Home scrubs are the best recipes. Scrub for dry skin at home - how to achieve the greatest effect. Proven homemade scrub recipes for dry skin

The guarantee of beauty and youthfulness of the skin of the face is daily care: gentle cleansing, nutrition, moisturizing. In order for the epithelial cells to receive a maximum of useful substances and good oxygen metabolism, it is necessary to regularly remove the layer of dead particles with the help of special cosmetic compositions. One effective way to cleanse is by applying an exfoliating scrub. This method is good for its simplicity: if you wish, you can perform the popular salon procedure yourself if you know how to make a facial scrub at home from natural ingredients.

What is a scrub

Many ladies are often confused scrub and peeling considering these procedures are completely identical. But any cosmetologist will immediately point out the error and explain what is the difference:

  • Scrubbing involves mechanical effect on the skin, a kind of massage with small hard particles. Peeling is called chemical cleansing, the active substances become fruit acids... You can read more about fruit peeling in this one.
  • Even if the peeling contains abrasive components, they crushed so much that they are not able to exfoliate coarse cells and play a completely different role - they polish the skin.
  • Peeling is aimed primarily at rejuvenation, pigmentation reduction... The scrub not only brilliantly copes with the task of deep cleansing, but also stimulates blood circulation, cell synthesis, oxygen saturation.
  • The acids included in the peeling make it undesirable to repeat the procedure more than once a month. Scrub is permissible to use up to 3 times a week for oily skin (for dry and sensitive skin, the recommended frequency is 2 times a month).

So, summarize: scrub is a procedure that is comparable to peeling in terms of cleansing efficiency, but has less number of contraindications and easier to do at home. With the right choice of ingredients, the risk of allergy to the face scrub is minimal, which cannot be said about the strong fruit acids. With regular use of a home scrub soon you can see pleasant changes in the mirror:

  • The greasy shine is gone black spots eels have noticeably decreased or disappeared altogether.
  • The skin is smooth, looks glossy, radiant.
  • Due to increased blood circulation updating is improving and tissue regeneration - the face becomes younger, a slight blush appears on the cheeks.
  • Middle aged ladies note that the contours of the face have tightened, the skin has become more elastic. In addition to scrubs, there are lifting masks, you will find information about them.

The light massage effect of the scrub provides him double efficiency: The solids will remove the rough top layer from the skin, and then the cleaned pores will absorb everything useful material homemade composition. The result is velvety soft skin without damage for the family budget.

Precautionary measures

The tonic effect of the scrub It is difficult to overestimate, but it is still not worth it to use it thoughtlessly, because excessive abrasive action can injure the delicate skin. Cosmetologists before the procedure, it is advised to study list of contraindications:

  • Facial skin is very sensitive th, thin - such characteristics do not completely exclude scrubbing, it is simply preferable to opt for soft compositions.
  • Irritation, inflamed acne... Any open wounds from mechanical stress will open even more, so the existing abscesses should be cured first.
  • Dermatitis, acne, papillomas and the like skin diseases completely cancel any abrasive manipulations on the face in order to avoid exacerbations.
  • Close subcutaneous location of capillaries... Such a mesh of vessels has a medical name - rosacea, and cosmetologists also do not recommend doing it to its owners. scrubs.

Even if none of the items from the above list are relevant to you, it would be nice before using the cosmetic product for the first time. do an allergy test... Apply the prepared scrub to the skin of the wrist, rinse. Evaluate the result after a day - in the absence of irritation you can apply the composition to the face.

Terms of use

Coming to beauty salon, we trust the master who is fully responsible for a positive result - he already knows what to do. To increase the productivity of the scrub at home will help compliance with a few simple rules:

  • Good cleanse your skin face before the procedure, completely removing makeup.
  • The second stage is steaming, which makes it easier exfoliation... Hold your face over the hot steam for a few minutes.
  • The best time for such manipulations- an evening when you are no longer going to leave the house, apply cosmetics.
  • The scrub is applied to moisturized skin along massage lines in smooth circular motions, without rubbing. A couple of minutes is enough to work out the whole face.
  • Eye area cannot be touched.
  • Homemade mixture no need to rinse off immediately: hold it for a few minutes, let the nutrients be absorbed.
  • The scrub is washed off with cool water, narrowing steamed pores. When the skin is dry, it is necessary to apply a moisturizer or nutritious cream.

Remember that excessive enthusiasm for scrub is fraught with thinning of the skin, rapid aging. Young girls with normal skin, you can do this cleaning 2 times a week, but after 40 it is better at all refuse scrub in favor of peeling.

What and how to make a scrub

Any scrub consists of at least two components: hard small particles and a soft base - creamy or liquid. How an abrasive component can act:

  • Ground coffee, coffee grounds
    Just a godsend for aging skin - it returns its former glow, smoothes minor imperfections.
  • Oatmeal, crushed or whole
    Recommended for oily skin, as they remove greasy shine.
  • Salt
    Food grade will remove blackheads, marine grade will even out the texture. Do not take a large one - the grains will hurt the skin.
  • Eggshell
    It is the richest source of hyaluron. The main rule is fine grinding.
  • Sugar
    It delicately cleanses the delicate skin, making it velvety and smooth.
  • Soda
    Ideal for enlarged pores, which is typical for oily epidermis.
  • Grape seeds
    Good for ladies of Balzac age due to the high content of caring oil.
  • Chopped cereals - rice, buckwheat, millet
    They are also great exfoliators, but they can slightly scratch the face if not grinded properly.

Having decided on the abrasive component, you need choose a soft base... It is important to take into account the needs of the skin, because it is the liquid part that will become a source of nutrients immediately after cleansing:

  • Sour cream, yogurt, thick curdled milk
    They moisturize well, create a protective film, relieve redness, and enhance regeneration.
  • Fruit puree
    Saturates the skin with vitamins, minerals, enhances the cleansing effect.
  • Olive oil
    Suitable for thin-skinned ladies due to its softening effect.
  • Shower gel
    This is the simplest and least efficient option. Easy to apply, but too much lather, which minimizes performance.
  • A tomato
    Protects from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Cucumber
    Reduces puffiness, refreshes, tightens the skin.

When suitable ingredients found, make sure of their quality - the products should be fresh, without signs of rotting and foreign odors. In advance prepare a clean bowl, deeper container, a teaspoon. The scrub applied to steamed skin should be warm. For this heat the base in a water bath - place a bowl of cream or butter in a container of hot water for a few minutes.

Best homemade scrub recipes

Variety of scrubs, prepared at home, is in no way inferior to the range of cosmetic stores, and perhaps even exceeds it. The availability of the main ingredients gives unlimited room for experimentation, selection of a unique composition that suits you. In the meantime, you can use one of the proposed by us effective recipes:

  • Coffee and yoghurt scrub for oily skin
    Mix 1 tablespoon of fresh natural yogurt without additives with 1 teaspoon of ground coffee. Use the composition as a mask - apply on the face, leave for a quarter of an hour, and then rinse off, lightly massaging the skin. Eliminates oily sheen, normalizes sebum separation, tightens enlarged pores.
  • Oat banana scrub for dry skin
    Mash half a small banana well with a fork or chop with a blender. Add 1 tablespoon of finely ground oatmeal and 1 teaspoon of honey. Heat the resulting mass in a water bath, apply on the face, rinse. Can be used as a moisturizing mask if desired.
  • Carrot and cereal scrub
    Mix finely grated carrots (1 tablespoon) with 1 teaspoon of semolina and the same amount of oatmeal. With this mixture, you need to scrub your face for 2-3 minutes, and after rinsing, apply a nourishing cream. The procedure will cleanse the skin of the face, give it smoothness and radiance.
  • Salt scrub for acne and acne
    You will need one egg white and a teaspoon of chopped sea salt. The product effectively removes impurities, loosens and tightens pores, but is not suitable for sensitive skin.
  • Oatmeal scrub with olive oil
    This product is recommended for owners of all skin types for softness and hydration. Take 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, add 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar, 0.5 teaspoon of warmed olive oil. Before using, be sure to steam your face.

The skin, regularly cleansed with a scrub, will quickly respond to your care - it will become beautiful, velvety. A little more time will pass, and the oval of the face will noticeably tighten, fine wrinkles will become less noticeable. Enhanced oxygen exchange will give your cheeks a healthy glow. And all this without much work and unnecessary spending, because now you know how to make a face scrub at home.

The skin on the face is the most vulnerable place.
We cannot hide it from the cold and wind in winter and from the sun's rays in summer.

She suffers, and the process of dying off the cells of the upper layer - the epidermis, occurs faster than anywhere else.

By remaining on the skin, they prevent air and water from reaching healthy cells. And also all the beneficial substances that are in the creams and masks that we use.

The easiest way to remove dead cells is with a scrub. It consists of a soft base and absorbent particles.

When massaging the skin, they catch old cells and remove them. After such a procedure, the complexion is evened out, the skin becomes softer and softer.

It is not easy to find a scrub for dry skin. The thing is that it is thinner than oily and normal. Therefore, it is easier to damage it.

But at the same time, carry out the procedure more often: not once a week, as recommended for other skin types, but twice.

Preparing scrubs at home for dry skin

You can go to the store for a good scrub. And you can save time and money and make it at home.

Preparing such a remedy is not at all difficult. You probably have everything you need at home, in the refrigerator or in the kitchen cabinet.

The benefits of "their" scrubs will be no less. Properly prepared product. easily removes all dead particles from the skin, and vitamins, minerals and trace elements of natural products that we are going to use nourish and enrich it.

In addition, a home scrub can be prepared "for yourself", focusing on your problems, and choosing the most suitable ingredients.

Even the size of the exfoliating particles can be learned to adjust so that your skin feels as comfortable as possible during the procedure.

Oatmeal recipe

Oatmeal for external use is no less useful than for internal use. In terms of the content of vitamins and microelements, it is a real champion.

During peeling, they will penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and saturate it with everything you need.

For dry skin, oat scrubs are the best option.

The flakes make a very soft, abrasive material that acts gently, removing dead cells without causing any harm to healthy ones.

To make a scrub, grind the oatmeal.

Focus on your skin type:

  • if it is very thin, prone to irritation, the exfoliating particles should be made as small as possible.


  • 1 tablespoon of cereal;
  • 2 tablespoons of carrot juice.
  1. Pour the carrot juice over the flakes and let sit for 10 minutes until they swell properly.
  2. The resulting gruel can be used as a scrub.

Carrots will saturate the skin with additional vitamins, help to make the complexion more even.


You will need:

  • 1 tablespoon of cereal;
  • 12 tablespoons of milk powder;
  • 1 tablespoon of high fat milk.

Stir the flakes with the milk powder, then pour over the slightly warmed milk.

Let the mixture sit a little. 10 minutes should be enough.

Then use it as a scrub. Milk will make the skin softer and softer.


  • 1 teaspoon pumpkin puree
  • 1 teaspoon of cereal
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil (preferably olive oil).
  1. Mix all ingredients.
  2. Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes.
  3. Use as a scrub.

Pumpkin will saturate the skin with vitamins, and oil - with fats, soften it and make it more tender.

"Sour cream"

Toss the oatmeal with sour cream and use the mixture as a scrub.

Our great-grandmothers also used sour cream to take care of the chicken. It allowed them to keep their skin soft, soft and youthful.


  • 5-6 large grapes;
  • 1 tablespoon oatmeal
  1. Remove the seeds from the grapes.
  2. Peel off the skin and mash well with a fork.
  3. Pour the resulting gruel with water at room temperature, close the lid and leave for a few minutes.
  4. Then use the mixture as a scrub.

Grapes perfectly tones the skin, makes it more elastic.


  1. To get mashed potatoes, it is enough to grate the cucumber on a fine grater, having previously peeled it.
  2. Mix it with the oatmeal, being careful not to lose any of the resulting juice.
  3. Stir well and let sit for a few minutes.
  4. When the juice is completely absorbed into the oatmeal, the scrub can be used.

Cucumber has a slight whitening effect, it will help to even out the complexion, get rid of minor age spots and freckles.

Coffee scrub

Coffee is the most effective exfoliation agent.

Thanks to the special substances that are included in this invigorating drink, it not only cleanses the skin, but also tones it up. This is facilitated by caffeine.

It also makes the skin less susceptible to aggressive external environments, increasing its resistance.

So, frost and sun, with regular use of such a tool, will bring her much less harm.

And antioxidants, which are also present in coffee beans, can smooth out fine lines and wrinkles.

This is especially important for dry skin, because it is more prone to their appearance than others.

Together with this, polyphenols will force the production of natural collagen, which prevents the formation of new folds.

Finely ground coffee or coffee grounds can be used as the absorbent.

The first contains more nutrients. But the second - acts more gently, and will not damage even the most delicate and sensitive skin.


  • 2 tablespoons of coffee;
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (preferably olive oil).

Mix all ingredients and use for exfoliation.

The oil will have an additional emollient effect, and the honey will add nutritional value.

"Coffee with sour cream"

  • 2 tablespoons of coffee;
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream.

Mix the ingredients and use as a scrub. Thanks to the softening effect of sour cream, it is suitable for the most sensitive skin.


  • 2 teaspoons of coffee;
  • 2 teaspoons of coffee;
  • 2 teaspoons of milk.

Combine coffee and rice flour and cover with milk.

You should get a mass that resembles sour cream in consistency. It can be used as a scrub.

Rice flour will saturate the skin with additional nutrients, and milk will soften and make it more tender.

All of the above recipes are presented in the article for informational purposes only. The administration of the resource is not responsible for their action. The use of recipes depends solely on your decision.

In this video, you will see how to make a scrub at home.

How to make a face scrub at home? This question worries every woman, because beauty is made up of many factors, an important one of which is skin health. To keep her youthful and fresh for a long time, women all over the world use both salon and home treatments and remedies. One of the most popular methods is the use of scrubs. Let's figure out what scrubs are, how they work and who are suitable for. We will also learn how to make a face scrub for blackheads and acne for different skin types at home.

What is a scrub and how does it work on the skin?

Let's start with the definition. Scrubs are cosmetic creams that contain a certain proportion of solid particles. This can be salt or sugar, coconut flakes, oat bran, crushed seeds or nut shells, and even refined sand or other mineral particles or synthetic inclusions.

Everyone knows that the process of tissue regeneration, including skin, occurs continuously. As a result, dead particles accumulate on the surface of the skin, which must be removed. If this is not done, keratinized cells impede the absorption of nutrients, the skin stops "breathing", and creams or lotions that you apply to unclean skin will not work at best, or even harm, clogging the pores even more, and can even cause acne.

Gradually, the skin becomes covered with a layer of dead particles and takes on a dull, gray tint. Of course, in this case, we are not talking about beauty, the skin looks tired and old.

Of course, we all wash, use special gels and foams to dissolve sebum and dirt. However, this is not always sufficient and deeper cleaning should be carried out from time to time. That's what scrubs are for. In addition to the main action - cleansing - scrubs increase blood circulation, because during their application we give the skin a light massage. As a result, metabolic processes in the skin are restored, oxygen is better absorbed, which means that the skin becomes smoother and softer.

For dry and sensitive skin, use the mildest formulations, for oily, not prone to redness, scrubs with larger particles are suitable.

How to make a face scrub at home

Making a scrub at home is very simple. To do this, you need to combine the softening base and abrasive components.

Depending on the type of skin, you can vary the composition of the product. This is the first benefit of homemade scrubs.

The second important advantage is cost savings. Agree, it's easy to mix a little coconut and vegetable oil, and the price of such a composition is much lower than that of a ready-made, purchased natural scrub.

The third argument in favor of home scrubs is the ability to independently control the composition of the product and the quality of all its components. This is especially important for allergy sufferers, whose skin may react unpredictably to unknown ingredients in store cosmetics.

Before using the scrub, the skin should be cleaned, at least washed, or you can steam it. Apply the composition to damp skin, massage lightly for two to three minutes and rinse off with water at a comfortable temperature. After that we apply a tonic (tonic, rose water) and a cream according to the skin type.

A video on how to make a face scrub at home can tell you not only original recipes and ingredients, but also the peculiarities of combining certain products for the best result. In addition, in the video, you can see in detail how to properly massage the skin of the face, moving along the massage lines.

The best recipes for facial scrubs

Most often, food-based scrubs are prepared at home. Firstly, it's simple, because cream or honey is almost always at home. Secondly, it is safe: if we eat these foods calmly, then it is clear that applying them to the skin will also not harm.

The bases for a home remedy can be: cream or soft cottage cheese, fruit puree, sour cream or natural mayonnaise, cosmetic clay, honey, vegetable oils, pressed yeast.

Suitable scrubbing particles: coffee, salt, sugar, coconut, berries with small seeds, soda, crushed egg shells.

Scrubs for dry and sensitive skin

The first thing to remember for owners of dry skin is not to scrub it too much or too often. It will be enough once every 2-3 weeks.

The second rule is to use the fattest and most nutritious formulations for the base.

Oatmeal scrub with sugar in butter

Mix 1 tsp. oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder with 1 tsp. sugar and pour into the mixture 1 tablespoon of warm butter (any). Mix thoroughly until smooth.

Milk oat scrub

Easiest option for dry skin. For him, you just need to mix ground oatmeal with warm milk until the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply to skin and massage for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with water.

Almond oil nourishing scrub

Mix oat flour (3 tsp), 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. almond oil and 2 tablespoons of cranberry juice. You can also add 1-2 drops of orange essential oil if desired. Leave the resulting mixture to swell for 3-5 minutes and then use as usual.

Toning raspberry scrub

Combine 2 tablespoons of raspberries and 1 drop each of ylang ylang and mint oils.

Soothing herbal scrub

2 tbsp oatmeal (can be crushed), mix with ground dry chamomile and lavender and a couple of drops of lavender oil. The mixture should be diluted with warm water until the consistency of a soft gruel.

Scrub for blackheads

A mixture of egg white and sea salt will help get rid of blackheads and oily skin. Such a mixture will not work for dry skin - it will cause flaking, and maybe irritation.

Yoghurt scrub with coffee

This composition helps to get rid of excess oil and normalize skin balance. For its preparation, it is necessary to mix ground coffee with natural yogurt without additives to the consistency of a thick gruel. If you are lactose intolerant, you can replace the yoghurt with lotion or cleansing milk.

Scrubs for combination to oily skin

Normal to oily skin will tolerate deep cleansing once a week or two. Of course, everything here is individual, and you must monitor your condition in order to adjust the frequency and intensity of the procedures in time.

Yeast scrub with lemon

Mix 15 g yeast and 1 tsp. lemon juice, place the container with the mixture in hot water for 1-2 minutes. Add 1 tsp there. fine salt and mix well.

Oat Rice Scrub

2 tsp mix oatmeal with 2 tsp. ground rice and 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. Bring the resulting mixture until smooth and can be applied to the skin.

Orange scrub

Grind 1 tablespoon thoroughly. dried orange peel, add 1 tsp. ground almonds and dilute with a little warm water.

Honey Salt Scrub

In the mixture 1 tsp. sea ​​salt and 1 tsp. lemon juice, add 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey and mix well. If you are prone to allergies, you should first test for honey tolerance.

Contraindications to the use of scrubs

Overuse of scrubbing compounds can thin the skin, making it sensitive and too dry. Also, too frequent and active cleansing of the skin threatens to disrupt the water-salt and lipid balance, which weakens the surface immunity and can cause a lot of trouble.

Some people are not allowed to use scrubs at all. First of all, this applies to those who suffer from rosacea, vitiligo, psoriasis, seborrhea of ​​the facial skin, severe acne, rosacea, fungal or other infectious diseases.

By the way, it is worth remembering that if after using the scrub the skin remains reddened for more than 3 minutes (and even more so if there is a burning sensation or itching), it is no longer worth using such a composition.

The advantage of home scrubs is undeniable - they are simple and quick to make, you can choose inexpensive components, in addition, you always know what is in the composition, and you can change the recipe at your discretion.

I am sure that you, just like me, want to have beautiful skin, free from all kinds of defects. In my search for effective and sustainable facial cosmetics, I have highlighted ten of the best exfoliating products available to everyone. Having experimented with natural scrubs myself, I recommend that you prepare a facial scrub at home as well.

At the same time, I noted for myself that it is not at all necessary to leave impressive amounts of money with a beautician or in the department of professional skin care products, it is enough just to look in the refrigerator or on the grocery shelf. Look at familiar products in a different way, amazing discoveries await you!

If you love coffee and drink it regularly, this recipe is for you. These amazing grains are known to contain amino acids, vitamins, trace minerals, and antioxidants. While drinking a cup of aromatic drink, keep the resulting thick and experiment with recipes.

Coffee with honey

This honey scrub perfectly cleanses and, at the same time, nourishes the skin. Suitable for all skin types.

  • Coffee grounds;
  • Liquid honey;
  • Almond or sesame oil.

Coffee with coconut oil

  • Coffee grounds;
  • Fine sugar;
  • Coconut sugar.

Oat scrubs

Oatmeal is a real storehouse of trace elements necessary for the skin. Scrub based on oat flour is intended for gentle cleansing of the face. It has cleansing, exfoliating, rejuvenating and moisturizing effects. It is advisable to leave the oatmeal scrub on the face after the massage for 12-15 minutes - during this time it will have time to act as a mask.

Oatmeal with milk and almonds

It is ideal for dry skin. To prepare it, dry ingredients must be grinded in a blender (you can also use a mortar or coffee grinder).

  • Oat flour;
  • 1-2 almond kernels;
  • Milk (or non-fat cream).

Oatmeal with honey and butter

This mild scrub cleanses well, moisturizes, soothes and nourishes the skin.

  • Oat flour;
  • Favorite base oil.

Face care


02.09.14 12:47

Smooth, fresh and velvety skin is the result of regular and correctly selected cosmetic procedures. For high-quality cleansing of even the most delicate skin, the use of masks, lotions and milk may not be enough. In such cases, will help home scrubs for sensitive skin... Gentle procedures will provide the epidermis with cleansing, resurfacing, establishing cellular respiration and accelerating the rejuvenation process.

The use of unsuitable components can damage the epidermis, therefore, when creating and using formulations, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of a scrub for sensitive skin. If the face reacts with redness and irritation even to natural substances, it is important not only to choose the optimal ingredients, but also to forget about experiments. This type of epidermis involves deep cleansing no more than twice a month. Having chosen the best option for a scrub, you need to constantly adhere to the recipe.

  • aggressive chemicals must be completely eliminated, they are not even used as drip additives;
  • home scrubs for sensitive skin consist of the smallest solid particles and an oil base;
  • experts recommend adding oily forms of vitamins A and E to the mixtures, this will normalize the water balance and improve the condition of the skin;
  • the compositions are applied in a circular motion to a previously steamed, but dry face and washed off with cool water;
  • abrasive particles for such scrubs must be ground in a blender or coffee grinder to a state of flour;
  • scrubs do not need to be left on the face, they are washed off after 2-3 minutes of massage.

As a result of the procedures, the epidermis becomes soft, velvety and even. Inflammation and irritation pass, and wound infection is prevented. The face is refreshed and rejuvenated, cellular respiration is restored.

Homemade scrubs for sensitive skin: recipes

High-quality cleansing and rejuvenation of the epidermis is guaranteed only by properly prepared homemade scrubs for sensitive skin: recipes may include fruit pulp, oils, nuts, flour, dairy products, honey and even spices. The selection of additional ingredients depends on the preference of the face and the expected results.

Strawberry honey scrub

Grind and grind half a glass of ripe, but not letting juice of strawberries in a blender. Add two teaspoons of liquid honey, better than flower honey, as a nutritional base, and mix. If strawberry seeds are clearly visible in the composition, it is better to apply it with a soft but dense brush or cotton pad. Using your fingers can damage the surface of your face. The chemical activity of strawberries is inhibited by honey, so there should be no irritation after the procedure. After the first session, the skin is noticeably cleansed, polished, softened, and refreshed. The cells are intensively nourished and hydrated, and dry acne and redness are prevented.

Add pre-sifted corn flour to full-fat homemade milk at room temperature and mix until a homogeneous medium-thick paste is formed. Apply the product to the skin with gentle circular motions, then rinse with warm or cool water. Homemade scrubs for sensitive skin based on milk and flour cleanse the face of dust and dirt, prevent inflammation and acne. This combination of products is ideal for skin prone to irritation.

Banana mask with nuts

For sensitive skin, walnut or pine nut kernels can be used. They need to be ground in a coffee grinder and mixed with banana pulp. For 2-3 nuts, you need to take about half a banana. The resulting paste is rubbed into the skin. The banana part nourishes and smoothes the skin, the nuts cleanse the surface of the face from dirt and activate the cells. The product can be used to cleanse the combined type of epidermis. Despite its softness, the composition thoroughly absorbs dirt and excess skin secretions.

Divide the oatmeal into two parts. Grind one half only lightly, the other half until fine flour. Combine both mixtures and dilute with olive oil. Let the composition brew for a quarter of an hour and apply to the skin with massaging movements. You can leave the mass on the skin until the composition is well absorbed. Oatmeal cleanses the epidermis without causing damage or irritation. Olive oil moisturizes well and changes the structure of the oatmeal, which swells and makes the cleansing process even smoother. Homemade scrubs for sensitive skin with oatmeal and oil leave behind a thin, porous film on the skin's surface, which protects fragile cells from the environment.

Rice scrub with turmeric powder

Grind the grains of white unpolished rice in a coffee grinder to a state of flour. Add a little turmeric powder and dilute the dry mixture with cool boiled water to a paste. We rub the composition into the skin for three minutes, then rinse off with warm water. Rice thoroughly cleanses the epidermis from dirt, and turmeric is an effective natural antiseptic. Using a rice scrub prevents acne, infected lesions, irritation and inflammation. In addition, this product well whitens age spots, exfoliates dead cells of the epidermis, supplies the upper layers of the skin with trace elements and nutrients.

Grind half a teaspoon of sea salt to flour. Homemade scrubs for sensitive skin cannot contain large salt crystals; this is fraught with irritation and even ulceration. We make mashed potatoes from the core of the cucumber and combine the two components. Thanks to the minerals contained in sea salt, the epidermis becomes radiant and smooth after the first session. The moisturizing components of the cucumber fill the cells with moisture, tone up the tissues, and restore their elasticity and purity. The upper layer of the epidermis is intensively renewed, rejuvenating the face, smoothing wrinkles, neutralizing swelling and edema.

Yolk scrub with edible salt

We dilute a teaspoon of fine edible salt with a tablespoon of camelina seed oil and one egg yolk. We mix everything well and quickly apply on the face. If you leave the product to infuse, the salt may melt and the effectiveness of the procedure will decrease. When applying and removing the composition, do not press hard, you can scratch the skin. After the session is over and the mass is washed off, you can apply a soothing chamomile compress on your face for a couple of minutes. Salt scrubs thoroughly cleanse the epidermis, and the yolk and oil soften the action of the aggressive component, while nourishing the upper layers of the skin.

Ripe and clean figs are peeled, placed in a bowl and filled with hot, but not boiled milk. We close the lid and insist for half an hour. Then we take out the fruits and pass them through a meat grinder. Add quite a bit of milk to the resulting gruel, in which figs and coarse oat flour were infused. The gruel should be thick and uniform. The product can be applied immediately or, if there is inflammation on the skin, we insist the mass for a quarter of an hour to soften the oatmeal. We apply the composition along the massage lines without strong pressure. After the end of the massage, we wash off the product, you can rub the face with milk again. Homemade fig scrubs for sensitive skin can be used at any time of the year, but in summer they are especially appreciated for their cooling, toning and refreshing effects.

Vitamin face slimming scrub

To two tablespoons of cocoa butter, add three drops of geranium and rosemary essential oils, five drops each of the oily forms of vitamins A and E. As an abrasive part, you can use ground coffee beans or coarse oat flour. The composition cleanses the face, evens out its tone, produces a healthy glow and even gives the skin a light tan. As a result of increased blood circulation, metabolic processes are accelerated, fats are broken down, the face loses weight, its contours are tightened. The vitamin component triggers the production of collagen and elastin, which helps to cope with the appearance of signs of aging in the form of wrinkles and age spots. If homemade scrubs for sensitive skin with vitamins and oils cause reddening of the epidermis, you can try using less intense essential oils as active ingredients.

Grind the granulated sugar in a coffee grinder for a few seconds. For two parts of the resulting sugar flour, take one part of coconut. It is best to prepare it yourself - the ingredient available in the store is low in nutrients and increased hardness, which can lead to damage to the epidermis. Add two parts cocoa butter and one part milk powder to these two ingredients. If scaly foci often appear on the face, you can add five drops of rose oil to the composition. We mix everything thoroughly and use it as directed. Such a multicomponent scrub allows you to restore the water balance of the epidermis, cleanse the surface of the face, and activate the protective and regenerative functions of cells. The procedure is accompanied by a pleasant aroma that has a calming effect on the body, which also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Sour cream scrub for skin rejuvenation

Pour one part of the crushed sea salt with three parts of fat sour cream and add three drops of juniper and cypress oil each. The product is applied to the skin of the face and neck. In addition to cleansing, whitening and moisturizing, the composition rejuvenates the skin and tightens it with regular use. Homemade scrubs for sensitive skin with sour cream also affect the chemical processes in the thickness of the skin due to the presence of lactic acid. Its concentration is quite low and cannot harm the delicate epidermis, but it is enough to accelerate metabolic processes.

Cinnamon honey mask

Add a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and a couple of drops of juniper and rose oil to two parts of liquid flower honey. We mix all the ingredients, there should be no cinnamon clots in the composition, this can cause redness on the skin. Scrubs, masks, peels based on cinnamon should be applied carefully. This component is very intense, but with the correct dosage and the absence of intolerance to the body, such formulations ensure the normal functioning of all tissue systems by increasing blood circulation. The tone of the epidermis rises, the folds are tightened. Homemade scrubs for sensitive skin with cinnamon should not be used for any vascular disease.

Mix a tablespoon of olive oil (preferably unrefined) with the same amount of avocado oil and unroasted poppy seeds. You can add three drops each of cedar nut oil and peppermint oil. The composition has a pronounced nutritional effect, accelerates the outflow of blood. The use of the product eliminates edema, bruising, peeling, dirt. Homemade scrubs for sensitive skin with oils and small abrasive particles act softly, do not clog pores, and stimulate rejuvenation processes.