At what temperature can you ski. It's cold outside: How to play sports and not get sick. Use Progress Achievements

The ski season in the Arkhangelsk region has come a long time ago, but not all novice athletes have learned how to dress properly. Master of Sports Sergey Kislyakov answered the questions of Irina Spitsina, giving recommendations that are suitable for both professionals and amateurs.

Skiing, I see that many sports fans dress incorrectly. For example, they ride in warm jackets, then they get hot, they begin to unbutton, take off their hats, and as a result they get colds.

- So, how to dress for a ski trip?

- During intense training, a person sweats a lot. This is normal, it means that training is not in vain. Dress normally - sweat will remain on the body, clog pores, disrupt the thermal balance. Clothes will become damp and heavy, stick to the skin and interfere with movement. A wet body is quickly supercooled. And in special clothes you will be warm and dry, the working body temperature will remain.

When going to the forest, you should decide what you will do on skis. If it is an easy walk with admiring the winter forest, clothes should be warm. And it’s a completely different matter if you are going to roll mileage. Keep in mind your own characteristics: one will be chilly at 0 degrees, and the other will be hot even at -20.

- We heard that there is a rule of "three layers" in clothes. What it is?

– One of the leading sportswear companies has developed the “three-layer” principle. We put on three layers, each of which performs its task, and together they create an ideal microclimate.

- Tell us, what tasks are solved by all layers?

- The first - removes moisture, breathes. The best choice is thermal underwear: sweat leaves the surface of the body, leaving it dry, does not allow hypothermia, keeping you warm, and has "breathing" properties. The store will advise you: thermal underwear is for active pastime and passive, for example, for fishing - this is not suitable for athletes.

It will be comfortable to train in dry and light clothes. Thermal underwear should be worn directly on the body.

The second layer - isolates, warms, protects you from hypothermia. Fleece performs these functions best. Moisture does not linger in it, but rather easily moves to the surface, where it evaporates or goes into the third layer.

Lightweight fleece clothing protects the body from the cold.

The third layer - saves us from wind, snow, rain and again cold.

Based on my own experience, to these three layers, I would add a vest, especially in cold weather. The vest does not constrain movements and additionally helps to keep warm. If you are walking, the vest should be warm; if this is training, then you should wear a special light ski vest.

- How to choose a sports cap, given that we often have winds in the north?

- The cap must be sporty. Bulky woolen hats are a thing of the past. Now hats are light, tight, preferably with wind protection. When sewing sports caps, windproof and breathable membrane material "windstopper" - "windproof" is used. Ears must be covered. It does not hurt if there are headphones on top or under the cap.

Is it possible to ride only with headphones on?

- I have friends who ride like this, especially in warm weather. But as an athlete, I would not do this: when working on the rise, we sweat, and not on the descent, the sweat will freeze, supercooling the head.

- We saw on the athletes something similar to a stocking on their heads. What is it called and how convenient is it?

- This is a very good thing! "Stocking" has many names: "buff", "bandana", "pipe", etc. Can replace headphones, sometimes worn only on the neck. In frosty or windy weather, it can stretch from the throat and cover the back of the head, ears, chin, and even cheeks. "Pipe" can be worn under the cap and over the cap. You can buy both in a sports store and on the Internet.

- Where can I buy clothes for skiing? Do you need to look for stores that sell sports items, or can you buy what you need in a regular sports store?

- Now there are no problems with the purchase of equipment. There are several specialized stores in Arkhangelsk that sell clothes and equipment for cross-country skiers. There are large federal chains of sports stores, whose products are more designed for tourists and lovers of a healthy lifestyle. And, of course, any clothes and equipment can be ordered via the Internet.

Is skiing better with gloves or mittens?

– It is decided purely individually. Gloves, of course, are more convenient, but if your hands are cold, it is better to wear special ski sports gloves. I ride with gloves in any frost. There are special warm models made of windproof and breathable windstopper membrane materials.

– In frosty weather, feet freeze. What can be done to reduce cold feet?

- Firstly, shoes should never crush. If at least one finger rests, the feet will freeze. Secondly, keep in mind that there are special covers for ski boots on sale. Almost all well-known companies produce such cases. There is no need to wear multiple pairs of socks or thick woolen ones. Buy thermal socks to keep your feet warm.

– Up to what temperature can you ski without the risk of frostbite?

- Athletes-skiers cannot interrupt the training process, so they train at -30. They joke at the same time that "there is no bad weather, there are bad clothes." I would advise amateurs to stay at home if the temperature is below 20 degrees below zero.

For safety and maximum riding pleasure, it is important to know at what temperature you can ski. Check the weather forecast before skiing. The minimum temperature for skiing is minus 12 C˚. Optimal weather - no snowfall, strong wind.

It is forbidden to ride in heavy snowfall, severe frosts. It should be borne in mind that after warming, a crust of ice may appear, it harms the skis. For such walks, a climate with light frosty calm weather with recently appeared snow is suitable. In positive weather, you can ride, but you will need to choose a special lubricant for skis.

Important! The best time of the day to ski is in the morning or evening. At this time, the load is most beneficial.

At what temperature can you ski?

On a sunny windless day, skiing is recommended for older students up to -16-18 C˚, for a child up to -13-15 C˚. When the wind is moderate and the humidity is high, the feeling of cold intensifies, so the temperature for skiing is minus 10-12C for high school students, minus 5-6 degrees for younger students in the gymnasium.

For schoolchildren

In accordance with the requirements of SanPin 2.4.2821-10, a skiing physical education lesson at a school is held at the following temperature conditions (in calm weather):

  • below 12 degrees (grade 1-2);
  • below 14 degrees (grade 3-5);
  • below 16 degrees (grade 6-8);
  • below 18 (grades 9-11).


For adults and students, the average limit is minus 10-12 C˚ with not strong wind, high humidity. Without fear, students can go skiing in sunny calm weather if it is not colder than -15 ... -18 C˚ outside. In colder weather, the pleasure of walking will not be and the quality of the ride will deteriorate.

How to choose the right clothes

Winter riding involves a long stay in the cold, contact with snow and intense physical activity. If you ride in ordinary clothes, you will not be able to enjoy the rest, as appropriate equipment is needed. In casual clothes, the athlete will get wet inside and out. In the cold, wet clothes cause discomfort, because they become heavier and the accumulated moisture restricts movement. And if you stop moving, it gets cold.

The ski suit consists of layers:

  1. Wearable. Thermal underwear is used. Its function is to remove sweat and keep warm. It should hug the body. With absolute contact with the body, proper sweat removal is ensured.
  2. Warming. This layer stores heat and wicks moisture away from underwear.
  3. Protective. It can be a separate jacket with pants or overalls.

A three-layer outfit allows you to stay in the cold as long as you want, and feel comfortable.

When skiing, a person should not:

  • to freeze;
  • sweat;
  • get wet;
  • feel uncomfortable.

It is important to look attractive (especially for women) so that the process is not overshadowed by an unsatisfactory appearance. Color matters. Bright outfit makes a person noticeable. Women prefer contrasting outfits, so many colorful suits are made for them. Restrained models with bright inserts are suitable for men.

The riding suit must be windproof and waterproof. It is more correct to purchase a suit made of 3-layer fabric. Overalls are better at keeping you warm. The weight of the suit should not be heavy. Additional load will interfere with the descent on the ski track. A light suit will not be cold, as the materials from which it is made will not allow the athlete to freeze.

Clothing is important. This is basically a fleece suit (usually overalls) that keeps you warm. The first step of the suit is thermal underwear. The hat must be for skiing. A thin wool cap that fits snugly on the head is also suitable. It is desirable to choose socks that are heat-saving. You can take several pairs (one pair is cotton, the other is woolen). They should be purchased at a sports store.

When buying, you need to check:

  • processing seams and snakes with adhesives (this will not allow water to penetrate);
  • pockets with secure zippers;
  • ventilation pockets with fasteners;
  • hood;
  • whether the top of the suit connects to the bottom.
Attention! When buying a ski suit, it is better to give preference to a reliable global brand.

The ski kit is bought for more than one year, so its quality characteristics are important so that it lasts for many years. Skiing temperatures should not be ignored. Vigorous, running movements in cold air can lead to hypothermia and frostbite to exposed areas of the body. People who exercise hard can catch a cold, get sick with bronchitis or bronchial asthma, so it is important to responsibly choose clothes and time for training.

Over the weekend and next week, weather forecasters promise severe cold in most of Russia. Up to minus 30 degrees of frost during the day, even where minus 15 is already considered a serious cold snap. Our winter, which hung around zero for its first half, decided to go to the other extreme, which greatly upset winter sports fans. On skates and skis that at zero, that at minus thirty you can’t really ride. But is the cold so terrible for sports, and is it still possible to go skiing, mountain slope or skating rink in such weather without risk to health?

At schools, outdoor physical education classes are not held if the thermometer drops below minus 15. The International Ski Federation does not recommend holding official competitions at temperatures below minus 17. But at the same time, the rules stipulate that the cancellation of competitions must be agreed with the judges and athletes. Since in some cases at low humidity it is possible to compete in more severe frost.

For an ordinary lover of skiing or skating, there are no strict limits, except for your own well-being. And, maintaining a reasonable rate, everyone can decide for himself whether to ride today or not. Although quite recently, a couple of decades ago, the Soviet industry produced ski wax designed for temperatures of minus 30, and this did not shock anyone. Get out and ride!

According to experts, it is not the frost itself that is dangerous, but incorrect behavior is dangerous. And if you follow a few useful tips and in such conditions, you can go in for sports and not harm your health. What should be done?

Dress properly!

The main mistake that many people make is to wrap themselves too much. Three coats won't help! You need to be warm not on the way to the stadium, but on the track itself. That is, it is necessary to choose a set of clothes that would keep the optimal temperature during sports, and not before or after.

Don't sweat!

This is a consequence of the right or wrong choice of clothing. If you sweat on the track, then after stopping you will immediately get cold, and this is already very dangerous in severe frost. After all, as a rule, there is no opportunity to change clothes. Now there are many types of special thermal underwear for athletes: light and thin, it nevertheless retains heat and quickly removes moisture.

It is extremely important to keep your feet dry. In the old days, talcum powder was even poured into shoes for this. Now experienced athletes put on two socks: first cotton, and wool over it. In this combination, an air cushion is created that does not allow the feet to freeze. Shoes must be changed after class. Many people are too lazy to carry a large bag with winter shoes to the park, preferring to get to the ski track and back in ski boots. This in severe frost is also fraught with complications.

Use fatty ointments for the face!

In no case should water-based ointments be used in frost. They do not protect or warm exposed areas of the skin, but, on the contrary, only cool. Creams and ointments should be oil-based. Theoretically, it is not even necessary to buy a special ointment, you can get any of the home supplies, but carefully read its composition. Previously, athletes generally smeared simply with fat and successfully avoided frostbite. (For more information on how to choose protective ointments, read on the website in the Health section.)

Use Progress Achievements

In addition to thermal underwear, modern science has prepared many gifts for athletes. Even professional skiers now ski in the cold in special protective masks, like a ninja. Some do not hesitate to wear ski goggles while skiing. Different heating insoles have been used by skiers and skaters for a long time. But the electric heating of boots is a fairly new thing. A special electric battery the size of a cigarette pack is attached to an equipped ski or snowboard boot and warms the feet of an athlete cutting through the slopes. As a rule, the battery capacity is enough for several hours - just to ride.

It is equally important to behave correctly during classes. In cold weather, it is better to carry out short, but intense exercises, avoiding stops during which heated muscles cool down. One of the main problems is that it is difficult to breathe in extreme cold. Therefore, it is better to try to take frequent shallow breaths. At the same time, you most likely will not be able to accelerate to serious speeds, but you will definitely avoid pneumonia.

key question

Is it possible to take something for warming up in such weather? After all, it’s not for nothing that they sell mulled wine on the ski slopes, and you can take cognac with tea in a flask with you. No matter how upset anyone is, but professionals say that alcohol does not help in this case. The only way he can help is to cheer up after class. But only when all the above recommendations are followed: the legs are warm, and the tracksuit is changed to a warm down jacket.


A helmet and goggles protect well, but at minus 20 it is advised to wear a balaclava.

Special masks are simply necessary for downhill skiing. Amateur skiers should at least smear their face with a special cream.

Athletes wear special thermal underwear under overalls. But after the finish, you still need to get dressed quickly.

In such equipment, skiers started at the World Cup stage in the American Beaver Creek at minus 22. Modern gloves are not blown by the wind, but in the cold you need to move your fingers more.

Here we are talking about amateur cross-country skiing.

When, at what temperature can you ski?

The ski season, for example, in central Russia begins with the appearance of snow cover (in November-December) and can continue until the end of March and even the beginning of April. You can ski at any temperature - from a small plus to a big minus, if at the same time you feel comfortable, do not freeze and do not sweat. To do this, you need to dress properly.

What to ski in?

How to dress properly?

Most often, the problem is not freezing, but overheating. First of all, you need exclude various down jackets and warm jackets. You can often see "skiers" with sweat on their backs - these people are doing it wrong.

In the right clothes, without movement, it should be cold. Depending on the temperature outside and your pace of skiing, clothing and the number of layers may vary, but this rule should apply Always. At the same time, of course, you do not need thin tight clothes, like athletes. Put on synthetic thermal underwear (thin or medium thickness), top - preferably with a high collar. In any case, the throat must be protected: for this, a universal scarf-mask (balaclava) is indispensable, which can cover both the neck and, if necessary, the face. Above - a warm-up ski suit made of a Soft shell type material ("Soft Shell") or any similar combination of a light jacket and pants.

In the right ski clothing, you should be cold without moving, and while moving, you should not sweat.

You can take a light down jacket with you to put it on at a halt, but then take it off and put it in a backpack.

An important element is sufficiently thick socks (special thermal socks for cross-country skiing are recommended).

In addition, you will need a windproof hat that covers your ears well (but your head should not sweat in it) and ski gloves. It is good if a special coating is applied to the gloves to better hold the sticks. If the hat and gloves use Windstopper type material, this is a good sign.

A word of advice: Apply lip balm to your lips before skiing to prevent chapping.

What should I do if I'm sweating?

This means that you are dressed too warmly for the given weather and speed of movement. Slow down! Otherwise, you risk catching a cold. Next time, keep this in mind and dress lighter. Pay attention to what is said above: in the right clothes, you should be cold without moving, and while moving, you should not sweat.

What to do if your hands are cold?

You need different gloves. If you have ski gloves, then they are too thin. Look in the store insulated gloves for cross-country skiing. Mittens, knitted gloves - all this is nonsense, they are not suitable for skiing, as they are blown by the wind and do not hold ski poles well. If insulated ski gloves do not solve the problem, you can try ski gloves(just make sure there is a special coating there to better hold the sticks).

Can I cross-country ski in ski clothing?

Take note of what has been said above about proper clothing. Still, skiing is a different kind of activity, and the clothes for it are different. But if you're skiing so leisurely that you're not overheating or sweating in ski clothing, then you're good to go.

What are the best ski boots?

Is it possible to ski at the beginning of winter when there is little snow?

When the snow cover is not yet very thick, it is already possible to ski, but there is a risk of scratching the skis, as stones, frozen ground, etc. can stick out in some places. Therefore, it is recommended to have at least two pairs of skis - one that is not a pity - for the first and last snow, and the second - for the main skiing in high season.

Can you ski when it snows?

Yes, sure. A thin fresh layer of snow even improves glide, and notched skis hold better on the track when pushing off. Of course, with heavy snow and wind, you will not be very comfortable, as the snow will fall into your face.

Is it possible to ski in positive temperatures?

Of course you can. Even necessary. Take into account everything that has been said above about proper clothing - you need to dress lightly so as not to sweat. And if you are driving out of town, keep in mind that it will be colder there.

Is it possible to ski in the spring when the snow melts?

If it seems to you that the snow has almost melted, then this indicates that you rarely get out of the city. As a rule, outside the city at this time there is plenty of snow. It's always a little colder there. It is enough to drive a few kilometers by car, and you can perfectly ski in the forest or in the fields, despite the fact that there are continuous puddles in the city. Especially for a long time the snow lies in the shade of trees, along the edges of the fields - look for such places at the end of the season.

Skis go well on a slightly melted track (in any case, such a track is much better than an icy one). Therefore, the spring time when the snow melts is a great time for skiing. And when minus and plus temperatures alternate (night/day), a crust forms in the fields, allowing you to ride in any direction and not fall through.

How often can you ski?

If you feel good and do not fall from fatigue after a ski trip, then you can ski at least every day (if the weather is comfortable for you).

What should I do if snow sticks to my skis?

Slip often occurs at temperatures around freezing when you touch water or wet snow with your ski.

Advice: ride through a shallow puddle or patch of wet snow on two parallel skis, accelerating or pushing with sticks. Don't stop and don't push off with your foot. Driving then on dry snow, you will "wipe" the skis, and the snow will not stick. If sticking still occurs, clean the skis manually or repeat driving through a puddle and “wiping” the skis on dry snow.

When driving fast, the skis usually clean themselves, when they drive slowly, they rather freeze over. Try to dry your skis before stopping.