How many children are in the nursery group? On the question of rationing the occupancy rate of preschool groups. Severe shortage of places

When choosing a kindergarten, many questions arise, for example, about the groups in the kindergarten, their types, number, and also where the child will be distributed.

What groups exist in kindergartens

Parents are concerned about the distribution of the child in age categories. Therefore, they are interested in what groups there are in kindergarten, is it subdivided into the first and the second, or is it the only one?

As a rule, children from 1.5 to 3 years old are assigned to the first younger group. Children from 3 years old are accepted into the second youngest. If the kindergarten you have chosen accepts children from only two years of age, then the younger group is alone in the kindergarten, without subdivisions.

It is generally accepted that an ordinary kindergarten includes four groups: nursery, junior, middle group and senior. But there are kindergartens where these groups are divided into additional younger groups, which were mentioned above, preparatory groups, where the emphasis is on preparing children for school. There are speech therapy groups, but they, as a rule, are in specialized kindergartens. Such groups are designed to correct certain functions of the child. If there are such units in the kindergarten, then he must have first-class specialists in his field, which, unfortunately, is not found everywhere.

Distribution of children into groups according to age

Today, in most kindergartens, the optimal division of children into age groups has been made. Groups are formed:

1. nursery - children from 1.5 to 2 years old;

2. the first youngest - 2-3 years old;

3. the second youngest - 3-4 years old;

4. average - 4-5 years;

5. - 5-6 years old;

6. preparatory - 6-7 years.

The distribution of children according to these categories is necessary for the convenience of maintaining statistics, and, most importantly, to improve the quality of the educational process, since children from a similar age category in one team learn skills and abilities more easily.

Short stay group

This group is an additional type of groups in kindergarten. Today you can already hear about such a group. This, of course, is a luxury that is available mainly only in private kindergartens and kindergartens of the elite category.

Groups for part-time kindergarten are needed for those mothers who, for some reason, are not ready to send their child to kindergarten for a full day. In addition, such groups usually consist of only 10-12 children, which adds comfort and confidence to parents.

Of course there are.

At the moment, the following rules and regulations are in force on the territory of the Russian Federation: "Code of rules SP 118.13330.2012" SNiP 31-06-2009.

Public buildings and structures "

Updated edition of SNiP 31-06-2009 ", which sets out the general requirements for the design of preschool institutions.

In Moscow, there is a "Moscow city building standards" Preschool educational institutions "MGSN 4.07-05", which describes in detail the process of designing kindergartens.

Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Norms SanPiN

"Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Design, Content and Organization of the Mode of Operation of Preschool Educational Institutions" fully regulate the design, content and organization of the work of preschool educational institutions.

Based on these documents, we can say the following:

The number of children in groups of a preschool educational organization of general developmental orientation is determined based on the calculation of the area of ​​the group (play) room - for early age groups (up to 3 years old) at least 2.5 square meters per child and for preschool age (from 3 up to 7 years old) - at least 2.0 square meters per child actually in the group. (SanPiN)

dressing room - at least 18 sq. m; for groups with occupancy less than 10 people, the area of ​​the dressing room may be determined at the rate of 1.0 sq.m. per 1 child, but not less than 6 sq.m.

group - at least 2.5 sq. m per 1 child in groups for infants and young children; 2.0 sq. m for 1 child in preschool groups

pantry - at least 3.0 sq. m

bedroom - at least 1.8 sq. m per 1 child in groups for infants and young children, 2.0 sq. m for 1 child in preschool groups,

toilet - at least 12 sq. m for groups for infants and young children; 16 sq. m for preschool groups (SanPiN)

The estimated occupancy of children's groups should be taken: for children from 2 months to 1 year - 10 children; from 1 to 3 years old - 15 children; in groups of different ages, if there are children of any three ages (3 - 7 years old) in the group - 10 children; in groups of different ages if there are children of two ages in the group (from 2 months to 3 years) - 8 children; in groups of the same age for children 3 - 7 years old - 20 children (optimal - 15).

When designing for a state order, a preschool educational institution of a general type should be provided for universal, therefore, the estimated occupancy of children's groups should be taken: for children from 2 months to 3 years old - 15 places; for children from 3 to 7 years old - 20 places. (MGSN)

When designing private kindergartens of a general type, the minimum estimated occupancy of children's groups is limited. In small preschool educational institutions, the occupancy of nursery groups is at least 6 places, in preschool groups - at least 10 places. Maximum permissible occupancy of children's groups: for children from 1 to 3 years old - 15 places; for children from 3 to 7 years old - 20 places.

The estimated capacity of newly built detached buildings of a general type preschool educational institution should not exceed 350 seats, built-in (built-in-attached) into residential buildings and attached to their ends - 150 seats.

The total estimated number of seats in a separate building "Primary school-kindergarten" should not exceed 350 seats. (MGSN)

I will make a reservation that the Moscow design standards may differ slightly from the regional ones. Well, all of the above applies only to newly built kindergartens.

When determining the maximum possible number of children in a kindergarten built quite a long time ago, it is worth relying on SanPiN and focusing on the existing areas of group rooms.

It is known that the Russian preschool education system is recognized by the international community as one of the most effective early childhood education systems. However, the changes that SanPiN and Change No. 1 to it entail are unlikely to support the high image of our national heritage, which was the preschool education of Russia. We will talk about what our fears are connected with in this article.

Creating appropriate conditions for the social environment is the basis of education

According to modern ideas about the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, citizens, and especially children, have the right to a favorable living environment, the factors of which do not have a harmful effect on their health. As evidenced by the data of scientific research in recent years, the contribution of the factors of the educational environment to the formation of children's health is quite large. This indicates how important and necessary it is that everything that forms the environment of a preschool institution, including educational activities, is in harmony with the child's body, and corresponds to the age-related capabilities and characteristics of children. The research results of the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents show that only 5-7% of preschoolers are healthy. Over the past 5-6 years, every year 40% of children are born sick or fall ill during the neonatal period, at least 10% of children are born prematurely and with low body weight. All this actualizes the need for favorable conditions in which the growth and development of children from a very early age takes place.

Specificity of hygienic regulation. Hygienic rationing, which is addressed to the child population, has its own specifics. Given the special level of sensitivity of the child's body in relation to certain environmental factors, rationing for children and adolescents should not only be aimed at creating optimal relationships between the body and the environment at the moment, but also should ensure its favorable development in the future. In this regard, hygienic standards for children should provide a level of safety that guarantees not only a harmless, but also a favorable living environment during their stay in an educational or health institution.

For several years, very important for the development of a small person, preschool institutions have become a priority habitat, in which optimal and safe conditions must be created for successful educational activities and strengthening children's health. As long-term practice shows, the most promising way to improve health, which is so urgently needed today by preschool children, is the prevention of its disorders directly on the basis of preschool educational institutions. Throughout the long history of the existence of preschool educational institutions in Russia, strengthening the health of children has always been and remains a priority area of ​​their activities.

Compliance with the requirements of sanitary rules is one of the important measures aimed at maintaining and strengthening the health of children. Today we have a fairly large arsenal of evidence that among the conditions of life that affect the formation of health, the most significant are the conditions of upbringing and education both in the family and in educational institutions. This is quite consistent with the well-known statement of one of the classics of Russian psychology, Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky, that "the creation of conditions is the basis for education."

Severe shortage of places

Analysis of modern sanitary legislation for preschool organizations - SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation in preschool organizations", approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 22.07.2010 No. 91, and Amendments No. 1 to them, approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 20.12.2010 No. 164, shows that the scientifically grounded approach to the rationing and regulation of environmental factors is not fully observed in the development of sanitary rules.

In particular, this concerns the rejection of the previously adopted rationing of the occupancy of children's groups, which was first recorded in the latest edition of the sanitary rules. The reasons for this adjustment of requirements are quite understandable, they are dictated by an extremely acute shortage of places in preschool educational institutions in almost all regions of our country.

According to clause 1.10 of SanPiN, instead of the previously adopted (differentiated depending on the age and state of health of children) standards for maximum occupancy, the determination of the number of children in preschool groups of general developmental orientation should be carried out based on the calculation of the area of ​​the group (play): for nursery groups - not less than 2.5 m² for 1 child, in preschool groups - not less than 2.0 m² for one child.

As practice shows, the heads of preschool institutions often have a question: "Is the maximum occupancy of groups on the payroll or the actual presence of children on a daily basis?" Of course, the maximum occupancy should be understood as the payroll of the group.

When calculating the size of a group room, now the area occupied by furniture should also be taken into account (in the previous edition, the calculation should have been carried out without taking into account the furniture and its arrangement). There is no doubt that the proposed new calculation of the minimum required area, excluding furniture, will lead to a reduction in the developmental environment - play, artistic and aesthetic, health-improving, sharply reduce the possibilities for physical activity and independent activity of children, and increase the risk of their injury.

And for compensating and combined, as well as preschool groups of different ages, this indicator is not regulated at all. Thus, the number of children in a general developmental group depends only on the area of ​​the group room. From this we can conclude that the standard of occupancy in the children's group is not considered today as an indicator of sanitary and epidemiological well-being. As a rule, the area of ​​group rooms in kindergartens is 50 m2. Thus, the payroll of a group for children under 3 years old can include up to 20 children, and for children of preschool age - 25 children. A particularly unfavorable situation is developing in urban municipal institutions, where the occupancy rate of groups exceeds the permissible by 40.2%. New requirements for determining the occupancy rate of preschool groups have already opened the "green street" for exceeding the previously established group occupancy rates, despite the fact that the construction and planning of preschool institutions has been carried out on the basis of previously established standards for many decades.

Overcrowding in preschool groups

Another argument confirming the importance of this indicator for ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of children in preschool educational institutions is the Letter of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 01-181 dated 28.12.2010 "On the results of control and supervision measures for children's organizations in 2010" ... The Letter states that among the main violations identified in the course of the state sanitary inspection is “overcrowding in groups”. Currently, there are over 48 thousand preschool institutions in Russia, and 40% of them are overcrowded.

There is no doubt that an increase in the number of children in a group will negatively affect the quality of educational services, and an individual approach to the development of each child will become almost impossible.

The overcrowding of children's groups entails an increase in acute morbidity, fatigue of children, microbial load, noise levels in groups, injuries, a decrease in the physical activity of children, the volume of correctional assistance, etc. Meanwhile, according to the famous Russian defectologist V.I. Lubovsky, about 48 % of newborns suffer from pre- and prenatal pathology and need corrective assistance. More than half of preschoolers attending general developmental groups have some kind of impairment in the development of speech. Even more children with functional impairments or chronic pathology need regular medical support, health-improving activities, which can be carried out in a preschool institution. This is an indicator of how relevant the principles of curative pedagogy are today and the insufficient volume of correctional work in preschool institutions is one of the risk factors for deteriorating children's health. We are well aware of how important and effective timely competent medical, psychological and pedagogical support for kids is. Meanwhile, we are witnessing this vital component of preschool work shrinking like a piece of pebbled leather or becoming commercial.

Normative conflict

Meanwhile, the results of our research trace a reliable relationship between the occupancy rate of preschool groups and the health status of children. Convincing data have been obtained that the excess of the previously established occupancy rate of preschool groups is accompanied by unfavorable changes in the health and well-being of children: the indicators of a strong and pronounced degree of fatigue at the end of the day significantly increase, the degree of neurotization increases, the psycho-emotional state worsens, and the number of absenteeism due to illness increases. The risk of an increase in the number of children with chronic pathology increases due to the transition of children from the 2nd to the 3rd health group. This confirms our idea that the rate of occupancy in children's groups should be considered as one of the important indicators of the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of children in kindergarten.

SanPiN today is the only document on childhood hygiene among the sanitary rules in which there is no standard for the maximum occupancy of groups. In our opinion, if we really want to improve the health indicators of our youngest citizens, create decent conditions for health promotion and quality education in kindergartens, SanPiN needs to restore the standards for the number of children in groups.

Decree of the Ministry of Labor dated 04.21.1993 No. 88 "On the approval of standards for determining the number of personnel involved in servicing preschool institutions (nurseries, nurseries, kindergartens)", the maximum occupancy of groups in a general preschool institution was determined: 10 children under the age of 1 year , 15 children aged 1 to 3 years and 20 children over the age of 3 years. Therefore, an increase in the number of children in groups in excess of the specified standards violates the rights of educators. If we turn to foreign experience, then the ratio of the number of children and teachers in kindergartens in many European countries, the United States, as a rule, is much more favorable than in Russia: 1 teacher for 10-15 children.

Until 04/16/2012, the Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 09/12/2008 No. 666, remained in force. In this document, the maximum occupancy of the group was established, depending on the specific established norms, for each type of preschool groups, divided by age. The indicators of maximum occupancy presented in it were completely identical to those contained in the Decree of the Ministry of Labor dated April 21, 1993 No. 88. After the entry into force of the Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated October 27, 2011 No. 2562, not a single normative act was actually does not determine the maximum occupancy of preschool groups in a general preschool institution.

We invest in childhood!

In 2007, V. Sobkin and A. Ivanova conducted a sociological study, during which the satisfaction of parents with the conditions of raising their child in kindergarten was studied. The results of a survey of over 1900 parents of preschoolers showed that the highest score on a 5-point scale - 4.5 points - was rated by the respondents as sanitary and hygienic conditions. I wonder if they will receive such a rather high rating from consumers of preschool services, working in accordance with the new sanitary legislation?

In conclusion, I would like to refer to the results of studies conducted under the auspices of the World Bank, which show the effectiveness of financial investments in various educational levels in terms of their return on society and for each person. Measurements were carried out throughout the entire life of a person. It was found that the highest efficiency is characteristic of preschool education, that is, the more seriously this stage of education is financed, the better life results people demonstrate throughout their lives. The data obtained confirm what the hygiene of children and the classics of Russian child psychology have always affirmed: it is in preschool childhood that the main parameters of health, personality and psyche of a person are laid, the direction and quality of the further development of his intellectual, emotional and physical abilities and capabilities are largely determined. Ignoring this is fraught with serious and deep problems in his later life.

This is another confirmation of the fact that the condescending and dismissive attitude towards preschool age in society is incredibly expensive.

STEPANOVA M.I., Dr. med. Sci., Head of the Department of Hygiene of Education and Upbringing, Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents, SCCH RAMS

The most important, according to YarMalysh, are the provisions of the new (coming into force on October 1, 2010) SanPiN for kindergartens.

Number of children in the group

For a preschool educational institution of general developmental orientation.

Nursery age:

  • from 2 months to 1 year - no more than 10 people;
  • from 1 to 3 years - no more than 15 people;
  • if there are children of two ages in the group (from 2 months to 3 years) - 8 people.

Preschool age:

  • for children 3 - 7 years old - no more than 20 people (optimal - 15 people);
  • in groups of different ages if there are children of any three ages in the group (3 - 7 years old) - no more than 10 people;
  • if there are children of any two ages in the group (3 - 7 years old) - no more than 20 people (optimal - 15 people).

In the combined preschool and preschool educational institutions of a compensatory orientation, the number of children is regulated separately.

Admission of a child to a preschool educational institution

After an illness, a child is accepted only if there is a certificate from a pediatrician, which should contain the following information: diagnosis, duration of illness, treatment, information about the absence of contact with infectious patients, recommendations for the child's individual regimen for the first 10-14 days.


Products prohibited in kindergartens:

  • frozen poultry,
  • meat with a mass fraction of bones, adipose and connective tissue over 20%,
  • margarine (only limited for baking),
  • any food brought from home,
  • pastries and cakes with cream,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • any products containing hot spices,
  • dairy products containing vegetable fats,
  • caramel,
  • canned food containing vinegar.
  • sausages, small sausages, boiled sausage no more than 1-2 times a week,
  • chocolate confectionery no more than 1 time per week,
  • beef stew only for soups and as an exception;
  • obligatory daily products: milk, sour milk drinks, sour cream, meat, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, juices, bread, cereals, butter and vegetable oil, sugar, salt;
  • compulsory products 2-3 times a week: cottage cheese, fish, cheese, eggs, etc.;
  • mandatory year-round artificial C-vitaminization of third courses.

The sample menu does not allow repetition of the same dishes or culinary products on the same day or on adjacent days.

Dishes can only be made of earthenware and porcelain (not broken, without chips), and cutlery - stainless steel. The use of plastic dishes and aluminum cutlery is not allowed.

Educational and physical education activities with children

Places for board games and activities should be equipped taking into account the child's preference for the right or left hand (for left-handed people, right-side lighting).

When organizing classes, children suffering from frequent colds should be seated away from windows and doors, children with hearing impairment and myopia - at the first tables corresponding to their height.

Whiteboards that do not have their own glow should be provided with uniform artificial lighting.

Maximum allowable amount of classes:

  • nursery group (from 1.5 to 3 years old) - 10 lessons lasting 8-10 minutes. each;
  • junior group (fourth year of life) - 11 lessons lasting no more than 15 minutes. each;
  • middle group (fifth year of life) - 12 sessions lasting no more than 20 minutes. each;
  • senior group (sixth year of life) - 15 lessons lasting no more than 25 minutes. each;
  • preparatory group (seventh year of life) - 17 lessons lasting no more than 30 minutes. each one.

The maximum allowable number of lessons in the first half of the day in the younger and middle groups should not exceed two lessons, and in the older and preparatory groups - three. Breaks between classes - at least 10 minutes. In the middle of the lesson, they spend a physical education minute.

Classes for children of middle and senior preschool age can be held in the afternoon, but not more often 2 - 3 times a week.

The number of additional classes (circles, sections, studios, etc.) per week:

  • for children of the 4th year of life - no more than 1 time per week for no more than 15 minutes;
  • for children 5th and 6th years of age - no more than 2 times a week for no more than 25 minutes;
  • for children of the 7th year of life - no more than 3 times a week for no more than 30 minutes.

Classes using computers for children 5 - 7 years old should be conducted no more than one during the day and no more than three times a week on the days of the highest working capacity: on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Continuous duration of work with a computer for children 5 years old should not exceed 10 minutes. and for children 6 - 7 years old - 15 min. The duration decreases after the child's illness.

Classes requiring increased cognitive activity and mental stress of children should be carried out in the first half of the day and on the days of the highest working capacity of children (Tuesday, Wednesday).

Pupils of preschool educational organizations are not given homework assignments.

These activities cannot be done in lieu of sleeping or walking.

The continuous duration of watching TV programs and filmstrips in the younger and middle groups is no more than 20 minutes, in the senior and preparatory groups - no more than 30 minutes.

Physical education classes for preschoolers are held at least 3 times a week. The duration of the lesson depends on the age of the children and is:

  • in the younger group - 15 minutes,
  • in the middle group - 20 minutes,
  • in the older group - 25 min.,
  • in the preparatory group - 30 min.

One of the three physical education activities for children 5-7 years old should be carried out outdoors year-round.

The independent activity of children 3 - 7 years old takes at least 3-4 hours.


The daily duration of a walk for children is at least 4 - 4.5 hours.

The walk is organized 2 times a day: in the first half - before lunch and in the afternoon - after a nap or before the children leave home.

When the air temperature is below minus 15 ° C and the wind speed is more than 7 m / s, the duration of the walk is reduced. The walk is not carried out when the air temperature is below minus 15 ° C and the wind speed is more than 15 m / s for children under 4 years old, and for children 5 - 7 years old when the air temperature is below minus 20 ° C and the wind speed is more than 15 m / s.

Daytime sleep

Daytime sleep duration:

  • from 1 to 1.5 years - twice, total duration 3.5 hours;
  • from 1.5 to 3 years - one sleep lasting at least 3 hours.

During the sleep of children, the presence of a teacher (or his assistant) in the bedroom is mandatory.

Requirements for premises, their cleaning and equipment

All rooms are cleaned with a wet method using detergents at least 2 times a day (and always after each meal) with open transoms or windows with mandatory cleaning of places where dust accumulates.

Carpets are vacuumed and cleaned daily with a damp brush, or beaten out in designated areas, then cleaned with a damp brush. They are dry cleaned once a year.

In the warm season, in order to prevent the flight of insects, windows and doors should be shaded. Indoor flies can be controlled using mechanical methods (sticky tapes, fly traps) as well as chemical fly control.

All types of repair work are not allowed during the functioning of preschool organizations in the presence of children.

Toys are washed or washed daily at the end of the day, and in nursery groups twice a day. Doll clothes are washed as they get dirty.

Bed linen and towels are changed as soon as they become dirty, but at least once a week.

Floors in group rooms located on the ground floor should be made insulated and (or) heated, with controlled temperature conditions on the floor surface. In winter, the floor temperature in group rooms located on the first floors of the building should be at least 22 ° C.

Placing aquariums, animals, birds in group rooms is not allowed. They are only cared for by personnel. Children can water the plants.

The territory of the kindergarten and playgrounds

The territory of the kindergarten should be fenced off not only with a fence, but also with green spaces (bushes and trees). In no case should they have thorns and poisonous fruits. The green area must be at least 50% of the area free from buildings.

The area of ​​the group's playground should be 7.2 m 2 for the nursery and 9 m 2 for the rest. There should be a shade canopy on the site of each group. In our climatic region, it should have three walls.

Short stay groups

In groups of short-term stays, family preschool groups without food and sleep, children should not stay longer than 3-4 hours, and without sleep and with the possibility of organizing a single meal - 5 hours.

Stay of children in such groups is possible for more than 5 hours.

The number of children in a kindergarten group does not depend on the teacher. Almost all parents of preschool children have heard or experienced difficulties in getting a place in kindergartens. However, our government happily reports that the problem is being solved, and in some regions there are no longer queues for kindergartens. How, then, without constructing new buildings, is it possible to arrange everyone into groups? It's very simple - by increasing the number of kids in groups. Although private kindergartens help a little, not every family can afford it.

The norms for the filling of the group with babies are regulated by one document - SanPiN, the abbreviation stands for sanitary rules and norms.

According to the instructions of SanPin, a Model Regulation on a preschool educational institution is drawn up. These documents contain hygiene requirements, regulate the issues of sanitary condition, nutrition and upbringing of our children.

It used to be considered the norm if there were 10 children on the list of children under one year old, from one year to three - 15, and from three to seven years - 20 children. Considering that preschool children often get sick, in fact, there were fewer children in the groups, which made it possible for educators to choose a "key" for each child, pay attention to his bad mood or listen to good news, that is, work with each one individually.

But on October 1, 2010, a new version of SanPiN was released, which almost solved the problem of queues for kindergarten. According to the new standards, it is recommended to accept children until there are actually 20-25 of them in the group, and as for the payroll, it can even go up to 45 people.

The norms for the number of children in a kindergarten group are calculated in square meters: for kids, 2.5 meters per person, for children from three years old - even less, 2 meters. This means that if the area of ​​the group is 60 square meters, together with all the furniture, manuals, toys in it, 30 children can be in it at the same time. At the same time, the number of educators and nannies remained unchanged.

Of course, it is good that almost everyone gets a place in the kindergarten, but what kind of upbringing and, especially, teaching children can we talk about, when the teacher would keep them safe and sound, make sure that they do not fight and push.

There is little room for games in groups, because in addition to play furniture, you need to find a place for chairs and tables at which children eat and study. And it’s good if out of 40 children included in the list of the group, 25-30 children go at the same time, but if they all come at once? Have lunch in two shifts? And sleep in twos on the same bed?

The quality of education was replaced by the number of children

Due to the inability to move in a group, during a walk, the kids try to compensate for the lack of motor activity, and the teacher must keep track of everyone so that they do not climb high, do not jump far, do not hurt themselves or break something for themselves or a friend.

But the main thing is that all the children are attached to kindergartens, you can report to the top about the elimination of queues in a separate city. And educators and parents are worried that the number of children in the kindergarten group according to SanPiN reduces all work with them to the protection of health and life, which, of course, is the most important goal, but one has to forget about the teacher's attention to each child. He would have to dress them, undress them, feed them, lay them down.

Some parents, not getting a place at the desired time, get their way through the courts. For parents in kindergarten, they make concessions, they are "created a place" in a group in which there are already 40 children, there are not enough beds and lockers for clothes, because bedrooms and changing rooms do not stretch. However, they are satisfied, they have achieved their goal, and the comfort of the child, apparently, no longer worries them much.

For the information of parents who are too busy with themselves - there is such a thing as. If you do not know it, then keep in mind that with the onset of this condition, the child can receive psychological trauma for life.

Children suffer not only from inconvenience. They are overworked from constant screaming and pushing, the weak, still developing nervous system of babies begins to malfunction: the child is more often sick, does not sleep well at night, talks or screams in a dream, does not want to go to kindergarten.

Kindergarten - work for a child

Don't think that only adults get tired at work and need a vacation. Children need it too.

Kindergarten is also work for them, they study and work there, and they get tired more than mom and dad. Therefore, the child two or three times a month needs to arrange additional days off: take him to his grandmother for a day or leave him at home with his older sister or aunt.

Do not rush to "take" your baby to kindergarten after the holidays, if you yourself stay at home. You want to lie on the couch, or plunge into the world of a computer game, instead of taking care of your son or daughter. And the child wants to be at home with mom or dad, take a break from the hectic holidays, and the cramped and screaming peers in the group, from the regime and forced inattention of adults. Take care of your baby's nerves, they will still be useful to him.

A kindergarten teacher, as a rule, tries to make the children's life fun and interesting, but not everyone succeeds in gathering 30 people with different moods and interests under their wing at the same time.

Therefore, if this is the case with the number of children in the group in your garden, help your child and teachers, pick him up from the garden early and be sure to take him with you on vacation.