Statuses for women are beautiful real with meaning. Cool statuses about women - beautiful quotes with meaning

Healthy! Here is a selection called Statuses for women short and meaningful with cool illustrations. Take the status you like and post it on your favorite social network. networks. Bye!

The difference between those who have achieved something and those who have not achieved anything is determined by who started earlier. Charles Schwab

I don't care what fashion is now, my status in life is freedom!

The vices of idleness must be overcome by labor. Seneca Aucius Annaeus the Younger

All people, like people, are looking for their love, their place in life, and I, damn it, are the second sock ...

The kids are all crazy. That's why they don't go crazy.

True love will never die. Stephen King. Nona

Got bored? Just send SMS: "I'm pregnant!" to a random number.

The doctors in the clinic only have a diagnosis: “Well, why did you come?” and “Well, why did you come so late?”

I am exactly the same as everyone else: I take wishful thinking and see the world not as it really is, but as I want to see it. Paulo Coelho. Alchemist

A successful person must constantly work for bestowal and in the end everything will inevitably return to him. Gottlieb Duttweiler

The friendship of one reasonable person is more precious than the friendship of all unreasonable ones. Democritus

Love is a wise invention of nature: the one who loves easily does what he must. W. Schwebel.

If you have three children, then at least two of them are of the same sex

Both our friends and enemies are our own creations.

Santa Claus said beautifully and briefly about the New Year - let him come ...

Her: Answer me honestly, yes or no, okay? He: ask She: why do men laugh at blondes? He: yes

To the question of the guys, how are things on the personal front, I just want to answer: a lot of yours died ...

Each person has a choice, either you want to be someone, or you want to become someone. Wolfgang Goethe

Nehiter guy, but lucky, clumsy, but talented.

There are no crimes or offenses in love. There are only misses of taste. Paul Geraldi

And in our village there are only two entertainments, and both are already sleeping ...

It is imperative to have a few reliable friends who will always be there for you!

Friendship is when you yourself send a friend on a date, and then the whole evening you are angry with her because you have nothing to do.

It was not possible to start a new life on Monday, or on the first of January? Start from March. Spring is another chance.

The secret to being boring is being able to tell everything about yourself.

To live badly, unreasonably means not to live badly, but to die slowly.

You cannot connect the dots of your destiny if you look ahead; they can only be connected retrospectively. So you have to believe that these dots will somehow connect in the future. You have to believe in something - in your courage, destiny, karma, whatever. This principle has never failed me and changed my whole life. Stephen Paul Jobs

Men don't look at me. They give me a look, but that's not it.

Good has one enemy - evil, but evil always has two enemies - good and itself ... Phyllis Kast. goddess by mistake

Surgery brings the basic imperative of the medical profession to the extreme, where the human already comes into contact with the divine. If you hit someone hard on the head with a baton, they will collapse and expire forever. But one day he would still give up his ghost. Such a murder is only a little ahead of what God himself would have done a little later. The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera

To show ourselves as we really are is not an ability, it is our choice. Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Happiness is when reality is better than a dream.

As rare as true love is, true friendship is even rarer. François de La Rochefoucauld

Family life is hard work. Washing dishes, cleaning the apartment, making beds. And three months later, all over again .. MARRIAGE

Education will let you live; self-education will make you rich and happy.

Sexuality is something that cannot be hidden, not something that they try hard to show.

When you often raise your eyes upward, you will see many interesting things, but if you look at the ground more often, you will not fall.

Hooray! I am of legal age! Now I can do everything that my mother forbade! First of all, she licked the swing in the cold and stuck her fingers into the socket.

I'm in a hurry to a new life!

Luck is mash, and failure is kvass.

The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; An optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill

If the friendship quickly ended, then it did not exist.

Friendship is not such a miserable light to go out in separation. Johann Friedrich Schiller

A person should be honest by nature, not by circumstances. Marcus Aurelius

If you have never been in love, then get ready love is coming to you!

Ah, the experience of feeling, how it interferes with feeling! Alphonse Daudet

The best way to predict your future is to become its creator.

We make money the old fashioned way - we earn it. The slogan of the American company Smith Barney

In love, there is enough room for other feelings. Yuzef Bulatovich

The son becomes more mature when, when asked about a gift, he demands money.

True love is selfless. She has no selfish predilections in herself and is distinguished by prudence. Elder Paisios the Holy Mountaineer

The sage harmonizes with wise speeches. Aeschylus

Once a woman gives you her heart, you will never get rid of everything else. John Vanbrugh

The most beautiful moment in my life I can call the one when I realized that I had a girlfriend, like-minded person. William Rotsler

The light in the window can be a ray of hope.

Self-sacrifice must be punishable by law. It demoralizes those for whom they make sacrifices.

Rooftop romance

A true friend is someone who walks through your door...even if the whole world has walked out of it

If a person's life consists of bottom only happiness, then the very first problem becomes its end.

The collection of Statuses for women is short and will be filled with meaning, and all inaccuracies will be corrected. Leave comments and rate the article.

A woman never knows what she wants, but she won't rest until she gets it.

If a woman wants to refuse, she says no. If a woman indulges in explanations, she wants to be convinced.

When a woman creates problems, this is normal. Not normal when she solves them.

You can't spoil a woman with a compliment.

The fact that the couple broke up does not mean that the end of jealousy has come. A woman will always be jealous of a man for a new life. And love has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Facts and common sense are nothing in a dispute with a girl.

Strong is not when you pull a freight train behind you with one hand. Strong is when you want to roar in pain, and you smile at everyone ...

A girl can drink a bottle of whiskey, beat a man with her handbag and walk home alone along a dark street, but she will go to the toilet with her girlfriend.

A girl is like a diamond, and only in the hands of a real jeweler will she shine with all her facets.

The best diet for a woman is to FALL IN LOVE!!! But falling in love UNREQUIREDLY is already a STRICT DIET!!!

If a woman told you some truth, think about what lie she is hiding.

If a woman is happy, her children, parents, husband, friends, dog and even cockroaches will be happy.

It is impossible to determine the beauty of a woman by dress, figure or hairstyle. After all, her true beauty lies in the eyes where love lives.

Do you think women are the weaker sex? Then try to take away her blanket at night ...

With a woman, it's simple only in one case: if she does not belong to you.

Women have no rules, only mood!

Women are insidious... sometimes, in order to take revenge, instead of war, they declare friendship...

The woman takes everything from the man. Even a last name.

The age of a woman when she begins to criticize everyone is called critical.

Any little thing can bring a woman to hysterics. Only a woman can bring a man to hysterics.

For a girl, there are only two reasons for not cheating: either her man is the best, or she believes that all men are the same.

A woman in the family is like a translator: she understands both baby talk and drunken nonsense.

But in general, we, Women, can EVERYTHING ... Love - we will win, Success - we will achieve, Money - we will earn, Happiness ... well, and HAPPINESS - we will give birth!

With the onset of spring, every woman suddenly realizes that she has nothing to wear.

And mine says to me: “Why are you so thin? Go eat the cake."
- Who is yours?
- Well ... inner voice!

A girl like an expensive car will be left unattended, stolen!

A woman is a wonderful mixture of pure tenderness with evil spirits.

The less hope, the shorter the skirt.

Only our women wash dishes by candlelight after a romantic dinner.

To flatter a woman's pride, she needs to be a little jealous. You can not be jealous of her only when you are confident in her, as in yourself ... Well, in fact, a woman should always be jealous.

A real woman should be harmful and capricious ...

Often a woman, without whom it is impossible to live, and a woman with whom it is impossible to live, are one and the same person.

When other women ask their female friends not to divulge a secret entrusted to them, they do this only so that the news will spread as soon as possible.

Women have amazing intuition - they can guess everything except the most obvious.

A woman is always tormented by two questions: “Where can I find the man of my dreams?” and “What to do with this beast now?”

The Silent Woman is a ticking time bomb. It is not known when it will explode and what the power of the explosion will be.

Women are endowed with an inimitable gift to express their feelings without pompous phrases; Women's eloquence - in the sound of the voice, in movement, posture and look.

Women are able to immediately determine with whom their man can change .. Sometimes they determine this before the men themselves.

The look from one woman to another is like checking luggage at customs.

Women's logic: - GUESS who I will meet? — Umm.. Petya? - No. - Zhenya? Is it really Kolya? - No! — I give up. - You don't know him.

A woman is like a shadow: when you follow her, she runs away; when you run away from her, she follows you.

What do women desire? In general, like everyone else: love, warmth, sex, attention, family, comfort. The main thing is to guess the dose and sequence.

Being completely sincere for a woman means the same thing as appearing in public without a dress.

They say women are the weaker sex. But not a single man with a hangover will be able to ... cook borscht and clean the apartment!

Women are the same children: they crave attention, love gifts and want pens.

A woman in one minute can go from a state of complete admiration and joy to complete despair. It all depends on whether the man managed to say the right words in that minute. The woman is unpredictable. And at the same time, she can give as much tenderness as a man has nowhere else to take.

All women are angels, but when they are deprived of their wings, they have to change to a broom.

For some reason, after 35-37 years, women on Odnoklassniki immediately turn 100-109 years old ...

The first step should be taken by the girl - the guy should like her. His next step.

Women! Never doubt your attractiveness. Remember: scales lie, people envy, and the mirror is generally crooked!

It’s good for African women: they don’t bother about dresses - they put on beads and a beauty !!!

If a woman is frivolous, then she changes in the same way. But if it is serious, then treason is no longer just treason, but a new love.

In childhood, her father protects her, then her husband protects her, in old age - her son, a woman should never be left alone!

As one quote says, there will always be something new to say about women, as long as at least one of them remains on our planet. And all because the female soul is a mystery. The greatest minds of all times and peoples thought and gave beautiful and wise, beautiful and concise phrases, aphorisms and quotes about women, female beauty and female logic to the mountain. We do not pretend to be new, but just tried to collect the most vivid and beautiful quotes about women with meaning.

Quotes about female beauty

  • A beauty can afford everything, a beauty can forgive everything.
  • Is there anything more beautiful in the world than a beautiful woman?!
    Pierre Brantome
  • Many have been ruined by female beauty, for the love of a beauty is like a sizzling flame.
  • Nothing is as diverse as female beauty, except perhaps the impression it makes on us.
    Edmond Abu
  • A beautiful woman is a well-polished glass that will tarnish at the slightest breath.
    Miguel de Cervantes
  • Everyone has their own concept of female attractiveness; beauty is something more immutable and independent of tastes and judgments.
    Jean de La Bruyère
  • A pretty woman cannot be stupid for men: she always has that main mind that men demand from a woman - the mind to be pretty.
    Anna Steel
  • A beautiful woman is heaven for the eyes, hell for the soul, and purgatory for the pocket.
    Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle
  • Beauty is also a virtue, a beautiful woman cannot have flaws.
    Friedrich Schiller
  • Praise the beauty of a woman - she will forgive you all your insults.
    Pierre Buast

Quotes About Women's Mind

  • A woman is smarter than a man, and she spends her mind so that a man does not notice this.
    Mary McCarthy
  • In some cases, a woman is much more insightful than a hundred men.
    Gotthold Lessing
  • There is nothing more paradoxical than the female mind. Women are difficult to convince of anything: they must be brought to the point where they convince themselves. In order to learn their dialectic, one must overturn in one's mind all the school rules of logic.
    Mikhail Lermontov
  • Women are learned by nature, men by books.
  • The mind of most women serves not so much to strengthen their prudence, but to justify their recklessness.
    François La Rochefoucauld
  • Women rule us; Let us try to bring them to perfection: the more they know, the more perfect we will be. Men's wisdom also depends on the development of the female mind.
    Richard Sheridan
  • A smart woman is one in which you can be arbitrarily stupid.
    Paul Valery
  • A woman is always smart enough to seem simple.
    Georges Courteline
  • Smart men do not shun the company of fools; How often have you seen a smart woman next to a dumb guy?
    Erica Jong
  • Thinking women are those who are not thought about.
    George Bernard Shaw

Quotes about women and fashion

  • Do you remember the story of Eve? As soon as a woman comes to consciousness, her first thought is a new dress.
    Heinrich Heine
  • No wonder some sage said that women owe half of their beauty to dressmakers.
    Lone de Vega
  • Just as a fish must be measured without taking into account the head and tail, so women must be examined without paying attention to their hair and shoes.
    Jean de La Bruyère
  • First of all, a beautiful dress, then a beautiful man to worship her - these are the ordinary desires of a woman.
  • Every overdressed woman is a danger to society. Therefore, when I see a dressed-up woman, I want to shout: Policeman!
    Lev Tolstoy
  • Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.
    Marilyn Monroe
  • Fashion doesn't just make women beautiful, it gives them confidence.
    Yves Saint Laurent
  • Outfit is a preface to a woman, and sometimes the entire book.
    Sebastien-Roche Nicolas de Chamfort
  • I know what women want. They want to be beautiful.
    Valentino Garavani
  • A woman wants to dress like others, and suffers if she is really dressed like others.
    Leszek Kumor

Quotes about pro women and men

  • A woman is a man's guardian angel at all stages of his life. She is the representative of grace on earth, the priestess of love and selflessness; she is a comforter in the calamities and sorrows of life, the joy and pride of a man.
    Vissarion Belinsky
  • Woman is the great educator of man.
    Anatole France
  • To a man looking at a woman, the devil puts on rose-colored glasses.
    Boleslav Prus
  • They try gold with fire, a woman with gold, and men with a woman.
  • No matter how badly a man thinks of women, any woman thinks even worse of them.
    Sebestyen-Rock Nicolas de Chamfort
  • The love of a wise woman can save a man from an inferiority complex.
    Friedrich Nietzsche
  • No matter how happy a woman is married, she always notices with pleasure that there are men in the world who would like to see her unmarried.
    Henry Louis Mencken
  • A man usually loves women whom he respects: a woman usually respects only men whom she loves. Therefore, a man often loves women who are not worth loving, and a woman often respects men who are not worth respecting.
    Vasily Klyuchevsky
  • Women even make the male sex more refined.
    Immanuel Kant
  • One must be able to obey a woman often in order to have the right to command her sometimes.
    Victor Hugo

Quotes about women and marriage

  • Men marry out of boredom, women out of curiosity. Both are disappointed
    Oscar Wilde
  • If God had appointed a woman to be the mistress of a man, he would have created her from the head, if he had been a slave, he would have created her from the foot; but since he appointed her to be a friend and equal to a man, he created from a rib.
    Blessed Augustine
  • In marriage, the husband always proves, but without success, while the wife does not prove anything, but succeeds in everything.
    Moritz Gottlieb Safir
  • In the life of every woman there are two main men: the one she married, and the one she, alas, did not marry.
    Robert Lembke
  • Girls often lose friends by marrying them.
    Françoise Sagan
  • I think, therefore, I am not married.
    Elizabeth Winston
  • A woman becomes whole by becoming a half.
    Jacques Audiberty
  • The most difficult task for a woman is to prove to a man the seriousness of his intentions.
    Helen Rowland
  • A man marries in the hope that a woman will never change. A woman marries in the hope that a man will change. Both are invariably disappointed.
    Albert Einstein
  • Married women remain women, and eventually begin to guess about it.
    Logan Pearsall Smith

Quotes about women and love

  • Everything beautiful on earth was born from love for a woman.
    Maksim Gorky
  • Love for a woman has a great, irreplaceable meaning for us; it is like salt for meat: impregnating the heart, it protects it from spoilage.
    Victor Hugo
  • A woman loves or hates, she has no third.
    Publilius Sir
  • Being carried away for the first time, women love a lover; in the following hobbies, they love love.
    François La Rochefoucauld
  • A woman should never choose a lover without the consent of her heart and her husband - without the consent of her mind.
    Ninon Lanclo
  • A woman demands little from love - just to feel like the heroine of a novel.
    Minion McLaughlin
  • Women's love is superior to men's. The difference that goes to children is enormous.
    Hugo Steinhaus
  • A woman does not want to be talked about her amorous affairs, but she wants everyone to know that she is loved.
    André Maurois
  • A loving woman is ready for anything, a woman who has fallen out of love - even more so.
    Arkady Davidovich
  • Love a woman the way you made her, or make her the way you love her.
    Juana de la Cruz

Greetings! Here is an article titled Statuses about strong women with meaning with thematic photos. Take the status you like and post it on your favorite social network or other resource. Best wishes!

Looking into mirrors or people to see who I am.

Business is built from the roof. Arkady Davidovich

Women are made to be loved, not to be understood. Oscar Wilde

It is difficult to explain to a foreigner the phrase "Hands do not reach to see."

Few can cherish friendship, but everyone loves to talk about fidelity!

Love is a mystery, love is an unknown...

Love is like a valerian - it gives peace of mind exactly until the body stops responding to it, getting used to its calming effect.

The law of meanness: in whatever direction you go, rain or snow always falls in the face!

Do not tell people about your failures, most listeners are not interested, and the rest are glad that they do not have such problems.

Life only makes sense when you live for someone other than yourself.

If you know how to do, do as you know. If you don't know, do as you were taught. Timur Gagin

If you rise above the crowd, you will be judged. And you have to deal with it.

I smile smartly at anger, I don’t consider it necessary to answer rudeness, I don’t take offense at fools, and I don’t give a damn about envious people!

You will have failures. You will get injured. You will be wrong. You will have periods of depression and despair. Family, study, work, everyday problems - all this more than once or twice will become an obstacle to training. However, your internal compass needle should always point in the same direction—toward your destination. Stuart McRobert

If a man in your house is throwing dirty socks around, it doesn't mean he's a slob, he's just marking his territory.

A smile is powerful and worth the reward. Just a smile and you will be happy!

I'm late because I'm late for everyone, for all meetings. I'm not just making you wait.

Friends who don't fight are not friends.

Do great things without promising great things. Pythagoras.

If we men married the women we deserve, it would be bad for us!

You can't change your life quickly, but you can change your thoughts, which will change your destiny.

What people usually call fate is, in essence, only the totality of the stupidities committed by them.

My life is a fairy tale. A tale of wasted time...

I live now, there will be no second life! So I arrange it the way I want!

Behind the wheel I feel like a goddess ... I'm driving, and my husband is praying.

Sometimes girls agree to meet with a guy in the evening only to have something to tell their friends the next day.

New Whiskas with blueberry flavor. And let your cat go nuts with surprise!

In search of joy and happiness, a person runs away from himself, although in reality the real source of joy is in himself. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Life is like a mosaic... I have lost something, and it is no longer collected, and not complete...

VKontakte is like a refrigerator. You know that nothing new has appeared and you still look 600 times a day.

Half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones is perseverance. Stephen Paul Jobs

The happiness of a woman is when you have been together for a long time, and every day begins with mutual words: I love you madly.

A wise friend will not abandon a friend, despite all the hardships. Rustaveli Sh.

If it succeeds - so the gingerbread, if it fails - then the lid.

Better water from a friend than honey from an enemy. Russian proverb

Winning doesn't always mean being first. Victory is when you become better than you were.

When they save one half of humanity, they usually do not stand on ceremony on the other.

Labor itself is pleasure.

The most beautiful moment in my life I can call the one when I realized that I had a girlfriend, like-minded person. William Rotsler

Work makes worries invisible.

Love us in black ones, and in white ones, and everyone will love. Russian proverb

We draw our own world. Never say I'm doing badly, because words, like caustic ink, eat into the pages of a book.

There are never many girlfriends, but there is a real one who never throws you.

I was wondering why people, as they get older, read the Bible more and more actively. And then it dawned on me: they are preparing for the final exam. George Carlin

An hour of work teaches more than a day of explanations. Jean Jacques Rousseau

To fall in love means to feel like the builder of your own life. After all, having fallen in love, we lay the foundation for happiness.

Inspiration is needed in poetry, as in geometry. Alexander Pushkin

Failure is just an opportunity to start again, but more wisely. Henry Ford

In a dispute with a woman, only the echo can say the last word.

To be honest, I always rely on luck.

And this stupid girl was born for love, she suffered because of love, but to love the unwanted was an unbearable torture for her ... Nuri Gyunteken, “The Songbird Kinglet” will decide

Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you. Plautus

The main thing is to give all your strength to the chosen cause, and rumors will go about you. Because perfection is rare. André Maurois

You say you need me .. for complete happiness or for good measure?

It's terribly hard work doing nothing.

Great souls have will, weak souls have only desires. Chinese proverb

Stretching out your hand to friends, do not clench your fingers into a fist. Diogenes of Sinop

They say children are the flowers of life. And mine, damn it, doesn't want to sit on the potty. Probably not an indoor flower.

Success does not come, only the most persistent and hardworking get to it. Marva Collins

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