What to wish for the birthday of an Orthodox Christian. Christian birthday greetings in verse. Orthodox best birthday greetings

Years go by
You're standing on the edge again
And God is and was with you
And He helped you in everything.
God Himself kept you by hand
He showed you many blessings,
And in grief was always with you
He has not forgotten you anywhere.
He carried you, and together the burden
He helped carry you
And with a strong hand all the time
He delivered you more than once.
Go to the glorious, wonderful goal,
But not alone, but with Him in everything
And it will never be hard
Nowhere on your earthly path.

Original Orthodox congratulations on your birthday

You will give us
We will praise
And you won't give
We will reproach!
Give me the pie!

Straw beard!
You are the owner man
Open the chest
Give me a piglet!

I am a little boy
He brought a sheaf to Christ.
Congratulations on the holiday
I wish you health!

Happy Birthday Orthodox in verse

Soul bells are ringing
And grace in the heart.
Your birthday is already
It's time to meet.
May you have in life
Only happiness and goodness.
And fate will take forever
Any grief, evil ...
Let not only in trifles,
Big luck!
Be with your head on your shoulders
Then success will come!

Orthodox best birthday greetings

May every new day bring joy
And let the house be filled with peace.
Love and meekness, mercy, goodness
Let them be the qualities of your heart.

Let the love for the Creator not go out,
But it gets stronger. In thanksgiving prayer
Open to Christ your dreams, desires -
He will be your Helper Himself.

Birthday congratulations Orthodox

What to wish a Christian
What is the happiness of God's child?
Neither faith nor your love!
which God gives
Here is my wish!
Without grumbling and without torment
Face adversity and fight
Praise Christ for justification
Pray with thanksgiving!
Work with a young soul
To not know sadness!
My dear friend, the Lord is with you!
What more could you wish for!

Short Orthodox birthday greetings

May the Lord keep you in life
Sends happiness, joy, peace.
Accept congratulations on your birthday,
We wish you all the best!

Orthodox funny birthday greetings

May the Lord bless
For worthy deeds!
And directs the hand
On the path of the righteous you!

You believe him for this
And serve well.
Happy Birthday,
Live without sin!

Happy Birthday Orthodox in verse

christian birthday
It's so hard to wish...
There is nothing better than God's salvation!!
Who can give more than God?
Empty stamps about health ...
Why are they, if you are Christ's;
You are healed by holy blood
And by faith - truly healthy!
Good luck, change is a bird...
Wanting her is a waste of time!
Accept whatever happens!
Good luck does not give happiness!

Short birthday greetings orthodox

Be brave like Christ always
May they praise God for you!
Warm up everyone. comfort, warm
lead to salvation quickly!

Orthodox congratulation-rhyme for your birthday

I so want to congratulate you on your birthday,
And wish so many kind words.
So that you are sensitive to God's commands,
Was humble. Not looking for ranks.
It's your birthday today
Happy, the best day of the year.
So may all the blessings
Today they will come into your life!

Orthodox congratulations on your birthday

You're over... but you're so energetic.
You, as always, are on the front lines.
And I wish you good health
And strength on your birthday!

Let for someone the cottage is a hobby,
And let the other one lie on the sofa,
Do you fulfill Christ's order,
And He will bless you in everything!

Beautiful Orthodox birthday greetings

We wish well-being
Wealth, great joys ...
But everything that the world offers
In comparison with Heaven - only pennies! ..

What to wish a Christian
What is the happiness of God's child?
Live by Christ! Let it not get cold
Neither faith nor your love!

Hold on to Christ at all times,
which God gives
And celebrate your birthday with God!
Here's everything you could wish for!

When preparing Christian birthday greetings, you need to remember and take into account that they are not suitable for everyone. If a person is a deeply religious person, then why not try to arrange your congratulations with a Christian theme. Particular attention, on a birthday, needs to be focused on words.

The message from the Internet immediately disappears, although there you can look at interesting parables to then include them in your speech. So, the words should be sincere, good-natured, without a shadow of irony and sarcasm. Finish the congratulation by singing "many years" to the birthday man.

On your birthday, on this bright holiday,
When an angel comes to visit us,
I come with a bouquet of greeting words,
I must repay the one who is born.
May God always keep your humility,
More important than a career in life is honor,
God bless your work,
And happiness will be if there is faith!

Candles burn in the temple, healing
With its fire trembling sick.
Hope never fades
And no more worries of the past.
The Lord commanded us to accept humbly
And duty, and service, and he will forgive us,
When we kneel before him
In prayer hour, blessed hour!

What to wish a Christian
When is he happy with his life?
When the only Creator
Is he healed of temptations?
What to wish but salvation
At the gates of the Lord at the right time?
Only an honest prayer
For the Lord and for all of us!
When temptations seduce us
Wrong paths of life
That delivers from hell
God is the only example!

You are older and wiser
And every time, in the hour of prayer,
You bend your knees
You serve as an example for all of us.
And on your birthday calmly
Hearing the words of honor
You will listen to everyone with dignity,
Your head won't spin.
You chief received a gift
From God - faith magic.
The Lord is with you, and forever bright
In the soul of his humble face!

There are times when we have to attend the most unusual holidays. Or you just know that at the celebration you will be a guest among a special audience. This means that a well-mannered person will behave accordingly, dress appropriately, give gifts and say toasts, too, will be what is acceptable in this situation.

For example, if you go to a priest's birthday party, or a church servant, or any employee of the church hierarchy, you need to thoroughly prepare and determine your line of conduct. The same applies to the case when, for example, you are invited to a birthday celebration with a God-loving person who does not occupy any church line, but, nevertheless, everyone knows him as a zealous Orthodox person.

In this case, you need to come up with a special Orthodox birthday greeting. Remember that you must dress modestly, excess makeup and jewelry will be redundant. Speak your congratulations not too loudly, without unnecessary gestures and without jokes.

For a long time already in Orthodoxy, in fact, from ancient times, they came up with congratulations on various holidays only in writing, the Orthodox have always been known for their writing, their gift of speech, they were good speakers. So, it will be very beautiful and solemn if you write down your Orthodox birthday greetings on a large postcard, even better - on paper, making it seem to come from ancient times - let it roll up like ancient papyri.

Burn the edges, make it yellowish-brown. Or you can even write your words (only very carefully) with lemon juice or milk. They will hardly be visible, and then, heating the paper from below, all the words will appear. You can even do this immediately before reading - it will be unusual, solemn and mysterious.

When composing an Orthodox birthday greeting, remember what needs to be mentioned. Be sure to refer to quotes from the Bible, wish the birthday man a long and happy life, peace of mind and joy, God's kindness.

On a bright birthday, we wish you warmth,
So that life is interesting and long,
So that there is comfort in the house, love and advice,
To know you did not know any grief or troubles.

What do you think, let it come true
All pleasant - let it be remembered.
Only let your eyes shine with happiness,
Good people are found everywhere.

May this day that you meet
A happy date will enter your life,
And all the good things you dream about
Let it come true and let it come.

Let the doors open in happiness
And everything that will be lived is not in vain.
You know we believe in you
And we love you very much!

May this day not be a noisy holiday,
Not a red day on the calendar
But he is happy and beautiful -
You appeared on earth!

And on this day there are no fireworks,
And a lot of people don't know about it.
Let many do not notice it,
But the main thing is that I remember him!

You have matured a year today
Just don't be sad, don't be sad.
You've gotten better this year
Have fun and laugh heartily.

Forget insults and hardships
Smile with heart and soul
In the heat, and in the cold, in the rain and in bad weather
You sing about happiness with your heart!

Be such that life loves you
And so that you do not live in vain in the world.
your birthday is coming
And on this wonderful summer day

Your close friend wishes you
So that the sun's ray does not hide the shadow.
To always shine with joy
In the house where you are

So that your laughter is for the joy of friends,
Fulfilled so that all dreams.
I wish to live long in the world
And don't be bored for a minute

Live and know that life is beautiful
And no matter how evil
Do not offend friends in vain,
Forgive and be kind.

In the fog of life's dreams
Sometimes alone at night
Someday among dreams
You quietly remember me!

Just like a brand new fifty dollars,
What sparkles and glitters
In this house, the birthday boy -
Dazzling to look at!

Because in a close circle
The whole family has gathered
Here sit friends, girlfriends,
That's why I'm here!

To express participation
(My soul is on fire)
Wish you success, happiness
And keep a great view!

No extra words, no extra phrases
With deep respect
Let us congratulate you
On the bright day of your birth.

What to wish you on this day
What blessings, what happiness?
To never be discouraged
Do not know sickness and misfortune.

So that you never know
No grief, no sadness
To comrades, friends
You were greeted with a smile everywhere.

On your birthday, a bright moment
Oh time, don't rush!
Love, health, eternal flowering

We wish you sincerely, with all our hearts!
And may your soul not know the cold,
Be beautiful, like a garden in bloom,
Because your heart is forever young
Save this beauty for the world!

On your birthday today
You can't count the years
On this very day, happy
We would like to wish:

Let wrinkles, but from laughter.
Not a problem and gray hair.
Let tears, but from happiness
You are always accompanied.

To smile in life
Your clear eyes
To happiness and health
Have always been a companion.

With all my heart I wish you
Much happiness and kindness.
I want what you dream
What do you always think about

So that pain and grief do not meet,
So that your laughter is always heard
I wish you great health,
Smiles, sun and warmth.

And let whatever you want come true
What goes wrong - will be forgotten,
Let the good in life multiply
And, like in a fairy tale, everything in life will turn out.

17 years, like the morning dawn!
All the best is ahead of you
But nothing is more important now
Than choosing a friend, goals and paths.

May the birds of happiness have strong wings
They will take you to a magical country,
So that you find unearthly joy,
The one you dreamed about.

Let everything bloom around you,
Let spring reign in your soul
May your peace and caress illuminate the house,
May life be full of this light.

On this day, on your birthday
Everyone is so happy and nice.
Give us a treat
for wide tables.

Every guest is your friend
Wish now wanted
Happiness at home and at work,
Long life and good deeds.

We wish well-being
Wealth, great joys ...
But everything that the world offers
In comparison with Heaven - only pennies! ..

What to wish a Christian
What is the happiness of God's child?
Live by Christ! Let it not get cold
Neither faith nor your love!

Hold on to Christ at all times,
which God gives
And celebrate your birthday with God!
Here's everything you could wish for!

Christian birthday greetings is exactly the solution that should satisfy the needs of every person who wants to kindly and heartily congratulate a loved one or relative. Such congratulatory words will enable the birthday man to feel all the emotions of the congratulator, understand him and feel his mood. You, in turn, will be able to leave a noticeable imprint in his memory, which, even after a few years, will remind you of you and the holiday as a whole.

One way or another, those congratulatory words that we suggest you take in this section of our website will help you bring a bright, warm and kind atmosphere to the holiday. The main thing here is to practice a little pronunciation at home so that at the most crucial moment your congratulations sound clear, confident and open. Give your loved one your love, surround him with care and say everything you think. Supplement pleasant words with some symbolic gift, and you can fill the birthday boy with true happiness in its purest form.

Choose any of the congratulations on the site, and give the people around you joy and emotional satisfaction.

Your birthday is today!
God bless you good health!
May only peace lurk in your hearth,
Warmed by happiness, joy, love!

We wish well-being
Wealth, great joys ...
But everything that the world offers
In comparison with Heaven - only pennies! ..

What to wish a Christian
What is the happiness of God's child?
Live by Christ! Let it not get cold
Neither faith nor your love!

Hold on to Christ at all times,
which God gives
And celebrate your birthday with God!
Here's everything you could wish for!

The candle does not go out, hope is strengthened,
May joy be in the heart and a blissful world,
Always let there be snow-white clothes,
So that at the trumpet hour the Lord called to the wedding feast.

This life is given to you by God
Everything is done with his permission.
Take it in full today
Birthday Wishes!

And may the Lord grant warmth,
Wisdom - thoughts, and the body - health.
So that you live with God in your soul,
Well, in the heart - with one love!

Let the angel guide you
Doesn't let you fall or stumble.
To be faithful friends
To have someone to smile at.

I wish you a birthday
And continue to live in the light of God,
Far from all decay
Always walk with Christ in your soul.

May God bless you
May joy give your soul
Rain pours abundance
In His great generosity.

Years pass, setting milestones
And we fly somewhere far away.
Sometimes we see success
There is sadness in life.

When we give life to God,
And in the house peace, love reigns,
Then, of course, we firmly know
That time does not fly in vain,

But leads us to the eternal goal
Earthly way to the land of heaven,
Where the sun of truth does not set
There is God's world, there is a land of miracles.

May God help you on your earthly journey
Not in vain to live the rest of the days
And add good to your days,
Keeping in His holy love.

Happy birthday, congratulations
Let the flowers grow around!
I wish you peace, joy
Lots of God's goodness.

May God bless
Keeps you firmly on the road
To the good, the tread directs,
To miss the target.

Let in a peaceful environment
Say a lot of kind words
And not just on birthdays.
Give lots of flowers.

I want you from the heart for your birthday
I wish you so much happiness
But our true blessing
Only the Heavenly Father can give.

Therefore my prayer to God
So that henceforth, by His grace,
The sun shone on your way
And in the light of God, everything is easy to bear.

And happiness is what you give to another
From the feelings that you take from the Lord.
May He shine brighter in those windows of the house,
Behind the glass of which you live ...

May the Lord be with you always,
May he keep you from all troubles.
Let there be people on your way
What do good, you do not know the troubles!

Earthly blessings to you and a lot of happiness.
May the Almighty keep from bad weather!
On your birthday - health forever.
Let the darkness recede, let there be light!

Happy birthday!
Happiness, peace I wish.
May the Lord keep you
A miracle will reign in life.

Let him send you health
For good deeds expanse.
Life to be glorious
I congratulate you!

» Christian birthday greetings to a woman

Christian birthday greetings - woman, man, mother

This life is given to you by God
Everything is done with his permission.
Take it in full today
Birthday Wishes!
And may the Lord grant warmth,
Wisdom - thoughts, and the body - health.
So that you live with God in your soul,
Well, in the heart - with one love!
Let the angel guide you
Doesn't let you fall or stumble.
To be faithful friends
To have someone to smile at.

Happy birthday, I heartily congratulate you
And I wish God's help in everything.
May an angel in heaven protect you
And let the house be a full bowl.
Let love fill everything in life
Faith will always help her.
Let health not leave you.
Happiness to you for many years!

Congratulations on a joyful and bright day - on the day when your star lit up in the sky, when a kind person was born. This person is you. Happy birthday. May God bless and illuminate your life path. Let the soul strive for happiness and good deeds. May there be health, prosperity and harmony in your home.

Let the soul be filled with bright faith,
And God will always be in your heart.
Let him guard your every step
And gives strength if you fall off your feet!
May the Lord bless you with health
Because you follow the commandments of God.
And let love reign in your soul
After all, there is nothing more precious in the world!

I wish you the main values ​​in life.
Peace, goodness and health, love!
Happy birthday, I congratulate you
To warm with the warmth of my words.
In a difficult moment, let God help
Let anyone help in the problem,
Let the angel protect you.
If sometimes it's sad -
Just remember something bright
Grace resurrecting in the soul.
Let every day be friendly.
Have fun, don't get sick, good!

May the Lord be with you always,
May he keep you from all troubles.
Let there be people on your way
What do good, you do not know the troubles!
Earthly blessings to you and a lot of happiness.
May the Almighty keep from bad weather!
On your birthday - health forever.
Let the darkness recede, let there be light!

I will not wish on your birthday
No wealth, no fame, no big house.
May the Lord grant you blessed peace
And do not judge you for the fall strictly.
I wish you happiness in life for many years.
Let your prayers be heard
To bright your look, no hardships
And the storms of life could not overshadow.

Happy birthday!
Happiness, peace I wish.
May the Lord keep you
A miracle will reign in life.
Let him send you health
For good deeds expanse.
Life to be glorious
I congratulate you!

Happy Birthday.
Remember the God of instruction
Do not sin, live by honor.
May the good news come!
Keep purity in your heart
Don't skimp on kindness
Don't hold grudges in your heart.
May the Lord keep you.

Happy Birthday
And I want to wish you
Chastity, humility,
To acquire meekness and love.
May the Almighty help
In good undertakings
The angel of light protects
The heart of the dearest.
Wisdom, patience,
Peace, joy and light,
Strongholds of Spiritual Forces
For many, good summers.

Happy birthday, I congratulate you
May the angel of heaven keep you
And may the mercy of the Lord be with you
It will be everywhere in your life.
May love be by your side
Let hope lead you to your goal
An angel will always be behind you
I wish you to believe in happiness.

Happy birthday christian sms

May the Lord bless you and send you strong strength and good health, joy of the soul and pure love of the heart, true happiness and bright hope on your birthday. May the angel keep you and help you overcome all life's obstacles.

4 sms - 240 characters

Happy birthday!
Happiness, peace I wish.
May the Lord keep you
A miracle will reign in life.
Let him send you health
For good deeds expanse.
Life to be glorious
I congratulate you!

3 sms - 198 characters

Happy Birthday.
Remember the God of instruction
Do not sin, live by honor.
May the good news come!
Keep purity in your heart
Don't skimp on kindness
Don't hold grudges in your heart.
May the Lord keep you.

3 sms - 198 characters

May everything in your life be good with God's blessing. May there be light and goodness in it. Happiness to you, faith and love! Happy birthday!

3 sms - 144 characters

I congratulate you on your birthday.
May the Lord always keep you.
And in life every moment
Let only joy fly to you.
Let your heart be calm
Everything is easy.
May personal happiness come
And troubles will be far away!

4 sms - 231 characters

On your birthday I wish
Understand your purpose
Health in the body and good luck,
Blessings, patience.
May life be filled with bright faith,
God bless,
Give kindness, love,
Spiritual strength and humility.

4 sms - 223 characters

We wish to live according to the canons of God,
So as not to tread on false roads,
And only follow the righteous
And find happiness along the way.
We wish you good and light,
After nights - always dawn,
Do not lose hope and faith -
Continue the path of life.

4 sms - 226 characters

Let no sorrows happen
And faith helps to live
You have support behind you
She keeps you safe.
The Lord is always and everywhere with you,
With him, everything is easy and nothing,
You know it yourself!
Love, good! Happy birthday!

4 sms - 212 characters

May the heart rejoice and the soul be filled with faith, may the Lord bless and send good hope on this bright and wonderful day, the day of your birthday. I wish you peace and health, mercy and generosity, love and happiness.

4 sms - 222 characters

God bless you. May light happiness and grace descend on your head on this bright day of your birth. I wish good and peace in life, sensitivity of the heart and mercy of the soul, good health and sincere love.

Christian birthday greetings

Don't let the day come when you lose faith
And you will quietly hate this world
For lies and emptiness, unbridledness beyond measure,
Cruelty and depravity, for a satanic feast. And from now on, my friend, wherever you are in the world,
In memory let them be forever:
White clothes, blue sky
Clean, clear water! Be like a rose - modest, sweet,
Be pure and gentle in your soul,
Let your life on earth flow
Like a snow-white flower of Christ! I really want that on this day
Your eyes shone with happiness!
Let the sadness shadow not slip into them,
Let all bad weather be forgotten!
I want to wish you
An abundance of warmth and light!
So that your soul is good
Was warmed up

God's blessing hand! Spring has entered its circle
bring awakening to nature.
And we hurry you, dear friend,
congratulations on this birthday!
Though the number of losses is multiplying,
and it's hard at heart.
We know that the Lord is coming -
This is very comforting for us!
And let God make his way,
without deviating to the left - to the right,
Find rest at His feet
and there to give Him all the Glory!
Well, now - to live with Jesus,
every day, blessing them,
Call on Him, serve Him,
waiting for the cherished meeting! I want to wish you LOVE
which is given by the Lord.
Her example, in His holy blood,
What about others, not about himself, bakes. I wanted to wish so much
But sometimes words are so small...
How you burned - burn for God's deeds!
Spare not your praise to Him. Congratulations to you from us - this is the time
We send kind words - these are two,
Being ahead all the time is three,
To live with everyone in peace, the streams ring with a bell,
They sing something spring ...
Dear our brother,
Happy Birthday to You. I want to wish you an abundance of warmth and light,
So that your soul is warmed with goodness.
May it always be over you
God's blessing hand! What can a Christian wish for a Christian? -
To walk in holiness and purity,
To direct your gaze to God - not to the world,
Keep what God has given you to keep. We wish you from the heart for your birthday
We wish you so much happiness

christian birthday

There is nothing better than God's salvation!!
Who can give more than God? happy birthday congratulations
We wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness
Do not get sick and do not grow old
Get younger year by year
To love the Lord
And you always walked with Him,
So that friends are not forgotten
We were visited more often
Not to cough, not to sneeze
Do not get sick and do not be bored.
To live long, long
And always be healthy. May the Lord keep you in life

We wish you all the best! May every new day bring joy

He will be your Helper Himself. I wish you wealth in knowledge
And gain wisdom from God
So that at the age of Christ perfect
In the years of youth you could reach. You're over... but you're so energetic.

And I wish you good health
And strength on your birthday!
Let for someone the cottage is a hobby,

And He will bless you in everything! I want you from the heart for your birthday

But our true blessing
Only the Heavenly Father can give.
Therefore my prayer to God

Behind the glass of which you live ... May God bless you in everything,
You strive to be like Him
And may He guide your path
Among the thorns of the earth to the holy heights. Years go by
You're standing on the edge again
And God is and was with you
And He helped you in everything.
God Himself kept you by hand
He showed you many blessings,
And in grief was always with you
He has not forgotten you anywhere.
He carried you, and together the burden
He helped carry you
And with a strong hand all the time
He delivered you more than once.

But not alone, but with Him in everything
And it will never be hard
Nowhere on your earthly path.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! With all my heart, with great excitement,
In which, without finding words,
We congratulate you on your birthday,
Have a wonderful holiday!
We wish you a lot, a lot of happiness,
Good and big love
Let bad weather bypass you
On a long journey.
Let your life flow like a river
Among the high shores
And let them always be a support
Hope, Faith and Love.

Orthodox birthday greetings

Congratulations : Christian

Happy birthday verse orthodox

Years go by
You're standing on the edge again
And God is and was with you
And He helped you in everything.
God Himself kept you by hand
He showed you many blessings,
And in grief was always with you
He has not forgotten you anywhere.
He carried you, and together the burden
He helped carry you
And with a strong hand all the time
He delivered you more than once.
Go to the glorious, wonderful goal,
But not alone, but with Him in everything
And it will never be hard
Nowhere on your earthly path.

Original Orthodox congratulations on your birthday

You will give us
We will praise
And you won't give
We will reproach!
Give me the pie!

Straw beard!
You are the owner man
Open the chest
Give me a piglet!

I am a little boy
He brought a sheaf to Christ.
Congratulations on the holiday
I wish you health!

Happy Birthday Orthodox in verse

Soul bells are ringing
And grace in the heart.
Your birthday is already
It's time to meet.
May you have in life
Only happiness and goodness.
And fate will take forever
Any grief, evil ...
Let not only in trifles,
Big luck!
Be with your head on your shoulders
Then success will come!

Orthodox best birthday greetings

May every new day bring joy
And let the house be filled with peace.
Love and meekness, mercy, goodness
Let them be the qualities of your heart.

Let the love for the Creator not go out,
But it gets stronger. In thanksgiving prayer
Open to Christ your dreams, desires -
He will be your Helper Himself.

Birthday congratulations Orthodox

What to wish a Christian
What is the happiness of God's child?
Neither faith nor your love!
which God gives
Here is my wish!
Without grumbling and without torment
Face adversity and fight
Praise Christ for justification
Pray with thanksgiving!
Work with a young soul
To not know sadness!
What more could you wish for!

Short Orthodox birthday greetings

May the Lord keep you in life
Sends happiness, joy, peace.
Accept congratulations on your birthday,
We wish you all the best!

Orthodox funny birthday greetings

May the Lord bless
For worthy deeds!
And directs the hand
On the path of the righteous you!

You believe him for this
And serve well.
Happy Birthday,
Live without sin!

Happy Birthday Orthodox in verse

christian birthday
It's so hard to wish...
There is nothing better than God's salvation!!
Who can give more than God?
Empty stamps about health ...
Why are they, if you are Christ's;
You are healed by holy blood
And by faith - truly healthy!
Good luck, change is a bird...
Wanting her is a waste of time!
Accept whatever happens!
Good luck does not give happiness!

Short birthday greetings orthodox

Be brave like Christ always
May they praise God for you!
Warm up everyone. comfort, warm
lead to salvation quickly!

Orthodox congratulation-rhyme for your birthday

I so want to congratulate you on your birthday,

Today they will come into your life!

Orthodox congratulations on your birthday

You're over... but you're so energetic.
You, as always, are on the front lines.
And I wish you good health
And strength on your birthday!

Let for someone the cottage is a hobby,
And let the other one lie on the sofa,
Do you fulfill Christ's order,
And He will bless you in everything!

Beautiful Orthodox birthday greetings

We wish well-being
Wealth, great joys ...

What to wish a Christian
What is the happiness of God's child?
Live by Christ! Let it not get cold
Neither faith nor your love!

Hold on to Christ at all times,
which God gives
And celebrate your birthday with God!
Here's everything you could wish for!

Orthodox birthday greetings in verse to a woman

I want you from the heart for your birthday
I wish you so much happiness
But our true blessing
Only the Heavenly Father can give.
Therefore my prayer to God
So that henceforth, by His grace,
The sun shone on your way
And in the light of God, everything is easy to bear.
And happiness is what you give to another
From the feelings that you take from the Lord.
May He shine brighter in those windows of the house,
Behind the glasses of which you live ... Happy birthday, congratulations,
Let the flowers grow around!
I wish you peace, joy
Lots of God's goodness.
May God bless
Keeps you firmly on the road
To the good, the tread directs,
To miss the target.
Let in a peaceful environment
Say a lot of kind words
And not just on birthdays.
Give lots of flowers. christian birthday
It's so hard to wish...
There is nothing better than God's salvation!!
Who can give more than God?
Blank stamps about health...
Why are they, if you are Christ's;
You are healed by holy blood
And by faith - truly healthy!
Good luck, change is a bird...
Wanting her is a waste of time!
Accept whatever happens!
Good luck does not give happiness! We wish well-being
Wealth, great joys ...
But everything that the world offers
In comparison with Heaven - only pennies! ..
What to wish a Christian
What is the happiness of God's child?
Live by Christ! Let it not get cold
Neither faith nor your love!
Hold on to Christ at all times,
which God gives
And celebrate your birthday with God!
Here's everything you could wish for! On your birthday today
You can't count the years
On this very day, happy
We would like to wish:
Let wrinkles, but from laughter.
Not a problem and gray hair.
Let tears, but from happiness
You are always accompanied.
To smile in life
Your clear eyes
To happiness and health
Have always been a companion. In the fog of life's dreams
Sometimes alone at night
Someday among dreams
You quietly remember me!
Just like a brand new fifty dollars,
What sparkles and glitters
In this house, the birthday boy -
Dazzling to look at!
Because in a close circle
The whole family has gathered
Here sit friends, girlfriends,
That's why I'm here!
To express participation
(My soul is on fire)
Wish you success, happiness
And keep a great view! May this day that you meet
A happy date will enter your life,
And all the good things you dream about
Let it come true and let it come.
Let the doors open in happiness
And everything that will be lived is not in vain.
You know we believe in you
And we love you very much! Years go by
You're standing on the edge again
And God is and was with you
And He helped you in everything.
God Himself kept you by hand
He showed you many blessings,
And in grief was always with you
He has not forgotten you anywhere.
He carried you, and together the burden
He helped carry you
And with a strong hand all the time
He delivered you more than once.
Go to the glorious, wonderful goal,
But not alone, but with Him in everything
And it will never be hard
Nowhere on your earthly path.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Soul bells are ringing
And grace in the heart.
Your birthday is already
It's time to meet.
May you have in life
Only happiness and goodness.
And fate will take forever
Any grief, evil ...
Let not only in trifles,
Big luck!
Be with your head on your shoulders
Then success will come! May every new day bring joy
And let the house be filled with peace.
Love and meekness, mercy, goodness
Let them be the qualities of your heart.
Let the love for the Creator not go out,
But it gets stronger. In thanksgiving prayer
Open to Christ your dreams, desires -
He will be your Helper Himself. What to wish a Christian
What is the happiness of God's child?
Live by Christ! Let it not get cold
Neither faith nor your love!
Hold on to Christ at all times,
which God gives
And celebrate your birthday with God!
Here is my wish!
Without grumbling and without torment
Face adversity and fight
Praise Christ for justification
Pray with thanksgiving!
Work with a young soul
To not know sadness!
My dear friend, the Lord is with you!
What more could you wish for! May the Lord keep you in life
Sends happiness, joy, peace.
Accept congratulations on your birthday,
We wish you all the best! May the Lord bless
For worthy deeds!
And directs the hand
On the path of the righteous you!
You believe him for this
And serve well.
Happy Birthday,
Live without sin! Be brave like Christ always
May they praise God for you!
Warm up everyone. comfort, warm
lead to salvation quickly! I so want to congratulate you on your birthday,
And wish so many kind words.
So that you are sensitive to God's commands,
Was humble. Not looking for ranks.
It's your birthday today
Happy, the best day of the year.
So may all the blessings
Today they will come into your life! We wish well-being
Wealth, great joys ...
But everything that the world offers
In comparison with Heaven - only pennies! ..
What to wish a Christian
What is the happiness of God's child?
Live by Christ! Let it not get cold
Neither faith nor your love!
Hold on to Christ at all times,
which God gives
And celebrate your birthday with God!
Here's everything you could wish for!

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