Third trimester of pregnancy, useful tips and recommendations. The third trimester of pregnancy: the size and weight of the fetus, the condition of pregnant women, necessary analyzes

The third trimester of pregnancy is the final stage before childbirth. Very soon everything will change, and the pregnant woman will become a mother. What happens to the baby, what complications may arise how to avoid them in this stage?

The last trimester begins with the 29th week and continues until childbirth. In obstetrics, it is considered the 28th week of the border between the second and the last trimester. If the child appears on the light at this time, it will weigh about 1 kilogram, and its growth is approximately 35 centimeters, with appropriate medical care he has every chance to survive.

So, what happens to the baby and mom at the last stage of pregnancy, what complications can develop during this period, what vitamins can help pregnant to prepare for childbirth and avoid negative consequences?


The fruit becomes large, he can no longer tumble in the uterus and repeatedly change its position. Starting from the 28th week, the child seeks to take his natural prenatal position - the head down, this is how it will be easier for him to overcome the generic paths and appear. Finally, he will only take his place for the 35th week.

The seventh month of pregnancy (from the 29th to 32-week), the baby is actively improved by the nervous system, it already function all the senses: he feels taste, hears, sees. By the 32nd week, subcutaneous fat accumulates, the folds on the skin are painted, the body becomes more proportional. Internal organs achieve a high level of development: the pancreas produces insulin, the kidneys and the liver are finally formed. At the same time there is a significant set of baby weight, the mass of it is about 1600 grams, and the growth is 40-45 centimeters.

The eighth month (33-36th week) - the fruit is growing at an active pace. On his fingers are growing marigold. He has already developed sucking, swallowing and respiratory reflexes. It swallows the accumulative water, which fall into the kidneys, where approximately 500 ml of urine is formed. His body is still covered with gunpowder, but their number is gradually decreasing. The kid has its own rhythm of life that does not always coincide with her mother's.

The ninth month (from the 37th to the 40th week) - during this period all the processes of the child's ripening are completed, it is already finally ready for life in the outside world. Its weight is about 2500 kilograms to 4500, the growth is from 45 centimeters to 55. By the end of pregnancy, the kid takes the whole uterus, he is closely, therefore the character of the movements is changing, they are more reminiscent of the impools with legs and handles. The child can no longer turn over, so many pregnant women begin to worry about reducing the activity of the fetus. But there are no reasons for concern, this is a natural normal process, as a rule, its activity increases in the evening and after eating.

On the last month of pregnancy, the toddles on the skin of the kid almost disappear, while remaining only in a small amount on her shoulders.

Woman's body

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the child grows rapidly, and the woman's body is experiencing strong loads. The uterus presses on neighboring organs. Its bottom supports the diaphragm, the woman becomes difficult to breathe. She presses on the bladder, and the woman begins to run very often in the toilet. There are severity in the legs and swelling.

By the beginning of the third trimester, weight gain approximately 7-8 kilograms, and the weight increases by another 5-6 kilograms. So, the total increase in the entire pregnancy is 11-13 kilograms, but if there was a weight deficit before pregnancy, the gain can be 15-16 kilograms.

Some women at this stage of pregnancy occur in the morning nausea, often appears in the third trimester of pregnancy of heartburn, these unpleasant sensations are associated with the hormonal restructuring of the body. With them or need to learn to cope, or tolerate, but if they increase, it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

Due to the increased activity of the child in the evening and night, a woman has very frequent insomnia. The large size of the fetus becomes the cause of painful and unpleasant sensations at the time of the movements. The weight gain and large sizes of the tummy are the cause of pain in the third pregnancy trimester.

The psychological state of a woman is changing, it is interested in questions that are associated with the hatching, birth and development of the baby. In the third trimester of pregnancy, according to pregnant women, very clearly becomes the "nesting" syndrome, which is expressed in the fact that the woman begins to arrange the children's room, acquires dowry and toys. These changes are associated with hormonal changes and are a natural mechanism that contributes to the creation of favorable conditions for growing a child after his birth.

In the third trimester of pregnancy in the week 37-38, all mechanisms aimed at preparing for childbirth are launched at the Women's body. The hormonal background is changing, the progesterone replaces the accumulates. Under their influence, the tone of the uterus increases: training contractions appear, it starts to ripen the neck of the uterus, the mucous plug is departed. In a psychological plan, all the interests of the woman are reduced only to childbirth.

Possible complications

In the third trimester of pregnancy, a strong load is provided, in the presence of predisposition or chronic diseases, serious complications are possible. They need to know about them, since timely treatment is very important for the life and health of the mother and child.

  • Gestosis. It is also called late toxicosis - this is one of the most dangerous complications of pregnancy. The symptoms of this state are: protein in the urine, severe swelling, increased blood pressure. The reasons for the development of gestosis have not yet been fully understood, it has been established that the risk factors are chronic kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus, hypertensive disease. The risk of the disease increases several times in women younger than 18 years and over 35, also with multiple pregnancies and primary.

Gesselmosis is the reason for complications that threaten the life and health of both mother and child, serious of them: cramps with loss of consciousness, brain swelling, premature delaying placenta, internal bleeding, intrauterine fetal death, bleeding in mothers, liver, renal, respiratory failure.

Treatment of this state is carried out in outpatient conditions, if the therapy does not help, produce a cesarean section.

  • Placental insufficiency is a violation of the normal functioning of the placenta. The explicit feature of this state is the hypoxia of the fetus. The causes of the development of this complication are: hypertensive disease, anemia, kidney pathology, diabetes, bad habits. For the treatment of placental insufficiency, drugs are prescribed, which improve the uterine-placental blood circulation.
  • Dyspnea is a feeling of lack of air. The bottom of the uterus in the third trimester of pregnancy is so highly, which prevents the lungs to disappear while breathing, hence the breath becomes less deep, but more frequent. Dyspnea may occur even at rest if the woman lies on the back. As a rule, the condition improves approximately 2 weeks before delivery, when the baby goes down to the entrance to the pelvis. For the prevention of shortness of breath you should not overeat, stay in stuffed rooms, lie on your back.
  • Insomnia is quite frequent complicing the last stage of pregnancy. It is manifested both in the violation of falling asleep and in frequent awakening. The reasons for this may be: an uncomfortable posture, fetal movements, the desire to empty the bladder, training contractions. To establish a dream, you need to sleep with special pillows for pregnant women, walk in front of bed on the outdoor, take a warm shower, often air the premises.
  • Popps are a fairly common complication. This is primarily due to a relaxing effect on the intestinal wall of the progesterone hormone. Often constipation accompany bitterness in the mouth, the bloating of the abdomen, an unpleasant taste, a sense of intestinal overcrowding. It is necessary that foods prevailed in nutrition to prevailed products that have favorably affecting the opening of the intestines: carrots, beets, pumpkin, zucchini, apples, prunes, kuraga, kefir, prokobvash. You need to drink around one and a half liters of water per day and move a lot.
  • Phlebeurysm. It is due to the weakening of the walls of the vessels under the influence of progesterone, plus due to the increase in blood volume. Many pregnant women are tormented with leg eductions that are enhanced by night, then appear acting bluish veins on their feet - this is varicose veins. The prevention measure is wearing compression knitwear, comfortable shoes. It should not stand for a long time on the legs.


White and transparent discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester without impurities and smell, in small quantities - this is quite a normal phenomenon. It is quite another thing if they become abundant and their structure changes:

  • Transparent and abundant discharges indicate, as a rule, to the leakage of the oil-free water.
  • The milk smell of secretion indicates a thrush.
  • Brown discharge, if arose after the 37th week, is a clear sign of approaching birth. It gradually leaving the plug.
  • Yellow discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester may occur as a sign of urine incontinence or infectious disease, especially should be alert, if it is itching or irritation of the genital organs.
  • Pink - are the norm before childbirth, but at an earlier period it is a dangerous pathology (disclosure of the placenta, the leakage of the oilyotic water, vaginosis).
  • Blood selection is a reason for immediate appeal to the doctor, as it is a threat to the life of the mother and the child.

A pregnant woman should alert any non-standard organism reactions. It is necessary to closely monitor its condition, and if the selection is accompanied by temperature and pain in the third trimester during pregnancy, you need to urgently consult a doctor.


Walled diseases at the last stage of the development of pregnancy are extremely unwanted, since immunity is very weakened, in addition, the placenta aging, therefore its protective functions are reduced, the risk of infection is increasing.

What can and can not be done during a cold?

  • It is impossible to boil legs and take warm baths.
  • It is impossible to take antipyretic drugs.
  • It is impossible to go to the sauna and put banks.
  • The nose can be washed with brine, saline, chamomile infusion.
  • It can be ringed with romashkovy, salt, soda, eucalyptus solid.
  • You can - abundant drink.
  • Be sure to - bedding.

It is necessary to be particularly careful before childbirth, avoid crowded places, not in contact with patients.

Temperature during pregnancy in the third trimester

During this period, the usual and normal 36.6 are very rare. Normal temperature in the last periods is considered 37 ° C. Such an increase in temperature during pregnancy in the third trimester is due to the influence of progesterone hormone.

If the temperature rose to 38 ° C, it must urgently shoot down, the safest way - abundant warm drinks: lime tea, milk, tea with raspberries.

You can take a disposable paracetamol, if a high temperature suddenly rose during pregnancy in the third trimester. But in no case cannot be taken aspirin and its analogues, they are very toxic to the child and can cause bleeding.

It is necessary to recover before the occurrence of childbirth, otherwise, when the baby appears to the light, it will be placed in another room so that it does not picked up the infection.


In the third trimester, most likely, without vitamins can not do.

The main problems of this period may be lowered hemoglobin, convulsions, weakened immunity. You must accept:

  • Vitamin C, which is responsible for the immune system, strengthens the vessels.
  • Vitamin A is accepted together with iron, for preventing anemia.
  • Vitamin B helps to cope with convulsions that are very frequent satellites of the third trimester of pregnancy.
  • Vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting and prevents the occurrence of bleeding.

For a child who still receives all the necessary substances from the mother's body, it is necessary:

  • Vitamin D with calcium for the development and strengthening of the kostyol bone system.
  • Vitamin A for bones, mucous, skin and baby liver.
  • Vitamin E for normal operation of the pulmonary system.

The menu of pregnant, as before, should be useful, balanced, diverse and enriched vitamins.

Intimate proximity

Doctors do not welcome intimate proximity in the third trimester of pregnancy, as:

  • High threat to the occurrence of the tone of the uterus and the start of premature birth.
  • By the end of the 9th month, a plug begins to move out, the risk of fetal infection increases.
  • The uterus at the end of pregnancy becomes very angry, there is a high risk of injury.


At the inspection of the doctor during this period of development of pregnancy should go every two weeks. In addition, during this period, tests are required:

  • Glucose test, take blood on the hungry stomach and after drinking a sweet solution.
  • Common blood test, hemoglobin level analysis.
  • On the 8th month of pregnancy - smear from the vagina.
  • At the 32nd week - the measurement of the pulse and heartbeat of the child.
  • On the 32-36th week - ultrasound.

From the 30th week, it is better to start attending the motherhood school, should not be abandoned from such an opportunity, as classes in the group will help to cope with fears and prepare for the long-awaited meeting with the baby.

Rules of conduct in the last pregnancy period

So, in the third trimester of pregnancy it is necessary:

  1. Be sure to visit all scheduled advice.
  2. Pour it right: It is necessary to eat 5-6 times, in small portions, more to eat fruits and vegetables.
  3. Choose a maternity hospital, prepare all the necessary things and documents in advance.
  4. Attending school moms and training courses for childbirth.
  5. Exercises of Kegel, which are excellent prevention of breaks during generic activities.
  6. Doing the preparation of children's dowry, but you should not get driving greatly.

Since some week in the third trimester of pregnancy, you need to collect a bag in the hospital? Doctors advise to be prepared since the 37th week, a list of things that should be put in the bag, you need to prepare in advance. It is best to add things to a plastic new package, since bags in many hospitals are forbidden to carry due to sanitary and hygienic standards.

  • More rest, attend friends, communicate.
  • Do not drink a lot of fluid before bedtime, because at night it will be difficult to fall asleep and you will often wake up to the toilet.
  • If possible, more often raise legs up and relax in such a posture to reduce swelling.
  • More walking out in the fresh air, but at the same time not to bother a long walking walking.
  • Listen to calm music, watch positive TV shows, read.
  • Sleep at least 7 o'clock at night and a few hours during the day.

In addition, you should attend a doctor at the appointed time and carefully follow your health and your baby. Confidence that everything goes well will help relax and enjoy the last weeks of this amazing state.

The third trimester of pregnancy is a kind of finish line. After all, then the birth of the long-awaited baby is to have. And during this period in the body, a woman changes a lot. After all, he is preparing for.

Many women in the last period of pregnancy say that it is in 3 trimester pregnancy feel better. Indeed, it happens, but not with all pregnant.

Most pregnant women may have shortness of breath. And if it appeared earlier, it is possible to strengthen it. It is caused by the fact that the uterus in the third trimester of pregnancy becomes much more. Therefore, it just lacks the place to make the light pregnant woman completely revealed during the breath. It will be easier to breathe when the uterus with the fruit will be devastated in the area of \u200b\u200ba small pelvis. It happens about a week 4 to childbirth.

Also for many women, the problem becomes an increasing feeling of fatigue. It is caused by the fact that the woman is difficult to adapt to its new body. After all, for these months, extra kilograms appeared and the proportions of the body have changed significantly. All this interferes with a pregnant woman to find a comfortable posture and rest post. The cause of fatigue and problems with a sleep that is sometimes even to insomnia, there may be a psychological state of a woman.

Anxiety and anxiety, of course, are quite explained. Pregnancy - a difficult period in the life of a woman, when she is experiencing not only for himself, but also for the health of the future kid. Support for loved ones, and sometimes professional assistance of a psychologist will help to cope with experiences.

Also, due to an increase in body weight in 3 trimester for about six kilograms, pregnant women can suffer from disorders of coordination of movements, awkwardness. Due to the increase in the size of the uterus and, accordingly, the growth of its pressure, there can be quite intense pain in the back and lower back. Less often in pregnant women arises excessive mobility of the limb joints.

Complications of the third trimester of pregnancy

Most often in the third trimester of pregnancy, such a complication as bleeding is observed. It may occur after a significant physical activity, sexual intercourse, and sometimes even cough. The reason is the presence of placenta or low placenta.

With these disorders, the placenta comes to the cervix or too closely located to the uterine zev. Blooding usually arises suddenly, the woman does not feel pain, the blood is bright red.

When bleeding, you must urgently seek medical help! As a rule, bleeding at such a period means premature discontinuation of the placenta. In the absolute majority of cases, the health of a pregnant woman and her baby does not harm this condition, but the connection between them is broken.

Pregnancy for 3 trimester usually manages to save safely, but instead of natural childbirth, a caesarean operation is carried out.

Active kid's movements can deliver a pregnant woman inconvenience. NO that truly alerts should have a long lack of child movements. If the baby is not moving for a long time in the mother's womb, you should urgently turn to a specialist.

Of course, most likely, it turns out that the baby just slept or rested. But it is always better to be restrained, making sure the normal course of pregnancy than to risk your health and the life of the child.

Unfortunately, sometimes a child dies in the mother's womb and is born dead. The reason for the tragedy is that the child was blocked by oxygen access due to the cordhouse of the umbilical.

When the pregnancy is tool, as well as toxmia, the flowing waters may occur. This can lead to the suffocation and the death of the baby. In such cases, it is usually stimulated by premature genera with the help of special drugs.

Premature birth - This is not miscarriage, namely childbirth, just before the deadline. For a woman, fundamental differences between ordinary and premature births are not. But for a child - another thing! After all, the baby is not ready to appear on this light. Its organs and systems are still underdeveloped to a normal level, therefore, their proper functioning is still impossible.

For premature babies in hospitals, there are special compartments equipped with modern equipment. Thanks to the competent work of medical personnel, most of even very premature children are now safely. So parents in this case can rely on doctors and believe in the best.

Dangerous days in the third trimester of pregnancy

Days, critical for a pregnant woman, consider periods in which the highest risk of its interrupt. Experts believe that this dangerous period is common to women from a risk group.

The risk of premature starts of labor is usually associated with normal physiological processes, which under the action of certain negative factors become pathological.

The most dangerous doctors consider the period from a week inclusive. The fact is that during this period of the third trimester, the uterus grows intensively.

Therefore, it is these days that premature birth can begin, provoked by the detachment of the placenta, hormonal failures, eastic - cervical insufficiency and late toxicosis (these are such women and the health of the state as preeclampsia and eclampsia).

Of course, all these words do not mean that something like this can happen to you and your child. As practice shows, pregnancy and childbirth in most women proceed quite normally.

Therefore, it is not necessary to be very afraid of different complications. It is necessary to simply listen to your body, be careful and attentive. With the slightest doubts about their health, it is better to consult a doctor. It is more convenient to know your doctor's mobile phone to be able to call and get advice at any time. And all will be well!

The baby is already formed. 3 trimester he spends to bring the functioning of all its systems and organs to the ideal state. Closer to the date of birth, he will take the right position and, rushing down the head down, starts to go deep into your pelvis. He has very little space in the uterus. And if you consider that the crumbs every day are becoming more and more subcutaneous fat, it is safe to say that the free space is catastrophically reduced. Ultimately, Kroch will decide that it is tired of being tested, and will go on a trip to the generic paths.


The sensations of mommies on the 3 trimester of pregnancy are not pleasant. She is bothering her eath, she is hard to walk. Sometimes she can not get up with a sofa without help. The baby presses on the internal organs, and it is constantly worried about the nausea and heartburn. Here you have a tip relating to that. However, the birth is getting closer, and this thought will certainly warm you. You will handle all the tests and become the owner of the world's most expensive awards - your baby.

Stomach ache

Stomach pain on the 3 trimester of pregnancy may be associated with the theme of the main reasons.

The kid is already large enough. In the late launchers, it is even lower and below the head in the pelvis - closer to "exit". It turns out that the pressure on the organs located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis is significantly enhanced. Sometimes this process can cause unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen in the future motley. Fortunately, they are short-term. On the question, why in the 3 trimester hurts the bottom of the abdomen, maybe another answer. Perhaps this part of your body hurts because of the training bouts. Birth is a very responsible process. The female organism is carefully preparing for this event. Training contractions that are sometimes called false, is a bright confirmation of this. If these fights deliver you inconvenience, try to walk a little or just change the position of your body. An unpleasant feeling will quickly disappear. The third cause of pain in the lower abdomen is real contractions. Theoretically, a fair sex can get acquainted with them for 30 weeks of pregnancy. Up to 37 weeks, childbirth is considered premature, but many children appear on the light of premature. Real fights are first rare, but each time they are rapidly and enhanced. When pains in the lower part of the abdomen are afraid, but in 5-7 minutes they are returned with increasing force, it is necessary to go to the hospital. .

Pain in the lower back

In the 3 trimester of pain in the lumbar spine very strong. As a rule, they are all tangible from each week. The fact is that the crumb is growing, forcing it to grow with him and the uterus. Each new toddler centimeter and each new kilogram contribute to the displacement of your center of gravity. In other words, the load on the back increases as little babies. In order to help your own back, you need to purchase a bandage and a pillow for pregnant women. The bandage is useful both before childbirth and after them, so it is better to take universal. And the pillow for pregnant women is generally a great thing. It will allow you to get enough sleep even when your tummy grows up to unreal sizes and will essentially disturb you.


By the beginning of the third trimester you can still disturb various sables to infectious nature. They may have an uncharacteristic color for healthy discharge (yellow, green, gray). They can smell badly and have a flake or any other suspicious consistency. With strange, different from healthy white, you need to consult a doctor. Before childbirth, it is necessary to cure all sex tract infections so that the crumb at the time of the appearance of the light has become infected with them from his mother.

By the second half of the 3 trimester, all infectious diseases must be cured. It's time for completely different discharge.

  1. The mucous plug can exit in parts or all entirely. It has a rather dense consistency, similar to a consistency of well frozen jelly. In the body of pregnant, it contains about two tablespoons of the mucous plug. It can be transparent, and may have bleeding, pinkish accommodation. If she left the body of the future mother, it means that the baby will follow it soon: perhaps every other day, and perhaps in a week.
  2. If you notice a non-smelling liquid on your bed lingerie, it means that you have moved water. In such a situation, you need to immediately go to the maternity hospital, because the birth is about to begin - the baby is not able to sit in mom's tummy without an amniotic fluid.
  3. If you have started bleeding, you should contact them to the doctor. We can talk about the prelationship of the placenta or its premature detachment. This process should intently observe a medical specialist, so it is impossible to let his nasamotok.


Nausea in 3 trimester is due to the pressure of the uterus on the stomach and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver. Nausea, heartburn and from time to time, pregnant vomit reflexes will disappear without a trace, as soon as the belly of the future mother drops. As a rule, this happens a week before childbirth. But some of the representatives of the beautiful floor, the baby falls deeper into the pelvis directly a few days before the delivery.

Multi-way and lowland

Multi-way and lowland are considered pathological diagnoses. This is definitely not too good for mom and baby. However, this diagnosis can only be delivered to the doctor based on the results of the ultrasound. And you can only learn that some pregnant women find a table with average indices of the amniotic fluid level for each month or a week of pregnancy, compare them with their own result, are terrified and independently made a diagnosis. However, this is a big mistake. The fact is that the level of amniotic fluid is constantly changing due to the fact that the kid of that and the matter swallows water, and after it takes them out of the body naturally. The lower and the upper limit of the rate of the level of the octoperwater is far from each other. Therefore, do not worry. If something is wrong, the doctor will definitely tell you about it. If he was silent, it means everything is in perfect order.

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In the 3 trimester pregnancy, the future mother becomes hard. She is tired of her abdomen and constant tension. Tired and physically and psychologically. But it still helps to cope with the situation with the situation and the so-called nesting syndrome: she gladly places the children's room, prepares a bag in the maternity hospital and ironing the body and the sliders for their future crumbs. If you add all children's things and are ready to absorb new useful information, we suggest you familiarize yourself with our material

Proper nutrition and diet

Compliance with diets during pregnancy is contraindicated. But the proper nutrition for future mothers is mandatory. Its foundations remain all the same:

  • smaller salt;
  • smaller sweet - and better without him;
  • more fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • mandatory presence in the diet of fish and low-fat meat;
  • compliance with the drinking mode (in the absence of medical testimony on the drinking mode, the future mother should drink at least one and a half liters of pure water daily).


In the late launches of the baby, the kid to play sports is no longer as simple as before. Failout, as if the butterfly, the mummy will no longer succeed, because the tummy became great and sweaty. Therefore, the closer to the deadlines, the more often it is necessary to give preference not traditional, but respiratory gymnastics. Basics of breathing exercises will be indispensable for you at the time of the delivery, and will greatly facilitate your work. Yes, yes, childbirth is not flour, it is the most real work, the work with which you will definitely cope with "excellent."


At the beginning of the 3 trimester of pregnancy, the baby requires iron and calcium. . If the future mother eats properly and balanced, the doctor is unlikely to appoint it synthetic vitamins. Proper nutrition is good because it provides the body with pregnant with all the necessary useful substances, and the needs of taking vitamins from the packaging is simply not. By the end of 3 trimester, all the prescribed by the doctor earlier vitamin complexes can be completely canceled. However, often doctors ask their patients to continue drinking vitamins not only to the birth, but also after - during lactation. You also need to know about vitamins: their oversupply, as well as a shortage, is equally harmful to the body. Never assign yourself vitamin complexes on your own - just because your pregnant girlfriend takes them or advises a neighbor, who recently gave birth to the baby.


Sex at the end of 3 trimesters of pregnancy is not only the opportunity to enjoy a friend, but also a unique opportunity to bring the date of birth. In sperm your man contains prostaglandins, contributing to the softening of the cervix and prepare it for generic activities. A orgasm provokes uterine contractions. So if you want to give birth quickly, love each other! Just do not forget to choose suitable poses for love, in which the pressure on the stomach is minimal. All answers to questions about


In the later duration of the baby, the baby is categorically prohibited:

  • drink drinks containing alcohol;
  • smoking cigarettes or hookah;
  • use narcotic substances;
  • be influenced by radiation;
  • fall (getting abdominal injuries).


Since 30 weeks you can already give birth (some moments give birth even earlier). However, up to 37 weeks of birth are considered premature. Premature babies are placed in a cuvette and hurt. Fortunately, the possibilities of modern medicine allow for even those crumbs that were born, without having to breathe independently and regulate heat transfer processes.

From 38 weeks, childbirth is considered timely, and the baby is donated. The ideal term for childbirth is 40 weeks. However, on the 40th week, only four percent of fair sex representatives give birth. Most contractions begin or earlier, or later this term. First, mom feels fights that stimulate the cervix to open. Then there are swells, with the help of which the maternal organism rejects the baby, and after the appearance of the baby to the light, the placenta is born after it. Want to find out, read and make sure that we live and give birth at a great time.

Some women in labor are prescribed planned caesarean or make an emergency caesarean section. For a surgical operation (and the cesarean section is precisely the operation) requires medical testimony. Without indications, the operation is not carried out. Natural childbirth is considered the best way to appear a baby to light. But even if the doctor decided that your child will appear on the light after surgery, do not worry.

What do you do?

Analyzes before traveling to the doctor will remain all the same: general urine analysis and a general blood test. All other laboratory studies are carried out exclusively by appointing a doctor. In the 3 trimester, the pregnant women direct on the third mandatory ultrasound examination and cardiotokography. The last type of survey of future mothers is actively used in perinatal centers, because it allows to prevent mortality of babies. With the help of cardiotokography, the doctor will determine the functional state of your crumb and will appreciate his well-being. Sometimes after cardiotokography, an obstetrician gynecologist corrects the timing of the delivery.

What will show ultrasound

At ultrasound in 3 trimester pregnancy, a medical specialist gives answers to the following questions:

  • what is the exact period of pregnancy;
  • how the baby develops;
  • what are its size;
  • what is the thickness of the placenta and the degree of its maturity;
  • is there a cord cord.

Ultrasound is carried out between 32 and 34 weeks of pregnancy. More about.


Screening of the third trimester can consist of four stages:

  • blood test;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • dopplerometry;
  • cardiography.

For some patients, just one ultrasound only, others direct on all four surveys. It depends on many reasons related to mom's heredity and health condition - her and baby. Ideal time for third prenatal screening - from 32 to 35 week. More about it.

Pregnancy is a mysterious time for us. If we speak frankly, we can only guess what happens with our "ripples" on periodic tapping, sounds of icotes and rare ultrasound photographs that we carefully store. What is happening under the seven of the tummy and who is doing everything there? So, third, final trimester.

What is he, your baby in 3 trimester?

Seventh month of pregnancy - This is a period of ripening of sense organs at the future kid.

At 28 weeks, your kroch is able to distinguish the finest shades of taste, her eyes open and close, she already hears you and the world around us. Of course, the most important thing among all noise for the "tummy" is the sound of the mami heartbeat. It is on him that the baby is focused most, and if this rhythm does not jump and does not change, he feels safe. By the way, this "attachment" will continue after birth. The baby will easily calm down if you, taking it to your hands, attach to the left chest, thereby giving a familiar "melody". And if the chest milk and the happiness will come out with the melody, then the happiness of the karapuse will not be a limit!

It is in the seventh month of pregnancy that the child begins to accumulate subcutaneous fat fiber Especially active, his handles, legs, ass and all other parts of the body are slowly becoming chubby, it grows and dials in weight. But the "external registration", of course, is not limited, because in the seventh month of pregnancy, the decisive stage in the development of the cerebral cortex, and, according to some doctors, the child at this age is already able to think. Kroch can already feel pain and reacts to it almost the same as a daddy child.

Some changes occur in the functioning of the basic life-supporting system "Mommy-Placenta-Kroch",t. Many biochemicals The child begins to produce itself (growth hormones, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreas, enzymes), the metabolism is formed.

Between the 28th and 32nd weeksbaby tries to show all his physical skills and, while the place in the mother's tummy allows allocates all sorts of pyruetes. For mommy, this activity becomes especially noticeable if the biorhythms "tummy" do not coincide with its own. By the way, according to observations, the mode of wakefulness and recreation, which the crumb establishes for itself at this time, in most cases is preserved and after birth!

Starting from the eighth month of pregnancy, the activity of the crumbs is slightly reduced, Since the corrected Karapuza becomes cramped, and in these deadlines, he tries to take the best position for his birth - head down, left left. If suddenly the baby does not turn on these times, it is not worth worrying, because some karapuses manage to do it only shortly before delivery.

Future little man, like we all need oxygen- With one difference that he can only get it from mommy. So, in many respects, its condition depends on how saturated is your blood oxygen and other valuable substances. That is why it is still useful to perform respiratory gymnastics, walking slowly measured in nature or relax under the tree in a tree, breathing with all the "PUC". But squeezing, breathing delays and heavy physical exertion needs to be avoided, since they, breaking your breathing, reduce the flow of oxygen to the child.

Only by the eighth month of pregnancy, light kids are finally ready for independent breathing,and their maturity is determined by the presence in the surfactant - a specific substance in the alveoli, without which numerous lung alveolas will not be able to decide. In the interval from the 36th to the 40th week, the baby is gaining its final weight and height, he disappears the primary cannon of Lano. Although on her shoulders, handles and legs, it can still be saved in the first days - weeks after birth. On the fingers grow marigolds. Baby tries to hone his breathing and therefore actively worries swallowing movements, and also trains legs, moves the head and actively blinks.
If the baby is ready for birth, its body begins to produce oxytocin and forebanding, which stimulate the contractions and actually launch generic activities.

The future mommy can and need to 3 trimester

Take care of your physical health and perform a special set of exercises for future mothers (for 3 trimester). You can enjoy aquaaerobics or just swim in the pool, which allows you to relax, unload the spine (in the water, your tummy does not weigh anything), as well as improve the blood circulation and the delivery of oxygen to the crumb. In addition, it is possible to draw attention to the strengthening of the muscles of the vagina and the crotch with the help of the exercises of Kegel.

Eat well and fully eatconsidering the fact that the toddler comes to the beginning of the third trimester is practically formed. For the remaining period of time, he will have to gain muscle mass, increasing it in 3-5 times by the time of birth. Therefore, the future mammy should pay special attention to sufficient consumption of products rich in protein (subject to the absence of constipation mom); Non-fat cottage cheese, dairy and fermented food, fish, meat. But the vegetable protein products like beans, peas and other legumes are better not to abuse not to provoke the development of constipation.

Use preventive compression knitwear (pressure up to 20 mM ND), which will support veins, thereby reducing the risk of varicose veins. But if you decide to take a napkin or just to be sought, the knitwear is better to remove.

Do not sit for a long time. If there is no other output, it is not less than once an hour and get ready.

Wear a bandage.With increasing the uterus, the muscles of the abdominal wall are overly stretched, it gets hard to move. With the problem helps to cope with the wearing of the bandage.

Necessary Period to spend 2-3 hours in the fresh air.

Starting with 3 trimesters, the state of the fetus and the work of its hearts is controlled by cardiotockography. This study is absolutely safe for the child. According to this record of heartbeats and the movements of your baby, the doctor makes a conclusion how comfortable the child feels.

Another ultrasound awaits you ahead (with the peculiarities of pregnancy, this number can be increased). At 32-36 weeks, ultrasound will help the doctor to evaluate the position of the baby, its condition and growth rate. In addition, the doctor will estimate the number of accumulating waters, the structure of the placenta, its thickness, the degree of maturity and, if necessary, correction of the state of the future milf, will select the optimal option. In 38-39 weeks of pregnancy, ultrasound is necessary in order to prepare for you and doctors to the upcoming "meeting" with the newborn. For this purpose, the position of the fetus, placenta and umbilical cord is determined, the state of the placenta and the weight of the future child is investigated, which will help choose the optimal and safe way of conducting birth. In addition, at the 28th week, moms with a negative Rhvos factor the doctor may recommend to start taking special drugs. It is also worth passing a number of analyzes, including a test for iron levels in the blood.

The future mommy is necessary in the 3 trimester

Take vitamin and mineral complexes After all, as in the first and in the second trimesters, your diet is unable to cover the double need for beneficial substances. By the way, after the birth of the baby about additional useful support, you should not forget either, because up to 5-6 months the whole set of vitamins and trace elements The child will have to receive only from your milk.

What can not be a future mom in the 3rd trimester

Have sex if you have multiple pregnancy, there is a prerequisite, premature aging of the placenta, began the gradual disclosure of the cervix, moved the mucous plug. In addition, starting from the 32nd week, during intercourse it is worth using a condom. The foremaries contained in the seed fluid can lead to premature bouts and childbirth.

Overeat (Do not console yourself with the thought that you eat for two). A week permissible to add no more than 300 - 350 g. Your liquid rate is -1-1.5 liters per day, including soups and dairy products. Do not get carried away with black tea, because it contains caffeine and derives from the body of calcium.

Stronically prohibited smoking and drinking alcoholSince poisonous products of tobacco smoke and wine alcohol pass through a placental barrier and can cause irreparable harm to the fetus.

Wear close clothes and straps, high-heeled shoes.

Take long hot tubs, visit the sauna and bath.

All sports associated with voltage, with sharp turns or blows.

Flights on the aircraft from 7 months. You need to beware of jolts and shaking on the train or on cars. In the last 2 months pregnancy, it is better not to be removed from the place of childbirth.

Zhura N B.
Obstetrician gynecologist

It is important to know, especially if you consider that this period in itself is very important for the future mother. The third trimester is a final trait that brings a lot of surprises, trouble, and sometimes problems. Already about the baby will appear! It remains very little.

What did he prepare the future mother? What should she get ready for? All this can be learn more. After all, this is a very important process, especially at the very end and early.


In general, who ever came across the "interesting position", aware of some bewilders of future young mammies, who only stood up and are trying to determine what week they are. The thing is that there are two options for developing events. What exactly?

Interested, since what week of pregnancy begins the third trimester? Then keep in mind: Your data and testimony of the doctor will be different. Approximately 2 weeks. After all, there is a so-called obstetric period and embryonic. They influence testimony. So, there will be no coincidence. Reply, since what week of pregnancy 3 trimester begins, because of this it is difficult. But probably.


Most often, not to be confused and not frighten the woman, it is customary to take into account both options. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the obstetric period. It is extremely important for the placement of the DA (approximate date, when you have to give birth). Of course, it is in the third trimester he will take place.

The obstetric indicator depends on your menstruation. It is counted since the start of the last critical days. If you believe this indicator, then answer the question about how the week comes the third trimester of pregnancy, you can independently, without the testimony and conclusions of the doctor. What will be the answer? The third trimester is, as it is easy to guess, 27 weeks. It is from this period that you go to the finish line with such a long and important process.


But not everything is so simple, as it seems at first glance. It has already been said - there are two options in the first case, obstetric, you can do without the help of doctors and determine everything yourself. But in the second, embryonic, only inspection of the gynecologist, as well as the conclusion of the ultrasound will give you the result. And accurate.

So, for example, be prepared for the mismatch of the obstetric and embryonic period of pregnancy. This is a normal phenomenon, never happens that they coincide. In practice, the second indicator exceeds the first one for about 2 weeks. After all, as a rule, conception occurs on the day of ovulation (hence the countdown of the embryo development begins). It happens closer to the middle of the cycle, on average after 14 days.

Since some week of pregnancy begins 3 trimesters in this case? Only your doctor will answer you, who observes the difference between the obstetric and but if you take the generally accepted figures in 2 weeks, then on 25 (regarding the first day of the last menstruation), the final stage of the development of your baby is already beginning. But the immediate beginning of 3 trimesters for mom remains the same - from 27 weeks.

Attention, childbirth

So we decided about when you can pregnant with almost complete. Only now it is worth understanding the features of this time interval. There are a lot of them, much more than at the very beginning of the way to wear the fetus.

The third trimester of pregnancy from what week starts? As it turned out: under the obstetric period - from 27 weeks from the date of the last menstruation, and in the embryonic - approximately 25. There is nothing hard in it. Orientation will be larger in the first indicator, women and doctors are equal to it.

The thing is that already at the beginning of the third trimester you can begin childbirth! Approximately this phenomenon is called spontaneous miscarriage or similar generic process, premature. If the child is developing normally, you do not bother you, you should not panic hard. The baby will be born in a natural way, simply until a certain point, it will remain in resuscitation, connected to special devices that will help break the newborn, not yet fully formed. Pretty rare phenomenon, but it happens. Usually your doctor warns about the risk of premature birth.


We have already found out since what week the third trimester of pregnancy comes from. Moreover, at the beginning of this period, you can encounter such a phenomenon as childbirth. But, as already noticeable, it happens not so often. Therefore, it is worth considering a typical situation in which the future mother is equal to the PDR.

The third trimester of pregnancy becomes a huge headache for women. Why? Already from 27-28 weeks and up to 30 inclusive (and this is about a month) you will be driven by doctors. Regular surveys and analyzes! One shipped urine can not do.

The third trimester is remembered by many running on doctors. First, you need to hand over blood to many hormones. Not too critical, but sometimes it is unpleasant. Secondly, gynecological strokes according to the testimony. Third, the passage of narrow specialists. This moment is able to knock out from the rut even the most calm pregnant. Very often, it is narrow specialists (for example, the therapist) begin to raise an excessive panic around the woman in the position, prescribe many additional analyzes and research, which is why the future woman in labor is not able to sign a exchange card in the hospital and conclude a contract. But it is inevitable, you will have to be patient. When analyzes are handed over, and doctors are passed, you will finally give recommendations for the delivery.

By months

We have already found out since what week of pregnancy the third trimester begins. Or from 27, or from 25. It all depends on what period you had in mind - obstetric or embryonic. But now one more question, which some worries quite seriously: "How many months are it?"

It is not difficult to guess (and even count too) that the third trimester begins with 7 months of pregnancy. And it lasts 9 inclusive. Therefore, many consider the periods of the "interesting situation" the flow of "interesting situation" in the weeks, but in months. It is much simpler than to specify obstetric and embryonic periods.

From now on, we know when the third trimester of pregnancy begins. Moreover, it is now clear what you can morally configure yourself and cook, especially if you don't like to take tests too much and walk in doctors.

The final stage

What else can be said about the peculiarities that are waiting for the future mammy at the specified period? For example, do not forget that normal for the development of the fetus are not excluded, but not quite suitable for mother and doctors. Also premature, but resuscitation is no longer required.

The thing is that it is important to know from what period the third trimester of pregnancy begins, due to the likelihood of childbirth during this period. The question is in the other - when they begin. Very premature and dangerous, equal to miscarriage, occur at 28 week, and just premature children are born to 36. This is a normal phenomenon.

Nevertheless, doctors are considered that the body is fully prepared for childbearing to 38 obstetrics. And such births are normal. As practice shows, from 38 to 40 week they will definitely take place. Otherwise, you will have to wait for the expiration of a complete embryonic term. This is not the most frequent phenomenon, but it happens. Now it is clear, for what week of pregnancy the third trimester begins. Be prepared for this period! Start collecting bags in the hospital!