Thanks from the kindergarten graduates. Words of gratitude to the teacher at the graduation in kindergarten from children and parents in poetry and prose. Texts of words of gratitude for educators. Kindergarten staff on the graduation party from grateful parents


Farewell verses

Graduation songs and remake songs

Thank you words


They lived together in this house,
There were games, tears, laughter ...
A good friend, warm light
The teacher has become for everyone.
Together we will raise our hands
Words are not needed now -
Let's hug the educators!
There are two of them, our beloved ones!

(T. Dashkova)


With a kind look, the door will open,
Meet me in the morning, wipe my nose.
He will comb and wash everyone,
Will bring a tray of food ...
It was that unbearable
We behaved more than once.
We'll tell the nanny everything - thank you!
We couldn't have done it without you!

(T. Dashkova)


So that our life is not sad,
We did not count the crows, -
There was a lot of entertainment.
Our bow to the Methodist!

(T. Dashkova)


So that you are healthy and rosy
There were kids left
Us not only with semolina
The cooks were treating ...
Healthy, appetizing dishes
The scent was carried
Various biscuit buns,
And for the holiday - chocolate!

(T. Dashkova)


Music lessons
We did not visit in vain -
As a result, we perform
In spite of the embarrassment!
You were not strict with us,
If we miss, -
In gratitude to the teacher
Let's smile from the heart!

(T. Dashkova)


See how strong we are
How healthy and vigorous!
In games we are invincible
Both active and fast!
We did not sit on sports -
We studied in the morning, in the afternoon ...
Fizruk for these goals
We shake hands tightly!

(T. Dashkova)


To cope with emotions
And do not quarrel in the garden,
Build relationships,
And do not get involved in trouble
So that there is excess activity
Didn't frighten people around
Always watched the kids
Our psychologist is a good friend!

(T. Dashkova)


Everything in our garden is great -
Beauty is visible in everything
Because personally
SHE works miracles!
And our head,
For her efforts
We will say thank you now
Sincerely yours!

(T. Dashkova)


For the health of toddlers
Permanent patronage
They performed, without burden,
The nurse and the doctor are ours.
Here, now we will tell you honestly:
Living healthy is so wonderful!

(T. Dashkova)



There is a wonderful doctor in the garden -
We are not afraid of meeting with him.
He heals, which is interesting,
Only the wrong speech.
Sounds complex to mint
The kids have learned -
Let's shout loudly, without a flaw,
Speech therapist, we - Hurray!

(T. Dashkova)

Who gave us the right sounds,
Who saved us from the porridge in our mouth?
Who has spent a lot of effort
So that we can clearly pronounce:
"R" and "L", "S" and "Z", "W" and "F"?

Our speech therapist, of course!

For this hard work
We are all grateful to the speech therapist!

(N. Radchenko )

TEACHERS (mathematics, grammar, drawing)

For teachers for studies
We are grateful, of course!
At school on the board of honor
We will hit successfully now!
For grammar and modeling,
Mathematics, drawings -
The kids will thank you
That touched all the strings!

(T. Dashkova)


(T. Dashkova)


We learned grammar
To speak correctly
To be surprised at school
And they were able to appreciate us.
To make the right signs
Were in the right places
Us teacher on paper
He showed everything in colors.

(T. Dashkova)


There is no such thing in our group
Who doesn't like to paint
After all, they taught us sensibly
Conjure on paper!
We will draw a landscape for you,
Both a portrait and a still life.
It will be indescribable
And the teacher is proud of us!

(T. Dashkova)


We'll tell you a secret:
In our big garden
There are no trifling frames,
All work is important and weight!
We were helped to study
Watchman, laundress, storekeeper,
And the accountant ... hardly everyone
Let's list at this moment ...
To all kindergarten employees
Gratitude must be given!

(T. Dashkova)

To the graduation matinee in kindergarten

Head our thanks for the HOUSE,
In which we all live together so amicably,
Let in our garden for all time
She will be the main one, and only she!

Our Methodist will help her in everything
And we will go to school in September,
But we will always remember our holidays
And at school we will tell all the children about this ...

We will remember how we danced and sang here ...
Without music we couldn't sing like that ...
Now we will always be musical
And we will never forget the notes of love ...

You were our very best ...
The best in kindergarten raised by mothers
You taught us the most necessary things:
How to be cultured, kind, friendly ...
And we will come to visit you more than once:
We will bring younger brothers, sisters.

Our good ones, good nannies,
You were always with us tirelessly,
You straightened the cribs for us to sleep
And they noticed grimy heels ...
You taught us to hold a spoon,
Wipe your nose and make the bed ...
We, like your own children and grandchildren,
Let us remember your warm hands forever.

We will say "Thank you" to everyone cooks,
Who cooked deliciously for us
Borscht and salads, stews and hodgepodge,
Cutlets, omelets and casseroles,
And buns with poppy seeds, jelly and compote ...
Thanks for the full and round belly.

Of course no one likes a prick
We'd better go play football
But if noses and little hands are broken,
Then nurse will smear us with greenery,
Inspect our necks, ears and back,
The tummy will remember and give a vitamin.
She is in our kindergarten as if in business: she looks,
So that we never get sick.

Thanks to the one who washes clothes:
The bed and the towel are mine.
It sparkles here like snow, white,
Smells fresh like spring morning.

You were always there quietly,
Keeping order with your keen gaze ...
We will not forget your concern for us,
Thanks a lot for everything kind people.

(A. Ignatova )

We are grateful to educators

Who can replace the child's mother,
Who can protect from bruises,
When a child is brave and stubborn
Trying to conquer the top?

Who will surprise you with the book you like
Will open, read, explain,
Will help curious boys
Will your sense of style revive in girls?

They live helping each other.
Parents are improving their life,
The teacher has a different duty -
The child will be cheerful, cheerful and well-fed.

And besides, who will teach you to listen,
Read, write, sculpt and paint,
Who will ennoble the soul of the kids,
Who can replace father and mother?

We are grateful to the educators,
We respect their hard work.
Let them experience joy
When babies are led through life.

Kindergarten is the very first social society outside the family and at home, which a child encounters at the initial stages of his life. It is there that the baby spends most of the time, there for the first time receives important and useful knowledge, learns to be friends, share, measure, ask for forgiveness and be responsible for their actions. The entire staff of the preschool institution invests in the child's consciousness the basics of socialization and self-expression. Teachers open the door to a new world of knowledge for children, nannies teach the basics of hygiene, cooks feed healthy food, music directors and art teachers develop creative inclinations and instill a sense of beauty. A long five-year kindergarten life is followed by a farewell graduation ceremony. And on such a solemn and a little bit sad day of parting with the cloudless world of toys, small desks and cozy beds, I would like to thank all those who built it every day for timid reasons and nimble fidgets. I would like to pick up the most sincere and heartfelt words of gratitude to the teacher, nanny and everyone, everyone, everyone. It doesn't matter in poetry or prose. The main thing is from the bottom of my heart!

Beautiful words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at the prom in verse

Kindergarten graduation is an exciting event not only for children. For parents, such a holiday also brings a lot of worries, worries and troubles. On this day, more than ever, mothers and grandmothers with tears in their eyes rejoice at the successes and achievements of their children and quietly get used to the thought of their relentless growing up. But all the positive results were obtained by the hard daily work of teachers. Do not skimp on praise and good wishes, prepare beautiful words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at the prom in verse.

Examples of gratitude words for teachers at the graduation in kindergarten

Maybe it just became familiar to us
But you can't help but see it,
What do teachers usually have
In the evening, tired eyes ...
We know what it is
Children are a restless swarm!
Here with one you will not find peace,
And not that with such a crowd.
That one is funny, and this one looks askance,
There the fighter is already starting a battle ...
And the questions? Thousands of questions…
And anyone demands an answer.
How much affection and care is needed,
Hear everyone, understand everyone ...
The work is grateful and hard -
Constantly replace my mother ...
Mom is not anxious at work ...
Childish voices are cheerful ...
After all, they always follow the kids
Kind tired eyes.
The day is over ... Not all songs are sung.
Children are not disturbed by sleep ...
So take a bow from the whole planet
For the children, take our bow!

Accept our recognition today
For all your kindness and for your experience,
For raising our children!
Your profession is not more needed in the world,
And the children are all accustomed to your hands,
And now it will be difficult to explain to us
That they will not see your eyes henceforth,
Their years go by, they add up days,
And the children, of course, have grown up with us,
After all, they were always with you in business,
Now with a song, now with a brush, with many books!
You taught the letters and numbers of the kids,
And now they will go to school,
And they are grateful to you with love
Their moms and dads! And goodbye to you
There will be a desire for success and creativity,
Thank you for everything, for your work and patience,
We wish you happiness, we are all inspired!

Our children have become a year older
And he dreams of entering first grade as soon as possible,
Why are our educators sad
And tears fall from gentle eyes?

The cherished door has opened for the kids,
They will all fly out like chicks from a nest.
You gave them all your good heart,
Sparing no effort and labor for them.

Children were given tenderness and generous caresses,
They shielded me from trouble, loving with all my heart,
You read fairy tales to them about the victory of good,
To live them with hope and faith in themselves.

Children lost socks and tights somewhere,
We were angry with you for such little things,
But with us you were calm and meek,
Doing your holy work.

Graduation will fly by, hiding behind bouquets,
Children from groups will scatter to their homes.
We bow to all our educators in the belt,
And nurses, nannies and cooks!

Do not be sad, relatives, and wipe away your tears,
After all, not only the kindergarten is proud of you!
Thank you so much.
Because you loved our guys!

You kindled childish hearts with love,
For children's happiness, praise and honor to you!
Your work is like tributaries of a river,
Thank you very much for being there!

Touching words of gratitude in prose to the kindergarten teacher at the graduation

It is very important in moments when emotions are off scale, and in the depths of the soul there is a sincere feeling of gratitude, to find and choose the right words. The festive matinee in honor of the end of the kindergarten is an unforgettable event in the life of all its participants. On this day, both graduates, and parents, and those who accompanied the children from the pots to the first spelling hear a pure and real "thank you". Touching words of gratitude in prose to a kindergarten teacher at graduation should be written and learned in advance, so that at the moment of the most intense excitement he does not miss something very important and significant.

Examples of touching gratitude words in prose for a kindergarten teacher at graduation

Important! Print on beautiful paper touching words of gratitude in prosaic lines at the graduation in kindergarten and arrange them in a decorative wall panel for the teacher. Do not forget to include the teacher's name, graduation date, group number. We assure you that such a symbolic gift will remind the educator of his little graduates for many years.

We, the parents of the "Name" group of kindergarten N, sincerely express our gratitude to our dearly beloved and valued educators - IO and IO. You treated our children with special trepidation and warmth on these important days of growing up. It was you who taught our kids to be friends and respect each other. Together with you, they learned step by step our world, the joy of creativity, independent activity and their first personal opportunities. Thanks to you, our mischievous and mischievous girls always went to kindergarten with pleasure, happily studied and made their little discoveries. You found an approach to each of them, helped to overcome difficulties. And so our children today, without fear, move to a new stage of their young life - and this is your great merit!

Today we rejoice at the success of children and are proud of their achievements in kindergarten. They have come such a difficult path from helpless toddlers to tomorrow's first graders. And the first words of gratitude for our children are addressed to dear educators. It is so important for parents to be confident in the reliability of the hands in which he gives his child. And all these years we calmly and confidently trusted the most precious thing we have, wonderful educators. Thank you for your warm and kind words of welcome every morning, for your care and attention, for wise advice and high professionalism. Thanks to the educators, a homely atmosphere of comfort and kindness has always reigned in our group. Gradually, children learned about the world, learned a lot, developed. The educators managed to form small personalities of future schoolchildren. Please accept the sincere words of gratitude from your parents for the fact that we also learned from you pedagogical wisdom.

Affectionate May has come again. But now we do not move to the next group, but say goodbye to the kindergarten and educators forever. The kindergarten age has ended, and the kids are going to school ... Everyone knows that a person cannot achieve anything on his or her life alone. Everyone has mentors. You were the first teachers of our children. Your work is obvious: we all remember how we led here by the hand crying children who did not want to part with their mother, and now we see gentle, smart, talented children who know how to be friends, respect and love their parents. And all this is only thanks to your hard daily work and patience. Low bow and deep gratitude to educators, nannies, music directors for your ability to love children and instill in them a craving for beauty, the ability to love the world and the people around you. You have invested your heart and soul so that the future generation will meet our expectations! May your efforts pay off handsomely! I wish you good health and real human happiness!

Cheerful and kind words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at the graduation from children

What a touching picture: grown up boys and girls in amazing outfits for the last time go to the center of the assembly hall to heartily utter their last words within the walls of their native kindergarten. “Thank you”, “We are grateful for everything”, “Farewell to the native garden, we will never forget you”! Cheerful and kind words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at the graduation from children will force even the most melancholic teachers and parents to look at the world with eyes full of tears. Isn't it cute? Especially if the words of gratitude at the graduation from the children were invented and compiled by the speakers themselves, according to their own emotions, memorable moments and experiences.

Text of gratitude from children for beloved kindergarten teachers

Thank you for your efforts,
For warmth and kindness,
For love and understanding,
Heart sensitivity, breadth.

With our tutor
Calm and warm.
With our tutor
We are very lucky:
There is no kinder character
And there is no more generous soul.
Happiness and joy to you
Kids wish!

Year after year for five years in a row
We came to kindergarten -
Cheerful, contented ...
But those days are gone.
Today we are graduates,
And tomorrow we will be schoolchildren.
We learned to count in the garden
And paint and dance
We learned the roles.
Blackboard and chalk and pencil
And watercolors and gouache
It's just like at school.
We were taught to go to kindergarten

They taught us diligently.
Of course, knowledge is stock
As long as ours is small,
But it will be necessary.
Year after year for five years in a row
We came to kindergarten -
Cheerful, contented ...
But those days are gone.
Today we are graduates,
And tomorrow we will be schoolchildren.
We learned to count in the garden
And paint and dance
We learned the roles.
Blackboard and chalk and pencil
And watercolors and gouache
It's just like at school.
We were taught to go to kindergarten
Love for friends, love for work.
They taught us diligently.
Of course, knowledge is stock
As long as ours is small,
But it will be necessary.

The maples are sad at the fences
Farewell day ...
Goodbye kindergarten,
We sit at our desks
This fall!
Even a teddy bear
Doesn't want to sleep ...
Sits on the floor in the corner
They said goodbye to him.
Here are raindrops on the glass
Rolled ...
It's a sad day, we guys
And hilarious.
Goodbye, kindergarten.
Hello school!

Sincere words of gratitude from parents to the kindergarten teacher at the graduation

Most often, it is the parent committee that is instructed to say sincere words of gratitude from the parents to the kindergarten teacher at the graduation. But even proactive and socially active mothers find it difficult between cleaning, cooking and constant work to find time to compose a suitable text. At such moments, beautiful blanks come to the rescue: they are short enough not to tire the already tired graduates, but at the same time they are heartfelt, touching and very sincere.

Examples of sincere words of gratitude to kindergarten teachers from parents at the graduation

On this warm May evening, we say goodbye to the kindergarten. Now he will forever be in the past. We will never bring these kids here again, we will not hear the melancholy "I want to see my mother", we will not watch the kindergarten matinees ... Ahead is the school, many new acquaintances and a meeting with the first duties. Many of you, dear nannies and educators, are secretly shedding tears at this moment. After all, you, too, are accustomed to the guys, as they are to you, so it is very sad to part. Thank you for helping to make their childhood happy and joyful, instilling respect for elders, love for the world around them, helping to reveal their first talents. Each day in kindergarten is a grain of your enormous contribution to the development of a child's personality. We wish you that your work will always be appreciated not only by your parents, but also by the state, adding monthly salaries and giving out bonuses. There is no work more valuable than yours, and we value very much what you have done for us!

It is very pleasant on this beautiful sunny day to thank our wonderful educators for the fact that they tirelessly took care of our children during these four years. You taught them to respect their elders, to eat independently, to be friends with each other, taught them everything useful. I think that they will not forget your love for many years. You were their second and third mother. After all, you spent so much time with them. Thank you very much!
I would like to say especially warm words to the teacher's assistant. You really did babysit them. They wiped their noses and not only, taught them to be clean and tidy, showed genuine concern. And what delicious dishes you fed them, and it doesn't matter what you didn’t cook (by the way, thanks to the cooks too), because the children ate, one might say, from your hands.
Low bows to the medical staff for the health of our children.
I would also like to contact the manager. The team gets along and peacefully cooperates with each other only if the leader is good. We all remember that the fish rots from the head. And our head is all right, it is in place and from its height perfectly observes what is happening. Thank you very much.

I don't want to offend anyone with inattention, so we thank all the kindergarten workers. Children obedient to you and more salaries, and the rest will follow. And again, thank you so much!

I express my gratitude to the head of kindergarten No. 1, the educators of our group, as well as the entire staff of this preschool educational institution for their selfless work and desire to work in kindergarten, raising the younger generation. You are all high-level professionals with extensive experience in working with children. Our children went to the garden with pleasure, and what is very important, we, parents, never worried, leaving children in your safe hands. We would like to note your sensitive attitude towards children, attention to parents, high professionalism in raising children. Educators approached all pedagogical tasks with creative inspiration and imagination, they cheered for all the successes and failures of our children. Thank you very much!

A scene in gratitude to the teacher at the graduation in kindergarten

Of course, it is pleasant to hear words of gratitude for every person who has put a piece of his soul into his business, and kindergarten teachers are no exception. But you can express genuine gratitude not only with words or material values. An excellent memorable gift in honor of the graduation of kindergarten is a congratulatory number from children or parents. A scene in gratitude to the teacher at the prom in kindergarten can be humorous, lyrical and even danceable. The main thing is to prepare in advance and arrange an unplanned surprise for the kindergarten staff.

A letter of thanks to the educators and the kindergarten staff at the graduation

In a letter of thanks, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to each employee of the preschool institution for the daily care and sensitive upbringing of children. After all, each specialist is an important gear in the large mechanism of the kindergarten: teachers, methodologists, cooks, nannies, and nurses ... For your convenience, we have selected and placed below the most successful version of a letter of thanks to the teachers and the kindergarten staff at the graduation ceremony. Supplement it with your data and arrange it on a beautiful sheet F4.

The team of parents expresses its sincere gratitude to the pedagogical team of preschool educational institution No. ______. All employees of our kindergarten represent a single creative organism, imbued with love for children. You can feel it as soon as you cross the threshold of the garden building. Which, by the way, does not at all amaze with modernity and prosperity. And it is all the more surprising that with the obvious modesty of funds in the garden, an atmosphere of comfort, kindness and the presence of a bright creative element in the design of whether it is a notice board or a corridor, which is always decorated with expositions of children's drawings and handicrafts, reigns.
We are always greeted with a smile and we leave our children in the garden with a calm heart, as we are confident that they will be fed, looked after and, most importantly, trained and properly educated. In our kindergarten, special attention is paid to issues of upbringing, and at the same time, no formality is observed. Educators conduct conversations with children on a variety of topics: these are questions of history, and personal safety skills, and reading literary works (selected with great taste), and just conversations on general topics.
Of course, additional classes cannot be ignored - these are serious preparation for school, and drawing, and the rhythm and music lessons are simply beyond praise. The musical director, ___________________________ (full name), selects unique material for each holiday. Children are introduced to the origins of our culture in the best possible ways. Moreover, these are very serious works of classical music and dance, formed into concert programs that look with ease and pleasure, but it is clear that behind this seeming ease there is a huge work of the entire creative team and the highest professionalism.

I would especially like to highlight the work of the head of our garden ___________________________ (full name), under whose wise leadership such vivid manifestations of extraordinary talents, both teachers and the parental team, became possible. After all, everyone knows that any gem is beautiful and sparkles in its own way, but only collected in a single composition, they make up a unique ensemble and a real work of art. Also, the work of a manager requires an attentive and reverent attitude towards each employee, while remaining quite strict and demanding in the performance of duties. It is precisely such a leader that, in our opinion, is ___________________________ (full name).

All, without exception, representatives of the collective of workers of our garden deserve separate words of gratitude and attention. Chefs cook wonderfully, children remember the aroma of freshly baked buns for a long time, our nurse ___________________________ (full name) surprises with extraordinary attention and professionalism, as well as just humanity and charm. Fine arts classes are held at the highest level, in the office of ___________________________ (full name) an atmosphere of creativity, beauty and order reigns. And I would like to say especially warm words to educators ___________________________ (full name and full name) - these people are endowed with a real talent to love, understand and always be patient with children and, which is especially important, with their parents. Low bows to all employees of our kindergarten and wishes for further creative success in the hard work of educating the younger generation of children.

Often, excitement and surging emotions make it difficult to choose beautiful words of gratitude to the teacher at the graduation party. All thoughts seem to fly apart, and it is already impossible to collect them. It is better to compose or find a speech from children and parents in advance in gratitude to the kindergarten staff in order to deliver beautiful poems or soulful prose on time.

Our words of gratitude are countless,
Thank you for your work, for being you!
For your care for our kids,
For reading the books you need.

Being an educator is a difficult business:
See that the children put on clothes,
To be naughty not too much, but in moderation,
To learn about the world and about faith!

Thank you for your kind heart, smiles,
For forgiving mistakes to children.
For sharing kindness and warmth,
Because the kids have learned to love!

For your warmth and great work,
For your responsibility, affection, care
Accept our gratitude today,
We wish life to bring only joy.

Because you taught our children,
We want you not to be touched by sorrow,
So that all your everyday life is happy,
And all the kids loved you very much!

Our dear educators, we want to say thank you very much for your faithful and hard work, for the kindness of hearts and sensitivity of the soul, for understanding and an individual approach to each child, for fun children's leisure and good upbringing, for interesting hobbies and wonderful games. May you bring up more than one generation, may your hearts never tire of wonderful work and caring for children.

Thank you for your understanding,
Patience, care and attention.
You are helping the development of children,
So that they become kinder and smarter!

We wish you health, many years to come,
We also wish you personal victories!
Our children will grow up, then
We will definitely bring our grandchildren to your place!

Thank you for such work,
Into work, as if into a whirlpool with your head,
We cannot find such a teacher,
At least we have to go around the whole planet.

Thank you for giving the children smiles,
You forgive pranks, and mistakes,
You give tenderness, care, warmth,
They are comfortable and very warm with you.

Thank you for being such a person
We won't have enough gratitude forever
Just thank you, thank you for everything
We will thank you hundreds of times more.

Thank you educators,
We will tell you for the children,
You, like family, loved
Our kids.

Sometimes naughty
Noisy, mischievous,
Kindness, love
You taught them.

Low bow to you
For warmth and affection,
For continuing
Children believe in a fairy tale.

For their children
We thank you
And good memory in my heart
We will save about you.

Our children grow up quickly
Sometimes you can't keep up with them,
But you are always responsible for them,
Give them good advice.

We rent chickens in the morning,
Which give you trouble.
And in the evening we take the preschool children away,
Who both write and count.

And how do you, nevertheless, succeed,
To bring up our children?
It remains to say thank you,
And convey gratitude!

Thank you for the warmth and kindness,
For bringing up our children,
For giving them love
What knowledge you gave them!

We wish you health and wellness,
So that you live in abundance and in love.
So that you always smile joyfully
So that you never feel sad at all!

We want to say thank you
And thank you from the bottom of our hearts
For persistent efforts
Our children are upbringing,
You put your soul into them,
Love them as yours!
And for a long time already it is clear to all of us -
You are wonderful educator!

Thank you educators,
For your hard work,
Always with love, joy,
The kids are waiting in the garden.

You give care
Love and understanding
Let it always carry
Good luck to you vocation.

Thanks to the educators
For sensitivity and attention,
For what you diligently
They brought knowledge to the kids.

Your labors cannot be appreciated
The second became mothers
We do not get tired of thanking
For our literate children!

Words of gratitude to the educators at the graduation

At the graduation in kindergarten, beautiful words are spoken to educators as a sign of respect. And these words of gratitude that parents say really come from a pure heart. After all, educators have spent more time with children over the years than parents. And every educator has the right to consider himself the parent of every child. But sometimes it happens that the parents did not have time to prepare their solemn speech, or they were overwhelmed and did not write a word. That is why we have sketched for you a sample text of thanksgiving words to educators. Read, change, adjust to your style and your educators.

Dear educators! Thank you for being with our children all these years. Thank you for helping us all these years to educate our children, teach them life and teach them how to live. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your hard work, but so necessary for millions of people. You make life easier for many, while sacrificing much in your life yourself. We will never forget you, your efforts and your concern for our children. Thank you for everything, it was so great with you all these years.

Dear and beloved our educators! We have spent so many years together that we can rightfully be considered a big family. You taught and raised our children, helped us in everything and always. You, one might say, replaced us with them. Thank you very much for this! I hope we will continue to keep in touch with you. You will be interested in the future fate of your pupils, and they will be interested in your life.
May everything be good in your life and everything will turn out as well as possible. Live happily ever after and be proud of your students.

They say that if a student surpassed his teacher, it means that the teacher was good. We hope our kids don't make you feel ashamed and blush for them. That they will achieve a lot in this life, and will be able to live it so that you can say: we were their teachers in kindergarten! Thank you for everything you have done for us, our children. We will never forget this, and we will always remember you.

Today is a wonderful day - today is the day of graduation from the kindergarten of our children. And we thank our beloved educators for this, who have been there all this time. It was the educators who helped our children grow up, gain life experience and become real people. Thank you for all that you have done, what you have taught our children. We will never forget your efforts and your help.

Want more? Then what you need. For kindergarten staff. For nannies and educators, for a psychologist and everyone who helped raise your children. Beautiful and touching prom poems will not leave anyone indifferent.

Key tags:

The kindergarten is already behind.
So many words for you in your chest!
To all employees, relatives
We say thank you.
That they gave warmth to the children,
They cooked delicious porridge,
Cleaned up and washed
And they created comfort,
They shared their kindness,
They always tried to please.
I wish you happiness and health!
And good luck to all business.
Goals, achievement plans
And there is always luck in everything!

Thanks to the whole team
For the fact that you loved us,
For a sea of ​​warmth, positive,
After all, you did not take your eyes off us!

Thank you all for your concern,
You have given so much good!
May work give you joy
After all, the kids love you all!

Congratulations on the graduation to all-all employees of this kindergarten and we want to say that thanks to you this is not just a kindergarten, it is a country of children's dreams and sonorous voices, a world of amazing adventures and bright smiles. All of you are great fellows. And, first of all, I need to say “many thanks” to you for the happy children who believe in themselves and strive for great success. We wish you, dear employees, patience, strength and health, warmth, inner peace and all the good things in life.

How quickly childhood ended
We are leaving our native kindergarten,
And the employees of the garden inherited
We leave a piece of our soul.

Thankful for your concern,
For funny games and songs,
For your hard work,
What made our childhood more wonderful!

Time flashed by quickly
And the kids have a graduation ceremony.
Thanks to all the staff!
Your work is very difficult.

We wish everyone health
So that the strength does not end
To work with love
Never upset.

Fly away into the sky
Graduation today
Our kids.

Kindergarten staff
Thank you,
For kindness, love
We thank you.

For the kind words
For bedtime stories
For pies and porridge,
Behind the flowerbed under the window.

We say goodbye to you,
Life calls to school
Thanks says
You little people.

Today is a responsible day
And we will say with gratitude:
Thank you very much everyone
Who is connected with our children!

Your labor is a gift from heaven
Patience, love is limitless.
So let it always be in your life
Everything will be just fine!

To all kindergarten employees
We want to wish you warmth
For the reward to overtake you,
And the salary has gone up.

Was your concern
Teach the guys everything
Together in friendly work
You guys have given a start.

Everyone in the work of inspiration,
And better rest
Gain strength, patience,
In September we will continue our journey.

We want to congratulate you today,
You let the kids out
We spent a lot of fun
Sometimes very nervous days.

Thank you for your understanding,
Love, patience, kindness,
For your bright vocation,
For tenderness to children, warmth.

Thanks to everyone who gave us
Love, care and attention!
After all, you gave so much strength
To give us education!

Thanks everyone for this contribution,
Thank you for the carrot and stick!
We love this kindergarten,
All educators and nannies!

Time is running forward
It waits for no one
Here are your little ones
Everything is already quite big!

Graduation is with us now,
A new door before us!
Meet new children,
We will miss you!

Thank you all for your work,
Education and comfort!
We love you very much,
We will never forget you!