What the wrinkles are talking on the face - the science of physiognomy. What wrinkles on the forehead are successful

To avoid the emergence of wrinkles, unfortunately, it is impossible, and with time they will cover the face of each of us. However, having spent prevention on time, you can prevent their occurrence at an early stage.

What is the point of wrinkles on the face

Did you know that, perhaps, metaphysical causes are the basis of many diseases? For example, there are often problems with pancreas, deprived of people often observed.

Wrinkles have a certain meaning, so they are formed due to the vital activity of the body and the behavior of the human person (regular physiological movements of the muscles of the face).

  1. Headaches. The fact that the person has a predisposition to the headaches, they say wrinkles over the bridge.
  2. A tendency to alcoholism It is possible to determine by a large number of transverse wrinkles located on the forehead.
  3. Tagged with stomach Demonstrate wrinkle, running vertically in the center of the forehead.
  4. The organs of the urogenital system. Semicircular wrinkles under the eyes sign about problems with the bladder. Folds near the eyes are an external manifestation of depression.
  5. On violations in the work of the gastrointestinal Treat nasolabial folds. If the right fold is deeper than the left, then it is worth paying attention to the bustling bubble. Also should look at the length. If the wrinkle comes to the chin - it is desirable to check the body for gastritis, colitis or ulcers.
  6. Genitals. Wrinkles over the upper lip (vertical and shallow) - indicate the failures in the functioning of the genitals. Vertical wrinkles descended from the corners of the mouth, demonstrate the initial problems with the pancreas or the rapid appearance of low acidity gastritis.
  7. Bladder. When the skin on the cheekbones becomes a flabby, there is a lot of wrinkles, it is possible that this indicates the pathology of the bladder.
  8. Problems in blood circulation. One on the chin (horizontal wrinkle) signals a bad blood circulation in the pelvis area.

Believe in this or not, the case of every person, but when ending the mirror, you will notice a wrinkled face, do not be lazy, check the thyroid gland.

The meaning of some types of facial wrinkles

Consider in more detail some types of wrinkles on the face, the value of which is represented in pictures.

On the forehead : Horizontal solid, horizontal intermittent

In a woman, such wrinkles reveal their male character. These ladies skillfully use the ability to defend their own interests.

In other cases, the emergence of such wrinkles is characteristic of people with difficult character. They are difficult for their career success. Because of the tendency to constant conflicts, such personalities are very emotional.

Between Brovia

If the line is single, then the person belongs to the risk group and maybe it indicates an accident.

Nasolabial folds

If they are balanced and go along the lines of the pitch, then before you a person from the middle layer of the population with a stable earnings. Straight wrinkles coming from the most nostrils is a sign of need. So your interlocutor knows what the battle for life and heavy diseases is.

Goose legs

A sign of good, positive and open people, which sometimes amazed with their naivety and kindness - these are wrinkles "goose paws".

Wrinkles "goose paws"

Wrinkles on the face defining

In life situations, we used to attribute to those or other expressions from which wrinkles are formed over time. Their meaning can be viewed in the following pictures.

For example, the underlying lower lip on the background of a large top may indicate female frigidity and male impotence.

Horizontal wrinkles near the eyebrows demonstrate a deep mind. But if they are shifted almost to the hair growth line, then the person is proud, cruel and arrogant.

Deep horizontal wrinkles, more similar to folds, will tell about the lazyness of the interlocutor, the reluctance to lead an active lifestyle.

In smart, but those prone to the proudness of people, often you can see perpendicular wrinkles on the face.

Meaning (practice with pictures in definition) and the essence of the character of the interlocutor will help to solve horizontal parallel and barely noticeable folds. This is a sign of honest people.

Two clear straight lines between the eyebrows will be given balanced and stable people.

Wrinkles will talk about health

Loosen health causes not only the body, but also leaves footprints on the face, where the skin is very thin. Sick people often emerge unexpected early wrinkles on the face.

The value (with accompanying pictures) of such changes is the following diseases:

  • early mimic wrinkles arise not only from dry skin, but also with the emergence of problems with the tract and thyroid gland;
  • the cause of horizontal wrinkles in the forehead area becomes headaches;
  • vertical wrinkle, located on the nose - a sign of frequent depression and liver problems;
  • deep nasolabial folds -ol teeth;
  • the mesh around the eyes demonstrates the shortage of vitamins;
  • the folds formed on the cheeks signals the disease of blood circulation, violation of the hormonal background and the tendency to hypertension.

Causes of wrinkles

Wrinkles on the face (the meaning with pictures is shown below) As a visible sign of age-related changes, they are formed from childhood and appear gradually. First, the skin loses its elasticity, then it becomes rough, then wrinkles appear on the forehead, follow in the corners of the eyes, etc.

Excessive dry skin

It is manifested by a feeling of depressions, peelings, dim color and a fine-resistant structure. At a young age, the skin is tender, but with age, due to problems with the lipid balance, it begins to fade, which, in the end, leads to the appearance of wrinkles.

To determine dry skin, it is enough to spend a small test: Press the face with your finger. If the traces do not pass, then you have this type and the following information for you.

For normal operation, it is necessary to ensure the skin of good moistening. To restore moisture level, you need to drink up to 2 liters of water per day. The specified volume contributes to replenishing losses and removes harmful toxins.

Age-related skin changes

The birth of wrinkles arises in 10, and in 20 years - they are called Mimic. The cause becomes frequent reduction of facial muscles. To prevent, do not build in vain grimaces, do not frown and do not cort the face.

According to statistics about 15-20 years, the so-called "goose paws" begin to appear

From 25 years old wrinkles appear on cheeks In the area of \u200b\u200b"Snash". Closer to 40 they become longer and passed into nasolabial folds.

In 30, there is a "syllable folds". They urgent any person, since the face becomes sad.

In 40 years above the upper lip And the chin appears so-called Martushkina wrinkles.

Work of mimic muscles

The voltage or weakening of one of the mimic muscles eventually affects the face in the form of changes in the skin. Moreover, wrinkles are formed perpendicular to these muscles.

The elimination of mimic wrinkles will help both cosmetic procedures and cosmetic, as well as folk remedies.

In cosmetology, the acupuncture of Botox has long been used - a procedure, during which the introduction of the paralysis muscle of the injection occurs. After it, wrinkles are smoothed, and the Mimic muscles have been in a weakened state for a long time.

As for cosmetics, in some of them there are a toxin of botulism that affects the facial muscles and nerve endings.

Common diseases

The appearance of wrinkles can provoke the following diseases and factors:

  • passive smoking;
  • temperature fluctuations;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • infections;
  • long stay in the wind;
  • frequent use of powder and face wash;
  • high dryness (humidity) of air;
  • fanatical suffering sunbathing baths.

Prevention of early wrinkles

The main enemy of the skin - the scorching sun and strong windTherefore, to protect before going out, it is necessary to apply special cream with UV filters on the face. It is also worth mentioning that the early appearance of wrinkles contributes to limitless and uncontrolled love for the sun.

Good and affordable prevention is wearing sunglasses. Accessory protects the skin around the eyes, saves from ultraviolet and prevents the occurrence of mimic wrinkles on the face. In pictures, their meaning is demonstrated by the result of constant seaming of the eyes.

A detrimental effect on the state of the skin is provided by the most common habit of people - smoking. Nicotine is able to reduce collagen generation and destroy Vitamin C. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity.

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And the last, but very important advice: The skin must be moisturized and nourished with cosmetic products. Daily leaving procedures contribute to the active formulation of collagen. However, for delicate skin around the eye, a special means should be purchased.

Compliance with the above rules, as well as a healthy lifestyle, will prevent the emergence of early wrinkles.

Useful video about what wrinkles on the face:


Mimic wrinkles call noticeable skin folds. They arise with age due to the gradual loss of skin of elasticity and elasticity. As the scientist managed to establish, the facial muscles are able to decline within a day several thousand times. As a result, in the skin, imperceptible, and then increasingly distinct wrinkles. Thus, experienced emotions are inevitably reflected on the person of a person who has reached old years.

The location of this type is due to the level of activity of various facial muscles. For example, a person who is accustomed to frown often, most likely, with time, can take the mimic wrinkles between the eyebrows and on the forehead. And merry people who love to laugh from the soul will be distinguished by a network of small wrinkles, diverging from the external corners of the eyes.

A noticeable wrinkle between the eyebrows (as a rule, it is single or double and rather deep) may indicate a habit of a lot to reflect, but at the same time a person occupies the things rather not very funny or joyful. Also, these folds indicate the power of will and perseverance. Interestingly, there are opinions in esoteric literature that such wrinkles may impose problems with the law. And a favorable sign, at the same time, should be considered two or three horizontally directed wrinkles that appear above the eyebrows, especially if they are crossed by another - vertical.

It is also considered that the double vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows is inherent in human honor, and wrinkles directed only from the external corners of the eyes, on the contrary, can be a sign of not the best qualities - it is better not to trust such a person in difficult situations.

Deep wrinkles going down from the corners of the mouth point to not the most optimistic character - such people are quite often displeastent for the most different occasion. Mimic wrinkles located below the mouth talk about suffering, both physical and spiritual people who have experienced for a long time. Circular Mimic Wrinkles, located near the mouth, often indicate restraint or even shower, according to a number of sources - to perseverance, as well as the desire to have their own opinion on any issue.

Oh more than once the disappointment will be aware of noticeable folds, which come from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth, and the mesh of small wrinkles around the eyes, as above the eyebrows, is peculiar to those who are inclined to be surprised. Corner separate wrinkles, located immediately above the eyebrows, can tell that the person is constantly being worried.

Wrinkles on the face - This is an emotional mask or an individual drawing that leaves the mark on our face, taking into account life experience. These wrinkles can tell about much, in particular about your character, temperament, about the past years. There is no secret in reading for wriggles, these are your feelings experienced over the years. After all, 22 muscles and those that we use more often than others are answered for facial expressions of others, form an individual drawing in the form of mimic wrinkles.

What can I read by wrinkles on your face!?

  1. Several wrinkles resembling rays - which are located from the outer edge of the eye and go up. They talk about tricks, lucavia. A man with such wrinkles knows what he wants, and most importantly knows how to achieve it. Located some tricks to help enter into confidence in people. But they lack sincerity and it scares it.
  1. So called "Goose paws" - Located in the corners of the eyes and lips. They talk about the cheerfulness, about the optimistic characteristics of the character, about your openness and that you are able to empathize.
  1. Deep wrinkle cENTER, between Brovia - Most likely you experienced a lot of tests.
  1. Deep wrinkle shifted to one of the eyebrows - Do not exclude health problems. But personal life is successful. You are created for love and romantic adventure.
  1. Two distinct wrinkles between eyebrows - They talk about excellent business qualities, organizational abilities, about some inflexibility of character. Also indicates frequently experienced stress, anxiety, about the voltage in which you are. If these wrinkles are twisted then, most likely you are the opposite of a very serious person. Capable for children's outcomes, unexpected actions.
  1. Three straight wrinkles between eyebrows - They talk about straightness and energetic. If they are different lengths and non-smooth, it indicates hot-temperedness, touchiness and jealousness.
  1. Many shallow horizontal wrinkles on the forehead - They talk about a light, unobtrusive character, but sometimes changeable. People with such wrinkles lovers of beauty, possess a beautiful taste, and they are not afraid of work.
  1. Deep horizontal wrinkles on the forehead - Talk about stubbornness. The owner of such wrinkles is almost always achieved by any means.
  1. Intermittent horizontal wrinkles on the forehead - They talk about the goodwill of their owner.
  1. Deep nasolabious wrinkles - can talk both about stubbornness, pickly, way can be characteristic and dissatisfaction with life. Often experienced bitterness, disappointment or envy.

Mimic wrinkles of faces You can talk a lot about the character of a person, take a look at close and familiar people. One glance is enough and you will understand what character traits are dominated.

Stop worrying about folds and wrinkles on your! This is the signs of distinction for a well-lived life. Remember: You can uniquely read this or another fold. What it is deeper and more noticeable, the more pronounced quality associated with it. Such a deep folds are more important than small. Do not forget that the folds on the left side of the face are responsible for their owner's personal life, and folds and wrinkles on the right concern questions and public life.

Flature folds

  • Excessive
  • Concentration on extreme accuracy

These folds mean that you are overly disciplining yourself both in personal and professional life. You are too severe to yourself, demanding more from ourselves than they could demand from anyone else. I want to you or no, but you grab yourself for the collar and make it make a matter.

Perempiic folds

(Many folds between eyebrows)

  • Perfectionist
  • Want everything to be in their places

If you have between the eyebrows more than two vertical folds, you have a tendency to perfectionism. You think that there is a place for everything and everything should be in their places. You need to relax a little and enjoy life more, not impede it yourself. Perhaps you should ask yourself: "Do I really need to be perfection yourself?"

Pleats wiseman

  • Inner wisdom

Such folds indicate a strong relationship between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which allows you to deeper into the essence of things. You logichly argue and at the same time intuitively feel the correctness of these reasoning. You can instantly penetrate into deep meaning, not limited to superficial knowledge.

Mental development folds

  • Developed mental abilities
  • Perhaps a brilliant mind

If you have at least three horizontal wrinkles on your forehead, you have worked out a lot over the development of your mental abilities. The deeper and longer wrinkles, the more smart. These wrinkles could also be called, the folds of genius, because if they crossed the entire forehead, it indicates your brilliant abilities in their field. If there are many "broken" wrinkles, this indicates a set of intellectual interests.

Mental voltage folds

  • Concentration of thinking

These folds indicate that, accompanying great efforts, you at certain points reached the limiting concentration. They are formed as a result of the maximum mental tension.

Plesting targets

(Deep vertical fold between eyebrows)

  • Self-discipline
  • Fliminate everything in its path

This fold indicates the casual self-discipline and, possibly, self-sacrifice. You do not allow anything to stand on your way. When the goal is set and movement to it began, you are almost impossible to stop! You are a laser beam focus on the details and on the correctness of your actions. You need to be softer to yourself.

Folds responsibility

(Many small wrinkles on the nose)

  • Great responsibility

You are too responsible and set yourself the most difficult tasks. As a child, you may have repeated many times that you need to be responsible, and as a result, you used to take too much.

Folding psychological exhaustion

(Deep horizontal fold on the nose)

  • Excessive responsibility

You are so responsible that forced yourself to continue the work started even when it does not bring you either emotional satisfaction, no stimulation of the mind. This fold indicates that you have achieved, such a stage that you need to find a lesson that will bring more joy into your life, even if it comes to some kind of hobby.

Wide outdoor folds

  • See things in perspective

You learned to see things in a broad perspective and better understand the relationship between them. You know a lot, we notice a lot and are far away naive as in youth. You understand that if something sounds too good to be true, then it is most likely not true.

Folding courage

  • Medals for courage

You had difficult episodes in your life when you had to strain all internal resources. These folds as medals for courage. On the left side, they indicate courage in solutions of personal problems. On the right, they point to the courage, manifested in solving professional or other external problems.

Folds of Balaguore

  • Eloquence by nature
  • Sociability

You from nature possess a wonderful gift of eloquence and love to talk. You are balagen and never climb the word in your pocket. The fold manifests itself with more power when you smile, and you do it easily and often.

Frustration folds

  • Emotional disappointment

You experienced severe emotional disappointments. The deeper the folds, the stronger there were disappointments. If the fold is only on the left side, read it as a disappointment in your personal life; On the right is a trace of disappointments in work or public life.

Sorrow folds

  • Survived a strong emotional pain or loss

You have experienced a heavy emotional trauma, which was accompanied by great suffering. A fold on the left side indicates suffering in personal life, related, for example, with a loss of a loved one. If the fold is located on the right, it may indicate an injury obtained in your professional life. Since the experienced suffering opened your heart to people, you feel about others with sympathy and sincerely empathize their suffering. ; The deeper the folds, the stronger the pain experience.

A fold of a forced smile

  • Hide negative feelings
  • Lained emotional support

Your happy appearance may not fit your true feelings. Perhaps you are too often trying to cover your real emotions. Your problem is that many do not know how to see the need for moral support for your smile and you are deprived of it.

Flesting merchant
  • Craftiness
  • Evil jokes

You are sociable, playful, Lukava. You like to tease the people of fun for. But yours.

Folds support

(on the cheeks of the pits that look like folds)

  • Inspire others
  • Support

You respect and care for the fact that you inspire others and help them better treat themselves. As surrounding constantly expect moral support from you and praise, your silence is often louder than any curses indicative of the presence of a serious problem.

Libido folds

(Vertical ridges under the nose)

  • Share the whole world on male and female halves

The more these lines are expressed, the more you tend to share the world around the world and female halves, giving them the appropriate roles .. The wider these folds are placed, the stronger your sexual attraction and the stronger your need for physical love.

Folds of surviving disaster

  • Survived catastrophe
  • Huge vitality

These wrinkles show how heavy life circumstances helped you develop an extraordinary force of character. You were in a state of catastrophe and fell, it seemed to be in the bottomless abyss, but they found the strength to return to normal life. You have had huge stocks of vital energy and character force, the existence of which you have not even suspected. Now you are not afraid of any tests, because you know how to cope with them.

Flesting of izhannost

(arc on chin)

  • Want to like

You may need to confirm your self-esteem from external sources. It is important for you to consult that you like at least one person. Lack of attention, praise and love in could lead to the fact that you evaluate yourself lower than you deserve. Do not worry. People with low self-esteem more like others what people are narcissist.

Folding heart

  • Heart problems
  • Excessive

You may need unnecessarily demanding. Too much working and tormenting yourself, you are in danger of your heart - ask any doctor. You need to take care of yourself more, your health. It is better to eat, care for physical education, more rest, find the opportunity to fill your life with joys, love, peace of mind. Learn to measure your success with the ability to remain in any situation, and not outstanding results and achievements.

Mystery folds

(deepening in the corners of the mouth)

  • Mental injury
  • Clamp in some issues

Each, having achieved a certain age, faces the appearance of wrinkles - a natural process. It is impossible to avoid this, it is quite realistic to slow the aging of the skin. Men to such changes are quite normal, for women - a real tragedy. What do wrinkles talk about forehead? It turned out - it may be signs of violation of the work of internal systems of the body. It is worth alerting, "harmless" folds can "speak", to reveal some amazing mysters of character.

There is a lot of reasons why wrinkles arise:

  • negative impact of environmental factors (sharp temperature fluctuations, aggressive rays of ultraviolet);
  • heredity (the skin lost elasticity, "called");
  • incorrectly built diet
  • diseases of internal systems of the body (digestive organs, liver);
  • mimica, habit of talking, frowning frills;
  • frequent stress, depressive states, nervous breakdowns;
  • failure to comply with the elementary rules of personal hygiene.

Secrets of human character

Wrinkles between eyebrows in men and women are told both medical nuances of health and other important information. Folding make it possible to open interesting facts of the nature of the individual, to understand the essence, to predict the behavior.

  1. The value of wrinkles coming out of one point. If they saw such folds, it is advised to be careful with an individual - they indicate complexity of character. There is also advantages. He will always think before saying nonsense, take a hasty decision. Having encountered an extreme situation, find a way out, solving the problem.
  2. The same lines indicate confidence, perseverance, certainty. The individual knows what he wants to get, pursues the goal, reaches the desired.
  3. Vertical line from the nose to the center of the forehead. Indicator calm, measured character. The individual radiates inner peace.
  4. Arcuate lines converging together - a superb diplomat, always develops the right strategy, will hold successful negotiations. Great memory is another feature.
  5. Wrinkles, divergers from the bridges. The value of such folds is a logical mindset. A person knows how to distinguish the truth, lie. Hates attempts to deceive, get out.
  6. Horizontal wrinkles. Their presence talks about good nature, searching for positive emotions around himself, smiles. Honesty, decency - perfect features.

The absence of unwanted folds is a witness of calm. A man hates conflicts, always helps close and friends, little things will be happy.

Horizontal wrinkles: Medical view

Let's analyze how much horizontal wrinkles are on the forehead on modern medical concepts.

Skin folds are the symptoms of serious ailments of the body, formerly a mystery. Small wrinkles appeared between the eyebrows - the liver hides the problems. Short, longitudinal skin folds - the nervous system, urgently need to calm down, bypass the side of stressful situations.

Transverse (horizontal) wrinkles appear on the forehead in people who regularly suffering from headaches. Also indicate a problem with the nervous system. Most likely, a person is regularly experiencing stress, depressive states, excessive experiences. It is important to follow the state of health. Frequent stresses promote the problems of seriously early skin folds.

Vertical wrinkles on the forehead

Vertical folds located between the eyebrows - witnesses the functioning of the organs of the digestive system, gastritis, stomach ulcers, duodenum. Sometimes they may have experienced heart attacks.

However, when such wrinkles appear, the first thing you want to think about - the power mode. Modern rhythm of life leaves extremely little time to build a normal diet. Sometimes we run away hungry, then you have to snack fast food. A few years of such an image of life have a detrimental impact on the work of all digestive bodies. Result Expect - deterioration of well-being, Pigmentation of the face, weakness.

Tip! Whatever hard work, it is necessary to get the time to eat. In the morning you can get up before, breakfast, take some juicy apples to dinner, salad.

Wrinkles between eyebrows

Longitudinal folds between eyebrows indicate the availability of problems with the spine. Most often confirm the diagnosis of osteochondrosis. Immediately run for expensive consultations - a bad solution. Osteochondrosis is a disease that can be overtaken by 30 years, people are less often faced with a problem. The lifestyle is taken into account. If an individual works constantly sitting, wears regularly gravity, noted longitudinal pronounced wrinkles - there is a reason to apply for medical advice.

Solution to the problem:

  1. The first step is to revise your lifestyle. It is necessary to accustom oneself daily to give time to minimal physically loads (charging). Especially in the event that the work is sitting.
  2. With excessive emotionality, it is necessary to learn less frowning.
  3. Useful prophylaxis - it is recommended to drink a vitamin pharmacy complex. Perhaps the Derma lost elasticity due to lack of nutritional components.

Diagnostics: Useful Information

The correct diagnosis of wrinkles is an incredibly interesting "science". The face is mentally divided into 3 identical zones. It is necessary to identify exactly where visible wrinkles appeared.

Zone 1.

Forehead (from hair to eyebrows). Responsible for intelligence, bright children's memories.

Zone 2.

Starts from the eyebrows, ends with the tip of the nose. Indicator of the power of the spirit, flawless self-control.

Zone 3.

Nose tip - line to the chin tip. Responsible for life progress, achievements.


The appearance of early skin folds is a terrible news. Regardless of the affected zone, it is important to immediately enter with them in the fight, otherwise the dermis will quickly begin to fade.

  1. Incorrect power mode negatively affects skin condition, as a result, folds are formed on it. It is necessary to exclude fried dishes from the diet, fast food, try to suspend the use of sweet.
  2. In preventive purposes, it is recommended to drink multivitamin complexes for strengthening the immune system, replenishing the lack of nutrients.
  3. Weekly do homemade cosmetic masks. It is better to choose a recipe for your skin, prepare a means using ingredients of natural origin (honey, aloe, chicken eggs).
  4. Summer period of time is dangerous for the dermis. The aggressive rays of ultraviolet dry it, as a result, pigmentation, wrinkles appear. Be sure to use creams having solar filters to avoid unpleasant consequences.
  5. Face massage is extremely useful. Lightweight movements of finger tips relax muscles, increase skin elasticity, elasticity.

With the appearance of wrinkles, it is impossible to speak at once - "disease", foldings may be mimic. It is necessary to try to use the presented recommendations, try to solve the problem. No results? It is useful to undergo a survey from the family doctor to make sure whether you are healthy - the procedure is sometimes useful.

Know what you mean wrinkles on the forehead - a great chance to "open" the feature of the interlocutor, find out the useful secrets. It may contribute to finding an approach to a new mysterious business partner, to avoid a conflict situation, solve the treating questions.