Am I entitled to compensation for the installation of a monument to my father, if he was a military pensioner of the USSR? The right of widows of military pensioners to a second pension Special payments after the death of a former soldier

As you know, many older people receive various payments and subsidies. As for the allowance for the burial of a military pensioner, it is due to the relatives of the deceased. However, they do not always apply to the relevant authorities to draw up the necessary documents and receive the payments due to them. This happens because of the banal ignorance of their rights.

The number of payments and benefits upon the death of a former soldier in the current year is 4 main positions. If the person who departed to another world was a representative of a certain category designated by Russian law, his relatives, if they have documentation, can receive certain amounts. These are several types of payments, but only in certain cases you can receive them in full.

What can be the allowance for the burial of former military personnel?

The rules regarding the accrual and amount of payments are governed by certain Russian laws. There are a number of legal acts in which you can find comprehensive information on this issue.

The situation with the burial of a former serviceman fits in a row of articles of federal laws:

  • "On the funeral process and funeral";
  • "About veterans";
  • "On the expenditure of funds for the burial of dead military personnel or persons who have left military service";
  • "On the indexation of expenses for the burial of the military";
  • "On the work on the ritual provision of deceased servicemen or persons who have left military service."

In total, this issue is regulated by a dozen laws.

You can receive the allowance that is due to the relatives of a retired military man after his death only if the situation is fully consistent with these legislative acts. Cash payments must be made at the expense of those executive authorities of the Russian Federation to which the deceased citizen belonged.

The amount of cash payments can vary significantly depending on the specific situation.

The relatives of the deceased must clarify the exact amount in the executive authority where the deceased served. The final amount of the benefit depends not only on the situation in the family and the financial situation of the relatives of the military, but also on the level of indexation. Like many other payments and compensations that are made on the territory of the Russian Federation, this amount is gradually growing.

Of the basic payments that are due to the relatives of a serviceman, you need to allocate money for burial and the manufacture of a tombstone. In addition, the pensioner's family can count on receiving a one-time allowance. A separate amount is paid to the wife of the deceased. This is also a one-time monetary compensation.

But the potential cash flows don't end there. In special cases, you can count on additional payments. For example, in certain situations, you can apply for a survivor's pension, wage arrears, if the pensioner was employed.

Moreover, Sberbank can also make some payments.

But this is in special cases, so the information must be clarified with representatives of the financial institution.

What documents are required to receive a funeral benefit?

In order to receive a funeral allowance for military personnel, relatives or official representatives must submit a number of documents to the relevant authorities. For each case, the list of securities will be slightly different. For example, if we are talking about organizing the funeral of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War or a participant in hostilities that took place on the territory of foreign countries, then in order to receive funds, you need to provide:

  • death certificate in the form of an original or a copy certified by a notary;
  • certificate of a participant in the war;
  • a copy and original of a military ID, the role of which can be played by a book of a Red Army soldier and a passport.

The identity document must belong to the applicant. In addition, papers may be required that will become proof of kinship with the deceased. Additionally, you need to provide permission for the grave: the original and a copy.

If the pensioner was an employee of the Ministry of Defense, then the list of required documents will be somewhat different. In addition to the death certificate and documents for the grave, you will need to provide employees of the relevant authorities with a pension certificate of the deceased, which should indicate that he worked in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Relatives must provide paperwork that can be used to establish that they are indeed eligible for benefits.

For children, this will be a birth certificate, and for spouses, a marriage document.

This set of documents makes it possible to organize the funeral of a retired soldier at the expense of the state. If this event was paid for from the family budget of the relatives of the deceased, then they can then apply to the relevant authorities to receive compensation. Payment is made by the military registration and enlistment office. The allowance is paid in cash in the amount determined at the time of application.

In addition to reimbursement of the money spent on the burial of the deceased, the relatives of a military pensioner can receive reimbursement for the execution of the necessary papers for the funeral, transportation of the body to the mortuary and cemetery, the cost of purchasing a coffin, wreaths and various decorations, cremation and the purchase of an urn, if such a procedure has been carried out. Most often, in order to receive a refund for funds already spent, you will have to provide checks or other evidence of expenses.

Who is entitled to a funeral allowance?

This type of allowance is due to all former and active military personnel until the moment of death. These include several categories of Russian citizens.

First of all, this should include the dead or dead Russians who were dismissed from military service or from internal affairs bodies due to reaching a certain age. This category also includes military personnel who have become pensioners for health reasons or due to state reorganization.

An important condition is that the deceased must have been in the ranks of the military for at least 20 years.

In addition, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who died due to injury or illness related to their professional activities can count on receiving benefits for burial.

Veterans of military service, military personnel who participated in the war or served in the active army should also be included in the number of military pensioners. In addition, the allowance is due after the death of a veteran of hostilities that took place on the territory of another country.

How to get compensation for the expenses of the funeral of an ex-military?

Most often, the relatives of the deceased try to immediately draw up all the papers so that the costs of this event become the concern of the state. However, if for some reason the necessary documents were not completed on time, then the necessary package of papers should be collected in order to reimburse the costs for the expenses already incurred.

As for how to get compensation for the funeral, if the burial, as well as the installation of a monument on the grave of a military man, were paid for by his relatives, it is necessary to provide a certain set of documents to the military commissariat. Documents confirming expenses must be provided. If the checks could not be received, you will have to collect an assessment commission that can determine the approximate amount of expenses. Based on these data, the amount to be paid to the relatives of the deceased or his official representatives will be determined.

To checks or an act of estimating expenses, it is necessary to attach a death certificate of a retired military man, a certificate from the cemetery about the place of burial of the deceased, a certificate of a disabled person, a veteran or a person who was entitled to benefits. This package of papers is accompanied by an application, which must be written in the name of a representative of the military registration and enlistment office. This document must indicate the reason for the need for reimbursement and the amount that the applicant can count on.

If the family of the deceased already received social benefits, then you should not additionally rely on payments due after the death of a pensioner.

Double assistance from the state in this case is not supposed.

It is worth noting that military memorial companies operate in many large settlements in almost every region of the country, where employees not only answer all the questions of relatives of former military personnel, but also help in collecting documents, and sometimes organizing burial events.

Lump sum in case of death of a military pensioner

In 1993, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution according to which the families of military pensioners are entitled to receive a lump sum allowance. The number of persons who fall into this category includes deceased pensioners who were once senior or senior officers, representatives of the commanding staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Fire Service, bodies of the penitentiary system and the military, dismissed for health reasons, age or length of service over 25 years . In this case, it does not matter whether the family will draw up a survivor's pension or not, in any case, you can receive a lump sum.

The amount of money received by relatives may vary. It all depends on the pension that the former military man received. His wife is entitled to a one-time payment equal to 3 pensions, and each disabled family member of the deceased is entitled to 1 full amount. The calculation takes into account exactly the figure that was assigned to the pensioner on the day of his death. Even if the pension was later indexed, this will not affect the amount of the payment. In special cases, the family can count on an increased lump-sum allowance. But on this issue it is necessary to consult the local Pension Fund, since depending on the region and locality, as well as the status of the family, payments may differ slightly from the generally accepted ones.

A one-time allowance is due to the husband or wife of a pensioner, regardless of age and financial condition.

In addition, payments are due to the children of the deceased, if at the time of his death they were under 18 years old. An exception may be a full-time student of an educational institution. In this case, payments will be made to those who are under 23 years old.

If a former military man was dependent on a woman over 55 years old or a man over 60 years old, they are also entitled to a lump sum after the death of the breadwinner. This also applies to dependents with disabilities.

In order to receive such payments, you must contact the local branch of the FIU and submit a certain package of documents. This includes an application for benefits, a death certificate of a military retiree, documents proving the right to receive payment, i.e. a certificate of marriage or the birth of children, and the applicant's passport. All documents must be provided in the form of copies and originals for verification of authenticity.

survivor's pension

Another 1 payment that relatives of a military pensioner can receive is a monthly pension. Those who have lost in the face of the deceased breadwinner can count on it. Most often, such payments are issued for children who have not reached working age.

Such pensions can be of 3 types: insurance, social and military.

If the deceased was precisely a former military man with a certain rank or experience, then his relatives can apply for a military pension. Payments are assigned to disabled or minor family members of the deceased. These include children whom the deceased took under his care. But there are certain features here. Foster children can only receive a survivor's pension if they have lived in a new family for more than 5 years.

The survivor's pension for the family of a military pensioner is a little less than 5,000 rubles per month for everyone who is entitled to such a payment. The only exception is the case when a person died during hostilities. If the cause of his death was an injury received in battle, then children and other disabled relatives can receive monthly monetary compensation in the amount of 2 official pensions laid down by the military. In case of death from an occupational disease of a military man, the amount of payments will be equal to one and a half pensions.

To apply for this type of benefit, you must submit to the Pension Fund an application, a birth certificate or passport of the applicant, a military ID of the deceased and a death certificate.

Special payments after the death of a former soldier

In addition to funeral cash compensation, as well as a one-time and permanent allowance, you can count on several more financial receipts. For example, if a military pensioner was insured during his lifetime, then after his death his relatives can receive insurance payments.

Often, such services are imposed at the bank when issuing a card or during the purchase of an OSAGO policy.

Most people refuse additional life insurance. But it is possible that the deceased was still insured.

If this is true, you need to contact the insurance company and be sure to clarify this issue. If you have a policy on hand, then there should be no problems in obtaining the due payments.

Making an insurance payment after the death of a Russian citizen is possible if the company is contacted directly by the spouse or children of the deceased. Most often, it is necessary to provide a package of documents, which consists of a death certificate, the applicant's passport, policy, bank card number and the application itself. After a certain period of time, the funds should be credited to the applicant's account.

Compensation from Sberbank should also be attributed to special payments.

This is available not only for retired military personnel. Any depositor who had savings in the Savings Bank as of June 20, 1991 may receive some compensation. If the deceased did not make this payment during his lifetime, his relatives have the opportunity to receive 6,000 rubles. To clarify all the details, you must contact the nearest branch of a financial institution, and then provide all the necessary papers.

Military honors at burial and receipt of unpaid pension

This type of benefit is provided for a certain category of military personnel. The decree on rendering honors to the military was signed by the President of the Russian Federation 7 years ago.

In this case, the entire organization of the funeral process falls on the shoulders of the superiors of the deceased. The funeral with certain honors is not given to all the military, but only to those who died in the performance of their professional duties.

The funeral process is accompanied by an honorary escort.

All funds that the pensioner did not receive during his lifetime become part of the inheritance of his relatives. The spouse or children have the opportunity to receive a pension that was accrued before the day of the death of the deceased. It takes 6 months to process this payment. But there are certain difficulties and nuances. First of all, it is worth noting that only the closest relative can receive the unpaid pension that was due to the deceased citizen. That is, only the official spouse or children should apply on this issue, if there is no wife or husband.

In those situations where the deceased was officially considered lonely, his lost pension becomes part of the inheritance. Thus, a close relative or a person specified in the will can receive it, but only six months after the death of the pensioner. The procedure for receiving an inheritance will be the same as in any other case.

If the unreceived pension will be drawn up by the spouse, you can apply immediately. You don't have to wait six months. To do this, the applicant's passport, a death certificate of a former military man, documents confirming the right to receive a cash payment, in this case this is a marriage certificate, are provided to the Pension Fund. In addition, you need to provide a certificate from the place of residence, and possibly evidence that the applicant lived at the time of the death of the deceased with him in the same house, and then organized the funeral.

Payments, compensations and benefits upon the death of a military pensioner may differ slightly in amount and speed of accrual. Much depends on the status of a person, locality and region. In some subjects of the Russian Federation, an increased coefficient is provided. The largest size of additions is noted in the capital.


On January 1, 2016, a bill on the appointment of two payments to the spouses of deceased military pensioners came into force. According to its provisions, persons can receive accruals that are carried out by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as an insurance pension. The first payments are made to widows or widowers of persons who received payments either for seniority or disability. In the second case, accruals are made if the military pensioner had grounds for receiving it due to age or disability.

A widow or widower of the specified category can receive a second pension if the following conditions are met:

The military pensioner died at the time of the transfer of funds to him.
The cause of death was a disease, contusion, injury, other injuries received by a person during his military service.
The widow (widower) of the deceased is also on an old-age or disability pension, or has a dependent child who has not yet reached the age of fourteen.
The widow (widower) is 50 years old.
The wife (husband) of a military pensioner has the right to apply for a survivor's pension if she has a dependent child of eight years or less.
So, if the above conditions are met, you have every right to receive the second pension of the late military pensioner. But what is needed for this and where should the widow turn?

Where to apply and what documents are needed

If you draw up a state pension, the corresponding application and a photocopy of the supporting document are sent by registered mail to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The next step is to contact the territorial branch of the Pension Fund. There you will need to fill out an application in the prescribed form and attach a certain package of papers to it. It includes the following documents:

Identification document of the applicant (widow's passport).
Death certificate of a military pensioner.
A document confirming the fact of registration of a widow (widower) with the military commissariat.
Confirmation of the fact of his service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR and / or the Russian Federation.
Confirmation of family ties with the deceased (marriage certificate).
Confirmation of the right of a military pensioner to receive seniority payments.
A document confirming the work experience of the deceased.
A document establishing the amount of earnings of a deceased person in the period from 01/01/2001 to 01/01/2002.
Other documents.
Additional documents that the Pension Fund may require include certificates from a medical institution.

After all the basic conditions are met, the Pension Fund is obliged to accept and consider your application. The legal time limit for this is 10 days. An exception may be cases in which the FIU will need additional documents to make a decision. Submission of an application and documents to the territorial office of the Pension Fund can be carried out personally, through an authorized applicant (a document certified by a notary confirming his authority is required), or sent by registered mail. If the FIU refuses, the applicant has the right to go to court to appeal this decision.

Military pensions are pension payments that are paid to citizens who have worked all their lives in military service, in internal affairs bodies, the Ministry of Defense and other departments. Unlike civilians, the military is entitled to earlier retirement and higher benefits.

Who can receive a military pension

Not every pensioner can qualify for a military pension. It is intended only for former employees of certain structures. Funds are also transferred through the lines of these departments.

Citizens need to serve for several years in:

  • Ministry of Defense;
  • Ministry of Emergency Situations, fire brigade, engineering and construction departments;
  • FSB or foreign intelligence;
  • Narcotics department.

All employees of these departments and bodies can apply for military pensions.

Types of pension payments for the military

The military pension is divided into several types, depending on the basis for receiving it.

There are 3 types:

  1. military pension: intended for those who have worked for a certain period in one of the above services;
  2. : received by persons injured in military service. It can be either an injury or an occupational disease. The pension is paid if the disease occurred during off-duty hours, but the reason for the appearance was the performance of the service;
  3. : issued to the family of the deceased.

Each pension for the military differs in the features of receipt, terms of payment and amounts.

Features of obtaining state support from the military

A pensioner can count on receiving state material support upon reaching a certain (retirement) age.

A military pensioner should pay attention to length of service is the number of years he has served.

Only after “working out” the term indicated in the law, he can retire.

The right to a pension for a contract serviceman arises upon the length of service of the minimum:

  • 20 years of service. It does not matter when he entered the service. For example, a citizen who enters the service at the age of 20 may retire at the age of 40;
  • 25 years of general work experience, of which 12.5 years were given to military service;
  • mixed pension available to citizens over 45 years of age.

Thus, the minimum length of service for a military pension is 12.5 years, but in this case you will have to work longer. For example, the retirement of an ensign with 20 years of service will come earlier than the retirement of a military pilot who did not work in the military for the first few years. In some cases, the seniority may be reduced: for example, when a soldier receives a disability. If the payment is assigned to the family of the deceased military, it does not matter how many years he served.

Important! The receipt of a military pension is not connected with the receipt of the labor part of payments or wages.

Having gone on labor rest, the military will receive if he continues to work. He will also receive an old-age pension (after 60 years).

Calculation of preferential length of service for military personnel

Preferential length of service- the time during which the soldier was in difficult working conditions. For example, in a war zone.

Under these conditions, for the past period, a citizen is credited with a greater number of days on account of the length of service. For example, instead of 1 month - 1.5. These people may retire faster or qualify for larger sums.

There are several options for preferential service:

  • 1:6 months. The highest coefficient applies only to those who fought in penal battalions in the Second World War. in Russia for these persons will be the largest;
  • 1:3 months. Applies to veterans of the Second World War and equivalent categories. For combat veterans (for example, in Russia for Afghans), for the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident;
  • 1:2 months. Participants of the Second World War who did not take part in the battles, prisoners of concentration camps and captives, employees of remote garrisons who performed tasks in the mountains, divers and specialists working with nuclear waste and reloading reactors can count on this benefit;
  • 1:1.5 months. Such a calculation is used by border guards, crews of diesel submarines and sailors of nuclear ships, some categories of summer personnel.

note: such a calculation applies only to the time that the employee spent in the specified places.

For example, if a veteran participated in combat operations in Afghanistan for 2 months, and spent the rest of the time in a unit where the accrual of service is 1: 1, then the accrual of preferential service 1: 3 will be made only for 2 months.

Amount of military monthly payments

Depending on the length of service of the military (only military or mixed), payments are calculated according to one of two formulas.

If a citizen only served (resigned due to length of service), the formula for calculating a pension for military personnel by seniority will be as follows:

(A*50% + A*3%*B) * C, Where

  • A - the monetary allowance of a particular person. It depends on the position and rank, the presence of medals, awards, participation in military operations;
  • B - the number of years of service over the minimum 20
  • C is the reduction factor.

To calculate the amount mixed experience formula changes. It will look like this:

(A*50% + A*1%*B) * C

Otherwise, the military pension is calculated by disability. Its formula looks like:

(DD * SI * PC), Where:

  • DD - monetary allowance;
  • SI - the amount determined by the group of disability or disease;
  • PC - reduction factor.

SI can be equal to:

  • 85% if the pensioner is a disabled person of groups 1 and 2 who received a disability after an injury;
  • 50%, in case of disability of the 3rd group;
  • 75% when the cause of disability is a disease;
  • 40%, the presence of a disability of the 3rd group.

In 2018, the reduction factor is 72.23%.

Minimum military pension

The law defines the minimum amount as a percentage of basic payments for specific specialties.

The minimum pensions for military pensioners in 2020 will be:

  • 100% of the basic social payment;
  • 150-300% for disability pension;
  • 150-200% for each when receiving a survivor's pension.

Additional payments to military pensioners

In some cases, a pensioner may receive a pension supplement. Its size and availability depend on certain circumstances.

Additional payments are due if:

  1. disabled dependents are on the provision of the pensioner: the surcharge is provided for three, the rest will not be taken into account;
  2. pensioner over 80;
  3. he received a disability of 1 group;
  4. is a participant in the Second World War;
  5. resides (in equivalent territories) or has worked there for at least 9 years.

Annually there is an indexation of the amounts in accordance with inflation. The recalculation will be made if any data has changed: the reduction factor or the monetary allowance has changed.

Serviceman's pension

Registration can take place at the military commissariat or the Pension Fund. In any case, you must apply at the place of registration.

The serviceman's seniority takes place in a few steps. The citizen must comply the following actions:

  1. submit a report on dismissal for length of service to your military unit;
  2. register with the military registration and enlistment office and receive a cash certificate;
  3. receive certificates from the Pension Fund on the absence of other benefits and pensions;
  4. submit an application and a package of documents to the military registration and enlistment office or the Pension Fund, on the basis of which a pension is assigned.

Money certificate- an individual document that spells out all the allowances and expenses that a citizen received during the service. These include: expenses for branded clothing, equipment, etc. The document is necessary for an accurate calculation. If the military acquired something at his own expense and did not receive compensation, it is paid with a pension.

The money is transferred through Sberbank, through the sector of military pensions. In the event of a hitch or receipt of an incomplete amount, you must contact there. If this does not help, you should go to court.

Required documents to receive military payments

To process military payments, a pensioner will need a package of documents confirming his right to receive benefits.

This package includes:

  • application for receiving payments of the established form;
  • passport or residence permit;
  • photo size 3*4 cm;
  • military ID or other document serving as proof of military registration. He must have a notice of dismissal;
  • personal file (from the archive);
  • vshchevy and money certificates;
  • a certificate from the Pension Fund stating that the citizen does not receive other pensions;
  • work book, which indicates the general work experience, if registration takes place according to it;
  • certificate of disability or the conclusion of the military medical commission on the appointment of disability payments;
  • a military death certificate, an extract on the composition of the family and evidence of the absence of other income.

Other documents include, for example, a work book of a non-working spouse, birth certificates of minor children.

Getting a pension at a new place of residence

If a pensioner moves to another city, he needs to re-register payments for a new place of residence.

The transfer of a military pension when changing the place of residence occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. a citizen writes an application to the military registration and enlistment office with a request to suspend payment and indicates a new address;
  2. The military registration and enlistment office sends all the papers to the department at the recipient's new place of residence and draws up the receipt at the new place.

The renewal takes place within a few days.

Deadlines for receiving payments by military pensioners

10 days are given for consideration of the application and verification of the received documents.

After that, the applicant must receive a written answer - positive or negative. If the refusal is related to the absence of any papers, a notification is sent with a specific list of missing documents. In the latter case, it can take up to 3 months and will depend on the pensioner himself.

Depending on the reason for receiving a military pension, final terms of its receipt :

  • payments by seniority transfer for life;
  • disability– during the period of validity of the certificate of disability from the medical board. In some cases, it may be indefinite, that is, for life;
  • in case of loss of a breadwinner - upon reaching the age of majority or receiving other payments. For example, if the son of a deceased soldier becomes disabled and takes out a disability pension, he will lose the military.

Another pension reform and uncertain prospects for pension payments have excited many military personnel. A few years ago, the State Duma proposed abolishing military pensions, replacing them with a lump sum payment, as it was assumed that a specialist in this field would easily find a job.

But for 2019, this law was not submitted to the legislature and was not considered. So far, military payments have only been frozen for a while, they will not be canceled in the near future.
So, a pension for military pensioners is paid to employees of certain bodies after working for 20 years. The amounts of payments are higher than those of civilians. If any problems arise, it is necessary to contact the military registration and enlistment office or the court: judicial practice in this matter is quite extensive.

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6 975

In the event of the death or death of a serviceman, members of his family, namely relatives of officers, warrant officers, midshipmen, soldiers, sergeants, foremen and sailors, in certain cases have the right to monthly payments in monetary terms from the number of state pensions.

If a soldier died as a result of unlawful acts, then instead of this payment to members of his family, they establish the loss of a breadwinner.

Survivor's Pension Rights of Military Family Members

On the material support from the state in the event of the loss of a breadwinner may apply disabled relatives of a citizen who died or died during military service or within three months from the date of dismissal, who were dependent on him. Recipients can be:

  • minors and adults (under 23 years old) children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters;
  • husband or wife;
  • parents;
  • Grandfather and grandmother over 60 and 55 years old respectively or having a disability, if they do not have legal persons who are obliged to support them;
  • unemployed brother or sister, grandparents who are dependent on children under 14 years of age.

Also, family members of a serviceman who died from injuries and diseases received during his service, and relatives of military pensioners, are equated to them.

Regardless of the dependent status of the deceased, this payment is set:

  • minor children;
  • father, mother, husband (wife), if they have no means of subsistence;
  • parents and widows of the deceased during the conscription service.

At the same time, relatives of a person liable for military service, who was declared missing during hostilities, are equated to families of those killed at the front.

Survivor's pension for children of military personnel

The right to this payment are the children of the deceased soldier, including adopted children, legal stepsons and stepdaughters:

  • under 18 years of age;
  • over 18 years of age, but who undergo full-time training in state educational institutions (except for those organizations where training is related to entering the military service or the police department), including foreign ones, until graduation, but until they reach the age of 23 years.

If children became disabled at a minor age, then material support in the event of the loss of a breadwinner will be paid to them and after reaching the age of 23.

Minor and adult sisters, brothers and grandchildren of a deceased citizen who served in military service are also entitled to this pension on an equal basis with the children of a military serviceman, but on condition that they have no able-bodied parents.

Pension to the widow of a military pensioner (to the spouses of the deceased)

The spouse over 60 or the spouse over 55 of the deceased serviceman is also entitled to claim this payment. And if they are disabled, then this pension provision is established and paid to them before the deadline.

The payment is also assigned if the unemployed spouse of a deceased serviceman has a dependent child under the age of 14 years. The age of the recipient is not taken into account.

The wife or husband of a citizen who died as a result of a military injury received while defending the Motherland at the front or abroad (where hostilities were fought), according to article 30 of the law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1, can receive a monthly pension on preferential terms. In this case, the right to this provision arises for citizens:

  • over 50 years old (condition for women);
  • over 55 years old (condition for men).

But if a citizen is younger than the specified age and is dependent on him child under 8 years old, then this monetary security is established regardless of his age and ability to work. Also in this case it doesn't matter if the receiver is working or not.

In accordance with Article 35 of Law No. 4468-1 of the Russian Federation, state material support in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is preserved and paid to the spouse of the deceased in full, even after remarriage.

But the widow of a citizen who died during military service on call due to a war injury, is entitled to receive survivor benefits if she has reached the age of 55 and did not remarry.

Military pension for the parents of fallen servicemen

The father of a deceased soldier over 60 and the mother over 55 are eligible for this payment. A disabled parents can receive money regardless of age.

  • If one of the parents of a deceased citizen of this category of the population unemployed and busy raising a child(including the brother, sister or grandson of the deceased), who is under 14 years old, this pension is established regardless of the recipient's ability to work and age.
  • If a person liable for military service died during military service by conscription due to an injury at the front or as a result of hostilities abroad, then his parents have the right to receive financial support if they over 50 and 55 years old(women and men respectively).

Adoptive parents, stepfather and stepmother, have full right to receive data funds on a par with the parents if the deceased serviceman was in their custody for at least 5 years.

The amount of the survivor's pension in 2019

The amount of the monthly financial support in the event of the loss of a breadwinner directly depends on the cause of the death of a serviceman and the type of military service he performed. Pension for relatives of a military officer by contract, is calculated based on the amount of monetary allowance (DD) described in Art. 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1, and is calculated as follows:

  • 50% of DD- families of servicemen who died as a result of military trauma;
  • 40% FROM DD- Families of military personnel who died as a result of a disease acquired during the service.

After the indexation of monetary allowance in January 2018, the pensions of military personnel and members of their families increased by 4%.
For relatives of military personnel who served on conscription, the pension is calculated based on the estimated amount of the pension (social pension):

  • If a citizen who served in the military died as a result of a military injury, then his relatives are entitled to payments in the amount of 200% of the social pension for everyone. Until April 2018, this type of security is 10,068.5 rubles (after - 10,471.24 rubles).
  • If a person liable for military service died as a result of a disease that he received during military service, then each disabled member of his family is paid money in the amount of 150% of the social payment. Until April 2018, this is 7551.38 rubles (after - 7853.43 rubles).

In addition, for residents of the Far North and areas with severe climatic conditions, the size increases by district coefficient depending on the region of residence.

An increased pension is paid during the residence of a citizen. When moving to a new place of residence that is not related to these areas, the payment is made without taking into account the coefficient.

In accordance with Article 38 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1, this survivor's pension is provided for allowances(calculated from the estimated size):

  • disabled people of the first group - 100%;
  • citizens who have reached the age of 80 - 100%;
  • children with disabilities and people with disabilities from childhood of the first and second groups who do not have parents, in the amount of 32% of the calculated pension.

Serviceman Kharlamov Vladislav Borisovich and his wife Kharlamova Elena Semyonovna 11 years ago adopted a girl Ekaterina in infancy. After some time, another child appeared in the family - Natalya. Elena Semyonovna never officially worked anywhere. Recently, Vladislav Borisovich died while on a mission.

Since citizen Kharlamov was a military man and was killed during the service, his family is entitled to state cash payments on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner. Citizen Kharlamova and her minor daughter Natalya will receive monthly state financial support in the amount of 50% of the military allowance. Kharlamova Ekaterina Vladislavovna also has the right to establish this type of payment on a par with the native daughter of the deceased.

Assignment of pensions to family members of military personnel

To assign benefits in case of loss of a breadwinner, you must submit an appropriate application and the necessary documents no time limit to the multifunctional center (MFC) or to the territorial body of the PFR at the place of residence or at the place of registration:

  • by mail;
  • electronic document through a personal account on the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Required package of documents for establishing this type of pension includes:

  1. a corresponding application (the form is available on the official website of the PFR);
  2. recipient's passport or other document confirming identity, age and citizenship;
  3. a death certificate of a serviceman or a court decision (if a citizen is missing);
  4. documents confirming family relations with the deceased citizen (birth certificate, adoption or adoption certificate, marriage or divorce certificate);
  5. other documents that may be required in individual cases.

other documents all kinds of certificates from housing authorities, about income, from educational institutions and so on can become.

Documents can be submitted in person or through a legal representative. In the second case, the representative must submit his passport and a notarized document to the required documents of the recipient ( power of attorney).

Payment of survivor's pension to military families

Pensioner have the right to choose the method of receiving Money. Currently, there are several ways to deliver a pension:

  • branch of the Russian Post;
  • an organization that delivers pensions. A complete list of such organizations is in the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • bank branch (account in any bank);
  • bank card.

When choosing the first or second method from the above, a citizen can issue home delivery.

The beneficiary also has the right change method of delivery, after informing the FIU. This can be done by submitting an appropriate application in writing to the territorial body of the Pension Fund, or electronically through a personal account on the official website of the PFR.

Deadline for payment of a survivor's pension

The right to a survivor's pension arises since the death of a soldier. This material security is established for the relatives of the dead or deceased military for the entire period of disability and is paid monthly. Men and women who have reached the generally established retirement age in the Russian Federation are assigned indefinitely(until the end of life).

If for some reason citizens applied for later, then the funds will be paid for the past period, but not more than 12 months.

Termination of pension payment

In accordance with Article 41 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1, this payment may be terminated. if certain changes have occurred in the family that entail the loss of the right to receive this provision. In some cases, these changes may include:

  • death of the recipient;
  • entry into a new marriage;
  • official employment;
  • recognition of a citizen as able-bodied;
  • reaching a certain age and so on.

In this case, the funds will be paid out the last time in the month in which this change occurred.

The right of family members to receive a second pension

Two pensions can be simultaneously established for some relatives of a serviceman who died during military service on call. Such relatives may be:

  • parents;
  • widows, provided that the women did not remarry.

It is legally established that these citizens can simultaneously receive state support in case of loss of a breadwinner and:

  • any , except identical to this one;
  • state payment for long service;
  • state provision for disability.

To assign a second payment, you must apply to territorial body of the PFR place of residence or place of registration.


In the event of the death or tragic death of a serviceman, the state guarantees monthly material assistance to members of his family. In addition, for some relatives of the deceased, certain allowances or even the right to second pension.

Depending on what caused the death of a soldier, the amount of pension provision is determined. Every year, payments increase, this happens as a result of indexation, which annually April 1 raises the state.

If the state is focused on the social sphere, then it thinks through all possible ways to protect its population. This is especially true for those who are on pensions, recognized as disabled, children and others. When considering this issue, it is worth finding out who belongs to military pensioners. The legislation reflects the list of persons included in this group and the rights due to them.

The composition of this category is fixed at the legislative level. From the point of view of the law, a military pensioner is considered as a person who previously served and was dismissed from the Armed Forces due to retirement. The legislation extends its effect to people who have completed military service within the prescribed period and have switched to pensions. It should be noted that the group of citizens under consideration does not apply to the operation of the law “On Pension Provision”, which applies to the rest.

A different pension system will be applied, which regulates the issues of pensions for military personnel. It depends on the troops in which the person served, the location of the unit and the variety of official duties assigned to him. If a situation arises when a person is not able to provide documentary evidence regarding the length of service, the assignment of ranks, then he cannot count on the use of benefits established for retired military personnel. As a result, such a person pays state taxes and fees in full, which is established in the laws.

There are several categories of people who belong to retired military personnel. Including, these are persons who served in the USSR. This list includes:

  • military personnel holding the rank of officer;
  • the presence of a concluded contract, while there may be an army or navy;
  • engaged in civil defense or in intelligence;
  • employees of the FSB, state guards;
  • retired employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other law enforcement agencies;
  • who served in the border or railway troops;
  • persons who are closely related to the listed categories.

You can get the status of a military pensioner if the following conditions are met:

  • the presence of length of service in the listed troops (must be at least 20 years);
  • the total length of service is also considered, which is equal to at least 25 years.

Together with the status, a person receives the right to use benefits. It is worth considering that more than half of the calculation of seniority should be assigned to the service.

How to get retired status

At the initial stage, a person will need to fill out an application in the form of a questionnaire. It must be drawn up when visiting the territorial division of the Pension Fund. The document reflects the requirement for the establishment of pensions. This document will also need to be drawn up by someone who wants to transfer from one type of pension to another.

Based on the results of consideration of the application and the applications attached to it, a retired serviceman is issued a certificate of a pensioner. It serves as the basis for obtaining various kinds of benefits due to this category of citizens.

What benefits are provided

It is worth noting that military service is considered as one of the most difficult professions, as it is associated with a risk to human health or life. For these reasons, those who served in the Armed Forces can expect to receive great privileges and benefits, which are aimed at greatly simplifying life. Assistance from the state can be expressed in:

  • cash payment;
  • certain services;
  • provision of values ​​or goods of a material type.

Currently, military pensioners can take advantage of such benefits as:

  • transport, which includes assistance with moving, gratuitous travel in public transport;
  • medical privileges, consisting in issuing vouchers to sanatoriums, prosthetics, etc.;
  • social - improving the conditions in which a pensioner lives, benefits for paying utility bills;
  • benefits in the field of taxation associated with the exemption of income tax, the use of other deductions that are taxable.

Benefits are assigned on an individual basis. In addition, it is worth considering that the list of benefits that pensioners can use varies depending on the region of residence and the financial capabilities of the budgetary system of the regional government. The category of social benefits includes several varieties, including medical ones. They consist in the fact that the pensioner is provided with a certain set of indulgences. He receives the right to use the services of military medical institutions free of charge, to use prosthetics, medicines and preparations are also provided free of charge. Every year, he can undergo a clinical examination free of charge, receive vouchers to dispensaries and sanatoriums and other institutions aimed at improving his health.

In the latter case, the pensioner pays part of the cost of the voucher, which is equal to one quarter of the total amount. Travel to a place of rest or treatment is also paid by the state. In some situations, privileges apply not only to the pensioner himself, but also to members of his family. This rule applies to persons who are minors.

Military pensioners are provided with preferential conditions for paying utility bills. All persons who have served in the military and who have reached retirement age due to old age are provided with a discount on utility bills. It makes up half of the total. Special attention deserves benefits in the field of taxation. Benefits in this direction are established at the federal level. If we consider the most significant of them, then they can be attributed to:

  • lowering the rate when calculating the property and land duties (if there are real estate objects in the property);
  • pensioners do not pay income tax on pensions that are transferred to them, on payments of an insurance nature, compensation;
  • do not pay state fees if they apply to the judicial authorities, regardless of jurisdiction;
  • lowered the rate on the transport tax.

Also among the social benefits are, for example, such privileges as priority employment. This applies to a situation where there is a vacancy, the requirements of which are fully met by the pensioner. The employer is obliged to give preference to the former military, rather than another person. The main condition is that the pensioner should be registered with the employment center located in the territory where the application for employment is submitted. If a serviceman has a desire to fill a civilian vacancy in a unit, then it is required to notify the leadership in advance. The notification shall be made within three months after the resignation.

The law reflects the requirement that the position of a civilian orientation cannot be lower than the one from which the pensioner left. If there is a reduction in staffing, then the workplace for the pensioner is preserved.

A variety of transport taxes is provided at the municipality level. This suggests that the funding comes from the municipal budget. It can be said that transport taxes are classified as regional, not federal. It is paid by the owners of transport to local budgets. For this reason, the amount of taxes cannot be the same for everyone. It will vary depending on the region in which the pensioner lives.

It should be noted that at the federal level the maximum amount of the transport tax, which can be established by the regions, is limited. It cannot exceed the base rate by more than 10 times. Therefore, the amount of tax payment and the amount of compensation varies throughout the country. Pay attention to the fact that not all military pensioners can use preferential terms when paying transport tax:

  • having the title of a combat veteran;
  • with a disability that occurred as a result of service.

The rest of the retired military cannot count on receiving benefits for paying transport tax. An exception is equipment with low power, up to 40 horsepower. In this situation, military pensioners may not pay tax at all. This benefit applies not only to a former military man, but also to an ordinary pensioner.

In addition, it provides for the exemption of retired military men from paying tax in respect of a vehicle equipped with four wheels, provided that its power is not more than 100 horsepower. To take advantage of this benefit, you will need to perform several actions:

  1. Gather the required documentation. Including, this is an act by which the identity of the pensioner, TIN (original and copy) is certified; SNILS (also copy and original), pension certificate, car documents, application.
  2. After collecting the paper sent to the tax office. This must be done at the place of registration.
  3. An employee of the Federal Tax Service checks whether the provided copies correspond to the original and transfers them for processing.
  4. Wait for a decision.

The application is drawn up according to the developed model. The form can be obtained from the tax office. Regarding the provision of preferential conditions for the payment of transport tax in relation to cars with a capacity of more than 100 "horses", you can find out at the social security department located at the pensioner's place of residence. The employee will help you understand the text of the regional law, which spells out the procedure for paying the type of tax in question.

In relation to public transport, all former military men are equal in rights and can use the services of carriers free of charge. The number of passes is not limited. To ride for free, you will need to present a paper indicating the availability of benefits.

How to get benefits

The process of obtaining benefits and other concessions is regulated at the legislative level. This is reflected in the laws adopted under the numbers No. 76, No. 4468-1, No. 5 and others. The procedure is declarative. This suggests that in order to use the benefits, pensioners will need to contact the personnel department at the place of service or the military commissariat at the place of residence. The first option refers to pensioners who work.

What documents are needed

In addition to writing an application, you will need to collect a package of papers. The list includes:

  • an act by which the identity of a pensioner is verified;
  • military ID;
  • photos of standard size;
  • employment history;
  • copied orders regarding the beginning and end of the service;
  • documentation indicating the receipt of a military rank;
  • for persons recognized as disabled, documentation of a medical nature will be required.

All documents must be submitted in copies and originals. In the photo, the former military must be in civilian attire. In some situations, in order to receive social benefits, a pensioner will need to collect papers that affect the family and financial situation. These can be extracts made from home books, certificates, which reflect the level of income. Such certificates are taken for each of the members of the family. It is necessary to reflect in them not only the receipt of a pension, but also other income, which can be wages, scholarships, and so on.

Documents confirming the marriage and the birth of children may be required. If you apply for benefits in the housing and communal services sector, then you need to bring receipts that confirm payment for utilities. They reflect the fact of the monthly expenses of the pensioner.

The law contains a list of persons who are considered military pensioners. To get the status, you need to perform certain actions. After the process of obtaining a pension certificate is completed, the former military man can count on receiving benefits. To do this, you will need to collect a package of documents and contact the personnel department or the military registration and enlistment office.

In this video you will learn about the state pension for military pensioners:

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