Teremok paper applique. Thematic lesson with a child based on the fairy tale "Teremok". We make applications, draw, get acquainted with animals. And a magic ball will show us the way

Application topic in the middle group "Terem-teremok"

Target: arouse children's interest in the application, a desire to take care of the animals.


  • learn children to convey the shape and location of parts of the house;
  • exercise in cutting techniques in a straight line, a circle from a square.
  • fix colorperception ;
  • develop attention, memory, thinking through play, reciting poems, guessing riddles;
  • anchor geometricfigures , orientation in space;
  • development of general and fine motor skills;
  • fostering teamwork skills.


  • demo: Whatman paper for teamwork, brush, napkin, oilcloth, glue, brush holder, scissors, origami crafts (mouse, hare, wolf, fox, bear), toys (cow, horse, bear), masks depicting the heroes of a fairy tale , details for work;
  • handouts: glue, brushes, oilcloths, napkins, brush stands, plates with details (2 squares - 3.5 * 3.5 cm; 2 circles - 3.5 cm; 2 blue rectangles - 3 * 10 cm; 1 brown rectangle - 4 * 27 cm).

Preliminary work:

  • reading Russian folk tale "Teremok";
  • considering illustrations for a fairy tale and talking about them;
  • carrying out the dramatization game "Teremok" using masks.

Vocabulary work: to intensify adjectives in speech;

Methods and techniques:practical (game "What has changed", creating an application); vocabulary (conversation); surprise moment (letter from forest animals).


I. Organizational moment

Educator: Hello guys. A forest animal came to visit us. Let's find it.(Children look around and find toys of animals: a cow, a bear, a horse).Look, there is more than one animal here. Find among them the one who lives in the forest. Who is this?(Answers of children). That's right, bear. He brought us something. What is it?

Children: Letter!

(We read the letter.)

Educator : Hello! Fantastic forest animals are writing to you. And from which fairy tale guess for yourself. Listen to the riddle.

Once in a thick forest
A house grew up under a bush.
What is this miracle house?
Animals settled in it.
The mouse and the bunny are happy,
And the chanterelle, the top is glad.
This is a fairytale... (Teremok).

We got into trouble. The bear climbed onto the tower and broke it. Help build a new one, otherwise we have nowhere to live.

- Well, can we help? Now we will walk along the path to the meadow, where the heroes of the fairy tale are waiting for us.

II. Main part

(Glade. Handicrafts on it - origami)

Educator: Here we are in the clearing. And these are forest dwellers. We will help them now. First, let's count the animals. How many are there?

Children: Five.

Educator : Right. There are five animals and there are five of you too. All equally. And in order to know who, what kind of animal will fall, I will ask riddles. The one who guesses the riddle will take his hero and sit in any place.

(Making riddles)

1. Small stature, 2. White in winter,
Long tail. Summer gray.
Collects crumbs, does not offend anyone,
Hiding from the cat. And he is afraid of everyone.
(Mouse) (Hare)

3. Day and night prowling through the woods. 4. Sly cheat,
Day and night looking for prey. Red head.
He walks and wanders in silence. Fluffy tail-beauty,
The ears are gray upright. Who is this?
(Wolf) (Fox)

5. Who lives in a deaf forest,
Clumsy, clubfoot.
In the summer he eats raspberries, honey,
And in winter he sucks his paw.

- These are great fellows. All the riddles were guessed. Now we are going to build a house. The house is being built from planks. You have strips on the plates, from which we will cut the boards.(Display of work).
- Then we take the squares, smoothly cut the corners and get the circles.
(Show work) .
- Then we fold the rectangles in half, cut them and get the windows.
(Display of work).

III. Independent work of children

The teacher observes, helps, advises.

IV. Fizminutka

We take the boards on the shoulder
We will build a new house.
Knock knock hammer
We are building, building a new house.
To the right is knock, to the left is knock,
Knock knock, knock knock ahead.
A house has grown, a huge house.
Animals will live in it!

V. Gluing parts

Children first stick the circles on strips, boards, and then carry them onto a common sheet.After the children stick on the strips, the teacher glue the roof.

Educator: Here's what a teremok. Did you do everything? What is missing?

Children: There are not enough windows.

(Children go and paste windows).

Educator: What a beautiful house! Now it's time to settle the animals.

(Children stick origami animals on the instructions of the teacher: on the right, left, next to, in front of the tower).

Vi. Game with masks: "What has changed"?

- Look, the forest animals left us masks in gratitude. Will you put them on and we will play the game "What has changed"?

(We choose a leader. He remembers who is standing, then closes his eyes. Children in masks change places. The leader opens his eyes and says what has changed).

Vii. Lesson analysis

Educator: Let's go to the tower and admire it.

Terem, terem, terem,
The animals were building a house.
Carved shutters, painted windows.
The bear came
He began to roar.
Beasts came out
They opened the doors.
They look at the bear:
- You are too great.
Go away bear
Stop roaring!

- We know that the bear accidentally broke the teremok. It's good that we were there and helped build a new teremok. And the teremok turned out to be so beautiful because everyone worked together and very amicably. These are all great fellows!

The applique house is an excellent decoration for a fairy tale. Cut out figures of characters from a magazine or make, remember your favorite fairy tale and arrange a real show. Let the child develop fine motor skills, speech, thinking, memory, imagination.

For crafts, prepare:
colored paper;
a sheet of colored cardboard for the base (in this case, cardboard packaging from cardboard came in handy);
simple pencil, scissors, glue.

Application creation

1 ... Start by preparing the necessary parts. Their sizes may vary. Depending on this, the fungus will be taller or lower, thicker or slimmer.

  • Cut the oval-leg of the mushroom out of brown paper.
  • Red is useful for a semicircular hat.
  • Cut out round and rectangular windows, don't forget about the doors. For all this, use blue, yellow and orange paper.
  • To liven up the picture, cut out grass, a leaf from green paper, and wings and a body of a butterfly from purple and yellow.

2 ... Take your time to paste. Take a closer look. Perhaps you want to fix something, add details or remove unnecessary, in your opinion, elements. And only at the last moment, use glue.

Demonstration of a fairy tale on toys or with the help of a puppet show is not only one of the ways to introduce the child to the work, but also to conduct a complex lesson with the child. In the process of playing out a fairy tale, the little one gets to know new characters, traces the plot, learns to voice the characters and convey their emotional state.

For greater clarity and involvement of the child in the production, the scenery for the performance is used. They can be made independently and the "" participants prepared several master classes on making decorations for the fairy tale "Teremok".

In our house there are windows and doors on which the heroes of the fairy tale knock. And when they are invited to the house, they get inside the house. And even when the bear climbs onto the roof, our teremok collapses: the hut overturns and the roof falls, and after the animals build a new teremok, it is assembled again.

To create the teremok, we used: office paper, scissors, a ruler, pencil, glue stick, glue gun, cardboard, watercolors, brushes.

The process of creation: we cut rectangles of the desired size from office paper, twist them with a tube and glue the edges (we get logs). We prepare the required amount. After that, we glue the logs together - we get the frame of the hut. We make a roof out of cardboard. We cut out windows and doors from cardboard of the required size. We paint the resulting teremok, windows, doors with watercolors. When the paint is dry, glue the windows and doors. Teremok is ready to meet its fairytale heroes.

The whole family took part in the creation of the house: my daughter and I cut and glued the logs, and dad "built" the hut. We painted with my daughter, and "inserted" windows and doors all together.

Salimova Olga and daughter Alena 2g. 3 months, Yekaterinburg.

If you make scenery for each fairy tale, it will take too much time and there will be no time left for playing with the child, then you need to do something universal, and the scenery should be folded. I took a box as a basis, cut it diagonally. I covered the two side walls with blue fabric, and the bottom with green. I did it with the help of double-sided tape, and I also went through the bottom with a stapler. The base is ready.

Since in most fairy tales it takes place in the forest, I made trees. In origami technique. This method has one indisputable advantage, the figure can be folded. Using colored paper and glue, I made a tree and bushes. I painted a hut in gouache on cardboard. It fits perfectly on the left into the recess between the wall and the floor.

I cut out clouds from white cardboard, glued a paper clip on the back so that it could be hung, and from yellow - a sun with a similar fastening. The scenery is ready, let's start playing!

Kosteva Oksana and son Sasha 1g. 9months., Dolgoprudny

Decorations for the fairy tale "Teremok"

Necessary materials:

Work progress:

Everything, you can play.

Nastya was so impatient to play that I managed to arrange only one window. After the game, all heroes can be put into the box so that they are not lost.

Tired of the mess in the nursery? Tired of endlessly collecting toys for your child?

Victoria Pechieva and children: Nastenka 2 y. 7 months. and Matveyka 9 months. city ​​of Belorechensk.

To decorate the theater, I took a cardboard box from the mosaic, cut four holes in the covers along the width of A4 sheet. The box was painted with white titanium white, the holes were pasted over with white self-adhesive paper and tape. Decorations are inserted into the holes like filmstrip slides.

As one of the decorations, I printed a picture of a forest and houses, decorated them with gouache. Together with my daughter we made one decoration according to the fairy tale "", gluing the existing color pictures. Also, together with my daughter, with the help of color pictures and glue, we made a decoration with a tower in two versions, and just an applique with a tree, a butterfly, a cat, a cloud.

The decoration option from a cardboard box can be easily folded and removed without taking up much space. In addition, as decorations, you can insert any plot pictures for the performance you need - you can print, draw in various techniques, make an applique. Your child is also involved in the creation! We have already played with pleasure our favorite "Kolobok" and "Teremok".

Olga Antonenko and daughter Olesya 1 year 6 months Yaroslavl.

We needed: boxes, double tape, scissors.

To begin with, I cut out the windows in the boxes. I had to add 2 pieces down. glued together for stability. Then she connected it with double-sided tape. I had to tinker with the roof and ended up adding another box for the isosceles roof. Since "Teremok" is our favorite fairy tale, we will use the decorations all the time.

Alla Shuvalova and daughter Helen, 1 year old, Samara.

Theater - book

I present a book theater, which is convenient to take with you.

To begin with, I took 2 sheets of paper for drawing A4 size. On the first sheet I painted a simple landscape in gouache: the sky, a clearing and a forest.

I folded the second sheet in half and cut out the hut. I cut a window in one half, after which I painted the house. After drying, I painted the "interior" of the hut. To make the task easier, I opened a book with fairy tales and sketched the shelves, rugs ... I think you can make an applique if it's difficult to draw.

Kudryashova Nadezhda and children Anya (4.5 years old) and Misha (1.4 years old), St. Petersburg.

Did you like the scenery for the play based on the fairy tale "Teremok"? Save it on the wall to make the same and play your favorite fairy tales with your child!

Today I want to tell you how I made a volumetric applique. I do it myself quite a lot, but I had to deal with volumetric applique for the first time. I did everything almost intuitively, guided by the main rule - to do it in layers, from the background to the very first one.

I cut the details out of scrapbooking paper, so it seemed to me that it would turn out more interesting and you can easily choose the right tones.

The very first thing that was done was a sketch of the future picture on an ordinary piece of paper in pencil. The sketch turned out to be ugly, but, having made it, the mess in my head looms in the big picture:

After that, I decided what color it would be and bought several sheets of scrap paper of the desired color (I also used the remains of the paper that I already had).

Then I drew the details separately and cut out. All the important details (animals and a house) I first drew on a regular piece of paper (washed, corrected as much as necessary), then translated onto paper for scrapbooking. I talked about my favorite way of translating an image.

Cut out details:

I painted the animals, used paints, felt-tip pens, a black gel pen:

The following pictures show how I made the house:

In the photo you can see that I glued the handles to the bunny and the mouse. Two parts of the house are glued together using pieces of cardboard from under the box (corrugated cardboard), due to this, volume is obtained. The wolf is glued to the front of the house.

The chanterelle will sit on a bench, I also cut it out for her and then glued the dress:

And this is the future inscription "Teremok", which the bear will hold:

She cut out everything mainly with ordinary scissors, animals - with manicure, the inscription "Teremok", windows - with a breadboard knife (if there is no breadboard knife, then for the same purposes - a clerical knife).

I used a good glue stick for gluing.

Now we are putting together the work, unfortunately, not all photos, there was no time to photograph in detail.

I cut out the cardboard from under the box with a breadboard knife (this is the base on which everything will be glued, the size can be any):

Then she pasted it in turn - the sky, the trees:

I did not glue the tops of the trees, but in principle it could be glued, since the trees are practically invisible at the finished work.

She glued the empty part with ordinary unnecessary cardboard, then a clearing on it:

Finished work:

The little tree behind the house is just glued. The middle tree is glued onto 2 glued strips of ordinary cardboard (it protrudes slightly). The house is glued onto 3 glued strips of ordinary cardboard. Bench for 2 glued corrugated cardboard strips from the box:

The tree with the bear is also glued onto 2 glued strips of corrugated cardboard.

In general, the main thing here is one principle - everything that is closer to the foreground should protrude more, so the substrate on which we glue should be thicker.

The very last layer is grass. The edges of the cardboard on which everything was glued was sanded with sandpaper to remove all irregularities.

Here you can see the edges of the work. Took to order a frame:

The volume of the painting is not very large, but noticeable. I tried to photograph a top or side view, nothing really happened, just something like this:

Here's a master class. I hope you can get something useful out of it. Such an application, of course, takes time, but I liked it.

My complete master classes on other works can be found at Youtube.

I collect everything that inspires