DIY button crafts: from reviewing materials to creating paintings, accessories, Christmas decorations, cards and interior decor. Crafts from buttons: unusual ideas and selection of materials for creating crafts (115 photos and videos) Creativity from buttons

What are buttons - everyone knows. But not everyone realizes that they can be used not only for their intended purpose, but also to create all sorts of decor. How to make crafts from buttons? Read below.

Features of making pictures from buttons

Many houses have accumulated a lot of such accessories. It is quite possible to turn it into wonderful panels and paintings with your own hands. There are a lot of ideas. Some of them are also intended for children. For example, there are many ideas for crafts for kindergarten from buttons. But more on that later.

Before you get started, you must decide on the plot of the picture. It is also important to choose a style. Someone likes abstraction, someone gravitates more towards the classics. As for the topic, you can peep something on the Internet or come up with something of your own.

The next step is to transfer the sketch to the fabric. After that, you can already start picking up buttons and try to make various combinations of them like a mosaic. It is better to overlap the patch, so the pattern will turn out to be more voluminous.

The most important thing in the work is to choose the right colors and clearly follow the chosen scheme. It is also advisable to try to make the most accurate knots.

As soon as the last element is sewn, the canvas must be stretched in a frame. DIY button craft in the form of a panel is ready.

The nuances of choosing a material

The choice of material depends on what exactly you decide to make. In the case of a picture or panel, you can use thread or glue to fasten the buttons.

If you settled on the first option, then you should correctly choose their color. The shade of the threads should match the fittings and not distort the image as a whole.

Are you a stickler? Remember that depending on the situation, you can use the following types of glue: PVA, polymer or super glue.

You need to apply it on the buttons quite a bit so that there are no streaks. Hot glue can also be used. It allows you to adjust and re-glue individual parts.

Interior items

Craftswomen love to use buttons to create original interior decorations. So, they can completely transform an ordinary, boring mirror, adding style and a certain charm to it.

Every housewife will surely have a considerable supply of buttons. This multi-colored wealth has been accumulated for years in a box or a jar, and it is rarely in demand. It is noticed that kids love to play with buttons. If you give a child a box with this material, then for a couple of hours he will fiddle with them enthusiastically.

But sorting through the buttons is tempting for the time being. But it will be interesting to create applications, paintings, panels from buttons not only for children, but also for adults.

DIY button crafts

Buttons are becoming an increasingly popular material, as evidenced by the numerous photos of button crafts on the Internet. Of course, few people can create a three-dimensional panel. You will need a lot of buttons. But small crafts using buttons can be mastered even by children.

If there are not enough buttons available, you can attract stocks of grandmothers, relatives, friends. Throwing away old things, many zealous housewives pre-cut all the buttons - they will come in handy! And they do it right! The day comes when all the reserves are brought to light and the process of fascinating creativity begins.

How to make crafts from buttons

In addition to buttons, for making crafts you will need a base and glue. Cardboard is most often used as the basis. It can be white, colored or self-painted.

If a dense fabric such as felt is taken as the basis, then the buttons can be sewn with beautiful threads.

What glue is suitable for crafts?

PVA glue is quite suitable for gluing buttons on cardboard. But he needs time to dry well. Artists often use hot glue to work, the advantage of which is that in which case some details can be changed, re-glued.

Both polymer glue and superglue are suitable. With such glue, you must work very carefully and apply pointwise to the buttons. Of course, such glue should not be given to children.

What buttons are suitable for crafts?

Absolutely any flat buttons of any size and color are suitable for making crafts. This also applies to the shape of the buttons. If the button has a "leg" for sewing on, it can be removed with the help of wire cutters.

In addition to the buttons themselves, beads, beads, chains and other improvised materials can be a good addition to the product.

What to depict?

Having conceived a craft, it is necessary to decide what will be depicted on it. It largely depends on how many buttons you have and what color prevails.

You can sew or glue buttons randomly, alternating colors and sizes in random order. But this option is more suitable for decorating sofa cushions.

For a picture, you can choose a simple plot or object and draw it yourself or use ready-made stencils.

For children's crafts from buttons, the simplest image is suitable. It can be a fungus with a hat made of buttons, a flower, a butterfly, a house.

Craft manufacturing technology

First, the contour of your chosen image is applied to the fabric or cardboard. This can be done with carbon paper, a simple pencil or crayon.

Then buttons are laid out along the contour. They can be laid out with an overlap, very tightly, or they can be freely located on the base.

It all depends on the idea and what you will see in the process of work. Therefore, do not rush with gluing or sewing on buttons.

You can lay out a fragment and take a picture of it, if you like it, so that later you can attach the buttons in the same order according to the photo image.

If you are making crafts from buttons in a kindergarten, then of course, you can immediately glue buttons with your child, otherwise the process will drag on and the baby will get tired.

Children's crafts

In elementary grades, and even in kindergarten, a variety of, and even unusual materials are used for crafts. And buttons are no exception. Children's exhibitions of crafts are always amazing.

If you decide to make crafts for the garden from buttons, then you can do not only applications. Volumetric figures fastened with wire are no less attractive. It can be earrings for a doll, a caterpillar, a fungus and any other figurines.


When giving children buttons to play with or to make crafts, be sure to warn about the danger of getting a button in your mouth, nose or ear. Even the smartest child cannot always resist sticking a beautiful shiny button up his cheek - because it looks so much like candy!

It is best for children to practice with buttons under the supervision of an adult. This applies mainly to children of preschool age, 5-6 years old. Buttons should be kept away from the smallest children.

Photo crafts from buttons

Perhaps, every thrifty housewife eventually accumulates a mountain of buttons of various sizes and colors. I remember how my grandmother had a whole collection of buttons in her jewelry box, which in childhood was so pleasant to look at and sort through. I don’t even know if she found a use for them, but now I definitely know how to creatively use these cute little things: so many wonderful home decor items can be created from ordinary buttons, which is simply amazing! We share ideas with you.

decorative panel

If the buttons are so beautiful that it’s a feast for the eyes, make a decorative panel out of them and admire your health! Just take a canvas, prime it with acrylic paints and glue buttons in the shape of a heart, your favorite letter or any other pattern with glue. This method is for those who love creativity.

You will need: canvas, paint, glue, buttons.

Complexity: 2.


The simplest thing that comes to mind with button decor is pillows. In her master class, blogger Kat described in detail how she sewed a pillow and made a very effective button print on it.

You will need: pillow, buttons, thread and needle.

Complexity: 2.

It is worth noting that decorating pillows with buttons is a great scope for creativity and imagination. In the photo below - even more original ideas that will inspire you.

The calendar

And here is another very useful piece of buttons - a wall calendar. It was suggested by blogger Diane Gilleland. This perpetual calendar will decorate your desktop and help you remember today's date, month and day of the week.

You will need: photo frame, buttons, fabric, felt, Velcro, buttons, glue.

Complexity: 3.


This beautiful piece will showcase your unique collection of buttons in all its glory. Blogger Mel tells in detail that once these “delicious” vintage buttons were given to her by her mother, and now they are useful for the implementation of such an original idea.

You will need: tray, cardboard, buttons, glue, glass.

Complexity: 2.

Table decor: napkins with buttons

You can also decorate napkins for the festive table with bright multi-colored buttons. For example, add them to embroidery or make an original napkin ring.

You will need: napkins, buttons, threads and needles.

Complexity: 2.

Wall decor: imitation buttons

A very interesting idea for home decoration, but without the use of buttons. Blogger Jen's tutorial explains in detail how to make wall decor out of plastic plates.

You will need: plastic plates, a drill with a wide nozzle, a rope.

Complexity: 2.

Another option for making "wall" buttons - a little more complicated, from wooden circles - is possible in this master class.


On the blog, Matt from Germany has a wonderful master class on creating a bright knitted watch and decorating it with buttons that act as the core of knitted flowers. If you know how to crochet, try knitting such a cozy watch!

You will need: watch-base, threads for knitting, hook, felt and buttons for decoration.

Complexity: 2.

For inspiration - a few more original wall clocks with buttons instead of a dial.

Paper clips

Blogger Maven suggests making funny paper clips out of buttons that can serve as bookmarks for books.