Prose beloved future husband. Words to a beloved man. Poems for a beloved man. Pleasant words to a beloved man, husband in poetry, prose, in your own words

My dearest and most important person on earth, today I want to reveal to you everything that has been accumulating in my heart, I want to be extremely frank with you. When I met you, my world turned upside down, you closed the sun and filled my life with meaning. Since then, every day, every hour, every minute I think about you, I live by you, you have become air for me. You are the best man in the whole world, the most reliable, the most caring, the most gentle, the most intelligent. I love you with all my heart and want to be with you always. I can't breathe and look at you. My heart beats in the same rhythm as yours. I'm like a magnet, moving along your trajectory. Thank you for showing up in my life. I love you very much!

There is no more room in my soul, and the words are torn out. The world has changed, its gray everyday life has turned into a colorful holiday. Now everything is different, the light of the sun, the breath of the wind, the drops of rain, the singing of birds. My mind is overflowing with thoughts, my heart is filled with incredible emotions, and my body is in euphoria every minute. And all these changes are thanks to you. All because you, one day, appeared in my life. Since then, not an hour has passed without me saying in my thoughts: I love you, with all my heart! Today I want to say these words aloud, I want them to reach you and find a mutual response in your soul. I so want to be with you, I want you to be my only, the best on earth. I love you!

My dearest, most beloved and most desired man in the whole wide world, you can’t even imagine how much you mean to me! Our very first meeting radically changed not only my life, but also me. My soul was filled with quivering feelings that inspire, raise to heaven and make me soar above the earth. Every morning I wake up with a smile and with the most pleasant thought: I have you! Every night, before going to sleep, I imagine you, your strong arms, your piercing deep eyes, your smile, your courageous shoulders, and a sweet and warm feeling of tenderness spreads through the body. Thank you for teaching me to feel like a real woman, weak and vulnerable. All because you gave me confidence, security, care. I love you very much and I want to give you my passion-filled heart forever.

How I sometimes want to scream about my feelings, all because they fill me to the brim and arbitrarily break out. All this thanks to you alone, my beloved man. You are so extraordinary! From the first minute I met, I realized that you are not like everyone else, you are special and only mine. I was waiting for you, dreaming about you, but even in my dreams I could not imagine how wonderful you would be. It is interesting with you always and everywhere, you are very smart, deep, fair, brave. I can list your virtues for hours. But the main thing is that next to you I feel loved and desired, a fragile girl. Next to you, I will always be the happiest woman on earth. You fill me with new meaning, you instill in me incredible sensations and great interest. I love you. Thanks for being mine!

What a pity that I have to write, and not tell you all these words, looking into your bottomless eyes. But, sometimes short breakups are inevitable. I want to tell you how much I love you and miss you. I feel sad and lonely, I close my eyes and imagine you next to me, so beautiful, so tender and at the same time passionate. I imagine your arms that always hold me close to you with such love. I remember your voice, so dear and beloved, it attracts me like a melody and fascinates me. It is difficult for me to live even one day without it. I miss you and dream about one thing, about the minute when you will be next to me again and I will become the happiest woman in the whole world. I love you, and my heart beats faster from these feelings. I love you, and in every face of passers-by I see only you. I love you, and every song that sounds from the speakers reminds me of you. I love you, come back soon.

How often do we hear the word "love", so often that it has already lost its meaning and purpose. But just not for me. After all, I certainly know what love is, what life is full of indescribable sensations and emotions, what is seething blood and a sudden smile. What is momentary vulnerability and weakness. What is it like to fill all thoughts with one person, every day, every hour, every moment. And all this I feel only because of you alone. My only, dearest, most desirable. I am all saturated with you, my life is you, my sun is you, my happiness is you! I love you with all my heart! My man, my hero, my friend, my mentor, my idol! I want only one thing, to always be with you, to hear your voice, to see your eyes. And know that you love me too!

When the night follows another day, I think about you, when the sun rises and gives a new morning, I think about you. My thoughts are filled with you always. You are the main and most important person in my life. From the very moment I saw you for the first time, my heart was no longer cold and lonely. You revived me to life, showed me what happiness is, what reciprocity is. You took care of me and protected me from any adversity. You told me funny and interesting stories. You met me and saw me off, you hugged me with your strong and courageous arms. You kissed me under the moon and whispered words of love and tenderness. You filled me with special meaning. You, my only one, eclipsed my sun and everything in the world. I love you very much, my heart is now forever only yours.

Sometimes it's hard to find the right words to express what I feel. It's not easy to talk about the most important thing, about what overwhelms me. But I'll try anyway because I want you to know about it. For you to feel all my emotions. That you never doubt me. My dear, most desirable and best of men, I want to tell you that I love you very much. I love at first sight, from the very moment when we met each other so by chance. I love you more and more every day. And there is no feeling that could be compared in strength with my love. I love you like no one has ever loved on this earth. I love you like no other woman can love. I love you more than life and more than myself. And the only thing I dream about is that you will always be by my side!

It is extremely difficult for me to start my message, because it is almost impossible to find the right words to express all that I feel towards you. How can I describe that you have become the whole world for me, that you have covered the sun and the sky with yourself, that now nothing else exists for me besides you? You have become for me the air that I cannot breathe. Blood no longer flows through my veins, my love for you flows through them, so hot and fast, passionate and seething. The feelings that you evoke in me can only be compared with flying in blue skies, my heart and soul have long been soaring there like free white birds. When you look at me, your gaze pierces my entire being. My body is immersed in pure euphoria, you are like a drug, which is small and small, without which the whole body begins to break from longing. I love you!

I only recently realized that I truly love you, with all my heart, with all my soul, with every thought, every breath, every cell of my body. I really want to become an important part of your life, to cherish me in the same way, so that I am a priceless treasure for you. So that everything with you is good and beautiful. I want us to become the most faithful, most loving and most beautiful couple in the whole world. I want to give you smiles and warmth, my tenderness and care. You are an ideal man, and I will try very hard to become an ideal woman for you and develop in myself all the best, most worthy of you qualities. I will do everything to ensure that our love blossoms like beautiful spring gardens, so that it enchants us with its beauty and aroma. I kiss you mentally and cling to you. I love you more than life.

I confess to you frankly, before I did not believe at all that love exists, and especially love at first sight! All this seemed to me fiction, just fairy tales from movies. I did not believe that love can be long-lasting, true, endless, mutual. I thought that love is called an ordinary habit, passion, desire. But having met you, my whole world, my whole perception turned upside down, changed dramatically. I realized that such thoughts are the lot of skeptics who did not have the good fortune to love. When you meet exactly your person, and you understand that it is with him that you would like to spend your whole life, there are no more doubts and contradictions. I am very lucky that I met you, my dearest, dearest and most beloved man. I want to look into your eyes all my life, always, I believe that our love has no end.

When you are not next to me, I seem to go crazy, the hands on the clock stubbornly freeze and mockingly stand in one place. I need you like air for life to exist, to get up in the morning. I will never let you go anywhere, I will not give you to anyone, you are only mine! I will hug you at the meeting tightly, tightly, I will press against you with my whole body. And you will hear how strong my heart beats, you will feel my love and you will not go anywhere else. You are like a strong wind, and I am a boat with sails, where you blow, I will turn there. And only in your power to bring my boat to the island of endless happiness. You are the best of all men, so unusual, interesting, wise, cheerful. You and I are sometimes so different, but we are so perfect for each other. This is because opposites attract each other.

Today I want to tell you how much I love you and appreciate everything that you do for me. You teach me a lot, you develop me and I am always ready to follow you like a shadow, always listen to your infinitely interesting and intelligent thoughts and judgments. I am so happy that I really feel these butterflies in my stomach, every time you look at me, I feel how they take off and touch me with their magic wings. You are the most unique, most desired and dearest man in the whole wide world. You are the man of my life, you are my life. You are exactly the hero that I dreamed of, you can do anything, you are capable of great deeds, with you I always feel safe, completely protected from fears and worries that the world outside the window brings us. Thank you for everything, I love you!

You became my dearest, most beloved and closest person on earth. When we part for a long time, life begins to slowly but surely lose its bright colors, I lose all interest in it. But when you are next to me again, it is impossible to find a person happier than me. You are my air, and without air, human life is not possible. I love you very much, this is the first time with me and I'm sure it's forever! All I want is to be able to make you happy, so that you feel good and joyful next to me. Every day I want to enjoy your attention, your voice, your look, your thoughts, your tenderness and passion. I will give you all my warmth, affection, all my care. I'm ready to give you all my soul, without a trace, take it! I don't need her without you!

Now I want one thing, to touch your face with my fingertips and freeze in this moment of indescribable, endless, complete happiness. I want to freeze with every cell of our passionate bodies and not let go of this moment. I want your kisses to burn my heart with their violent passion. I want the fire of our love to burn everything in its path, everything that can interfere with our love, let it burn in this flame of endless desire. Every minute spent next to you turns into a lifetime for me. I love you so much, you are the best of all. You are mine, and I am forever only yours. All my thoughts are yours, my heart, my body, my whole life now belongs to you alone.

My beloved man, take a quick look at me, give me your deep look and you will immediately feel all my tenderness, all my endless warmth. Love overflows me, I have long become too small a vessel for it, and it spills over the edges, filling all the surrounding space. Put your big and strong hand on my heart rather, and you will hear how it flutters like light wings of an air butterfly, it beats and breaks out of your chest to unite with your heart into a single whole. Know that the greatest love of all time lives in me and it is only for you. She will never leave my soul, she is endless! I love you Love! You are my only one forever. I don't need anyone else! Rather, hug me, press me to your heart, kiss and whisper in your ear that you love me too. This will make me the happiest!

My beloved man, my heart used to be a real piece of ice, in my soul there has never been a quivering and hot light of love. You were able to melt my heart in minutes with your burning eyes alone, you stole it, took it for yourself forever. Now I am without you, like a flower without water and sunlight. I bloom only when you are near, and when we part for a long time, I begin to fade. You are my ray of sunshine, you are my ocean of tenderness and care, you are my cloud of affection, you are my flame of passion. I love you very much, as much as an ordinary person can love, and even more! I can never be without you, I will die without you. Nothing is interesting to me without you, nothing is cute. The world without you disappears and a black void begins to creep into me. Please be always there, protect me from this feeling, love me as much as I love you. Only you can make me happy.

I love you so much that sometimes I want the whole wide world to know about my feelings, I want to shout at every turn, in the squares: I love him! But at the same time, I want to protect our secret, our shrine, protect it from prying eyes, words, envy. You are like the most interesting book for me, I want to eagerly and eagerly swallow every word written in it, and at the same time, I want to stretch every page to enjoy you longer. I want to unravel you, your mysteries and secrets, everything that you have inside excites me and makes me tremble in anticipation. When you talk to me, my whole body, every cell of it, freezes in attention. You are so interesting, deep, special. I love you and want to know you until the end of my days.

Since the first time I saw you then, remember, a small fire has been lit in my soul. Its warmth warms me every minute, it's an indescribable feeling. I feel so good with you, in your arms, when I hear your voice and see your eyes. But even when you are not around, you do not leave me and my thoughts. A light burns, crackling, in my soul and keeps a piece of you in me. How gentle and sweet are your kisses, they turn my head, make me forget about everything in the world, the world ceases to exist, turns off like a TV. And only you and I remain, alone, in our ideal cocoon of love. I love you. These words speak for themselves. What else can be added to them? Only that you have replaced the whole world for me, and even the whole universe cannot replace you for me. Nothing and no one can, because you have become my meaning, my closest, my dearest, my most necessary person.

I want to tell you that the most amazing and extraordinary mystery of my life. And now I just want to solve it, and therefore, to know you. Once we met each other at the crossroads of fate, and we were immediately united by the cosmic energy of mutual love. This energy has imbued our lives with a special sweet and spicy taste of passion and tenderness. Since then, our hearts have been beating in unison, and our eyes are forever turned to each other. Two endless universes have united into one galaxy of love. Our feeling enveloped us like a veil, making the whole world around, with its vanity and cold, distant and almost imperceptible. What happiness it is to realize that we now have each other, that our feelings are strong and mutual. That we are happy and we have one happiness for two. I love you very much and always feel your love in return.

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Thank you for being in the world! For the fact that you appeared in my life, I want to be only with you forever! I really don’t need anyone else besides you, sometimes I forget about my friends, but I never forget about you! You are always in my thoughts, you are the most precious thing I have! I love you!


You are a man, which almost does not exist. You are the meaning of my life and I love you very, very much. I want to be only with you! You are my only one! Know that there is a heart on earth that loves you, waits and cries for you every day... Yes, my dear, every day... I love you very much...


I don't want you to see my eyes, remember them the way they were at our first meeting - brilliant, happy, and not the same as now - extinct ... Now there is too much pain, tears in them ... Remember, what they used to be, and now they are empty, there is only gloom, darkness and fog in them ... I don't want you to see them. They will never be the same as before. And remember, I fell in love with you at first sight, and I will always love you, and look forward to meeting you.


My dearest man. I remember the time when I just saw your photo, just read a couple of phrases addressed to me as a stranger in your life. It's so unusually intertwined strings of our destinies. I felt something unusual when I was going to our first meeting, no, it was my heart that felt ... I was lost in my feelings then, but I understood that a miracle was happening, two souls found each other.
Now I can shout to the whole world that I am happy, but then everything that happened stunned me. I only know that I fell in love with you. I always want to be with you.


You are alone in my heart... My world, my Universe... You are mine, you are only mine! Your look drives me crazy, your voice makes my heart beat faster... You are all the most precious and desirable for me. Without you, I can not breathe, exist, live! You are my bright ray of happiness in this darkness of endless, identical days. I live only for you. I love you so much!


I want to fall asleep in your arms to wake up from your warm breath. Sit with your legs tucked under you and watch you go about your business. Watch a movie with your chin on your chest. Inhale your scent, so fresh and warm, burying your nose in your neck. Take you by the hand, going out into the street. I want all this because I love you madly.


A strange coincidence... I have been looking for something for so long, choosing. But I didn't expect you, but you appeared on your own. And everything is like in a dream, no ... not in a dream, everything is like in a movie. But, really, I thought it only happens in the movies. A chance meeting, just all the circumstances in one day came together so that we could find each other. Perhaps this is fate. Probably, everything should have been exactly this way and nothing else. And I'm just happy that it all happened. And it becomes scary at the thought that if something had gone wrong that day, we would never have known each other. I want to confess that I love you very much from the very minute we met, I hope that this is mutual.

"I love you…. How nice it was to call you my sunshine .... How nice it was to stay with me for the weekend, while my parents were resting in the country .... Many pleasant things connected us with you. I dreamed so much that this would never end...

I love you to the point of pain. To tears. Up to heavenly heights. To trembling in the voice and body .... I love! I want to thank you. For falling in love. I didn't think this would ever happen to me. Thank you! Thanks for the summer.... It was the most beautiful of all the previous ones. Every moment of summer with you is a ray of indescribable happiness. Why did you turn them into pieces?

Everything was so beautiful…. You came to me…. With cake... To meet my mother. An idyll reigned, which I will never be able to forget. Do not even ask! How I loved the way you looked at me…. There was so much tenderness in him that I pinched myself. I felt like I was sleeping. It seemed…. Your affectionate touches of sight are divine and unique.

I never thought that love is the savior from everything bad and sad. Do you remember how we lay, embracing on the bed .... Do you remember how I asked you to clench your hand into a fist .... Then I said: “Many say that what kind of fist a person has is the same heart. My heart is now in your fist. Take care of him". You vowed to protect... He swore, but did not keep the oath .... Broke my heart, but did not know that I was stronger than any pain.

I love you. You took advantage of these feelings. What for? My love is the most sincere and real .... I gave it to you without a trace, without falsehood, without greed .... You took it without giving anything in return. And I didn't demand. I appreciated the fact that you were next to me .... All body, all emotions, all words…. But not with thoughts and soul. You gave your soul and thoughts, secretly, to your ex-wife, whom you did not forget about.

I remember your hands... They touched me so quietly, as if they were afraid to wake me up. She smiled because she felt millions of tides of happiness. We lay in the grass, listened to the birds singing, and looked at the sun. You kissed me, talked about love, talked about plans for our future .... I listened and melted. You spoke and watched me melt….

I knew that I love you more. I assumed that you did not love me at all, but tried not to notice it in order to continue to feel happiness. I didn't love anyone like that... I'm crazy about my love.... Do you see this. You see a lot. I'd give anything to keep pretending I didn't notice your acting. But it doesn't work anymore. I give my role to another! She'll probably do better... You! Just like you did to me. I don't wish you harm. You just touched my deepest secret. You trampled on what I cherished so much. But I still love you very much... I'm picking up bit by bit what you trampled. I'm trying to put the pieces together.

I swallow the breath of love. Love is dying. I dream of saving her. But love is all I need. You are just a shadow. The shadow of my dreams, my desires, my hopes.... I tell our mutual friends that everything is cool and perfect with us. They believe. They believe and do not get upset. It is good that they do not know how my tormented and deceived soul is tormented. Then at the barbecue at the end of summer, I thought that we were seeing off the warm season. How could I know that we are seeing off our love? I love you…. Be happy, love. Farewell and forgive!".

I won't tell my mom anything. Until I tell you. She liked him so much! She rejoiced... I was waiting for the moment when I would find a good man. For her, he was good, and is. I don't want her to be disappointed. I will send my touching confession by email. I wanted to send it in the usual way, but I'm afraid that someone else might read the letter. Email is safer...

The flame of a candle may go out, but the fiery love that you gave me will remain in my heart forever!

Every day I wake up with a smile and greet the sun with a laugh. The world has become magical, thanks to you. Every breath I take is for you, because I live in love and joy from the day I met you. Darling, I bathe in your love and belong entirely to you. Everything that I have, I am ready to give to you, because my life has a huge meaning - to love you!

Your love for me is like the sun that can warm me in the cold. Your tenderness for me is like a summer shower that refreshes me in the heat. Your passion for me knows all the secret pleasures of my soul and the rhythm of my heartbeat. Darling, I'm waiting for our meeting, because a day without you is an eternity, longing for your touch. Be closer than my breath and I will give you all my days and nights!

Every time your arms hug me, I fly far, far away and for a long time I still can’t go down to earth. Every time I stare into your eyes, an arrow of love pierces my heart and my lips begin to frantically seek yours. Darling, only you are on my mind - I love you.

My love, the first thing I think of when I wake up every morning is you! My dear, the last thing I think about when falling asleep every night is you! You are in my every thought, in every movement and breath. With each new day, my feelings for you are becoming stronger, and I don’t know if I can stop ... Thank you for the sweetness of my thoughts, the confusion of my breath and the passion of my movements. I love you!

Darling, put your head in my lap and close your eyes. Trust me, we'll be fine! And when you wake up at sunrise, it will be the best day of our lives. Turn off the light and hold me close, forget about everything and just listen to the beat of our hearts. A gentle morning breeze will wake us up and it will be the best morning of our lives! Relax, touch my hair and let go of all the worries of this day, and when the warm summer wind wakes you up, you will realize that you have never been so happy before. I love you and want your every day to be the best!

My dear, we have met hundreds of times, but every time I see you, I fall in love again and again. Feeling your breath, my heart starts beating like crazy, and all troubles are forgotten when you smile at me. Your smile warms my soul, and my eyes next to you glow with happiness. I love your laughter - lively, mischievous and contagious. Your native hands are so hot and strong, only they can save me from all troubles and give me a sense of security. Every time we say goodbye, I want to cry, because all I need to be happy is your love: crazy, tender and sincere!

Your feelings wrap me in a warm blanket, it's so comfortable for me to swim with you in the ocean of life, to love you, to be near and feel your male care.

Suddenly I noticed that it’s enough just to watch, my love, how you drink tea, to feel the warm touch of slightly rough palms and to feel your calm breath with every nerve. You know, I envy myself - I'm happy!

In the fall, when the rains and slush build up to depression, you become my sun. In winter, when it's frosty, you become my warmth. In the summer, when it's hot, you will be my wind. That's why I love you!

As a sunflower always looks at the sun, not afraid of its bright light, so I always want to look only at you and see how brightly your eyes shine with love for me.

Next to you, I bloom, my beloved, like a flower, which, in gratitude, becomes more beautiful and fragrant more and more. My love blooms with me and becomes stronger!

Here it is, happiness! To be needed by you, to feel your care, to warm yourself on cold evenings with you under one blanket, discussing the events and news of the day.

I can be different, sometimes even obnoxious and nasty, but you love me like that, and for this I love you even more. Never change, because you are the best.

You glued me to yourself with a very reliable glue of love and understanding, and now no one can tear me away from you, my love. We are glued forever.

With you I drink the joy of intimacy in sips and I can’t drink it. I try to remember every moment so that when you are not around, I can drink the joy of my memories.

Beloved, my feelings are difficult to express, because they are imprisoned in the framework of words and expressions. But this feeling is capable of sweeping away all obstacles in its path, so I will try to express all the emotions at the long-awaited meeting!

Now I have wings, you gave them to me, and during my happy flight, I think only of you and hope that you will not take these wings away from me.

Beloved, my love for you is the source of life, which gives strength to conquer various peaks, resist difficulties and flourish in spite of any obstacles!

There is nothing more touching and beautiful than tears of happiness. Thank you, my best and most beloved, for the fact that next to you only tears of joy and happiness shine in my eyes!

I love you more than life, I want to be only with you, I live with you, I will be happy only with you, you are the most beautiful, beautiful, charming girl in the world. I just adore you! You are my ray of sunshine, I realized that I can’t live without you ... I love you!

I keep you very carefully in my heart ... every look of your beautiful eyes, every word that your angelic lips uttered, every second that we were there. You completely and completely filled my soul and heart with you ... and my heart can’t be without you ... I love you baby!

The whole meaning of my life is you! I fall asleep and think of you! I wake up and think of you! I sleep at night and smile because I think of you. I am ready to scream anywhere and everywhere that I love you. I can't imagine myself without your smile, without your eyes, without your kisses, without your hands. You are my happiness! I love you!

A strange coincidence… I have been looking for something for so long, choosing. But I didn't expect you, but you appeared on your own. And everything is like in a dream, no ... not in a dream, everything is like in a movie. But, really, I thought it only happens in the movies. A chance meeting, just all the circumstances in one day came together so that we could find each other. Perhaps this is fate. Probably, everything should have been exactly this way and nothing else. And I'm just happy that it all happened. And it becomes scary at the thought that if something had gone wrong that day, we would never have known each other. I want to confess that I love you very much from the very minute we met, I hope that this is mutual.

I want to fall asleep in your arms to wake up from your warm breath. Sit with your legs tucked under you and watch you go about your business. Watch a movie with your chin on your chest. Inhale your scent, so fresh and warm, burying your nose in your neck. Take you by the hand, going out into the street. I want all this because I love you madly.

I don’t want you to see my eyes, remember them the way they were when we first met - shiny, happy, and not the same as now - extinct ... Now there is too much pain, tears in them ... Remember how they were, and now they are empty, there is only gloom, darkness and fog in them ... I don't want you to see them. They will never be the same as before. And remember, I fell in love with you at first sight, and I will always love you, and look forward to meeting you.

To love or fall in love is stupid, especially since the first love turned out to be unrequited, but no, I fell in love ... and so much, and so passionately that it seems to anyone and I have never experienced such a feeling ... My heart does not beat like that loud and strong, as they write in novels, but it lets me know that you are the person for whom there has always been a place in my heart. And now it's filled. I love you so much!

Yesterday at parting, you kissed me for the first time. It was so divine, it was a beginning that has no end. It was the beginning of my love for you. Infinite, tender, eternal, affectionate, passionate, burning, alluring, piercing, sleepless, merciless. Happiness, smile, anticipation, joy of meeting… thank you for that. I fell in love with you.

My little, most beloved, I can’t live without you, I exist! I do not need expensive gifts, soft toys, chocolate, I only need you ... Sometimes, when I understand that we cannot be together, I want to die! But, waking up, every time in the morning, I understand: I live for you ... When you are standing next to me, I feel warm when you talk to me, no matter what, I feel hot when you kiss me on the cheek when you meet, I feel hot, but you don’t you leave a burn on the body, it forms in my heart! And it doesn’t hurt me at all ... I want to live for you, breathe for you, I want to be always with you. I love you more than life.

Come on, love me. so stupid and so without a trace. I will drink your tenderness, drag you to the rooftops and furtively kiss in the crowd. I will kiss your hands with lips trembling with pleasure and breathe with you to the beat. I will tune my heart to yours, and you will laugh when clouds and drops mix with your hair in the sky again. Come on then you love me. I will give you roses and go for snowdrops. I will bite your neck to sweet pain. I will be bitter and sweet. cruel and kind. May I be a constant smile to awaken you.

Sunny, your rays warm me, bring multi-colored lights of happiness into my life ... Your golden crown pulls its arms towards me, and I burn with love ... Love tender and passionate, sparkling and deep, like the ocean, just as addictive and alluring ...

I never thought that it is possible to know someone so well and at the same time feel that this person still has so much to unravel. I never knew that the words "I LOVE YOU" every time sound like the first time ... I have never met a person with whom hours would fly by like minutes, and with whom I would never want to part ... I did not find such a close and dear person . Honey, I've never loved the way I love you.

My dear, precious husband! We are connected with you by a thin but strong thread of love. I feel it all the time, and every day I get more and more confused in the feeling of happiness and the feeling of you, my love. I know that no matter how many years pass, for me you will always remain the closest and dearest person. Love you!

The most precious moments of my life are the moments spent with you. And I want to have as many of them as possible. You are my husband. I want to be with you at any time of the day or night, I want to spend my whole life with you. This is my most cherished desire, and it is quite natural, because I love you very much!

Dear spouse, I am so happy that from the first minute of our acquaintance and until this day in my soul there is a sacred and inviolable deep feeling - love for you. A feeling that is cramped in the heart, about which you want to shout out loud. But at the same time, this feeling is kept by me with all the tenderness that only exists. Thank you, my dear, for this deep feeling!

Being a wife is not easy at all, it is painstaking work that takes up all your free time. But I know why it's so easy for me to handle all the responsibilities, I just still love you madly.

My beloved, my dear, my bear, the most powerful, attractive, desirable, purposeful, active, athletic, courteous, dear, tactful, talented, sensitive, wise, priceless, passionate, smart, kind! I love you very much!

My dear, how many years we have been together, but I still feel that I love you very much. I am grateful to fate that I met such a wonderful man and that he became my husband.

Me and you are very difficult people. We have a lot in common and the main thing is a complex character. But, despite all the quarrels and reconciliations, we were able not only to be together, but to love each other, as on the first day we met.

The working day is so long! I missed. Sometimes I dream that you were small and ... foldable. I would then carry you with me in my purse. I wanted to - got it, talked enough - put it back. But that won't work. You are independent, strong and courageous. Able to make decisions for both of us. The real head of the family! I love and proud of you!

I love you. Do you remember the first time I said these words to you? We were still very young and there was still a lot to go through. But one thing has remained unchanged - this is my love, I still love you.

I bet no one else has a husband as wonderful and caring as mine. My dear, I love you more than life, and so it will always be.

It's good to have such a wonderful person next to me. Sometimes, closing my eyes, I think about what would have happened if we had not met, and I understand with horror that then I would not be happy. I love you!

Don't offer to get a star out of the sky for me again. I already got it for myself. My star is you, my beloved husband. You are the most important happiness in my life!

You know, you are my ideal husband, because with you I am safe, comfortable and insanely interesting. I love our tricks and the way we look together. I just want to say that I love you very much.

It's just not clear what I was doing, and most importantly - why, before I met you - my future husband. You are my first true love, as big as the whole world. I send a thousand of the most passionate kisses to you, my love!

You can confess not only in the first, but also in the 10th, 100th, etc. times... And it doesn't matter that you've been like my husband for years - I still love you, dear, as before! And you?

Yes, you and I are different ... Husband and wife according to the passport - this is not the main thing. The most important thing that unites us together is love. I often think how good it was that we met then and stayed close. I miss!

We are like a butterfly and a flower - just made for each other. And our life together is the harmony of two hearts, a delightful symphony of tenderness, feelings and confessions. I am happy to be your wife!

Cute! I have so much good, pure and bright connected with you that all disagreements and insults seem very tiny compared to our great mutual love. It's good that we are husband and wife!

Your shoulder for me is protection, eyes are tenderness, lips are passion. I remember you constantly, I miss you when you are not around. You are all in me, and I am in you ... I love you, my best husband in the world!

Favorite! Thank you for our paradise. Since you became my husband, he does not stop, but pleases with new colors of feelings, emotions, relationships every day. I feel so good with you, honey!

I always thank fate for the fact that I was lucky with a husband like you. I love to share days and nights with you and feel your presence, your breath all the time. Love you!

My bear-cub! I love to plunge into you as if into my own happiness and bathe in your arms for a long, long time, enjoying every surge of feelings. It's good that I have you, my beloved husband!

They say that everything changes after the wedding: passion fades, and love fades into the background, domestic problems eat up former tenderness, and spouses begin to quietly hate each other. I hope it's the losers who came up with it! Because even after the wedding I continue to love you madly!

Voice declarations of love on mobile

Happy birthday my sweet. Today I want to wish that henceforth we will get away from quarrels and omissions, never be offended by each other and not be angry in vain for nothing. For a long life together, we had everything, but let the bad be left behind, and the most tender and joyful days await you ahead. After all, you are the only one for whom I am ready to give everything!

Beloved husband, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you good health, success in all your affairs and undertakings, true friends and simple human happiness. Stability, prosperity and interesting ideas. May your every day be illuminated by my sincere love and the smiles of our children!

The closest person in the world, you know me better than anyone else in the world. And on your next birthday, as always, I am lost and do not know what to wish you. Health? You already have it to the envy of everyone ... Love? I give it to you enough ... Happiness? I hope that you are happy with me and are not deceived by this feeling... Youth and beauty? And these adjectives are inseparable from you. I only hope that all my ideas are true, and I only wish that everything remains the same for you as it is now: feelings did not cool down, the body did not fail, and the approach to the dream went by leaps and bounds.

Dear husband, happy birthday to you. May this year of your life make you even stronger and stronger. Let new opportunities and horizons open before you. May good luck and happiness not leave you. May there be a healthy free spirit in your healthy body. I love you and am always ready to support you.

My dear, beloved, important person, I congratulate you. My sun, I want to wish you not to lose your fortitude and remain the same beautiful and kind husband. Love surrounds you and you have happiness, so I wish you good luck in life, so that it would be easier to perform beautiful and kind deeds. Prosperity, strength, patience and respect for you, and most importantly, health for many, many more years!

Dear, beloved husband, happy birthday to you! You are the dearest man, my support and support. I wish you good luck, happiness, personal and professional growth, success in all your affairs and undertakings! May you always be surrounded by understanding, kind people and may all your dreams come true!

My favorite, happy birthday! I wish you, my dear, incredibly good events, ups and downs. I want you to be the happiest, so that everything goes well and works out, so that the work goes on the ascendant, our hearth is blazing with heat and everything that you think of turns out. Happy holiday, my dear!

My most beloved and dear little man! I wish you success and good luck in all your endeavors. Do not be upset if something does not work out for you - I will always support and come to the rescue. Let only worthy personalities meet on your way, and all your friends and relatives are faithful people. So that noisy companies gather in our house as often as possible, so that you visit as many countries as possible! Health to you, dear, happiness, prosperity and prosperity.

I am grateful to fate and your parents that I have you. I want to wish you excellent health and health, many years of happy life, constant good luck and sincere smiles. May you always succeed, and have enough strength for new achievements.

Happy Birthday, dear! I wish that everything in our life is warmed by the warmth of the rays of the sun. May you always have a holiday in your soul and I want our “family” journey to last all my conscious life. May we overcome all joys and hardships together.