Frequency of chair in a child in 2 months. Packs in a child on breastfeeding. Pathological changes in stools and methods of treatment

At the infant age on the health and development of the child, the doctor judges on objective and visible factors. A newborn child cannot say that it hurts, and in the nature of crying, even if it happens different, it is impossible to put an accurate diagnosis. Assess the condition of the child, the doctor may in its reaction to sound, light, touch, and also by the amount of urination and consistency of the chair. It is the chair of the newborn in breastfeeding that is one of the important criteria that helps to suspect and diagnose problems with physical health.

Features of the digestive system in children

During the intrauterine development, the kid digestion system does not work, since all nutrients come through the placenta with blood. The first "launch" of digestion occurs in the first minutes of life, when the newborn is applied to the mother's breast. By this time, nature already laid some features of the structure of a children's digestive system.

The structure of the oral cavity. Here are very well developed chewing muscles, despite the small age of the child. The mucous lips have a special structure, the gums are thickened, and in the thicker cheeks there are special fat lumps - all this makes it possible to eat mother milk and apply effort to get it. The sucking reflex in the first days of life is extremely strong and helps to easily cope with new features of nutrition.

Work of the salivary glands. The glands are poorly developed and continue to ripen as the child grows. The saliva of an adult, except for moisturizing the oral mucosa, performs two more important functions - has a bactericidal effect and takes part in the process of splitting of food. In a breast child, these functions are not performed. The absence of bactericidal components leads to the fact that the kids often suffer from in the mouth. The lack of enzymatic activity forces the child to eat liquid and unstecified food (it is carbohydrates that are split by the enzymes of saliva in adults).

Stomach and pancreas. Unlike adults, children have a horizontal location of the stomach. Its volume in the child of the first month of life is approximately 30-50 ml. That is why it is necessary to feed the newborn and small portions. On both sides of the stomach are sphincters that do not have to skip food in the opposite direction. However, the upper sphincter in the kids is poorly developed, so frequent jumping becomes natural and frequent problem. The stomach of the newborn produces a enzyme that makes milk, but contains very little lipase, so the fats of cow's milk in an infant child do not split. Detachable stomach when tightening is just a sinking milk. The pancreatic enzymes at this age are well developed, but their activity is still significantly lower than in an adult, so the breastfeeding food must be lightly accurate and easily friendly.

Liver and gallbladder. This is one of the main bodies that participate in digestion. If proteins are splitting in the stomach, the body splits fats with bile enzymes. The amount of bile acids in the child is very small, so fatty food in nutrition should be avoided. In the liver, glycogen is also occurred - material for energy. However, in infants, this process is developed weakly and is normalized closer to 7 years. Liver health is very important to ensure a disinfect function. In newborns, the liver is still not mature sufficiently and disrupting its development may be improper nutrition or, for example, the reception of drugs. Staiting a diet should not only kid, but also mom, since all the products fall into the child's body with milk. The bile is also necessary for normal intestinal peristals, so problems with these bodies can be reflected on the character of the stool.

Intestines. The intestinal activity of the intestine and the stomach in the child is reduced, which causes the appearance of constipation at an early age. Approximately 4 months of Motorika gets up and the problem goes. The intestine of the newborn at birth is sterile and populates the useful microflora with mother's milk, so it is very important to stick to breastfeeding in nutrition child. In the small intestine, digestion and absorption of food components occurs, and its dysfunction is immediately displayed on the character of the carts.

With a violation of the digestive function on one of the above stages, the chair of the newborn change the consistency, color or smell, which allows the doctor to suspect the problem that appears.

First chair

After birth, the first defecation of the child is accompanied by highlighting the original feces, which looks like a thick mixture of black and green. This separated is called Mekonia. It represents all products that accumulated in the intestine of the child during intrauterine development. Media selection occurs in the first day after birth. As breast milk comes into the chair, his color brightens. It is absolutely normal if it does not happen immediately, but for 3-4 days of life, because until this time my mother stands out, which can be absorbed by the child's body completely.

Normal Chair Breeding

To notice the changes in the feast masses of the child, you need to know which chair is considered normal.

When moving from selection to a mature selection chair, a sour smell and yellow-green color may have. Fully mature is a yellow chair. Its consistency should be like a liquid porridge, as the child is powered by Mother's milk. The smell of discharge is often unpleasant to an adult, but it is possible to describe it, as sour milk, which is absolutely clear with breastfeeding. Normally, the cavalous masses are homogeneous in structure and do not have untapped pieces or pathological enclosures.

In terms of frequency, the defecation may differ, but always occurs several times a day (perhaps even up to 10). As the child grows, emptying occurs less frequently. A rare chair in a child older than 3 months can be considered the norm if the mother's milk is absorbed so much that the accumulation of waste in the intestine does not occur. However, this happens rarely and, in most cases, insufficient defecation is considered and requires correction.

  1. Change color, odor, homogeneity or consistency of the chair.
  2. The appearance of abdominal pain, meteorism.
  3. Difficulties in defecation.
  4. Bad weight gain.

Green chair

A greenish shade of the chair in the period when he should be already mature yellow, should alert mom. The causes of such a state may be:

  1. Dysbacteriosis. If the useful bacteria in the intestine is not enough, the pathogenic flora develops, which gives the chalch with a green shade. In this case, additional symptoms appear - diarrhea, abdominal pain, meteorism.
  2. Inflammatory process in the intestine. It may appear as a result of the Mom's bad nutrition (the abundance of dyes, preservatives, unnatural substances).
  3. Malnutrition. "Hungry" The green chair appears with insufficient production of milk in the mother or the difficult process of sucking at the kid. Additional symptoms of such a state will be a bad weight set, frequent awakening, whims during sucking.
  4. . Sometimes the green chair is observed as a result of intrauterine. If the child is active and is well gaining weight, then pathological discharge is temporary and soon have to come back.

Yellow stool

The yellow color of the chair can be as an option for the norm and pathology. An additional impurities will help to distinguish one of the other, which should not be in a healthy state:

  1. White splashes, similar to naughty food lumps. With a normal weight set, this impurity may indicate an overeating. If the child grows slower than the norm, the lumps are a consequence of the lack of enzymes, which leads to poor food cleavage. Such a condition will be held by itself, as the child grows. Also a pediatrician can prescribe enzyme preparations.
  2. Slime. Elevated mucus formation occurs during inflammatory processes in the intestine. It can also be observed with, runny nose, early introduction of dust and other states. The doctor will help correctly determine the cause.
  3. Foam. Such a symptom often indicates elevated gas formation and dysbacteriosis. Sometimes foam sections appear with, which is also manifested by diarrhea, temperature, and abdominal pain. In any case, this state requires pediatrician consultation.
  4. Blood. Blood in feces should not be. Such a symptom is considered serious and requires immediate diagnosis. Blood may appear due to mechanical damage to the rectum, intestinal inflammation, allergies or intolerance to cow's milk.

Child's chair delay

The delay or difficulty in emptying is rarely concerned about the child, which is on breastfeeding. However, this criterion also needs to be monitored, as it indicates the quality of the work of the digestive system.

However, not attention to the change in the frequency of the chair should not be left, it is better to once again consult with a specialist. Pediatrician will help determine the exact cause of the delay or difficulty of emptying. It will also give nutritional recommendations for mom, since the correct diet is a safe, affordable and effective way to correct the work of the digestive system.

Frequent emptying

Diarrhea (too frequent and liquid emptying) is another extreme in changing the frequency of the chair. Even if the diarrhea is physiological (after food with the laxative effect), it still negatively affects the health of the child, as it leads to loss of liquid and beneficial electrolytes, which is dangerous dehydration. The treatment regimen always includes sorbents and preparations that restore water-electrolyte balance. From a conventional single liquid stool diarrhea features an increased frequency of selection.

In case of infectious etiology, the color of the carts may change to green, and the smell will become very unpleasant. The cause of the diarrhea needs to find out necessarily not to miss. Its additional symptoms will be increased temperature, deterioration of the overall condition of the child. At birth, the intestines of the baby is sterile and populated with useful bacteria with mother's milk. In the same way, antibodies are delivered to many infections, but its own immunity of the newborn is still very weak.

Only a pediatrician should be engaged in the treatment of all pathological conditions. Alone, the mother can affect the child's chair, adjusting its own food. For this you need to exclude potential allergens, harmful chemical additives, use more vegetables. With well-being and weight gain in a child, some character changes or chairs can be considered the norm. For example, during the administration of the attachment, the kid's reaction to a new product can be different - from or diarrhea to the skin rashes. Over time, mom will already know the characteristics of the child and will understand, because of what changes it is necessary to worry, and because of which it is not worth it.

Child chair is one of the most important health indicators. Already in the maternity hospital, doctors are sure to ask mammies, whether the baby pounded. How much and how much the child pokes, the district pediatricians and medical sisters will be interested in the house - when patronage at home and when inspection in the clinic. In this article, consider everything about the stool of infants, as this is an extremely important component of the life of small children, and consider not only the chair of children on breastfeeding, but also those that get artificial nutrition.

Why is it so important to pay attention to how the child pokes? The frequency of acts of defecation and the main characteristics of the chair (quantity, color, the presence / absence of impurities, the consistency, the smell) allow you to evaluate, first of all, the operation of the gastrointestinal tract of the child. In addition, it is possible to make a conclusion about the nutrition of the baby (including whether his breast milk is enough); Changes in the characteristics of the chair may indicate the availability of diseases in other organs and systems. The fact that the defecation in children occurs regularly (more often daily), most of the properties of the feces can be easily evaluated visually (during inspection), and therefore, for attentive parents, any changes in the chair do not pass unnoticed.

But what to do when changing the regularity or qualities of the chair: Call a doctor, treat yourself or not at all you should not worry - everything will be held in itself? How does the baby in the norm should be caught, and how does a chair change in different periods of his life?

About the norm and its variations

The frequency of the chairs in infants varies from 10-12 times a day to 1 time in 4-5 days.

The norm is the concept of relative. I am always surprised when I hear "the infants should KakAkaya 3-4 times (2-5 or 1 or 10 times, it does not matter) per day with yellow with a yellow color." Remember, your child should not anyone. Each kid is an individual from birth. How he will have an intestinal emptying, depends on very many factors - and on the degree of maturity of its digestive system, and on the type of feeding, and even on the type of delivery, and on the concomitant pathology, and from many other reasons. The main benchmarks for determining the individual norm is for your baby are well-being of the child, regularity, painlessness of defecation and the absence of pathological impurities in the chair. Therefore, I will give not only averaged normal indicators, but also the extreme values \u200b\u200bof the norm and its options, depending on the influence of various factors.

Frequency of defecation

After removal of the meconium (the original feces of viscous consistency, brown or black and green), from 2-3 days the child marks a transitional feces - dark green or yellow-green, semi-liquid. From 4-5 days of life, a newborn is set by a certain intestinal emptying rhythm. The frequency of acts of defecation fluctuates in fairly significant limits: from 1 time 1-2 days to 10-12 times a day. Most babies poop during or immediately after eating - after each feeding (or almost after everyone). But the chair once every 2 days will also be an option for the norm - provided that this is a regular chair (every two days), and the act of defecation does not cause a child anxiety or pain (the baby does not shout, but only slightly swarditis, Cal leaves easily , There is no excessive straightening).

With increasing the child begins to chatter less often: if he had an average of 8-10 times during the newborn, then by 2-3 months of life, the baby kicked 3-6 times a day, at 6 months - 2-3 times, and year - 1-2 times a day. If, from the first days of life, the kid pokes 1 time per day, then such a frequency is usually stored in the future, only a consistency varies (the stool of cascidious gradually becomes decorated).

Number of Cala

The number of feces is directly related to the food consumed by the child. In the first month of life, the child pokes quite gradually - about 5 g at a time (15-20 g per day), by 6 months - about 40-50 g, by year - 100-200 g per day.

Conceptivity of stool

The norm for newborn children is a soft casczyce consistency. But here are completely admissible oscillations within the normal range - from liquid to enough thick casis. Ideally, a uniform chair, evenly fading, but may be liquid with lumps (if the child squeezed into a diaper, then the liquid component absorbs, slightly painting the surface, and a small amount of small lumps can remain from above).

The older the child, the more dense his chair becomes, representing a thick casseau to the half a year, and by the year it becomes practically decorated, but at the same time sufficiently soft and plastic.


Yellow, golden yellow, dark yellow, yellow-green, yellow with white lumps, yellow-brown, green - each of these colors will be normal for a newborn chair. After completion of breastfeeding, the feces becomes darker and gradually acquires brown color.

Green Cal.

Please note that greenish, marsh-green, yellow-green colors are the norms of the norm, and the green cutting of the feces is due to the presence of bilirubin and (or) biliveridine. Bilirubin can stand out with a fee to 6-9 months, that is, a greenish stool coloring at this age period is quite normal. In newborns, the transition from yellow to a green chair and back is especially noticeable during physiological jaundice, when maternal hemoglobin decays and bilirubin is actively allocated. But even in the following days and months of life, to the complete formation of intestinal microflora, permissible in the chair of the bilirubin, giving calm calm.

It is also quite normal. The phenomenon when the feces are highlighted in the original color, and after a while it "green" means that there is a certain amount of bilirubin, which is first immeasured, but when contacting the air is oxidized and gives Calo green.

On the other hand, if the baby (eliminating the child C) has never had a green chair before, and suddenly cavalous masses become green or with greenery streaks, there will be more likely either a functional disorder of digestion (against the backdrop of the surplus, the introduction of adhesiveness, etc. ), or the lack of milk in the mother, or some disease in the child (intestinal infection, etc.).


The baby is on natural feeding, the chair has a kind, slightly sour smell. At the children-artificials of feces acquire an unpleasant, rotten or rotten smell.


In general, any impurities in the chair are undigested food particles and other inclusions, blood, greens, mucus, pus - are considered pathological. But the period of newborn and chest age is exceptional periods, even pathological impurities can be quite normal. We have already talked about the greens and found out why green can (although not always) be an option for the norm. We will now analyze other impurities in the child's chair.

Normally, the infants may be celebrated in the chairs:

White lumps - caused by the immaturity of the digestive system and the enzymes at the kid, because of which the child does not fully assimilate milk (especially in the crop). Under the condition of satisfactory childhood well-being and normal increase in weight, these inclusions can be attributed to normal.

Unpainted food particles - appear after the administration of the lure and explains the entire physiological immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract. Usually, the chair is normalized during the week, if during this time the nature of the feces in crumbs does not come back to normal, the lure, most likely, is introduced too early and the baby is not ready for him yet.

Slime - mucus in the intestine is constantly present and performs a protective function. The appearance of it in small quantities in children on breastfeeding is the option of the norm.

What impurities should not be in the stool:

  • pus;
  • blood.

Their presence is a dangerous symptom, and when even small amounts of pus or blood appear, immediately consult a doctor.

Changes in the chair depending on the nutrition of the child

Child chair on breastfeeding

Excess carbohydrates in the diet of a nursing mother will lead to an increase in fermentation processes in the intestine of a baby, intestinal colic, gracious, frequent, liquid, foam chair.

The nutrition of the baby, which is in breastfeeding, and from how mother eats, a kid chair will depend on. In compliance with the mother of the main power rules for nursing women, restriction in the diet of excessively fatty products and sweets Chair of the baby usually meets all the criteria of the norm - yellowish color, cascidular, without impurities, regular, uniform. When you oversleep in the menu, women's fats, breast milk also becomes more fat, it makes it difficult to digestion, and therefore the infants may be marked and the inclusions of white lumps in feces can be marked. Food rich in easily digestible carbohydrates often leads to an increase in the fermentation in the intestine of the child, and is accompanied by a rapid, liquid, sometimes even a foam chair, against the background of the rice, swelling in the abdomen and intestinal colic. With a strong bloat instead of a liquid chair, constipation is possible.

Certain products in the diet of a nursing mother can cause infants, which manifests not only in the form, but also in the form of stool changes - it becomes liquid, with mucus.

With a shortage of milk in a nursing mother, a baby chair becomes viscous, thick, then dry, green or grayish-green, crumbling, departs with small quantities or resistant constipation arise.

Child chair on mixed and artificial feeding

Compared to infants receiving maternal milk, kids on artificial feeding rustle less often (in the first months of life - 3-4 times a day, by half - 1-2 times a day), the chair is a more dense, magazine-shaped consistency, dark Yellow, with an unpleasant grinding or sharply sink. With a sharp transition to artificial feeding, when changing the usual mixture, a stool delay (constipation) or, on the contrary, appears.

Feeding with a high content of iron (for prophylaxis) can be accompanied by the release of the feces of dark green due to the presence of non-disgraced iron in it.

When feeding babies, not artificial adapted mixtures, and a variety of chairs with a chair: chronic constipation or diarrhea are more often observed. Kal has such children usually bright yellow, sometimes with a fatty gloss, with a "cheese" smell.

Changes in the chair against the introduction of ads

By themselves, the lures that are an absolutely new kind of food for a child, they require the active work of all departments of the digestive tract and enzymes. In most cases, the first ads are not fully appropriate, and untapped particles come out with a chair, they can easily be seen in the kale of the baby in the form of heterogeneous inclusions, grains, lumps, etc. At the same time, a small amount of mucus may appear in the stool. If such changes are not accompanied by the concern of the child, vomiting, diarrhea and other painful symptoms, it is not necessary to cancel the lure - its introduction should be continued, very slowly increasing the one-time portion of the dish and carefully watching the well-being and character of the kid's chair.

Separate feeding dishes, such as vegetables with a high content of plant fibers, can have a relaxing effect - the chair is read (usually 1-2 times compared to the norm for this child), and the cavalous masses are sometimes a low-changed dish. For example, moms note that they gave the child boiled carrots, and he twisted in 2-3 hours the same carrot. When it was originally noted the goals to stimulate the emptying of the intestines of crumbs (the child did not suffer from constipation), the maintenance of the product, which caused such a reaction, is better to postpone, turning to more "gentle" vegetables (zucchini, potatoes) or porridge.

Other dishes, on the contrary, have a fixing effect and increase the viscosity of the chair (rice porridge).

All this should be taken into account and correlate with the peculiarities of the child's digestion with the introduction of ads.

In general, the introduction of any adhesiveness in healthy children is accompanied by an increase in the number of stool, its heterogeneity, changes in smell and colors.

Pathological changes in stools and methods of treatment

Now consider what changes in the regularity of defecation or in the qualitative characteristics of the feces are abnormal and indicate a violation of digestion, diseases or other pathological conditions.

Defecation frequency violations

Here are three options: constipation, diarrhea or irregular chair.


The concept of constipation includes one or more of the following symptoms:

  • delayed intestinal emptying - for 2 days or more; For a newborn baby, the absence of a chair during the day may be considered constipation, if he used to eat several times a day;
  • painful or difficult defecation, accompanied by a cry, outling the child; Frequent ineffective outrets (the child is trying to shock, but can not);
  • dense Calate Consistency, Whawy Chair.

The main reasons for constipation in infants:

  • lack of milk in mom;
  • irrational feeding (reconciliation, irregular selection of mixtures, feeding with cow milk, early introduction of adhesiveness, lack of fluid);
  • low physical activity;
  • immaturity or pathology of the digestive system;
  • concomitant diseases (, pathology of the nervous system, etc.);
  • organic causes (intestinal obstruction, dolichosigma, hyrshprung disease, etc.).
Help when laying

With acute constipation of the baby, regardless of the causes of the stool delay, the defecation should be established. You can first try to help the baby in such a way: when he is sleeping, trying to shift, bring the legs bent in her knees to his tummy and slightly (!) Press the tummy for about 10 seconds, then make a lightweight abdominal massage clockwise around the navel, repeat pressure . In the event of the ineffectiveness of the auxiliary activities, it is recommended to use children's glycerin candles or make a microclism to a child ("Microlax"). In the absence of children's laxatives in the home first aid kit, it is possible to perform a cleansing enema with boiled water temperature (in the range of 19-22 ° C) - for the child of the first months of life, use a sterile (boiled) srinting of the smallest volume. You can also try to stimulate the intestinal emptying of the intestine reflexively, irritating the rear pass (inserting the tip of the fringe or a gas feed tube into it).

Sometimes there are difficulties in defecation are due to a large number of gazikov in the bowel of the baby - it is quite easy to understand how the kid cry when trying to shift, the tummy will break it, a rumbling can be heard, but the gases and feces do not depart. In such situations, the abdominal massage is also used and bringing legs; You can simply try to lay out the baby on the tummy, donate it in your arms, putting his stomach for your forearm. Eliminates the extinguishing of the gazikov (and after them chair) warming the tummy (Mom can put a kid on his belly, face to face; attach a heated diaper to the stomach). Of the drugs, a rather quick effect on eliminating colic is given to the preparations of Simeticon (Bobotic, Espemisan, Sabsimiznilex), plant remedies (dill water, plantx, decoction of Fennel, Bebi Kalm) are used to improve gazikov leaving.

With repeated constipation, it is not recommended to constantly use reflex irritation of the sphincter with a tube or apply cleaning enemas - the likelihood is high, that the child will "get used to" cacked independently, but with additional help. In the case of chronic constipation, it is necessary, first of all, to establish their cause and, if possible, eliminate it. Treatment of chronic constipation in infants should be comprehensive, including the correction of the mother's nutrition or selection of artificial mixtures, competent timely administration of adhesive, daily walks, gymnastics, massage, if necessary - doping with water. More often prescribed drugs (lactulose, etc.).


Under the diarrhea, they understand the rapid (2 or more times compared with the individual and age norm) the emptying of the intestine with the highlight of the discharge chair. The diarrhea does not apply to the constant release of small quantities (slightly separating the surface of the diaper) when gases, this occurs due to the physiological weakness of the anal sphincter, and with increasing the child, when the gases are out of the exhaust gases, it ceases to go out.

The table below shows the most likely causes of diarrhea in infants.

CauseSignsMethods of treatment
Reaction to
  • Liquid stools up to 10-12 times a day;
  • cal without pathological impurities (there may be mucus in small quantity);
  • moderate body temperature increase (up to 38-38.5 ° C);
  • swelling and redness of the gums;
  • salivation.
  • Feeding on demand;
  • sufficient amount of fluid;
  • use if necessary antipyretic agents;
  • use of local means (teethers, dental gels).
Acute intestinal infection
  • Diarrhea of \u200b\u200bvarying degrees of severity (from moderate diarrhea to abundant diarrhea);
  • cal liquid, can be watery, foamy, with flakes;
  • it is often determined by pathological impurities - residentials of greenery, mucus, pus, streamlings of blood, particles of untapered food;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • symptoms of intoxication (lethargy, pallor, refusal of food).
  • Call a doctor;
  • treatment with the drugs of the type of smecta or polysorba;
  • saving a kid with boiled water for 1 tsp. In 5 minutes.
Lactose insufficiency
  • Chair liquid, foamy, yellow;
  • sour smell;
  • frequent colic.
With moderate severity of symptoms, help is not required. Upon explicit disorders - to consult a doctor, enzymes are prescribed, it is less likely to transfer to lactose mixtures.
Functional disorder of digestion (stubble, early administration of adhesiveness)
  • Explicit communication with food intake;
  • liquid chair, abundant, yellow, possibly with fatty glitter, white lumps;
  • the chair is only slightly participated or normal;
  • possible one-time vomiting after eating or joining.
Power Mode Correction:
  • with natural feeding to control the frequency of applying to the chest;
  • with artificial - calculate the amount of feeding, depending on the weight of the child (conducts a doctor);
  • in the case of the introduction of the dust - temporarily refuse it.
Reception of drugsCommunication with drug intake (antibiotics, sulfonamides, antipyretic). When treating some drugs (including antibiotics containing clavulanic acid - amoxiclav, Augmentin) Diarrhea is developing immediately by stimulating intestinal peristals. Long-term antibacterial therapy may cause dysbacteriosis and in this background diarrhea.Consultation with a doctor. You may be subject to cancellation (replacement) of the drug or additional appointment of probiotics.
Intestinal dysbiosisLong-term diarrhea or irregular chair without temperature, other symptoms (lethargy, poor appetite, poor weight gain, etc.) are possible. It is confirmed with a laboratory study, but it should be borne in mind that the analysis of the feces on dysbioma is not indicative of the infants to 3 months of life: during this period, the intestine of the child is still in the normal microflora.Treatment is carried out by the appointments of the doctor.

Irregular stool in infants

An irregular stool is an alternation of constipation with diarrhea, or an alternation of a normal chair with constipation and (or) diarrhea. The most likely reasons are irrational feeding, intestinal dysbiosis. An irregular chair can be a manifestation of chronic constipation, when a large amount of liquid feces appear after a long absence of the chair.

With an irregular chair, first of all, to draw attention to the nature of the child's nutrition. If the errors in nutrition are excluded, there is no persistence, the baby gets food by age, then you need to consult a doctor for a further examination and appointment of treatment.

Changes in the number of stool

A decrease in daily feces in infants is observed, mainly in constipation and starvation - in both cases the feces are dense, poorly moving, dark yellow or yellow-brown. Abundant chair is possible against the backdrop. The constant release of large quantities, especially unusual color, with a sharp unpleasant odor, requires a compulsory examination of the child (to eliminate enzymatic failure, intestinal diseases, etc.).

Changes in consistency

Cal is becoming more dense with constipation, dehydration and lack of food; Liquid - on diarrhea background for any of the reasons.

Color changes

As we have already disassembled, the color of the breastfaby feces is very variable, and most often the change in the color of danger does not represent - for some exceptions - the calm fee should not be colorless or black.

Black color is an alarming symptom, which can be a sign of bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract, and with a black chair should always be first to exclude bleeding. In addition to the black chair (molenets), bleeding can be accompanied by a pallor, a child's lethargy, often vomiting with an admixture of a scarlet blood. Also, the black chair is marked with blood swallowing in the case of nasal bleeding.

However, there are quite harmless causes of death in the baby's kala black:

  • reception of iron preparations;
  • ingestion of the baby during sucking with the cracks of the nipples in mom.

Pathological impurities

In the chair, the baby should never be impurities in a pus or scarlet blood (even blood streaks) - when they are discovered, it is necessary to seek medical care. The pus may appear with inflammatory (infectious and noncommunicable) intestinal diseases, blood - in the case of bleeding from the lower departments of the digestive tract, with severe infectious diarrhea, with cracks in the rear pass, etc.

When you need to immediately consult a doctor

Blood adherence in a baby chair - reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Urgent treatment for medical help (emergency call) needed if there is at least one of the following symptoms in the infants:

  1. Black chair (not associated with the reception of gland preparations).
  2. Alay blood or streak of blood in a chair.
  3. High temperature diarrhea, vomiting.
  4. A stool in the form of "raspberry jelly" - instead of the feces, the mucus of pink color comes out - a sign of intestinal invagination.
  5. Colorless chair in combination with yellow skin and eyes.
  6. Sharp deterioration of the child's well-being: lethargy, pallor, monotonous cry, incessant crying, etc.

Not only listed, but any other "wrong" changes of the toddler chair, which you are not able to find an explanation on your own or not confident in their reasons, require a pediatrician consultation. It is always better to rebuild and discuss with the doctor anxious signs.

To which doctor to turn

When changing the chair, the child needs to contact the pediatrician. After diagnostics and analyzes, the doctor can send parents and a child to consult a gastroenterologist, an infectiousnessist, an allergist, an endocrinologist, a surgeon, hematologist.

Dr. Komarovsky on constipation in children:

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In this article:

Immediately after childbirth, young parents face a lot of problems. It is necessary to teach the baby to the chest, constantly change the diapers, to do massages, bathe, follow the temperature regime. It is located on the fight against drowsiness and despair caused by misunderstanding the causes of the child's crying.

Any change in Cala color causes panic, but often it is not justified. The newborn chair can vary, the degrees of the density of the mass, the smell is almost every day, it is not worth upset, because it may be an option for the norm.

You should know how the kid's chair is different, which is on breastfeeding and on mixed or artificial. The first weeks of life are characterized by a gradual change in color, the consistency of the feces, which continues to be modified depending on the type of feeding, its frequency, duration. Introduction to the diet of the child of juices or puree also has a direct impact on breastfare.

Color and smell of detergents: what should they be

Image from

The newborn Cal does not have any specific smell, it is inherent black or with a greenish mixture color. At the same time, the chair is liquid and viscous. The child is often reacted, it can be noticed only to look into the diaper. That is why doctors recommend the first months when the baby is crying, first check the purity of the diaper, only after that proceeding to feeding. It consists of the original feces (it is also called Mekonia) from the fact that the child swallowed together with the accumulative waters for the months of stay in the maternal womb. The appearance of meconium in a newborn testifies to the normal functioning of the bowel of the newborn.

In the period from 2 to 6 day from the date of birth, a chair can change its color to the grayish or gray-green, become more dense (consistency in the semi-liquid ointment). It is typical of all healthy children while adapting to a new way to get food. Since the second week, Kal becomes a yellowish-mustard shade, sometimes brown with a non-water sour milk smell. Consistency of the main mass of liquid, there are white small grains. Such a chair testifies to the normal operation of the child's garter. The norm is considered a slight presence of mucus or green shade with a stable weight set.

An optional norm is the case when the feces of a light brown color or very dark brown. It is allowed to have small greenish inclusions. According to the consistency, two requirements are presented to the contents of the diaper - it should not be liquid, like water, it is unacceptable too dense feces. The smell can be sharp and unpleasant. This situation is characterized in relation to children on mixed feeding. Similar indicators appear when applying supplies.

It happens that in the diaper is clearly visible pieces of undigested food. If this is rarely observed, it is not worried. Depending on food, the feces can be painted in orange or burgundy color. This is characteristic after the use of carrots or beets.

The frequency of intestinal emptying

At the age of 6 weeks with breastfeeding, the baby empties 4-12 times during the day. With age, the frequency of the chair will significantly decrease. To two months, the child can please the parents with a fragile chairs as 4 times a day and 1-2 times within five days. These are reference indicators, a slight deviation in one or the other side, provided that the color, odor and consistency correspond to the norm is considered permissible.

Young parents sometimes confuse a normal liquid stool with diarrhea. Even if the child is emptied once a day, but very abundantly (up to the leakage of hiding masses from the diaper), it is not necessary to beat the alarm. In some children, the intestine works so that the feces appear rarely, but in large volumes. This is not a pathological change. It should be worried if emptying happens more than 12 times a day. In this case, the feces will not be simply liquid, but watery, they will flow from above, and below, and on the sides of the diaper.

The absence of a chair in a child for 4-5 days in a row followed by successful fooling and at normal mass consistency should not cause a change in the daily menu. This is the option of the norm, and therefore eliminates the possibility of any mechanical impact on the child in order to accelerate emptying. In no case cannot be done by the kid, as it can cause the weakening of the normal reflex activity of the corresponding muscles. It is not recommended to try to help the child by irritating the anal hole with a thermometer or a piece of soap (although grandmothers will insist on applying these methods).

Which calf is evidence of pathology?

Cases when toddler feces of normal color, but they are too liquid or a bit of foamy, there is a sharp sour milk smell from them, they require increased attention from parents, especially with breastfeeding. If the listed features are added and the presence of irritation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anal hole is added, and the baby itself began to behave very restlessly, climbs during meals and after it, it is not safe in weight, this indicates a shortage in the diet of the rear milk. It is more caloric, not so sweet and contains the enzymes necessary for the splitting of dairy sugars. All this is not in the front milk, so you just need to change your chest.

If there is a large number of mucus in the chair, and the feces of green, yellow or brown, then it is necessary to focus on behavior and well-being of the baby. If this fact does not bother, then medical care is hardly necessary. Most likely this is a consequence of a recently suffered cold illness or a harbinger of teething. Medical advice should be treated if such symptoms remains preserved for several consecutive days.

Soft and very thick steels of brown shade can be both an option for norms and pathology. If recently the child has accepted iron-containing drugs, then you can not worry. It is necessary to contact the doctor if there was no additional intake of iron. Then it is necessary to exclude internal bleeding.

The urgent medical care is needed if the chair is overly watery and has an unpleasant odor, and the child does not gain weight or loses it at all. The reason may wage in allergies, poisoning or infectious disease. The solid calm, which exits in small parts with a constant strong stress of the abdomen under the accompaniment of a cry and crying the baby, indicates constipation. The reason may be in conflict if there is an ingredient in it, which does not fit the child, or in the wrong diet of the mother.

The foamed feces of green, which appears along with a specific "cotton" with a sharp sour smell, indicates pathology. If irritation and redness appeared around the anal hole, it is necessary to immediately go to the doctor's advice immediately. Usually, with such symptoms, children cease to gain weight and constantly capricious, behave extremely restless. The reason lies in lactose failure, both primary and secondary.

The appearance of blood masses, both liquid scarlet and black blood lumps, should entail an urgent appeal to the hospital. Most often, this is provoked by an allergic reaction to a protein contained in cow's milk can also be one of the symptoms of the development of bacterial infections. According to the results of the survey, hemorrhoids or intestinal bleeding can be diagnosed. Both problems require immediate treatment. The case with digestible blood lumps may indicate that the nipples of the mother are damaged, and the kid with milk swallows the blood combined from cracks on the chest. For a newborn, this option is safe, although it is better to prevent such a variant of the development of events.

With the revealed intestinal disorders, it is necessary to seek medical attention. This will help in time to diagnose pathological changes in the child's body, accelerate the subsequent normalization of the chair and restore the pace of weight gain. The fundamental recommendations of doctors are often reduced to changing breastfeeding technology.

Among them:

  • feeding should occur in a convenient for mother and a newborn pose;
  • it is important that the child correctly capture the chest and succeed only by the nipple;
  • in some cases, it is necessary to increase the production of milk by more frequent applying to the baby's chest, complaining after each feeding;
  • special attention should be paid to the fact that the baby get enough rear milk;
  • it is impossible to artificially limit the duration of feeding sessions;
  • in the first months of the life, the crumbs should not try to feed on the regime, it is much better to do this on demand.

Always carefully examine the contents of the baby diaper - it will make it possible to respond in a timely manner to any pathological change. But also to panic with the slightest inconsistency of the norm is also not worth it.

Useful video

So many experiences are due to the way the newborn baby "goes in large". Mom worries the frequency of the chair, its color, consistency. So how to determine whether the crumbs are in order of digestion? Maybe he needs help?

Many mothers know that it is very important to keep track of the kid's chair, and the pediatrician is always interested in the inspection, as the baby goes in a big one. This information is one of the most important moments in the diagnosis of the health status of crumbs.

Unfortunately, quite often moms mistakenly interpret completely natural and safe states of the kid. And because of these mistakes, unnecessary treatment can begin and worry about the baby without any significant reasons.

So let's figure it out how to look like a chair in the crumbs and when you need to worry, but when not.

Immediately after the birth

When the baby is in the tummy at Mom, it gets all the necessary substances and trace elements through the umbilical cord. The digestive system of the crumbs does not work, but its stomach is not empty.

The kid sucks fingers, opens the mouth and thus swallows a small amount of amniotic fluid. When the crumb is born, then this substance will be in his intestine and will gradually leave as the crumb will be applied to the chest and its digestive system will begin its work.

So, the first stool of the crumbs is Mekonia: dark, consistency plasticine Caltal mass. So the baby is recovering the first day or two. Sometimes it delivers him an unpleasant feeling: the crumb is worried, crying, it's stellish before he succeeds to go in a big one. However, it is not always possible - many children will be easily recovered, only slightly todging.

If everything is in order with the baby, it was attached to his chest on time and fed on demand, then gradually his chair changes. On the third or fifth day, the baby is the so-called "transition chair", partially consisting of meconium, which is still in the gastrointestinal tract, partly from the digestible colosure and milk. As a rule, it first in the Mekonia massive avenue appears, then the feces gradually turn yellow. By the end of the first week, the chairs of crumbs usually acquires the features of normal infant: yellow, pretty liquid.

When should you worry?

If the baby did not go in the first two days, it is necessary to consult a doctor. There are children with individual peculiarities, which will continue to do it with less often most babies. However, the doctor must install the reason for the latency of the chair. If the crumbs have some kind of problem with the intestinal passability, help will need immediately, but it is not necessary to diagnose your baby without a doctor.

We're home

On the third or fifth day, Moma comes milk, and a fairly stable chair is installed by the end of the first week. In the literature, it is sometimes said that the stool of newborns "creamy", and it confuses the mothers who begin to suspect that with a cloth is not all right.

In reality, a healthy baby chair is liquid and not always homogeneous. The normal color of the feces is yellow and its shades. You can notice lumps, a little mucus is not scary. Do not be afraid and if the caller's feces has a greenish tint to three months due to the immaturity of enzyme liver systems and the features of the bilirubin metabolism, this state has the right to be and also does not require treatment.

Many mothers sometimes arise anxiety due to the fact that the toddler's chair "suddenly" becomes watery and the child walk in large with abundant gases, a sharp sound. Doctors in this case are often suspected of lactase insufficiency.

In reality, everything is common.

During the period from 3 weeks to one and a half months, the baby has frequent growth racing, so in certain moments of the crumb literally "freezes on the chest" to help mom to work out more milk. During the day or several crumb requires breasts more often and longer than before, and mom begins to suspect that milk is missing. As a result, she often begins to shift the baby from one breast to another, and the croche gets mainly the "front" milk, which goes at the beginning of feeding from each breast. This milk is rich in carbohydrates and squirrels, the crumb is actively growing from him, but the chair because of this milk is liquid and with the soles (sometimes "result" looks foam if the baby is kept on the pot or a basin when he needs to wide, and mom can observe a consistency stool).

In this situation, you do not need to panic - just the baby does not need to constantly shift from one chest to another, fearing that he is starving. Give the opportunity to get "rear" milk rich in fats that will not cause meteorism and stay in the intestine longer.

In this situation (when the kid suddenly begins to clearly suck more milk), Mom may feel insecurity and start drinking lactogon teas. From this into its milk, again, more carbohydrates and the kid's chair becomes more liquid and gases.

Similar problems due to the "front" milk are also in the case of improper applying to the chest, as a result of which the crumb is sewn air and itself interrupts feeding, or simply cannot get "rear" milk. The best way out in this situation is to consult with a breastfeeding technician to correct the technique of applying and stop panicing that the crumb is not enough milk. "

In short, you should not worry if the baby has problems with a chair of this character. Of course, the flora of his intestines is unstable, it just starts to be installed - it takes no less than three to four months. Your task is to just feed the baby on demand and correctly and not hurry to treat it from imaginary diseases.

Stool delay

Moms are worried not only because of the appearance of the chair, but also because of its periodicity.

How often should the kid "do business"?

Normally, the baby goes to a lot several times a day, usually after feeding. However, some children may have a stool and once a day, and even once a few days. Usually such children have an anatomically weak front abdominal wall and intestinal peristalsis. This periodicity of the chair can be recognized as the norm if the baby still walks in a large regularly, the chair of a normal consistency and in general the crumb of Bodr and cheerful and not suffer from colic. Do not worry.

However, if the crumb is allergic, then you need to do everything possible so that he goes to the toilet at least once a day. Atopic dermatitis proceeds much harder if the crumb does not empty the intestines often - consult a doctor on this issue.

Also, children are physiological delays in the chair aged from one and a half to five months. It is important to observe the condition of the baby. If he is discomfort, you need to consult with your doctor.

Children can delay the chair and for psychological reasons as well as adults sometimes can not go to the toilet if they are recalled. Do not panic because of a single problem, but if the problem is delayed or repeated - consult a doctor.

However, the kids are not just "delays" of the chair, but also the real constipation.

The constipation is called not only when the kid does not go to the toilet in general, but also the feces "peas", which was stopped when the feces are given with difficulty.

What could be the reason?

Regular constipation is usually due to improper feeding of crumbs. However, such a state may occur in the event that Mom does everything right, but it has its own health problems, for example, with thyroid gland. The cause of constipation can be medicines.

For example, the intestinal weakness provoke all sorts of sedative medicines and medicines that are often prescribed to children neurologists at an early age. Even cough medicines or dental gels can cause constipation. In any case, the doctor should figure out.

Do not independently give crumbling medication and laxatives or to influence it mechanically with the help of an enema or a gas-conductive tubule. It is better to discuss with the doctor the issues of feeding, medical treatment and the lifestyle of the baby - so you can deal with the problem.

Time Prikorma

Of course, when you begin to enter the lore, the character of the toddler chapel changes. First of all, you need to remember that the task of the first dust (at 5, 6 months) is not to feed, but help adapt to new tastes, to the new food. Let's give the baby in the amount of "lying" and only gradually go to doses "with marigolds" or "half of a teaspoon".

Recall that the crumbs need to be introduced into the diet one product so that you can understand how and what the baby reacts. Quite often, as soon as we give the baby "with marigolds" of some kind of food, it is not digested - we discover the product in a hiding mass is practically original.

For one to two days, this is normal, the baby's body did not figure out the new component in the stomach, but if this continues on the third day - the product from the diet must be removed, because it is obvious that the baby is not yet ready to accept it. You need to take a break for a week or two, without offering anything, except for the chest, then try again, with another product.

The organism of the crumbs can respond and more violently, for example, a discharge chair and abdominal pain, and sometimes allergies. In this case, it is also necessary to cancel the product and hold the crumb on breastfeeding so that the gastrointestinal tract soothes.

When you enter the baby protein food, it can react to constipation.

To avoid this, you need to remember simple rules:

    Proteins require more fluid, so if it is the first baby dust (for example, cottage cheese), let me more breast milk.

    If you start to enter the proteins when the crumb is already drinking liquid, ensure that it drinks it. Do not worry due to the fact that the introduction of new products has to be postponed - with the baby, nothing terrible will happen.

    And especially calmly take advantage of the opinion that in 6-7 months the child needs to give meat products to grow well. Not all children are able to assimilate such a protein, many even a homogenized meat product at this age will lead to the constation and reload the kidney.

    Let the kid be afraid to eat breast milk and get vegetables and fruits as a dust - so you will avoid many chairs.

In general, the worries of mothers about the chairs of babies are quite justified: this is an important diagnostic symptom, which a lot makes it possible to understand the condition of the crumbs. However, it must be remembered that not all situations require interventions, and most of the problems can be solved by simply by correcting feeding errors. Do not rush to treat baby and resort to medicines, start with a diet.

When a little man is born, parents are full of desire to take care of it as much as possible to prevent the slightest discomfort, and even more so the diseases. If the baby is on artificial feeding, most of the modern parents are very responsible about the choice of mixtures, because the nutrition of the baby in the first months of life is the basis of everything: up to the year, proper feeding lays the health foundation for a lifetime. The criteria of how successfully the replacement of breast milk was chosen, several: how the baby adds in weight and growth, in what state is its delicate skin, and of course - a chair of a newborn in artificial feeding.

What the baby's diaper is filled with an experienced pediatrician on the state of his health is no worse than the analyzes, but it is not always possible to show the chair of crumbs at your doctor. Therefore, this review will help you learn how to follow the consistency, the color, odor and regularity of the chair in the newborn to help the baby in time and correctly in case of problems. The newborn on artificial feeding feeds otherwise than the infants receiving Mamino Milk. So, the toddler-artistic chair and the baby's chair will differ, because the composition of the female milk and the mixture, no matter how hard the manufacturers of baby food triumph are still not identical. Therefore, let's decide on the criteria for which we will determine whether everything is good with a newborn chair: this is a color, consistency, smell and frequency.


  • Normally, the color of the feet of newborns on artificial feeding naturally yellow or dark orange, and it depends on the mixture you have chosen.
  • If in the feces you are watching white inclusions, it is not scary: the digestive system of newborn rusing and learns to cope with food, soon it will fully digest and assimilate the entire mixture.
  • However, if the case is not in the physiological features of the kids, but in the fact that you just throw the baby (after all, he cannot tell you when he is already "enough"), in the feces you will observe the saturated unparalleled lumps, and the Cala's consistency itself will become alone: This means that you need to review the portions, consulting with the pediatrician.
  • When a bright yellow or orange chair, it should be informed about this to a doctor: such a color signals about the problems of the liver function.
  • And the green feces in kids older than the week - may be a sign of unpleasant diseases such as dysbacteriosis, staphylococcal enterocolitis, rotavirus infection or innate inability to absorb lactose (feces of newborns - Mekonia - greenish in nature, but it is normal only in the first days after birth).
  • The hazard signal is both too dark colors, the more streaks or blood splashes in it. Blood in cartoons may appear due to the presence of microcracks in the rear aisle (a clouded phenomenon after constipation, when dry and dense paths scratch the rectum), but the reason may be in the other, so the doctor's appeal is also necessary.
Consistency. The toddler stools on artificial feeding is always denser than in the infants, so Mama is important to ensure that it is not too hard - the kid will be very uncomfortable, and in the future it is fraught with constipation. The normal consistency of the stool of newborns is cascidious, more formed callers only after the introduction of the feeding. Liquid stools in kids-artificials is also a sign of the presence of problems, usually besides the rarefied consistency, there are also changes in the frequency of defecation, colors and odor - all these signs of intestinal infection, and a little later we will talk about it in more detail. In addition, it may be a sign of an individual negative reaction to the mixture. In this case, you have to choose another, consulted in detail with your doctor.

Smell. In the newborn, with artificial feeding, the smell of the chair is more pronounced than the infant nourishing naturally, whose feces before the appearance of the feeding normally has a weak smell. The hazard signal can serve the rotor smell in combination with the liquid consistency and the appearance of foam - such a chair necessarily requires the removal of the doctor, it may be a sign of staphylococcal infection in the intestine.

Frequency. Kids who are on artificial feeding, in the first days empty the tummy up to 6 times, but gradually the mode of operation of their body becomes more ordered and predictable, and only a few weeks after the birth of crumbs can already have a chair just a day, while at He can be a baby on natural feeding several times a day (usually - after each feeding). This is due to the fact that, unlike mother milk, children's mixtures are absorbed longer and more difficult - it just needs more time for this. If the chair is no more than a day, it can lead to a sealing of powerful masses in the intestine and to the occurrence of constipation, which is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and soreness. For children who are on artificial feeding, constipation is the most typical problem (with it every third newborn-artificial), while for infants it is more often characteristic of a liquid chair in the errors of a dieting in mom. Therefore, if a newborn, located on artificial feeding, crying and worries all day, his tummy is solid, the process of cooking painful, the baby is being worn, blushes and shouts, pulling up the legs to the tummy, and the chair turns out to be solid and dense, in the form of sausages or dense "peas" - This is constipation.

If the frequency of the defecation is less than a day (but not more than 3), but the feces are soft and the child does not have discomfort - it may be just an individual feature of your baby.

What are the reasons for constipation? There may be several of them.

  1. First of all, the composition of the mixture for artificial feeding should be considered: even if it is good and satisfied with many, it may not come to your baby. This is checked by an experienced way: if everything is settled, as soon as the mixture is changed - it means that the reason for it. Often children prone to constipation, a mixture with probiotics is recommended or a dairy mixture.
  2. However, it can be all right with the mixture itself, but its shelf life can come to an end or ending in general. Be very careful when buying and be sure to pay attention to information about what date the product should be used: if the shelf life expires - it is better not to take it.
  3. Another possible reason is too thick mixture consistency. It can even fully comply with the norm specified on the jar - too thick it will be for your baby, in this case it is simply necessary to make a mixture of more damp, liquid.
  4. Also to the constation may be the need for a nutrient mixture that is not suitable for age. If the newborn has a tendency to constitutions, then it is better not to rush with the replacement of the mixture on a more "adult" option.
  5. Introduction Dust can also cause constipation, because the child is offered food of a completely new, more dense consistency and often higher calorie content. In this case, be sure to lead the feed diary and mark the body's reaction to each new dish: if constipation is noted after receiving certain products (for example, rice, bananas), it is better to exclude them from the menu until the kid matches it. And the whole cow's milk milk is completely contraindicated with a child (one of the problems that it provokes is also constipation).
  6. The newborn, which is undernourished, can also have a problem with constipation: It is simply not about to form in sufficient quantities, they are "locked" in the intestine, compacting and make it difficult to promote. In this case, check the portions that the baby eats for one feeding: Do they correspond to the age and weight of the child? It is also important to pay attention to the nipple on the bottle: if it is too tight, with a very small hole, the baby will be difficult to suck and it will stop sucking, not even fastening - just because of fatigue.
  7. Among the causes of constipation and lack of fluid in the body. Kids on artificial feeding are necessarily poured by a driver, after 3-4 months - children's tea, and after 6 months - a compotik. If the newborn was in breastfeeding, and then it was transferred to the mixture, the parents can act, as used to it - that is, only feed, not disappointing liquid, and then the calves are simply difficult to remove from the body, it becomes too dry and dense. And staying in the winter period in a hot hidden house with dry air, or the impact of summer dry heat for several days in a row leads to dehydration of the body and can also cause constipation.
  8. Kids also meets constipation as a reaction to the stressful situation: separation from the mother, the fear of losing it, hitting the unfamiliar situation without parents (for example, to the hospital) also provokes such a state.
  9. Physiological anomalies occur: the rear pass may be too narrowed, or the rectum is too wide, in any case the pediatrician carefully observes for the development of such children.

How to help baby?

  1. Provide sufficient physical activity and mobility, make energetic movements with legs, tightening them to the tummy (like when driving a bike) and tightly pressing it to it, and also lay out on your stomach before each feeding;
  2. Make a massage of the tummy, moving hand in a circle in the direction of the clockwise direction;
  3. Let him drink more (except for ordinary water, there may be dill water, fenhele tea, and for kids who are already getting lures, prepare compote from prunes, freshly squeezed plum juice or plum puree);
  4. Often help warm baths, because they have a relaxing effect;
  5. Try also to use glycerin candles: they help soften the hardened feces and lubricate the rear pass, making it more elastic and slippery, facilitating the passage of solid carts;
  6. In any case, if there are no chairs for more than 3 days, and all the measures taken by you do not help, be sure to inform your pediatrician about it. If the child has no anatomical pathologies of the intestinal structure, leading to the constation, most likely, the doctor will appoint the enema as an extreme measure: it is impossible to abuse it, since it is butt the useful microorganisms from the intestine. Also, the doctor may appoint soft laxatives created specifically for kids up to a year, for example - Dufahalak (drugs for adults from constipation can not be given).

Diarrhea for babies-artificials is much less typical than constipation, but also meets, and moms need to be ready to act in this situation correctly.

A diarrhea is considered a completely liquid chair (not cascidious, but rather a liquid consistency is sour cream and even even more rare). Often diarrhea is accompanied by a bluffing of the tummy, the high frequency of intestinal emptying, an unpleasant sour smell and skin irritation in the diaper zone, since such a chair has high acidity.

Most often reasons of diarrhea Dysbacteriosis, intestinal infection, misappropigation is too early, change the mixture for feeding, the period of teething and intolerance of certain products and dishes.

  1. In the first case, it is necessary to take prebiotics and probiotics, and there will be preparations based on bifidobacteria. The fact is that the dysbacteriosis is a violation of the balance of useful and harmful bacteria in the stomach and intestines: in case of appointment, the child antibiotics useful microflora is dying, and it has to settled again. This explains the fact that after suffering from diseases with treatment with antibiotics, the child often gets "in the time" new problems: dysbacteriosis and diarrhea. So that it does not happen, in the treatment of the main disease, it is also necessary to take preparations that will allow preserve the intestinal flora (for example, bifidbacterin or lactobacterin).
  2. If the reason for diarrhea was infection (with food poisoning or hygiene problems), then the baby will also have vomiting and high temperature. Due to inflammation of the walls of the small intestine in the chair, alone and blood and blood streaks may also appear. Interesting infection in newborns with artificial feeding is a frequent phenomenon, because they do not receive immunomodulators that are sucking with breast-breast milk on natural feeding, and therefore their immunity is less strong and the body is weaker. To defeat the infection, the doctor will prescribe an antibacterial preparation of a wide range of action.
  3. Problems with diarrhea with the introduction of dust - also quite the usual thing. There are still "specialists", recommending too early lures, in 2-4 months, to which the body often reacts precisely diarrhea, since the stomach is not ready for such a load. But even if the lure was introduced on time (for children on artificial feeding, it is recommended by WHO from 5 months), individual products may not be absorbed, and they will have to abandon them. Just lead a diary of the feeding and mark what kind of baby gave a negative reaction. And such products like whole milk of animals (cows, goats) and fatty foods should generally be excluded from the diet of the baby up to the year. With caution, let's and juices - there are a lot of sugar in them, and it contributes to the formation of a more liquid chair, as it is difficult to absorb the body.
  4. If you decide to change the mixture, weigh everything in and against, and do not do it without good reason, it's easy to experiment from curiosity and inclination. The toddler's stomach is very gentle, it is harmful to a sharp change, and therefore it is often about shifting a mixture of kids react diarrhea. Between two equally good mixtures for newborns always choose the usual.
  5. When the kids are cut into teeth, their body becomes especially vulnerable to infections, and it also reacts to any stimuli, and therefore diarrhea often happens these days.
  6. However, the most complex cases requiring medical intervention, long-term treatment and continuous control are some diseases characterized by intolerance to certain types of food: manifested with the introduction of celiac chuckles (feces foam, brilliant and fetid) and congenital disorder of the endocrine system - fibrosis (extremely frequently frequent Floridic chair of high viscosity). In both cases, the treatment prescribes the doctor.
  7. It is also important to know that diarrhea can be one of the symptoms of appendicitis, peritonitis and wanderings of the intestine, so in any case, it is important for diarrhea to see a doctor who will appreciate all the symptoms comprehensively and prescribed the necessary treatment.

How to help baby?

  1. The most dangerous consequence of diarrhea will be dehydration. The kid becomes sluggish, drunk and weak, his skin is drained and rash can appear on the body, the big spring is placed, and the urine becomes very dark and he pisses rarely. To help in this situation, it is often poured (every 10-20 minutes), a special preparation is prescribed - regiders, and they try to eliminate the causes of the situation: treat dysbacteriosis or intestinal infection, or removed from the dius dish, which caused diarrhea.
  2. Also, the doctor prescribes the child drugs that kill intestinal infection. The most effective is Furazolidon, as well as Nifuroxazid and Levomycetin. Choosing a medicine for newborns, do not self-medicate and do not appoint yourself the dosages yourself, especially - do not use drugs intended for adults, always in doubtful cases, please contact the doctor (if you do not call the doctor to the house, take a diaper with a chair in the clinic ).
  3. For feeding, make a mixture much more liquid than usual - to normal consistency you will return only after recovery.

In addition to the usual diarrhea, often parents scares his particularly unpleasant variety - the green feces in infants on artificial feeding. During the newborn period (that is, the first 5-7 days after the emergence of the light) the baby, as we already know, can have a dam of dark greenish color - this is a MECONY, original feces, which is absolutely normal: thus the intestine is cleaned from the residues of the accumulating water, epithelial fabrics and so on. But if the green shade appears in the chair of the older children, this is a dangerous sign, but the reasons for him can be a lot:

  • Lactose default (in this case, the chair will not only be green, but also with foam and very unpleasant sour smell) - a dangerous state in which the infants occurs heavy toxicosis of the whole organism. In this case, the use of any solid milk is excluded.
  • The foamy green chair is also observed with a different disease dangerous for the infant - staphylococcal enterocolitis, requiring immediate appeal to the doctor;
  • Also dangerous diarrhea with greens, accompanied by vomiting and high temperatures - these are signs of rotavirus infection in the infection, the doctor appoints the doctor.
  • If a green chair has black splashes (thickened blood traces) - it can be about problems with the digestive system as a whole (congenital pathologies are possible), and this also requires rapid medical intervention.
  • Green liquid stool with mucus and sometimes - blood grains, which is accompanied by frequent jerking (not only after feeding), incessant concern and cry the baby due to permanent pain in the tummy, as well as skin rashes, is a symptom of dysbiosis.
  • When the high iron content of the iron is also in your chosen mixture, the green content of the diaper is also possible. If the overall condition of the baby is good, the consistency of the kakul is normal and there are no more complaints, there is nothing terrible in such a chal color. But when there are still some kind of fooling signs, consult a pediatrician and change the mixture.
  • If the chair is green and with mucus, it signals us about the immaturity of the digestive system - she has few enzymes for processing and ensuring the learning of food. Green color (along with untarable slices) can be observed after the introduction of the dust, to which the body has not yet adapted. This means that with bacaming you need to do a little, or give time the body to rebuilt on a new type of food.

How to help baby?

  1. The first step will be the surrender of the tests - to guess about the reasons and waste time on the selection of options in this case is impossible. You will need to take a diaper with a chair and bring it to the laboratory for research, but first inform your doctor. If infection is present in the body in the body, it will be analyzed and can be assigned adequate treatment.
  2. The second point is bacterial sowing, which will determine the composition of the intestine microflora, identifying pathogenic organisms and determining the balance of useful and harmful bacteria for the body. With dysbacteriosis (lack of useful natural microflora), the infant will prescribe drugs that will help useful bacteria to move in the intestines (usually lines, lactobacterin, acipol and other drugs).
  3. Reduce breeding of feedings and make them more often - so the child will be easier to cope with digestion and digestion of food. For the future, also try not to overpay the baby in order not to violate the activity of the digestive system. "It was good" and "hung a lot" - not synonyms!
  4. Anyway, diarrhea, temperature and common poor condition of the child (lethargy, capriciousness, constant crying) are reasonable to consult a doctor, without self-medication.
Be careful to your kids and take care of them. Good luck!