Labor instruction teacher. Equipment duties - Document

The educator of the preschool institution is a person who is one of the first to meet a child outside the house. The organization of his social role in the future much depends on what kind of person it will meet, and learn in the first years of life. It is in the DDD who receives the first experience of interaction with teachers, children and training. Instructions clarifying rights and obligations for each kindergarten worker will make it easier for daily interaction with pupils, parents and leadership.

Sample typical instruction instruction teacher of kindergarten

A typical job description includes the main aspects of the mandatory conditions for all educators of the Russian Federation. Attracting the example of instructions for its team, the head of the kindergarten can make its additions to it, which are not contrary to the basic rules of the FSG and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as other regulatory acts approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

General provisions of the teacher of the kindergarten

General provisions determine the basic requirements for an employee of the children's preschool institution, its cozenitability and necessary laws, as well as regulations and orders regulating the daily workflow. An employee is appointed and dismissed from the post of Head of Dow. Submits to the head and elder to the educator of this dow. The basis for the compilation of the job instructions are the requirements of the FSGO BE, the instructions for labor protection and the requirements of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The fundamental law in drawing up instructions for each employee DOU is the Federal Law of 24.07.98 No. 124-FZ (as amended from 29.06.2013) "On the basic guarantees of the child's rights in the Russian Federation".

Official duties of the teacher of kindergarten

The educator of the kindergarten has the following job responsibilities. :

  1. Implementation of the planned program of the educational and educational program that meets the requirements of GEF to.
  2. Observation of the behavior of children, promoting the development of communicative and cognitive abilities of kids in various organizational forms of interaction.
  3. Assistance in the socio-educational activities of kids.
  4. The organization of the group's vital activity must comply with TB, the internal regulations before and the age needs of children.
  5. Providing first medical assistance in critical situations.
  6. Organize children's leisure, to make and implement festive events with the help of Music. Music, an instructor of physical educator. Apply all possible technologies for greater perception and development of the perceptual sphere of the child.
  7. Coordinates the activities of the assistant teacher, the younger, relieves samples of cooked food to the cook in the kitchen.
  8. Implementation of the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of each pupil. Building training taking into account the recommendations of related specialists: speech therapist, psychologist, etc.
  9. Actively interacts with pedestrian, parents and guardians of children. Constantly updates demonstration stands for parents.
  10. Supports the order of its workplace.
  11. Actively manifests such personal properties as accuracy, responsiveness, goodwill and responsibility.
  12. In a timely manner, in the prescribed manner leads internal documentation.


The educator of a kindergarten has the right :

  1. The educator has all the rights guaranteed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law on the Education of the Russian Federation, collective agreement and other local acts of kindergarten.
  2. Organize and accept fate in the creative work of groups.
  3. To independently select techniques and techniques that consider rational and reasonable to perform a training and educational process.
  4. A decent workplace with the necessary manner of furniture, comfortable conditions for work and the availability of auxiliary inventory to fulfill their duties.
  5. Improve your qualifications and to certify the workplace voluntarily, without coercion of management.
  6. Participate in parental meetings, meetings of peddresses, share experience with meeting participants.
  7. Take part in the events of a specialized orientation.
  8. To familiarize yourself with the orders and orders of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as with internal regulatory orders and orders.
  9. Protection of its own honor and dignity guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

A responsibility

A kindergarten teacher is responsible for :

  • the life and health of their pupils;
  • violation of the rights and freedoms of pupils;
  • deliberate or unintended creation of conditions that threaten the life and health of the child and staff of the DOU;
  • non-turning of prefigure, as well as hiding from the administration of an accident.

In case of violation or improper performance of its official duties, a disciplinary punishment provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, material or criminal liability can be carried out.

Working conditions

The main activity of this kindergarten employee is associated with work with preschool children, i.e. up to seven years. This work suggests the presence of high moral qualities, such as patience, responsibility, decency, accuracy, goodwill. Activities are associated with the stay of young children in the garden, from here the working conditions undergo in high daily moral responsibility for kids. The main assistants are the junior teacher of kindergarten and the assistant main.

Many educators are often asked: should they make repairs in a group or buy methodical literature for their money? Many questions on the responsibilities of the teacher of the kindergarten arises from the parents.

The duties of the educator of the kindergarten are clearly fixed in a number of regulatory documents:

  • in the job instruction
  • in the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for pre-school institutions (SanPine,
  • in the employment contract concluded between the teacher of the DOU and the employer.

Everything that is not specified in these legal documents is not included in the duties of the teacher of a kindergarten and, accordingly, it is not obliged to fulfill them.

As a "crib" we collected all the information from legal documents and distributed the responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher in several directions:

  • when taking children to a group,
  • when organizing food,
  • when working in a group during the day,
  • when organizing sleep,
  • on a walk,
  • at the end of the working day.

Responsibilities of the teacher of kindergarten when receiving children to the group

  • Daily morning reception of children conduct educators who interrogate parents about the health status of children.

Responsibilities of the teacher of kindergarten when organizing food

  • Educators help children eat, completely small children - they feed.

The duties of the teacher of kindergarten when working in a group during the day

  • Provides strict execution of the installed time mode and grid classes.
  • Monitors the behavior of children during the adaptation period, helps them; In early age groups leads a diary of observations.
  • Regularly informs the head of the institution and the older nurse on changes in the state of children's health. He informs the older nurse on missing children, finds out the reason for their absence, leads the attendance tabel.
  • With respect and care, it belongs to each child in their group, shows an excerpt and pedagogical tact in communicating with children and their parents.
  • Together with the music director and instructor in physical culture prepares holidays, organizes children's leisure.
  • With children of the second and third year of life, exercise classes are carried out according to subgroups educators 2-3 times a week. Classes in kindergarten with the children of the second year of life are carried out in a group room, with the children of the third year of life - in the group room or in the physical education room.

The duties of the teacher of kindergarten in the organization of sleep in the group

  • Children with difficult falling asleep and sensitive sleep is recommended to lay the first and raise the latest. In the midst of the old groups of older children after sleep they raise earlier. During the sleep of children, the presence of an educator (or his assistant) in the bedroom must.

Duties of the teacher of kindergarten for a walk

  • The educator is obliged to help children dress.
  • While walking with children, you need to speakers and exercise. Moving games are carried out at the end of the walk before returning children to the room before.
  • On the site, together with children, work on improvement under the program of its age group.

The duties of the teacher of kindergarten at the end of the working day

  • When transferring a shift at the end of the working day leaves an exemplary order in the group.
  • The teacher replaces the second educator personally, children passes on the list.
  • Transfer of children to strictly parents and legal representatives (only adult).

In addition, the responsibility of the educator includes planning educational activities, reporting, advanced training and cooperation with the staff of kindergartens and parents:

  • Performs the demand of the head, senior nurse, a senior educator associated with the pedagogical work and the protection of the life and health of children.
  • In a timely manner and clearly leads documentation.
  • Systematically improves professional qualifications and pedagogical levels on courses, seminars, open views.
  • Participates in the pedsoves of institutions, methodological associations in the area, district, organizes contests and exhibitions of children's work to open doors, holds parental meetings, participates in holidays.
  • He keeps working with parents on the education of children in the family, attracts them to active cooperation with a kindergarten. It works actively with the parent committee and individual parents, ensuring the creation of the necessary conditions in the premises of the group and on the site for the successful implementation of the educational program.

1. General Provisions of the Job Designer

1.1. The real job description of the educator of the DOU (kindergarten) was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Gos of Preschool Education, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on October 17, 2013 No. 1155; Based on a single qualifying reference book of managers, specialists and employees, section "Qualification characteristics of the posts of educators", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 761n of August 26, 2010, as amended from 05/31/2011; In accordance with FZ No. 273 dated December 29, 2012, "On Education in the Russian Federation", as amended from July 3, 2016, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory acts regulating the labor relations between the employee and the employer.
1.2. The teacher is hired and is exempt from the position of the head of the pre-school educational institution.
1.3. The teacher must have a higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" without the presentation of the work on experience or higher professional education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" without presentation of the requirements for the experience Work.
1.4. A kindergarten teacher directly subordinate to the head and senior educator of a pre-school educational institution.

In his professional activities, the teacher of the Dow must be guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation; Federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation"; legislative acts of the Russian Federation; Typical Regulations on the pre-school educational organization; rules and norms of labor protection and fire safety; Sanpine "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation of preschool educational organizations"; Federal state educational standard for pre-school education; Charter and local acts of a children's educational institution; The rules of the internal labor regulation approved in kindergarten; Collective agreement; orders and orders of the head of the kindergarten; Labor contract and contract concluded with parents (legal representatives) of a child, other treaties in a preschool educational institution. Instructions for labor protection of the teacher of the DOW, as well as other safety instructions and safety techniques when performing work.

1.6. The educator should also be guided by the official instruction of the educator of the DOW taking into account the requirements of the GEF to, instructions for labor protection for the educator of the DOW, other labor protection instructions when performing work and operation of audio, video equipment and multimedia devices.
1.7. The teacher of the Dow should know:

Priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating the educational activities of the pre-school educational institution; instructions for the protection of the life and health of children; pedagogy, children's, age and social psychology; Psychology of relations, individual and age features of children; age physiology and hygiene; Methods, forms and technology for monitoring the activities of pupils; pedagogical ethics; theory and methods of educational work, organization of free time pupils; The newest achievements in the method of preschool education; modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, educational training, the implementation of the competence approach; Methods and ways of persuasion, arguments of their position, establish contacts with pupils of different ages, their parents (legal representatives) and colleagues who are employees of DOU; technology diagnostic causes of conflict situations, their prevention and permission; Basics of ecology, economy, sociology; labor legislation of the Russian Federation; Basics of working with textual and graphic editors, presentations, email and web browsers, multimedia equipment; Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizing the educational process in kindergarten. Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

1.8. The educator in kindergarten should strictly comply with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Federal Law of 24.07.98 No. 124-FZ (as amended from 06.29.2013) "On Basic Guarantees of the Child Rights in the Russian Federation".

2. Functions of the teacher
The main directions of the activities of the teacher DOU are:
2.1. Planning and implementation of educational work in accordance with the program implemented in the unified educational space of the kindergarten, taking into account the requirements of the GEF to.
2.2. Protection and strengthening the health of pupils, preservation, support and development of the child's personality.
2.3. Interaction with parents of pupils, the provision of advisory and practical assistance in matters of education and development of children.

3. Official duties
The educator of a kindergarten has the following job responsibilities:
3.1. Exercises educational and educational activities of pupils, ensuring the implementation of the educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Pre-school Education (GEF to) and the ROU-Wing
3.2. Promotes the creation of favorable conditions for the individual development and moral formation of the personality of pupils, makes the necessary adjustments to the system of their upbringing.
3.3. Exercising studying the identity of children, their inconsistencies, interests, individual abilities, promotes the growth of their cognitive motivation, becoming their learning independence, the formation of competencies and the development of abilities in various forms of children's activities.
3.4. It monitors the behavior of children during their adaptation in the kindergarten, creates favorable conditions for easy and fast adaptation.
3.5. Creates a favorable microenvironment and a moral and psychological climate for each child. Promotes the development of communication of children. It helps the pupil to solve problems in communicating with children in a group, pedagogical workers, parents (persons replacing them).
3.6. Helping children in educational activities, contributes to ensuring the level of their preparation relevant to the requirements of GEF to, federal state educational requirements.
3.7. In accordance with the individual and age interests of pupils, the vital activity of the group, the pupils of the kindergarten. Complies with the rights and freedoms of children.
3.8. Exercises the adequate care for the children of the group in strict accordance with the requirements of the instructions for the protection of the life and health of children in the premises and at the children's walking sites of the pre-school educational institution.
3.9. Plans and organizes a variety of gaming activities, independent and joint activities of children and adults aimed at mastering the basic general education program in accordance with the specifics of pre-school education and the internal regulations of the group's vital activity.
3.10. Together with the music director and instructor in physical culture prepares holidays, organizes children's leisure.
3.11. It plans and organizes the equipment of the developing subject-spatial environment of the group, leisure, exhibitions of students of pupils, the participation of children in contests of different levels and other events in accordance with the annual plan of kindergarten.
3.12. Provides protection of life, health and safety of pupils during the educational process in Dow.
3.13. Conducts observations (monitoring) for health, developing and raising children, including using electronic forms. Leads active promotion of a healthy lifestyle among pupils.
3.14. Develops a program of educational and educational work with a group of pupils of a pre-school educational institution.
3.15. With respect and care, it belongs to each child in their group, shows an excerpt and pedagogical tact in communicating with children and their parents.
3.16. Uses modern innovative technologies and techniques, performs their effective application in its educational and educational activities.
3.17. Takes part in the monitoring procedure: at the beginning of the school year - to determine the zone of educational needs of each pupil; At the end of the year - in identifying the level of achievements by each pupil of the final indicators of the program's development, the dynamics of the formation of integrative qualities.
3.18. Strictly observes the day-mounted day and the schedule of educational activities of pupils.
3.19. Based on the study of individual features, the recommendations of the psychologist's teacher plans and conducts with children with disabilities, a correctional and developing work.
3.20. Coordinates the activities of the assistant teacher, the younger educator in the framework of a single educational process in the group.
3.21. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, other forms of methodical work, in the work on parental meetings, health, educational and other activities provided for by the educational program of the DOU, in organizing and conducting methodical and advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them).
3.22. Interacts with parents (legal representatives) pupils on the implementation of the main educational program, strategy and tactics of the educational process.
3.23. Supports proper order at its workplace, in group rooms and at a walking site. Carefully and gently uses the property of kindergarten, methodological literature and benefits.
3.24. Strictly performs all the requirements of this official instruction of a kindergarten teacher, taking into account the requirements of the GEF to, the rules for labor protection and fire safety in kindergarten.
3.25. In a timely manner informs the medical service of the DWA about changes in the state of the health of children, parents - about planned preventive vaccinations.
3.26. Performs a periodic update of the content of thematic stands for parents, the design of the group and information stands to the festive dates.
3.27. Leads the following documentation in the prescribed manner:

Calendar and promising, plans; educational work plan; Journal (Tabel) visits to pupils; Group passport; Journal of Control Status of Labor Protection in the Group; health magazine; Protocols of parental meetings; Diagnostic materials. Other documentation of the teacher of the Dow according to the nomenclature of cases in accordance with the order of the head of the kindergarten.

3.28. The annual medical examination is held on the schedule installed in the institution.
3.29. Mastering additional professional educational programs of professional retraining or advanced training.
3.30. Performs the requirements of the head of the preschool educational institution, a medical worker, a senior educator who are associated with pedagogical activities and the protection of life and health of pupils.

4. Rights of the educator of the pre-school educational institution
4.1. The educator of a kindergarten has the rights stipulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the "Model Regulations on the Preschool Educational Organization", the charter, collective agreement, the rules of the internal labor regulation and other local acts of the kindergarten.
4.2. The teacher of the Dow within its competence is entitled:

Take part in the work of creative groups; establish business contacts with third-party organizations within their competence; contributions to improve the educational process; make their proposals in the process of developing an educational program and an annual plan of a pre-school educational institution; freely choose and use learning and education techniques, training aids and materials that meet the general education program approved by a preschool educational institution; to present their experience in pedagogical work at the pedagogical councils, methodological associations, parental meetings, reporting final events and in the printed publications of a specialized orientation; Get acquainted with the projects of decisions of the head of the kindergarten, which relate to its activities; familiarize yourself with this official instruction of the teacher of Dow, get it in hand; demand from the administration of a preschool educational institution to create the conditions necessary to fulfill their professional duties; Participate in the work of self-government bodies. In a timely manner to improve the qualifications and certify on a voluntary basis. For all social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. The educator has the right to protect professional honor and dignity, get acquainted with complaints and other documents containing an assessment of his work, give explanations on them.
4.4. The educator has the right to inform the head of the Dow, the Deputy Head of Administrative and Economic Work (Zagokhoz) on the acquisition of educational, developing, and demonstration equipment, repair activities and the premises of the group necessary in the educational and educational activities.

5. The responsibility of the teacher of kindergarten
5.1. The teacher of the Dow is personal responsibility:

For the life and health of pupils during the educational process, during the supervision of the premises of the Dow, on the site, during walks and excursions outside the territory of the kindergarten; for violation of the rights and freedoms of pupils; for non-fulfillment of labor protection requirements, to ensure fire safety; For non-appearance of prefigure assistance to the victim, not a timely notification or concealment from the school of an accident.

5.2. For non-fulfillment or improper performance without valid reasons for the charter and regulations of the internal labor regulations, other local regulations, legitimate orders of the head, duties established by this official instruction of the educator in the DOU, including not the use of the rights provided, the educator carries disciplinary responsibility in The procedure determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.3. For use, including single, methods of education associated with physical and (or) psychic violence on the identity of the child, as well as the commission of a different immoral act, an educator may be exempted from his position in accordance with the labor legislation and federal law "On education in the Russian Federation. " Dismissal for this deed is not a measure of disciplinary responsibility.
5.4. For the guilty causing a preschool educational institution or participants in the educational process of damage due to the execution (non-execution) of their official duties, the tutor is material responsibility in the manner and limits established by labor and (or) civil law.
Control of the execution of this official instruction of the educator in kindergarten assigned to the senior educator of the preschool educational institution.

6. Relationship. Tutorials
A kindergarten teacher:
6.1. It works in the normized working day on schedule compiled based on the 36-hour working week and approved by the head of the preschool educational institution, participates in the required planned general activities of the DOW, which are not established by the developmental norms.
6.2. Speakers at meetings, pedagogical councils, other events on the education and education of pupils.
6.3. Informs the head of the orphanage, Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Work (Zagokhoz) about all the shortcomings in ensuring an educational process. Contributes to eliminate deficiencies, to optimize the work of the educator.
6.4. Replaces the temporarily absent kindergarten teacher based on hourly payment and in accordance with the tarificization.
6.5. Gets from the administration of pre-legal and organizational and methodological materials from the administration, meets a receipt with the relevant documents.
6.6. Carries out a systematic exchange of information on issues included in its competence, with the administration and pedagogical workers of the pre-school educational institution.
6.7. In a timely manner informs the head of the kindergarten and the relevant services of all the emergencies associated with the life and health of children.

You received pedagogical education in the specialty educator and are going to go to work in kindergarten. The duties of the teacher of a kindergarten in general, you know, but you are not all clear. What is hiding behind the walls of the pre-school institution? You can, reading this article helps you find answers to some questions.

I go to work in kindergarten. Duties of the teacher of kindergarten from A to Z

First of all, the teacher is a person who is constantly next to the children: in a group, on a walk, during lunch and sleep. Every minute and a second, he should strictly follow their well-being and security. But this is not limited to his duties. In addition, the educator conducts developing classes with children, reads and tells them fairy tales, monitors the order and discipline in the group, conducts various group documentation, is actively involved in the organization and conduct of matinee.

Work day teacher

What are the main responsibilities of the teacher of kindergarten? To make it more clear, consider the working day, starting in the morning and ending in the evening. Every day, in a preschool institution, it takes place in accordance with the regime of the day, which the kindergarten adheres to. The duties of the kindergarten teacher are directly dependent on him.

The morning of the teacher begins with the reception of children. At this time, the teacher must chat with each of the parents, check whether everything is in order with the child. When all the children are assembled, the teacher spends charging with them and leads to breakfast. After breakfast with children, direct educational activities and a walk are held. In the intervals between these classes, a second breakfast can be carried out, but it all depends on the characteristics of the kindergarten. After a walk, children dinner and go to bed. During the quiet hour, the teacher can engage in the most diverse activities: fill out the documentation, make up various stands, corners, prepare for matinees, wash toys, get acquainted with new methods of methodical literature.

After a dream, the afternoon snack, walk and dinner, after which children take their parents.

Responsibilities of the teacher

When admission to work, each employee adopted for this position should explore the official duties of the teacher of the kindergarten under the painting. This document is spelled out that the teacher must be competent in the conduct of measures to promote the health of children and their physical development, all kinds of organized and independent activities and communication of preschoolers. Children should get all the knowledge according to the main program of preschool.

The official duties of the educator of the kindergarten imply a thorough care for children in the room and at the pleasure platforms of a kindergarten, interaction with parents. Also, the teacher plans and organizes the game and independent activity and leisure of children, participation in competitions as an intrasadessum level, and more high, after which the exhibitions of children's work.

The teacher must own modern innovative technologies and techniques and apply them in practice. Along with this, the teacher monitors the order and cleanliness of his workplace, in the group and on the plot entrusted to him. Conducts disinfection of toys in accordance with the norms of SanPine. Coordinates the work of the younger caregiver. There is a daily taking into account attendance of children and fixes it in a special notebook. The tutor is in direct submission from the head, performs the demands of the senior educator and nurse.

The senior educator must necessarily have a higher pedagogical education and work experience in pre-school education at least five years.

The main responsibilities of the older educator include the management of all teachers working with children. He is engaged in the organization and holding of pedagogical councils, parental meetings and all other events planned in kindergarten. Twice a year, together with educators, monitoring is monitored to identify the level of program development by each child.

The Senior Educator takes part in the selection of candidates for the post of teacher, narrow specialists, a junior tutor. Promotes in creating a good psychological climate in the team of kindergarten staff.

The duties of the senior educator include the maintenance of all methodical documentation: an annual plan, an analysis of work for the year, cyclogram, various monitoring and much more. He must monitor the level of education of pedagogical workers, timely increase in their qualifications, help in preparation for the passage of certification. Also intensify educators to participate in various events and competitions at the district and federal level.

The Senior Educator is in direct submission at the head of the children's garden.

The role of the younger teacher

The duties of the younger educator of the kindergarten enters maintenance of cleanliness in the group. He must in the morning and evening to clean the premises entrusted to him, after a quiet hour - to make wet cleaning in the bedroom. In the presence in the group of carpets brushing them with a wet brush and vacuum cleaner. Once a month, it is necessary to carry out general cleaning with the use of disinfectants, windows are twice a year.

The everyday responsibility of the younger educator is the sanitary processing of dishes, children's tables, which they eat, pots (if any). Once a week or in case of this, the need changes bed linen. Hygienic treatment of bathrooms should be held twice a day. Watching the purity of towels, permanent availability in a group of boiled water for drinking. It helps to dress and undress children when walking.

Along with the above, the younger caregiver is obliged to help in organizing work with children, in the conduct of educational activities organized by the educator. Also, his obligations include the organization of work on the instill of the cities of the basic skills of self-service, admission to socially useful work in senior and preparatory groups. The younger caregiver organizes the feeding of preschoolers, it works to master the rules of good behavior during the meal, cultural and hygienic skills. In matters of its competence interacts with the parents of preschoolers. During the absence of an educator for a valid reason and during the "quiet hour" looks after children.

The junior tutor is in direct submission from the head, performs the demands of the educator, nurses, head of the economy.

Assistant teacher of kindergarten

If you compare the job responsibilities of the assistant teacher of the kindergarten and the younger educator, then we will see that they practically coincide. Their difference is that the responsibility of the younger educator is to participate in the conduct of educational activities, which the educator organizes, and for the assistant of the educator, this function is not included in the obligation.

The choice is yours

So should you go to work in kindergarten? The duties of the teacher of the kindergarten are very extensive and not for everyone. In this article we tried to reveal all the details of the kindergarten, starting with the senior tutor and ending with the assistant. Now the choice is for you - what position you can apply. It all depends on your education, qualifications and desire to work.

P. S. Briefly about the main

And most importantly is the love of children. The main requirement that is not spelled out in the same manual: to love children and carefully treat them.

As soon as the child starts to go to kindergarten, caring mothers overcomes worrying: whether their baby is provided in the kindergarten's proper care, does the tutor perform his work well? What is the responsibility of the teacher of a kindergarten and how to be if the teacher does not fully fulfill his duties?

What is included in the duties of the teacher of kindergarten

In their work, the educator of a kindergarten is obliged to adhere to the requirements of the job instruction, which regulates the activities of the teacher, his rights, responsibilities and responsibilities. So, the educators are fully responsible for the health and life of their pupils. The official responsibilities of the educator of the kindergarten also include a thorough career for pupils, carried out in accordance with the requirements of the instructions on the protection of the health and life of children, ensuring the strict implementation of the preschool regime of the day and inform the senior nurse on any seen changes in the well-being of pupils. Together with the medical personnel of the preschool institution, the educator organizes tempering, preventive and hygiene measures.

The educator is obliged to conduct developing and educational work with children in accordance with the program of pre-school institution and the approved grid of classes. In their daily work, the teacher must take into account the individual features of his pupils, to show tact and patience when communicating with children and their parents, respectfully to the personality of each child.

The official duties of the educator of the kindergarten include the creation in the group of conditions for the full development and training of children and the improvement of the site for walking. The educator should also jointly with the physical education instructor and the music director to organize holidays and ensure interesting leisure of children. The job description requires all the teachers of the pre-school institution of a clear maintenance of pedagogical documentation and systematic increase in professional qualifications.

As you can see, the requirements for preschool education teachers, on the one hand, rather rigid, on the other - a number of provisions of the job instruction contains the possibility of their interpretation quite wide. For example, the duties of the educator of a kindergarten comes in a respectful attitude towards each child and the manifestation of a pedagogical tact in communicating with children, but does not say about the ban on certain types of punishment (it is not, of course, about physical punishments). Yes, and to measure the respectful attitude of a particular caregiver to a specific child seems to be very difficult, so the misunderstanding between the teacher and parents is almost inevitable.

Responsibilities of the teacher of kindergarten: what to do in controversial situations?

Claims from parents to educators of preschool institutions arise quite often: the child is poorly dressed or not moved on time and given to the parents dirty, the child is not paid enough attention, it is forced, it is forcibly or punished for not sleeping in a quiet hour. Sometimes moms on parental forums on the Internet are asked: is the duties of a kindergarten teacher make sure that the child is wearing the right? Who will complain if the trousers on the baby constantly inside out?

Your requirements for the educator is better to first discuss with the teacher himself and express them in the form of a request - so you will avoid conflict and rather be able to count on the fact that the teacher will meet you. If we are talking about making a child of moral damage or cases of injuries, then there will be different.

When damage to the health of the child, the guilt of the educator should be proven. It should be obvious that the child was injured at that moment when he was in a preschool institution under the supervision of a particular teacher. The evidence is the challenge of the ambulance brigade at the address of the kindergarten, the testimony of witnesses. If the fault of the teacher is proved, then damage (moral or material) is charged with a preschool institution, and the administration will already be dealt with with a specific teacher.

If you think that certain actions of the educator violate your child's right and make moral damage to him, then you should write an application to the head of the preschool institution. The application needs to specify specific facts, describe the inappropriate actions of the teacher. You can also, on the basis of the facts you set out, demand to punish the educator up to the removal of pedagogical activities or ask to translate the child to another group. If the appeal to the head did not have the result, the complaint in writing should be sent to the Department of Education of the City. Make a complaint in a correct form, indicating only the facts of unauthorized actions of the educator and inaction of the head. Usually appeals to the Department of Education is enough to ensure appropriate measures. If the reaction did not follow, then in the case of ill-treatment of the child, applying to the child during their stay in the preschool institution of damage to health or the presence of unlawful money collection facts, parents should be applied to the court. In this case, the defendants will have a specific teacher heading the preschool institution and the Department of Education of the City.