Relative lowland for 32 weeks. Treatment. Do you need to treat moderate lowland? Examination and therapy

During pregnancy, the kid in the womb surround the oily water. Waters include the necessary baby substances and minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. With an increase in the term increases the volume of water. However, pathology occurs when the amount of water deviates from the norm.

What is Major's pregnant women: what it is dangerous

Malotion means a condition in a pregnant woman in which the amount of fruit waters in the bubble decreases. This pathology is a rare case, he speaks of certain deviations of the course of pregnancy.

What are the accumulating waters:

  • Protection of placenta and umbilical umbilicals from the chapels of the baby;
  • Protecting the child from traumatization;
  • Does not give the skin the kid grow up with an oily bubble;
  • Ensuring the exchange of useful substances between mother and fruit.

The larger the term of pregnancy, the greater the oily water is in the bubble. By the end of the life, the volume of water reaches 1-1.5 liters. Upon low, this indicator is at the 0.5 liter.

The lack of amniotic fluid can cause serious consequences for the kid.

Two types of low tears are distinguished: moderate, in which the well-being of a woman does not change, and a pronounced form, when painting pain appears at the bottom of the abdomen, the child's movement bring discomfort and the uterus decreases in size.

Consequences Major:

  • The fruit cannot move normally in a small amount of amniotic fluid, which leads to the development of physical pathologies;
  • The probability of pressure of the mother's organs into the kid increases, which can be a reason for the wrong development of its own bodies;
  • In childbirth, the cervix is \u200b\u200brevealed very badly, which leads to a painful delivery, as well as bleeding
  • Premature birth - the likelihood of 50%;
  • Lack of oxygen and nutrients.

In pronounced form, the native a gynecologist may decide on the delivery of the obstetric operation. The childbirth natural way can entail serious complications, both in the mother and the kid.

The main causes and signs of the lowest

The accumulate waters are measured by an amniotic fluid index (exercise), deviation from the norm of which indicates a reduced or increased amount of water.

Malovodie is not diagnosed as often - in 4% of pregnant women, but every woman should know about its causes and symptoms.

Why this happens - the doctors did not fully learn this question. Observation of pregnant women with a small amount of water helped to identify the following reasons.

Causes of lowland:

  • Congenital kidney disease in a child. The trend towards the lowland is manifested in the early deadlines.
  • Severe diseases of pregnant women - diseases of the kidneys, hypertension, vascular disease and heart disease, diabetes;
  • A tendency to a set of excess weight;
  • Dehydration due to toxicosis, vomiting or diarrhea;
  • Smoking during baby tooling;
  • Transferred viral (flu, ARVI) and Torch infections (rubella, herpes);
  • Gestos of the last trimester of the baby tooling;
  • Multiple pregnancy;
  • Uninstalling a child;
  • Late leakage of the accumulating fluid (earlier than the PDR).

With each planned visit to the female consultation during pregnancy, the pressure, weight and abdominal volume are measured. According to the latter, one can judge the amount of water.

Symptoms Major:

  • The girth of the abdomen does not correspond to the period of pregnancy;
  • The child moves little and every movement gives the pain of a pregnant woman;
  • Selection from the vagina - the leakage of water (appear when the fetal shell is broken);
  • Many pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Nausea, fatigue, weakness.

The observing gynecologist can send pregnant on the ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis of "Malovodie". The re-procedure must be carried out in 30-45 days to track the dynamics of the disease.

Pronounced lowland during pregnancy: hospital treatment

Pronounced lowland is characterized by a significant deviation from the norm of the IAA. Such pathology is considered quite serious, and can bear negative consequences, both on the body of pregnant and for the fetus. Pronounced Malovodia carries the main signs - unpleasant sensations during the movements of the child, pain at the bottom of the abdomen and the inconsistency of the abdominal abdominal abdominal.

During treatment, the doctor strictly monitors the state of a pregnant woman - she will have to attend women's advice more often and pass an additional ultrasound to control the amount of water.

With a pronounced lowland, first of all, the cause of pathology should be determined, and only then to treat treatment. As a rule, the treatment of a pronounced form of lowland occurs at the hospital under the supervision of the doctor.

Elimination of the reasons that led to a heavy form of the lowland:

  • The presence of congenital defects in the child. If possible, surgical intervention is prescribed, more often - interruption of pregnancy.
  • Chromosomal anomalies are revealed. Having determined the risks, the problem is solved - abortion a woman or wait for changes in the situation.
  • The presence of intrauterine infection. Antiviral and antibacterial drugs are prescribed.
  • Revealed placental insufficiency. Up to 20 weeks, it is recommended to take medicines to improve blood flow. Good reviews have Aktovegin and Kuraltil. After - the expectancy of the appropriate period for the delivery.
  • Gestosis. Preparations are prescribed for pressure normalization, for example, magnesia and medicines to improve the work of the kidneys and the entire urinary system.
  • Punch fruit sheath. Most often - childbirth stimulation.

If the treatment and prevention did not give the desired result, a complex solution is made - premature delivery by cesarean section.

Moderate lowland during pregnancy: how to cure

Moderate lowland is a minor deviation from the norm to 400-700 ml. At the same time, the woman does not feel discomfort, the child continues to receive all the necessary substances. However, it is worth a reinforcement! As a rule, moderate lowland is treated outpatient, if there are no other complications.

If necessary, a gynecologist can assign vitamins complexes to maintain overall health of pregnant.

To normalize the level of amniotic waters, it is recommended to reduce the load, more rest and avoid stress. A diet is also important, which includes all the necessary vitamins and trace elements, and abundant drinking.

To cure this ailment, adhering to the appointment of the attending physician, and constantly controlling the level of water on the ultrasound.

Major during pregnancy in 20 weeks: how to save the baby

Quite often, the desired pregnancy is overshadowed by various complications. At every step, a woman can wait like an innocent cold and more serious illness. During the baby tooling, the kidney work is disturbed, arterial pressure increases, the amount of amniotic fluid is deviated from the norm.

Without the desired amount of amniotic waters, which are so necessary for the normal development of the child, the course of pregnancy is complicated.

If the deviation is moderate, for a period of up to 20 weeks, this pathology is treated at home. A woman follows strictly designated therapy - balanced nutrition, the right drinking mode, receiving vitamins and a reduction in active physical activity.

The diagnosis of small ones in the second trimester is considered the most dangerous, since it is during this period that the main bodies and systems of the fetal life support systems are laid.

When identifying insufficient water, inpatient treatment is prescribed. Droppers are prescribed to improve blood flow to the placenta, sometimes it is required to take antibiotics for the treatment of inflammation and infections. It is important to take drugs to maintain intestinal microflora.

Major during pregnancy for 32 weeks: give birth or wait

It comes 32 weeks of pregnancy, it remains quite a bit before the birth of the baby, and during this period a woman can get bold to disturb the abdominal pain, she is discomfort and painful sensations when driving the kid. This happens at least if there is an insufficient number of accumulating waters.

The required amount of water for 32 weeks is determined on the ultrasound, based on the index of the amniotic fluid.

Increase the amount of waters in the third trimester is very difficult, so the gynecologist can recommend to cause natural childbirth or to make Cesarean, as soon as a favorable term for ancestration occurs. Waiting and maintaining the general state of the female in labor is not always a good option, the lowest time can be dangerous for both.

What is low in pregnancy: reasons (video)

Malotodie is dangerous, but not deadly. If you reveal the cause and start treatment in time, you can avoid negative consequences during the baby tooling or at the time of birth. Modern medicine works wonders and even with serious pathologies there is a chance to endure a healthy and strong child.

A child in the mother's womb is all the time in an amniotic fluid, which is popularly known as "water." It is unique in its composition and plays an extremely important role, both for the normal course of pregnancy, and for the development of the baby: in particular, protects it from injuries, it helps to actively move, take the right position in the uterus to childbirth, etc.

With an increase in the period, the amount of water is also steadily growing; By the third trimester, it is already 800-1500 g. This liquid has a property to be updated for three days, constantly producing the walls of the accumulator bubble and the pool itself.

But it often happens that on the last planned ultrasound, the future mother is diagnosed by the lowland - an insufficient amount of this fluid. Let's find out how such a situation can be caused and what consequences it can lead.

Causes of lowland during pregnancy

Doctors argue that the low level of the oily fluid can be caused by one of the following reasons:

  • hypertension in the future mother;
  • disorders in the work of the endocrine system of women;
  • infectious inflammatory diseases, incl. Chronic and sexually transmitted. These diseases can proceed from the mother and infect the fetal shells, which helps to reduce the production of arrogant water.

In addition, on the lowland during pregnancy, on 32 weeks and later, there may be direct influence and other factors: this is the leakage of the oily water, and the anomalies in the development of the fruit shells, and at a later date - also, the so-called true torsion.

Diagnosing a small one in pregnant women at 32 weeks, doctors on ultrasound usually note how pronounced it is. For this purpose, an amniotic fluid index is used (the abbreviation of the exercise is used for the designation). If this figure is less than 2 cm, we are talking about pronounced lowland. From 2 to 5 cm - this is already moderate lowland - a diagnosis that meets more often. The normal amount of water has an index from 5 to 8.

The child himself suffers from the lowland, and his mother. The walls of the amniotic bubble are more closely pressing the baby, and if at 32 weeks it is not so critical, then in a month they can be so tightly in contact with the skin of the crumbs, which sometimes even grow out with her. It is fraught with lowland and intrauterine developmental disorders, such as the curvature of the spine, closer.

Other hazards are weak generic activity and poor opening of the neck, since one of the functions of water is the natural stimulation of labor. Woman will experience painful, but inefficient contractions.

A pronounced multi-way can lead to the formation of simonard ligaments - the battle of the skin and the fetal shells, which, in turn, affects the blood circulation in the umbilical cord and can provoke hypoxia, and even the death of the fetus. Therefore, the task of doctors is to prevent such a state and intervene in time in this dangerous process.

How to treat lowland during pregnancy?

Treatment of lowland during pregnancy at 32 week will differ, depending on its causes. So, if a woman leaks amniotic fluid, then it must be handed over to the smear on the water, and the result of this test will show which further actions should be taken.

With intrauterine infection, vitamin complexes are used with antiviral therapy. Permanent monitoring of IAA and the monitoring of the state of women and the fetus is required.

Treatment is usually carried out in the hospital department of pregnant pathology.

The gynecologist rarely determines the lowland during pregnancy for 32 weeks. The reasons for this phenomenon are often not known. Before making the diagnosis and start treatment, the ultrasound and complete examination will be prescribed. Screening is carried out more than once, because the amount and composition of the spindle water changes from each week. The doctor can establish moderate or pronounced lowland. If a moderate decrease in amniotic fluid is established, pregnant will be treated at home. If the reasons for the reduction of water volume are associated with any diseases, it will take treatment in the hospital.

The insufficient number of accumulating waters may affect the development of the fetus. In amniotic fluid there are minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, oxygen, hormones, enzymes. This is a comfortable habitat for a child. The liquid maintains a constant temperature of +37 C O, prevents the load on the spine, the internal organs and the fetus organs.

When are diagnosed?

Pregnant women testify that the doctors have not fully studied the reasons for the reduction of amniotic fluid. This phenomenon is often 30, 32, 33, 34, 36 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes lowland is defined in 2 trimester of pregnancy. What is the reduction in the level of the octal water? Doctors allocate some reasons for reducing amniotic fluid.

  • The closer to childbirth, the older becomes the placenta, therefore the walls of the octoplodic bubble can thread and divert. Most often it happens on 38, 39, 40 weeks of pregnancy or when it is uninstalled. Amniotic fluid can leak.
  • Causes of lowland are often associated with a violation of exchange processes in the body of a woman or fetus.
  • Genetic deviations in the development of the child.
  • Infectious diseases under which the dehydration of the body is established. Mom can feel dryness in the mouth, the limb convulsions appear.
  • Chronic diseases: diabetes mellitus, heart disease, respiratory organs.
  • Gestosis, late toxicosis.
  • Causes of lowland can be hidden in the improper diet of the pregnant woman. When weighing, she has overweight.
  • The big weight may be in the fetus, which determines the ultrasound and certain calculations of the gynecologist. Because of this, the placenta may be injured.
  • Multiple pregnancy, excessive activity of fruits.

To find the causes and establish a diagnosis of lowland, a woman passes an ultrasound for several months in a row, she is prescribed urine tests, blood. The level of water is determined in (mm).

  • By 30, 32, 33 weeks of pregnancy, the fluid level is the same 144.
  • By 34 week, it decreases to 142.
  • 36 138
  • 38 - 132
  • 39 - 127
  • 40 - 123

Malodia will be installed if the thickness of the oxide waters will be reduced by more than 70 mm or more than 500 ml.

What is the danger?

Malovodie may have negative consequences for a future mother, and for a child. The pregnant woman hurts and pulls the lower abdomen. For 30, 32, 33 weeks of pregnancy, the fruit begins to actively move. By 34, 36 weeks the number of its movements can reach 600 per day. Each movement causes a pregnant woman who does not let go.

To 38, 39, 40 weeks, lowland can cause unproductive contractions. The cervix is \u200b\u200bnot able to quickly open. Without a sufficient number of accumulating waters, childbirth take place very painfully with strong bleeding. The doctor may decide to make a caesarean section. It will save a woman from painful pains, and a child - from injury.

Malovodie is dangerous and for the fetus. It is reflected on the intrauterine development of the child and may have consequences after his birth.

  • The position of the fetus in the amniotic bubble will change, which will affect the improper formation of the skeleton.
  • The walls of the uterus will shrink and put pressure on the child: there is a danger of expansion of the skin of the fetus to a fetal sheath.
  • The dryness of the child's skin is developing. Skin folds that are spaced to 30, 32 weeks will remain crumpled.
  • The child does not gain enough weight and growth: by 32 week, the growth of the fetus on average - 1700 g, the growth is 40 cm.
  • The consequences of the lowland will touch the kid's breath organs. 30, 32 weeks - this is the development of the respiratory system: hypoxia will not give the correctly to form Alveolas in the lungs.
  • 33, 34, 36 weeks of pregnancy The fruit is actively gaining weight, the kidneys begin to work, the genital system develops. Malotodie threatens the appearance of the pathologies of the development of the urogenital system.
  • At 38, 39, 40 weeks of the child is already ready to be born. The danger of the lowland is that simonard ligaments appear. These are threads growing between the fruit and the shell. They can crush the whole body of the child or individual parts of his body. Bundles do not give the child to move, the consequences can be irreparable: the big risk of the appearance of the guise of the child.
  • Sinomarti bundles for 38, 39, 40 weeks break the blood circulation of the fetus. If the threads wrapped the handle or the leg of the baby, then it threatens atrophy.
  • Malotion can lead to the wrong arrangement of umbilical cord. In this case, the fruit will not receive sufficient nutrition and oxygen, which will affect its development. Pupovina can crush the body of the child and lead to his death.

The consequences of the lowland are reflected on the health of the future mother, and on the full development of the fetus. The life of the child depends on the amount of amniotic fluid.

What are appointed at least?

If the doctor has established moderate lowland for 30, 32, 33, 34 weeks of pregnancy, the treatment does not require a hospital. A woman will advise more relax, saturate their diet with green vegetables and fruits. Pregnant women will write special vitamins. From severe physical exertion it is necessary to refrain. The gynecologist has a woman under special observation. Treatment will be aimed at eliminating the cause of lowland.

Vitamin therapy, as the pregnant women say, has results. Signs of this phenomenon, from which the stomach hurt himself, the head and the heart pain arose, did not appear. Many women were diagnosed with many women, there were no negative consequences for the fetus.

If home treatment does not help and there are signs of reducing the accumulating waters, the woman will be treated in the hospital. With placental failure, which causes poor supply of fetal with oxygen, Actovegin is prescribed. Treatment with the drug improves blood circulation, gas exchange in a chain "Mother-Fruit", restores the function of cell membranes, improves the exchange processes in the placenta. Reviews of young mothers about this preparation positive. Many have normal blood pressure during pregnancy, the fetal movement has become calmer, the children were born without pathologies. Actovegin treatment did not affect their health.

Curantil treatment is added to this preparation. It normalizes pressure, remove the outflows, increase immunity, stimulates the development of interferon's body, will help improve the blood supply to the placenta and fetus. Reviews say that the effect of the drug did not cause any changes in the development of the fetus. Pregnant should not hesitate to treat himself with medicines. Dosage is picking only a doctor.

If the treatment at 36, 38, 39, 40 weeks does not help, and there is a danger to the life of the fetus, then the gynecologist may decide on the conduct of premature birth. By 38, 39, 40 weeks, all fetal systems were fully determined, their qualitative development occurs. The child is born without pathologies.

As the feedback to young mothers say, not everyone hasnden to children under 40 pregnancy. Many children were born at 38, 39 weeks and were quite healthy.

The number of accumulating waters is a very important clinical indicator. It is very important to determine it in the third trimester of pregnancy. Quite often, it happens that lowland is diagnosed on 32 weeks of having a baby.

Causes of occurrence

Doctors distinguish several clinical situations that can lead to the appearance of a low gestation on this period of pregnancy. If the future mommy during the previous trimesters suffered any infectious disease, then this may entail the appearance of her low.

Also, this pathological condition arises in women who suffer from increased arterial pressure. The severity of its manifestation is largely due to the frequency of emerging attacks of a strong increase in blood pressure.

One of the causal factors for the appearance of a lowland is the presence of various kidney pathologies in the kid.It must be said that in the presence of diseases of the urinary bodies, similar violations may also develop. In this case, mandatory drug correction and the appointment of the treatment complex are required.

The risk of development of the lowestity on this period of pregnancy is significantly increasing in future mothers, carrying twins or triples.

The larger kids, the brighter this pathology can manifest. For growth and full-fledged intrauterine development of several kids, there are quite a variety of nutrients, as well as oxygen.


Doctors note that this pathology can manifest itself from any woman, it can develop both at first pregnancy and under the next. If a woman is in the zone of increased risk on the development of this pathology, then follow its health follows more carefully. Also for the appearance of the lowland practically does not affect the age of the future mother.

It is possible to determine the amount of accumulate waters by conducting ultrasound research. Such a survey is usually carried out in a planned manner to all future mothers at the 32nd week of intrauterine development of the kid. To estimate the state of the baby, the doctors use a special index of spindle water. Its norm is 5-8 cm3.

The degree of severity of various violations may be different. It is usually moderate or severe. You can distinguish between these states using the accumulating water index. If its values \u200b\u200bare in the range from 2 to 5, then the disorders that have arisen can be called moderate. The drop in the index below two cm3 says that the degree of gravity can be considered rather pronounced.

What is dangerous this condition?

Wednesday in which the baby is located throughout all 9 months of its intrauterine development, is very important. In the accumulate liquid there is a whole complex of various substances necessary for the full growth and development of the kid.

If nutrients and oxygen come to the children's body in insufficient quantity, This can contribute to the development of various anomalies and defects of intrauterine development. This situation is extremely unfavorable. In this case, it is possible to evaluate the severity of the disorders only after the birth of the baby.

Different relationship disorders can also develop in women who have been registered by the Malodia on this period of pregnancy. In this case, the risk is also significantly increasing that the baby will be born much earlier than the set time.

Birth in such a situation is usually quite long. A woman is extremely hard to carry the contractions.The passage of the baby by generic paths may be accompanied by a significant increase in pain. The cervical channel is expanding quite slowly.

How to treat?

It is impossible to identify anything yourself. Defines this pathology of an obstetrician-gynecologist during a clinical inspection. For this, the specialist uses several basic signs. One of them is the inconsistency of the altitude of the location of the main childbearing authority by the length of the baby to wear.

If, during such an inspection, the doctor suspected any violations, it will definitely recommend a future mammage to undergo an ultrasound study. In this case, it is possible to quite accurately determine the amount of accumulating fluid.

The selection of therapy is carried out individually. This is largely due to the reason for the development of this state. The final period of pregnancy is very important. To assess the need for hospitalization to the hospital, it is necessary to establish the severity of the disorders.

With a moderate or insignificant low-altitude, the future motley will have to visit Day hospital.During such visits, it will be necessary for therapy. Also, to improve well-being, it may be necessary to use tablets and at home. They will appoint a future mom's doctor.

To improve well-being, it is very important to comply with the correct day of the day. Mandatory treatment condition - restriction of physical exertion. Future mom should be resting more. Regular outdoor walks in a moderate pace will become an excellent alternative to physical exercise.

The selection of childbirth tactics is very important at lowland.

The appointment of multivitamin complexes is a very important condition for therapy. The regular use of all the vital vitamins and trace elements helps to improve the overall well-being of the future motley.

Assigns data from the doctor. The combination of multivitamin complexes with other methods of therapy helps to achieve fairly good results. The treatment scheme in this case is an obstetrician-gynecologist together with the therapist.

Pronounced violations require the mandatory direction of the future mother in the hospital. The risk of the onset of premature births in this case is very high. During such hospitalization, a future mammy will be a complex of necessary therapy.

During the whole pregnancy, the amount of amniotic fluid (or in other octoral water), in which the baby is constantly increasing together with the growth of the child. By 38 week, its amount is about 1.5 liters, but then begins to decline almost to 600ml. There are norms of the volume of spindlewater waters, depending on which week of pregnancy is the future mother. If the number of accumulating waters exceeds the norm, then they talk about the multi-way, if on the contrary, the volume of amniotic fluid is less than the norm, in this case they say that they say.

Malotion during pregnancy It occurs about 5 out of 100 women. Moreover, it is manifested both at primible and repeatedly, regardless of age. This diagnosis is made on the basis of the results for which the amniotic fluid index is calculated (IAA):

As you can see, depending on the index, the doctor can put one of two diagnoses: moderate lowland or pronounced lowroad. And in that and in another case, pregnant women have something to think about, so this pathology can cause the child's problems in the future. In all cases, lowland causes intrauterine delay in the development of the fetus, as it is forced to develop under conditions of lack of oxygen and nutrients.

At least two times more often occur than with normal pregnancy. Moreover, the stronger is the lowland, the higher the risk to give birth ahead of time. It should be noted that Malovodie is dangerous on any time of pregnancy, be it 32 weeks, or 22nd.

The hypoxia of the fetus during childbirth with pronounced lowland occurs 20% more often than with normal childbirth. Hypoxia in turn can lead to fetal death or severe complications. Therefore, the likelihood of the delivery is large enough.

With moderately low, the forecast is more favorable, children are usually born in a satisfactory condition, but in 20% of cases with signs of hypotrophy. Malovodie in the first trimester can cause non-pending pregnancy, and most often it is caused by genetic disorders of the fetus.

Symptoms Major in pregnant women:

  • the size of the abdomen is less than the norm for this period;
  • pain when moving the fetus;
  • painful pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • weakness and nausea.

Despite the specified symptoms, in most cases, a woman may not feel any manifestations at all, and learn about it from a doctor after an ultrasound examination.

Causes of Malovodia

To date, the causes of the lowestity in pregnant women were still not fully understood, but doctors allocate the most frequent. One of these is the underdevelopment of kidney in the fetus, which may be a consequence of a genetic violation or infection.

Another frequent reason for the lowland can become different violations of the function and development of the placenta (the so-called fetoplacentage failure), which may arise against the background of the late toxicosis or diabetes mellitus.

Other reasons:

  • a strong increase in blood pressure in a pregnant woman;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • pregnancy in terms of more than 42 weeks (transferred pregnancy);
  • the leakage of spindle water;
  • transferred viral disease or exacerbation of another chronic disease;
  • metabolic disease.

Treatment Malovody

First of all, pregnant together with the doctor will have to find out the reason for the appearance of this problem. It may be necessary first the treatment of diseases caused by lowland. If the reason is not related to the defects of the kidney development of the fetus, it helps abundant drinking (about 2 liters daily). Timely diagnosis and treatment of Malodia allow women to nourish the pregnancy normally and give birth without complications.