Manifestation of men's love. Sexual and mental attraction. Male perception of relationship with a woman

Signs of love men to a woman are easily determined by the behavior of the representative of a strong sex, because when passing a girl, his inner state changes.

Every woman wants to know for sure that he feels in relation to her a man. Someone notices this at an intuitive level, and someone needs one hundred percent evidence of sympathy. But first things first.

Male perception of relationship with a woman

Male floor and female are distinguished not only physiologically, but also psychologically. Therefore, to understand each other - the task is not from the lungs. At least not for everyone.

Not in vain say that a man from Mars, and a woman with Venus. Two are identical, but at the same time, different creatures.


The perception of relationships in a man and women will drastically differ.

To truly get close to the girl, the representative of the opposite sex needs to go through five stages:

  • attraction;
  • uncertainty;
  • needs to be the only one;
  • indifference;
  • engagement.

At the first stage, the young man is experiencing a sense of attraction to his partner. It all starts with the appearance of the girl. It is for that, first of all, a man looks.

But one of the appearance of the guy does not attract, at least many girls say that men need only sex. Intellect of the girl, her manner of speech, character, etc. is also important for the young man.

That is, the representatives of the strong floor are also inherent in high feelings. In the second stage, a man can move away from his chosen to decide, and whether he needs these relationships that they bring in his life.

A girl during this period should be disturbed by a young man, trying to figure out the relationship with him, create a quarrel, and leave him alone with himself.

As a rule, after a short period, the young man clings to the lady even more. Thus, the young man is approaching the third stage, when he not only begins to pay more attention to his elected, but also requires the same attitude towards himself.

He becomes more jealous. Every man for him is a potential opponent. At this moment, the quarrels and clarification of relations on elevated colors.

In order not to lead to such a girl, you just need to share warm with a man more often, and tell him that he is the best for her.

To the fourth stage, lovers are suitable for one whole. They have no secrets from each other, they are shared without constraints, they know all their drawbacks, but, despite this, they retain love.

At the master of the engagement, a man begins to think, and is it the person with whom he would like to spend the rest of his life?

It was during this period that many couples fall apart, because for one personal freedom may be more important than the feelings of another.

Keys to understanding the opposite sex

Not every woman forces to understand his man, because representatives of the opposite sex often hide their emotions. But it still depends on the temperament of a young man.

Someone openly manifests their feelings, and someone needs a lot of time to get used to the partner, to open him.

It is possible to understand what a man feels, on the following signs:

Fear of losing a woman This is the main sign of high feelings to your chosen. But, these signs of love men to a woman can be a conventional egoism, fear of loneliness
He can take care of the need to take care and sorry his girlfriend Each representative of the strong half of humanity is inherent in the desire to take care and protect the beloved, which is physically weaker. Elutes he tries to please in every way to please the woman, and does not require any favor in return, it says about his love
Admiration of the lady A man openly admires the beauty, mind and even the lack of a girl. Everything is in it for him - perfect. About these often say "put on pink glasses"

The main signs of love men to a woman real

Each representative of the male half of humanity manifests its sympathy in different ways. But there are several signs of love that all the guys stand out.


At the stage of love, when the relationship is just beginning, almost every man periodically pokes the object with his passion with gifts. Such a period is also called "candy-bought".

If a man does not bother in gifts, it does not necessarily show his serious intentions. Maybe he wants to buy "sex" and nothing more.

The young man in love gives gifts with the goal to please his beloved, enjoy emotions from her joy. This may be a minor present.

The main thing is to show attention. Therefore, if there are no gifts, even hints on them, this testifies to the lack of serious intention in relation to the girl from the man.

Manifestation of romance

Men know that girls are very emotionally react to all sorts of romantic things, so they try to periodically arrange such perfromances.

The guy can arrange a beloved romantic evening with candles, or arrange a dinner on the roof of the altitude. All this is done in order to be alone in the atmospheric and romantic setting.

Usually, after such evenings, steam is even more approaching. Therefore, if a young man does not indulge the girl with periodic arrangement of "romance", it means that he has no ideas and desire, or love, as such, is absent.

Confusion along with the recklessness

When even the most brave and decisive guy falls in love, he, in moments of relationship with his beloved, becomes indecisive and confused. This manifests itself from uncertainty.

Men accustomed to hide their emotions, but this does not mean that they are less disturbing. The guys are also afraid to make mistakes, make mistakes, so they become emotional vulnerable.

At the same time, a young man has a desire and motivation to make reckless actions, if you can conquer the heart with your beloved.

Body language will tell about many

To get the most accurate information about a man in love or not, you need to learn to understand the body language.

The non-verbal signs of love men to a woman whose psychology is easy to understand is also not difficult to determine.

When the guy is with the object of his lust, his leg socks look in her direction. Even if he is not inclined to an optimistic mood when a girl is near, he smiles a lot.

At these moments, a word of what the girl said, the word or gesture can be interpreted by a guy like a hint of a closer connection.

Therefore, a man will periodically try to hug a woman or touch her. The last, very characteristic signs of love men to a woman, because if the guy has a desire to touch the woman, he, at least it is not indifferent to it.

In a public place, a young man will try to sit as close as possible to the object of passion, or you will not touch it.

The desire to protect the loved one

Even such ordinary desires, how to incur a handbag behind a girl or hide it with their jacket, can talk about the presence of romantic feelings of a young man to a woman.

If in ancient times the need to protect the favorite manifested itself in the desire to bring production to dinner and divorce fire, the modern realities provide all the conditions for a comfortable stay.

Each in love man wants his woman to live in warm and comfort and did not need anything. This is a kind of defense.

The guy tries to earn more money, even if he had never been observed before him. He wants a woman to perceive him as a real man, a minider.

7 signs that are weakly in marriage

When lovers in marriage, and not one year, signs of love Slowly erase in consciousness, the girl gets used to the attention of her husband.

Even if these are obvious signs, they are not always noticeable in marriage:

Kisses First of all, coming from work, the husband kisses his woman. And this is not just kisses in the cheek, but passionate on the lips. He speaks much more than simple hugs. If you want to kiss, then loves and missed
Contacts If the husband went on a business trip, then at least once will call and contact his wife. Men either bored on a business trip, or rejoice that finally broke out. When the guy misses, he will call much more often than a girl can imagine. After all, a happy husband wants to go home quickly. He will not be jealous, as it is completely confident in the loyalty of his woman
Husband who loves will periodically talk about it After all, strong love never fards, if you keep it with pleasant and gentle words of gratitude to your half
Help The husband takes an active part in raising children, helps in the house. He understands that a woman should not have one to engage in household problems, and does everything that the family nest is a cozy and calm place where love prevails
Compliments He makes compliments without reason. A woman can notice that her husband periodically examines her and make up the feeling that it never annoy him. He is in love, despite all the flaws of the girl, blinded by love
Support A man will always comfort or support his wife if she is upset. Try to enter the situation and understand your loved one. First of all, in order to deal with what is happening. After all, support is an important thing that unites happy spouses.
Openness Male representatives are generally difficult to be open and sincere with someone. They often keep everyone in themselves. But before a hot-beloved woman, a man always opens, sharing his experiences. If he is bad, he, first of all, will follow support for his chosen. But the girl should not take sincerity for weakness

What else do you need to know

With love is clear. And what if you do not know how to determine the dislike for yourself. There is also nothing complicated here. Each girl understands and feels when she does not like her. But not everyone is afraid to admit to himself in this opening.

Signs of dislike

Every woman feels if there is no love from the young man, or the love has cooled. A person in love will be desired to spend any free time with his half.

If a man does not feel passionate feelings to his object, he will want to meet only when it is convenient to him. Not believing with the opinion of the girl.

The "Male" in love will listen to any ripper from the mouth of the attractive object, just to look at him and enjoy the society.

Not in love with a man will not spend a lot of time with a girl who he does not like. Still, he has his own life, and maybe the woman he is willing to pay attention to.

Video: How to understand what you love? Languages \u200b\u200bof love and signs of love men to a woman

The best way to understand, do you like a man, ask him for help. A man that says the girl is just a friend, will not throw all things and drive to help her. In love with his passion will find time and raises help.

Manifestation of a sympathy of a married man to a married woman

Usually, it can be seen in a person if he is experiencing love in relation to the girl. But a married man will thoroughly hide his feelings, especially if the woman is married.

But, nevertheless, there are several signs that a married man fell in love, the behavior and body language will give him:

Wishes to take care Even a banal offer to lift or help drag furniture may indicate the interest of the man
Nervous The situation at which he, a married man, shows interest in not a lonely woman, makes him nervous, if not in panic
Laskovo calls Men call women with dimensional names, if at least not indifferent to the girl. Moreover, at work (if a man and woman work together), where it is not established, this sign says a lot
Interested in the identity of the girl A man is trying to ask the girl about her preferences, hobbies, family. He will be interested in any trifle if it concerns the desired object
Much love Invents situations at which he cannot go home to the family. Speaks about his wife not with the best side. Everything for the object of his sympathies to understand what he does everything right. So needed because everything is bad in the family

It is necessary to remember that the relationship is doing strong each of the parties. Applying efforts need both a man and a woman, equally.

Girls should enjoy even the slightest manifestations of the men, because this indicator is very valuable.

If doubts are doubts about the guy's love to you, it means that there is no attention or there is little. In this case, you need to talk with your chosen one and figure out what is missing from each party.

The conversation that took place on time will help renew the relationship and bring passion and love in them.Signs of real love men are always visible.

If they are, there will be no doubts about the girl. It is impossible for a long time to pretend, fake your feelings, especially if they are strong.

When a man loves, then in the first place he has a desire and priorities of beloved- At first he thinks about her, and even then - about himself.

A loving man with a capital letter "M" will never hit a woman.

... Yes, he can slightly slap it, playing. Maybe 1 (but only one!) Times for the coolness, so that she knew the boundaries of the permanent and unacceptable behavior with him when the lady too will play and overtake the stick. But then it will definitely apologize and promises that it will not happen again - and will not repeat.

After all, if the wife is never a bit, then she is not loved by real. But if the wife allows you to hit yourself more than once, trying to forgive everything and understand the "breakdowns" of the spouse for yourself, then she is a fool.

If a man beats a woman - he also does not like.And it is not only about physical blows, but also spiritual, moral wounds, psychological betrayal - lies, deception, treasures, making important problems ...

And at its expense, he solves its internal psychological problems or repeats his father's unsuccessful parent scenario, selfish self-afforded or something else ...

Love men manifest to the woman in that he does not humiliate it and does not insult. Only in self-defense order, if such nasty allows himself in his address - and that, strictly dosed, so that it is not offended, not to touch the feeling of self-esteem, for re-education.

But swear and quarrel, scandaling and finding out the relationship they may forever ... or from time to time it depends on the temperature of the pair. And this is good, because it is better kind, passionate quarrel, the indifference, unresolved problems and irresistible, covered offensive, which these relationships are ultimately littered and killed.

How to understand if a man loves? When the guy loves, the girl does not need to understand - she just knows it. Feels, feels, aware of intuitively - without evidence and words. When a woman is loved and welcome, she always knows it.

When a girl loves a guy, she does not need to prove his love, the power of feelings, respect - he simply does not require them. We require women evidence of their love only those men who these ladies are indifferent, but are needed only for self-affirmation - in order to increase their own status and significance at their own way and eyes.

Therefore, if suddenly the guy asks you to "Evidence of Love"- in particular, sex or jump from the 9th floor (in my practice there were such cases) then know - he just doesn't love you And stupidly breeds on sex or nonsense, because Stupid himself. Loving any evidence is not needed - he is already buzzing from the fact that you are here and next to him.

When he loves - she soars in heaven from happiness. Of course, if love is mutual. And his desire to make her happy - he is rebeling bottomless, she just bathes in his feelings and they enjoy their happiness mutually.

True love softens the heart of a man, even if he is a real Iron Warrior. Makes it softer, gentle, kindly to people - teaches sympathy and good deeds, combines beautiful and noble deeds. It can even make a knight from the barbecue and scoundrel, to make a decisive and confident tiger from the coward.

The most important quality of how a man shows love, the following - he plans a collaborative future with a woman.

Generally wants and in every way tends to "stroke their territory" - makes a proposal of hands and hearts, plans and plays a wedding, makes a beloved baby, helps to care for the offspring and does not run away from responsibility, but it rejoices as proof that she will be with him - he Easy it!

Therefore, a loving person always actively discusses the future with his favorite partner - he does not avoid these conversations about the future, about how everything will be later, in a few days, weeks, months and years, and dreams with her about it about it all. He has such conversations in joy, and not in tightness.

Be sure to become acquainted with your friends and parents - to boast and / or show where and in what conditions, next to whom he has grown before becoming those who he is.

You can throw in me stones how much you want, but love men also manifests itself in its generosity- When the soul is open with love for a woman, he does not save any ruble on it, but ready to give everything - and earn it, the only thing, even more.

In general, greed is a mental vice of egoist people, and egoism itself is a diagnosis, it must be treated. These people do not like themselves and prohibit themselves much, thinking that they get at the expense of others, and really depriving themselves very much ...

Therefore, the loving cavalier for the sake of the lady of his heart will open the last piggy bank, but will invite to the most romantic dinner at candlelight. Sell \u200b\u200ba car, but it does not dispel. Will buy her gifts, wear on hand, dedicate songs to watch cool movies interesting together ...

True love stimulates a man to ambitions and spiritual, professional growth.- Thanks to the Muse, the guys often begin to strive for career or business heights, earning much more - and not even so much for themselves, how much for her, for her beloved, so that it does not need anything, if only she was good ...

When a man loves, he not only offended his woman, but also will go for her for many victims - For example, it will refuse traditional boys with friends or even from some friends, will come home in time, to answer all her phone calls and questions "Where are you? With whom you are? When will you be home?"

He will walk with her shopping and to grasp bags. Will want a son from her - or daughter. It doesn't matter - if only the baby was born healthy and happy.

How else does men's love manifest? In loyalty. In his decision and desire to keep loyalty to her, to be only with her, do not offend her with his attention to other women.

When a man loves, he does not change.

Even pathological male males during love and the peak of love will not be elected on other women.

And if a man is normal, decent, with balanced, not a hyper labile and an excitable psyche, then he, so as not to make his wife unpleasantly, will not even be in her presence (and the most decent and responsible - even when it is not there) to look at other girls, Want them or dream about them. Of course, this is an extreme option. But it exists, believe me.

When he has little time, absolutely into the edge, anyway for the beloved there will always be an hour or a minuteTo tell pleasant words, call, cheer up, remind yourself.

"Once it is necessary for her - it means, and I need!"- Here is the motto of a loving male heart: all its problems automatically become its questions requiring immediate solution.

I was last article with the name "Men's love or when a man loves a woman .... The secrets of female tricks and wisdom ", which was widely separated from the Internet, often accused of being too idealizing the senses of men - too I give the characteristics in the separation from reality, they say, I describe the portrait of a Mazochista guy.

Moreover, it is often done by people who prevailed an article to the end or read it with incompleteness. And the secret of real love is that a man not only gives, but that his beloved woman in response also gifts him generously.

After all real, real, mutual love - It is always not only to give and get, and get, and give at the same time. Therefore, every time I write that the man does something for his beloved, I always mean that she in one way or another returns him his love in his words, deeds, actions. I.e they act symmetrically - moving towards each other.

There is no dragging of the blanket for yourself when, for example, he is everything for a girl, and she is nothing for him. Not. It is not love and I am not writing about it.

I am writing about when he takes a step towards his beloved - and she steals towards him. When both of them move towards each other, when not only he wants to please her in every way, but she wants to make a pleasant to him with all his soul.

Men's love forgets the chosen to any flawsAlthough it seems great and realizes. This passion or love does not see the disadvantage in the partner - the love is not blind and not deaf, she all sees and understands, but forgives and accepts a person completely - both with his merits, and with disadvantages, not idealizing it.

Makes gifts to your beloved girlTo please, please, deliver a few pleasant seconds of Euphoria and divide them with it.

This passion wants only to take, and love loves to give away - after all, giving more emotional kayfa. Although getting gifts, surprises are also cool.

When the love of men is real, none and nothing can divide them"Neither work, no considerations of a career, nor his wife or her husband, nor disagreement of parents, nor the sea, nor the oceans, no laziness, nor the calculation. They will be together in any way if, of course, it is love, not a fairy tale for the night and not noodles on the ears

As he said before, the highest manifestation of male feelings can be considered his proposal to marry him to share together and joy, and Mount Hypooplas to overcome any life adversity together, to simply be on legal, official grounds to be always there or not separated or Almost never.

A clever man when he loves, he will not let go of a woman with one rest without himself. It will not hang with friends until the morning. Will not reset the calls to your beloved or turn off the phone. It will not cover it with a mat, to humiliate - especially in the presence of outsiders. It will not change and even look in the other side, to flirt with other young lady. It will not poke her in the face of the shapes of the chick from the TV, putting them into the pan, they say, they are worse than you.

Will try to spend with a girlthat is stitched in his heart all his free time- And it will not be true. On the contrary, they will be great and cool together, relax, know something new.

In the separation of a loving man be sad in his second half, he wrote to her touching SMS, seemed on Skype and strive as quickly as possible with his beloved to reunite.

Wants her. Loves and wants to have sex with her- Often, a lot, passionately, actively, to the odors, horizontally and vertically, in any position, at least on the curtain or on the windowsill. Kissing with her languages, mouth in the mouth. It goes on bold experiments and trusts her how she he himself knows that neither she nor it will never harm each other.

Absolutely open and without complexes. Talk to sexual and any other topics - without restrictions and without taboos. This is normal - after all, sex is part of love, perhaps the most important, although not the main.

To achieve her love and reciprocity, is ready to absolutely on anything, on any fool and stupidity - just to be and be near her, breathe in one air and oxygen. When loves it's not afraid to look ridiculous or humiliate, seem clumsy on people, disgraced "After all, he to sneeze on everyone and the opinion of the public, among other things, it is important for him only one opinion and favorableness.

When a man loves, he is the first to call a girl, always in touchAlways ready to answer any questions.

This is when the guy does not like, and sailors, then he sharply appears in the life of a woman, he disappears sharply from her - for several days, weeks or even months. It can easily reset its call, do not call or not respond to SMS, ignore. Just take and disappear from her life under different favorable pretexts - and in fact because he is just so comfortable and because it is not very important for him, does not play an important role in his life ....

Manifestation of male love can be considered Trust in the relationship - When he and she absolutely calmly discuss any, even the most painful theme. Do not chase Ponte in front of each other and do not humiliate each other, and quietly discuss what they are worried that other people they simply cannot entrust the topic of discussion or her intimacy.

He can boldly entrust his most painful questions, open his real problems and sick places - he is not afraid of it to open and become vulnerable, because He knows that she will heal these wounds with his love, she can be trusted, she is his own, native, dear. She does not betray and will not go on girlfriends to talk about his problems. It is faithful from the beginning to the end - as well as he. Not without mistakes, imperfect, but you can trust.

And the woman knows that he can believe and trust. That his words are not fairy tales and not Basni, but the truth and real feelings.

Love must be able to distinguish from passion and dependence: Passion will pass in a few months, a maximum of one and a half or two years.

Love addiction makes a person with an unhappy sufferer, because There is no love, but there is a manipulation of one feelings of another.

Passion, like love, is normal phenomena in the life of any person, although the passion is often destroying. However, if a person is in life only the euphoric states of passion or obsessive states of addiction, then it is necessary to go to a psychotherapist or a psychologist-analyst to work out their roots, usually stretching from childhood and relationships with parents.

When in the heart of a man there is love, he is ready to wait close to his beloved at least a whole year.Well, 2-3 months can accurately wait alone, without a close society with other women, while the beloved will not understand that it is ready to entrust him not only the soul, but also the body.

If the guy tells you about your unearthly love, but, under the pretext, that you have no sex yet, physically loves other girls - do not believe him: he does not love you, and he needs the same as for others. Perhaps he just does not know how to love - did not learn. Or maybe he hid himself offended by the whole female world and thus just takes out in a row. Maybe his mother offended or classmate - what is your difference? If not waiting - it means, does not like.

He talks about his feelings, picks up and looking for beautiful words Her, says compliments, is recognized in love with thousands of ways, sends romantic postcards and romantic SMS, organizes original surprises, only please the beloved.

He nurses her and caresses, makes massages and delivers other sensual, kintest joy. And also tells his friend on the ear, she tries to dress for her beloved right and alena, if she loves perfume, it even enjoys pleasant for her aromas.

For the sake of his beloved men, they begin to shave and watch themselves, cook awesome breakfasts if not in bed, but on the table for two.

When the guy is in love, he is capable and makes a lot for her smile.

When the guy just physically wants a girl, it crares out her sexually, he will talk a lot - and very little to do.

If between the words and actions of the man there is no or almost no contradictions, inconsistencies, incompatience (i.e., when he is congruent), then this is love. When these most inconspicuousness and disadvantages are on each promise to several, then he lies and does not value relations, but deceives it, but maybe himself - for now.

How does a man show love? He does not compare his beloved with anyone.For him there is no Lip of Angelina Jolie or Breast Pamela Anderson - there is only she - and it is the most beautiful in any weight, condition, healthy or sick, pregnant or with a child, painted or not.

When she is bad, she knows that he can rely on him that he will receive his help and moral support. And not only them.

On the in love and truly loving man woman can rely on 100% in any situation- Without exceptions from this rule, without reservations and amendments.

Even if your favorite is not the right, loving guy Will always be on her side. Always help her get out of any fueling and will not stand at the price. Just because he loves.

True love Men is unconditional. Of course, it is ideal. After all, games are always present in our lives - and this is good, without them it would be boring.

But when there are real feelings, there is no place for such silly manipulating type: "If you don't do it, then I dislike you."

Blackmail and bribes in love Men and women are allowed only as entertainment, role-playing game, for refreshing relationships, when both understand that this game is. But to real threats, bribes, bribery and hard blackmail never comes to ever. Otherwise, it is not love!

Men's love lies in the desire to make a loved one.Loving does not try to buy her feelings, to bewitching it with some kind of potion, asserted at its expense, replenish its collection of her collection.

When a man loves, even if he is married, he forgets for her for her and will create a new family with itbecause It does not want to deceive and humiliate his former beloved wife, and will not lower his new beloved to the state of the desired and always waiting for love as a mistress.

If the feelings and calculation together with the considerations of personal comfort are put on flow, then can we talk about real male love? Rather, here we are talking about male myself and egoism.

They love different - good girls and terrible bitch. But when they love - they like the whole and completely, they take away with all the grooves, adore to madness and wear their choices on their hands, regardless of its character, appearance, figures, etc. external or internal characteristics. After all, love is a universal equalizer and an equalizer, it combines the unused and complements the insufficient.

For the sake of a beloved man, if in love seriously, ready and really refuses to many women in proximity and relationship - her one is ready to wait for eternity, even infinity. And will refuse everything in a row, because Thinks only about her here and now. And not even because it does not want to upset it, but simply because no other girl is needed.

Girlfriends wives for him do not represent any value and interest - even if the best girlfriend will play with him, he will not even think about treason with her.

If the guy is in love, he will sometimes behave naive and slightly stupid, touching like a small child.

He is not gouging to ask for forgiveness, if to blame. Silge the guilt if they guessed.

It will help in house and with a child, will not lean money from work and the need to infume money, shopping, to fulfill the requests of the wife.

The right sign of male love - loven never shy up with her belovedEven if she behaves in humans somehow not as he would like to. He will not be publicly wound and corrected, but only Tet-A-Tete will express all his discontent, without quirriage.

For example, even if she is visiting or a restaurant, a king soup, loudly serbates and is not going to correct this drawback, a loving person just accept it and will pretend that everything is fine, he does not notice anything, although he may not like it.

You can agree with him. Because he plans the overall future and is not going to leave, so it is discovered for dialogue and negotiations.

He will try to fully replenish the family budget so that the family does not need the necessary need. On the neck, the woman is sitting only Alphonsees and guys with a burdened parent scenario, for example, whose fathers also did not work, and the family contained and brought only the mother to himself. But for the sake of love, even such men change!

In general, the main sign of male love is that For the sake of his beloved, a loving man is changing !!!

Really changes - not in words, but in affairs and actions. Reprove yourself. Improves. She strives for something new - for her.

I can not change another person. But if a person loves me, for me, he can change.

Lovers guys calmly appear with a beloved on people, in public places - cinemas, restaurants, bowling, nightclubs, at work, relatives, friends familiar.

If a man meets the woman strictly at her house in bed, then a priori can not speak about serious relationships.

If he avoids going next to her hand outside or in public places, it means that he most likely not one - he is either married or there is a bride.

For a loving guy, his girl's appearance is not important, like a figure, and the number of kilograms, photogenicity, physical education or plasticity - no, she is important for him, her soul, her kindness and beauty, her caress and care for him. He loves her all and different- sneezing and with snot, embittered and gentle, recording poems and perturbed established orders, in an old pre-revolutionary dress and fruit mask on the head ....

He is next to her not only when she is good, but when she is bad - Trying to help, console, reduce pain, become a medicine for it ...

If a man loves, he loves a woman one - not immediately three, and not two, and not packs, like dumplings, but only one, the only one. And this rule - without exception. Love is a piece goods that combines pairs.

No swing dating and communication, group sex and other perversions loving heart will never offer, as one wants to own a favorite body one, itself. And his woman will not be ascended by anyone, and he does not fall under anyone ....

A man manifests his love with the fact that in a fire or in any other extreme situation, first of all save their favorite and children, not money, passports and documents.

Loving hearts do not care what they are the sign of the zodiac and how beautiful the horoscope are - if only the Lord God blessed their love and fate, and with him any tricks of unclean strength - overcoming.

He doesn't care what she's dressed and with some taste or without - it is important that she is near. If his great fashion girl is, it will indulge her whims and help regularly update the wardrobe.

Inside is ready to overcome any obstacles to their joint happiness, ready to sacrifice many - not only for her, but for the sake of common, joint happiness.

During sex, he thinks not only about himself, but the pleasure of his beloved - noble "misses the lady forward," gives it an orgasm or a few, and only then seeks to get their own pleasure.

The opinion of his beloved is always important for him and is usually taken into account, even if he disagrees with him, but he always remembers about him and makes amendments to her position, given it to one degree or another.

Eats from her hands not even the most delicious or exquisite food - and eats and praises, and does not forget to say "Thank you!"

It's not afraid of conversations with her about the future, no marriage, nor about children, nor even the wedding.

When a man is in love, he escorts or brings a woman to work and meets it from there.

He misses her during the working day. Thinks. Remembers. Fantasies. Gives her to know about his love longing and sadness, gentle erotic fantasies and sweet bed dreams.

When their first, and the second, and even the third child, gets up at night, helps feed and wash the baby, wear a diaper, helps a young mother with domestic duties, understands that although she is sitting at home, but still strongly tired of loneliness and round-the-clock concerns about the child.

When the guy loves, it never deals with a date.He may not come to him as my husband, because he fell into an accident, but never delaminates specially. Only in the most extreme case.

If everything is fine with a man, he is alive and well, but late for a "valid reason," he also does not respect you - get ready, you are waiting for unpleasant surprises.

After all, he is late who believes that it has the right to be late who demonstrates waiting for their own significance and thereby self-afforded. Such people usually do not know how to love, the maximum, which is capable of - is a passion, and with treason, including.

When a man loves and really in love with a girl, he will come on a date that the first is - so also in advance, just not to miss his chance to become happy with her.

The wisdom and love of the man often manifests the fact that he does not insist on his right thing, but can calmly evade or get out of the dispute, to give in it - and at the same time will not lose its dignity, because he knows that male dignity is quite in another - In the ability to achieve your own, for example, to make the possession of a beloved woman. And all the rest of the little things - you can come to them and reconcile.

A loving guy does not criticize the appearance of his lady - he will not make his remark about her figure or face hurt, uncomfortable, uncomfortable. But the lady should not criticize the appearance of his cavalier, otherwise it may run into the "compliment".

When there is love in the men's heart, there is no sharp disappearance for it.Well, if he really will have to go somewhere far away, he will try to warn her about it in advance so as not worried. It is only pickuparts quietly disappear without declaring war and reasons for several days, weeks and months, and then return, as if nothing has happened. When the guy loves, he will simply not allow such a pig attitude towards his beloved girl.

He cares about her feelings, protects her, does not want his beloved in vain and worried.

I will never quit the choices in trouble, even if she disappointed him and did hurt.

Does not seek to demonstrate or discuss your relationship with a girl in public, with friends, relatives, unfamiliar or semi-random love. Does not try to dear favorite confessions in love at the stadium or other public places,because In such public "manifestations of love" more self-love and selfishness than real feelings.

Her and his life and relationship are their personal matter, and there is no place to third-party observers.

Also, men's love is manifested in the fact that if the beloved woman has children not from him, he will still be able to love them and take, as his own, because Just transfer the warmth of his feelings with it on them.

When he loves - she knows it, feels, sees, hears, feeling every cell of his body - without unnecessary evidence, and sometimes even without words, at the level of subconscious and intuition.

If the girl does not know, he loves her or not, suffering doubts, constant flour and torment, experiences about the meaning of his words and actions, then ... most likely he does not like. Because If I loved, I would not make it suffer so to suffer and suffer, worry - just could not and would not want to hurt her. After all, for a loving heart, the happiness of his beloved person is the highest point of pleasure, and her grief is his grief.

Not everything is so simple in the world of men. They live with us, love us, but played by their rules. And we, girls, you need these rules to know to understand what game to lead and how to win. The more competently, you will show yourself in relationships with the lover, the more points earn in the eyes of the chosen as his girl, a wife and mother of future children.

Neither step back, or the rule is the first

All people are mistaken, but men never. Statistics "School of Hunting" (sampling of five thousand men) joyfully reports that the likelihood of recognizing a man of his mistake is striving for zero. This is especially true if the rights turned out to be a woman. A man, of course, can apologize, but with what pleasure he will dump everything in circumstances. Said that they were forced: "I did not want, but it happened." The most amazing thing is, most likely he tells the truth, and the most difficult thing is to look at this truth with male eyes. I warn you immediately, guilty in his story will be: colleagues, bosses, situation, but not he himself.

The only intention that he pursues at that moment is a desperate desire to stay for you a good guy. After all, when the man did not meet your expectations, he is most afraid of being bad. He himself perfectly understands what is to blame. When a woman constantly points out a man on his blunders and recalls old sins, he will sooner or later begin to fit the worst expectations.

As soon as the man was mistaken, and you were right, you inevitably get up to choose: to be right and defend your point of view or be happy and look at the situation with the eyes of a man. And you choose the second, if you value with your relationship. While you take it the truth, while looking at him with faith and admiration in the view - he will strive to meet his reflection in the eyes of his beloved woman.

Step forward, two steps ago, or the rule is second

Male acquaintance Not seeking serious relationship. It is quite enough "regular frivolous". Remember how often it sounds: "I want to marry!", But about the fact that "marrying you want", hear hardly.

Any attempt to enter the name of a young man in a marriage testimony is perceived by him as an aggressive encroachment on his freedom. And to your personal space, a man treats very zealously. Only some time after some time, realizing it deeper, as far as he is good with this girl, a man begins to let her in his personal space.

But it is necessary to "master the" male territory as if you are a cat, slowly and gently moving forward on soft paws. It is worth showing the claws or declare that you have the right to his space as a man will immediately make a step back or aside, recalling that you are only a guest in his house, even if desired.

If you want to go out married For the chosen - act! Siege, ambush and caution - here are your trumps on the way to female happiness. Storm this fortress is not taken.

Dust in the eyes, or the third rule

All men boasted, but everyone does it in their own way: someone is a beautiful wife, someone's new car, and someone read books.

When a woman admires a man, he feels special. And at this moment there is a miracle: a simple guy suddenly grow wings behind his back. Now he is superman and ready to kill the villain, in the sense, cope with any problem.

Therefore, admiration is what is subconsciously waiting for and what every representative is dreaming of a strong half of humanity. Thirst and the need for admiration manifests itself in rivalry with friends, in the desire to put dust into the eyes of women. He boasts himself and subconsciously waiting for approval from the side. As in childhood. After all, if he is "wow, what's wonderful - it must be noted.

When you hear any revelations from a man, do not stop it, do not try to dispel it with the illusion of omnipotence. Fantasy, even if it is far from reality, can become a reality if you solve yourself to believe it.

Brevity - sister of talent, or fourth rule

Communication plays a different role in the life of a man and a woman. For girls, the process of communication in itself is pleasure. For guys - just the way to get information. And all that they hear, perceive as it is. Vitievo built phrases and indirect requests do not find a response in the male soul. The easier the proposal is built, the greater the likelihood that you will be correctly understood.

A girl who is in a relationship with a young man sincerely believes that a loved one should read her thoughts or at least guess about her desires. But the stronger the request, the more hints, the more difficult the man can guess what they want from him. In this interponing, the reason for female disappointment lies. And a man has a counter-reaction - irritation. He feels that they are unhappy, but can not understand what does not do and why it is impossible to just say what is required of him?

It so happened that the man is a logical and pretty creature, but he is used to speak short and clearly, receiving specific answers to his questions and is simply not able to do. The most accessible explaining its needs, you facilitate the task and get what you need: new iPhone, campaign in a movie or affectionate SMS for the night.

"Iron Mask", or Rule Fifth

In the harsh world, men are not taken to show emotions. The real hero is always in a mask: no one should see his faces. The ability to "keep the brand" and hide the experiences is a distinctive feature of the strongest half of humanity. A man who has trouble at work is the most closed, a few and sullen creature in the world. All he wants, when he has a difficult period in life, so that the households, coupled with his beloved woman left him alone.

A woman at this moment is climbing various bad thoughts, and she begins to think about them. After passing the worst options for the development of relationships, the girl is offended and goes into herself, and then a young man becomes more in one headache. Either begins to interrogate a loved one with the addiction that he plunged him into world grief. A man to cope with something - to survive betrayal, offense or solve a difficult task - it is necessary to digest it in yourself.

And we - to suffer. After all, after a man decides his problems in his head, we will receive a well-deserved award: he will return in the wonderful arrangement of the Spirit and ready for communication.

Standing instinct, or the sixth rule

Herd instinct is not a relic of the past, it still drives modern representatives of the strongest half of humanity and manifests itself in a male desire to unite in the company. Symptoms for which men are combined into groups, three.

First - by age. People of one age have something to remember, because their childhood has passed at one time and the culture of this period will always be close.

The second is in interest. The direction of male interests can lie in any area.

Third - according to the availability of a common enemy. In these groups, the highest level of adrenaline and testosterone and the most intolerable attitude to life, multiplied most often on the aggravated sense of justice.

In each male group, there are topics to which our boys show the most reverent interest. Sex, Sport and / or politics - that's what the worn men's minds occupy when we are not near.

If you do not satisfy you that the young man spends too much time in the company, you can either enter his environment and become part of the group, or take frequent letters with friends as a personal space and quietly do your affairs. Log in to the nearest environment of a beloved, by taking the following settings:

  • The first - your man has a cool company.
  • Second - you like the place where they are going.
  • The third - we are talking about the desire to meet and chat with his friends. If you get a failure, we return to the three item after a couple of days or weeks.
  • The fourth is his friends - your friends!

"Dying swan", or seventh rule

There is no more defenseless and eager to be the attention of the creature than a sick man. After all, in conscious infancy (three or more years) of your boy taught to the fact that if he is sick - he is the center of the universe. Now you can not do a lot, everyone goes on tiptoe and talk to a whisper. And so nice when they care for you, and the disease gives it a complete card-blanche.

So at this moment you will have a perspective to show yourself from the best side. It is possible to cook chicken broth with your handles so useful in his "death" state, feed the blanket from the spoon, and put his favorite films on DVD. And if you want to maximize the life in your "dying swan", you can do it all in a nurse's dressing galaxy from sex shops.

Men and women have a different psychology, and this can cause disagreement in relations. But all in your hands: Write the script of your life yourself, become the director and the main character of the history of its own happiness.

From an early age, every representative of the beautiful half of humanity dreams of mutual bright and eternal love. But, unfortunately, with age, an understanding comes that such a feeling occurs not so and often. Favorite, at first glance, as the opened book, is actually a solid riddle. Even specialists cannot fully disclose this secret, and determine what it is - the love of a man to a woman.

For each in love, a man is characterized by different behavior:

  • Some manifest their feeling over attention. Take the beloved by different gifts, meet, escort. Sometimes such an attitude resembles pursuit. But when a woman gets used to this and meets reciprocity, love suddenly disappears somewhere. Perhaps this individual is required to constantly feel the conqueror, to do something to achieve a response in the heart of his beloved.
  • Others, on the contrary, love at a distance. At the same time, they carefully hide their feelings not only from the beloved, but also from others. Such love can last more than one year, but they still do not manifest it. And it does not matter to someone - to a colleague at work or neighbor in the landing. In this case, the main thing every day at least a glimpse to see the object of his adoration.

Signs of men's love

Although men's love for psychologists remains a mystery, still singled out several major signs, which manifests itself and when a man is ready to create a family with his chosen one:

  1. In conversations, mainly does not appear "I", but "we";
  2. When meeting familiar, relatives represents it not as a girlfriend, but as his own girl;
  3. Trying less time to spend with buddies, and pay more attention to your beloved;
  4. She strives for his beloved in anything in need and did not experience anything;
  5. Without any tricks and tricks, it affects the topics about the future, building plans and showing it, which is fully prepared for liability in family life;
  6. She tries to protect his beloved from different dangers and trouble, always supporting it with wise advice.

What do talented people talk about love men?

If you repel from the words of famous people, then from the quotes of Charles Kraus that female sensuality is a source in which male spirituality is updated, it can be assumed that having an inspiration object, a man is capable of a lot.

All talented people worked out their masterpieces in love. Composers got unusual music. Artists expressed their love in the paintings. Writers wrote works that later did not leave indifferent, and films shot on their motives, even modern youth fascinating the plot.

The Bible says: "Therefore, the man of his father and mother will leave and go to his wife, and there will be two one flesh." This verse proves that God blessed the eternal love of men and women.

But, here is the Indian esoteric Osho spoke about this elevated feeling a little differently. He argued that if a person is not able to love himself, he does not work in love with someone else.

Such an assumption can be considered truthful. Sidonia Colette said: "Men are surprisingly illogical: they say that all women are the same, and constantly change one to another." After all, many male representatives suffering from someone who invented themselves with a complex that does not allow him to completely reveal to others, cannot choose the only one that will love him and appreciate with all the shortcomings.

When a man breaks up with a woman in love with him, and she does not understand the reasons, then prayer is remembered for love, reading someone from the saints:

  • Most Holy Virgin;
  • Nikolai Wonderworker;
  • Matron of Moscow.

This is done from a clean soul. Even if the lover does not return back, the woman will make an epiphany that most likely she made a mistake, experiencing feelings for a person who did not estimate them in dignity.

Love in films

Not in vain say that the love of all ages are submissive. Many examples are proof of the truth of this aphorisms. The Soviet film "Moscow does not believe in tears" - one of them.

The main heroine of the picture was carried out alone, self-educated daughter. Only at the age of about forty, she met her true love.

Such stories can be found and watch online to infinity. At first glance - implausible, but when communicating with different families in reality - this fact is confirmed.

Given the fact that for each woman it is important to hear daily, as they love it, not really every man is capable of such recognition. Many is much easier to come home from work and help their half by housework, than to pronounce cherished words.

Even if these words were not sounded with a long relationship, do not immediately be upset. After all, deeds can speak much brighter than uttered phrases. Not in vain it is noted that the person who constantly talks about his feelings, they perceive them not seriously. The opposite is messenger. About what is experiencing to their half, he tries not to tell, but to show.

Will there be a tag for a new chosen error, or a man will find a happy family to the end of life? It may foresee, if it does not blindly follow instincts, and will try to "prepare" his feelings - will consider them from different sides, focusing on the well-known criteria.

Far and close "beacons"

1. If a man is passionate about a woman, she seems to him special, different from others. It happens at the same time there are other girls who have interesting features. But if a woman is so unique that it becomes the only, worthy of attention, she is out of competition. That's then it is a contender for the role of life companions.

2. In an effort to please the woman, do not hide some facts of your biography Or suppress controversial character traits. In long-term relationships, such a position is risky, as it is impossible to always follow the words, deteriorate and hide all information about yourself. Such a sweetheart is valuable, at which it is not necessary to draw, which accepts you "without bills" - as you are. If a person can be himself, this is not only a comfortable atmosphere for a relationship, but also a good resource for any life achievements.

3. In a healthy man laid the "manufacturer's instinct". It is difficult to condemn it for being actively reacting to the seductive type of woman and. Especially on touch. However, men have "antidote". For example, the forms are attractive, but dressed lady vulgar. Squeaky voice, coarse manners, no sense of humor and more. In such cases, and only truly a suitable woman is able to maintain a constant fire in partner, which can be hotter or weaker, but does not fade away.

5. By nature, a man is a hunter, a minider and a defender, comfortable to him in the position of the head of the family. Therefore, he wants to see in his beloved a cute weak creature. Responsibility for a woman gives meaning to existence, inspiration appears for bright ideas and achievements, whatever the relationship of his activities. Life becomes more complete and interesting.

6. For a man, it is very important to make decisions. In a relationship with women, there are two extremes: someone does not delve into the interests of her husband, just to bring, and many, on the contrary, strive for total care and control. And the one, and other positions are fraught with conflicts. The ideal option is a woman showing participation, but not imposing his opinion. If your favorite is endowed with such qualities, it is an extra plus.

7. Usually, in parenting boys, parents and teachers make focus on strength and mind. Be sensitive to have a responsive soul for a man is almost indecent. He is taught to suppress his softness, warmth or sentimentality. But these qualities cannot be led, you can only hide. As a result, there are few in whom harmoniously combined masculinity and soulfulness. The man intuitively stops his choice on a woman who has the features and features. Those that he is not used to openly exercise. It seems that two opposites come together: he is stern - she is sentimental, he cut - she is soft, he is a joke - she is poured and so on. Such an addition to each other gives another plus in favor of the durability of relationships.

Do not marry?

A woman is still in childhood with enthusiasm dream of a family, and a man looks at the marriage as an optional in the program or as an inevitable need.

Its craving for one woman is to "consider under the microscope." Let's say she is good to everyone, but the upbringing of the Son you would not have trusted. Then marriage is a big risk for you and the future child. Or it looks correct in all indicators: and friends advise, and mom likes, but it seems to you too boring. Although it happens that "in the still waters of devils are found," and you can interest you, if you get to knowing it closer.

These seven general points take into account easy. In addition, it is worth remembering that the durability of feelings depends on its completeness and harmony.