The ratio of sugar and water for curling hair. Home remedies for hair styling. Sweet lemon water

Mountains of sweet sand are used to prepare the next gastronomic masterpieces. Sugar is applied to the hair as an effective cleanser that gives softness and shine to curls. In tandem with other components, it acts as a conductor of life-giving vitamins, minerals and acids. But even in its pure form, it allows you to restore curls to the very ends. If you want to add texture and volume, you can't do without a sweet solution.

The benefits of sugar for hair

    • sucrose;
    • glucose;
    • macro and micro compounds.

Its excellent properties make it possible to solve the following cosmetic tasks with its help:

    1. Strengthen and enhance growth;
    2. Give shine and elasticity;
    3. Get rid of dandruff;
    4. Take care of the scalp.

Contraindications - individual intolerance. Testing the composition to detect an allergic reaction will help to avoid harm.

Ways to use sugar for hair

Cosmetologists have been using the product for a long time to get rid of hair. The dense paste is popular in salons for painless removal and retardation of subsequent growth. Shugaring is not the only application, a sweet solution has been used for centuries as a styling agent. And to cleanse the scalp without overdrying the strands, you can apply a scrub once a week that relieves dandruff and flaking.

Sugar spray

Result: gives shine and fixes the shape.


    • 5 gr. Sahara;
    • 50 ml of herbal decoction.

Preparation and method of application: collecting herbs - chamomile, nettle and linden, boil and strain, add white sand. Pour the resulting liquid into a bottle with a spray nozzle. Spray on damp curls, then dry and use a styler.

Sugar scrub

Removes dead skin cells, helps to improve metabolic processes in hair follicles.


    • 20 gr. sand;
    • 8 drops of sandalwood essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: by combining the components with massaging movements, distribute on the scalp, rinse after 15 minutes. Use three times a month, if dandruff appears, carry out a course of seven procedures.

Video recipe: Scalp peeling at home

Hair removal with sugar

How to remove hair with sugar is best known to a professional. But you can also learn shugaring skills on your own. Over low heat, a paste is prepared from sugar (10 tablespoons), the juice of half a lemon and water (tablespoon). Stir constantly until the mass begins to become covered with bubbles. The cooled agent is distributed in a thin layer along the growth line, then a strip of linen is applied. Pressing firmly so that it adheres well to the sugar coating, with a sharp motion remove the section against the hairline. After rubbing with water with citrus ether, the redness will disappear in a day.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to the shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos of famous brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses its elasticity and strength, and the color fades.

But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use the products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial office conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by the funds from Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Home depilation allows you to remove hair with sugar without irritating even the most sensitive epidermis. The usual way to remove hair at home means only to accelerate the growth of tougher units. Epilation of hair with sugar does not provoke the growth of new ones, gradually inhibiting and slowing down the processes of the appearance of the trunks.

Video recipe: Shugaring paste and how to make sugar hair removal

Sugar lacquer

A home remedy can be used instead of nail polish for a strong hold and healthy shine.


    • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar;
    • 700 ml of water;

Preparation and method of application: dissolve the sand in warm water, add citrus juice, shake well, you can use it. Spray onto dry strands for a final hold.

Sugar hair styling

The natural product helps to give a natural glow, protects against the influence of aggressive chemical elements. The use of a natural fixative prevents fragility and sectioning of curls, retains a rich color.

Homemade sugar hair mask recipes

Effective hair products help cleanse the scalp and normalize all metabolic processes in the bulbs. Folk recipes solve the problem of hair loss and dandruff, and also make the curls shiny, elastic.

Growth mask

Result: the effect of sugar for hair growth is aimed at improving oxygen respiration, accelerating blood circulation, and supplying nutrients to the follicles.


    • 10 gr. Sahara;
    • 20 gr. yeast.

Preparation and method of application: stir the baking granules to form a paste with green tea, add sweet sand and spice. Distribute the liquid mass near the root area, leave for half an hour. When finished, rinse thoroughly as usual.

Recipe Video: How to Boost Hair Growth with Olive Oil, Mayonnaise and Sugar

Anti-hair loss mask

Result: do it yourself effectively. Weakened, depleted bulbs receive a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins.


    • 15 gr. powdered sugar;
    • 10 gr. coconut oil.

Preparation and method of application: it is better to grind sugar against hair loss into powder, add cocoa and nut butter. Dilute the resulting product with a decoction, distribute the fragrant gruel with rubbing movements at the roots. After warming, you can rest for fifty minutes, then remove the hair mask with sugar in the usual way.

Straightening mask

Result: an effective sugar hair mask will provide hair straightening.


    • 5 gr. powdered sugar;
    • 30 ml of plantain broth.

Preparation and method of application: having prepared and filtered the healing broth, dissolve the sweet powder in it. After washing the hair, apply along the entire length of the growth, do not rinse, but while the curls are wet, comb thoroughly, giving the desired shape.

Mask for oily hair

Result: peeling of the scalp with sugar provides cleansing of the sebaceous ducts, restoring the pH of the scalp, volume and density along the entire length.


    • 10 gr. Sahara;
    • 8 strawberries;
    • 5 drops of rosemary essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: mix fresh / frozen berries with sand on a blender, add spicy ether. Spread the liquid mask on dry strands of the root area, then to the very ends. After waiting fifteen / twenty minutes, you can rinse with plain water.

Dry hair mask

Result: against brittleness and dryness, restores to the very ends, a mask with powdered sugar. The velvet structure does not injure the cuticle, protects, covers with a thin shell.


    • 15 gr. powder;
    • 10 gr. starch;
    • 15 ml of aloe juice;
    • 3 yolks.

Preparation and method of application: squeeze the juice of the plant through cheesecloth or a press, combine with powder and cornstarch, add yolks whipped with a whisk. Distribute the finished mass along the entire growth line of dry curls. Wrapped tightly with a film, insulated with a terry cloth, leave the restoring procedure overnight. After waking up, rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Video recipe: Mask for nourishing dry hair at home

Mask for volume and density

Result: Effectively apply masks with sugar to give hair a luxurious volume. The sweet sand helps to maintain luxurious curls for a long time, while not weighing down or destroying the stem structure.


    • 15 gr. Sahara;
    • 10 gr. clay;
    • 2 ampoules of pyridoxine.

Preparation and method of application: mixing cosmetic clay with sweet crystals, dilute with mineral water, into a homogeneous gruel, add liquid vitamin B6. After spreading on wet strands, wait about twenty-five minutes. Finish hair care with the usual rinsing, leave the curls to dry naturally.

Shine mask

Result: homemade masks give shine and silkiness to curls, restore a healthy shine to the very ends.


    • 10 gr. Sahara;
    • half a lemon;
    • 5 ml of wheat oil.

Preparation and method of application: grind lemon with sugar in a blender, add light, moisturizing oil to a homogeneous mass. Spread the care composition on wet strands after cleansing with shampoo. It is enough to hold for half an hour, then remove the remnants. Use the mask up to three times a month so that citrus acid does not destroy the protective hair cuticle.

Mask with sugar and mustard

Result: at home, an affordable cosmetic procedure will help get rid of dandruff, accelerate growth and give the desired volume. For oily hair, use mustard with sugar twice a week, for dry and brittle hair, use it once a month.


    • 10 gr. Sahara;
    • 10 gr. mustard;
    • 15 ml of cream.

Preparation and method of application: low-fat milk cream, mix with a spicy paste, add sweet crystals. Spread with a sponge along the parting of the root area, leave for no more than ten minutes, if there are sensations of burning and tingling, immediately rinse off the composition. After removing the residues, let the curls dry on their own.

Video recipe: Mustard-based sugar mask for hair growth at home

Sugar and Egg Mask

Result: relieves dryness and brittleness, as well as for split ends, a natural recipe. Use effectively in courses of eight / ten sessions.


    • 5 gr. powder;
    • 4 yolks;
    • 20 ml sour cream.

Preparation and method of application: separating the yolk from the protein, beat for five minutes with a whisk along with sour cream and white powder. Apply to clean, moistened strands, stepping back six centimeters from the roots. After waiting forty minutes, you can wash off the home remedy.

Sugar and Yeast Mask

Result: a sugar scrub for the scalp enhances the flow of nutrients to the bulbs, thereby strengthening and accelerating growth. It is repeated for all hair types no more than three times a month, if dandruff appears, carry out five sessions in a row.


    • 15 gr. Sahara;
    • 15 gr. yeast;
    • 5 gr. salt.

Preparation and method of application: combine baker's yeast granules with sweet and salty sand, apply with massaging movements on dry scalp, distributing the product along the parting. Leave the mask for twelve minutes, rinse with warm water.

Video recipe: Yeast hair growth mask with mustard, sugar and honey

Mask with sugar and burdock oil

Result: strengthens follicles, nourishes and moisturizes, protects against mechanical damage and the effects of styling thermo-means.


    • 10 gr. powder;
    • 15 ml burdock;
    • 7 drops of basil ether.

Preparation and method of application: dissolve sweet crystals and aromatic liquid in warm vegetable oil. Apply with a brush to clean, damp strands, leave insulated for an hour. After this, rinse with the usual method.

No woman can imagine everyday hair styling without the use of special products that are designed for this procedure. It is very important for her that during the day the hairstyle remains perfect, and does not require time to correct the styling.

As a rule, women use professional hair styling products, but very often they cause allergic reactions and do not give the desired effect. In addition, professional tools are often expensive, and not every woman can afford it. There is a way out of this situation. Instead of expensive professional methods at home, you can resort to folk hair styling products that do the job just as well.

1.Hair and easy fixation can be made with a spray containing lemon juice. To do this, you need to take 1 lemon for 1 glass of water. It needs to be cut into slices, thrown into boiling water and boiled over low heat until half of the liquid has evaporated. Further, for the preservation and sterilization of products, all this must be filtered and a few drops of alcohol must be added to this liquid. The resulting liquid must be poured into a spray bottle and evenly distributed on damp hair. The keeper of this liquid should be kept in the refrigerator.

2. If you have light brown hair, and you want it, the best remedy for this can be a decoction of chamomile officinalis. The main thing is not to confuse it with ordinary chamomile. To obtain the effect, you should rinse your head with this broth after each wash. The result will be gorgeous. Hair will become shiny, strong, manageable, healthy and lighten several tones.

Instead of gel - gelatin

Very often, women use gel to create their hairstyle, but it makes their hair coarse. and dries them out. Gelatin can be used with great success instead. The effect will be the same, but the condition of the strands is better. To do this, you need to take 1/3 tsp. gelatin, pour it about half a glass of cold water and leave to swell. Then the resulting mixture must be put on fire and brought to a full boil. After the mixture has cooled, it must be stirred and then it can be used for consumption.

Instead of varnish - water and beer

To style your hair, especially if it is unruly, you can use sweet or salt water. To do this, you need to dissolve the sugar in water, pour it into a spray bottle and spray on the curls like varnish.

Many beauticians consider beer to be one of the best hair styling products. To do this, add a little boiled water to the beer and then slightly wet the strands with this solution. Once your hair is stiff enough, you can start creating any hairstyle. Also, instead of beer, you can use kvass, syrup or milk.

Volume and styling with grapefruit and sweets

To give your hair volume and flawless styling, you can use a fruit such as grapefruit or sweets. To do this, you need to take a grapefruit or sweet peel and cook it over low heat. After that, cut into pieces, cool, squeeze, pour into a bottle with a dispenser and store in the refrigerator. Such a tool is in no way inferior to foam or mousse and is great for curling curls with curlers.

Flaxseed decoction for fine strands

If your hair is very thin, you can use a decoction made from flaxseed to style it. To do this, you need to take 1 tsp. flaxseed, pour half a glass of water and boil for the next 20 minutes over a fire. After that, the broth must be cooled and then filtered. This broth is applied to before styling. It is great for curling or blow-drying.

Vinegar will help to create a hairstyle.

Vinegar can be a great substitute for foam, varnish or mousse. To do this, you need to wash your hair and rinse it with cool water. This will help make the hair silky by the closure of the scales. Next, you need to add 1 tbsp to 2 liters of water. l. 10% vinegar. With this solution, you should rinse the strands, then blot them with a towel and you can start styling your hair.

Today, stylish styling is a visiting card for any modern woman. You can do good styling using various means, but it is very difficult to find the right styling products that will hide such shortcomings as lack of volume or dullness, as well as help protect them from the adverse effects of the external environment.

For those who want to save money, time and hair health, it is best to use various folk remedies for styling, which will not only give an incredible effect, but also help improve the condition of the hair.

Hairsprays, mousses, hair styling foams - all this, of course, is good and very convenient, but it does not add health to your hair. And inhalation of hair styling spray is undesirable for anyone, especially those prone to allergic and bronchopulmonary diseases.

If you are a supporter of a healthy lifestyle and a clean environment, if you cannot stand the smell of hairspray, or your skin and hair do not react well to store styling products, then this article will bring you useful solutions. There are excellent alternatives - natural hair styling products made at home from available products. They are easy to prepare, and the effect is no worse than store products.

Styling hair with citrus fruits

The classic recipe sounds like this: cut one lemon into pieces, pour a glass of water, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat as much as possible, close the lid and so the brew languishes until its volume is half as much. Cool and drain over the edge, you can strain or squeeze, then add a teaspoon of vodka or alcohol for preservation.

You can pour the finished varnish into a spray bottle, but it can clog, or into a bottle with a dispenser. Now you can use lemon as a styling product. Whether or not to blow-dry your hair is up to you.

If you have curly hair, it is very convenient to form curls with your hands moistened with this product.

In addition to lemon, it is also recommended to use grapefruit, and sweets are also suitable. And you can only take the sweets crust, as it is quite thick. Cook it over low heat, cut into pieces, cool, squeeze, pour into a bottle with a dispenser and store in the refrigerator. This product gives volume and keeps styling no worse than foams and mousses, when curling with curlers, the curls last for a very long time!

Pros of lemon styling:

  • Perfectly fixes
  • Does not deteriorate for a long time when stored in the refrigerator
  • Coats hair and protects against negative environmental influences
  • Hair stays clean longer

Also, keep in mind that under the influence of the sun, this product lightens the hair a little.

DIY hair gels

1. A wonderful recipe is a flaxseed gel that perfectly fixes the hair style and cares for the hair. Pour 1 teaspoon of seeds with 100 ml of water and boil for 20 minutes. Cool, drain. The resulting decoction-gel can be applied to both wet and dry hair, and then styled with a hairdryer or wound on curlers.

2. Another great natural home remedy for styling hair is a gel made from gelatin. This product is ideal for fine hair, as gelatin, enveloping the hair, makes it denser and thicker, keeping styling well.

To prepare the gel, dissolve one tablespoon of gelatin in a glass of water and leave for a couple of hours to swell. Then the gel should be carefully warmed up so that it finally dissolves. In principle, after cooling it can already be used for its intended purpose, or you can first add a little vinegar and honey.

Hair Styling Beer

This tool has been tested by more than one generation of women. Beer is generally very good for hair, it can be used as a mask or rinse.

For styling, use light beer, both neat and diluted with water - 2 parts beer and one part water. Apply it to clean hair - for example with a spray bottle - and style with a hairdryer in the usual way or curl in a safe way.

Once dry, the beer smell will go away, but be prepared for your hair to smell of beer if exposed to rain. The effect of beer is "double": in addition to good hold, the hair becomes soft and shiny.

By analogy with beer, kvass, milk, syrup (1 tablespoon of sugar in a glass of warm water), a solution of salt or sugar were previously used for home styling.

There are many other recipes, more complicated ones - from mountain ash with curdled milk, tragacanth and even wood shavings! But you must admit that it is worth starting with something simpler. No need to be afraid to try or hesitate to use folk remedies. Your hair will be grateful for such a natural and safe care!

Sugar is not only an appetizing product, but also a very controversial one. For more than a decade, there has been talk about what effect sugar has on the human body, does it benefit or harm?

But this is only one side of the coin. The thing is that from the point of view of cosmetology, sugar can be used as an excellent cosmetic product with extremely positive characteristics.

How is this possible? - you will be surprised. In today's article, The Beauty Pantry reveals how sugar is used in homemade hair care recipes.

Hair sugar: cosmetic use

As you may have guessed, today we are going to talk about an alternative use of sugar, using its properties for the benefit of our hair.

So, in skillful hands, sugar can become not only an obligatory addition to a glass of tea, but also an excellent cosmetic product.

On the basis of sugar, it is possible to prepare a hair scrub that perfectly cleanses the scalp, promoting the renewal and regeneration of skin cells.

Besides that, the sugar is excellent. With it, you can fix the styling and even add volume to your hair.

It should be said that sugar is also used as part of various home masks, the purpose of which is to strengthen the hair, filling it with shine and vitality.

How is such a different use of sugar possible - read our recipes.

Hair sugar: folk recipes

Recipe 1. Peeling the scalp with sugar

Sugar peeling is a simple procedure that will help not only renew the skin, but also make the skin smooth and beautiful.

To prepare a home remedy, several tablespoons of sugar (depending on hair length - from 2 to 4 tablespoons) are mixed in a small amount of ordinary shampoo in a 2: 1 ratio (sugar: shampoo). It is better that the shampoo used was on a natural basis - this will strengthen and heal the curls.

Oil is added to the resulting mixture - 1 tablespoon of vegetable and 5-10 drops of various essential components.

How to choose oils for making a sugar scrub? In the classic recipe, it is preferred as a vegetable, but in principle it can be any other oil with a light structure, for example, almond or grape seed.

When choosing essential oils, they often prefer citrus fruits (for brittle, dry, lifeless hair) - lemon, orange, grapefruit - 3 drops each.

With a sensitive scalp, as well as with a tendency of hair to oily, choose tea tree oil - 5 drops, as well as 2 drops of bergamot and lemon essential oils.

For weakened, dull hair, the Beauty Pantry recommends using ylang-ylang oil - 4-5 drops, as well as 2-3 drops of chamomile and lemon essential oils.

So, when the components are selected and thoroughly mixed into a single mass, you can start "scrubbing" the scalp. The mixture is applied to wet skin, and begin to massage in such a way that the shampoo gives a lather. The product is left on the hair for 5-7 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed off with running water.

If necessary - 1-2 times a month to maintain the beauty of the hair and the health of the scalp.

Recipe 2. Sugar hair styling

Another popular way to use sugar on hair is as a hairspray for volume and hold. By the way, our great-grandmothers also resorted to this recipe.

Well, to prepare the product, 2 teaspoons of sugar are simply dissolved in ½ liter of water. The resulting solution is poured into a bottle with a spray bottle, and the spray is ready!

Spraying the product at the roots of the hair, you can add volume to the hairstyle; using it at a short distance, sugar syrup will turn out to be that will help fix the styling.

Recipe 3. Mask with sugar for hair

This recipe contains mustard, sugar, oil - ingredients, the combination of which activates blood flow to the hair follicles, which improves the nutrition of the roots and ultimately accelerates hair growth. Egg and oil nourish hair, saturating it with essential nutrients.

To prepare the mask, 1 tablespoon of dry mustard powder is diluted with the same amount of hot water, a tablespoon of olive oil, yolk and 1-2 tablespoons of sugar are added.

There is an opinion that the more sugar you add to your hair, the more the mustard will bake, so when applying the mask for the first time, do not overdo it.

With a strong burning sensation, the amount of mustard is reduced by replacing it with oil and adding a second egg yolk to the mask.

The content of the article:

At first glance, sugar is a simple and well-known product for its use. For many years there has been an ongoing debate about the benefits or harms of this product. Of course, many scientists have already come to the conclusion that there are few useful substances in sugar. But as always there is a small "but", sugar is not beneficial when consumed, but it is simply an excellent tool in the field of cosmetology, especially in the form of body and hair scrubs.
You know that a hair scrub is just as important as a body scrub. We will try to prove it to you.

Think, it seems, you have already picked up the perfect shampoo for your hair, and an excellent balm, and an impeccable mask, but your hair still remains dull and lifeless, what else is missing from your hair? Now we will inform you about this.

Each hair has a cuticle - this is the so-called sheath that covers it. It is in these cuticles that dirt, dust or other similar elements accumulate over time, and ordinary shampoos or balms are no longer so easy to deal with them. Hair begins to wash out poorly, very quickly becomes dirty again, loses its natural shine and freshness. These will be the first signs that they just need an effective peeling.

Benefits and Results of Sugar Scalp Peeling

  • Peeling of the scalp promotes blood flow to the hair follicles, thereby significantly accelerating their growth, nourishing and cleansing them of obsolete impurities.
  • Sugar-based scrubs, thanks to their crystal-like structure, exfoliate and remove dead skin, thus giving the hair a "second wind".
  • Hair scrubs are most beneficial when applied before any other cosmetic treatment, such as a vitamin or nourishing mask.
  • Pre-cleansed scalp with peeling, like a "sponge", will absorb all the useful, and so it needs substances from subsequent procedures.
  • The cuticle, which, thanks to the peeling, will acquire its natural properties, will be able to maximize the rapid growth of hair, as well as ensure its purity and shine.
  • It is on the basis of two very simple and no less famous crystal-like products, such as salt and sugar, that you can prepare an almost ideal remedy for peeling the scalp at home. Of course, it is best not to use salt, but sugar, since salt tends to take moisture away from both the skin and hair.
  • Scalp peeling with such a product as sugar is simple, versatile and flawless in all its aspects. Indeed, directly, sugar-based scrubs contribute to the regular renewal of the skin, they also give the hair beauty, smoothness and shine.

Sugar scrubs for strength and shine

  • A multipurpose scrub for shine. The thickness of the sugar scrub should not be thicker than porridge, so that it is easily applied to the hair and does not spread over it when applied. When the sugar porridge is ready, we apply it in small portions and with massaging movements from the back of the head to the forehead, on dry hair, focusing our attention precisely at the roots. After this peeling, the hair roots will become clean, blood circulation will accelerate, and the hair will acquire shine and silkiness.
  • There is another version of the same scrub, but instead of water, you need to take oil, for example: olive, almond, jojoba or grape seed oil. The crystals will slide on the oil and scratch the scalp a little less, while making the peeling very delicate and soft, and the mask itself will not dissolve longer.
  • A scrub that lathers. For this scrub, you will need a shampoo suitable for your hair type, a base oil, and sugar. Combine shampoo and oil in a 2: 1 ratio, mix well, and then add sugar until a thick porridge is formed. Now we apply the ready-made product to wet hair, after making a light head massage at the roots, rinse off the product with warm water. If you see that the hair is not very well washed off the oil, apply again, just shampoo and rinse the hair again.
  • Scrub with blue clay and sugar. Clay is a product known to everyone as an excellent absorbent, and if it is used as part of masks and scrubs, then there is simply no better means for cleansing the skin from various types of impurities. To prepare a scrub, we need: dry powder of white clay and sugar, in a combination of 1: 3. Stir the mixture well while it is still dry, then add water. Apply this product to damp hair, massage it a little, leave the scrub for 5-10 minutes, so that the clay can work better. After such a procedure, the hair will acquire beauty, manageability and excellent shine.
  • Scrub based on shampoo, essential oils and sugar. It is this scrub that enjoys the widest popularity. After all, it cleans and gives shine to hair much more than any other scrubs. For it, you need to take a shampoo based on natural ingredients, about 50 g, but this will already depend on the length of your hair, because one portion of the scrub is done at a time. Then add a few drops of essential oils and, accordingly, sugar to this shampoo. The scrub should hit like a thick porridge so that it can be easily applied to the hair. Oils for this kind of cosmetic product must be selected exclusively for your hair type. If the hair is dry, then it is necessary to use orange, grapefruit or lemon oils, and if, on the contrary, the scalp is very sensitive, and the hair is prone to rapid greasiness, then bergamot or tea tree oils will come in handy. So be careful when choosing the oils for this scrub, they should match your hair type. We apply this scrub to damp hair, massage the scalp for 5 minutes, then leave it for another 5 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. It is recommended to use such a scrub no more than once every two weeks.
Now you know that you just have to want and in the kitchen you can find seemingly ordinary and simple products. But if they are used for cosmetic purposes, then their properties take on a completely different meaning. So is sugar, a very simple product in any kitchen, but very good and effective in the form of body and hair scrubs.

For more information on sugar scrub for the scalp, see this video: