Away with anxiety: we are preparing a “disturbing suitcase” for the maternity hospital. What to take with you to the hospital

To calculate the exact date of birth is still beyond the power of modern medicine. Only in a small percentage of pregnant women does it eventually coincide with the preliminary date calculated. In other women with a normal pregnancy, childbirth can begin at any time for a period of 36-42 weeks. Therefore, it is so important to be fully armed in the last month, because with the onset of labor, there will no longer be time to collect the bag.

In this regard, the expectant mother needs to think and make a list of things that she and the baby will need. It will be better if at least documents are already collected in you. From now on, they should always be with you: childbirth is an unpredictable thing.

Usually, preparing 3 bags of things to the maternity hospital for mother and child: what is needed during childbirth, things in the postpartum period, things for a newborn baby. In addition, it is worth preparing in advance for the discharge. Next, we will consider in detail the things necessary for the maternity hospital, what kind of bag should be in, and what is undesirable to take with you to the maternity hospital.

Documents for the maternity hospital

Documents are something without which they will not be able to accept you in the maternity ward. Therefore, it is with them that you need to start preparing. For all regions of Russia, the list is standard. So, here's what's needed.

  1. Passport, an insurance pension certificate and a medical policy, as well as a photocopy of the first page of the passport.
  2. Exchange card from the antenatal clinic. This is a very important document that the gynecologist gives you. There is information about the general course of pregnancy, the results of tests and ultrasound examinations. In the absence of it, you can easily be put in the infectious diseases department or hospital, as underexamined. In addition, the doctor will not have comprehensive information regarding your condition, which can create certain risks during childbirth. Starting in the 3rd trimester, carry the card with you in your bag at all times.
  3. birth certificate or a contract with the maternity hospital of your choice. The certificate is issued exactly at 30 weeks in the antenatal clinic. If you have not been observed anywhere, then you will receive it at the maternity hospital itself. You can also choose any maternity hospital in advance and conclude an agreement with it. In this case, coupon No. 2 of the Generic Certificate is not subject to payment.
  4. Referral from the antenatal clinic. It will be needed if, for existing reasons, you want to go to the hospital in advance.
    Things for mom

Bag for mom in the hospital: a list of things

Mom's bag can be divided into 4 parts: before childbirth, during childbirth, after childbirth and at discharge. Note that each hospital has its own rules in this regard. Somewhere it is enough to take only slippers, and somewhere other things will be required.

What things are needed in the hospital? Need to know in advance conditions of a medical institution where you are going to give birth. We will look at a general list of necessary things in the maternity hospital for moms that you will need.

Before giving birth

To the antenatal ward will be needed:

  • light washable slippers;
  • bathrobe and nightgown (preferably not new);
  • towel;
  • necessary cosmetics (hand and face cream);
  • personal hygiene products (soap, toothpaste, brush, shampoo);
  • toilet paper and napkins;
  • Shaver;
  • mug, spoon and plate;
  • kettle and tea bags;
  • necessary medicines;
  • entertainment in the form of books, magazines or crossword puzzles;
  • mobile phone and charger.

During childbirth

What should I take with me to the hospital for childbirth? You need to take with you to the delivery room:

  • light rubber slippers (in many maternity hospitals it is possible to take a shower during labor);
  • nightgown and dressing gown (in many maternity hospitals they are issued);
  • a small towel or wet wipes (wipe your face during contractions);
  • warm socks (during childbirth, you may freeze);
  • compression stockings or elastic bandage (for women with varicose veins);
  • clean drinking water without gas (during childbirth, you often want to drink);
  • elastic bands and hairpins;
  • mobile phone.

After childbirth

Here are the things you will need in the postpartum period:

  • hygiene products (we will discuss in more detail below);
  • 2 nursing bras;
  • bathrobe and 2 loose wrap shirts (for the convenience of feeding the baby);
  • comb, elastic bands and hair clips;
  • cream for face and hands;
  • cream for nipple cracks (based on panthenol);
  • breast pump;
  • laxative candles;
  • postpartum bandage (for speedy recovery);
  • water, tea bags, snacks in the form of dryers or crackers;
  • cutlery (mug, plate, spoon) and napkins;
  • mobile phone and charger;
  • magazines, books, crosswords for leisure.

For discharge

Separately collect a package with things for discharge. It will be brought to you just before the event. This includes: cosmetics, clothes and shoes. Make sure that everything is warm enough, as a nursing mother is still very vulnerable after giving birth. Also, clothes should be loose and comfortable, because a few days after the birth, the forms are still far from the best.

Hygiene products for the maternity hospital

Pharmacies sell ready-made kits for mothers in the postpartum period. Everything you need can also be purchased separately. So, here's what you need in the first days after the birth of a child:

  • sanitary pads with a high degree of hygroscopicity (for the first few days);
  • ordinary gaskets (for the next time);
    5-10 pairs of disposable hygienic mesh panties (the skin after childbirth should breathe as much as possible);
  • breast pads (to avoid leakage of milk);
  • sombrero pads for the chest (may be needed if the shape of the nipples is retracted and the child);
  • paper toilet seats and soft toilet paper.

The list can be completed with a standard set: toothbrush and paste, soap, shower gel and shampoo.

Things for a child in the hospital

What to take to the hospital for a child? Perhaps one of the pleasant activities of expectant mothers is to prepare things for a newborn in the hospital. It is necessary to take diapers, baby hygiene products, as well as some clothes to the hospital. Pay attention to every detail.

  • Disposable diapers. For a newborn, a small package of 0-5 kg ​​or 3-6 kg is suitable. When choosing, pay attention to the quality of the material from which the diapers are made.
  • Baby soap Choose fragrance-free and hypoallergenic. Liquid soap with a dispenser is best.
  • Cotton buds especially for children with a limiter. Great for cleaning ears and nasal passages.
  • Children's manicure scissors. Many babies are born with rather long nails and need to be trimmed for convenience.
  • Wet wipes, baby cream and diaper cream. Necessary for maintaining hygiene.
  • diaper. Often they are given out in maternity hospitals. However, if you want to use your own, you can also bring your own. The rooms are usually quite warm, so you can get by with only cotton diapers. For convenience, you can stock up on several disposable diapers.
  • Undershirts or bodysuits and sliders. Optional, but you can take them if you are against full swaddling from birth. 4-5 pieces will be enough.
  • Anti-scratch mittens and caps from thin cotton (2 pcs).

Baby for discharge

You can take clothes for discharge with you right away, or you can ask your husband or other close relatives to bring them to you later.

"Winter" baby you will need: a diaper, a flannel vest, warm socks, a flannel diaper, a bonnet, a warm hat, a winter envelope with a ribbon, or a transformer overalls.

"Off-season" the baby will need all the same, only the winter top is replaced with a less warm one. In such weather, it is important not to wrap the baby up, but at the same time protect it from the wind and other "charms" of the weather.

"Summer" newborn you can get by with a diaper, a thin cap, socks, a vest and sliders. Also suitable with a diaper. A beautiful light envelope with a ribbon completes the look.

The future father can optionally attend the birth. To do this, he needs:

  • fresh result of fluorography;
  • change of shoes, bathrobe and hat;
  • passport;
  • necessary tests according to the rules of a particular maternity hospital.

On the day of release dad should have 2 bouquets of flowers prepared (for his wife and midwife), a small present (for example, a box of chocolates). You can take a camera or pre-order the shooting of the event.

What not to take to the hospital: a list

In the process of collecting a "disturbing suitcase" you do not need to be zealous. After all, you will spend only a few days in the hospital.

To save yourself from excess baggage, check the absence of the following items in your bag:

  • decorative cosmetics;
  • perfume;
  • synthetic clothing;
  • food that quickly deteriorates and is prohibited during the GW;
  • medicines (in the maternity hospital you will be provided with everything you need if necessary);
  • laptop;
  • a lot of books.

Video about the list of things for the bag to the hospital

We invite you to watch a short video about what to take with you to the hospital. Here you will see the most important points from our topic, told in an accessible language.

Many girls who carry a child under their hearts and prepare for his birth are interested in knowing what is included in the “alarm suitcase” for the maternity hospital. The list of things is quite large. What to take with you? We will talk about this in this article.

Every pregnant girl has experienced restless thoughts about how the sacrament of birth will go. Will everything be all right, will she be able to recognize the very signals, after which it remains only to call an ambulance and collect a bag for the hospital? We will compile a list of things that a future mother and her child need in the article below.

To meet a new family member, you need to thoroughly prepare and choose exactly what is needed for him in the first few days of life. So that worries about the collection do not lead to panic at the most important moment and do not sow confusion in the house, but chaos in the head, you can collect them in advance. Yes, there will not be one bag, there will be four of them.

Why so much?

Because it is much more convenient to take only the most necessary things with you to the hospital than to drag a whole suitcase that will have to be shifted right in the emergency department. After all, there are requirements for items that, for example, are taken to the delivery room.

So, point by point. What is the principle of dividing things and what is needed, and what can be done without? So, we continue to collect the "alarming suitcase" to the hospital. It's best to keep a list of things handy. It is worth noting right away that it is universal for everyone and has collected, perhaps, a complete list of what a future mother and her baby should definitely have with them.

The bag should be washable and transparent for convenience. Otherwise, they may be asked to put things out of it for inspection. It is also worth considering that in some maternity hospitals in our country it is forbidden to pack things in bags. As a rule, ordinary packages are used for these purposes. It is worth clarifying this point in advance.


Many documents are not required. The main thing is not to forget to collect all the documents that are needed for registration in a medical institution. This:

  • passport;
  • compulsory health insurance policy (with a photocopy);
  • exchange card;
  • an agreement with the maternity hospital / doctor (referral for childbirth);
  • SNILS.

Bag one: things to the prenatal ward and to the delivery room

What else is required? You will need the following:

  1. A cell phone with a charger (staff may not allow it, it’s better to check right away) to communicate with your husband or relatives.
  2. Washable slippers - needed to comply with hygienic requirements in prenatal. In the postpartum department, you can replace them with regular ones.
  3. Simple plastic bags are needed in order to put clothes there, which will be asked to be changed upon admission to the maternity hospital.
  4. Shoe covers - do not take up much space, but may be needed by relatives or when registering at the admissions office.
  5. Razor. Yes, it will be needed in preparation for childbirth, especially if you did not have time to do it at home.
  6. Hygiene items in the maternity hospital: toilet paper, disposable handkerchiefs and wet wipes. Useful for going to the bathroom after an enema. Now in stores you can find disposable toilet pads. They can also be captured for personal hygiene.
  7. Pure drinking water. Very useful during childbirth. Unfortunately, it is not given out, and at this important time you will need to drink a lot. It is more convenient to take a bottle with a neck for sports.
  8. If you are going to have a caesarean section, then you must have compression stockings and a bandage with you. It is better to put on stockings before leaving or even a few days before the trip.

If dad is in labor...

It is worth considering that if dad is also present at the birth, then you also need to pack things for him. He will need: a passport, a set of sterile disposable clothes, the results of tests established by the maternity hospital, change of shoes and comfortable clothes.

The second bag to the hospital: a list of things for the postpartum department for mom

So the long-awaited event happened, and a baby appeared in the family! For the comfort of the mother and the new family member, a second bag with things is already going to the postpartum department. It will be the most voluminous in composition and size and, like the first, must be washable. Now you can find special transparent bags for the maternity hospital in stores. The staff brings her to the hospital room after giving birth.

What Mom Needs:

  • Postpartum pads (sold in pharmacies) - about 24 pcs. You can take more insurance.
  • Disposable panties - five pieces will be enough. It is better to choose one size larger so that they do not press anywhere.
  • Disposable breast pads in the maternity hospital will also be needed. Despite the fact that for many women milk does not appear immediately, they will come in handy if the situation is atypical. They need more - about five sets.
  • Postpartum bra. It is very convenient when feeding and for proper breast support without pinching the mammary glands.
  • Disposable absorbent diapers - will be needed during medical examinations and ventilation of the perineum.
  • Hygiene items (shower gel, shampoo, toothpaste and brush, wet wipes, disposable handkerchiefs, soft or damp toilet paper, nipple crack cream and hand balm, hygienic lipstick, comb).
  • Clothing - bathrobe and nightgown (if allowed). Now in stores you can find very nice kits for pregnant women in the maternity hospital. They are aesthetic, do not turn their owner into a matron, are made of natural soft materials and are very comfortable to wear.
  • Socks - woolen is impossible, ordinary cotton ones are needed.
  • Slippers - are taken according to the same principle. Wool in any maternity hospital is prohibited by hygiene rules.
  • Towels (may be issued) - 2 pieces, for the face and bath for the shower. For washing instead of the usual, you can take a disposable in a roll.
  • Garbage bags are especially useful, because there are no bins in the postnatal ward.
  • Bandage - perfectly supports a slightly sagging belly after childbirth. Many experts recommend taking up bringing it into shape from the very beginning.
  • Decorative cosmetics. It will be required in preparation for discharge. Of course, relatives will bring things, but what girl will have time to put on makeup in 10 minutes? It is much more comfortable to do this a little earlier.
  • Notepad and Doctors often give helpful tips that are best jotted down quickly rather than memorized in fits and starts.
  • Bed linen (if not prohibited) - will give the hospital room a little home comfort. Nevertheless, it will not be possible to rest on state-owned sheets, as on those taken from home.
  • Cutlery. Women in labor go to the dining room with their mugs, spoons and forks. You can take disposable ones if you are too lazy to wash them.

What does the baby need in the hospital?

What to include in the "alarm suitcase" in the hospital? Baby items list:

  • Diapers. It will take about 20 pieces. It is better to collect several stamps to avoid an allergic reaction in a child. Some maternity hospitals give out trial diaper kits. Take the smallest size. These packs are usually labeled New born.
  • Baby wet wipes - will help clean the baby's skin when changing a diaper.
  • Diaper cream. It is better to take to avoid diaper rash.
  • Oil or fat baby cream. The skin of newborns is very dry in the early days - it needs help to maintain water balance.
  • Disposable diapers - for diaper changes and checkups.
  • Digital Thermometer. Mercury will not be allowed to be brought in, and the temperature of the child must be measured and brought to the attention of the doctors every day.

Soothers, baby clothes, bottles and cloth diapers should be left at home - in maternity hospitals they give out their own. And pacifiers and bottles are not welcome in principle, because they can lead to rejection of the breast. They should be used only after lactation is established, and the baby and mother find harmony in breastfeeding.

It happens that the mother does not have milk for several days. Then doctors recommend supplementing the baby with formula or donor milk. But even then, large syringes with the needle removed are used, not bottles with a pacifier.

Bag three: things for the child to be discharged

A happy moment has come, and the newly-made mother with the baby goes home. Before that, relatives should bring her the remaining two bags, collected in advance especially for this occasion.

So the “alarming suitcase” was assembled for the maternity hospital. A list of things for the baby to be discharged can also come in handy.

For a child, the set of things is as follows:

  • A pair of disposable diapers just in case.
  • Underwear, such as cotton overalls or a set of blouses and sliders, a thin hat on the head.
  • Two diapers, warm and light, if the mother decides to swaddle the baby.
  • Suit over underwear.
  • Outerwear. Depends on the time of year. It can be an envelope or overalls for the season, be sure to have another hat with ties.
  • Car seat 0+ if the trip is by car. Now manufacturers are pleased with a huge variety of car seat options for the smallest. Every family will find something to their liking and affordability. A trip in a car for a child must be safe!

Bag four: things for the mother to be discharged

For mom you need to collect:

  • Underwear. It is put on in the ward.
  • Corset or you can use an existing bandage. They will hide the tummy that has not yet returned to shape, and it will not attract too much attention in the photographs from the discharge.
  • Shoes are chosen according to the liking and season. It will not be very comfortable to be discharged in high-heeled shoes, it is better to limit yourself to a slight rise or do without it at all.
  • The clothes are assembled according to the same principle. If you want a dress - feel free to go ahead! But no one will make a comment for a regular tracksuit or jeans.
  • Outerwear for the season.
  • Decorations. If you want beauty and good photos.


As you can see, the “alarm suitcase” for a pregnant woman in the maternity hospital is very diverse. Therefore, it is really possible to keep track of everything only if there is a list according to which things are collected.

And when to collect the "alarming suitcase" in the hospital? Because of all of the above, it is recommended to do the preparations not a couple of days before the expected birth, but in advance. This is necessary in order to be ready in case of an unforeseen situation. Labor can begin as early as 37 weeks of gestation. Approximately by this time and should be collected.

So, it's been 8 months since I gave birth, and here just recently my sister gave birth. She already has two older children. But she did not remember what to take to the hospital. So I didn’t collect anything, I didn’t have time, the contractions began earlier than planned. And the next day, her husband ran all over the city to bring this, this, and this, and definitely that. And I also have two girlfriends in a position, they call and ask if I need to take something to the maternity hospital, they seem to say that everything is given there now? Yes, they do. In paid. But what they gave us was far from my ideal of the first things for the baby, so it’s good that I packed my bag;) While chatting with my friends, I decided to write down everything that is fresh in my memory, what should I eventually take with me maternity hospital. Perhaps it will be useful to one of the preparing mothers! ;) On average, the list will need to be adjusted depending on the season.

I gave birth in February, at -45 ° C, and I will give my list:

  1. Agreement with the maternity hospital (if you give birth for a fee)
  2. Identification
  3. Exchange card
  4. Gaskets. Soft, big and thick. Thin, like always, koteh and others, you can’t even consider it, they won’t help
  5. Breast pads
  6. nursing bra
  7. 2 nightgowns with buttons, so that it is convenient to unbutton and feed the baby
  8. Robe
  9. Slippers
  10. Socks
  11. Hair band if you have long hair!
  12. Cream Bepanten (generally an indispensable thing for a young mother! :)
  13. Panties, preferably made of cotton, with shorts, can be a size larger than you usually wear
  14. Deodorant
  15. Toothbrush
  16. Toothpaste
  17. Face cream
  18. Cosmetics (for sure, relatives will come to the discharge with a camera / camera, and a young mother needs to look well-groomed even after a difficult birth! :)
  19. Bottle of water
  20. chocolate bar
  21. Apple.

What you need to take for the baby:

  1. Diapers for newborns (respectively for a boy or a girl, depending on who you expect). I have taken and still take Japanese diapers, I am very pleased with them, and the baby's ass is always dry and white.
  2. Napkins for diapers. I took Johnson & Johnson, they are soft and odorless.
  3. 2 vests, 2 sliders.
  4. 6 bodysuits. Bodysuits turned out to be much more convenient for me than vests and sliders. I took 6, because while I was lying there was nowhere to wash and I just took a new one every time.
  5. 3 hats (all three were useful to us, one got dirty, another was dropped, the third went home :)
  6. 6 diapers.
  7. Infrared thermometer. I did not take it, but in vain! At the maternity hospital, the nurse came 3 times a day to measure the temperature and each time they unwrapped the baby to insert their digital thermometer, which sometimes went astray, and it was necessary to measure the temperature again. An infrared thermometer in this sense will facilitate such a procedure 10 times.
  8. pacifier.
  9. Cotton mittens for newborns.
  10. Baby soap. You can take earth friendly baby organic soap, it is odorless, chemical-free and very gentle on baby's delicate skin.
  11. Outlet clothing.
  12. Envelope (in my case it was downy).
  13. Cradle from the stroller. In my case, I needed it because it was cold and windy. I wrapped the baby up and put him in the cradle, and he was calm and warm there.

Prepare all things in advance, put them in bags and in one bag. For the baby, wash and iron everything on both sides, put everything in the same bags and in a separate bag.

In general, my bags were ready in a month :) Everything was ready and waiting for us to finally go to the hospital! Only water, chocolate, an apple, as well as things for the child, I put literally on the eve of the birth.

Of course, you will tweak something according to your needs, but in general, these are the first necessary things. And even if everything is provided to you in the maternity hospital, let the packed things be at home. This is in case you don’t like something, then it will be enough for your husband to deliver ready-made bags to you in the ward. ;)

I re-read a bunch of sites with recommendations from girls who took what to the hospital. There is really a lot of information on the Internet, but so much superfluous. Girls take so much with them to the hospital. Therefore, to make it easier for you in the future, I will share what I myself collected in the maternity hospital and what was eventually needed.

For information, she gave birth in the maternity hospital on Bekeshskaya (Penza). I didn’t go to the maternity hospital in advance, I arrived already in the state of childbirth. So I won’t say “what” and “how” about the prenatal department. But in any case, I collected things for all cases: prenatal department, generic, postnatal and discharge.

And there is my Bag in the Maternity Hospital (what I collected with me)

I want to make a reservation right away that in our maternity hospitals in Penza they are not allowed to come with real bags or backpacks. Only packages can be used. So keep this fact in mind when collecting things.

1. Documents

This item is not changed in any way. For the past month, I have always carried all these documents with me in my bag wherever I went. You never know what can happen during a walk or gatherings in a cafe. Without packages, they will let you into the hospital, but without documents and an exchange card - NO.

- passport

- insurance policy

- insurance certificate

- exchange card

- birth certificate

2. Things in the maternity hospital for mom

Usually, things for the mother are divided into three components: in the prenatal ward, in the postnatal ward, and things for discharge.

What do we take with us?

2.1. At the prenatal ward. This section is relevant if you are going to lie in prenatal. And if you go to the hospital after contractions, as happened with me, then we skip this section. Although you never know how you will go to the hospital. It is better to be in all weapons, but with an extra package.

— Cotton nightgown. No guipure or silk pins are allowed. Pajamas with shorts and panties are also prohibited. I only needed my nightgown for 15 minutes in the examination room at the receiver. Then I changed into a hospital nightgown and went to the delivery room.

— Robe cotton, with a clasp that can be quickly unfastened.

- Rubber slates.

- Shower towel and small hand towel. They will also be needed in the postpartum ward.

— Disposable diapers 1 pack, it contains 5 pieces. Usually taken for examination by a doctor.

- Hygiene products, they will also be needed in the postpartum department:

- soap in the soapbox tse or liquid soap;

- a roll of toilet paper;

- face wash.

- Comb and some hair ties.

- Crockery: a cup, a plate (I took a deep one), a tablespoon and a teaspoon, a fork.

- Garbage bags.

2.2. To the postpartum ward

— Robe cotton, with a clasp that can be quickly unfastened. This is usually either a full-length front closure or wraparound ties. I had one with a lock. You will also need a bathrobe in the postnatal ward. When choosing a bathrobe, look at the weather. If you give birth in the summer, then take a bathrobe as light as possible and with short sleeves. If in the cold season - warmer and with a long sleeve. A coat is a must. You are not allowed to leave the room without it.

- Rubber slates. I took the usual beach slates "through the finger." Although most people take such terrible rubber slippers without noses, I don’t have these and I didn’t buy additional ones. I note that I took two pairs with me - one for the shower, the other as permanent ones. Since it was summer and warm, my over-the-finger slates were comfortable for me. But if you will give birth in the spring-autumn-winter, it will probably be cool in the hospital and you will need to put noses on your feet. And they are not convenient to wear if you have slates like mine. Then there is the option of "terrible shales", well, or a good alternative to Crocs.

- Socks (new, clean) 2 pairs. I didn't need it because it was warm. But it is better to take with you, they do not take up much space.

— Panties postpartum 4 pieces. For some reason, in the maternity hospital on Bekeshskaya, they are not allowed to use them, as it turned out. I only needed it on the day of release.

- Postpartum pads 2 packs (20 pieces). Get the largest ones from the pharmacy. This volume was enough for me, I was in bed for three days, on the fourth we were discharged. In any case, this is the item that relatives can always bring to you and pass on.

- Nursing bra. Personally, I didn't need it.

– Absorbent breast pads 1 pack of 30 pieces. Personally, I didn't need it. It all depends on how much milk you have.

- Much water. It is convenient to take bottles of 0.5 litres. with sport neck. I took 6 bottles . I drank everything very quickly. On the very first day after lunch, relatives brought two more 1.5 liter bottles. I drank a lot of water.

- Small snack after childbirth: Heinz baby biscuits 2 packs and 3 cereal bars . I ate it all, I wanted more. I really wanted to eat after giving birth. Given the fact that I gave birth at night at 1.45, I entered the maternity hospital at 8 pm and the last time before that I had only had lunch at 2 pm.

- Shower towel and small hand towel. We definitely take.

— Disposable diapers 1 pack, it contains 5 pieces. Were not needed.

- Hygiene products. The same that was collected in a bag for the prenatal department + Bepanten ointment.

— wet wipes for intimate hygiene, 2 packs;

- Zewa handkerchiefs, 3 packs of 10 pieces each;

- toothbrush and toothpaste;

- shampoo and balm hair conditioner; I poured into small tubes so as not to carry large ones. I did not wash my hair in the hospital. In the first two days, there was no strength for it. And on the last day I realized that I simply wouldn’t dry my length there and would wash it for a very long time, and I was afraid to leave the baby alone, I could wake up at any minute. I even brought my own hair dryer.

- shower gel; also poured into a small tube;

- soap in a soap dish or liquid soap ;

- toilet paper roll ;

- cream for stretch marks;

- face wash.

- Comb and some rubber bands.

- Crockery: a cup, a plate (I took a deep one), a tablespoon and a teaspoon, a fork . Everything came in handy. They went to the dining room with their instruments and with them went to the wards.

- Garbage bags.

2.3. Things to check out

I didn't take anything beforehand. At home, she hung up two dresses in which she intended to be discharged. I didn’t know what form I would be in after giving birth and which one would suit me. Closer to the day of discharge, I decided. I also collected a cosmetic bag with cosmetics at home in advance to put myself in order and restore beauty. I asked the cosmetic bag to bring my husband on the eve of discharge. And the clothes were not allowed to be handed over in advance, they were given immediately before discharge, and I quickly changed clothes while the nurse was wrapping the child. You will leave the ward with a child in your arms and with documents in a holatik. And the nurse will pick up your packages and hand them over to your relatives at the discharge.

3. Things in the hospital for the baby

I did not take anything with me in advance. In my maternity hospital they told me not to take anything with me, they have everything you need.

Every day they brought a whole mountain of diapers and we wrapped our babies in them, no diapers. Although diapers are allowed to be used at the request of the mother. It is also allowed to bring clothes for the baby and not to swaddle him in hospital diapers. They brought me undershirts, but it was somehow not convenient with them, so we spent all three days in diapers.

The pacifier for the baby was brought on the second day, since the whole first day he was quiet, slept and did not cry. But in our case, the nipple did not help and was spit out by the baby.

Do not take things for discharge for the baby in advance, relatives will bring them to you on the day of discharge.

How did we discharge the baby?

- cotton undershirt; without frills and other bells and whistles, not at all festive, ordinary with bears;

- cotton diaper; plain white with bears;

- diaper;

- IKEA fleece blanket;

- cotton hat; plain, blue with bears. In it, we then walked on the street.

As you can see, we did not have any frills, bows and huge envelopes. The nurse was even surprised - “Where is the blue ribbon?”. And I said, “Why is she? You wrapped the baby in a blanket, right now, dad will take him in his arms and carry him to the car, nothing will have time to turn around. I am glad that we did not buy a special set for discharge, but managed with those things that were then worn every day. And I already wrote about the IKEA plaid, it is our favorite, we are always and everywhere with it. At home, we cover them in the crib and in the stroller, too, a blanket (the second one was bought for walking).

I hope my article turned out to be sufficiently detailed and useful. Who will have questions, write in the comments.

After the 35th week, labor can begin at any time. Therefore, it is wise to pack a "disturbing suitcase" that you will take with you when you go to the hospital.

It is better to prepare things in advance for discharge, because the husband can forget something in a hurry. Leave this second bag at home, not forgetting to show your spouse where it is. But what to put in the first - we'll talk about this.

If you go to the hospital for the first time, and even do it in a hurry, you may forget something important. For example, a passport or an insurance policy. Or maybe a bathrobe or socks, which is also important. Therefore, prepare everything in advance.

What to take to the hospital

Things that need to be prepared for the maternity hospital can be divided into two groups: for the expectant mother and for the long-awaited baby. And you will also need a separate category - things for the day of discharge from the hospital.

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Things for Mom

  • money for travel and documents;

If you signed an agreement with the maternity hospital in advance, do not forget to take this document. Write a note with the phone number of the doctor, midwife, if you have a personal agreement. You also need an insurance policy, a passport, a certificate for childbirth, an exchange card for a pregnant woman.

  • clock and notebook;

They will be required to measure the time of contractions and record their duration. It will also be possible to write down the recommendations of doctors and midwives for caring for a newborn, information about vaccinations, and other information in a notebook.

  • personal items;

You will need a bathrobe, slippers and slippers for the shower, 3-4 nightgowns if you do not want to use maternity hospital ones. You may still need to wear an official shirt for childbirth, but when you and your newborn are transferred to the ward, you can use your own things. But different maternity hospitals have different rules, so it makes sense to find out in advance what is allowed and what is not.

Be sure to bring socks with you (if you're having a baby in the winter, grab a pair of woolen socks as well). Women in labor have very cold feet. Don't forget a few pairs of underpants and a nursing bra.

  • hygiene products;

You will need hygienic pads for women with maximum absorbency, breast pads, baby soap (2 pcs: one for hands, one for washing the baby), wet baby wipes, toilet paper, towel, shower gel, toothbrush and paste, washcloth, hair dryer , hairpin, comb.

  • cup, plate, spoon, fork;
  • a magazine or favorite book (for some, reading helps to distract themselves during contractions);
  • mobile phone;
  • massage cream (preferably for children);
  • a bottle of drinking water and sugar-free lollipops - perhaps they will help you take your mind off the pain and moisten your mouth during contractions;
  • tennis ball (it is convenient for them to massage their back during contractions);
  • if you are planning a family birth, do not forget to take a disposable set of clothes for a partner birth;
  • camera;
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What to take for the baby

In addition to baby wipes and soap for washing, you will need several diapers, undershirts and rompers (2 pairs each) or 2 cotton overalls. But in some maternity hospitals it is not allowed to bring your own clothes for newborns until discharge. Don't forget diapers. You need the smallest ones, for newborns.

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What do you need for checkout?

You will need shoes and a set of clothes that you wore at 5-6 months of pregnancy. Do not ask your husband to bring you pre-pregnancy jeans or a dress, the belly will go away only after 5-6 weeks, when the uterus returns to its normal size.

For the baby, take diapers, 2 diapers (cotton and flannel), a bodysuit or undershirt, sliders, overalls, a bonnet, terry or woolen socks, an envelope according to the season and weather (or a blanket) and a baby car seat.