What can not be done at a party? Promised but didn't come. Is it possible to smoke at the table

There are many solutions with a girlfriend. For starters, you can cook something delicious. Even if there is no confidence in their own culinary talents, together they will certainly succeed. Make a delicious pizza or an exclusive cake.

Now is the time to satisfy the emerging information hunger. You can show your interest in thematic portals and sites. If you are into interior design, it will not hurt to visit the relevant forums for new ideas and useful contacts.

The network has a huge number of master classes in a variety of areas. Especially if you have a desire to learn something new. For example, learn fitness exercises, fishtail techniques, decorating photo frames, new recipes. Many offer the Internet absolutely free, including suggesting what to do at home with a friend.

There are also interesting programs that allow you to send e-mail to yourself in the future. On any day and year, it's like throwing a bottle with a note into the ocean.

In addition to what you can do with your girlfriend, you can “attach” a fortune-telling sandwich. Inside the sandwich, under a piece of cheese or meat, a piece of paper wrapped in a tube is placed with a divination written on it, a wish or advice on what to do at home with a friend. The half-finished sandwich is sent to the microwave. As a result, each of the friends will know what awaits her in the near future.

For another fortune-telling, you will need to cut it into pieces and place it in a spoon. The spoon is heated, the wax melts. A mental question is asked. At the same time, the contents in the spoon are quickly poured into a bowl of water. As a result, the wax will harden in the form of a figurine that must be interpreted. It doesn't matter how good the figure is. It is better to try to establish what it looks like in outline - for example, what kind of animal, bird or someone's face. The figurine is then brought up to the fire to see what kind of shadow is being cast, presenting new clues.

A fairly reliable solution for what to do at home with a girlfriend is to watch an entertaining movie. Set up a home theater with popcorn and chips. Spread a blanket right on the floor and organize something like a picnic in front of the screen.

A photo session can also be a great solution. Before that, you can correct the shape of the grown hair roots to each other, do a pedicure and manicure. After that, it will be a sin not to take a few original photographs where you are together, and in addition, each is captured in a special way.

What else to do with a friend? You can play cards, take online friendship tests, review photos and reminisce, try meditation, do fitness, or other movements that require their correctness to be observed from the outside.

It is worth dreaming up yourself, with a friend. The main thing is that you should be interested and have fun.

It doesn't really matter if you are a man or a woman. Do you have a girlfriend? Then this article was written especially for you. After all, it happens that you invited a girlfriend to visit, and then you already think about what to do with your girlfriend specifically: play dominoes or watch TV? We will throw you a couple of great ideas on this subject.

What to do with a friend at home if you are a woman

What can you do with a girlfriend if you are a man

Many people do not believe in friendship between a man and a woman. We will not rant on this topic, we will just give a couple of tips: what can you do if you have a friend visiting you, and you were born a man. Well, it’s probably worth starting with the fact that if a friend came to visit you, then she should be fed and watered. Show your hospitality, prepare a delicious dish, treat your friend to tea or coffee, buy delicious confectionery in advance, which are sold in almost every store. In principle, pastime tips cannot differ from the previous version. If this is your real girlfriend, then the classes will be the same. Watch a movie together, listen to music, talk heart to heart, surf the Internet for a while. You can, of course, play chess, cards, checkers. But, you understand, these are all games for an amateur. Another thing is that if you are a man, you can have sex with your girlfriend. Of course, a woman also has chances to have sex with her girlfriend, but they are a little less, and not everyone wants to. How to have sex with a girlfriend? It is not so difficult. Of course, on a sober head, it is unlikely that something will turn out. This simply will not allow the barrier that a friend could erect in her head (like: "This is my friend / girlfriend, which means no sex!"). A little bit of alcohol and this barrier will begin to disappear before our eyes. And if you also turn on your charm, then there will be no trace of the barrier. Of course, you should not say directly in the forehead that you would not mind having sex. Ask leading questions, hint. Before you even blink an eye, the conversation will continue in the direction you need. The main thing - do not put pressure on the person. If there is no desire, then it might be better to play "Crocodile" (for example, you think of a word and silently show it, just gesticulating. And your friend should guess. Then vice versa)? And you can have sex with someone else, not so close person.

What can not be done at a party?

If you offer your help to the hostess, then you need to do only what she says, without excessive initiative. It is not customary to ask for an ashtray and smoke at the table if it is not provided. Swinging on the back legs of a chair is considered bad manners. Care should be taken not to put your feet on any supports, especially if the house has antique furniture. Do not use cutlery for other purposes, leave a mess in the bath.

You can't keep one hand in your jacket pocket. You can put your hand in your pants pocket only if you need to get something out of there. Keeping both hands in your pockets is unacceptable! A girl should also not keep her hands in her pockets. You can’t bang on the table with your fist - it’s just vulgar. It's not nice to wave your arms while talking. All gestures must be discreet.

You should not cross your legs so that the ankle of one of them is on the knee of the other. Do not swing your leg while holding it on the other leg, or wrap your arms around one leg.

You can’t sit on the arm of a chair in the house of unfamiliar people or if a person whom you call “you” is sitting in the chair. It is unacceptable to sit, lounging in an armchair or on a sofa, to recline your head too much on the pillows, to sway in a chair. It is also considered bad manners to sit on the edge of a chair, sofa or armchair.

You can't yawn in society. You should refrain from yawning or yawn very carefully so that it is imperceptible. If you cough, then you need to go out or turn your head to the side and cover your mouth with your hand or handkerchief. You need to blow your nose in the bathroom or toilet. Sneezing must be suppressed. If this is not possible, then you should turn away and be sure to bring the handkerchief to your nose.

Often when taking alcoholic beverages, hiccups occur. This phenomenon is very unpleasant. When it appears, it is recommended to go to the bathroom and hold your nose with your left hand, and hold a glass of water with the other, which you need to drink in small sips without exhaling air. The hiccups should pass. If this does not happen, then you should repeat the whole procedure again or swallow a tablespoon of powdered sugar.

If you constantly have such a reaction to alcohol, then you need to refrain from taking it.

Very often a person does not know where to put his hands, and begins to fiddle with his tie, buttons. Women often “play” with rings, beads, a necklace, a bag clasp, or wind a lock of hair around their finger. Some braid braids from tablecloth tassels, ring with a cup. Under no circumstances should this be done. If you do not know where to put your hands, then you need to carry a box of matches in your pocket. You should also not play with your interlocutor's lighter: this can make him nervous. You can't snap your knuckles. When talking, you should not end your statements with bursts of laughter: this makes a negative impression. Also, do not giggle after each spoken phrase. From these bad habits, you need to wean yourself and constantly monitor yourself. It is better to do not only at a party, but also at home. That way you get rid of them faster.

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Boredom can hit anyone, but it's easy to deal with this problem, because there are many fun ways to cheer yourself up!

How to keep yourself busy when you're bored alone

If during the day you are bored and have nothing to do with yourself, then it is possible that by the evening your mood will completely deteriorate due to the realization that the day was wasted. Consider two options in this situation: study the article and find something to your liking, or deliberately goof off! Some people are so eager to keep themselves busy that they underestimate all the advantages of a watch when there is nothing to do at all. However, if these hours stretched into days, then you can easily fix it.

There is nothing to do at home, but there is free time - what to do

Bored - watch a movie or TV show This is perhaps the easiest way to keep yourself busy - especially if you have access to the Internet and a computer. First, determine which genre do you like more than others? For example, you prefer thrillers. Now start searching the Web: "Best Thrillers." The search engine will give you many options and descriptions of exciting films, and you just have to choose what interests you the most. In your free time, study interesting information on the Internet. If you usually do not visit any thematic groups in VK, then it's time to do it. Every day, many communities post a lot of interesting information on their pages. Perhaps you like a certain series? Go to the group dedicated to your favorite project, and you can find out a lot of interesting facts about it in it. You can watch various useful videos on the Web - "How to make a spectacular make-up", "Weaving braids", "Simple instructions for sewing a dress" and much more! When you're bored, you can play online games The main thing is not to abuse it, so as not to “fall out of reality” for many months. However, as a change, such a pastime may suit you! On the Web, it is easy to download many games to your taste, or play online games that can be found in the application in VK and other social networks. This type of activity guarantees you an adrenaline rush (if you choose a dynamic game) or make your brain work hard (if you choose logic puzzles). Solving puzzles and puzzles will help you get rid of boredom You can find puzzles and puzzles both in various magazines and newspapers, and on the Internet. If this kind of pastime is unusual for you, then choose puzzles in which you can find out the correct solution if you do not come to it yourself. The first time can be quite difficult, but later such an activity seriously captivates! When there is nothing to do at the computer Of course, your leisure time should not be limited to a computer, because the Internet can disappear, and the computer can break down. If, with such a development of events, you are lost or completely panicked, then you should pay attention to such distraction options:

do needlework You may think that the time for such crafts has passed for you, remaining at school labor lessons, but by doing so you are depriving yourself of not only an interesting pastime, but also a hobby. Think how many interesting things you can do with your own hands! A beaded tree will decorate your table; you can fill the photo album with your pictures; the necklace will be appropriate on your neck on a holiday; and many many others! Sort out your wardrobe Trust me, this can be quite rewarding! Surely, some of your things are undeservedly forgotten, and are waiting in the wings. However, of course, there are some outfits that should already be got rid of. Isn't it time to clean up the shelves? Lay out the clothes from the closet, and see what you can try on tomorrow and what you no longer need. Make a list of plans, a list of small chores around the house Write a list of tasks that you should do in a few days around the house. Most likely, you have accumulated some things that you should already take on. Although this is unlikely to save you from boredom, so take on the compilation of a more interesting list! Think about what plans you would like to implement during the year, which of them can you do? What goals can you achieve after a year, thus improving your life? sleep Sometimes it’s not worth inventing anything at all, but just lie down and sleep. It is possible that the last days you sat on the Web until late at night or you had to get out of bed very early. In this case, most likely, your body is exhausted, and it would not hurt you to rest. Cook a delicious meal Often, a delicious meal contributes to a significant uplift in mood. Surely, you have one of your favorite dishes that you can easily cook on your own. Subsequently, a ready-made lunch can be consumed in the company of one of the household members, invite a guest, or simply sit comfortably with a treat in front of the TV. It is not necessary to choose the dish that you know well - it is quite possible to experiment! Invite friends over Of course, if you are very bored alone, then the most obvious way out is to invite an old girlfriend or friend to visit. Most likely, you will have something to discuss over a cup of tea! Read an interesting book If before you liked to read classical literature, then you can replenish your knowledge in this area. In case you can't call yourself a book lover, try to start with some of the current bestsellers, a list of which you can easily find on the Web. It is not at all necessary to go to the store for a book - the work you like can most often be downloaded to a computer.

If you're bored at home, don't stay at home

Walk around the city It is not necessary to invite someone else for a walk or to abandon these plans if no one else has the opportunity to keep you company. Go to the local mall, to some cozy coffee shop, to the cinema, to the dolphinarium, to the planetarium or to the exhibition! No doubt it will amuse you at least a little. Visit to friends (grandmother, relatives) Think about who you have long agreed to meet, but did not find time for this. Probably, since you are bored, now you have a few free hours that you could spend on a long-awaited meeting! Interesting master classes In many cities, various master classes are regularly held that you may be interested in - pizza making, soap making, painting lessons, numerous dance styles and much more. Beauty saloon Perhaps you've been wanting to change your hair for a long time, it's time for a manicure, or you were planning to visit a new popular cosmetic procedure? If you are bored at home, then this is a good reason to take care of your appearance by visiting a beautician or hairdresser. Attend a concert In almost every city there are art cafes, where local and visiting musical groups delight guests with their performances in the evenings. You can always pass the time at such a concert with your favorite drink or dish. It is also possible that some large-scale event with the participation of a celebrity is planned in the city. Examine the poster and choose where you can go in the near future.

When you miss visiting or with a friend, how to cheer yourself up

It often happens that even the company does not guarantee getting rid of boredom. If you are faced with a similar problem, then most likely your interlocutor is also unhappy. However, you can fix this situation! Conversation, jokes, discussion of an interesting topic for everyone Surely, there is a topic that is always discussed with interest in your company. Perhaps you are watching a certain series, and you are building theories about how the characters will develop everything later, and what secret meaning is embedded in the plot. You can plan any trip to nature or even to another city! Games (dominoes, chess, cards, crocodile, etc.) Recently, the passion for such popular board games as cards, dominoes and the like has undeservedly faded into the background. You should fill this gap, and in case of a long pause in the conversation, invite your friends to play something interesting. It will be great if you stock up on the relevant games in advance.

Watching the relevant genres of cinema can significantly invigorate any company. By the way, many people are afraid to watch horror movies alone, but if someone else shares the viewing with you, then it can even be fun! Visiting an interesting place You and your friends can always cheer yourself up by going to some interesting place. Lots of options! An amusement park, a cinema, a colorful cafe or coffee shop, an ice rink, a theater and much more! Camping You can arrange such a vacation at any time of the year, because in each season you can find its advantages. In the cold season, you can go skiing and sledding. If the weather is warm outside, you can organize a picnic. At almost any time of the year, it is appropriate to barbecue and barbecue in the fresh air.

What to do when rest (vacation) turned out to be boring

Unfortunately, this may also be the case: you had high hopes for the upcoming vacation, but in reality it turns out to be somehow boring. How to fix it? Sports are rarely superfluous, and if you are not interested in traveling or are bored with a vacation in your hometown, then visiting a sports complex can significantly improve the situation. You can work out with a trainer in the gym, go to the pool, play tennis and the like. Going to the cinema, theater, exhibition. Try to visit places you have not been to more often and get acquainted with the latest art. Going to an exhibition can be a great pastime. Perhaps an interesting photo exhibition is being held in the city, acquaintance with which will make an indelible impression on you! Also, do not deny yourself a visit to the cinema. Take a good look at the current repertoire, and choose what will be most close to you. Buying souvenirs and gifts. If you are in a foreign city, then buying souvenirs can entertain you in some way. Perhaps you yourself are disappointed with the trip, but your friends or relatives will surely be interested in receiving a small gift from you from your trip! In addition, it is possible that when you come home, you realize that your trip was not so boring as you thought, and you will be pleased to remember it by stumbling upon a certain souvenir. Visit a famous coffee shop or a restaurant. Whatever city you are in (native or foreign), there is undoubtedly some interesting coffee shop or restaurant with incredibly delicious cuisine. You don’t have to choose the most pretentious institution at all (however, perhaps this is what you are missing right now). Go to the Web and read reviews of the most popular cafes, pubs, restaurants in the city, choosing something to your liking. Many of these establishments have their signature dishes - delicious desserts, coffee or barbecue. Don't miss the opportunity to taste something delicious!

If you are relaxing in a hot resort, then a visit to the spa or hairdresser may be simply necessary - the skin and hair are dry and need immediate care. However, of course, warm climes are not at all an obligatory reason for visiting such institutions! Go on an excursion. Wherever you are, there are likely regular tours. Do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to learn something new about a city or an interesting place - famous theaters often conduct excursions within their walls. You can also visit some nature reserve, botanical garden, etc. Shopping. Perhaps, for any woman (and for many men) shopping is one of the best ways to relax and unwind. Walk around the shopping centers, get acquainted with the assortment. In some stores you will certainly find the necessary and beautiful things with discounts! Choose not only those brands that are well known to you, but also open new horizons for yourself. It is possible that some kind of holiday or the birthday of a person close to you is approaching - then shopping will be doubly useful, because you will be able to choose the right gift without haste.

How to spend time with benefit for yourself if you are on a business trip

1 - Visit to the sports complex If you have a change of clothes and suitable shoes, then even on a business trip you should not deny yourself a visit to the sports complex! In a foreign city, in your free time, it is sometimes difficult to find entertainment to your liking, but in almost every area there is a gym. Find a suitable establishment near the hotel where you are staying and you can spend time there in a healthy way. 2 - Swim in the pool Not everyone likes to “pull dumbbells” and wind up kilometers on a treadmill. You can well tone your body without exhausting workouts, and a visit to the pool will be a wonderful way out in this situation. Many of us love the sea, and a visit to the pool can be an alternative of sorts! The main thing is to have a towel, a bathing suit, slippers and a protective cap with you. Swimming will help to form the correct posture, strengthen your muscular corset, and just give a lot of positive sensations! 3 - Order delicious food in the room If you don’t want to go anywhere, but even in a hotel room, you are bored, then you have a wonderful opportunity to brighten up your leisure time by ordering a delicious lunch or dinner in your room. Subsequently, you can comfortably sit in an armchair with a dish brought in, while watching a movie on TV or your laptop in parallel. It is possible that not far from your hotel (often right in the same building) there is a cozy cafe where you will be even more comfortable. 4 - Walk around the city Once on a business trip, do not miss the opportunity to explore a foreign city in depth. Choose places that interest you in your hometown too - squares, parks, shopping centers, cafes, exhibitions, and the like. Learn about the famous sights of these regions, and go to get acquainted with them.

What to do when babysitting a small child (sister, son, daughter)

Some people think that there is nothing more boring than sitting with small children. Few people like to play with dolls or cars as adults, and if you are one of these people, then know that you have many opportunities to diversify gatherings with your baby. 1. Can draw portraits, family, dream Invite your child to have fun drawing. At the same time, immediately tell him that you have a specific task - to draw all family members, creating a family portrait! Do not forget about all the grandparents and other relatives whom the baby knows closely. Also in the figure you can allocate a place for pets. Ask the child what he dreams about, what he would like in the future. Ask him to put his dream on paper. By the way, you may be interested in similar activities that will immerse you in the world of childhood for a while - sit next to the baby and also draw a family, favorite pets, your dream. 2. Play educational games Now you can quickly find on the Internet a lot of educational games that help boys and girls develop logical thinking or speed. By the way, these games can be played online, just sitting at the computer. Choose an educational activity that suits your child's age and start playing. 3. Joint crafts You can make some kind of craft together - an application on a sheet of cardboard, an animal made of colored paper, cutting out snowflakes and much more. If you need something to do with a girl, then you can draw a “paper doll” for her. Many modern women had such dolls in their childhood, who will agree that later it was very exciting to draw clothes for them! You can also make a Christmas tree toy. If the New Year is still far away, and the child does not fully understand what the charm of this holiday is, then you can tell him about all the possible New Year's miracles, as well as how you can decorate your home for this significant day. 4. Cook something delicious together If it seems to you that the child takes up your time, which you could spend on important household chores, then you are mistaken! In fact, many children love to watch adults do things and imitate them afterwards. Do not think that the child will "get in the way" - if he is busy with something, then the two of you will have a good time. Invite the kid to cook a delicious dinner together, while entrusting him with some task - knead a small piece of dough, wash a bunch of greens, and the like. 5. Read a fairy tale Almost all children are delighted with fairy tales, and you can read one of them to your baby. If at present it is not possible to read a fairy tale on the Web or find a book (you are visiting or on the playground), then you can come up with a fairy tale on the go or remember those that you yourself loved. 6. Turn on the cartoon If you are very busy or you have an urgent matter right now, then turn on an interesting cartoon for your child to watch. Choose good and funny stories. If the child is over four years old, then he can be captivated by colorful Disney stories - about the Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, Mowgli and many other famous characters! 7. Play hide and seek If the size of the dwelling allows or if you live in the private sector and you have your own yard, then such a game can greatly amuse the baby and return you to childhood for a while! Invite the kid to turn to the wall, count to ten (if he still can’t count, then build a turret from the ten cubes you suggested), and only after that go in search of you. Then offer to hide him. You can also play catch-up, with a ball, etc. 8. Walk If you have the opportunity to go for a walk with your child, then do not use the opportunity to take advantage of this. You can ask a friend to keep you company, so you will have even more fun. Go to a children's cafe, an amusement park, a dolphinarium, or take a walk along the alleys! As you can see, there are many ways to keep yourself busy when boredom overcomes. Periodically use one of them, and a bad mood, or apathy, will instantly recede.

Are you wondering what fun things to do with your friends? And we have already thought for you and are happy to offer some options.

1. All to the table!

To warm up, you can start with treats:

  • Surprise your friends with delicious fragrant tea;
  • brew coffee with spices;
  • or treat your guests to a surprisingly easy - to - make homemade cappuccino .

Don't forget to order pizza. But if you like to cook yourself, then we offer you an easy recipe for homemade pizza. Your guests will surely thank you for a delicious meal.

Now, having eaten "bread", the soul demands circuses. Time to start the fun!

2. Games

Perfect even for an unfamiliar company, the forever young Crocodile game. An equally mischievous game that brings a lot of fun is Fanta. What funny tasks you can think of, read.

If you want to play quietly at the table, try the fashionable game "Who am I".
If anyone has board games like Monopoly, then this is a great opportunity to have fun with friends.

3. Creativity

If you want to spend time with your family and friends with pleasure and profit, buy a large mosaic, lay out a table-book and, dividing the spheres of influence (who collects the carriage, who are the horses, and who are the mountains in the background), start connecting the puzzle pieces into a single picture .

Another type of creative leisure is paper cutting. You can cut unusual patterns, for example, Star Wars, read how to do it.

4. Music and dancing

For romantic people, songs with a guitar are suitable. If no one knows how to manage musical instruments, play a funny music game APOL.

It never hurts to put on some upbeat music and have a good dance. For liberation, you can dim the light if the time is already late. By the way, you can arrange an evening without electricity. Turn off lights, cell phones and music. This mysterious atmosphere will reveal many secrets.

And you can start a theme party and organize it together. Read here