I dreamed of washing the floors at my relatives'. Dream Interpretation: what Paul is dreaming of, seeing Paul in a dream. Clean the floor

Dreams are often a reflection of real events and life situations. Fantastic characters are replaced by humans, and broomsticks are replaced by a mop and bucket. Every housewife, and even a representative of the strong and strong-willed sex, had to clean the house more than once. Therefore, an event such as washing floors in a dream may not always generate the desired interest.

But still, such a dream does not easily reflect what you are doing on the weekend, but portends the events that await you in the near future. That is why the right decision would be to turn to the dream book and find out exactly what the dream is about washing the floors while sleeping.

The dream that you are doing wet cleaning without forgetting about the floor promises to move up the career ladder. True, things in the service will develop successfully only if you learn to find a common language with the leadership.

Still, such a vision often falls on the eve of an important, fateful event. Do you want to know the details of what is the dream of washing floors? Carefully read the most interesting comments from the most popular dream books below.

Everything is changeable

Have you noticed in a dream that someone else is scrubbing the floor? Alas, the dream book warns: a more nimble colleague can take the lucrative vacant position you dreamed of.

Sometimes people see the cleaning of parquet flooring or other material that they walk on in the house in their night dreams on the eve of rapid changes in their personal lives. And if the dreamer had to wash the floor in an unfamiliar room, then he, making important decisions, will have the opportunity to influence the fate of many people.

In your nightly dreams, you rubbed a floor covering of excellent quality, stable and massive? Then, according to Miller, in reality you have solid ground under your feet - you are confident in the future. But staggering, half-rotten sex plates in a dream are a sign of betrayal, betrayal of a loved one.

About the dangers of excessive cleanliness

In the night it happened that you diligently, conscientiously mop the floor? Unfortunately, such a vision, according to the Family Dream Book, is one of the signs that misfortune, even death, can occur in the sleeping man's house. And if the boards of the dreamed flooring were old, decayed with patches and holes, then such a dream predicts trouble, losses, losses.

In a dream, you decided to tidy up a terribly dirty floor? Great, the vision anticipates an auspicious, happy period full of positive change. Why dream of washing floors that seem clean? To the fact that the sleeper in reality will face a series of hardships, misfortunes. In addition, health problems are likely.

Freud interprets the dream of washing floors in a very original way. He believes that the one who had such a vision, in reality, wants to talk frankly with a sexual partner. The dreamer is tired of routine and predictability in intimate relationships, wants to discuss this problem. Most likely, he will achieve his goal and experience new emotions and sensations in reality.

Guests or gossip?

Sleep, but bustle about the house, cleaning the floors? Then, according to the version of the Spring Book of Predictions, in reality, you have to leave home. However, in the Summer Dream Book this is a sign predicting the visit of guests, and in the Autumn Dream Book, it is an accurate sign that vile gossip is spreading behind the sleeping person's back.
Sometimes such a plot can reflect the thoughts of a sleeping person who is dissatisfied with either social or material situation. The dreamer is sure that he deserves more. But most of those around him do not share his point of view.

It is good if cleaning in a dream takes place at the workplace. Such a dream suggests that the bosses value the sleeper very much, considering him to be an experienced, talented specialist.

Scary secrets

Why dream of washing the floors for a woman? If the dreamer wielded a rag at home, then she is worried about strife, quarrels that often happen in her family. According to the dream book, there is only one way out: to urgently change something in the current routine, in order to feel comfort and tranquility, to restore a warm relationship with a spouse.

The nightmare that you are trying to wash away a stain that has spread on the floor, possibly bloody, is a confirmation that you actually have skeletons in your closet, and you even in a dream think about how to hide your secrets from others.

However, according to the old truth: the secret always becomes apparent, remember this!

Wash the floors in a dream

The dream in which the floors were washed is interpreted as a successful career, taking into account the fact that you will not contradict the employer and defend your opinion. Or, what you saw symbolizes upcoming events for which you are diligently preparing. If another person cleaned up, then you risk giving up your position to a more successful employee.

Dreaming about washing the floors

The dream book interprets washing floors as the occurrence of changes in personal life.

  • Cleaning in an unknown room means a tremendous impact on those around you, through your own decisions and deliberate actions.
  • Rubbing a hard, secure floor indicates a strong support available.
  • An unstable and wobbly floor is a betrayal of a loved one.
  • The dream book also focuses attention on the dirty floor that you are trying to clean. Such a dream prophesies pleasant changes in life.
  • If you see a clean floor, but you still wash it, then in reality you will face troubles and illnesses. According to Freud's dream book, such actions mean confusion for you in your relationship with your partner. You are most likely tired of the monotony, and feel an urgent need for new emotions. The dream predicts the imminent appearance of such opportunities.

For a married woman to wash the floors in her sleep

For a married woman, a dream in which she washed the floors at home is a symbol of an unhappy family life. There is a possibility that it is time for you to change it in order to feel the comfort and coziness next to your spouse.

The laundering of blood or other dark spots is interpreted as embellishment of personal events for acquaintances. You try diligently to appear better, although the obvious facts will sooner or later show the real essence.

How to identify a prophetic dream

After interpreting the dream, we think. Whether a dream will come true or not depends on what lunar day he dreamed about and on what day of the week. Let's look at the lunar calendar - what and what lunar day.

Comparing the data on the lunar day and the day of the week, one can assume whether the dream prophecy will come true.

Why dream of washing floors? Cleaning is done before an important celebration or event. In a dream, this meaning is preserved. However, many details determine the accuracy of interpretation, for example, the place of cleaning or the color of the floor. Let's consider in detail.

The traditional interpretation of sleep with cleaning floors in your home is to move or be temporarily absent. If you are not planning to leave, then get ready to welcome guests.

Did you wash the floors in your sleep? Prepare for a change in life. What they will be depends on your position in life and the details of the plot of the dream. For example, people who are preoccupied with career advancement may receive a long-awaited promotion and salary increase. If the dreamer was worried about other life issues, changes should be expected in the area of ​​interest in life.

The scenario for the plot of the dream can be different:

  • the dreamer washes the floors himself;
  • cleaning is done by someone else;
  • the floors are washed in their own / someone else's house;
  • floors are washed in an unfamiliar / unexpected room;
  • what water is used for cleaning - dirty / clean;
  • than they wash the floors - with a mop, with their hands.

Cleaning indoor floors promises a reward for the efforts expended, successful career growth. Your achievements in the labor field will be noticed and appreciated. In order for the prophecy to come true in full, be humble with your superiors and do not persist in your point of view - this can be left for later. It is important to be able to make compromises and be flexible in communication.

Cleaning location

If the dreamer washed the floors with my hands, in reality, this means a desire to quickly cope with an unpleasant situation, to hide unpleasant moments as much as possible. If seen in the hands of a mop, it is worth accepting the offer of a previously unfamiliar person - it promises good luck in business, profit or gain.

  • Cleaning the floor in your own home - expect favorable changes in your life.
  • To clean the entrance - to the prospect of improving living conditions, moving is possible.
  • Washing the floors in the parental home - unfortunately in the family.
  • Cleaning the house of a deceased grandmother - to resolve family conflicts with your help.
  • Cleaning the store will add numerous household chores.
  • Cleaning the church premises is a warning of danger, be on your guard; it is also worth repenting of sins.
  • Cleaning the school premises - to success in your career or study.
  • Cleaning the kitchen - to enhance mutual feelings with a loved one.
  • Washing the sidewalk on the street is a big trouble in life.
  • To clean the house of friends or relatives - you will soon take part in solving their problems.
  • Cleaning the cemetery area is a new turn in life that bodes well.
  • Cleaning of the office - to a change of job or a change of position.
  • Cleaning an old house means changing your place of residence.

Wipe thoroughly with a cloth stain on the floor- in reality, you want to hide some fact from others and make every effort to this. However, the secret will still become public knowledge.

Floor type and color

What floor did you wash in your dream? Cleaning up a new, durable flooring holds the promise of a secure footing in life. Swinging old flooring - close people will let you down. Leaky flooring prophesies the flow of happiness through your fingers.

Clean dirty room- to favorable events in fate. Wash clean room- to unfavorable changes and circumstances.

Floor cleaning dark color- you do unnecessary things, fuss and pay attention to the little things. Washing light flooring(especially tiles, laminate) - to joyful events in life.

In the interpretation of the dream, it matters who did the cleaning:

  • if the dreamer is pregnant, it is time for childbirth;
  • mother washes the floor - expect communication problems;
  • the husband washes - the envious women are up in arms against you.

If the water in the bucket is clean- expect favorable changes. If you see dirty water- expect gossip and condemnation from people.

Interpretation of dream books

  • The ABC of interpretation of dreams believes that the image of sex symbolizes the dreamer's position in life, habits and foundations. Accordingly, cleansing a room means getting rid of the old and familiar. Seeing garbage in the room and trying to remove it - to eliminate blockages in your life.
  • Modern dream book gives the following interpretation: cleaning the room - to illness and deterioration of well-being.
  • Dream interpretation of the 21st century believes that the washed floor in a dream portends conflicts in the family. At the same time, washing the floor is for the guests.
  • Dream Interpretation Morozova interprets this plot to separation, change of place of residence and even death. If you see water seeping from under the floor, get ready for a blow: danger lies in wait for the family.
  • Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov gives a negative interpretation of the dream: it prophesies death.
  • Online dream book interprets this plot to deteriorate health.
  • Dream interpretation of Wangi prophesies success in his career, gratitude from his superiors.
  • Dream interpretation of Nostradamus sees in this plot a positive change in relations with a partner: you will receive new sensations from love. Washing floors in an unfamiliar room - you will influence other people.
  • Miller's dream book interprets the dream in accordance with the characteristics of the room. A dirty room - to negative changes in fate, clean - to positive.

Popular interpretation ascribes a negative connotation to dreams with this plot. However, you should not literally take omens - the interpretation of a dream depends on the events taking place in your life and on the internal perception of what you saw. Often the correct interpretation can be obtained by listening to the inner voice of intuition.

Sometimes in dreams a person sees incredible things, but more often they are quite ordinary objects. And with the correct interpretation, even such an action as familiar to many as cleaning floors, allows you to find out a lot of interesting and important information about the future. To make it more complete, it is necessary to take into account other details of the dream, emotional stress, and also trace the connection with the events of reality.

Why dream of washing floors?

A dream where you thoroughly wash the floors predicts career advancement. The dream book says that you can achieve what you want if you insist on your own and do not conflict with the leadership. If someone else is removed, then you will miss the chance and the position will go to your opponent. Night vision, where you wash a clean floor, predicts the occurrence of various troubles and diseases. There is information that a dream where you had to wash the floor indicates disappointment in life.

If you decide to wash dirty floors in a dream, this is a positive sign that promises a change in your life. There is also the opposite information, according to which such a dream predicts the death of a loved one. To clean up at work in a dream means that in reality the authorities have long noticed your efforts. There is another interpretation where such a dream can be interpreted as a symbol of disgust from work. Most likely, in the near future, new responsibilities will fall down, from which you will not be delighted. A dream in which you need to wash the floors in a hospital predicts an improvement in material condition. Night vision, where you tried to clean the floor of stains, indicates that in reality you have to make attempts to hide the facts of life in order to appear better. If you had to clean up someone else's house, it means that your behavior will be able to change the life of another person. I had to mop the floor in my sleep, such night vision has a negative meaning, according to which there is a risk of getting into an unpleasant situation in reality.

Cleaning at school means following the recommendations of other people in order to achieve success in life. If you have washed the floor in an official institution, this is a positive sign that bodes well for things. The dream, where you had to wash the floors in the apartment, recommends forgetting about the mistakes of the past and starting life from scratch. One of the dream books says that night vision, where you washed the floors in the house, indicates discussions behind your back and in the future you will have to participate in a senseless scandal. If you washed the floors with clean water, it means that in the future you can count on success in your work, perhaps you will receive a raise or a raise in wages.

A dream in which it was necessary to wash the floors in the church is a warning that in the future you will have to endure something. If the floor was washed by another person, then it is worth being on the lookout, since behind the back the enemies are developing plan of attack, perhaps at work, someone is claiming your place. Night vision, where you washed the floor for another person without much desire, warns that you will have to give up your place in life. I had a dream where I had to wash the floor at the request of another person, which means that in reality you are a faithful friend you can rely on at any time.

Why does a woman dream of washing floors?

For a married woman, a dream where she cleans up her own house indicates that she is not satisfied with family life. The dream interpretation recommends making some changes in order to restore relations with a loved one. For single women, general cleaning predicts the emergence of a new fan and, most importantly, the relationship may end in a wedding.

Why dream that my gender?

Any dream that comes out of the subconscious, for sure, is designed to inform a person about something very important. Don't be frivolous about all dreams. If the dream is vivid and memorable, you should carefully consider all the little things and details in order to interpret it correctly.

Washing the floor is such a dream. If someone asks the question: “Why is it that my gender is in a dream?”, We can confidently say that this dream is not so simple and it is worth approaching its interpretation very meaningfully, focusing on even the most seemingly insignificant details. In real life, the floor is the foundation, the foundation on which a person stands, moves along it. Sex in real life is associated with a solid foundation, which is designed to hold numerous objects on itself. Also in a dream, it is positioned as a kind of fundamental basis, which is designed to support many areas of life. So, if a person dreams that he washes the floor, then this dream is interpreted as his attempt in real life to streamline all aspects of his being. If in a dream a person washes the floor very carefully and at the same time his actions are independent, without attracting additional people, then in real life an incredible promotion awaits him. Moreover, all attempts and efforts to find some highly effective solutions will be approved by the management and evaluated at the highest professional level. Also, some dream books offer a different interpretation of washing the floor. Such actions can be a symbol of the fact that a person is preparing in life for some very important event for him or for very important changes.

When interpreting such a dream, you should pay special attention to the water used to wash the floor. If the water is clean and transparent, it means that the changes will be favorable, and if it is dirty, then, most likely, they will bear a negative imprint.

If you dreamed that my gender was in a dream, it means that a person seeks to change his position in real life, to move forward, not to dwell on what has already been achieved. When characterizing such a dream, you should pay special attention to the feelings that a person experienced while performing such a procedure. How pleasant and important it was to mopping the floor, the room in which he mopped the floor, and what material the flooring was made of. If a person dreams that he washes the floor in his own house, then this can be interpreted as a complete readiness for cardinal changes in his personal life, for a new round in professional activity and even global changes on the love front. If you dreamed that a person washes the floor in an unfamiliar room, then in real life he will prove himself as a reliable and loyal person who can be relied on in any situation. Such a dream is interpreted as a sign that behavior, actions and decisions can have the most significant impact on the lives of other people. If a person in a dream was asked to wash the floor in some unfamiliar room, then whom, if he did not refuse, can be considered a reliable friend who is able to come to the rescue at any time. In addition, you can focus on the type of premises in which the floors are washed: study, office, office, apartment, and more.

If this is an institution of an official type, then with the help of this institution in real life, things can go well for a person cleaning the floor there. Drawing conclusions about a dream in which a person is engaged in washing, we can say that such a dream will be favorable if the action itself does not cause negative emotions, and the person sees that the surface becomes really clean, and the water that was used for cleaning is not too dirty.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that such dreams can also have a negative meaning. So, some of them can be interpreted as the desire of other people to receive individual benefits if a person dreamed that, for example, a colleague or stranger washes the floor in his personal apartment. Either mopping the floor of a friend or stranger in an apartment or house can mean some concessions that can lead to losses and discomfort in real life.

Some dream books, interpreting the washing of floors, foreshadow the deceased, but such a prediction may come true if there is a seriously ill person in the house, or someone is in critical condition in the hospital. If a person dreamed of washing floors, then in the interpretation it is worth focusing on numerous small things, and the more such details there are, the better, since they will play a decisive role, and it will be possible to more accurately determine the events that this dream predicted.

You should not take everything written to heart. Dream books can also be outdated, and the interpretation of each dream can be completely different, depending on the level and type of life of each person individually. You always need to be attentive and active in any situation in order to achieve what you want.

Dreams warn, call, report, but you should never categorically assess and take to heart everything written anywhere. The most important thing is a person's attitude to their dreams. May it always be positive enough.

Washing floors in a dream according to Miller's dream book

Washing floors is a symbol of a career.

In a dream, washing floors portends a successful career that will have to be built. with my own hands... You will have to comply with many mandatory rules and requirements. Full submission to management will be required. But the result will not be long in coming and will bring moral and material satisfaction. A career will completely change your life for the better.

Why dream of washing the floors - to not achieving the goal, if in a dream you have to clean up a stranger's house. This dream foreshadows that the planned position will be taken by someone else. Namely - a more successful colleague who will be earlier at the intended goal.

Sweeping the floor speaks of doing the job without making an effort. Such actions do not deserve a reward, so you should not expect profit. Also, no promotion is expected.

Miller's dream book interprets cleaning floors as a warning that someone is trying to ruin a career. In a dream, the sleeper slips and falls on the only washed floor.

The situation can be corrected with patience and endurance. In this case, everything will become accessible and possible.

Miller's dream book online warns that if you wash the floors of other people in a dream, do it carelessly, or even give up what you have started, then in real life you do not need to expect a prestigious position and a high salary. To do this, you will have to start working again and do it at a double pace and with maximum effort. Only after that you can enjoy the result and enjoy your own achievements.

Dream interpretation to wash floors

Why dream of washing floors in a dream according to a dream book?

Washing floors in a dream - a change for the better at work, promotion, receiving a bonus or a fee, a change in life.

Walking on the washed floor - the absence of obstacles, obstacles on the way to achieving long-standing goals, easy getting what you want, making dreams come true.

Where did you wash the floors in your sleep? What did you wash the floor with in your sleep? What floor did you wash in your dream? Who washed the floor in a dream?

Where did you wash the floors in your sleep?

Washing floors in someone else's house in a dream

The dream book describes cleaning the floors in someone else's house as influencing the owner of the house. Your impact is yielding results, the changes are positive, and the dynamics of improvement can be traced.

Washing floors at work in a dream

I dreamed that you were washing the floor at work - recognition of you as an irreplaceable employee by the employer, your value and exclusivity. The work done will be appreciated.

Why dream of cleaning the floors at school

The dream where you wash the floors at school portends an inevitable change in the place of study. The event will bring less emotional stress if you prepare for it ahead of time.

Why dream of washing the floor at the entrance

Washing the floors in the stairwell in a dream - to a change of residence. The move was planned for a long time, the time has come to make old plans a reality. Focus on the main thing, do not get distracted by the little things.

I dreamed of washing the floors in the kitchen

She dreams that you are washing the kitchen floor - to a new relationship with the opposite sex, strengthening mutual feelings and affection. It is possible to get a new long-awaited position at work, promotion.

What did you wash the floor with in your sleep?

Mopping the floor in your sleep

The dream book describes cleaning the floor with a mop as the presence of conflicts in life, quarrels with loved ones or relatives, work scandals and a showdown. A dream warns of possible unpleasant situations in the future.

Washing floors with hands in a dream

I dreamed that you were washing the floor with your hands - difficulties in life are coming. Before the changes take place, you will have to cope with existing problems, solving long-standing issues and affairs, the time for new projects has not yet come.

What floor did you wash in your dream?

Washing a clean floor in a dream

Dreams that you are washing a clean floor - to deterioration of health, the appearance of troubles, problems. Show more attention to yourself, listen to the desires and needs of the body, it signals potential troubles.

Why dream of washing a wooden floor

Washing the wooden floor - a dream portends spiritual harmony, peace, serenity of spirit. Do not lose your vigilance, otherwise you can fall for the tricks of a fraudster who wants to lure you out of money. Exercise the utmost care and caution.

Who washed the floor in a dream?

Mom washes the floor in her sleep

Mom washes the floor in her sleep - you can count on timely help from the parent. Do not hide your problems from loved ones, they are always ready to provide support and participation to the best of their ability.

The neighbor washes the floor in her sleep

I dreamed that a neighbor washes the floor - previous relations with patrons may be broken due to gossip. Attempts by ill-wishers to harm you will fail and will not bring the expected results.

Husband washes the floor in his sleep

I dreamed that the husband washes the floor - the distribution of responsibilities, the spouse will take on the solution to most of the existing problems. Be involved and supportive as it is essential to maintaining a good relationship.

Grandma washes the floor in her sleep

The dream where the grandmother washes the floors is a temporary difficulty, passing adversity. You will overcome problems and find the right solution. Take your time, the time will come and you will find the solution you need.

A man washes the floor in a dream

A man washes the floor - the dream book interprets such a dream as receiving unexpected timely help. Successful completion of the case will bring positive emotions, joy and approval.

Daughter washes the floor in a dream

The daughter washes the floors in a dream - the child's readiness to make amends, to repent of the accomplished deed in relation to you. Show condescension and goodwill towards her emotional impulse.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Miller's dream book

Dream interpretation Wash floors, dishes, why dream about Wash floors, see dishes in a dream

Small Velesov dream book Why in a dream I dream of Washing floors, dishes:

Wash what you dream about - Gossip dissolve; to wash - health, wealth, renewal, changes for the better // people wash bones, troubles in the family, losses, they will steal; hot water - trouble; in clothes - trouble; in clean water - health; in the dirty - the disease; in the river - troubles, to pay off debts.

Dream interpretation of the witch Medea To wash the floors, dishes according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see in a dream Wash what you dream about - Wash yourself - Avoid conflicts during this period Wash someone or wash with someone - You have a chance to establish relationships with a loved one. Use it

Dream Interpretation Wash or be washed - Your sadness will turn into joy.

Dream Interpretation Wash the floor - To the departure from your home.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Why do you dream of cleaning the floors - To a scandal; to death.

Autumn dream book Why dream of Washing floors, dishes according to the dream book:

Why dream of Washing the floor - Gossip.

Summer dream book Why dream about Washing floors, dishes according to the dream book:

Washing the floor - Seeing in a dream how you wash the floor in all rooms - to receive guests.

Dream Interpretation Wash the dishes - Reconciliation in the family.

Islamic dream book Why dream of washing floors, dishes in a dream?

What does it mean to see in a dream Someone engaged in washing, washing - his vision in a dream is a sign of getting rid of worries, anxieties and unhappiness.

To wash the floor for parents

Dream interpretation to wash the floor for parents dreamed why in a dream To wash the floor for parents? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see parents in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - To wash the floor

Seeing in a dream how you wash the floor in all rooms is to receive guests.

Dream interpretation - To wash the floor


Dream interpretation - To wash the floor

To leave your home.

Dream interpretation - To wash the floors

To a scandal; to death.

Dream interpretation - Cleaning the floor in a savings bank

This dream promises wealth and honor

Dream interpretation - To wash the floor of the deceased

Bad sleep; portends death

Dream interpretation - Washing

Washing dishes in a dream means the onset of undesirable events for you. If you see how a car or other equipment is washed, you will come across a dirty business or a dishonest person.

Washing your hands in a dream means that you will get rid of many worries that haunt you. If you wash your feet in a dream, you will get good protection in reality. A washed fresh face means a pleasant company, interesting interlocutors. An unwashed, dirty person in a dream foreshadows a scandalous incident that can undermine your reputation.

Washing your face in a dream with warm water is a sign of hypocrisy, which will come out sideways to those who see such a dream. Wash in cold water - cope with a serious illness. If you wash in the river, this is a hassle associated with money.

Taking a bath in the bath portends a strong disappointment with unfulfilled promises. If you wash in the bath with a man, it means intense excitement because of the fear of losing the affection of your loved one.

Wash in the baby's bathtub - in reality, beware of being deceived by going on a long trip with random fellow travelers. To wash in a bath - to an unexpected illness away from family and home. To see a lot of men washing together with women in the bathhouse - a motley society of people of various interests and tastes awaits you. To wash in the pool - get an unexpected prize or prize and everyone's admiration.

Washing animals in a dream portends good health and a plentiful feast at a party, where you will soon be invited. Taking a hot shower means your modest services will be generously paid. A cold shower portends a pleasant surprise. If you wash while wearing clothes under the shower, this is a sign of illness and the intrigues of enemies.

To wash, lathering the whole body, - you will be running errands for someone, if they lather you - you will become a victim of vile deception and treachery on the part of imaginary friends. To wash with a hard washcloth - in reality you will try to make amends for your husband by demonstrating repentance and unquestioning obedience. If you wash your child with a soft sponge, you will have to give up your principles in order to acquire a strong patron.

Washing your head in a dream is a sign of adultery. If you use good shampoo when washing your hair, it means that you will be embroiled in a dirty business under the threat of blackmail and exposure of a secret love affair. Wash someone's hair or watch others wash it for themselves - soon go on an interesting journey that will bring you a lot of pleasure.

Washing floors in a dream is a multi-valued symbol that depends on your behavior and influence on other people, desire and readiness for real changes in your life. These dreams have two opposite sides: positive and negative. There should be no negative emotions in positive dreams. Negative aspects, on the contrary, can lead to losses and discomfort in real life.

A clean, even and beautiful floor in a dream draws your attention to comfort and order in life. Washing a sinking, crooked floor will bring you trouble, loss, and setback.

In a dream, I dreamed of a dirty floor, and you wash it - this is a sign that success and changes await you in life, but washing an already clean floor portends trouble and separation.

Washing floors in a dream, which does not bother you and does not take much time, predicts an imminent reception of guests. If you wash the floor with dirty water, and after that it still remains clean - these are favorable conditions for a person's real life, bright events and pleasant changes will occur.

Washing the floors in an unfamiliar room or house, not in your own home, can mean that business changes will go for the better. Most likely, the people around you consider you a good and faithful friend, on whom all hope, who always has a desire to come to the aid of another. In addition, such a dream can bring a new round in professional activity, since colleagues and bosses consider you a responsible and irreplaceable employee.

If in a dream you find that the floors are being washed at home, this may mean that the envious person wants to take advantage of the benefits intended for you, use zeal and talent to their advantage.

What does a dream portend?

A dream about washing floors foreshadows the imminent appearance of new relationships and comfort in your intra-family relationships, in which there is not enough coziness and warmth. Expect new feelings of trust and closeness to come between you and your partner.

Washing floors in a dream may dream of a deceased person if one of your relatives is seriously ill or has been lying for a long time.

The attitude of people to dreams should be positive - this is what the interpreters of dreams believe. The washing process, in their opinion, is a cleaning process, you can probably put things in order in your head and life with the help of other people's advice and tips. This cleansing will help your thoughts and deeds. The level and type of life does not depend on dreams, but on the person himself, his desires, attentiveness and activity.

We often have beautiful dreams in which we are busy doing something pleasant. But from time to time, simple, life processes appear in dreams, for example, washing floors.

There are several opinions on why washing floors can dream, and what to expect from the future. First of all, I would like to immediately note that a dream about washing floors does not promise anything bad, at least not a single dream book claims anything like that.

It's great when we have sweet dreams

Dreams about cleaning and about washing the floor in particular are very common, at least people with experience in such cases know this. In such dreams, details are more important: where you were, who washes the floor, what the floor was, how you worked or someone else than the process itself.

Diligently wash the floor yourself

If during sleep you washed the floor and at the same time obviously tried very hard, tried to polish the floor covering to a shine, using physical force, then with a high degree of probability the dream was identified with your work. He seemed to be telling you that with perseverance and active work, there is a chance to make a good career in the current workplace. Such a dream does not induce something specific, but encourages you to focus on the work process, find mutual understanding with the management team, and aim at long and fruitful work.

If, while you sleep, washing the floors gave you obvious pleasure, and you got to work again and again, then most likely you will face changes in your life, and definitely positive ones. It is not known what the new life stages will lead you to, but it will definitely be very interesting and joyful for you on your way. The dream book confidently says that changes will require great psychological and physical costs from you.

Diligent performance of floor cleaning

It is believed that if a married woman dreams of washing the floor, then she should think about family relationships. Most likely, they have calmed down, have become too lean, which means you need to add the proper variety to them. For an unmarried woman, cleaning, and in particular washing floors in a dream, promises the acquisition of a new admirer.

Someone else washes the floor

More dangerous is the dream where another person washes the floors, and you just look at him. The dream book gives several comments to this situation:

  • Sleep can be related to your work. He objectively shows you that someone takes their work more seriously than you, someone is more diligent and hardworking than can prevent you from moving up the career ladder. It is even worse if the management prefers this person to you, but this is already an extreme and unlikely scenario.
  • The second option, why a dream about washing floors by another person may be related to a love relationship. Perhaps you are on the verge of great changes in relations with your beloved, loved one, loved ones, relatives, friends. The upcoming changes can promise stress, a change of mood, they definitely will not pass easily.

Floor quality

The dream book suggests paying attention to the properties of the floor covering that you wash in a dream. Quality, purity, color, material play an important role.

For example, a hard and reliable coating, which is washed in a dream, indicates that there are many friends and relatives in your life that you can really rely on in difficult times. In difficult times, they will always come to your rescue, lend a shoulder. If in a dream you washed a flimsy, creaky, breaking floor, then most likely there are no people in your environment who want to help you. It's good if there are no envious people, traitors. In any case, a number of decisive measures will have to be taken to normalize the situation.

Solid laminate floor

If we consider the cleanliness of the floor that you wash in a dream, then the dream book also has its own opinion on this matter. Why dream of a dirty floor that you wash - to positive changes in life. Expect something good that you deserve long ago. If the floor in a dream is already clean, and you continue to wash it, then this means that everything in your life is not going well. You are putting efforts in the wrong place, the vector of your efforts is in the wrong direction. You will have to reconsider your priorities and draw conclusions.

Washing a wooden floor in a dream shows us that the everyday vicissitudes of the last time are left behind, and a long road of life awaits us. Perhaps you have overcome some stage and in the near future the time for the formation of new goals, the time for calm movement with the flow awaits you. What a floor made of tiles, stone, marble can dream about - the dream book claims that this means stability and steadfastness of your current state. All your lifecycles are debugged and run like clockwork.

Cleaning a tile floor

The color of the flooring we wash in our dreams also matters.

  • If the surface of the floors is dark, this means that recent times we made the wrong decisions, and our path in life is going in the wrong direction. So far, we are not talking about any problems, but what wrong life guidelines can lead to, obviously to something bad.
  • As you probably already guessed, washing light floors in a dream symbolizes to us that we are confidently moving towards our goal. Yes, we may have chosen not the easiest path in life, but we will certainly achieve the result. Also in many dream books there are notes about possible joyful events that await us on the bright path.

Floor location

Dreams in which we wash the floor at work are popular. The dream book claims that these are quite auspicious dreams, which tell us that you are appreciated at work. Perhaps you are doing well with your tasks, or the bosses just like you. In any case, continue your work at the same level and you will receive an increase in salary, or an increase.

If you have bothered to dream about washing the floors in the entrance, then most likely you will have to move from your old home to which you have long been accustomed. The dream book does not stipulate specific dates, but claims that it will be soon, otherwise why else is the entrance dreaming about.

Cleaning floors in the entrance of a house

Washing floors in an incomprehensible administrative building predicts an improvement in our financial situation. At the same time, our mood is important, the better it is, the better the results will be.

Washing the floors in our apartment or house, most likely, indicates to us that it is time to forget the mistakes of the past and start all over again. Perhaps the past bothers you a lot, so you shouldn't think about it.

Note that it is just as important what you washed the floor. If with your hands, it means that in order to achieve your goals you will have to try very hard, make maximum efforts, do the impossible, only then everything will work out. But it does not bode well. Most likely there will be obstacles in your life path. The nature of the obstacles will be psychological: conflict situations at work, unpleasant clarification of relationships in the family, quarrels with friends. Having seen such a dream, you should be careful in your statements so as not to offend a dear person.

Studying different dream books for the interpretation of dreams about cleaning, washing floors, or, you can draw certain conclusions about how to act in life. In addition, different dream books provide similar information about why we dream of this or that action.