Wedding ring. Ten original ideas. How to give a ring to a girl in an original way Rings for a girl in a box

Have you bought a ring for a gift for a girl? Do you want to present it in a particularly original way, but do not know how to do it? Everything is very simple! After all, the employees of the ZBIRD jewelry company have prepared an interesting article on how you can present a ring to a girl in a creative and original way! Read on and find out!

Live flower or bouquet of flowers

  • Place the ring inside the slightly opened bud so that it is well fixed there. If after that the flower petals refuse to keep their shape, you can fix the bud with a beautiful thin ribbon. Give a flower to a girl, offering to enjoy its aroma and then she will notice the ring.
  • If you want to give a bouquet of flowers, then fasten the ring near their stems or thread the stems inside. When you present a surprise, cover the ring with your hand, and the lady will take the bouquet in her hands and immediately feel the ring. Voila! Pleasant surprise guaranteed!

Kinder Surprise

Very cute and original! Buy a regular Kinder Surprise at the store. Carefully print it out, remove the toy from there and place the ring in its place. Fold the 2 halves of the kinder together and seal back. You can give a girl a kinder surprise just by chance, but when she gets to the filling, she will be delighted!

Pendant - ring

If your budget allows, then you can add a chain to your gift. During a candlelit dinner or just in a nice romantic atmosphere, ask the girl to close her eyes. Put a chain around her neck, on which the RING will be a pendant! You will kill two birds with one stone. We assure you, the girl will not resist and will throw herself on your neck to thank you!

Matryoshka or boxes

  • Buy an ordinary nesting doll in the store and put a ring in the smallest one. When you give a girl a nesting doll, she will most likely laugh and be perplexed, but then she will get to the very end and will be delighted with your creativity. Remember, psychologists say: if a girl thinks that a man has a great sense of humor, this is a clear guarantee of a successful relationship!
  • You can play around with this a bit. Buy a huge gift box, and put less and less inside. The same principle of matryoshka. Put the ring in the smallest box. Surprise can not be avoided - that's for sure!

Letter for you!

Very old and romantic way. Buy a beautiful postal envelope, then put the ring in it and place it in the girl's mailbox. After all this, hint to her that they say, “We haven’t checked the mail for a long time.” She will get the letter, open it and then you will tell her that this gift is for her!

To enhance the romance and originality of this method, you can arrange in advance with the local postman to hand the letter to the addressee in person. It will be more unexpected and pleasant! You will definitely hear a joyful squeal from the lips of the girl!

How about a cup of coffee?

Invite the girl to visit a restaurant or cafe with you and taste a cup of coffee there. Order coffee and dessert, have a nice conversation, do not show that something is wrong. In advance, ask the waiter to bring you a third cup of coffee, and put a ring under it on a saucer. And so, the waiter brought the order, the girl raises the cup - Voila! She will definitely be shocked and a few seconds of pause will be in the air. Most importantly, don't be silent! Tell her that you love her, or maybe you just wanted to present such a gift to your sister, mother, girlfriend!

Well, now you know exactly how to present such a gift as a ring in an original and creative way! None of these methods will leave the girl indifferent - we guarantee you that!

Be original with ZBIRD!

- this is what always accompanies lovers and gives tenderness and magic to relationships. It has long been believed that giving a girl a ring is a bad omen, although it is this gift that pleases the fair sex most of all.

Men often puzzle over how beautiful it is to give a girl a ring in order to evoke a sea of ​​​​pleasant emotions in her. In fact, there are a lot of ways, you just need to show imagination and work a little. In our article, we will share some options for an interesting and unusual presentation of such a gift.

How to give a girl a ring in an original way?

If a lady loves flowers, you can take one flower, for example, a rose or, which the chosen one loves the most. Place a ring in an unblown bud, while passing it through several petals. If the flower does not hold after such a procedure, you can wrap it with a film, with a special skirt, and decorate it with a shiny ribbon. In this form, give the treasured flower to your beloved and invite her to enjoy a pleasant aroma.

Another option on how to give a ring to a girl in an original way is to attach a gift to the stems of flowers. You can thread the flowers into the ring itself, and covering it with your hand, give a bouquet. When a girl takes it in her hand, she will immediately find an unexpected present.

If a young man wants to choose a more original way of giving a ring to a girl, then he can be advised to do this with a letter. To do this, you need to put a gift in an envelope, seal it, sign it beautifully, put it in your girlfriend's mailbox, and then casually invite her to check the mail.

Surprising as it may seem, but many of the fair sex are also wondering how to present a ring to a guy in an original way, because, you see, not only girls are pleased to receive such meaningful gifts.

It is difficult to find a young man who would not like to please, surprise his beloved. An engagement ring for a girl is one of the most desired gifts. You will learn about several ways to surprise a girl in an original way and at the same time not lose face. You will become aware of non-standard ideas for solving this issue.

Features of choosing a ring as a gift for a girl

Thinking about how to give a ring to a girl in an original way? It is believed that confessing love, as well as making a marriage proposal, should be as sincere as possible, with all your heart. However, in order to present an engagement ring, a careful approach is required: to choose, buy in online stores in Moscow, you need such jewelry that is suitable for age, size, and patterns.

Men and young guys can choose original jewelry based on the prices of electronic catalogs. It is customary to associate young ladies with delicate, concise rings. Various light curls and a scattering of small pebbles emphasize elegance and freshness. The fingers of women of the older generation should be decorated with large stones that emphasize status.

For the New Year

Whatever the occasion is the reason for buying elegant jewelry, it is important to choose high-quality accessories. When choosing a gift for the New Year, you can opt for jewelry made in silver with unusual inserts and a bright design. Especially such gifts will appeal to young ladies-artists or designers. If finances allow, then you can give jewelry made of precious metals. Such a gift, as a rule, speaks of the seriousness of the young man's intentions.

Romantic surprise for a girl on February 14

How to give a ring to a girl in an original way? You need to choose the most romantic day and moment of the year and, having made an offer, link your destinies forever. However, when choosing an engagement ring, you should choose the traditional gold, silver or platinum version with a small, neat diamond. The material depends on the girl's preferences: giving gold jewelry to someone who wears only silver is considered bad manners.

The design of the jewelry should not be too bright or flashy, because an engagement ring is a daily jewelry that should be combined with the whole wardrobe of a girl. If you want the gift to be unique, you can engrave names or cute inscriptions. For example, Vladimir Mayakovsky wrote three large letters “L”, “Yu” and “B” on the ring for his beloved, which formed an endless “love”.

For a birthday

How to give a girl a ring for her birthday? Look closely at her behavior, maybe she has been looking for some kind of jewelry for a long time, but does not dare to buy it. Then you will show that you are a sensitive and loving person, because you found exactly what the lady was looking for. It is also important to keep track of what style of accessories the girl prefers. For example, if she wears only geometric jewelry, then it means that the ring should be looked for with a large triangle or give a set with different strict figures.

How unusual to give a ring to your beloved

There are several classic ways to present a ring to a girl in an original way. However, no one forbids to come up with your own unique way and surprise your beloved. Lovely ladies love surprises and riddles, arrange a quest where a girl will have to go through several tests for a gift, but the result will be worth it. You can go to the mountains, go on a hike and, standing over a cliff, looking at the beautiful nature, make a marriage proposal. Thanks to such a present, the girl will not be able to answer “no”.

Engagement ring

In order to figure out how to give a ring to a girl, you need to understand what effect you want to produce. You can take a rose flower, it is important that the bud does not bloom to the end. Then you need to put the decoration in the middle, place the central petals inside the ring. If the bud begins to disintegrate, then you can fix it with an elegant ribbon. When you give a girl a flower, offer to enjoy the wonderful aroma of a rose. The effect will not disappoint you!

If you want to give a bouquet of other flowers, you can fix the decoration on the stems. In this way, the ring will hold the whole bouquet together. When presenting an original gift, close the ring with your hand to create an effect of surprise. As soon as the flowers are in the hands of your beloved, she will immediately notice a cute surprise addressed to her.


Buy a matryoshka doll to surprise your sweetheart with an unusual offer in an original way. Replace the smallest doll with a ring. In a romantic setting, present such an unusual gift to a girl and offer to look inside. The result will not disappoint you or your companion. While the lady is spinning the dolls, you can go for a pre-prepared bouquet to please your beloved girl even more.

Another option that is becoming especially popular right now is to use a chocolate ring. In any grocery store you need to buy a kinder surprise. Carefully unpack the chocolate bar, separate the sweetness along the seam. Remove unwanted toys. To cheer you up, you can print out the instructions, how the girl puts the ring on her finger and says “yes!”.

In a plastic container, you need to put a gift addressed to your beloved. It is necessary to hide, as in a fairy tale: a needle in an egg, an egg in a chicken - an engagement ring in a box, it in chocolate, it in a package. To hide the signs of opening the treat, you can heat the chocolate and glue it. Such a sweet surprise will make a huge impression on the girl. It is unlikely that the answer to your proposal to bind fate will be negative, because it is difficult to resist such an offer.

How to give a ring to a girl for no reason

The most banal and easiest way to give a ring is to use a regular envelope. It can be decorated with cute drawings or stickers with your favorite heroes or characters. Having placed the jewelry in an envelope, it is better to drop it into a box bypassing the postal service and hint to the lady of the heart that a pleasant surprise should come to her by mail. You can also arrange with the postman or courier so that he brings and in a solemn atmosphere gives the girl a cherished gift.

If you decide to take such an important and responsible step as an offer, then think about how to make this moment truly unforgettable for yourself and for your soulmate. And this is unthinkable without the original way of presenting the ring:

  • At the restaurant. In this case, you need to agree in advance with the staff that at a certain moment the waiter will take out the ring. It can be placed on a plate with dessert (but by no means inside) or in a glass of champagne.
  • Along with cake. Order an option that is suitable specifically for the engagement. Ask the confectioner not only to provide for the placement of the box with the ring on the cake, but also to write on it the main question “Will you marry me?” and separately mark the boundaries of the two pieces, on one of them there will be the coveted “yes”, and on the other “no”. Some choose to skip the no option and order a cake with just one answer.
  • During the quest. Recently, quests in reality have become increasingly popular. You can organize one yourself within the walls of the apartment, or turn to professionals (in this case, so that your beloved does not suspect anything, go through the quest with her). Most importantly, at the end of the test, a beautiful box with a treasured ring and a marriage proposal should await the girl.

How unusual to present a ring on the eve of the new year

The New Year is a time of fulfillment of desires and real miracles! Therefore, the way in which the ring will be presented should be just as magical:

  • Inside the Christmas toy. Finding a detachable Christmas ball is not so difficult (there are even special boxes in the form of balls), and the reaction of the second half is definitely worth it! Just imagine how happy she will be when she discovers a gift hidden inside a Christmas decoration.
  • In a traditional Christmas sock. Hanging a beautiful sock at home in anticipation of gifts from Santa Claus is a Western tradition, but it has also taken root in our country. Buy such an accessory, put a ring in it, hang it in a conspicuous place and invite your loved one to find your gift. In addition to decoration, you can fill the sock with sweets.
  • On a Christmas wreath. A well-made wreath of spruce branches (artificial), decorated with sequins, toys and bows, is a great gift in itself. But it also serves as a great way to place a ring. Attach the decoration to one of the branches with a satin ribbon - at first glance, your beloved will not even pay attention to it, but upon closer inspection, she will be pleasantly surprised!

We give a ring on March 8

On International Women's Day, many girls expect to receive as many flowers and sweets as possible, so if you decide to present your beloved with a ring, this automatically adds sympathy points to you. You can make this holiday more ideal for your beloved only by giving jewelry in one of the following ways:

  • As part of a bouquet / flower box. Imagine such a scenario - your beloved sees a banal bouquet, in her soul she is already upset by such a trivial gift, but then her eyes fall on something brilliant ... After such enthusiasm for the ring, there will be a lot. Place the decoration in a regular bouquet (in this case, you need to choose large flowers for it) or fit it organically into a flower arrangement in a box.
  • Along with a beautiful mug. Tea/coffee in bed is a great way to start International Women's Day. Choose the most beautiful porcelain mug for your beloved, fill it with your favorite drink, and tie a ring to the handle with a beautiful ribbon. And the morning of March 8 will be remembered by her for a long time!
  • As part of a box of chocolates. All girls love sweets, so surely your chosen one has a favorite box of chocolates, which she allows herself only on big holidays. Buy it, but put a ring instead of one of the candies. And be sure to insist that the girl immediately unpack the sweet present so that you can enjoy her surprise and delight!

How to present a ring on Valentine's Day

February 14, unfortunately, is not recognized as a holiday at all by some young people. And it’s completely in vain, Valentine’s Day has a very interesting story, it’s not easy to celebrate it all over the world. Your girlfriend will be in seventh heaven already for the reason that you consider February 14 a holiday, and if you receive a ring as a gift in one of the following ways, her joy will have no limits:

  • Along with a plush toy. It's kind of a scam. According to a recent survey, only 3 girls out of 10 want to receive a teddy bear as a gift, so it is unlikely that your girlfriend will be very happy to see you with a toy. But if a ring goes along with a plush banality, then it will immediately change anger to mercy.
  • Inside a heart shaped box. Implement the principle of nested dolls, the smallest box should be the most beautiful and romantic (that's why the heart shape is chosen), put it in a slightly larger storage, and so on. With all the variety of gift wrappings, it will not be difficult to find the right ones in shape and size.
  • Inside an envelope. This method is available only if your loved one has a reliable mailbox. Write a love letter, but in addition to it, put a ring in the envelope. The point is small - put it in the mailbox and call the girl with a request to check the mail! She will definitely appreciate such a romantic gesture.

As you can see, in order to give a girl a ring in an original way, it is not necessary to spend exorbitant amounts at all, the main condition is the desire to please your beloved!

Some banal ways!

1 way:

You tell her: -Your gift is in my right jacket pocket. Sunny, get it. Sunny, with a happy look, puts his hand in your right pocket, and there is a note: "Kitten, I will never give you up to anyone !!!"
You: -Actually, it's in your left pocket!
She climbs there, and there is a note in her left pocket: "You are the most precious thing I have!"
A gift vvv .... Oooooh ... Tell you, you will immediately begin to dissolve your hands! It's in a shirt pocket, in the left one - that's where the heart is!
Note: "You are always in my heart"
- Here I have you, not your gift. Where did I put it...?
-What am I, already confused ... Maybe in the back left pocket of jeans?
Left jeans pocket: "I love you!"
-Maybe on the right?
Right jeans pocket: "I want you!"
Then you can kiss and give or kiss and ... think of whatever you want ...

2 way:
Draw a map of the apartment and send your loved one in search.

3 way:
Cook something and put the ring in the food. Put the ring in a glass of wine. (BE CAREFUL OR YOUR LOVED ONE MAY CHOKING ON A GIFT!!!)

4 way:
Buy 1 rose with a large bud and put a ring in the bud.

5 way (the most sophisticated):
To do this, we need some kind of small container, it is better if there is a heart-shaped mold. We fill it, one third, with cold water and put it in the freezer. After the water turns into ice, we put the ring on this ice and fill it, another third, with water, only of a different color, since there are a lot of dyes now. Put it back in the freezer!

And the final stage - add water of the third color and freeze again. Then, in order for the resulting figure to come off the mold, the edges of the mold must be held under a stream of warm water (do not overdo it !!!). You can transport such a structure (so as not to melt) in a thermos. Nothing will happen in a few hours! Can you imagine how beautiful it will turn out?!

Method 6 (remember how we played Splinter Cell):
I propose another way to give a ring ... Surely, it would be original to put a ring on the finger of a loved one when she is sleeping!
The surest way to find out if a girl fell asleep or not is to ask her: Are you sleeping, you fucking idiot?

If he does not wake up from the fact that you are dressing him, then in the morning he will be very surprised by the gift. If he wakes up, he will probably doze off again soon, he will continue to sleep sweetly, and in the morning it may seem that it was all a dream, and in a hurry he wants to look at his finger, and there really is a ring! Give each other joy and love!

7 way:
We climb onto the roof (just do not screw up from it). We tie the ring on a rope and lower it down to the window of our beloved.

What other ways do you know?
Answers in comments in replays.