Joking questions. Quiz questions for the New Year: how to come up with tasks for any age

If you like to gather on New Year's Eve with a big family and at the same time want to bring something fun to the New Year that will be interesting to all family members: you, your parents, and even your grandparents, then Quiz on your favorite Russian New Year's films and fairy tales This is something absolutely everyone will love!

The questions from the New Year's quiz are quite simple, so that all guests will have the opportunity to show their knowledge of films loved by everyone since childhood.

Read also:

How to conduct a New Year's quiz?

Option 1: everyone sitting at the table takes turns pulling out a piece of paper and must correctly answer the question. For an incorrect answer, the participant is penalized, for example, with a spoonful of Olivier salad or a New Year's song, which he must perform to the applause of those present.
Option 2: the presenter reads the questions from the quiz one by one, and those present must shout out the correct answer as quickly as possible. The first person to give the correct answer wins a small New Year's prize.

New Year's Quiz Questions

1. What was the name of the street in the movie "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath"?

2. Choose the correct answer to the phrase from the movie “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath” “What ... is your aspic fish!”

a) dirty trick; b) an abomination; c) joy; d) crap

3. What word did Kai use in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen?”

4. What and how many “honestly earned” things did Miloslavsky Shpak deprive (according to Shpak) in the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession?

5. What did Marfushenka-Darling answer Morozko’s question from the fairy tale “Morozko”: “Are you warm, girl, are you warm red?

6. Continue the phrase from the movie "Gentlemen of Fortune": "You don't go there, you go here ...

7) What gift did Oksana ask for from Vakula Kuznets from the movie “On a Farm near Dikanka”

8) Continue the phrase from part 1 of the film "Operation" Y "and other adventures of Shurik" "Who does not work, that ..."

9) Continue the phrase from the 2nd part of the film "Operation" Y "and Shurik's other adventures" "Professor, of course, a mug, but ..."

10) Continue the phrase from the 3rd part of the movie "Operation" Y "and Shurik's other adventures" "Train better on ..."

a) spoons b) bowls; c) cats; d) nesting dolls

And if you want to make a wish for the New Year or Christmas, then our article will come in handy for you!

Correct answers to the quiz

  1. Builders Street
  2. muck
  3. Eternity
  4. “Three tape recorders, three foreign film cameras, three domestic cigarette cases, three suede jackets”
  5. “What are you, old, crazy or something? You see, my hands and feet are frozen!
  6. “You don’t go there, you go here, otherwise the snow will fall on your head ... You will be completely dead!”
  7. Cherevichki
  8. "Who does not work, he eats"
  9. “The professor, of course, is a mug, but the equipment is with him”
  10. "Train better on cats.

Thus, the New Year's quiz will help you celebrate the New Year more interestingly and make you and your parents smile.

I wish you a Happy New Year,
Ekaterina Akhmetzyanova, author of the idea.

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Very soon we will see off the year of the Rabbit and meet the Dragon. This time it will be a black water dragon. The dragon is a mythical, noble, strong creature. Astrologers advise this New Year to meet in motion, brightly, neezzhezhdenno. On this night, you must definitely shine and no matter what - with humor, precious jewelry or bright outfits and makeup. The main thing is that the meeting is memorable, and you can spend all our traditional New Year holidays in a good mood, which have been going on since almost December 25 (Catholic Christmas for the European part of the former USSR is mostly a dress rehearsal before the main events) and only slightly reduce their intensity after January 13th. But then the series of festivities does not stop - Baptism, Chinese New Year (which will start on January 23), Tatyana's Day, Valentine's Day, February 23, March 8, May 1 and 9 ... .. And we will give some interesting facts about the New Year that will allow you to shine even brighter in the New Year's company .

1. The time for celebrating the New Year is very different for different peoples. So in ancient Babylon, the holiday fell in the spring. And during the holidays, the city was left by the king with all his retinue, and the townspeople had the opportunity to freely walk and have fun.
2. In Micronesia, the New Year is traditionally celebrated on January 1st. But on this day, all the inhabitants of the islands receive new names and whisper them to their closest ones. And trusted relatives at the same time beat the drums with terrible force so that their evil spirits do not overhear.
3. In Italy, it is customary on New Year's Eve to get rid of old things that are thrown right out of the windows. Moreover, the more things are thrown away, the more wealth and good luck the new year will bring.

4. In Russia, the New Year was celebrated on March 1 - in the X-XV centuries, September 1 - since 1348 after the Cathedral in Moscow, and since 1699, by decree of Peter I, it was postponed to January 1. As a result, by now the New Year has become a dense mixture of ancient Slavic, Christian, Western European and Eastern traditions.
5. The tradition of the Christmas log was brought by the Vikings to England. They sawed down a big tree for Christmas, which was aged and dried all year. And the next Christmas, this tree was brought into the house and placed in the hearth. If the tree burned for a long time and burned out completely, then luck awaited the house, but if it faded without burning down to ashes, expect trouble.
6. Live Christmas trees are one of the Christian traditions of the Christmas and New Year festivities. But it turns out that they can carry not only joy and the spirit of the holiday. Scientists have found that fungi are present on spruce trees, which easily multiply in warm home conditions and release a huge amount of spores. The spores in turn cause coughing, shortness of breath, insomnia, lethargy, even bronchitis and pneumonia. To protect yourself, you need to either wash and dry the spruce before bringing it into the house, or use an artificial tree.
7. Before becoming famous, James Belushi moonlighted as Santa Claus. It was during the period of such work that he was left without rights, but the actor nevertheless decided to continue delivering gifts to children. In this "disenfranchised" form, the police detained him and began, and the officers began the arrest procedure, handcuffing and conducting a search. Children passing by were crying and screaming in horror that their beloved Santa Claus had been arrested.

8. Both children and adults turn to Santa Claus or Santa Claus. Children usually want a computer, and employees ask their boss to freeze it.
9. One of the most popular traditional spices for Christmas baking is ginger.
10. It is believed that if at the last hour of the old year you write your most cherished desire on a piece of paper, and then set fire to this piece of paper with the beginning of the clock, then you can determine whether the wish will come true. If the note burns out while the clock strikes, then everything will definitely come true.
11. The unforgettable "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath" has been shown on television for more than 35 years on the last day of the year.

12. On New Year's Eve in Tibet, pies are baked and distributed to passers-by. Wealth in the new year directly depends on the number of pies distributed.
13. The source of the popularity of fireworks in the ancient belief in the power of noise and fire in the fight against evil spirits.
14. In Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), a 76-meter artificial Christmas tree, the largest in the world, was installed.
15. In Orthodoxy, Christmas time falls between Christmas and Epiphany. This time is filled not only with Christian traditions, but also with many pagan images, which include traditional divination. An example of it can be found in chapter 5, stanza 8 of A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

16. The main dish in Brazil is lentil soup, which symbolizes prosperity and wealth.
17. On the Christmas tree in front of the White House in the United States in 1895, the first electric garland was lit.
18. In Austria, among the New Year's characters there is also the Bird of Happiness, and therefore they do not have game on the festive table.
19. New Year in Japanese sounds like "Akimashite Omedetto Gozaimasu".

20. January 1 was a day off in the USSR only by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of December 23, 1947
21. In Germany, Santa Claus brings gifts to the windowsill, and in Sweden - to the stove.
22. You can find out the answer to a question on New Year's Eve by throwing a bunch of boiled rice. If there is even pure rice in it, then the answer is "yes", otherwise - "no".
23. It is almost always cold in Greenland, and there is no problem with the availability of ice. Therefore, the local Eskimos have a tradition of giving each other polar bears and walruses carved from ice, which do not melt for a long time.

24. In the southern countries, where there is neither frost nor snow, you have to use other characters, for example, in Cambodia, Father Zhar operates.
25. In Vietnam, for the New Year, a carp is released into the pond near the house, on the back of which, according to popular beliefs, a brownie rides. For a whole year, the carp lives in the pond, and the brownie looks after the family.
26. A festive table in France is served with turkey, cheese, foie gras and oysters.
27. On the border of Finland and Russia in 2001, they held a meeting of New Year's characters Yolupukki and Santa Claus.

28. It is believed that money cannot be given away before the New Year, otherwise the whole year will have to distribute debts later.
29. On the New Year's table in Scandinavia they put rice porridge with one almond. Whoever finds it will be happy all year.
30. With the beginning of the New Year's clock in England, I open the back door of the house for the outgoing year, and with the last strike of the clock, I meet the New Year at the front door
31. "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" was first published in 1903 in the children's magazine "Baby". After 2 years, the poems of Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva were set to music by the composer Leonid Karlovich Beckman.

32. In Australia, Santa Claus has to wear parade swimming trunks and saddle a jet ski in the New Year's heat.
33. In the old days, it was customary to give gifts to Santa Claus, and not to wait for gifts from him.
34. In Italy, the symbols of health, longevity and well-being on the festive table are lentils, nuts and grapes.
35. Interesting fact- Santa Claus has a wife who usually personifies winter.

36. Mystical properties have long been attributed to mistletoe. In some countries, for example, there is a tradition that allows a man to kiss any girl who passes under the mistletoe at Christmas.
37. In Cuba, on New Year's Eve, all the dishes in the house are filled with water, which is then thrown out into the street on New Year's Eve to wash away all sins.
38. For Bulgarians, the best things in the new year are represented by dogwood sticks. They are given for the New Year.
39. Czech and Slovak children are pleased with gifts Mikulas with a beaming smile and a high hat.

40. They began to sculpt a snowman in the 19th century with indispensable attributes - a bucket on his head, a broom and a carrot nose.
41. There is a belief that a New Year's dream (from December 30 to December 31) predicts the next year.
42. In China, the Dragon is especially loved - it symbolizes prosperity. Therefore, it is customary to make its personification there - kites. In addition, many bright lanterns are lit on the streets.
43. In Ecuador, before the new year, it is customary to describe all the troubles on a piece of paper, and then burn them along with a straw effigy.

44. In 19th-century England, there were even charitable societies that distributed flour, sugar and raisins to the poor for making Christmas pudding.
45. In the Southern Hemisphere, eucalyptus trees are usually dressed up, since the New Year is the height of summer.
46. ​​For the New Year in Holland, donuts are a traditional dish, symbolizing the full cycle, completeness.
47. The Snow Maiden was invented in the mid-50s of the last century by children's writers Lev Kassil and Sergey Mikhalkov, introducing the granddaughter of Santa Claus into children's performances.

48. Per Noel (French Frost) rides a donkey and leaves gifts for children in shoes. And the children prepare their gifts for him - straw for the mount.
49. In Greece, the head of the family breaks a pomegranate fruit on the street on New Year's Eve against the wall of the house. Good luck is promised by grains scattered in different directions.
50. The first glass toys for the Christmas tree began to be produced in the middle of the 19th century in Scandinavia.
51. Mexicans find New Year's gifts in a shoe, while the Irish and the British find them in socks.

52. In ancient Egypt, the New Year began on the day of the flood of the Nile, at the beginning of summer.
53. It is customary to celebrate the New Year in new clothes in order to have new things all year later.
54. In Cuba, the New Year is called the Day of the Kings.
55. The largest number of Christmas trees in Europe are sold in Denmark.

56. Many surprises are hidden in Romanian New Year's pies. In frequency, a coin means happiness in the coming year.
57. The French usually give souvenirs and postcards for the new year.
58. Since ancient times, the Slavs decorate the Christmas tree with treats.
59. In Scotland, on the first day of the new year, they do not propose marriage and do not take out the trash.

60. Santa Claus began to be invited to the house in the USSR in the 1970s.
61. The record holder for Christmas gifts and New Year greeting cards is traditionally the United States.
62. In Japan, for the New Year, an interesting fact, they traditionally serve cabbage, roasted chestnuts, beans and caviar, which symbolize respectively joy, success, health and many children.
63. Grandfather Frost is considered to be the birthplace of Veliky Ustyug, and the Snow Maiden is the village of Shchelykovo, not far from Kostroma, where the estate of A.N. Ostrovsky is located. it was he who wrote "The Snow Maiden" based on Russian folk tales

64. On New Year's Eve, at exactly midnight, the lights are turned off in Bulgaria. within three minutes everyone can kiss anyone, and only the night will know about it.
65. In Slavic myths, Santa Claus personified the winter cold, he held water.
66. The birthplace of Yolupukki is the city of Rovaniemi in Lapland, at the very Arctic Circle.
67. On New Year's Eve in Scotland, barrels of tar are set on fire and rolled through the streets, driving away the Old Year and inviting the New.

68. On the festive table in Poland they put "paczki" - donuts with jelly.
69. The first New Year's card was printed in London in 1843.
70. Grandfather Frost was awarded the title of "Veteran of Fairytale Labor" by the Pension Fund of Russia. Not without reason, of course. He has enough work. And to deliver gifts, and to amuse the kids with the Snow Maiden. The Snow Maiden and Santa Claus at home St. Petersburg is a completely affordable service for everyone and a joy for the kids. New Year with the participation of the living Santa Claus is an unforgettable holiday!

And meeting year of the dragon remember that the next one year of the snake will be no less interesting. After all, the Serpent symbolizes wisdom, and she advises

Quiz "What's his name?"

Place three digital signs (from 1 to 3) in different places of your guest room on the drawings of a green Christmas tree, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, hung far from each other (as far as the dimensions of the apartment allow).

Then the host of the evening asks questions about Santa Claus, while naming three possible answers. Cheerful music sounds. During its sounding, participants must make a choice and take a place under the picture indicating the number of the answer, “correct” from the point of view of the participant.

All those who made the wrong choice are eliminated from the “races”, and those who answered correctly guess the answer to the next question and also receive one of the sweet toys that decorate a small artificial Christmas tree - the keeper of the prize fund.

I. In what country is the name of the New Year's grandfather Lana Pasquale?

I. Mexico.

2. Colombia. +

3. Uruguay.

II. In what country is the New Year's grandfather called Ded Zhara?

1. Panama.

2. Cambodia. +

III. In what country is New Year's grandfather's name Tash Noel?

1. Spain. +

3. Finland.

IV. In what country is the grandfather's name Santa Claus?

1. Scotland.

2. Ireland.

3. England. +

V. In what country is the New Year's grandfather called Mikulash?

1. Poland.

2. Czech Republic. +

3. Hungary.

VI. In what country is the New Year's grandfather called Mosh Jarile?

2. Pakistan.

3. Romania. +

VII. In what country is the name of the New Year's grandfather Weinakhteman?

1. Austria. +

2. Israel.

3. Turkey.

VIII. In what country is the New Year's grandfather called St. Basil?

1. Greece. +

2. Bulgaria.

3. The Netherlands.

IX. In what country is New Year's grandfather's name Bob-bo Natale?

1. France.

2. Spain.

3. Italy. +

If there are more questions than there are participants in the quiz, then the “races” begin anew for everyone. The number of questions can be increased due to the "oldies" in other countries: in Germany - Mikolaus; in Cuba - Baltasar, Gaspar, Melchor; in France, Pere Noel; in Finland - Joulupukki; in Denmark, Ülemanden; in Japan, Segatsu-san; in China, Dong Che Lao Ren; in Norway - Julebukk; in Panama, Papai Noel; in the Netherlands, Sinter Klaas; in Uzbekistan - Karbobo.

Quiz "Grandfathers are different ..."

1. What is the name of the historical prototype of Santa Claus? (Nikolai)

2. In which country is the local Santa Claus called Saint Nicholas, and his faithful servant is nicknamed Black Pete? (In the Netherlands)

3. Where, according to the opinion of the inhabitants of the Scandinavian countries, confirmed by the decision of the UN, does the real Santa Claus live? (In Lapland, in the small town of Ramaniemi, on the very Arctic Circle. Lapland was officially declared the "Land of Santa Claus" in 1984. Letters to the international Santa Claus should be sent to the address: Finland, 96930, Arctic Circle)

4. Which city is declared the geographical homeland of the Russian Father Frost? (Great Ustyug)

5. There are a lot of Santa Clauses on our planet, but which one is the oldest? German Santa Claus, but his name is not Mikolaus, but Wodan. He is the hero of ancient German fairy tales)

6. Do you agree that our Santa Claus is the youngest folklore character in comparison with the Serpent Gorynych, Baba Yaga, Leshim (Yes, Santa Claus as a fairy-tale hero will only be established in the middle of the 19th century. Compared to the above characters, he can be considered small child, although we call him grandfather)

7. In which country is it not the local Santa Claus Bobbo Natale who distributes gifts, but a woman with a red cap and crystal shoes, whose name is La Befana? (In Italy)

8. In what country, instead of Santa Claus, does a Christmas goat give gifts to children, who comes to the holiday in a red shaggy coat and with a magic book, where all children's pranks and pranks are recorded? (In Finland)

9. An artist of what country in 1860 decorated Santa Claus with a magnificent white beard? (American artist Thomas Knight)

10. In which country does not a "brother" live, but a "sister" of the Russian Santa Claus, whose name sounds like his "changeling" - Baba Zhara? (In Cambodia)

Quiz "Who is Santa Claus?"

1. This New Year's grandfather has a long-brimmed red fur coat, a boyar hat, a broad white beard and a long staff in his hands. (Russian Santa Claus)

2. A white beard, a red cap with a pom-pom at the end, a swimming suit that fits a tanned body, and sunglasses are mandatory attributes of the appearance of this local Santa Claus? (Australian Santa Claus)

3. In what country does a stooped grandfather with a big nose, along with a dwarf (gnome), leave New Year's gifts right on the windowsill? (In Sweden)

4. What is the nationality of Santa Claus, dressed in white clothes, who loves to warm himself by the fireplace and leaves his gifts there. (Frenchman)

5. This New Year's old man is a very cheerful little man in a furry coat, a high sheep's hat, with a box behind his back. Where is he from? (From the Czech Republic and Slovakia)

6. In what country does Santa Claus come to the New Year tree in the clothes of a cattle breeder, with a fox hat on his head, a long whip in his hands, a flint and a snuff box on his side9 (In Mongolia, since the New Year in this country coincides with the holiday of cattle breeding)

7. In which country Santa Claus rules the New Year's ball. who wears a cone-shaped hat and red clothes and always appears surrounded by gnomes in pointed caps and capes trimmed with white fur? (In Finland)

8. What people in the 19th century depicted Santa Claus as a slender man of athletic build, with an invariable pipe, skillfully cleaning chimneys through which he gave gifts to children? (Dutch)

9. To the kids living in which country does Snow Grandpa appear in a striped robe and skullcap, accompanied by a donkey loaded with bales of New Year's gifts? (In Uzbekistan)

10. In what country does the New Year's old man live, who is the only one from the entire related company

Santa Claus always appears accompanied by a young, beautiful companion? (In Russia)

It is no secret that every country celebrates the New Year according to its own special rules. Why not test your guests for knowledge of world traditions and, at the same time, not have fun? To run this competition you will need:

  • geographical map of the world or globe;
  • flags on needles with numbers;
  • kegs with numbers, you can use kegs from the game "Lotto";
  • hat.

On a map or globe, mark the countries with which New Year's questions will be connected with flags. On the flags write the numbers that would correspond to the numbers on the kegs. Each player in turn takes a keg with a country number from the hat and answers a question related to the chosen state.

Advice. If there are no kegs at hand, you can use simple pieces of paper.

Sample questions:

  1. Residents go on New Year's Eve to 2 different churches: in one - to pray, and in the other? (in Buddhist - they pray, in Shinto - they drink sake).
  2. Residents of what major Russian cities sit down at the New Year's table first and last? (Vladivostok and Kaliningrad).
  3. Which country gave the world the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree on New Year's Eve? (Germany).
  4. What can not be put on the table in Hungary so as not to let happiness out of the house? (poultry dishes: chicken, morning, goose).
  5. We have Santa Claus, in who in a country called Cambodia? (Baba Heat).

I believe - I do not believe

In this quiz, not only the knowledge of the players is important, but also the acting talent of the presenter. After all, he will have to convince the participants that fiction is reality and vice versa.

For the competition, you need to prepare a number of statements. Some of them will be true. The rest are absolute fiction. But it must be very difficult to tell them apart.

Examples of tasks for the quiz "I believe - I do not believe":

  1. In Denmark, on New Year's Eve, is it customary to jump into rivers and portray the Little Mermaid from Andersen's fairy tale? (Not).
  2. Do you believe that if the Swedes break a lot of pottery on their doorstep, they will open the door and feed you goodies? (Yes).
  3. Do you believe that the people of Sudan most of all want to meet a crocodile on New Year's Eve? (Yes).
  4. Do Spaniards come to Italy on New Year's Eve and collect furniture that the Italians threw away? (Not).
  5. Do you believe that in Ireland the hosts put glasses with live fish on the New Year's table? (Yes).

Literary quiz

New Year and Christmas are magical holidays that leave no one indifferent. Including writers. This competition is dedicated to literature and workers of the pen. Especially the quiz will appeal to the company of philologists and lovers of reading.

To make the quiz more interesting, each question should be accompanied by illustrations. Depending on the question, you can take a portrait of the writer, a book, or something related to them. Sample questions:

  1. Why did little Sasha Pushkin, who became a famous poet, never put up a Christmas tree either on New Year's or Christmas? (At that time there was no such tradition in Russia).
  2. The famous fairy tale by Vladimir Odoevsky is called: a) Kholod Sergeevich; b) Metel Petrovna; c) Moroz Ivanovich or d) Kolotun Nikolaevich? (Moroz Ivanovich).
  3. The famous storyteller Gianni Rodari came up with: a) the World of Santa Clauses; b) Country of Snow Maidens; c) Planet of Christmas Trees; d) City of Christmas balls? (Planet of Christmas trees).

Advice. For the one who gets the most correct answers or just the most active, you can prepare the best gift - a book.


This is a simple quiz, for which it is enough to prepare a paper daisy, funny questions will be written on the back of it. The player draws a petal and answers the question. Sample questions:

  1. Male weapons against Christmas trees? (Axe)
  2. Christmas tree singer? (Blizzard)
  3. Small blizzard? (driving snow)
  4. Winter sculpture with a carrot? (Snowman)
  5. Outfit for fish on the festive table? (Fur coat)

But the most interesting begins if the player does not give the correct answer. Then the host has the right to give the participant a task: crow under the table, drink a glass of champagne in one gulp, sing a song, etc.

Adults Only

For this quiz you will need:

  • a bottle of alcohol, it is better to take something exotic: rum, tequila, in extreme cases - liquor;
  • a bottle of mineral water;
  • 2 small glasses.

You don't need to ask questions ahead of time. They are already in stock with the participants themselves. The rules of the game are very simple. 2 players, chosen by lot, sit opposite each other. Between them are placed 2 piles: alcohol is poured into one, water into the other. One of the players, by choice, tells the second an incident that happened to him in the past year. But, it could also be a fictional case. If the second player guesses whether it was or not, he drinks water, and the one who guessed will have to drink alcohol. If the guesser is mistaken, then he will have to drink alcohol. The narrator will be saved and drink mineral water.

Attention! This competition can only be held in the company of adults in good health.

The more various quizzes and contests prepared by the hosts, the more fun the holiday will be. You can also ask each guest to come up with their own competition, then there will definitely be enough entertainment for the whole night.

New Year's game for the whole family: video

Topic: "Winter Quiz"

Conduct form: extracurricular activity


    expanding the horizons of students;

    correction of thinking, cognitive activity, creative communication abilities of students.

    raising the level of culture of behavior;

    education of creative abilities, skills and abilities of collective creative activity;

O Equipment:

multimedia projector

Event progress:

Hello guys. The oldest holiday on our planet is the New Year. There is a record of the celebration of the New Year in ancient Babylon, and it dates back to the second millennium BC. But in no other holiday is the character of the people, its traditions, way of life so clearly manifested ....

Not everywhere on our planet the New Year comes at the same time, and the point is not only in "time zones", but in an incredible number of New Year's traditions, customs, signs, beliefs, legends. In addition, not everywhere the New Year smells like a Christmas tree and frost, because many countries celebrate the hot New Year.

We owe the tradition of celebrating the New Year on January 1 to the ancient Romans - it is in the calendar introduced by Julius Caesar that the New Year begins on January 1.

Most European countries celebrate the New Year on January 1, but in India it occurs in July, in Ethiopia in September.

Today at the class hour we will think and remember the facts you know about the new year.

To conduct a New Year's quiz, the class is divided into 3 - 5 groups of 4 - 5 people.

The rules of the game (slides 2.3 of the presentation) are similar to the rules of the children's game "Forged Chains", when the players of two teams take turns running and breaking the clasped hands of the players of the opposite team, etc. In this game, each team is a chain, the links of which are team members. The game consists of three rounds. The facilitator asks questions to the teams in turn. For a wrong answer, the team loses one player, who goes to the "mind bank". The decision on who will leave the game is made by the team. For each correct answer, the team receives a token. If the team cannot answer the question, then the opposing team will be given the opportunity to answer. Having accumulated tokens, the team can redeem any player who is in the "mind bank" "Cost" of the player -

1 round: 2 tokens;

Round 2: 3 tokens;

Round 3: 4 tokens.

The team that retains the most participants and scores the most tokens for correct answers wins.

Itour "Warm-up"

Slide 5 of the presentation contains a table with question numbers. Teams take turns choosing a question and answering it, if a team cannot answer a question, then the opportunity to answer passes to the other team. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 token. In order to determine which team begins to answer questions first, teams can be asked a question and the team that answers first starts the game. Or you can just draw lots.

(Since 1700, by a special decree, Peter I introduced the celebration of the New Year on January 1 and ordered to have fun on this day and congratulate each other on the holiday).


    What is the name of an elementary particle - a crystal snow? (Snowflake.)

    Bel, not sugar, no legs, but walking. What's this? (Snow.)

    What is the name of the favorite winter folk sculpture from snow?

(snowman, snowywoman.)

    Which city of the Golden Ring of Russia has recently been recognized as the homeland Snow Maiden?

(Kostroma "

    What ancient Russian city is considered the birthplace of Santa Claus?
    (Veliky Ustyug, Volgograd region.)

    What is another name for a wild cat irbis? (Snowleopard.)

    What must be added to the wind to make a blizzard? (Snow.)

    Which fairy-tale heroine was contraindicated to be in the sun? (Snow lesson.)

    What is the name of a natural or artificial elevation for sledding?

(Snowy mountain.)

    Name the sports equipment, whose name is translated as " snowy boots".


    What is the name of the car for moving in the deep snow?

(snowmobile .)

    The name of which sports equipment is translated from English into Russian as " snowy board"?


    How do they talk about something completely unexpected (about an event, a guest, etc.)?

(Howsnow on the head.)

    What do they say about someone who is very greedy?

(Himsnow you won’t interrogate in winter.)

    How do you talk about something completely unnecessary?

(Needed like last yearsnow .)

    What is the name of the brave red-breasted songbird?

(Snegir b.)

    What is the cause of the numerous winter injuries of people that they receive on the streets?

(Ice, ice .)

    "A fierce battle is waged ... We believe in the courage of desperate guys." What name of the hockey team is missing in the given lines of the famous sports song?

(Ice squad.)

    What is the name of the hole cut in ice on a river, in a pond?


    What beauty dresses up once a year?

(New Year'sChristmas tree .)

IItour "Mysterious"

On slide 27 of the presentation there is a table with questions on various topics. Teams take turns choosing a question and answering it, if a team cannot answer a question, then the opportunity to answer passes to the other team. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 token.


Question numbers



Father Frost


    Two sisters, two braids
    From sheep's wool thin.
    How to walk - so put on,
    So that five and five do not freeze.

    I lived in the middle of the yard
    Where children play
    But from the sun
    I have become a stream.

    A guest came to us from the edge -
    Green, though not a frog.
    And not a clubfoot bear,
    Though her furry paws.
    And we can't understand
    What are needles for?
    She is not a seamstress, not a hedgehog,
    At least it looks like a hedgehog.
    Who is fluffy, at least not a chicken, -
    Every child should know.
    It's very easy to guess
    Who came to visit us today?
    (Christmas tree)

    We are with ram's horns
    We rush down the hill ourselves,
    How to climb the mountain
    We start to get stuck.

    Two snub-nosed girlfriends
    Do not fall behind each other.
    Both run in the snow
    Both songs are sung
    Both ribbons in the snow
    Leave on the run.

    Everyone is afraid of him in winter -
    It hurts to bite.
    Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,
    Because on the street...

    Who lives in the cold seas
    Among the huge icebergs?
    He has a mustache like a ruff
    Not afraid of cold...

    The snowflakes just fell
    I ran along the path
    And they run after me
    My entire itinerary is given out.
    (Footprints in the snow)

    It was in January
    stood Christmas tree on the mountain,
    And next to this Christmas trees
    The bad wolves roamed. (A. Barto.)

    Enchantress Winter
    Bewitched, the forest stands -
    And under the snowy fringe,
    Motionless, dumb
    He shines with a wonderful life. (F.I. Tyutchev)

    Blizzards, snow and fog
    Always submissive to frost
    I'll go to the sea-okiyany -
    I will build palaces of ice (N.A. Nekrasov. Frost, Red nose)

    Stands alone in the wild north
    On the bare top of a pine tree,
    And dozing, swaying, and loose snow
    She is dressed like a robe. (M.Yu. Lermontov)

    In December, in December
    All trees are in silver.
    Our river, as if in a fairy tale,
    Frost paved the night
    Updated skates, sleds,
    I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.

The tree cried at first
From home warmth
Stop crying in the morning
She breathed, she came alive.
Her needles tremble a little,
The branches were on fire. (S.Ya. Marshak "December"

    Under blue skies
    splendid carpets,
    Shining in the sun, the snow lies;
    The transparent forest alone turns black,
    And the spruce turns green through the frost,
    And the river under the ice glitters. (A.S. Pushkin "Winter Morning")

    Winter sings - calls out,
    Shaggy forest cradles
    The call of a pine forest.
    Around with deep longing
    Sailing to a distant land
    Gray clouds.

And in the yard a snowstorm
Spreads like a silk carpet,
But it's painfully cold.
Sparrows are playful
Like orphan children
Huddled at the window. (S. Yesenin)

    The creak of footsteps along the white streets,
    Lights away;
    On the icy walls
    Crystals sparkle.

    From eyelashes hung in the eyes
    silver fluff,
    Silence of the cold night
    Takes the spirit.

    The wind sleeps and everything goes numb
    Just to sleep;
    The clear air itself is shy
    Breathe in the cold. (Afanasy Fet)


Do you know whose Santa Claus is?

I. In what country is the New Year's grandfather's name Lana Pasquale?
1. Mexico. 2. Colombia . 3. Uruguay.

II. In what country is the New Year's grandfather called Ded Zhara?
1. Panama. 2. Cambodia . 3. Sudan.

III. In what country is the New Year's grandfather called Miko-laus?
1. Spain . 2. Czech Republic. 3. Germany

IV. In what country is the grandfather's name Santa Claus?
1. Scotland. 2. Ireland. 3. England

v. In what country is the New Year's grandfather called Mikulash?
1. Poland. 2. Czech . 3. Hungary.

VI. In what country is the New Year's grandfather's name Per Noel?
1. India. 2. Romania. 3. France

VII. In what country is New Year's grandfather's name Dong Che Lao Ren;?
I. China . 2. Japan. 3. Pakistan.

VIII. In what country is New Year's grandfather's name Bobbo Natale?
1. France. 2. Spain. 3. Italy .

IIITour "Musical"

The task of the participants is to recall and sing (name) a line from the New Year's song based on a fragment of the melody. If the recording of musical fragments is difficult for some reason, you can use another option for holding the competition. In this case, the presenter sings (reads) a line from the song. For each correctly guessed melody, the team receives a token.

    The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
    She grew up in the forest
    Slim in winter and summer
    Green was.
    Slim in winter and summer
    Green was.

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

    New Year is not far away!
    I want to wish you happiness!
    Here, the boy sits
    Without five minutes he is a master!
    Without five, without five!
    But five minutes is not much!
    He's on the right track
    Good is his way!
    Five minutes - so little!
    He's on the right track
    Good road!!!

(Gurchenko "Five Minutes" from the movie Carnival Night)

  1. Blizzard again,
    And the past is toiling in the dark ...
    Blizzard again…
    Two eternities converged in one short day...
("Again a snowstorm" - a song from the movie Irony of Fate-2
  1. If there was no winter
    If there was no winter
    In cities and villages,
    We would never know
    These days are fun.
("If there was no winter" (from the cartoon "Prostokvashino")

    La la la la la la la

Are you tired of worries - everything will pass
You are a little unlucky - everything will pass
New Year, New Year, New Year
Why the soul sings, the body asks to fly
New Year, New Year, New Year La la la la la la la

("New Year's Song" - Verka Serduchka)

    Little Christmas tree
    Cold in winter.
    Christmas tree from the forest
    We took it home.
    Christmas tree from the forest
    We took it home.

How many on the Christmas tree
colored balls,
pink gingerbread,
Cones of gold!
pink gingerbread,
Cones of gold!

(The little Christmas tree is cold in winter»)

    New Year is rushing to us
    Everything will happen soon.
    It will come true that dreams
    That we will be deceived again
    Nothing will be given.
    Wait a little longer
    There will be a tree soon.
    Just a little sense
    If Santa Claus song

The kids won't sing.

("New Year" - Disco Crash)

    Tell the Snow Maiden where was
    Tell me darling how are you
    I ran after you
    Father Frost
    I shed a lot of bitter tears

("Tell me, Snow Maiden, where were you")

    The rivers have cooled down, and the earth has cooled down,
    And a little puffed up at home.
    It's warm and damp in the city
    It's warm and damp in the city
    And outside the city - winter, winter, winter.

And they take me away, and they take me away
Into the ringing bright distance
Three white horses, three white horses -
December, and January, and February.

"Three White Horses" (from the movie "Magicians")

    When a young year enters the house,
    And the old one goes away
    Hide the fragile snowflake in the palm of your hand,
    Make a wish!
    Look with hope into the night sky,
    Squeeze your hand tightly
    And all that you dreamed about - ask
    Think and wish!

("Until the clock strikes 12")

    One summer I dreamed about the New Year.
    The Snow Maiden walks through the green grasses.
    And to me with a bouquet of daisies
    Santa Claus showed up
    And he gave me such a magical chest.
    New Year's toys, candles and crackers in it,
    And my funny little animals turned the house over.
    They started a merry round dance,
    How funny the forest people are
    And I did not believe that everything would pass like a dream.
    All the time takes away an unexpected dream.
    But sometimes he comes to me again.
    And once among things forgotten,
    I accidentally picked up the casket -
    So the fairy tale of the New Year's summer is not the end

"Christmas Toys"

    Snow creaks under hard feet,
    And the blizzard grabs a barrel.
    The Christmas tree is signaling me with lights -
    New Year's beacon.

What a miracle tree
Beacon tree!

Who lit a Christmas tree for me,
Nothing but a good friend.
I'm not afraid, I'm freezing cold -
Fires are burning all around.

What a miracle tree
Lights all around! (song of the mind)

Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.