Children's drawings 2 3. Drawing lessons with young children. Development of fine motor skills

Hope Tyurina

It is known that an early age plays an important role in the development of mental processes. The most significant and relevant in this

age is Painting. Using various drawing techniques, including unconventional the educator instills a love for the fine arts, arouses interest in drawing. Kindergarten can use a variety of methods and techniques non-traditional drawing.

There are many non-traditional drawing technician, their unusualness lies in the fact that they allow children to quickly achieve the desired result.

So for children of the first younger group with drawing appropriate to use technology"hand drawing"(palm, fingers, imprint with stamps from potatoes)

Children with curiosity, joy and pleasure traces of paint on their palms and on a sheet of paper. At drawing with their palm, children first leave a handprint on a piece of paper, and then finish painting according to the instructions of the educator. Working with children in the first junior group the teacher himself can draw.

Painting potatoes attracts children with its unusualness. In this technique you can draw animals, train wheels, balls and much more. To do this, the child presses the seal against the ink pad and makes an impression on the paper.

Finger Technics used after the development of the lakes hand drawing.

It should be noted that the success unconventional techniques largely depends on what methods and techniques the teacher uses to convey certain content to children, among them: conversation, reading fairy tales, reading fiction.

Drawing is a fascinating art for children. You can start "painting" even with one-year-old babies, and children of 3-4 years old actively improve their skills.

The benefits of drawing

Drawing classes bring enormous benefits to kids:

  • improve fine motor skills of the hands, teach them how to properly control their body - after all, not only the upper limbs, but also the muscles of the back and chest are involved in the process of drawing;
  • help to express their emotions, during classes you can learn how to convey your mood on paper, as well as get a lot of pleasure from the results of your own work;
  • develop the ability to analyze, compare and draw conclusions - vigorous brain activity occurs even if the child simply draws a pencil on paper;
  • improve memory, enrich speech - the child learns the names of new objects and phenomena,;
  • form useful qualities of character: perseverance, self-confidence, purposefulness, attentiveness.

Drawing classes with children 3-4 years old are best done using pencils or paints. It is undesirable to use felt-tip pens and a ballpoint pen, because the traces left by them on the body and clothes are much more difficult to erase. Using a variety of techniques and aids, you can combine this exciting activity with other types of creativity.

How to organize the process?

Before starting work, you should come to terms with the only unpleasant consequence of classes: most likely, not only hands, but also clothes, tables, chairs and other items will be dirty. You can cause minimal damage to the environment if you conduct classes in the bathroom or in the courtyard of a private house. If the child will paint with paints, then you can put a rug on the floor, cover the table with a disposable plastic tablecloth. It is better to put on clothes for a young artist that you don’t mind getting dirty. Be sure to stock up on wet wipes, prepare various pictures and stencils.

Simple tricks

Of course, the kid will not be able to immediately depict a complex picture, first you need to teach the child to draw.

  • Wonder coloring.

With the help of books with stencils of animals, people and other images, the child will learn to change the color of the drawing without violating the boundaries of the contour. Pencils will help to shade, and paints will help to paint over different areas, using the entire color palette.

  • Image of geometric shapes.

Straight and broken lines, various waves, spirals, semicircles will help the child depict the surface of the earth, the sun's rays or clouds. One of the most favorite children's shapes is dots. They will definitely come in handy to draw rain, falling snow or freckles on a red-haired girl.

With the help of a triangle, you can get the wings of a butterfly, an oval - a suitable body for a hedgehog and a person or an Easter egg, and a circle - a bicycle wheel, a child's face, a cherry berry.

  • original helpers

It is difficult for a small child to make a perfect picture, but its quality can be significantly improved by using various additional items. It is enough to dip not a brush, but a cotton swab into the paints, in order to then create a beautiful bunch of grapes on paper.

A good idea is to draw stars on it with wax crayons before painting over the sheet with watercolor paint (they can be drawn by mom or another adult). The kid will shade the picture in blue, on which the images will appear. Get an amazing night starry sky.

Drawings can be done not with a brush, but with various stencils. If you take half a potato and apply paint on it, and then attach it to an album sheet, you get a wonderful ball, sun or other round object. Using the same technology, with the help of cauliflower, we will find a sprawling tree, and a sponge for dishes will make it possible to create a sea or sand.

Hands can be used too! A classic of the genre is the imprint of a small palm on a sheet. In addition, it is enough to smear the fingertips in the paint, and then touch the canvas to create a chamomile or beautiful beads.

It is also easy to combine application and drawing in one work. First, the base is glued onto the landscape sheet: collected and dried leaves, carved figures of people or animals. After that, it remains to finish the picture. It is enough to depict the sky, the earth and a few simple details. Such drawing lessons will give the kid self-confidence when he sees the result of the mix of the application and his creativity.

  • "Wet" technique

Paint is dripped onto the album sheet with plenty of water. You can make an interesting silhouette of a tree or a fabulous monster. It is enough to blow on the paint from the tube, and it will spread under the action of air.

Adults should not forget that while drawing, we all become a little children. It is important not only to help the baby during the process, but also to get a lot of positive emotions, to become closer to your child. Be sure to create together, draw with children. And if something goes wrong, for example, paint spills or clothes get dirty, then you definitely shouldn’t get upset. After all, the main goal of such classes is a great mood.

Many people think that drawing is an artistic "science" that is not subject to everyone. In fact, the craving for art awakens in a person in early childhood, but without a certain development of abilities, it weakens over the years.

So is it possible to teach a child to draw, especially if they were born who do not know how to do this? When to start the educational process and with what exactly? Finally, is it necessary to send the baby to an art school or a drawing circle in the future?

At what age do children start drawing?

Children begin to be interested in drawing quite early, taking an example from their parents, brothers and sisters, who write something on paper. However, in a general sense, the craving for drawing is manifested in babies aged from 1 to 1.5 years.

And if at first the child’s drawings are more like a doodle-doodle, then closer to 5 years (and up to 15 years), an actively developing fantasy helps kids create real masterpieces on paper.

The benefits of drawing for child development

It is almost impossible to evaluate all the positive aspects of drawing in childhood - its influence on kids is so huge that the development of the entire personality of the child falls under the "sight".

In a general sense, drawing:

  • forms in the baby a sincere sense of beauty and a desire to create something beautiful;
  • develops the mind and imagination of the baby and helps to master new "tools" for understanding the world: felt-tip pens, brushes, pencils;
  • the child learns to convey surrounding objects with his paintings and at the same time is engaged in useful work.

Where to start?

The first drawing lessons can take place already when the baby learns to hold objects in his hands. At this point, mom can hand him pencils and help him draw a simple line on paper.

Let it be not quite even and even “move out” from the album to the table. It is much more important that the child understands that his “manipulations” can subsequently turn into something really beautiful!

Pencils or markers?

Giving pencils to kids without adult supervision is not worth it so that they do not accidentally get hurt by them. However, under vigilant supervision, children can draw with felt-tip pens and a brush - especially since they make the first samples of the "pen" with the help of coloring books.

Who will refuse to draw the hero of your favorite book, the finished image of which lies in front of you on paper? It's hard to make a mistake and do something wrong!

And what exactly?

Some people find that pencils or thin felt-tip pens are not very convenient to use. At least for kids of two years old: their lead often breaks, and the rod is pressed inward.

However, only by giving the child the opportunity to choose something of his own from the variety of options will you help him find his favorite "tool" for drawing.

Paints or crayons?

A two-year-old kid can draw with almost everything: with finger paints and bold felt-tip pens - on paper, with bright crayons - right on the asphalt or board. It is generally most convenient to draw with the latter, since they are soft, and the lines behind them leave clear.

It will be a little more difficult to master gouache and paints, because they imply not only the desire to sculpt something, but also a certain creative technique.

A miracle of technology!

Recently, shops have begun to sell completely amazing things for drawing: a set for creativity with glitter on velvet paper or amazing felt-tip pens that a kid can blow into. And it's truly wonderful!

Drawing lessons for kids from 2 to 4 years old

It is necessary to teach a child who is 2-3 years old to draw from mastering the simplest techniques. At the same time, it is very important to be attentive to the needs of the baby to create and not to make fun of his diligent scratching with a pencil on paper.

The condescending attitude of adults to children's drawings leads to the fact that the child may consider drawing an empty occupation and refuse it.

What will be required?

Take bright colors, paper (the larger the sheets, the better), good brushes, a soft sponge and a glass of water. It is best to dress in something that is not a pity to get dirty - even an apron bought for drawing will not save you from stains when a young artist is only 3-4 years old!

How much time to devote to classes?

You need to teach a kid to draw for 10-20 minutes 2-3 times a week so that he does not get tired, but the craving for fine arts is not lost in the end.

Techniques for developing drawing skills

the freedom of action

For this lesson, glossy white paper and watercolors are taken. Have your little one dip the brush into the paint can and drip directly onto the paper! The bizarre patterns with which it spreads will look like magical pictures!

Sponge, not Bob

For this lesson, gouache and a large sheet of paper are taken. Have the child dip their pen into the paint and wring it out a little. Let him leave a “signature” on the sheet with his hand, and with a sponge rolled into a roll, make the final artistic “touches” next to it.

In a similar way, you can draw on paper and with your fingers: dilute the gouache with water so that it turns into “sour cream”, and pour it onto a plate. Using a wide brush, apply paint to the baby's fingers and ask them to leave their autograph on the sheet.

Wet style

A thick and large sheet of paper should be wetted under water for a couple of seconds. Now put it on a tray and invite your child to paint watercolors on it. Given the condition of the surface, the paint will spread on it, mix and create amazing “wet” patterns.

Scarlet flower

To teach a child to draw something really memorable, you can do this: dip the child’s finger in green and, holding his hand, draw a stem along with him on paper. A handprint will act as a bud, and in the end you will get a wonderful flower!

This technique can be successfully used to depict other objects. Try to use it to depict a tree or a cheerful giraffe with a baby.

Drawing lessons with children over 4 years old

The age of four is a fertile time for mastering more complex drawing techniques. Already during this period, it is worth sending the baby to art school, but if for some reason this does not work out, you can teach him to draw by yourself.

Together is more fun

Get ready for the fact that you will have to do this together, since it is from your drawings that he will take the right example. Try to draw brightly, specifically and not be distracted by too small details.

Tell about everything

Accompany the drawing process with a fascinating story so that the child understands what you are doing.

Master the figures

The most important thing is to teach the kid to draw geometric shapes that will become the basis of the desired images, regardless of whether it is an animal or a person.

How to draw a tree?

At 4 years old, you need to start with a simple one: with an ordinary green Christmas tree, which is cold in winter.

Below we attach step-by-step instructions for creating an "artistic" tree and a picture - so that the child understands the principle of work.

  1. We draw a line on the sheet leading from top to bottom. We draw slightly curved lines from it, which will be the branches of our Christmas tree.
  2. Now we will try to “outline” these lines with needles: as shown in the figure. When all the branches become fluffy, paint over the Christmas tree in green.

Similarly, you can depict a birch and other types of trees.

Learn to draw animals

Draw a hedgehog

  1. Draw the needles of a hedgehog on paper using a zigzag, and then add ears to it.
  1. Connect them with an oval to make a head.

  1. Draw the hedgehog's nose, eyes and mouth and reward the hedgehog with a belly.

  1. Draw his legs and arms.

  1. It remains to draw the needles as shown in the picture. The hedgehog is ready!

Draw a donkey

Drawing a donkey on paper is also much easier than you thought.

We perform the following steps step by step:

  1. We draw a simple oval on paper, then divide it with a line into two parts, in the upper of which we draw the eye of a donkey, and in the lower - nostrils and mouth.
  2. Now we attach the ears to the donkey, drawing two “cucumbers” on the sheet. Just below the head, draw another oval - this will be the torso of the donkey, which we will connect to the head with two "neck" lines.
  3. Now you need to add legs to the animal, drawing them at the bottom of the body, and a real tail, placing it on the side.

Donkey is ready! It remains to color it as fantasy tells!

Draw a cat and a dog

In the same way, you can draw a cat and a dog. The step-by-step technique for depicting a cat is shown in the following figure:

The main thing: to make it clear to the baby that drawing animals is not difficult, if we take geometric shapes as a basis (in this case, these are circles and semicircles) and show a bit of imagination.

In the same way, you can draw a dog:

How to draw a person?

How to teach a child to draw a man? Not as easy as you would like, but not as difficult as it seems. Begin!

Scheme of the image of a man in full growth

1. Draw an oval and a rectangle on the sheet (as shown in the picture), and then attach them with a line to each other. We finish the little man's legs and arms with fingers.

2. Then add two lines to the arms to make them appear thicker. We will do the same with the legs. Now let's draw a person's ears (two semicircles on the sides) and make a hairstyle.

3. A person's face deserves special attention, but drawing his features - mouth, nose and eyebrows, will be easy if you first look at the drawing. We add a neck to the person and finish drawing a shirt with a collar.

5. We draw him trousers and boots, draw palms. There is nothing left: erase the auxiliary lines, outline the contours and decorate the person.

Draw a human figure in motion and a face

Similarly, you can depict a person in motion or draw a portrait of him. The step by step process is detailed in the following picture:

Drawing circle: when and why?

By the age of 6, a preschooler who is actively involved in drawing already knows how to create with paints and pencils. If his drawings differ significantly from the work of his peers (for the better), send the preschooler to a circle so that an experienced teacher continues to work with him.

To choose a good circle, it is enough to find out if there is a private school or a House of Creativity in your area. Very often, ordinary art teachers conduct such classes right in schools (without age restrictions).

Individual lessons

If you want your child to create professionally at the age of 6, send him to individual lessons. Their advantages are that:

  • the teacher visits you at a convenient time;
  • you choose the program in which the child will study (for example, drawing portraits);
  • Lessons are paid according to the fact of the lesson.

Individual lessons also have disadvantages: they are not cheap, and finding a good teacher can be difficult.

Summing up

Any way to teach a child to draw is good - both at 1 year old and at 5 years old, because it develops imagination and allows you to spend a little more time with your baby.

At the same time, it is not so important whether you will strictly follow a certain methodology or develop an individual artistic program on your own. It is important that these activities are interesting for the child and are varied.

And even if a real artist does not grow out of your baby in the future, drawing lessons will still have a beneficial effect on his development and the correct perception of the world around him.

We are glad of our new meeting, dear readers, and we hope that this joy is mutual. Today we will discuss how to correctly organize drawing for children 3-4 years old.

After reading the article, you will know:

  • why drawing a three-year-old;
  • what to expect from a three-year-old artist;
  • how to organize a drawing lesson at home;
  • how to draw with a child if you don't know how to draw.

Why is it important to draw with a three-year-old?

We are already talking about the advantages of drawing for a preschooler. At the age of three or four years, classes with gouache and watercolors, felt-tip pens and pencils, colored pens and crayons make a huge contribution to the formation of the child's personality:

  • instill skills for independent work;
  • develop emotional responsiveness;
  • contribute to the development of perseverance;
  • teach perseverance and accuracy;
  • cultivate a sense of beauty;
  • stimulate the imagination.

If professionals from development centers or kindergarten teachers are engaged in drawing with your child, at home you can draw by analogy or give your child complete freedom of creativity. But if the baby is “home”, you need to be puzzled by this issue and organize classes in such a way that they harmoniously combine benefits, efficiency and pleasure.

Features of drawing in 3-4 years

By the age of three, the child already understands well what shape, size and color are. It matches images with real objects. Carefully examines landscapes. Drawing at this age, children try to recreate the images of familiar objects, embody their fantasies and real ideas about the world on paper. But, of course, it is not yet necessary to speak seriously about visual technique.

Toddlers are just learning the simplest tricks:

  • hatching;
  • painting;
  • stamping;
  • drawing with fingers and palms, etc.

By creating a conducive environment for drawing at home, you encourage your child to create the way he wants to, and when he wants to. This is very important for the formation of a persistent interest in the arts, the education of creative freedom. But it is also important to form and direct creative abilities, improving visual skills, aesthetic ideas, and the child's perception of shapes and colors.

It is important that at this age the interest in the process of drawing itself develops into an interest in the quality of the created drawing. Discuss your artist's creations. Let him tell what he depicted on the sheet and why he did it that way: what colors he chose, where he placed the drawn objects, etc.

How to organize a drawing lesson

Create a game situation

In a clear, simple and interesting way, set a task for the child.

For example, you can announce: today we will create a drawing on the theme "spring".

  • Discuss what happens in spring with nature.
  • Consider together reproductions of "spring" paintings by famous artists: Ivan Shishkin, Alexei Savrasov, Isaac Levitan, Pavel Bryullov and others.
  • Suggest what can be drawn within the framework of the designated topic: flowers, lush grass, bright spring sun, an overflowing river, a tree covered with young greenery, birds flying from the warm edges.

You can turn the lesson into a game: say that spring cannot enter into its possessions, because it is lost. We need to help her find her way by decorating the path with beautiful pictures.

Fantasize, invent your own stories, use your favorite characters of your heir or heiress.

Let your child create their own drawing.

Try to pronounce the task in such a way at the first stage so that the child does the direct drawing on his own.

  • Discuss in advance step by step what the baby will draw.
  • Show him on a separate sheet how to depict the subject.
  • Offer a sample created on the spot or in advance.

But give your child the opportunity to work independently. Don't customize it. Don't draw for him. And, most importantly, do not criticize his efforts.

Help improve the image

When the drawing is ready, pay the attention of the young creator to how you can refine the individual details of his creation. What colors would be appropriate in this case. How to correct the shape of a drawn object. Refine the drawing yourself or ask the author to do it.

Analyze results

Children's drawings created at such a tender age are beautiful without exception. Feel free to praise your artist.

He is really good:

  • studied;
  • tried;
  • created,
  • listened to you attentively;
  • managed as yet naughty fingers.

It is important that in the end he receives approval and recognition. But at the same time, do not forget to gently and carefully discuss how to draw even better next time, even more interesting, even more beautiful.

Stamp everything

At 3-4 years old, almost all kids are delighted by drawing with stamps. Although stamping is generally regarded as an unconventional painting technique, it has become so widespread in recent times that it is as popular as the more common methods of drawing an image on a canvas.

The advantages of drawing with stamps are obvious:

  • Allows you to create interesting drawings without artistic skills.
  • Helps to learn colors.
  • Stimulates the desire to draw.
  • Develops fine motor skills.
  • Trains out-of-the-box thinking.

When stamping, they draw with fingers and palms, cotton buds and foam rubber, potatoes and cauliflower ... There are practically no limits for imagination. Moreover, the production of stamps, which, of course, falls on the parents' shoulders, perfectly develops the creative abilities of adults. You will be surprised how interesting it turns out to be to cut out stars and hearts from carrots for your beloved child or to think of something else to adapt to this incredibly addictive activity. You will draw with your beloved baby, even if you previously thought that you could not draw.

Any wishes, comments or questions? Write to us - we always welcome feedback from our readers.

Happy parenting, dear friends!

Master class "Drawing for the little ones."

Shatokhina Rita Vyacheslavovna, teacher of additional education, MBU DO "House of Children's Creativity in Kalininsk, Saratov Region."
This master class is intended for teachers of additional education, educators of preschool educational institutions. The master class will also be of interest to young artists from 4 years old and their parents.
Purpose: this master class is a small drawing course for the smallest, which shows how to draw with geometric shapes.
Target: creating conditions for obtaining drawing skills.
Tasks: teach your child how to draw familiar images using geometric shapes;
to instill skills to work accurately with paints and a brush;
develop creative imagination and fine motor skills of the hand.
Young children come to classes in my association, but they really want to draw. From the experience of working with children, I realized that it is easier for them to draw with geometric shapes. Children draw according to my show, in stages. When starting a lesson, I never tell the children what we are going to draw today. From experience I know that they are so interesting. In the process, they guess who they are drawing, and it gives them a lot of joy. And everyone's drawings are different.

Drawing master class for children "Snail"

Prepare: A4 landscape sheet, watercolor paints, brushes of different sizes, a jar of water and a napkin.

Before starting to draw, I tell the children that the paints are sleeping and they need to be awakened, gently stroking them with a brush, we will wake up the yellow paint first and start painting.
We draw a bun in the center of the sheet, gradually unwinding the brush, and then draw an arc with brown paint.

We turn the arc into a loop.

We draw horns and paint over.

We decorate the house of the snail.

We draw eyes, a mouth of a snail. Next, the children themselves come up with and decorate the background of the picture: where is the snail?

Children's work:

Drawing master class for children "Turtle".

We draw a “kolobok” in the center of the sheet with yellow paint, draw 4 loops with brown paint.

The fifth loop is drawn larger in size, we paint over all the loops.

We draw eyes-circles, from the beginning with white paint, then black.

Decorate the turtle shell. The child can come up with his own pattern.

Drawing master class for children "Fish"

We draw a “kolobok” with yellow paint, draw arcs: from above and below, it turned out, as it were, an eye.

We draw a fish tail-triangle. Then decorate the fish with red paint. draw by applying a brush: mouth, fins.

We draw scales, decorate the tail.

We "print" with a brush: draw pebbles and water, draw lines with green algae paint.

We draw the eyes of the fish with black paint. Black paint likes to play pranks, so we are especially careful with it.

"Winter meadow".

We take a blue sheet, A4 format. We draw koloboks with white paint. We draw lines, draw snowdrifts.

With brown paint we draw a trunk and twigs of trees, hands, eyes, a mouth and a broom for a snowman.

We decorate the picture with snowflakes. We decorate the snowman: we draw a bucket on the head and a scarf. Children complete the drawing, decorate.

By the same principle, you can draw an autumn forest, only initially the koloboks will be yellow, orange and green, and the leaf fall, we draw by applying a brush, we print. Works of children:

Drawing master class for children "Hedgehog".

We draw a "bun" with brown paint.

Draw a triangle nose.

Child's work.
We draw a clearing for a hedgehog, children fantasize.

Child work:

Drawing master class for children "Frog".

We take a blue sheet, A4 format. We draw in the center of the "bun" with green paint.

We draw one more "kolobok", and on top two "bridges".

We draw paws for a frog, we draw the attention of children that the paws of a frog differ in their structure, which helps the frog to jump well and hold on even on the most slippery surface.

We draw a frog mouth, eyes. We decorate the picture, having previously talked with the children: where does the frog live?

Drawing master class for children "Cockerel".

We draw a large bun-torso, a smaller bun - the head. We connect them with smooth lines, we get a neck.

We draw a cock legs-triangles and a tail, lines-arcs.

With red paint we draw a cockerel scallop (bridges), beak and beard, apply a brush.