it is important: in what conditions the goat is kept, how and what it eats.

When can you start giving goat's milk to babies?

Before feeding your baby with goat milk, any mother needs to consult a competent pediatrician, since for any organism there are features and intolerance to a particular product.

Many doctors agree that for children over the age of three, this milk is very useful, but for babies there are many restrictions. Firstly, each child may have an individual intolerance to one of the components in the composition of milk. Secondly, this product has a specific taste that can cause discomfort to the baby. And finally, goat's milk cannot be a source of all useful substances, which means that it is impossible to give exclusively this product to an infant.

The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky believes that goat's milk can be given to children from the age of one, and in some cases, it is better to wait until three years with the introduction of this complementary food. According to the doctor, goat milk is generally given too much importance. And you can enter it only when you have your own goat, and there is no way to buy a high-quality adapted mixture. And if the parents have already decided to feed the baby with this product, then it must be diluted to 2% fat.

How to introduce goat's milk into the children's menu?

In order to correctly introduce a goat dairy product into a baby’s diet, some rules must be followed.

Fresh goat milk must be boiled. As mentioned above, if you are buying a product from someone, it is important to know what conditions the animal is kept in and what it eats. If the purchase is made in a store, you need to pay special attention to the expiration date.

Since goat's milk has a very high fat content, one-year-old children need to dilute it with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 4, gradually reducing this correspondence. Children after three years can be given undiluted.

Boiled milk cannot be reheated or boiled a second time, due to excessive heat treatment, useful properties are lost, so it should be consumed immediately after cooling down at the first boil.

Such a product should be stored in glass or ceramic dishes, but in no case in metal.

It is necessary to start complementary foods when the child is completely healthy, with 10 milliliters diluted with 40 milliliters of boiled water. After the first time, it is necessary to endure for some time and follow the reaction of the baby: does he have a violation of the stool, allergic reactions or intestinal colic. If there are negative consequences, then you should immediately stop entering this product. Although an allergy to goat's milk in children is rare.

Basic rules for choosing goat milk

If the parents have decided to give a goat milk product to their child, then you need to know a few simple rules for choosing high-quality milk:

  • buy only from friends and trusted people;
  • clarify the conditions of keeping the animal;
  • if milk is purchased on the market, be sure to ask the seller for the necessary documentation;
  • if you buy it in a store, make sure that there are no additives in the composition.

Video: goat milk for feeding a baby

Reading time: 5 minutes

Modern mothers often look for a worthy alternative to breast milk for feeding a baby, citing certain reasons: lack or lack of their own milk, employment, illness, do not trust manufacturers of infant formulas for nutrition. Questions arise: can goat milk be considered an analogue of breast milk? Is it suitable for an infant? Let's talk about everything in order.

The benefits and harms of goat milk

Goat milk is growing in popularity, and for good reason. It is believed that the assimilation of such food in the children's body is much easier and faster than cow's. This is explained by the obvious similarity of goat's milk with mother's. The vitamin-rich composition of the goat gift does not contain lactose, which causes allergic reactions in infants and is often not digested even in adults, causing stomach and intestinal upsets. Lactose was adequately replaced by the protein beta-casein (it is also present in the mother's breast milk).

In addition to hypoallergenicity and fortified composition of the product, milk has a high percentage of fat content, and the body of a child of the infancy is not yet ripe for the production of enzymes for the breakdown of fatty acids. The lack of a goat milk product is an insignificant amount of folic acid, which controls the reproduction and growth of cells in a young organism. The product contains an excess of minerals, which can damage the baby's kidneys.

A child who is fully fed with goat's milk runs the risk of iron deficiency anemia due to a lack of iron, which is part of hemoglobin. Therefore, it is impossible to fully replace breastfeeding or infant formula with goat. This is fraught with unpleasant and dangerous consequences: disruption of the digestive system, weakening of the body's defenses.

How to give goat milk to children before and after a year

Goat milk has a large percentage of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B6, its nutritional value for the body is enormous. Modern manufacturers of infant formulas manage to rationally combine this product in a dry form with additional missing minerals. This mixture will be suitable for breastfeeding. Doctors also recommend that infants consume goat milk no earlier than 6 months as a complementary food, but not the main food.

Since the dairy product of this animal harms the immature children's body, then for babies aged 5-6 months, try to introduce milk complementary foods starting with a teaspoon. If there is no indigestion, allergies, colic and other warning symptoms after taking it, feel free to continue, but increase the daily dose gradually, as the child grows older. So, by a year old, the daily norm of such nutrition is equal to 150 ml, and by two years, daily consumption of up to 700 ml is allowed.

How to breed

They say that whole, uncooked milk retains all the vitamins. Do I need to boil the goat product? It all depends on the age of your child. Be sure to boil for up to a year. So you protect the immature body from all kinds of infections and pathological microflora. Indeed, under poor conditions for keeping a goat, milk acquires an unpleasant odor and can be a hotbed for the development of intestinal diseases if the product has not undergone heat treatment.

At the age of one year, it is not necessary to boil milk, but this is allowed under the following conditions:

  • If you purchase a dry version of the product, then carefully look at the expiration date of the latter on the package.
  • Whole milk should be of different quality. It is better to order the product from one person, making sure that the conditions of the animal and the quality of the liquid product are good. Be sure to ask what the animal is fed with, whether they give chemical additives of dubious quality.
  • If the quality of the dairy product is OK, remember to dilute the contents for feeding a baby.

Step-by-step instructions for introducing goat milk into the daily diet of an infant

  1. For babies up to one year old, be sure to boil milk and water: collect and remove the foam.
  2. Strain through two layers of cheesecloth and refrigerate.
  3. If an infant from 5 months old is just getting acquainted with the taste of a product produced by a goat, dilute the fat content of the latter in proportions of 1x5 (one part milk to five parts water).
  4. With the age of the baby, dilute the mixture in a lower concentration. For a one-year-old strong man, dilute 1x3.
  5. From a year and a half, the drink is diluted 1x2, and after two years undiluted will do.
  6. Milk formula is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. After the expiration of this term, the useful substances of the product are lost.

Is it possible for children with allergies

Atopic dermatitis or diathesis is a problem known to many, firsthand, that almost every third new mother faces. Often, diathesis is manifested by the use of cow's milk by infants. The dairy product of goats does not cause allergic reactions, at least this happens only in some cases. Goat milk is a powerful antihistamine.

It was noticed that infants who had symptoms of dermatitis when drinking cow's milk got rid of them by restructuring their diet to the second option - goat's milk. It is also useful for frequent colds and weakened immunity. Babies up to six months receive vitamins of a goat product as part of their mother's milk. This will happen if the mother herself uses the healing milk of the mentioned animal, taking care of her health and the health of the crumbs.

Video: Which milk is healthier: cow or goat - Dr. Komarovsky

Find out what Dr. Komarovsky says about the benefits of cow's and goat's milk for a child's body in this video clip.

Goat milk for babies: reviews

Elena, 26 years old: I heard that goat's milk has a good effect on weakened immunity. Having had an acute form of bronchitis, my baby (we are now 9 months old) was very weak. To raise immunity, the pediatrician recommended that the baby drink goat's milk. We tried it - it came up, there was no allergic reaction. The child got stronger, well put on weight.

Lyudmila, 35 years old: She drank goat milk herself during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. The baby felt great, no bloating was observed. It is true that goat's milk is healthier than cow's milk.

Natalia, 30 years old: When my daughter was three months old, breast milk disappeared. We tried various infant formulas, but a nutritional formula based on powdered goat's milk came up. The baby liked the mixture, her body took food one hundred percent. After a year, I decided to use natural goat milk for making milk porridges. I was satisfied with the result: my daughter grew, gained weight, and her teeth appeared quickly.