Modern wild female tribes. And this is what reality looks like

A woman-warrior, a maiden-warrior - this is what those around a real Amazon call. Strong, brave, independent, beautiful, but at the same time so attractive and inaccessible... These girls lived by their own rules, regardless of society and others. A challenge is read in their eyes, and hot blood runs through their veins. There is no place for love and disappointments in the heart, and the soul does not suffer from loneliness. They charmed men, used them, threw them out of their lives with ease.
There are no real Amazons left today. But in the blood of every girl there is something wild, reckless. And you should feel it for a photo shoot in the style of "Amazon".

Photo: Margarita Kareva
photo: Margarita Kareva

photo: Margarita Kareva
photo: Margarita Kareva

photo: Margarita Kareva Photo: Victoria Bee

Let's take a look at what we need for a photo shoot in the Amazon style. Let's start with the costume. The well-known standard of Amazonian clothing looks like a tight corset, a short skirt, a wide belt and a lot of metal. Alternatively, the corset can be replaced with a bodice. Clothing color - black, brown, gold, metallic, olive. Sometimes there are Amazons "in furs" and with leopard colors. It all depends on the vision of the image that needs to be displayed. The material of the costume should be natural - this gives an additional hint of the wildness of nature. Shoes fit both open (sandals) and closed (boots). Maybe even barefoot. The main thing is that it would be feminine and sexy. You can complement the image with a bandage or a tourniquet on your head and massive jewelry: a necklace, bracelets, earrings.
Do not rush to follow the standards! If desired, you can always bring something new to the image. A corset or bodice can be replaced with a white tight-fitting short dress that exposes one shoulder. By the way, the skirt does not have to be short - floor-length is perfect! Just make sure that there are cutouts that expose your legs. The Amazon should be comfortable hunting!
The main advantage of a female warrior, and at the same time an attribute of a photo shoot in the Amazon style, is a weapon. A sword, crossbow or bow with arrows will look great in the hands of these girls! A knife, dagger or spear will also take its rightful place in the image. And how original the rope will look in the frame! The main thing is to let your imagination run.
Amazon makeup should be bright, bold. Smokey eyes style is perfect here. As an experiment, you can try makeup in natural tones. Hair loose, slightly curly. A messy hairstyle is so in their style! And you can just collect in a high tail.

A photo session in the style of "Amazon" is usually carried out in nature. Here is a warrior maiden hunting wild animals, and here she is bathing in the lake... But modern Amazons carry out military operations not only in the forest, but also in the stone jungle. An abandoned warehouse, the roof of a skyscraper, or just an ordinary street - you can choose any place if you wish.
Do not forget that in the image of a model at a photo shoot in the style of "Amazon" there should be a challenge. A challenge to others, a challenge to nature, a challenge to enemies. A belligerently upturned chin, a weapon in a firm hand, and a challenge is read in the eyes. It is the model that should bring the whole image into the frame. And if everything is done correctly, then you will be pleased with great photos!

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Stories about female superheroes never cease to excite the minds of Hollywood directors. Thanks to them, all the guys on the planet sometimes dream of Xena, Red Sonja, Catwoman, even the Black Widow, despite her nickname. Now it's Wonder Woman. The actress Gal Gadot who played her is really charming. But does she really look like a real Amazon?

website collected photographs of women whose glory of courage and strength is captured in the pages of history, not comics.

1. In our view, the Amazons look like this

The heroine Gal Gadot warrior Diana is a character of ancient legends. In 1941, she first appeared in the pages of comics. And now any fan of movies and cartoons about superheroes imagines the Amazons like that.

2. And this is what reality looks like

In fact, the Amazons looked like this. It is not for nothing that every Greek hero, from Hercules to Theseus, had to fight with a powerful Amazon almost on orders, proving his courage.

3. Even their own people were afraid of them

Warriors lived in the West African state of Dahomey south of the Sahara. These were representatives of the personal guard of the king and his named wives. However, even the ruler of a harsh country did not dare to touch them, clearly afraid of them. Before that, the warriors were harsh.

4. A third of Dahomey's army consisted of Amazons

And these are not semi-mythical characters at all, but quite real detachments that showed themselves in battles with the colonial troops of France at the end of the 19th century. According to scientists, there were up to 6,000 women in the troops of Dahomey. And this is a third of the entire army of the country.

Myths and legends about wild Amazons - women who formed a separate tribe, lived according to the rules of matriarchy and fought with men, have existed since ancient times. Archaeological excavations confirm this fact, however, disputes about the reliability of the existence of a militant society, consisting exclusively of representatives of the weaker sex, do not subside.

Myths and legends

According to ancient Greek mythology, the kingdom of the Amazons, warrior women, existed for some time on the territory of Libya, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. For what reason they lived separately from men, it was not clear, but for a long time they managed on their own. Some sources tell about a nomadic tribe of women, others about the existence of a kingdom headed by an Amazon queen.

Their main occupations were: hunting for the purpose of obtaining food, wars with neighboring tribes for enrichment. According to ancient legends, the origin of the Amazon was from the union of the god Ares (or Mars) and his daughter Harmony, and the warriors themselves worshiped the goddess Artemis, a virgin huntress.

One of the exploits of Hercules was the task, during which he had to take away the magic belt from the warlike girls, which was intended for ransom for the return of the daughter of Queen Antiope.

Tribes of Amazon Women: Life and Reproduction

According to the opinion expressed in the 5th c. BC. the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, such a state of matriarchy existed on the shores of Lake. Meotides (modern territory of Crimea). They built several cities, among them Smyrna, Sinop, Ephesus and Paphos.

The main occupation of the Amazons was participation in wars and raids on neighbors, and they wielded a bow, a double battle ax (labrys), and a short sword with great skill. The warriors made their own helmet and armor.

But in order to have children, for the purpose of reproduction, the tribe of Amazon women annually in the spring declared a truce and arranged meetings with men from the border lands, who were then paid off after 9 months with born baby boys.

But according to another version, a sadder fate awaited male newborns: they were either drowned in the river or maimed to be used as slaves in the future. Newborn girls were left in the tribe and raised as future warriors who had to wield all available weapons. They were also trained in hunting and farming skills.

So that in the future, when drawing a bow in battle, their right breast would not interfere with them, they burned it out in childhood. According to one version, the name of the tribe came from a mazos, i.e. "breastless", according to another - from ha-mazan, which is translated from Iranian as "warriors", according to the third - from masso, meaning "inviolable".

War with Dionysus

The combat victories of the Amazon tribe glorified them so much that even the god Dionysus decided to make an alliance with them so that they would help him fight the titans. After the victory, he treacherously started a war with them and defeated them.

The few surviving women were able to hide in the temple of Artemis, then to go to Asia Minor. There they settled on the Fermodont River, creating a huge empire. Participating in several wars, Amazon women captured Syria and reached the island of Crimea. Many of them took part in the siege of the famous Troy, during which the ancient Greek hero Achilles killed their queen.

During the battles with the Greeks, the enemy was able to capture several girls and, having loaded them onto a ship, wanted to take them to their homeland for demonstration. However, on the way, the female warriors attacked the ship and killed everyone. But due to the lack of navigation skills, the Amazons could only sail with the wind, and eventually they washed up on the shores of Ancient Scythia.

The formation of the Sarmatian tribe

Having settled in a new place, the warriors began to rob the settlements and take away the cattle, killing the locals. The Scythian warriors were very proud, because they considered waging war with female warriors unworthy of employment. They acted differently: they gathered their best warriors and sent them to capture wild women in order to then receive good offspring from them. Good luck awaited them, after which a new people of Savramats or Sarmatians, with a heroic physique, was born.

The life of the tribe of Amazon women took place actively in military campaigns and hunting, and they dressed in men's clothes. And local men were assigned to household duties: cooking, cleaning, etc. The Sarmatians had an interesting tradition: girls could only marry after killing any representative of the stronger half, but they usually found victims in neighboring tribes.

Homer and Herodotus on the Amazons

According to historians, the great ancient thinker Homer, who created the famous works "Iliad" and "Odyssey", also wrote about the country of Amazonia. However, this poem has not survived. Greek myths are confirmed by ancient amphoras and bas-reliefs decorated with drawings of Amazon women (photo below). Only in all the images, beautiful warriors have both breasts and sufficiently developed muscles. Also, the Amazons are mentioned in the legend of the Argonauts, but there Homer shows them as disgusting furies.

According to Herodotus, after participating in the Trojan War, the Amazons came to the Scythians and formed the Sarmatian tribe, in which women and men had equal rights. Legends attribute to them not only excellent possession of weapons, but also the ability to stay in the saddle and incredible composure. Scythians and Sarmatians, according to Herodotus, fought together in the 5th century. BC e. against King Darius.

The Roman historian Deodorus was of the opinion that the Amazon women were descendants of the ancient Atlanteans and lived in the territory of Western Libya.

Data from archaeologists

Many finds of historians in different parts of the world confirm the ancient legends about the existence of Amazon women not only in Greece, but also in other countries and continents.

So, in 1928, on the shores of the Black Sea in the settlement of Zemo Akhvala, the burial of an ancient ruler in armor and with weapons was discovered. After research, he turned out to be a woman, after which many made an assumption about the discovery of the queen of the Amazons.

In 1971, a burial place of a woman with a girl, who were luxuriously dressed and richly decorated, was found on the territory of Ukraine. The grave contained gold, weapons, as well as the skeletons of 2 men who apparently did not die from illness. According to scientists, the remains belonged to another queen with her daughter and slaves who were sacrificed.

In the 1990s during excavations in Kazakhstan, similar ancient burials of female warriors were discovered, the period of which totaled more than 2.5 thousand years.

Another sensation in the world of science was the latest discovery in Britain, when the remains of female warriors were found in Bruem (Cumbria). They obviously came here from Europe. According to English scientists, women fought in the ranks of the Roman army. According to them, tribes of Amazonian women lived in Eastern Europe in the period 220-300 AD. e. After death, they were solemnly burned at the stake along with equipment and war horses. Their origin comes from the territory of the current states of Austria, Hungary and the former Yugoslavia.

America: the life of the tribes of Amazon women

Stories of wild female warriors also tell of their discovery by Christopher Columbus after the discovery of the American continent. Having heard the stories of local Indians about a female militant tribe, the great navigator tried to capture them on one of the islands, but could not do it. In memory of this incident, the name was given to the Virgin Islands (translated as "Islands of the Virgins").

Spanish conquistador Fr. de Orellana in 1542 landed on the banks of a huge river in South America, where he met a tribe of wild Amazon women. In the battle with them, the Europeans were defeated. Some scientists suggest that the error occurred due to the long hair of the local Indians. However, it was in memory of this incident that the proud name of the most majestic river of the American continent, the Amazon, was given.

African Amazons

This unique phenomenon in world history - the tribe of Dahomey female terminators - lived on the African continent south of the Sahara in the territory of the modern state of Benin. They called themselves N'Nonmiton or "our mothers".

African Amazons, female warriors, belonged to the elite troops that defended their ruler in the kingdom of Dahomey, for which the European colonialists called them Dahomey. Such a tribe was formed in the 17th century. for hunting elephants.

The King of Dahomey, admiring their skill and success, appointed them as his bodyguards. The N'Nonmiton army existed for 2 centuries, in the 19th century. the female military corps consisted of 6 thousand soldiers.

The selection into the ranks of female warriors took place among 8-year-old girls who were taught to be strong and ruthless, and also able to withstand any pain. They were armed with machetes and Dutch muskets. After many years of training, the African Amazons became "war machines" capable of successfully fighting, and chopping off the heads of the defeated.

During their service in the army, they could not marry and bear children and remained chaste, considered to be married to the king. When a man encroached on a woman warrior, he was killed.

The British mission in West Africa was founded in 1863, when the scientist R. Barton arrived in Dahomey, who was going to make peace with the local authorities. For the first time, he was able to describe the life of the Dahomey tribe of Amazon women (photo below). According to him, for some warriors, this provided an opportunity to gain influence and wealth. The English explorer S. Alpern wrote a long treatise on the life of the Amazons.

At the end of the 19th century the territory was occupied by the French colonizers, a soldier from which was often found dead in the morning with his head cut off. The second Franco-Dahomean War ended with the capitulation of the king's army and most of the Amazons were killed. Her last representative, a woman named Navi, who by that time was over 100 years old, died in 1979.

Modern wild female tribes

Until now, in the impenetrable jungle of the Amazon River, there are territories where life is very different from modern civilization. From time immemorial, people have lived in the eastern part of Brazil, cut off from the outside world, retaining their customs and skills.

Scientists regularly find here not only new species of animals and plants, but also settlements of wild tribes, which now, according to FUNAI researchers, number more than 70. They hunt, fish, pick fruits and berries, while they absolutely do not want to contact with civilized world for fear of contracting unknown diseases. After all, even the common flu is fatal for them.

Women of the wild tribes of the Amazon usually do all the women's work, take care of everyday life and raising children. Sometimes they gather berries or fruits in the forest. However, there are also aggressive tribes in which women, along with men, hunt or participate in raids on neighbors, armed with clubs and spears, poisoned by the poison of local plants or snakes.

There is also a wild Kuna tribe on the island of San Blas, not far from Brazil, who migrated from the mainland and lives according to the rules of matriarchy. Traditions have been preserved and are maintained by the inhabitants of the settlement severely and unshakably. At the age of 14, girls are already considered sexually mature and must choose their own groom. The man usually moves to the bride's house. The main income of the tribe on the island comes from the collection and export of coconuts (about 25 million pieces annually), they also grow sugar cane, bananas, cocoa and oranges. But for fresh water they go to the mainland.

Amazons in art and cinema

In the art of ancient Greece and Rome, warriors occupy an important place; their images can be found on ceramics, in sculpture and architecture. So, the battle of the Athenians and the Amazons is captured in the marble bas-relief of the Parthenon, as well as in the sculptures from the mausoleum from Halicarnassus.

Favorite occupations of female warriors are hunting and war, and weapons are bow, spear, axe. To protect themselves from the enemy, they put on a helmet, and took in their hands a shield shaped like a crescent. As can be seen in the above photos, ancient masters depicted Amazon women on horseback or on foot, in battle with a centaur or warriors.

During the Renaissance, they resurrected again in the works of the era of classicism and baroque in poetry, in paintings and sculptures. The plots of battles with ancient warriors are presented in the works of J. Palma, J. Tintoretto, G. Rennie and other artists. Rubens' painting "The Battle of the Greeks with the Amazons" shows them in a bloody equestrian battle with men. And copies from the originals of the sculpture "The Wounded Amazon" are famous all over the world and are kept in the museums of the Vatican and the USA.

The life and exploits of the Amazons became an inspiration for writers and poets: Tirso de Molina, Lope de Vega, R. Granier and G. Kleist. In the 20th and 21st centuries, they moved into popular culture: cinema, cartoons and fantasy comics.

Modern cinema is a confirmation of the popularity of the theme of Amazon women. Beautiful and courageous female warriors are presented in the films: "The Amazons of Rome" (1961), "Pana - Queen of the Amazons" (1964), "Goddesses of War" (1973), "Legendary Amazons" (2011), "Women Warriors" ( 2017), etc.

The latest film, released in 2017, is called Wonder Woman and tells about a heroine named Diana, the queen of the Amazons, who is endowed with fantastic strength, speed and endurance. She freely communicates with animals, and wears special bracelets for protection, but she considers men changeable and deceitful.

Among modern women, you can also meet "Amazons" who are smart, educated and dream of conquering the world. They can manage a large corporation and raise children at the same time, and they treat men condescendingly, allowing themselves to be loved.

Here is one of the promised reviews, and today it will be a style review. This story is about soft drama along the lines, soft summer, with a stylistic craving for naturalness and drama. The name of our beautiful heroine is Evgenia.

At the very beginning of our work, Evgenia was sure that she was most likely Flamboyant Natural, and the result of determining her type in the theory of lines as Soft Drama prompted the idea of ​​​​stylistic searches, since the stereotypical interpretation of Soft Drama did not fit in any way. In the process of communicating with Evgenia, I found out that she was close spirit of freedom , feeling physicality (like the existence of one's own body), She respects strong in spirit people, overcoming, and besides, traditions are important for her, a family , which she feels like her own clan, which is always ready to support, and it is also important for her spiritual development . All this seemed quite familiar and familiar to me, since I grew up with approximately the same beliefs, many of them adhere to in my family, although my views are now somewhat different from this. But the impression was as if I was talking with someone from my family =) Therefore, the question of taking Evgenia as a volunteer and trying to express her style was not raised. In addition, the task is also not the most obvious - the soft drama is still associated with a vamp woman in heels. I asked Evgenia to look for inspirational pictures, and there her style - the persona came out even more clearly.

The visual images that resonated with her well show the main direction of Evgenia's style. it freedom, activity, purposefulness , this is Hero spirit, force of nature , swift free strong horse, thunderstorm, hurricane, mountains...

But her figurative associations are not limited to this - if you look deeper, you can see the Sage, the keeper of knowledge, deep educated person .

Evgenia's dream house shows how her preferences combine love for nature and laconic modern interiors.

Photos in which Evgenia likes herself also show beauty in brevity, the spirit of accomplishment, as well as a sense of self part of something bigger, a sense of belonging . From what she told about herself, a clear picture emerges - a combination of love for nature and activity with brevity, purposefulness, but at the same time wisdom, love for her family, willingness to make them happy. Her approach to sensuality is also interesting - an understanding of the beauty of a healthy human body, very consonant with the ancient Greeks. From this understanding comes a love for conciseness - beauty as it is, without unnecessary additives.

Evgenia's own style emerges from all this - Modern Amazon or the Wise Amazon. Like the ancient Greek virgin warriors, Eugenia is driven by fortitude, nobility, but at the same time she is a “maiden”, under the armor there is an attractive woman who is aware of her beauty. At the same time, she is not a mythological character at all, she is active in the real world, hence the love for comfortable and practical clothes, modern practical interiors.

The first thing that affects the visual message of the image is color. Since Evgenia needs to create quite minimalistic, but at the same time lively and natural images, she will need certain colors from her palette. The soft summer palette is actually very well suited for expressing Evgenia's style, its complexity. Usually active images are expressed in bright colors, but her style is more complex and deeper, so the colors should not be so unambiguous. It is not for nothing that most of the visual associations selected by Evgenia herself were precisely in colors close to soft summer.

As base colors, it is best to use soft versions of white and black, since the active image and minimalism are still contrasts of achromatic colors, light gray, like the color of stone and metal, and also suitable shades of brown and beige, like the colors of trees.

Softened burgundy, burgundy and dark pink will add lively energy to her look. It is both the color of activity and the color that adds sensuality.

Proximity to nature will add blue and green colors of the palette. And dark blue and dark lilac, associated with a stormy sky, will emphasize the complexity of nature.

Creating a certain mood implies special principles color combinations .

Evgenia's image is based on minimalism and practical simplicity, therefore it is based on contrasts of achromatic colors with chromatic ones, as well as dynamic contrasts of colors (for example, burgundy and turquoise). A more calm and thoughtful part of her nature will help to express combinations of natural blue-green colors.

Basic garments express the main idea of ​​style - activity, a sense of belonging, inner strength, but at the same time feminine attractiveness. Cut lines, fabrics and the shape of jewelry are subject to the type along the lines. Outlining of the contours should be clear, the fabrics are rather smooth and thin, the decorations are sharp, but at the same time smooth, elongated.

Tops. The main part of Evgenia's tops are quite laconic and comfortable T-shirts and sweaters in rich colors of her palette. But, nevertheless, in the tops, due to the details, you can show the features of her individual style. The first interesting feature is the stylization of chain mail. Chain mail is both the personification of strength and, at the same time, a symbol of belonging - its links are intertwined with each other, and it is precisely through this that it protects. The second feature is that some tops can open, for example, part of the back. Not for the sake of seduction, but as an object of ancient art, for the beauty of the body. And the third is the appearance of light lingerie-style satin tops with lace among practical and dramatic clothes, designed to emphasize that a beautiful maiden is hiding under the armor. However, with these tops, you should pay attention to what you pair them with - they should play in contrast with items that express strength.

Skirts and trousers , as a rule, act as a base, background. Jeans with a good fit fit perfectly into the style, and if you need to go into a more classic style, activity and drama can be added at the expense of berry reds. When it comes to skirts, slit knitted maxi skirts will show off the beauty of the body without a hint of seduction. They can even be combined with something sporty. Drama can be added with fitted mid-length pencil skirts, either in comfortable jersey or leather.

Dresses and overalls

Eugenia's casual dresses, in general, follow the recommendations of tops and skirts - they can be practical knitted dresses with leather or metal inserts to add drama, or laconic dresses with cutouts that reveal any part of the body. As for the dresses for going out, an interesting find is the figure-shaped dresses, repeating the fine weaving of chain mail, which can be combined with accessories made of natural materials or metal that match the lines. With overalls, the situation is about the same as with linen tops - they are designed to show Evgenia's feminine attractiveness in contrast with strength, so they look very sensual on their own, which is balanced by combinations with accessories that are tougher in the message.

Outerwear in this style it can be either rather strict, closed, reminiscent of a uniform, but at the same time necessarily fitted, or more dramatic (like a leather jacket) or comfortable. Down jackets should not be bulky, they should consist of small elements, and sit down on the figure. There may be capes in the wardrobe (as in the middle) - on the one hand, they provide convenience and freedom of movement, on the other hand, they can be a kind of symbol of protection from the outside world - a softer version of armor.

Hats will be quite casual, slightly sporty. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the knitting should be quite thin, and the hat should be voluminous. For more feminine looks, wide-brimmed hats are suitable, they can be used like everything else that emphasizes femininity, in contrast to what expresses strength. You can also add elements to the hat itself - such as a color close to khaki and a chain in the illustration. Scarves should be comfortable, concise, plain. Evgenia's style does not include prints in scarves or tops.

Shoes should be comfortable, flat or with low heels, it can resemble a man's, and I think here you can slightly deviate from the recommendations of the type along the lines and use heavier shoes. But in order for it to look harmonious anyway, you need to remember that socks should not be blunt, and shoes should have a clear shape. In winter, heavy boots like dr martens can come in handy, while in summer, the reference to the Greek Amazons can be made more explicit with gladiator sandals.

bags should have a clear shape, be comfortable to wear. To match the style of Evgenia, they can have metal parts - chains, rivets. Belts will also have metal details and look more like unisex belts than women's.

Decorations will help Evgenia's style to flourish in full splendor. Its type along the lines does not provide for excessive conciseness, there should be some details. And it is these details that will well express the essence of the style. Line type striking ornate ("soft drama") is not only ornate accessories, but also elongated arcs with sharp edges, therefore, she can use elongated pointed jewelry made of metal and natural materials, concise and multi-detailed without ornateness or obvious geometricity. The multi-detailed nature of its type allows it to withstand such accessories as chains (but they must be with small links) or even stylized chain mail. But such accessories will still be a decoration - a statement. The harness is also an accessory of the same kind. It should consist of rather thin strips of leather, and it is better to combine it with clothes of a naturally active direction so that unnecessary associations do not arise. In some cases, it can also be combined with feminine clothing in contrast, if it is supported by some other accessories.

Building a wardrobe according to the style, the process is not fast, however, when moving in the right direction, things will be well combined with each other, creating images of different moods and directions, united by exactly the right style. In the case of Evgenia, any kits must meet the basic parameters:

Be based on her type along the lines

Be comfortable and practical

Expressing a beautiful maiden with inner strength - either showing the armor of this maiden or her attractiveness.

Then, in any mood and clothing for the occasion, the style of Evgenia "modern Amazon" will be read. I have compiled several images that can be useful in different cases, but in general, combining things is a matter of creativity, you can experiment and enjoy the process =).

Small details also play an important role in creating the image - makeup, hairstyle and the use of a certain perfume.

Makeup Eugenia will be natural, giving the impression of a clean face without makeup. However, since her line type suggests clear lines, she will need to accentuate her eyebrows and slightly emphasize her cheekbones. Shadows will be natural beige shades, lipstick to match the color of the lips.

To create evening looks, you can use smokey eyes, but also in gray or taupe, combined with the same clear eyebrows, slightly highlighted cheekbones and neutral lips. In both cases, makeup should be matte.

hairstyles Eugenes should also be reminded of naturalness and freedom, so they should not be too complicated. In addition to loose hair, tails and buns are suitable for her, but since the type is multi-detailed, they will need to be made more interesting at the expense of selected strands or braids. The hair should not be too tousled. The optimal hair length for such hairstyles is up to the shoulder blades.

Choice also plays an important role. perfume .

Most often in Evgenia's favorite fragrances there were natural leather and woody notes (cedar, sandalwood, oud). Woody aromas are often associated with self-confidence, nobility. And the skin is about enjoying nature as it is.

Additional notes were most often greens, bergamot (activity, sports), spices (drama, challenge). And the flowers and berries most often came across those that emphasize tenderness, but do not seem cloying at the same time - violet, jasmine, wild raspberry.

And, finally, I want to bring together everything that makes up Evgenia's style, makes it interesting and unique.

Individual style elixir :

"Modern Amazon", a fusion of natural style with drama, physicality .

the basis is practical naturalness in a suitable cut and fabrics, conciseness.

the soul of the style is the addition of drama, strength, armor, a sense of cohesion.

peppercorn - physicality - interweaving of sensual things in a context unusual for them.

Rice. 1. Metope of Temple E in Selinuit. Hercules grabbed the Amazon by the hair. Greece , near 460 G . before n . uh . Palermo , National Archaeological Museum.

Although the Amazons seem to be a legendary tribe - after all, the same legendary Hercules fought with them - but all myths contain some elements of reality.

The stories of the Greeks about the Amazons have been known since the time of Homer. There is nothing incredible in female unions - and the Greeks themselves worshiped such goddesses that remind the Amazons - for example, the huntress Aphrodite (whom the Amazons supposedly considered their patroness) or the warlike Athena. Let us recall the very active role in the world of myths of maenads, harpies and other dangerous female creatures. A woman in the well-organized Greek world may have already been considered the guardian of the hearth, but, for example, the Spartan women were brought up in such a way that they could easily play the role of the Amazons.

Interestingly, according to the legends, the Amazons attacked Attica by crossing the Hellespont in the cold winter, when it was covered with ice. Such colds were, in fact, in the early times of Ancient Greece, which is established by the reconstruction of climatic data. But more about that some other time.

In addition, there are many images of these warriors.

Here are the details of the images you can explore first. What's the point? Yes, in that the artists could - in some cases - see these Amazons, or at least know some details about them that are not so developed in myths.

And here's what you can find in some of the images.

On fig. 1. Hercules grabbed the Amazon by the hair. The warrior is wearing a very short tunic (this is still encountered more than once), in left short dagger in hand.

On fig. 2, the Amazon is dressed, again, in a tunic, but her head is protected by the so-called Attic (but in fact, Carian, that is, of Asia Minor origin) helmet. The shield of the Amazon seems to be of the Argian type (this one appeared in Greece inVIIIcentury BC), convex, reinforced with metal. With his left hand, Hercules intercepts something on the belt of the Amazon, where she pulls right hand (dagger?), right he is ready to strike with a club. In the Amazon, by the way, the tunic floors are unusual, they are made of stripes, and in addition, they are associated with a wide belt. That is, it is probably light leather armor.

Rice. 2 Detail of a painting on a red-figure kylix. Hercules kills the Amazon. Attributed as the work of the master Onesimus, that is, between 505 and 480 BC. London , british Museum .

Rice. 3. Heracles fighting an Amazon Black-figure hydria, circa 530 BC. . Staatliche Antikensammlungen, Munich , Germany

On fig. The 3 Amazons are probably depicted wearing archaic-looking helmets, something like the leather precursors of Greek helmets that could be reinforced, say,boar tusks or protect with metal plates. "Herodotus , describing the attire and weapons of the Persian hordes in book 7, speaks of fox hats (helmets?) on their headsThracians. He also talks about the leather helmets of other tribes. So at the beginning5th century BC e.such helmets were not exotic." .

Interestingly, if all the Amazons have spotted tunics (Scythian?), then one has something like short shorts. A very curious detail.

The shields are round. One thing, however, surprises - as in fig. 1 Hercules is right-handed, the Amazons are all left-handed. But perhaps this is just a trick of the artist, who is trying to turn his image towards us, the audience. But, for example, about Fig. 4 I would say that the situation repeats itself, amazon lefty and, if I understand correctly, that she turned her back to us.

Rice. 4. Achilles kills the queen of the Amazons Penthesilea. Black-figured amphora .

(Black-figured amphora (wine-jar) signed by Exekias as potter and attributed to him as painter
Greek, about 540-530 BC Made in Athens, Greece; found at Vulci (now in Lazio, Italy)
Achilles killing the Amazon Queen Penthesilea)

Rice. 4 is interesting in contrasts. Grim killer Achilles in a Dorian helmet, an Amazon in something hybrid. Achilles is wearing armor, the queen is in a Scythian dress (and pants?) with a narrow belt. Nevertheless, the signs lead us indeed to Asia Minor and even further, to Scythia.

Rice. 5 . rare image Amazons in pants. Attic white alabastron, near

. 470 B.C.british museum , London

Very curious is the image of the Amazon in fig. 5. First, here she is depicted in pants. Pants in those days were worn by the Scythians, because they rode horses, and the pants protected their legs from chafing. Secondly, it can be seen that the "tunic" is, in fact, combat leather armor, probably with metal inserts. Amazon's helmet left hand, which should be normal, and it has a screen at the bottom, additional protection for the legs. In the same hand, the Amazon holds a leather helmet similar to the one in fig. 3.

Rice. 6. Mounted Amazon on a red-figure amphora 420 BC

On fig. 6 we can again see the Scythian trousers, but all the clothes of the Amazon are Scythian. True, there are no weapons. From fig. 7 we get information that barbarian women wore tattoos.

Fig. 7 Right beats lawlessness with a hammer - on an Attic red-figure amphora, about 550 - 500 years. BC.

Dike ( justice personified) beats Adikia (injustice) with a hammer. Adikia is depicted as a tattoed barbarian woman. Museum Collection: Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna , Austria

Rice. 8. bas-relief from Halicarnassus. Two women are fighting, Amazonia and Achillea. The bas-relief is taken as evidence of the existence of female gladiators in Roman times. The names do not have to be related to the Amazons. Although, perhaps, they tried to stylize them under the Amazons.

In figure 8, something that already speaks of Roman rule, and it is not at all about the Amazons.

Summing up, we could say that the Amazons may have existed at one time, and therefore fell into the memory of the Greeks. They are contrasted with the Greeks in terms of weapons, Asian clothing, long hair, horseback riding. But the latter - already from the acquaintance of the Greeks with the Scythians and their women. Two kinds of impressions merge - mythology and reality.
I also note that in the images of the struggle with Hercules and Achilles, the Amazons are archaic, they have older types of weapons and armor. They are opposed to the new, technological progress achieved by the Greeks. But the Amazons themselves may have once been an incredibly profane form - their daggers could be made of iron, not bronze, like the Achaeans, their tactics are quite effective.