Help on the amount of pension. Obtaining certificates about the types and sizes of pensions and other social payments of the FIU

With the advent of multifunctional centers, obtaining various documents has been significantly simplified. Among the services provided by such centers and the issuance of references on the amount of pension (or other payments), which was replaced by pension certificates from 2015. The replacement of "crusts" is associated with budget savings. Authorized persons were estimated that the average pensioner places a certificate of 4-5 times a year, respectively, the costs of their manufacture were recognized by unprofitable.

How painlessly arrange such a certificate, what paper will need for this and how much time will go to her design will help to deal with this article.

From January 1, 2015, a reference of the amount of pension completely replaced the previously existing certificate and adopted its functions, the main of which are:

  • registration of benefits and allowances;
  • obtaining loans;
  • issuance of visas;
  • acquisition of a preferential travel ticket;
  • getting discounts in some stores;
  • approval of the status of "Veteran Labor";
  • acquisition of benefits for drugs;
  • issuing a social card;
  • obtaining preferential tariffs for utilities;
  • registration of a military pension;
  • presentation at the request of organizations and officials.

Important! Both documents are equal to legal force. If you have a certificate, additional certificate presentation is not required.

Who can get a service

Dear readers! Legal issues are often individual for each specific case. You have a unique opportunity to consult in competent specialists who are ready to provide the necessary assistance within 15 minutes. Ask your question in the form below. There are no insoluble situations!

Contact MFC can recipient of any kind of pension payments or its trusted person. As the latter, a legal representative (a close relative), a designated trustee (individual) or an official authorized to perform such actions by organizing custody.

If the document is not personal pensioner, it is necessary to present a power of attorney.

Dear readers! Legal issues are often individual for each specific case. You have a unique opportunity to consult in competent specialists who are ready to provide the necessary assistance within 15 minutes. Ask your question in the form below. There are no insoluble situations!

List of necessary documents

If the applicant already has properly decorated status of a pensioner, it is necessary to obtain an extract:

  1. Statement of the established form. It can be fill in electronic or handwritten form, or it can be printed directly in MFC;
  2. Passport;
  3. SNILS.

By the way! On some portals, the requirement of mandatory availability of copies of various documents is still indicated, but in recent years, MFC specialists make all duplicates on their own.

Terms of service and their cost

Registration of the pensioner's reference occupies no more than two days in the standard situation. But on the transfer of documents from the IFC to the territorial office of the FIU and it is necessary to dilute another 2-3 days (taking into account the weekend). The final waiting time should be not more than 5 days.

All services are MFC free of charge. The state duty certificate of pension is also not subject.

Causes of refusal to provide services

Dear readers! Legal issues are often individual for each specific case. You have a unique opportunity to consult in competent specialists who are ready to provide the necessary assistance within 15 minutes. Ask your question in the form below. There are no insoluble situations!

The only possible reason for refusing to issue a certificate in providing a full package of documents is the lack of information about a pensioner in the PF of the Russian Federation. In other words, this is the case when the applicant is not a recipient of a single kind of pension.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation today is the main body that carries out the calculation and accrual of pension to various categories of citizens. Sometimes retirees need to confirm their income. In this case, it is necessary to contact the PF of the Russian Federation. Here you need to make up and apply the appropriate statement, as a result of which the review of the pension from the Pension Fund will be issued. The list of cases when retirees need confirmation of income level is quite large. Let's call the main:

  • registration of a variety of premiums;
  • submission of documents to the draft board for registration of a military pension;
  • credit application;
  • obtaining a disabled care benefit (including a disabled child).

A sample of a pension certificate may also be required to obtain maternal capital after birth or adoption of the second child.

How to get a certificate of pension?

You will also need to make a package to attach a document certifying the identity of the trusted person itself. Help usually includes the following data:

  • the full name of a certain regional division of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • the exact address of this unit, as well as its INN and PPC;
  • individual document number;
  • the period of time for which the certificate illuminates the size of the pension paid;
  • directly the size of the pension - the table with the date and the reflected amount is drawn up;
  • signed signature with decoding directly the head of the department itself, as well as a specialist;
  • the date of the formation of the certificate of the type under consideration is affixed.

The same statement for obtaining the type of document under consideration can be filled both in handwritten form and in machine - on a personal computer. It does not play a significant role.

Help on the amount of pension from PF


How to get a pension at the new place of residence? Tuesday, 04/10/2018, 10:29:36, Labor with rest of Slary Wednesday, 03/28/2018, 03:51:36, Special surcharge to pension for experience 30-40 and more years, the legislation does not provide for Friday, 03/02/2018, 12: 58:21, pensioners and disabled: Payments in 2018 Tuesday, 02/13/2018, 06:38:00, retirement age increases. While civil servants are on Tuesday, 02/13/2018, 01:16:57, pension after 80 years in 2018 Monday, 02/12/2018, 17:02:27, Electronic pensions Friday, 01/26/2018, 16:30:13, Blocuse deprived pensions Wednesday, 01/24/2018, 10:22:01 pensions in 2018.

Details Wednesday, 01/10/2018, 15:13:56, Pensions - 2018.

Official site of Sberbank of Russia

At the moment, such institutions are: PFR Pension Fund of the Russian Federation Military Commissariat In the event of accruals of the NPF military pension Non-state pension funds, at the same time, military retirement can also be obtained through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. To seek the certificate is necessary in the establishment at the place of permanent registration or asset (concerns the military commissariat). To obtain a certificate, it will be necessary to submit the following set of documents: a document certifying the personality This may be a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a replacement of it for an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if possible) a unified format of this document is absent, compiled in free form if it is possible Get acquainted with an example of a statement in advance.
You can also prepare a pre-prepared form in advance and come with ready already to the FFR office.

Pension certificate

The document is small. First, there is basic information about the Payments Recipient:

  • FULL NAME. fully;
  • address of accommodation.

Below is prescribed, in what size money is listed monthly (the main part without allowing and deductions). Under these data, detailed information is provided on how much money is received by a citizen in the last 6 months. All this is structured into a table, in each of the columns of which, accordingly, is indicated:

  • month;
  • the resulting amount.

The signature under the information provided by the head of the Pension Fund and a specialist who was engaged in drawing up reference data.

Certificate of the amount of the retirement fund received


It should be known that all information displayed in the certificate (the pension itself including) is personal data. This moment is confirmed in the current legislation - paragraph. 1 Art. No. 3 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006 That is why the procedure for transferring all data when receiving a certificate of the type under consideration is an important procedure.

To implement it, it is necessary to comply with the processing. This moment is reflected in Art. No. 12 of the Federal Law No. 152-ФЗ dated July 27, 2006. According to the legislative norms, the personal data of the institution used in any type of establishment in the Russian Federation should be transmitted only with written consent.
This is especially true of data processing situations from abroad.

Reception of applications for certificates of certificates of pensions (other social benefits)

In addition, Sberbank provides a service for issuing such an extract. In both cases, the design is free. The document may be required:

  • at the time of registration of benefits, premiums and subsidies;
  • to submit an application for a loan;
  • when submitting securities in a military registration and enlistment office for the assignment of a military pension;
  • for registration of child-friend care benefits.

To obtain a written application, where the request is indicated. Video on the topic:

  • How to get a pension certificate from the PFR portal
  • What is the size of pension savings depends
  • Surcharge to pension for those who served in the army in Soviet times

Old retirement certificate and new certificate


It will only be necessary to specify all references on this document as accurately as possible. In the case of any errors, employees of the institution under consideration may simply do not accept the entire list of documents. Sample help. Is it possible to get a reference about the size of the pension online today far from all citizens who need a certificate of the type under consideration have the opportunity to get it yourself or ask for help for loved ones.

That is why relatively recently, in 2014, the possibility of obtaining a certificate of the type under consideration over the Internet was implemented. At the same time, the location of the applicant itself and its permanent registration does not play any role.

Sample reference on the amount of pension from the pension fund

Home »Reference» Documents »Help on the amount of the retired pension from the Pension Fund for many citizens becomes the main source of income to achieve relevant age. When contacting a number of instances, confirmation of the benefit value is required to assess the solvency of the pensioner or for other purposes. All accruals reflect a reference of the pension of the pension fund. In such an extract, the following information is indicated:

  1. FULL NAME. Pensioner, his birth date and targeted affiliation.
  2. The period for which payments will be made.
  3. Accruals by month of the specified period.

A sample reference of the pension is signed by the head of the FIU and the employee who made up the document. Signatures are certified by round seal of this organ. To obtain paper, contact the territorial department of the Foundation.

Pension certificate can be obtained in Sberbank

The receiving retirement is to familiarize themselves with all situations in advance when it is required to provide a certificate of the type under consideration. It will be possible to get it in advance. Since the design requires its submission of a special application, as well as providing some documents. Moreover, the help can not always be issued one day.

This factor should be considered. If possible, it is necessary to explore the legislation existing on this issue. Especially the time factor is important when making credit loans. How to get today to obtain a reference of the size of the pension will need to contact the institutions that accrual this payment.

Where to get a certificate of pension

It includes the following:

  • when making various kinds of premiums;
  • when submitting documents to a military registration and enlistment office for a military pension;
  • for loan registration in the bank;
  • to obtain benefits of various types (when careing with disabled person, a child-disabled person, in other cases);
  • to obtain maternal capital, women or men - in the case of birth, adoption of the second child.

In fact, the certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is a confirmation of a certain level of income. For example, it is often necessary to design a loan loan in a banking institution will be necessary to submit a certificate of the type under consideration. It will be a confirmation of income instead of 2-NDFL.
But much more often such a document is necessary for registration of relevant benefits. Various social services require its provision.

Where to get a certificate of pension

Take advantage of the type of type in question can be immediately on two sites:

  • on the official portal of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • on the site "Gosvousvugi".

At the same time, it is necessary to remember the need for registration. It is required on both portals. To implement this procedure, you will need to enter passport data, as well as information from SNILS. After that, log in and go to the appropriate section.

Both the above-mentioned sites are multifunctional, they allow you to implement not only receipt of references, but also a lot of other operations. You should only be as careful when passing personal data. Important moments must be remembered for some significant moments that are otherwise associated with obtaining a certificate of the type under consideration.

Since 2015, older people have not received a pension certificate upon retirement. Instead of this document, pensioners are now obtaining a conventional certificate from the FIU. Why did such changes occurred and how to get a new help? We will understand right now.

What does the pensioner certificate look like

Pensioner's ID - This is a small book of a red shade.

Inside the document - pink pages, each of which is a protected sign with a photo of an elderly person and the printing of the FIU (Pension Fund).

On the first page there is a document number, pensioner data, organ name, signature of the book owner.

The second page has the basis for issuing retirement deductions, for example, an old-age pension, disability, loss of the breadwinner and so on. In addition, the following information was recorded on this page: Pensions assignment period; date of issuance of pension; Signature of the Commissioner of the FIU; Print of the FIU.

The third page stores such information as: retirement payments; FIO dependents; Signature of the staff of the FIU. The fourth is designed to extend payments. Fifth - for special marks. Sixth - a memo for an elderly person.

Pension certificate receives directly a pensioner or an official for notarial power of attorney. When receiving a book, the pensioner puts a signature in a special book accounting book.

Certificates, which were previously issued to the elderly, continue to act despite the abolition of issuing this document since 2015.

Help instead of certificate

FROM January 1, 2015. The elderly, the elderly, in the design of pension contributions, will receive a certificate where general data on pension payments of a particular person are indicated.

Pensioners who received a certificate before the introduction of a new bill is not obliged to pass this document to the FIU to receive a certificate!

With the help of the certificate received, older people can use preferential tariffs that apply to different categories of citizens' retirement agents.

The certificate is enshrined such data as: Pension Femo; Reduss; date of birth of a pensioner; Name of the FIU unit; address of the FFR; reference date; discharge number; type of pension deductions; certificate validity period; monthly pension; Pensioner's case number.

The main reason The termination of the issuance of the certificate is the uselessness and extra expenses of the state for the design of this document.

Plus help - The size of the pension is indicated on the basis of the latest data, while in the book the amount of payments is not rewritten.

Minus The reform introduced - the pensioner has to often change this document to obtain benefits.

How to make a new help?

Until 2015, the elderly, when retired, received a corresponding certificate. Now, instead of a certificate, an elderly person is issued a certificate that contains the same information as a certificate.

Help can be obtained In such ways as:

  1. In the FIU. If an elderly person receives a certificate for the first time, when contacting the FIU, you need to have such documentation with you as: passport; statement; employment history; Reduss; birth certificate; photo 3 on 4; Help from work; documents received by secondary special or higher education; Marriage certificate.

When secondary handling it is worth taking a passport with you. The finished document is issued within 2 days after the provided written request.

  1. Through a trustee - Power of attorney must be framed by the notary.
  2. On the site of the FFR. To order an online help, you need to do the following:
    • create a personal account on the site:
    • choose "Pre-Order reference" service on reference:
    • get a document in the local PFR branch after the call of the Fund employee.
    • the main complexity of this method is a bad understanding of computer equipment by a regular pensioner or the lack of a computer.

Where to get this document?

You can get a certificate in 2 ways, namely:

  1. FFR - a certificate can get both a pensioner and his representative in the presence of official power of attorney.
  2. Employer (If an elderly person continues to work officially) - the head receives a certificate and the accompanying statement, in which the pensioner should sign when receiving a document. The filled list form must be returned to the FIU. The certificate is issued to the elderly for a week after receiving the employer.

Dates of issuing certificates

Certificate is issued for 10 business days After passing all the documents.

If the certificate is executed again, then this document is required to issue within 2 business days.

With online queries, employees of the FIU prepare a certificate for 5 working days.

The longest period of reference - through the employer - from 10 days.

What to do with the loss of certificate?

If the certificate issued until 2015, it became unsuitable for any reason - it must be replaced. Only instead of a new certificate, a citizen of the retirement age will receive a certificate in accordance with the new legislation.

To obtain a new document, a non-working pensioner should within a month after the loss of the certificate to contact the FIU.

In the FIU, an elderly person must fill out the application of the established sample. In addition to the form, the pensioner needs to take with you the following list of documents:

  • passport;
  • Reduss;
  • a spoiled certificate (if preserved).

Making a certificate - Month from the moment of filing the corresponding list of documents.

If the pensioner continues to work, then the application for the recovery of the certificate can be fill in directly in the workplace.

In addition, a certificate can receive a trustee that provides the original notarial power of attorney upon receipt of the document in the FIU.

Help instead of certificate is issued for free!

In this video, the specialist of the Pension Fund will explain why the old certificates were abolished.

Cancellation of certificates allowed the authorities to preserve part of budget funds. Help, which is issued instead of certificate, has the same legal force as the former document. Therefore, pensioners should not worry because of the introduced innovations. Elderly, it is enough to explore this material to get a certificate instead of the usual pension certificate.

Today, the body that makes the calculation and subsequent accrual of the pension of various types is the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

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In some cases, it is necessary to obtain a special confirmation of the pension document - it is a certificate. You can get it through the FIU (submitting an appropriate statement appropriately).

Why need

Today, the pension to achieve a certain age becomes for many quite essential income items.

Often, in various institutions, it is necessary to provide a certificate in which its size is directly displayed, as well as other information about the pensioner. Moreover, the list of situations where such a certificate is necessary, is quite extensive.

It includes the following:

  • when making various kinds of premiums;
  • when submitting documents to a military registration and enlistment office for a military pension;
  • for loan registration in the bank;
  • to obtain benefits of various types (when careing with disabled person, a child-disabled person, in other cases);
  • to obtain maternal capital, women or men - in the case of birth, adoption of the second child.

In fact, the certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is a confirmation of a certain level of income.

For example, it is often necessary to design a loan loan in a banking institution will be necessary to submit a certificate of the type under consideration. It will be confirmed income instead.

But much more often such a document is necessary for registration of relevant benefits. Various social services require its provision.

The receiving retirement is to familiarize themselves with all situations in advance when it is required to provide a certificate of the type under consideration. It will be possible to get it in advance.

Since the design requires its submission of a special application, as well as providing some documents.

Moreover, the help can not always be issued one day. This factor should be considered. If possible, it is necessary to explore the legislation existing on this issue. Especially the time factor is important when making credit loans.

How to get a

Today, to obtain a reference of the amount of the pension, it will be necessary to contact the institutions that accrual this payment.

At the moment, such institutions are:

It can also be obtained through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. To seek the certificate is necessary in the establishment at the place of permanent registration or asset (concerns the military commissariat).

To obtain a certificate, it will be necessary to submit the following set of documents:

If possible, you should familiarize yourself with the example of the application in advance. You can also prepare a pre-prepared form in advance and come with ready already to the FFR office.

The statement necessarily includes the following key data:

  • surname, name and patronymic;
  • year of birth of a particular applicant;
  • place of registration in the territory of the Russian Federation (or permanent stay);
  • if there is a departure outside the Russian Federation - the exact date of this event is indicated;
  • what kind of types of pensions the applicant at the moment receives in Russia;
  • personal signature and document drawing date.

A distinctive feature is the absence of the need to provide the originals of all the documents designated above.

At the same time, notarial or other assurance of this document is also not required. Permissible provision simply ordinary copies. At the same time, it is necessary to remember the possibility of obtaining a certificate of the type under consideration through a trustee.

But for this it will be necessary to compile a special power of attorney. It must be notarized.

All documents provided should also be certified. You will also need to make a package to attach a document certifying the identity of the trusted person itself.

Help usually includes the following data:

  • the full name of a certain regional division of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • the exact address of this unit, as well as its INN and PPC;
  • individual document number;
  • the period of time for which the certificate illuminates the size of the pension paid;
  • directly the size of the pension - the table with the date and the reflected amount is drawn up;
  • signed signature with decoding directly the head of the department itself, as well as a specialist;
  • the date of the formation of the certificate of the type under consideration is affixed.

The same statement for obtaining the type of document under consideration can be filled both in handwritten form and in machine - on a personal computer.

It does not play a significant role. It will only be necessary to specify all references on this document as accurately as possible. In the case of any errors, employees of the institution under consideration may simply do not accept the entire list of documents.

Is it possible to get a reference about the size of the pension online

Today, not all citizens who need a certificate of the type under consideration have the opportunity to get it independently or contact your loved ones.

That is why relatively recently, in 2019, the possibility of obtaining a certificate of the type in question via the Internet was implemented. At the same time, the location of the applicant itself and its permanent registration does not play any role.

Take advantage of the type of type in question can be immediately on two sites:

  • on the official portal of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • on the site "Gosvousvugi".

At the same time, it is necessary to remember the need for registration. It is required on both portals. To implement this procedure, you will need to enter passport data, as well as information from SNILS. After that, log in and go to the appropriate section.

Both the above-mentioned sites are multifunctional, they allow you to implement not only receipt of references, but also a lot of other operations. You should only be as careful when passing personal data.

Important moments

It must be remembered for some significant points that are otherwise associated with obtaining a certificate of the type under consideration.

It should be known that all information displayed in the certificate (the pension itself including) is personal data. This moment is confirmed in the legislation current on this issue - Federal Law No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006

That is why the procedure for transferring all data when receiving a certificate of the type under consideration is an important procedure. To implement it, it is necessary to comply with the processing. This time is reflected in the Federal Law No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006

According to the legislative standards indicated above, the personal data of the institution applicants in any type in the Russian Federation should be transmitted only with written consent.

This is especially true of data processing situations from abroad. What gives rise to some legal difficulties in the event of applying for a certificate across the border of the Russian Federation by another state.

Therefore, if possible, it is advisable to get the appropriate reference to move precisely on the side of the Russian Federation.

Also, a certificate of the amount of pension can be obtained from the non-state pension fund. Maximum conveniently, this process is implemented in Sberbank - it will be possible to submit a statement through the Internet Bank.

Today, the procedure for obtaining a reference of the amount of the pension is as simple as possible, but has some essential features. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with all of them in advance.

Video: Obtaining a disability pension

Applications and calls are accepted around the clock and seven days a week..

To obtain a second pension, you need to work with official employment, where the employer will pay insurance premiums from wages.

To obtain these payments to a working military pensioner, you need to contact the PFR authority at the place of residence or registration. In the Pension Fund's Department, you will need to fill in a special questionnaire, while presenting a passport or other document confirming the identity: these actions, you will register in the system of compulsory pension insurance. In addition, the following documents will be required:

  • providing a pension in the system of the power ministry. This document should contain data that are taken into account when determining the size of pension payments for long service: the date of commencement of receipt of the pension, periods of service, before retirement, etc.;
  • Paper confirming the experience at the "Citizer": Labor book, employment agreement, etc.

After registration of the testimony (on the form of a green laminated card) by the Pension Fund, it will be necessary in the same department where the application was filed.

After receiving the testimony with the Snovis mentioned on it, the retired military retirement will be calculated in the same way as in ordinary civil servants. All the data necessary for the payment of pension will be displayed on an individual personal account.

Important! Citizens born before 1967 may apply for participation in the fundamental system of the Pension Fund.

In addition to registering in the pension system, the retired military also needs to know additional conditions for the appointment of the second pension. What conditions should be followed in the list:

  • The law is recognized to prescribe a pension from sixty years in men and from fifty-five - in women. The appointment of payments to people under the specified age is possible when working under difficult conditions, for example, miners or people working in low-prepared regions.
  • The minimum experience is needed, which is fixed after the device for a civil position. That is, time in service in the power structures is not taken into account. In 2018, the experience is 9 years old, but annually it will become more for a year, until it reaches 15 years in 2024.
  • Minimum amount of points (individual pension coefficients). This year, this number is 13.8 points.
  • The existence of a retirement pension (or disability) from one of the powerful departments.

It should be borne in mind that these conditions must be observed at the same time: the problem in non-compliance with at least one of the conditions, relies on obtaining a second pension.

Documents in a military sanatorium for military pensioners

By law from 2011, the admission of applications from military pensioners, planning to relax in a specialized sanatorium, is engaged in a single department for providing sanatorium rest.

In the article of the year you can find all categories of servicemen entering the preferential conditions for visiting sanatoriums.

In the appropriate authority, you can contact personally or send a statement using mail, fax or email. Here you can find out all the necessary information about sanatoriums, including the number of free places and living conditions. To obtain a ticket for a military pensioner, it is necessary to submit the following list of documents:

  • Passport;
  • certificate of a pensioner, where the right to social guarantees is noted.

Also, a military pensioner can receive a ticket and on any of the family members. To do this, you must provide such documents as:

  • Passport, where Russian citizenship is indicated - for the spouse / spouse or adults without official employment;
  • Family members who arrived without a person must have benefits, it is necessary to receive a certificate that proves communication as a relative with a military pensioner. You can get it in the military unit or commissaria;
  • When making a ticket to a child, it is necessary to provide his birth certificate (under the age of 14) or a passport;
  • Also, children under the age of 14, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination and provide certificates about the epidroit and the absence of skin diseases, as well as an analysis on enterobiosis.

Documents for registration of insurance pension to the military pensioner

After registering in the FIU system, you will need a written appeal for the appointment of the insurance pension. Among the mandatory documents that are necessary for paperwork, the following package is following:

  • Passport details;
  • Reduss;
  • Employment history;
  • Document on the presence of minimal experience;
  • Document on the amount of wages for 2 months of employment, following without interruptions;
  • Information on the presence of dependents;

In some cases, some other documents may be required to obtain insurance pension payments:

  • Papers confirming the change of any personal data;
  • Passport of the legal representative, if the insurance pension is issued without the personal participation of a military pensioner.

For more information about retirement of the military, you can learn from this video: