The ability to manage money begins in childhood: financial literacy lessons for a child. How to teach a child financial literacy? Alternative types of money

All parents want to give their child a maximum of useful knowledge to prepare him for adulthood. Moms and dads cannot come to a common opinion in many matters, for example, from what age you need to deal with the baby foreign languages, to learn it to read and write it. Adults rarely think about the standard set of knowledge - this is not all that is necessary for the harmonious development of the personality. Parents seem to be that children will be able to competently dispose of finances without their special participation that sooner or later life itself will become a teacher in this matter.

However, this approach is incorrect. It is necessary to educate financial literacy with a diaper - from the moment when a child in the store will first encourage you about something. He must understand that money does not arise to the magic wand, so that they need to make a lot of effort. It is important to help the child to develop the right attitude towards money, inspire serious achievements, pay attention to the creative approach to earnings, and not just to raise a hardworking worker who performs business on the machine.

How to achieve success in this difficult? Responsible parents will help a selection of useful tips:

1 . Try to take a child with you to the store. Explain your choice: why is this product that lies in the trolley, and not some other. You can earn millions and at the same time be constantly without money. It is truly rich only the one who knows how to reasonably dispose of finances and not to lower all the money on unnecessary things.

2 . Before buying a son or daughter desired, remind you that similar toys already have at home. Offer this option: if you buy now what he wants, then the new purchase will have to other times to refuse. The child can try to manipulate you, saying that parents of acquaintances buy them all that the soul is pleased. Do not go on occasion and do not worry. Explain that it makes no sense to compare. You, for example, never compare it with other children. I want to count on reciprocity - so that you with other adults in one row. The consumption society dictates its rules. We live in a world where goods and services are sold, but a sense of belonging to the choos, who is available to buy the desired things. Try to tell this child a simple and understandable language with his language.

3 . One of the characters of independence is. Invite your offspring to keep money in three different places. From one piggy bank, let it take money to pleasant casual trifles, such as ice cream or movie tickets. To the second postpones funds for expensive purchases. The third is for investment, it will be able to use these money only in adulthood. It is important not only to offer such a way to the child, but also constantly unobtrusive to prompt how it is better to distribute finances. To begin with, you can offer the following scheme: 40% - current expenses, 50% - savings and 10% investment. Gradually, the child will be able to withdraw a convenient ratio and will learn to make decisions independently.

4 . It is important to learn to be responsible for our own spending. If the dedicated money disappeared faster than planned or lost, then you should not give immediately a new amount. Explain that it is important to treat finance carefully, to spend money economically and make deliberate purchases, and not impulsive.

5 . Many parents allow a serious mistake when they start paying children for their homework. So it is impossible to do. It is important to bring up the love of the work that the child can enjoy the process, and not only calculated the material reward.

6 . Catch up old toys together. If the child has things that he no longer uses, then offer him such options: you can sell unnecessary or changed in friends.

7 . Teach the child to give just like that, not expecting anything in response. Do together charity.

8 . Financial literacy can also be trained in entertainment form. "Monopoly", "cash flow" and other board games will greatly cope with this task. With their help, you can simulate situations with which your children will meet in adulthood. Help form the right attitude to errors. Any failures are an experience that is useful in the future.

9 . Without the power of will and patience, the correct attitude to finance is not to form. Interesting the so-called "Marshmallo test". The psychologist Walter Michel in 1960 left a group of children in the room. He gave each of them by Marshlow and told the rule: if you do not eat a delicacy, but wait for 15 minutes, then you can get the second the same. Children who managed to cope with the temptation, in adulthood became successful. Those who could not resist serious results have not achieved. It is important to manage your desires and be able to wait.

10 . Most importantly, what can be done for a child to teach it to competently enjoy finances, - in all serve a personal example. It is stupid to explain how to properly dispose of finances, and then let down the money for the wind.

One of the most desired skills that most people would wanted to master - be able to competently dispose of money. Meanwhile, it is better to study this since childhood. We will tell about this in our article.

1. Dedote the child to the family budget

In children, it is early to buy any desire to buy something, so the first conversations about the family budget can be started at 4 years old when the child is able to understand many things. This is an excellent opportunity to tell you that money is difficult.

Machine him with family finances and explain what mandatory expenditure articles you have what you do with the remaining of the money. With young children, it is best to do this on the example of the percentage of orange or details, and with teenagers you can talk more seriously, telling about the spending in the percentage ratio. For a child, this acquaintance with an adult life to which it is worth being prepared in advance.

2. Watch for your reaction to the financial requests of the child.

If for each child's request to buy something you react irritably, constantly say that you cannot afford such a thing as it is too expensive for you, then he will have the opinion that the money is always missing and that they are the greatest value. And what else to have their desires is bad.

Start with consent: it is important for children to know that they understand them and their needs take into account. Explain that this month expenses are already painted and his wish, unfortunately, did not contribute. Try helping the child to find options to realize his dream: Ask this as a gift for the New Year; save; find a similar thing, but cheaper; Sell \u200b\u200bsomething you do not use. He should be clear why it is impossible to purchase now and what an alternative is.

3. Remote shopping with a child

Children often accompany us in hikes to the store, and it is also useful to use as an opportunity for financial education. Although the child can still buy the goods independently, it is already able to choose. Explain the child why you take one or another product, tell me why of several similar products you choose something one, discuss the quality and cost, the expediency of buying.

Try to pay at the cashier in cash - so the child is easier to understand the subtleties of their turnover: money ends, and they need to earn again.

4. Select weekly pocket money

Pocket money may appear in the child's life already in 5-7 years. Let it be a small amount that you can give him weekly. It is important that it can dispose of these money at his own discretion. You can advise something, but the final decision should be behind the child. Teach children to treat money carefully: for this, for example, a piggy bank or a small wallet is suitable.

When the amount is issued irregularly or parents can pick it up at any time, then children simply will not be able to understand how to manage money, will not learn strategies. Money is better to give or just like this, or for cases that are not included in the immediate duties of the child. For example, home work, school studies and all cases that are present in the daily life of the family, do not "pay": you will only worsen your relationship and reduce the motivation to the knowledge.

The first experiments with money may not be quite successful, but gradually the child will learn to dispose of funds, consider the surrender, to save on an important purchase - it will understand that money disappears, and it will be more conscious of money.

5. Play

The game is the main way to know the world for children. Try to introduce a child with money through the game.

"Find cheaper"

Ask a child to find goods at a more affordable price or compete, who will do it faster. Such skills will be useful at any age. Let it compare what is more expensive - fresh fruit or compote? And why some goods are more expensive, and others are cheaper? Discuss it.

"Buy yourself"

Give the child the opportunity to make purchases yourself. You can send it for purchases with a small list of products, and wait yourself near the box office. It is also a great way to protect yourself from whims in the store.

We plan to budget

For older children, discuss what money is spent. Draw on a sheet table, mark the cost of expenses: food, clothing, transport, health, household, gifts, entertainment. Let the child determine what expenses to which category are. At the end of the week, calculate all costs by category and make a chart with expenses in the form of columns. So it will be clearly seen what you spent the money most, and what is less.

Learn children financial literacy

The article discusses issues on the development and testing of the educational modular program to increase the financial literacy of adolescents in the organization of additional education of children.
Keywords: financial literacy, educational program.

The Article Discussesses Questions on Development and AppOrcation of the Educational Modular Program for Increase of the Financial Literacy of Teenagers in the Organizations of Additional Education
Keywords: Financial Literacy, Educational Program.

The economy and the development of the future of our country directly depends on knowledge and information, and therefore the awareness of the younger generation in what way to make money and where to send them very important. For example, you can spend money on the organization of business from scratch, invest them in some favorable project, etc. And the sooner the children begin to study the fundamentals of financial literacy, the faster they will be aware of their patterns, the more successful will be to build their future.
The main trouble of the country's population is a pathological lack of funds. And she, in turn, is inevitable because we admit the same mistakes every day, wondering why they are not enough.
The socio-economic crisis of the overall development of the world community has drawn into these relationships and adolescents. They have protective reactions in response to a personal output from problem situations that are associated with material needs.
The word "economy" children hear from childhood, and, one way or another, they connect their material benefits with him. But with the concept of "financial education" not everyone, and an understanding, as a child can participate in the development of the country, not everyone knows.
Thus, economic uncertainty requires the creation of pedagogical conditions in which adolescents would master the basic knowledge and skills in the field of financial literacy so that they themselves make deliberate decisions by using cash.
For the successful formation of financial education, two main objectives are important: the desire to ensure their personal safety in the field of finance and raise the standard of living.
The source of such a formation for minors, in addition to personal life experience, observation of the surroundings, the experience of the native family, the media can and should be the establishment of additional education of children - children's and youthful centers, centers of children's creativity and others, since children are going to interest and The main motive of their actions is interest.
During 2011-2015 The GBPO Teaching Teaching Group Volgograd Economic and Technical College is an active participant in financial literacy programs. Since 2014, the College has been a member of the project "Assistance to raising the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation" and works under the contract "Development, testing and implementation of an educational program for financial literacy for institutions of an additional school education system." As part of the contract, an educational program for financial literacy was developed for institutions of an additional school work system, designed for 96 academic hours, which has a block-modular structure of 32, 64 and 96 academic hours, respectively.
The educational program is represented by an explanatory note, which reflects the relevance of the issue, goals and objectives, the results.
To implement this program, guidelines were developed for teachers and workbooks for students for each module, which meet the following principles
- naturalness;
- clarity;
- Systemity.
When developing the educational program, it was taken into account that it should be focused on the collaboration of the teacher with pupils, to create a situation of success, support, mutual assistance in overcoming difficulties, since it was in such an atmosphere that basic financial competencies can be successfully formed.
The educational program begins with the analysis of the needs of knowledge and skills in the field of financial literacy, which are necessary for children of middle school age. During this analysis, it is taken into account that, unlike other age categories, schoolchildren do not have a constant income, but they receive money from parents or from random part-time. As a rule, this situation leads to not the ability to plan a personal budget and forms a "light" attitude towards money.
The main tasks of the module 1 "Basics of Financial Literacy" are:
- give basic knowledge of the needs, benefits, personal and family income and expenses, on general principles of income and expenses, properties and money functions;
- to form at the student installations to ensure that income and expenses, personal and family budget planning skills and their significance;
- To form at the student understanding of the need for long-term financial planning.
As part of this module, the following topics are studied: human needs, benefits and resources, money, currency, market, expenses, income, budget. There are several didactic games, including role-playing.
In the course of studying the course, various tasks are put before teachers. For example, the main tasks of the module 2 "Savings and Banks" are:
- give basic knowledge about savings, lending and investing on general principles of lending and investment;
- to form at the student installations to accumulate savings, savings management skills;
- form skills to evaluate their creditworthiness;
- To form at the student understanding of the need for long-term investment.
This module describes in detail about various types of savings (deposits in banks, shares, bonds, investments in real estate), their advantages and disadvantages are considered existing types of loans, recommendations are given, how to make a loan, in what cases it is worth doing this, and in What to do it very risky.
The main tasks of the module 3 "Entrepreneurship and the Fundamentals of Financial Safety" are:
- give basic knowledge of entrepreneurship, possible risks, insurance, advertising and protection of consumer rights;
- to form a business planning skills to ensure the thoughtfulness of actions in the future;
- teach the main calculations of economic indicators: profits, costs;
- To form students from learning knowledge about the possibility of protecting their rights as a consumer.
Several classes are dedicated to risk issues: what risks can a person on the way towards the desired goal, and how to secure themselves. Also addresses issues of insurance, pension and consumer rights.
Combines all classes and modules The main characters - Yaroslav and Tatyana. These are teenagers who accompany students throughout the educational course. Images of adolescents were offered by the children of Art School No. 3 of the Krasnoktyabrsky district of Volgograd. The student of this School of Klinov Polina created images of heroes, which in the course of the contract under the contract were dragged. If it was initially teenagers, then by the end of work, when the artist met financial literacy, her attitude to this course had changed, learned a lot of new and useful for himself, the guys-heroes were also more open, "bright," their friends appeared , relatives. Tatiana and Yaroslav fall into various life situations and the teacher invites children to solve the task and find financial solutions from situations.
The program provides combined classes, occupations-games, workshops under which a practical occupation is understood with a detailed analysis of the situation and making decisions on the basis of real financial information, which contributes to the assimilation of theoretical knowledge, supports schoolchildren a high cognitive interest in the course studied, facilitates and accelerates the mastering of the material .
Separate thematic blocks of the educational course are interrelated between themselves, thereby more effectively the task of fixing the material passed and the systematicization of knowledge is solved.
To maintain child interest, the development of intellectual abilities are used the following elements, techniques, non-standard classes in the traditional lesson: Filling tables, reference schemes, work with illustrations, crossword puzzles, role and didactic games. Such tasks allow a learning fully to reveal your own individuality and identify gaps in knowledge.
The self-realization of students in educational activities is possible under the following conditions: the presence of group work; Interaction of students with each other, with a teacher, with educational information. These conditions are consistent with the use of interactive learning methods.
The developed program of the program involves the use of educational games. Communication with the content of training is achieved in the game not as a result of the mechanical introduction of educational material into fabric is already a finished game, and by the special design of the content of the educational game.
Educational games Help relieve fatigue, overcome psychological barriers. Their use increases interest in the subject, allows you to concentrate on the main thing - mastering the skills, knowledge in the process of natural communication situations during the game.
Educational course is serious and complex, but the program takes into account the age characteristics of students and the place of study. The content of the program is constructed in such a way that the child is not tired of solid text: there is an alternation of text, drawings, tables, tests and tips. Each occupation ends with a small survey, which contributes to the consolidation of the material studied. The tasks offered in the program make it possible to apply scientific information in practice and form the right position in relation to finance.
In accordance with the terms of the contract, the approbation of the educational program was carried out in two institutions: the children-youth center of the Krasnoktyabrsky district of Volgograd; Children's and youth center of the Tractorozavodsky district of Volgograd.
In the children-youth center of the Krasnoktyabrsky district of Volgograd, a group of 16 students was formed mainly than 11 years of age and with about the same basic school training. In the children-youth center of the Tractorozavodsky district of Volgograd, a group of 20 students was formed mainly by different age categories (11-15 years), therefore, with different levels of initial training.
In both institutions, input control and the day off was carried out. The control represented a test of 30 issues. In the children-youth center of the Krasnoktyabrsky district of Volgograd "The level of financial literacy" increased from 52% to 82%, and in the children-youth center of the Tractorozavodsky district of Volgograd - from 68% to 95%, i.e. The results are good enough.
The implementation of the educational program was carried out in 11 institutions of additional education of children in Volgograd and the Volgograd region: MOU DOD Children's and Youth Center of the Tractorozavodsky District of Volgograd, MOU DOD Children's and Youth Center of the Krasnoktyabrsky District of Volgograd, MOU DOD Children and Youth Center Volgograd , MOU DOD Children and Youth Center of the Soviet District of Volgograd, MOU DOD Children's and Youth Center of the Krasnoarmeysky District of Volgograd, MOU DOD Station of Young Naturalists of the Volga Volgograd Region, MOU DOD Best-Youth Center "Rusinka" of the Volga Volgograd region , MBOU DOD Palace of Creativity of Children and Youth of the Volga Volgograd Region, MOU DOD Center for Children's Creativity of the Gorodishchensky Municipal District of Volgograd Region, MBOU DOD Children's and Youth Center of the Middle Naphtuban district of the Volgograd Region, MKOU DOD Center for Children's Art of the Dubovsky Municipal District of the Volgograd Region.
The effectiveness of the educational program at the end of the course was 47%, which indicates a sufficiently high results of the work of teachers, a properly selected teaching technique and good methodical support for the educational course.
As part of the contract, 191 people were covered. I would like to note that as I learned about the program, new students are joined to groups.
Teachers of the Additional Education of Children noted the high importance of the program for adolescents, it is believed that it contributes to the comprehensive development of students, the disclosure of their abilities, makes it possible to achieve the goal for the formation of socio-cultural installations focused on rational behavior in the financial services market.

Every parent wants his baby, when he grows, has become a successful and independent person who does not need anything. To make a dream in reality, Moms and Pope care that the child gets a good education. Supporters in kindergarte, then teachers at school and higher educational institution, as well as grandparents. All a family Invested in a child, both financial and temporary resources. And, of course, everyone expects the result. The child does not cause long to wait: Here he already believes to a hundred, ranks first at the Olympics, wins contests, receives medals, and parents are proud of their little genius.

These mysterious costs.

But we all know that education that increases the possibilities of the child requires considerable expenses. And the baby can hear from the parents that so much money goes to English classes, there is such a sum for music school and so on. Baby to six years already familiar with the word " Costs"But at the same time does not know what the salary of parents, and how the family budget is distributed. Daily, a child hears that parents buy products, clothes, pay for various services, pay for the apartment and so on. And often simple at first glance, please buy a toy just remains unrealized. The child does not understand why it happens. There are enough money for other items, but there is no one toy. Parents have a wallet in which money is constantly being. The baby begins to think that parents simply do not like it. As a result, the conflict is growing.

To avoid this conflict, the child should know how and from where the money appears, and how to properly distribute them.

Stages of learning a child financial literacy.

Stage 1. From where the money (kid 4-7 years old) appears.

At this stage, you need to tell the child about labor, focusing on the fact that it is the work that is the source of the material well-being of any person. From time to time, tell the baby that money is a reward for work.

The child should know who you work, what is your profession. At the same time, the kid should feel that you really like the case you are engaged in. Be sure to share with your child with your success, because the kids love to brag up with their parents as well as their parents.

Stage 2. Money for the Pie (Children of Initial Classes).

At this stage, the kid must learn to commit purchases. School dining room is suitable for training. Machine Karapuz with money: what are the coins, and what dignity there are bills when they give out and how to exchange money.

Stage 3. Hike to a big store (child 7-9 years old).

Now the child must learn to buy goods in large stores, for example, in supermarkets. The child's vocabulary includes a new concept of "Check". Ask a child to go to the store for bread, while let's make money more than this product. Thanks to this, the child will be able to remember mathematics, and so you can check its attitude to delivery. If the child brings bread and correct for delivery, I can give it to the baby, saying that it is his reward for work. This first remuneration can be the basis of pocket money.

Stage 4. Pocket money (child 9-17 years old).

Experts assure that the child should have pocket money. Although many parents disagree with this opinion. Thanks to his personal budget, the child develops such a skill as financial planning. What is it? Giving pocket money is necessary once every two weeks or once a month. The child is entitled to decide what he will buy and when. However, parents must remember that if the child spent his pocket money ahead of time, in no case let's not give a new amount. You have a stipulated period when a son or daughter receive a certain amount for personal expenses. Otherwise, learning will not make sense.

Stage 5. Control (for all learning).

Of course, the financial activities of children should be under control Parents. But this control should not be aggressive and intrusive. Get ready for the fact that there will be errors and losses. However, it is not necessary to react negatively. Be patient, discuss everything with the child and do not forget to help. It is helping, and not do instead of a child. Allow the opportunity to make solutions to your child yourself and do the way he considers it necessary. Then the training of financial literacy will benefit and in the future, the child will be able to properly and rationally allocate its money.

Financial literacy is not included in the school curriculum, which is surprising, because the presence or absence of these knowledge will largely determine the quality of the child's life in the future. We decided to fill this gap. With the help of FinSets, we chose 18 main concepts that need to explain the child before graduation and smashed them at 5 levels of difficulty in accordance with age. During the week we will tell what and how to teach children as they are growing.

How to learn

According to the Creator of the Financial Application UPUP for parents and children of Roman Potemkin, to start talking to the child about money is never early. So to acquaint the baby with banknotes and coins already under the age of three years. You need to consider money with a child, show where they need to be stored, even better - include money in games with baby, for example, in the game in the "Store" game. In general, you need visual examples of their use.

"As an example, I can lead the concept of" inflation ", which is difficult to explain the child. I propose to imagine the inflation in the form of a worm that "eats" paper money, thereby showing that with inflation of money becomes "less", - the expert shares.

Another way is to explain everything in your own words on examples from life. "First you can see the correct definition of the term you are interested in in the dictionary, and then think on what household examples, stories from life, examples from books, films can be disassembled this term. And then already with a conversational fun and interesting examples to start a conversation with the child, "says Irene Karovskaya, head of the Strategic Communications Department of the Bank" Houm Credit ".

This is the question of the form of learning. The next step is to determine at what age what concepts will be clear the child. There are no simple definitions in finance, therefore there are no clear boundaries in the ages. "Every concept can be explained by the child almost at any age, the question in the deepelness of these explanations. I have examples of practice when children were told at four years old, even in their own words what a loan is. It is simply as aggregated to deepen the material, repeat and expand each of the knowledge gained at the previous step, to offer tasks and cases to solve, and be sure to apply everything in practice. Sometimes one visit to the Bank will give much more than 2 theoretical lessons with an explanation that it is and what operations it performs, "says Said Suleymanova.

What to learn

With the help of financial experts, we defined 18 basic concepts that each child should master before graduating from school:

  • money;
  • saving;
  • budget;
  • accumulation;
  • bank card;
  • banks;
  • insurance companies;
  • credit;
  • contribution;
  • taxes;
  • inflation;
  • pension;
  • credit history;
  • investments;
  • participants of the securities market;
  • bankruptcy;
  • fraud and money security;
  • financial Pyramide.

This list can be divided into five difficulty levels. We offer them to be used as an agent.

Age from 4 to 6 years


"In 4-6 years, the child only meets the world of money. He sees that in order to buy home products, or toy the child itself, parents get out of the wallet of multicolored paper - money. Sometimes you ask children from where money is taken from, and they answer - from the bedside table or from an ATM. Therefore, at this age, the child can already be explained what money is, and that they need to earn, "says Irene Farovskaya.

In binding to this, you can still add the word "ATM" to the training program, said Said Suleimanova. According to her, many children at this age believe that money there and appear by themselves, so it will be useful to tell about the connection of money with an ATM - a place to receive money.


Stories about money should flop to conversations about savings. According to Irena, the factoral, children can already be explained that in order for the money to have enough money, you need to be able to save.

The essence of savings is not to spend all the money immediately into small purchases, and part of the "paper" take care and postpone separately. And when they accumulate a lot, it will be possible to buy something large. For example, let the first week the parents go to the store every day together with the child and buy him two chocolates, and during the second week, let the baby receive only one chocolate chocolate, not spent on sweets money needs to be put off in the piggy bank. After seven days at the saved money, mom with dad should buy a son or daughter a whole pack of chocolate or toy. This example also acts as a visual and understandable illustration for a child, and at the same time forms pleasant associations with savings.

Age from 7 to 9 years

Piggy bank

The piggy bank is immediately about the accumulation of the dream, and about financial planning. The term is better to explain in practice, offering the child a mechanism that allows him to accumulate on his own regular "want".

"You can talk about the fact that if you dream about a tablet, that you will ever be with you, then this dream. But if you, together with your parents, chose a tablet of a certain brand, learned how much he stands, planned that if you save every week a part of my pocket money, then through a certain number of months you will accumulate the cost of half the tablet, and parents will add you the second half, and The cherished tablet will become yours, then the dream becomes a financial goal. And the path of its achievement is your first financial plan, "the head of the management of strategic communications of the bank" Home Credit "can lead an example of Irene Farovskaya Bank.

By the way, according to the creator of the UPUP application of Roman Potemkin, the child may be ready for his first pocket money being first. It is best to allocate money once a week on a specific day, let's say on Mondays.


The budget is all the money that the family disposes, all the income and expenses of the family. It is replenished by Mom and Pope wages. This children will understand easily. A little more difficult to explain what it is spent, as follows to this and why the parents cannot buy everything immediately.

Some experts advise to start three banks, piggy banks or boxes, stick on them the appropriate inscriptions: "On the dream", "for lunch", "on sweets", is analogues of the current, mandatory expenses of family, savings and expenditure costs. Next, the child must be resolved independently distribute their pocket money among them. At the same time, it is important to make it clear that if you spend everything at the beginning of the week and on one chocolate, the rest of the time at school will have to walk hungry, and still transfer the purchase of the "tablet" for a longer period.

Age from 10 to 12 years

Banks, deposits and loans

The most effective way to explain something child is to show in practice, bring an example from life. Therefore, to tell what the bank is, it will be best, and more interesting, right in place - in the office of the bank.

Financial consultant of the company "Personal Capital" Andrei Svechugov offers its interpretation of the word "bank" adapted for children: "Banks are financial institutions that help people and companies. They take money from people to store and pay them for this a certain amount (interest). When you put money in the bank, then you are told for how much percent your contribution will increase in a year. Suppose the percentage of the contribution is 10%. You put 10 thousand rubles on the bank. Then at the end of the year you will have 11 thousand rubles. Also banks give people money on credit, for a while. For the fact that the bank will give you money, you pay an additional amount, it is called a loan percentage. For example, you took 10 thousand rubles from a bank for one year, and then I must return 11,600 rubles. "

It remains to explain the child two main things about loans:

  1. It is necessary to occupy from the bank only by necessity and best on large purchases on which to save themselves for a very long time - for example, on the car.
  2. Credit needs to be given in parts, strictly once a month.

Insurance companies

With regard to insurance companies, Andrei Svechugov advises to draw an analogy with an umbrella that protects against bad weather. "Insurance came up to help us keep our health, life, property," says the expert.

If a little more detail, then insurance companies are organizations where they sell the insurance policy, which in case of trouble can be exchanged for large money. It will not be superfluous, let's say, with bike insurance. If he is insured, and it will be stolen, then the insurance company will give money to buy a new one.

Bank card

"Already at this age, your child can start using a bank card tied to your account, so he should tell him about the maps too," said Irene Karovskaya from the bank "Home Credit".

Parents will easily show in practice, how using a bank card you can pay for purchases in the store, simply inserting a card into a special device at the checkout and entering the PIN code, pay for dinner in the dining room or remove paper money through the ATM. It is important to warn the child about two things. First, that it is impossible to call a PIN from the card. A, secondly, to shoot with cash cards better as much as possible - the card is more convenient to carry with you than a few bills and a trifle, and so safer.

Having understood with important for children 10-12 years old financial concepts, you can switch their attention to more interesting, but no less useful things, for example, to plan together with them their first efficient purchase. "At this age, children can already choose goods, comparing different conditions. Therefore, if you plan to buy something, such as a bike, then discuss with the child, what kind of bicycle there are characteristics where the bike is cheaper - in the store or on the Internet, there is seasonal discounts on it, "the factory advises.

Age from 13 to 15 years

"At 13-15 years, the child can already search for and analyze information. You can recommend it links to materials about ways to make money for adolescents, discuss topics of taxes and inflation. You can also touch on the topics of the pension and credit history that you need to save the Smoloda, "the head of the management of the Strategic Communications of the Bank" Home Credit "says Irenevskaya.


Everything is simple here. "Taxes are money that is deducted from wages of all adults and are given to the state. Roads are being built for this money, the schools and kindergartens are being treated, the pensions of no longer working people are paid, etc., "the financial consultant of the company" Personal Capital "company, leads his simplified explanation of the Financial Consultant of Personal Capital. You can also add that with the salaries of parents for these needs, 13% will be deducted every month.


Suppose that you followed the advice of an independent financial adviser to Said Suleimanova, which she also gave in the first part, and in early childhood, formed an image of an inflation in the form of a worm, which "eats" paper money. Well, then he will now easier to understand the expanded interpretation of inflation as the loss of the purchasing power of money. It sounds like "Abrakadabra", but in fact everything is easier. "We will imagine that at the beginning of the year the bank Coca-Cola cost 50 rubles, and at the end of the year 60 rubles. In your wallet 50 rubles. It turns out that at the beginning of the year you could buy a bank Coca-Cola, and at the end of the year you lack money. Conclusion: the amount of money in the wallet has not changed during the year, and the prices have increased, "explains Andrei Svechugov.


According to the financial consultant of the company "Personal Capital", the pension is the monthly life income of women aged 55 years and men from the 60s that the state pays them.

Pensioners live on this money. Since the state pays a small amount, it will be difficult to live in old age, you will have to constantly save. Therefore, it is necessary to begin to take care of such things in the youth and retire also independently.

Credit history

The schoolchild will easier to understand the essence of the credit history, if to make an analogy with the borrower diary, where the Bank puts the assessment on his discipline repayment of the loan. "It indicates all loans that took and gave the man to banks. In other words, this is a rating of a person in the eyes of a bank or a credit organization. The better you cope with financial affairs: pay taxes, in time give debts and are divided with utilities and other accounts, the more "Likes" will be put to you. If "likes" is enough, you can take a loan at a low rate for the purchase of a house or car, "says Andrei Svechugov's financial consultant.

But if the "marks" in the credit history is bad, the bank loan will no longer give it and it will be difficult to correct it, so it is important to take it.

Fraud and money safety

Security topic is one of the most important. Parents have a serious conversation with children. Start with the fact that the funds on the banking card also steal as cash. Only theft methods are different here. Scammers can be divided into two types. Some install special devices on ATMs, steal data from the card, create copies of them and remove all the money from the victim's account. This is skimming.

Others - with the help of SMS, email letters and calls are misleading, learn personal, personal data of his cards and with their help translate money on their own expense. This is phishing.

Protection against fraudsters is always one - attentiveness. It is best to use ATMs in the department of a bank or a large shopping center, you can not insert a map in the cartoomer if it is easily adjacent to the device or walks (it can be a special scam plan). When entering a pin code, it is important to cover the keyboard with hand. If a letter came or a message from a bank with a request to name a one-time password, for example, to cancel an erroneous operation or unlocking a card, then in no case cannot be responding to it. Fraudsters are often pretending to be employees of the bank, but these data are not needed by these employees.

Age from 16 to 17 years

The complexity of the terms increases, but the task of parents is simplified. Age already allows young people to work with the necessary information, adults only need to direct them. "You can advise your child to independently explore the themes of insurance, investment, bankruptcy, and then discuss all this together," said Irene Garovskaya, Head of the Strategic Communications of the Bank "Haw Credit".


Investments are an investment of money in order to receive income, but according to the financial consultant of the company "Personal Capital" Andrei Senchugova, here no one can give you guarantees of preservation and increase in capital, unlike bank deposits. But if you're lucky, then earn it will turn out more than in the bank. You can invest in business, buying securities of companies, in real estate or, for example, in precious metals.

The list of tools that the investor chose to attach his funds is called an investment portfolio. "This is a basket, which includes various types of investment instruments: deposits, shares, bonds, real estate and valuable metals," says Senchugov.

Typically, investors distribute risks by investing in different assets. If one of them falls in the price, the other can grow and, at a minimum, compensate for the losses from the first.

Securities Market Participants: Broker, Exchange, Depositary

To buy promotions (a small share of the company, which gives the right to receive income in the form of dividends and on a part of the property in the event of its closure), it is necessary to use the services of a broker.

"Broker is an organization or a private person who is an intermediary between the seller and the buyer," explains the financial consultant Andrei Svechugov.

Purchase and sale transactions are held on a special platform called stock exchange. All information about the shares purchased by the investor is kept in the depositary. "Depositary is an organization that leads an e-magazine. The magazine indicates information, how many securities belongs to the company A or how many securities belong to a person b, "says Senchugov.

Financial Pyramide

"The financial pyramid is an organization or group of people who promise very high incomes (Golden Mountains), and in the end disappear," says Financial Consultant of Personal Capital. Too high yield in a short time - the main sign of the financial pyramid. The first depositors really get a big income, but it does not happen at the expense of successful investments of the company, and at the expense of the second batch of depositors, the second party earns at the expense of the third and so until the pyramid collapses, and the fourth accumulation will be lost under it , fifth, sixth, seventh and all subsequent "parties". Here parents can tell about how in the 90s they were injured from the financial pyramid "MMM" their parents, neighbors or acquaintances. An example from life is the best caution.


The bankruptcy procedure is resorted by companies or people who have taken too much money, but because of the financial problems that have arisen cannot be returned. The court recognizes their bankrupt, almost all the property that they have, goes to the account of debt repayment, and the rest is written off.

Five years after such a procedure, a private person will not be able to take a loan, but after this period he is unlikely to succeed. The credit history of the bankrupt does not care that the Diary of the Die "Diary" for the Bank.

Well, perhaps, that's all. Complex theory behind. But it will not bring the desired effect if, throughout the entire training period, parents will not show children on a personal example, how to competently dispose of finances. "If you yourself do not lead the family budget, spend thoughtlessly, you have no financial airbag, you do not compare prices before buying, the child will most likely begin to copy the behavior of parents in the future. You need to instill financial literacy with the whole family, "Irene Karovskaya emphasizes.