Didactic games for the formation of grammatical structure. "Guess what story? "Who did we see?"

Didactic games. Morphology.

Name as many things as you can
Target: to exercise children in a clear pronunciation of words.
The teacher invites the children to look around themselves and name as many objects that surround them as possible (name only those that are in their field of vision)
The teacher makes sure that the children correctly and clearly pronounce the words, do not repeat. When the kids can no longer name anything themselves, the teacher can ask them leading questions: “What is hanging on the wall?” etc.

Olya's helpers
Target: form a form Numbers of verbs.
Material: Olya doll.
- Olya doll came to us with her assistants. I'll show them to you, and you can guess who these assistants are and what they help Olya to do.
The doll is walking on the table. The teacher points to her feet.
- What is it? (These are legs)
- They are Olya's helpers. What are they doing? (Walk, jump, dance, etc.)
Then he points to other parts of the body and asks similar questions, the children answer (take hands, draw ...; teeth chew, bite, gnaw ...; eyes look, blink ...)

multi-colored chest
Target: to teach children, when agreeing on nouns of the middle (feminine) gender with a pronoun, to focus on the end of the word.
Material : box, subject pictures by the number of children.


I put pictures
In a multi-colored box.
Come on, Ira, take a look,
Take out the picture, name it.

Children take out a picture and name what is shown on it.

Didactic games. Word formation.


Target: Expansion of the subject dictionary and dictionary of signs on the topic: "Food".


Educator: I will say 3 words, and you will name 2, similar in sound, related words:


Children: SUGAR - SUGAR-NY

Educator: Listen again to how these words sound.


What is common in their sound? What part of the word is repeated?

Children: "SUGAR".

Educator: How are these words different in sound?

Children: "NO".

Target: Strengthening the ability to form relative adjectives.



Children make up the words:






: The particle “NY” was added to the word SUGAR, which likes to stick to words. You see, the gnome in the picture (the speech therapist shows the drawn gnome in the picture), let's call it "NY". Let's put the gnome "NY" to the words drawn in the pictures. (At the same time, the picture of the product and the picture of the gnome “NY” are displayed).

Children make up the words:




Educator: Name what kind of drink you get from bread, kefir, lemon.

Children: Bread drink, kefir drink, lemon drink

Target: Agreement of adjectives with neuter nouns.


Educator: This morning the postman brought a parcel of jam (shows a jar of jam). What it is, we don't know.

Educator: Let's try to guess. Apple jam? Which?

Children: Apple jam. What kind of jam from a pear? Pear jam.

From cranberries? Cranberry jam. Plum? Plum jam. From strawberries? Strawberry jam. From raspberries? Raspberry jam. From cherry? Cherry jam. From a banana? Banana jam. From pineapple? Pineapple jam.

Educator: Repeat after me: pear, raspberry, cherry, banana, pineapple jam.

Children repeat.

Target: Creating a problem situation to consolidate the learned type of sentence.


caregiver takes an envelope from the table, takes out a letter from Dunno.

Educator: Received a letter from a stranger. Fix ignorant bugs caregiver reads): Lena bought cherry juice.

Children: Lena bought cherry juice.

Speech therapist instructions:

Vanya ate chocolate candy ... (chocolate candy)

Mom made mashed potatoes ... (mashed potatoes)

Dad cooked milk soup ... (milk soup)

Didactic games. Syntax.

Write a description

Target: to teach children to describe an object, naming its signs, qualities, actions.

Describe the berry or fruit that you love the most, and we will guess. ("It's round, red, juicy, delicious - it's my favorite ... tomato"; "It's maroon in color, and inside it has many, many different grains, sweet and ripe, this is my favorite fruit ... pomegranate" .)
Let us give an example of classes where all speech tasks are closely intertwined: the education of the sound culture of speech, vocabulary work, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech and the development of coherent speech.

Tell me more

Target: to develop the accuracy of word usage in coherent narrative stories.

Listen to what I'll tell. Where I stop, you will help me: choose words and make sentences.

Once upon a time there were three brothers: the wind, the breeze and the wind. The wind says: “I am the most important!” What could be the wind? (Strong, sharp, impetuous, cold ...) The windmill did not agree with his brother: “No, I am the most important, my name is the windfall!” What kind of wind? (Mighty, evil, harsh, icy.) The breeze listened to them and thought: “What am I?” (Light, gentle, pleasant, affectionate ...) The brothers argued for a long time, but they did not find out anything. They decided to measure their strength. Wind started to blow. What happened? (The trees swayed, the grass bent down to the ground.) What was the wind doing? (He blew, rushed, buzzed, grumbled.) The wind blew. What did he do? (He blew strongly, howled, howled, rushed swiftly.) What happened after that? (The branches near the trees broke, the grass died, the clouds came running, the birds and animals hid.) And then a breeze blew. What did he do (blew gently and gently, rustled leaves, played pranks, swayed twigs). What happened in nature? (The leaves rustled, the birds sang, it became cool and pleasant.)

Come up with a fairy tale about the wind, breeze or wind. It is possible about all at once. Who can they be in a fairy tale? (Brothers, rivals, friends, comrades.) What can they do? (Be friends, measure strength, argue, talk.)

Let's talk about white

Target: compose a joint story, observing the structure of the statement.

Let's look at the squirrel again (remember what she is, what she can do) and make up a story about a squirrel who met a wolf. First, tell me, what was the squirrel? (Brave, cheerful, nimble, resourceful.) And what kind of wolf? (Angry, angry, unkind.) I will begin to tell, and you finish. Once a squirrel ran for a walk ... (and to collect bumps). She climbed ... (on a tall pine tree). And on the pine cones ... (many, apparently invisible). I just plucked the first bump ... (I saw a wolf). But the squirrel ... (not scared). She threw ... (a bump right on the wolf). On his forehead ... (a lump has grown). Let's draw a squirrel, a pine tree, a wolf and a cone.

Let's give an example of a lesson that combines different speech tasks: the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, vocabulary work, the development of coherent speech.

Card file of didactic games for the development of the grammatical structure of speech of children of senior preschool age.

"Blurred Letter"

Target: Practice doing common exercises.

Material : Teddy bear.

Game progress :

Adult: - Teddy bear received a letter from his brother. But the rain blurred some of the words. We need to help him read the letter. Here is the letter: “Hello, Mishutka. I am writing to you from the zoo. Once I did not listen to my mother and climbed so far that ... I wandered through the forest for a long time and ... Coming out into the clearing, I fell ... I fell into a hole, because ... It was so deep that ... Hunters came and ... Now I I live in… We have a ground for… There are many in the ground for young animals… We play with… They are looked after… They love us because… Soon we will have a trainer from… I hope to get into… It’s great to be able to… Wait for the next letter from … Goodbye. Toptygin".

When reading a letter, an adult with intonation encourages children to complete sentences.

"Living Words"

Target: Exercise in drawing up proposals according to the structural diagram.

Game progress: Each child draws a word. Adult:

Let Slava depict the word "bear cub"; Anya - the word "loves." What is the third word? (Honey) We read the sentence: "The little bear loves honey." Let's swap the second and third words. What happened? (The bear cub loves honey). Now let the first word be the last. What will happen? (Honey loves a teddy bear). Let's replace the word "honey" with another. Katya will now be the word "tumble". Read the sentence (The little bear loves to tumble). And now? (The bear loves to tumble).

Make up your own sentences with the word "bear cub". (Teddy bear cub, Teddy bear loves raspberries, Teddy bear sleeps...)

"Let's write a letter to the doll"

Target: learn to determine the number of words in a sentence, based on auxiliary means.

Game progress: For the game, you need to prepare long strips for sentences, and short strips for laying out words. The host pronounces a sentence, the children lay out a long strip - “write a letter to the doll.” The second time they listen to the same sentence and put as many short strips under the long strip as there are words in the sentence. Then the second and third sentences are analyzed in the same way.

After "writing" you can ask someone to "read" the first sentence, the second, and so on, in order to develop involuntary memory.

"Say a word"

Target: fixing the use of nouns in the genitive case of the plural.

Game progress: Familiar lines of poetry are read aloud to children without finishing the last word. (This word is in the genitive plural). Children add the missing word and get a chip for each correct answer. Whoever gets the most chips wins.

I give you my word of honor: He said: "You are a villain,

Yesterday at half past six. You eat people

I saw two pigs. So, for this my sword -

No hats and ... (shoes) Your head with ... (shoulders)

Wait, isn't it for you Ant, ant

Last week. Does not regret ... (bast shoes)

I sent two pairs

Excellent ... (galoshes)

Robin Bobin Barabek. Where is the killer, where is the villain?

I ate forty ... (man) I'm not afraid of him ... (claws)

"Hide and Seek"

Target: learn to understand and correctly use prepositions with spatial meaning in speech (in, on, about, in front of, under).

Material. Truck, bear, mouse.

Game progress: Visiting children Bear and Mouse. The animals began to play hide and seek. The bear leads, and the mouse hides. Children close their eyes. The mouse hid. Children open their eyes. The bear is looking for: “Where is the mouse? It's probably under the car. No. Where is he guys? (In the cockpit) Etc.

"Untangle the Words"

Target: learn to make sentences using these words.

Game progress : The words in the sentence are mixed up. Try to put them in their places. What will happen?

Suggestions for the game:

1. Smoke, goes, pipes, out.

2. Loves, teddy bear, honey.

3. Stand, vase, flowers, c.

"My, my, my, my"

Target: fix the agreements of possessive pronouns with nouns.

Game progress . An adult asks to name objects about which one can say: “this is mine” (my pencil, my ball, my bear, my house, my kitten, etc.). “This is mine” (my doll, my pear, my bag, my car, etc.). "This is mine" (my dress, my tree, my coat, my muffler, etc.).

"Correct or not?"

Target: learn to find grammatical errors.

Game progress: "Do you think it's okay to say that?"

1. Mom puts a vase of flowers on the table.

2. When they want to buy something, they lose money.

3. Grandparents live under the house on the edge.

4. There is a beautiful carpet on the floor.

“Why are the sentences inaccurate? - the teacher additionally asks the children.

"Find the mistake"

Target: learn to find a semantic error in a sentence.

Game progress: “Listen to the sentences and say if everything in them is true. How should the proposal be corrected?

1. In winter, apples bloomed in the garden.

2. Below them was an icy desert.

3. In response, I nod to him.

4. The plane is here to help people.

5. Soon succeeded me by car.

6. The boy broke the ball with glass.

7. After the mushrooms there will be rain.

8. In the spring, the meadows flooded the river.

9. Snow was covered with a lush forest

"One and Many"

Target: learn to change words by numbers.

Game progress: “Now we will play such a game: I will name one object with a word, and you will name the word so that many objects turn out. For example, I will say "pencil" and you should say "pencils".

Words for the game:

book pen lamp table window

city ​​chair ear brother flag

child man glass tractor lake

name spring friend seed watermelon

“Now let’s try the other way around. I will speak a word denoting many things, and you - one.

Words for the game:

claws clouds waves leaves

flowers saws well done stems

Bunny got lost

(based on the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut").

Target: learn to raise and lower the power of the voice.

Game progress : the bunny got upset and got lost in the winter forest, help him. “The bunny will hear our “ay” - it will quickly be found in the cold forest”

"Houses for animal friends"

(according to the fairy tale "Teremok")

Target: develop sensorimotor coordination, constructive praxis, agreement of words in a phrase.

Game progress : we need to build new bright houses for everyone who lived in the tower.

Each child "builds" his own house from various multi-colored geometric shapes of different colors and sizes.

"Treat the Bears"

(Based on the fairy tale "Three Bears").

Target: develop sensory representations, based on visual and tactile sensations, consolidate the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender and number.

Game progress . bring treats to three bears to reconcile them with Masha.

Children choose the same treats for bears, focusing on the color, shape, material from which paper sweets, cookies, and cakes are made.

"The Fox and the Rooster".

Target : Develop speech breathing.

Game progress : “The fox with the cockerel entered the dark forest. How loud does a rooster crow? (children demonstrate), and now the fox has gone behind the high mountains, how does the voice of the cockerel sound now? The fox goes through the mountains and sings a song: “SA-SA-SA-SA”: children sing, changing the pitch of their voice: going uphill, they raise the tone of their voice, going down, they lower the tone.

"Say the Phrases"

(according to the fairy tale: "Turnip").

Target: work on the duration of speech exhalation, the development of phrasal speech.

Game progress : let's plant a turnip, say the words: “let there be a big, strong turnip”, “let the turnip be tasty, sweet”.

Games and exercises are also used to develop the strength and duration of oral exhalation, differentiation of nasal and oral breathing. Game: “The bun is rolling along the path”, exercise: “The bear is puffing”.

"Guess what story?"

(according to the first syllable)

Target: auditory development.

Game progress: "Disenchant the fairy tale": "Hot" - "Frost", "Ole-Cucumber" - "Ole-Lukoe", "Red Slipper" - "Little Red Riding Hood", "Silver Lock" - "Golden Key", "Cap" - " Turnip", "Box" - "Kolobok". “Mikhail Ivanovich is angry” (stomp if you hear mistakes), “Guess who is coming”, “Recognize us”.

Who did the bun meet in the forest?

Target: practice the use of the genitive case of nouns, form a simple phrase.

Game progress : the gingerbread man is rolling through the forest, different animals are hiding behind the trees, we will help to recognize them (the tail of a hare, the ears of a bear, the mouth of a wolf, the paws of a fox).

Where is Masha hiding? »

(according to the fairy tale: "Masha and the Bear").

Target: develop the correct use (understanding) of simple prepositions, activate the vocabulary on the topic: furniture.

Game progress : Masha is hiding from the bear, tell me where (under the table, in the closet, under the chair, on the stove, under the bed).

"Only kind words"

Target : formation of diminutive suffixes.

Game progress: children in a circle name words from fairy tales: a mitten, a turnip, a fox, a rolling pin, Little Red Riding Hood, Khavroshechka, Thumbelina, etc.

"Long Words"

Target : formation of compound words.

Game progress : Pinocchio has a long nose. Which Pinocchio? (long-nosed); the tin soldier has one leg. What is he? (one-legged), etc.

"It's the other way around"

(based on the fairy tale "Baba Yaga")

Target: formation of antonyms.

Game progress : ((The daughter had a kind mother, and the stepmother - on the contrary - ... (evil). The girl was not stupid, but on the contrary - ... (smart), etc.).

"If only, if only..."

Target: the ability to compose complex sentences, think logically, transform, take the point of view of another.

Game progress : you must complete the sentence: “If I were (a) someone / something, then I would ..., because (to) ....” (“If I were Baba Yaga, then I would be very kind and beautiful so that everyone loves me).

"Good bad".

Target: the ability to express one's opinion, good or bad, about an object, image, phenomenon, act. They learn to build their statements logically, ask questions correctly, defend their point of view.

Game progress: The bear crushed the tower - this is bad, because ... Cinderella was hardworking - this is good, because ...


Target: the ability to compose a fairy tale in one word.

Game progress : The word is written vertically on the board. We “decipher” each letter: K-cat; H-threads; I-needle; G-slide; A pharmacy. Based on these five new words, children compose a fairy tale. For example: “Once upon a time there was a cat. He loved to play with threads. Once he saw a spool of thread, began to roll it on the floor and pricked his paw. There was a needle in the spool. He was in a lot of pain. The cat was sad, but suddenly he looked out the window, saw a hill and ran out into the street. The cat merrily rolled off her and went straight to the pharmacy. There he was given medicine for his paw.” Children like to compose such fairy tales collectively, in a circle.

"Fairy Tales Messed Up"

Target: development of memory, attention and imagination.

Game progress : it is proposed to take the names of heroes from different fairy tales and make them heroes of one fairy tale. To compile a collage of fairy tales, pictures depicting the heroes of fairy tales are used. Invented fairy tales are often staged by children in a group using a table theater. Decorations are kept to a minimum. Puppets can be driven silently, under the leader's story, or you can act out dialogues.

Greedy little bear”

Target : to consolidate the ability to coordinate nouns with pronouns in gender and number.

Game progress :

There lived a greedy bear cub in the forest. His favorite words were the words “Mine!”, “Mine!”, “Mine!”

Once he was walking through the forest, a hedgehog runs towards him, carrying a mushroom on his back. "My!" - the bear cub roared and took the mushroom from the hedgehog. He cried and curled up into a ball. The little bear gave it a paw and pricked painfully. “My poor paw!” he growled.

Since then, no one was friends with the bear cub, everyone avoided him, and he kept walking through the forest and shouting: “Mine! My! My!"

After telling and showing this fairy tale, the speech therapist asks the children: “What do you think the bear cub could shout “Mine!”, “Mine!”, “Mine!” About?

Children pick up objects or pictures that are suitable for each of these pronouns, name them.

Game "Beauty, Knight and the Beast"

Target: to consolidate the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender, number and case.

Game progress: In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a beautiful princess, a brave knight and a terrible monster.

The princess, as expected, lived in the tower, the knight - in the castle, and the monster - in the swamp.

And in this kingdom - the state lived a poor shepherd who loved the princess very much, but could not even dream that someday she would become his wife.

Every year the king, the father of the princess, held a groomsmen's review for his daughter. He gathered all the applicants, gave them tasks, and they tried to fulfill them. But either the tasks were too difficult, or the suitors were stupid, only none of them became the princess’s husband: someone was imprisoned in the basement of the tower for incorrect answers, someone the knight won the tournament, and someone was taken to captive monster.

And then the day came when not a single suitor remained in the whole state. One shepherd was still free. And he decided to try his luck.

The speech therapist asks the children: “Do you want the shepherd to marry the princess? Then let's help him complete the king's task."

First task. Which of the three items: a tower, a castle or a swamp (pictures are given on a flannelograph) - can you say?

Cold (-th, -th) ..; gloomy (th, -th) .., dark (th, th) ..; scary (th, th) ..; distant (-th, -th) ..; impregnable (-th, -th) ...

Second task. Which of the characters: a knight, a princess, a monster - can you say?

Cruel (th, -th) ..; evil (-oh, -oh) ..; severe (th, th) ..; heartless (th, th) ..;

For each correct answer, the child receives a chip. At the end of the lesson, the children determine by the number of chips who helped the shepherd the most.

Game “Princess Zifir”

Target : to consolidate the ability to coordinate ordinal numbers with nouns.

Game progress: In one fabulous kingdom-state, an unusually beautiful princess Tsifir lived. She was very strict and punctual. Everything in her kingdom was counted and counted, every speck of dust and blade of grass was taken into account. Several hundred courtiers walked around the state and counted, counted, counted...

Next to this kingdom was another. It was called Chaos. In it, all the objects were piled up in a heap, and no one knew how much there was.

Due to dirt and a complete lack of order, a terrible epidemic broke out in this state, after which all its inhabitants, who somehow did not shine with mathematical abilities, completely forgot how to count. The disease was so contagious that it crossed the borders of Princess Zifir's kingdom. The princess herself, fortunately, did not get sick, but the courtiers, as one, fell down in a serious illness. When they were able to get to their feet, they found that they had forgotten how to use numerals. Coming to the report to Tsifiri, they said: “The first adviser is still sick”; “The second dish is burnt today”; “The third day it rains”; “The fourth chandelier in the ballroom is off”; “The fifth step of the front staircase creaks”; The sixth mirror in the bathroom was broken”; “The seventh book was lost on the shelf”; “The eighth flower in the flowerbed withered”; “The ninth kitten of your favorite cat ran away”; "The tenth tree in your park has fallen."

Hearing this, the princess stamped her feet and ordered all the courtiers to be imprisoned in a dungeon, where they would have to re-learn how to count and correctly coordinate words. Only then can they be released.

A terrible fate awaited the poor courtiers...

Children, you do not want the unfortunate courtiers to spend their whole lives in prison, do you? Let's help them and teach them to speak correctly!

The game "Boy Vanya and the wise teacher"

Target : to consolidate the ability to form nouns, adjectives, past plural verbs.

Game progress : Once upon a time there was a boy Vanya, very good, with kind and intelligent eyes. But for some reason he was always sad and sad. And only my mother understood what was the matter: Vanya did not know how to use words in the plural and did not understand the meaning of words in the plural.

He comes to the store and says: “Give me a shoe, please.” The surprised saleswoman sold him one shoe, and he went home with it. Mom just sighed, took the shoe and went to exchange it for ... (boots).

Vanya goes to the forest, picks up a full basket of mushrooms, and to the grandmother’s question: “What did you find in the forest?” replies: "Mushroom!" Mom sighs again and shows her grandmother ... (mushrooms).

In the school library, he was able to get only one textbook. Mom again came to the rescue and received for her son ... (textbooks).

When guests came, he brought one chair, but it was necessary ... (chairs).

In the spring, they decided to plant trees around the house, and Vanya planted one tree, but it was necessary ... (trees).

When it was necessary to ventilate the apartment, Vanya opened only one window, but it was necessary ... (windows).

Mom did not want to tell anyone about this, but in the end she realized that she could not cope alone, and turned to the Wise Teacher for help.

The wise Teacher, smiling, said that in a month Vanya would not even remember his current problems. Indeed, in a month the boy already knew everything about the plural, and most importantly, he could correctly use the words in the plural and understood their meaning.

Let's do the exercises that the Wise Teacher gave Vanya and see if everyone copes with them.

Fairy tale "Crooked mirror"

Target: to consolidate the ability to select words with the opposite meaning.

Game progress : Long ago, there was a Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors. One day, its inhabitants were tired of seeing everything in a distorted form, and they decided to get rid of the crooked mirrors. As you know, it is impossible to break mirrors - this can lead to misfortune. Therefore, all the mirrors were taken to a deaf, abandoned place, they were piled in a cave, and soon they were completely forgotten about.

In those parts lived the evil old woman Zavida. She did not love anyone or anything, so she settled in the very wilderness, away from everyone.

Alone, she wandered somehow through the forest and came across the same cave. Zavid took one of the mirrors in her hands, looked into it and couldn’t believe her eyes: in the mirror she was not even old at all, but ... (young), not fat, but ... (thin), not humpbacked, but. .. (slender). All her life, Zavida's face was gloomy and evil, and in the mirror she turned out to be ... (cheerful and kind)! And the ears - oh, miracle! - not big, but ... (small), the nose is not crooked, but ... (straight). Zavida's dirty dress in the mirror became... (clean), old shoes... (new), short skirt... (long). As soon as Zavida pointed her mirror at the sun, the weather turned from clear to ... (rainy and cloudy).

But that's not all. When Zavida looked in the mirror, she felt that something was changing in herself. For example, she was greedy, but as soon as she looked in the mirror, she became ... (generous).

Once Zavida was walking through the forest and met a wolf. She was frightened because she was cowardly, but when she took out a mirror, looked into it - she immediately became ... (brave). And when she turned the mirror and directed it at the wolf, he turned from a ferocious and predatory into ... (meek and peaceful).

Zavida fell in love with the mirror very much and never parted with it.

And now we will try to imagine that we also have such a mirror, and we will select others for the words - with the opposite meaning. It is best done with a ball. The speech therapist says a word and throws the ball to the child, he selects an antonym, pronounces it and returns the ball to the speech therapist.

The game can be played by coordinating the selection of antonyms with work on certain sounds. For example, if the topic “Sounds [w], [g]” is studied at the sound pronunciation class, the set of words can be as follows: slow - smart, quiet - noisy, bad - good, narrow - wide, strong - shaky, smooth - rough, light - heavy, dry - wet, cold - hot, cowardly - brave, simple - complex, rough - gentle.

Here you can work on building a compound sentence with the adversative conjunction “a”, children are invited to make sentences using pairs of antonyms. For example:

- The goose is slow, and the sparrow ... (nimble);

- Fluff is light, and stone ... (heavy);

- The village is quiet, but the city ... (noisy);

- The hare is cowardly, and the lion ... (brave). Children are happy to select antonyms and make sentences with them, and the options and construction of sentences are sometimes very interesting.

We select antonyms for nouns, adjectives and verbs. An example list of words might be as follows.

Nouns courage (courage) - cowardice; handsome - ugly; kindness - malice; generosity - greed; health - disease; fun - sadness; laughter (joy) - sadness; mind is stupidity; light - darkness; silence - noise; cold - heat; youth - old age; cleanliness - dirt; strength - weakness; rudeness - tenderness.

Adjectives: brave (brave) - cowardly; beautiful - ugly; kind angry; generous - greedy; healthy - sick; cheerful - sad; funny (joyful) - sad; light dark; quiet - noisy; cold - hot; hard - soft; young - old; clean - dirty; strong - weak; rough - gentle.

Verbs: open close; open - close; peel off - stick; tear off - sew; unscrew - twist; move away - approach; love is hate; give - take; speak - be silent; work - idle; to get sick - to recover; extinguish - kindle; forbid - allow; interfere - help; drop - raise.

Game "Mouse tricks"

Target: exercise in the selection of synonyms, develop the grammatical structure of speech.

Game progress: In a small town, on a quiet street, in a cozy wooden house on a bookshelf, there lived an old, old dictionary-book, which contains all the words that are in the language.

But mice got into the habit of nibbling pages in the dictionary: every day, some word disappears, but its description remains. Swallowing the words, the mice hoped to learn to speak. But in vain: almost all the words disappeared, but no one from the mouse tribe spoke.

This dictionary was used by the old archivist. His memory was bad: he remembered the events of bygone days, but he forgot certain words, so he had to use the dictionary very often. But as? There, every word is a hole.

Let's help the old archivist restore the words from the descriptions.

The speech therapist gives the lexical meaning of the words of the synonymous series, and the children select the synonyms known to them. It is not necessary to give a lot of concepts at once, in one lesson it is enough to build two or three synonymous rows, choosing words that are suitable for the topic and are saturated with practiced sounds. In addition to the selection of words, the children make sentences with them, and the speech therapist draws their attention to the shades in the meaning of the words of the synonymous series.

- A person who suffers constant need and deprivation is starving.

Poor, beggar, unemployed, refugee, homeless, starving.

- Strongly, brightly shines, glows, catches the eye.

Shines, shines, sparkles, sparkles.

- A person who serves in the army, fights, protects someone or something.

Fighter, soldier, warrior, military, defender.

- How can you say about objects that have a significant size, size?

Big, huge, enormous, gigantic.

When a person is afraid, what does he do?

Afraid, cowardly, frightened, afraid, timid, afraid, trembling with fear, shaking with fear.

Shedding tears in pain or grief.

Cry, roar, sob.

To achieve victory or success in the struggle with someone or something.

to overcome, overcome, overcome, overpower, break, overcome, overpower, take over, win, cope.

- Actions taking place in a theater or circus.

Performance, performance, spectacle.

- Something disturbing.

An obstacle, a hindrance, a hindrance.

- A person you can rely on, rely on, who you can trust.

Solid, strong, reliable, unshakable.

- Influence someone with fear.

To frighten, to frighten, to threaten, to frighten.

- A person who makes a journey, wandering.

Traveler, tourist, wanderer, walker.

- Efforts to create something.

Work, work, business, occupation, service, business.

- A person who is busy with something, work.

Worker, worker, employee, worker, hard worker, businessman.

- Have a conversation.

Talk, speak, converse, interpret, chat.

- Bring a person into a good mood, attracting his attention with something interesting, fun.

To amuse, to amuse, to entertain, to amuse, to amuse, to amuse.

- Intends to spoil and break everything.

Destroy, destroy, destroy, smash.

- A boy and a girl at an early age.

Child, child, baby, child, baby..

- A jet of underground water escaping to the surface of the earth.

Spring, key, source.

- People connected by blood ties.

Family, relatives, relative, relatives, clan, surname, family.

- Distinguished by rich, decoration and decoration.

Luxurious, rich, magnificent, expensive, magnificent.

– Fearless, overcoming any difficulties.

Brave, fearless, fearless, brave, fearless, courageous, daring, dashing.

- A story that amuses, causes laughter, amuses.

funny, amusing, comical, amusing, humorous, ludicrous, hilarious.

- The one who causes laughter, makes you laugh.

Cheerful, joker, humorist, jester, comedian, Petrushka, clown.

- A state of anxiety and anxiety in the face of imminent danger.

Fear, fear, fright, horror, horror.

- Concluding a mystery, unsolved.

Secret, mysterious, secret, enigmatic, secret, secret, wonderful.

- What does a person do when a quick movement somewhere, some object?

Throws, throws, throws.

What is the name of a strong, destructive wind?

Storm, hurricane, storm, typhoon.

“A woman who has supernatural powers and performs miracles.

Sorceress, sorceress, sorceress, fairy, witch.

- How can you say about a heated, very warm object that radiates heat?

Hot, hot, stinging, burning, sultry, incandescent.

- What do they say about a person who does everything with great speed?

Fast, agile, hurried, impetuous, lightning fast.

What is another name for small children?

Guys, kids, kids, babies.

- A person devoid of a sense of pity, compassion, hurting others.

Cruel, ruthless, heartless, inhuman, fierce, ferocious.

What makes people happy?

Fun, fun, amusement, amusement.

- How to say about someone who has a thick, disorderly growing coat or hair?

Shaggy, shaggy, hairy.

- How to say about a person who is attractive, who likes his appearance?

Beautiful, beautiful, handsome, charming, good.

- Speak very loudly.

- The man is quiet, soft-hearted.

Kind, good-natured, soft, peaceful, meek, gentle.

Someone or something is moving in a circle.

Spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning.

- Blizzard.

Blizzard, snowstorm, blizzard, blizzard.

- A small item.

Small, tiny, small, dwarf.

- Bad person.

Filthy, vile, vile, vile, vile, vile.

What can you say about bad weather?

Overcast, gloomy, cloudy, bad weather, rainy, cold.

- When a person is unhappy, what is he like?

Sad, mournful, despondent, mournful, mournful.

- Lack of light.

Darkness, gloom, darkness, darkness, twilight.

- Requiring a lot of work, a lot of effort.

Difficult, unbearable, heavy, heavy, burdensome, hard labor.

- Lack of sounds.

Silence, stillness, stillness, stillness, stillness.

- Possessing a mind.

Clever, quick-witted, sensible, clever, reasonable, big-headed, brainy.

- Strike.

Hit, knock, move, crack.

- Good result.

Success, luck, achievement, victory.

– Experience a breakdown after work.

Tired, weary, weary, weary, weary, exhausted.

- A person who teaches or educates.

Teacher, lecturer, educator, mentor, educator.

- Little house.

Hut, shack, house, hut, hut.

- A physically undeveloped person.

Frail, weak, stunted, sickly, emaciated, skinny, feeble.

"Come up with smart questions"

Target: to consolidate the ability to ask questions, using the word "why" in speech.

Game progress:

Speech therapist: Znayka came to visit us. He loves to answer the question "why?". Let's come up with difficult questions for him about the objects that are on the table (ball, matches, watch, key, pencil, rubber band, threads). For example: "Why did the clock stop?" (The clock stopped because it was forgotten to be wound or because it broke.)

"Why Questions"

Target: to consolidate the ability to make complex sentences.

Game progress : Children are asked to answer the following questions:

Why do birds fly south? Why does a bear sleep in winter?

Why can't you play ball at home? Why is it dark at night?

Why is winter coming? Why is a hare white in winter?

Why is smoke coming out of the chimney? Why are windows made in the house?

Why is it hot in summer? Why can't you swim in the river in winter?

Why are there leaves on the trees? Why is the girl walking under an umbrella?

appear in the spring?

"Dunno came to the store"

Target: to consolidate the ability to agree on an adjective and a noun, the development of dialogic speech.

Game progress:

Dunno: I forgot the name of what I wanted to buy.

Seller: Did you want to buy a vegetable or fruit?

Dunno: I wanted to buy fruit.

Seller: What color is it? Stranger: It's yellow. Seller: And what is its shape?

Dunno: This fruit is oval.

Seller: And what does it taste like?

Dunno: This fruit is sour.

Seller: You probably wanted to buy a lemon.

Dunno: That's right, I wanted to buy a lemon. It is a fruit, it is yellow, oval and sour.

"Magic Rainbow"

Target: to consolidate the ability to agree on adjective and noun.

Game progress: A large poster on a blackboard shows a rainbow. The name of the colors of the rainbow is specified. Children receive subject pictures of different colors.

Speech therapist: Each color of the rainbow has its own favorite objects that always or almost always have this color. Match the pictures to each color of the rainbow.

Children distribute pictures under the colors of the rainbow and name the colors of objects: red tomato, orange orange, yellow lemon, yellow sun, green leaf, green grass, blue sky, blue forget-me-nots, blue cornflower.

"Game of the Week"

Target: reinforce prepositional-case constructions in speech.

Game progress: 7 children take part in the game. Each of them receives the "name" of one of the days of the week. The speech therapist invites the children to stand one after another as the days of the week go, then asks such questions, for example: “Tuesday, tell me who is following you? And who is in front of you? Wednesday, who comes before you? And who is later than you?

In a similar way, the game is played in terms of the essence, the game is played in the seasons, in the months.

"Merry meadow"

Target: to activate the dictionary on the lexical topic "Insects", to consolidate the skills of using prepositions in speech.

Game progress:

Guys, look carefully at the clearing and make a sentence with a pretext. The speech therapist manipulates insects (which are attached with Velcro), thereby simulating various situations: a butterfly sat on a bell, a ladybug crawled into a flower, etc.

"Let's arrange beautiful furniture in the room"

(based on the fairy tale "Three Bears")

Target: to fix prepositional case constructions on the topic "Furniture".

Used toy furniture. The game can be played in two versions.

Game progress:

1st option. A picture depicting a room is offered. The speech therapist asks questions about the location of various objects (furniture) and asks children to use words right, left, front, back.

Then, on the layout, the children arrange the toy furniture in the same way as in the picture. At the same time, the children comment on their actions: put a chair in front of the table, etc.

2nd option. Independent arrangement of furniture. After the children have arranged the furniture in the room, the speech therapist asks questions like: “Where is the closet in relation to the chair?”, “Where is the floor lamp located in relation to the closet?” etc.

"Whose tails?"

Target: to consolidate the ability to form possessive adjectives.

Game progress:

Speech therapist tells the tale "Tails".

Once the animals woke up in the forest and did not find their tails. They thought that during the night the wind had torn off the tails and blown them through the forest. So the animals went through the forest to look for their tails. (Let's help them.) But the tails hid in the forest and in order to find them, you must be able to name them correctly and answer the question: “Whose tail is this?” For example, the tail of a hare should be called a "hare's tail".

Here, on a tree, on a pine, hangs a gray, fluffy tail of a squirrel. Whose tail is this? (Squirrel.) The squirrel has found its tail. And under the oak lies the brown tail of a bear. Whose tail is this? (Bearish.) Let's give the bear its tail. In the thicket of the forest, a wolf's tail was found. Whose tail is this? (Wolf.) But in the moss you can see the red, fluffy tail of the fox. Whose tail is this? (Fox.) And on the stump - a thin, small tail of a mouse. Whose tail is this? (Mouse.)

All the animals found their tails and were very happy.

Now remember what the tails of pets are called.

The tail of a dog is dog-like. The tail of a cat is feline.

The tail of a cow is cow. The tail of a horse is equine.

The tail of a bull is bullish. The tail of a goat is goat.

The tail of a ram is mutton. The tail of a sheep is sheep.


Target: continue to consolidate the correct use of various prepositions.

Game progress : The speech therapist invites the children to roll a cube, on the faces of which preposition schemes are depicted, and come up with a sentence (or choose a suitable picture) with a “small word”, the scheme of which turned out to be on the upper face of the game cube.



Game progress: The speech therapist invites the children to “plant” vegetables, then asks each child what he is doing: “Lena, what are you planting?” (I am planting cucumbers.) “Ira, what did you plant?” (I planted a radish.) “Vova, what will you plant?” (I will plant cabbage), etc.

"Two brothers IK and ISH"

Target: train in the ability to form words using the suffixes IK, ISH.

Game progress: There lived two brothers. One was called IK, he was small and thin. And the other was called ISCH, he was tall and fat. Each of the brothers had his own dwelling. IK had a house, ISCH - a big house. What kind of house did brother IK have? (Small.) And what kind of house did brother ISCH have? (Big.)

IKA had a nose, but ISCHA? ..

In the future, the differentiation of words is fixed: mouth - mouth, forehead - forehead, eye - eye, handles - hands, legs - legs.

A conclusion is made if the word is heard ik, this means that the object is small, and if seek means a large object.

Now I will say two words and throw the ball, and you will answer me with one word using ik or search. For example, I I'll speak small table, and you will answer: table. I will speak big house, and you will answer: house.

The following speech material is offered: big mosquito (mosquito), small bush (bush), big mustache (mustache), big bush (bush), small carpet (rug), big hut (hut), small screw (cog), big tomato ( tomato).

"Call the animals in pairs"

Target: to consolidate the ability to form words with the help of diminutive suffixes.

Game progress:

Children are offered a riddle:

The tail is a fluffy arch.

Do you know such an animal?

Sharp-toothed, dark-eyed,

Can climb trees

He builds his house in a hollow,

To live warm in winter.

Who is it? (Squirrel)

What is a baby squirrel called? (Squirrel)

On the board are pictures depicting animals and their cubs (squirrel - squirrel, hare - hare, wolf - cub, bear - cub).

The speech therapist shows a picture, the children name a couple of words: an adult animal and a cub.

Which animals have baby names that are different from adult names? (A cow is a calf, a horse is a foal, a sheep is a lamb, a dog is a puppy, a pig is a pig).

"Dressing a fairy-tale hero?"

Purpose of the game: reinforce accusative forms.

Game progress : The speech therapist invites the children to name as many words as possible, answering questions. In this case, you can use objects or pictures.

What can be sewn? (Dress, coat, sundress, shirt, fur coat, boots, panama, skirt, blouse, etc.)

What can be connected? (Hat, mittens, scarf, jacket, vest, dress, tablecloth, napkin, etc.)

"Who did we see?"

Target: to consolidate the ability to correctly use the endings of accusative plural nouns on the topic “Animals of hot countries”.

Game progress: On the board are pictures of various animals. The speech therapist gives the task to the children to select only animals that live in hot countries.

And which of the fairy-tale heroes went to Africa to treat animals? (Aibolit.) Imagine that Aibolit and I went to Africa and saw many different animals there. We saw many... lions, tigers, rhinos, elephants, camels, hippos, leopards, crocodiles, kangaroos, monkeys, etc.).

"Merry Account"

Target: to fix the forms of nouns of the genitive case, singular and plural.

Game progress:

Children are given loto cards with the image of two and five objects. For example, two tomatoes, five cherries, two cucumbers, five apples, etc. The speech therapist names the object. Children find an image of an object on the card and determine the quantity, name the phrase of the numeral with the noun and close the picture with a chip.

The winner is the one who correctly named the number of items and closed all lotto cards before others.

"What's in what?"

(based on the fairy tale "Fedorino's grief")

Target : reinforce prepositional forms of nouns

Card file of games and exercises for the formation of the grammatical structure of speech in preschool children

2 Junior group

1. Wonderful bag
2. Doskalka
3. What is a dog like?
4. Guess whose voice
5. "One - many"
Purpose: To focus on the gender of a noun when defining an object according to its characteristics.
Equipment: Hare, carrot, cucumber, apple, tomato, bag.
Game progress:
Let's tell the children something like this: “A hare came to our kindergarten. Runaway bunny, what's in your bag? Can I see? What's this? (Carrot.) What kind of carrot? (Long, red.) We put the carrots on the table. And what's that? (Cucumber.) What cucumber? (Similarly, we take out a tomato, an apple, etc.)
Now the hare wants to play with you. He hid all the vegetables and fruits in a bag. The bunny will put its paw into the bag, take a vegetable or fruit and tell you about it, and you have to guess what the bunny has in its paw. Listen carefully. It is long and red. What's this? (Carrot.) It is green, long. What's this? (Cucumber.) It is round, red. What's this? (Apple.) It is round, red. What's this? (Tomato.)"
If the children answer the last two questions incorrectly, we repeat, emphasizing the pronoun with our voice: “Listen again. It is round and red. It is round and red.
Now find and put vegetables in the bag. What's left? (Apple.) Apples are fruits.
Thank you rabbit for coming to us. Goodbye".

2. Doskalka
The game helps to teach the child to finish the word, develops visual-figurative thinking.
How to play: say with your child:
Ko-ko-ko - young people escaped on the stove ... (ko).
Scha-scha-scha - green grove ... (scha).
Choo-choo-well - pedal cru ... (choo).
Change roles. The child says syllables, you complete the word. For example, a child says:
“Lo-”, - you finish: “-shad”.
We fix it: we continue to play: puddle, chairs, ok, car. If the child copes, invite him to finish several endings in one syllable: scissors, -gi, -ski. Whoever picks up the most syllables wins.

3. What is a dog like?
Target: The development of correct, competent speech, logical thinking.
You can ask the child to imagine a dog and tell as much as possible about it: what kind of coat it has, what it likes to eat, what shape its tail and ears have, what character it has, etc.
Children call sentences in turn.
Other topics: “What is spring like?”, “What is a cow like?” etc.

4. Guess whose voice
Target: Develop auditory attention in children, teach them to clearly pronounce polysyllabic words loudly and in a whisper, distinguish words similar in sound, correctly stress
Game progress: The teacher, imitating the voices of animals, that is, pronouncing various sound combinations, invites the children to guess who is screaming like that. When the children guess and correctly name the animal, he invites them to determine whether this animal is large or small. For example, the teacher says qua-qua-qua loudly and asks: “Who is this?” Children: "Frog". Then the adult pronounces the same sound combination quietly. "And who is this?" he asks. Children: "It's a frog." - "How did you know it was a frog?" Children: "The frog croaks softly, and the frog loudly."
The teacher ensures that all children listen carefully, answer the questions correctly.

5. "One - many"
PURPOSE: To exercise children in the formation of the plural of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases. To teach the ability to listen to a peer and respond in time when it comes to the same subjects (middle, senior groups).
GAME MATERIAL: paired pictures with images of toys, on one of which one object is drawn, and on the other - several of the same objects: balls, tumblers, pyramids, horses, trucks, hares.
Game progress: first, the teacher lays out subject pictures with the image of one object. The child makes a simple sentence: "One duck" ... etc.
Then the teacher lays out pictures that show many objects. The child makes a sentence: “Many ducks”, etc.

middle group

1. The game "Erudite".
2. Game exercise "Prompt actions."
3 The game "Who will name more actions."
4. Exercise "Name the first sound of the word"
5. "Make up a story"

1. The game "Erudite".
Target: to fix parts of the body of animals, and the formation of genitive forms with the preposition U. Visual material: subject pictures.
Game progress: children were given pictures with animals, and questions were asked. Speech material: - Who has a big trunk? Who has a fluffy tail? - Who has a heeled nose? Who has long ears? - Who has hooves?

2. Game exercise "Suggest actions."
Game games and exercises for the formation of skills, the formation of prefixed verbs
Target: teach children to form and correctly use the verb GO with different prefixes. Visual material: toy car.
Game progress: the experimenter showed actions with the typewriter and started sentences, and the children had to continue the sentences and name the action. Speech material: - The car from the house (what did it do?) ... (drove off); - The car is on the road ... (went); - The car to the bridge ... (Drove up); - The car on the bridge ... (I entered); - The car from the bridge ... (moved out); - The car is a tree ... (I drove around). The experimenter repeated the verbs pronounced correctly by the children, emphasizing the prefixes in his voice.

3. The game "Who will name more actions."
Target: actively use verbs in speech, forming various verb forms.
Equipment: pictures: clothes, plane, pen, sun, dog, bee, snowflake.
Game progress: Neumeyka comes and brings pictures. The task of children is to pick up words that denote actions related to objects or phenomena depicted in the pictures. For example, what can you say about an airplane? (he flies, buzzes, rises); what can you do with clothes? (wash, iron, sew); what can you say about the sun? (warms, shines, rises); what can i do with the doll? (play, dress, shoe), etc.

4. Exercise "Name the first sound of a word"
Educator. I have different pictures, let's call them (points to the pictures, the children take turns calling them). I'll tell you a secret: the word has the first sound with which it begins. Listen to how I name the object and highlight the first sound in the word: “Drum” - “b”; "Doll" - "to"; "Guitar" - "g".

Children take turns being called to the board, calling the object with the first sound, and then the sound in isolation.

5. "Make up a story"
Target: Learn to make short stories about people of different professions;
Game progress:
Children learn to make up stories about professions.
The teacher gives a sample: “This is a doctor. He heals people. He prescribes different medicines for each patient. The doctor looks at the throat, listens, takes the temperature, makes injections.
Following the model, the children make up short stories about the profession of a seller, a hairdresser, a pilot, etc. from the pictures.

Senior group

1. The game "Say otherwise"
2. The game "Sit in the house"
3. The game "On the contrary"
4. "Reporter"
5. "Unravel the Words"
1. The game "Say otherwise"
Target: teach children to choose synonyms.
Sad time - boring, sad, dreary, gloomy, sad.
The sky is gray - dark, cold, overcast.
The trees are bare - naked, naked (without foliage).
The flowers dried up - withered, withered.
Feed - food, food, food.
Long - lengthy, lengthy, lengthy. Etc.

2. The game "Sit in the house"
Target- development of the ability to determine the syllabic structure of the word.
The teacher introduces the “guests” with the help of a riddle or something else and offers to put each guest in a house. At the same time, he draws the attention of the children that in one house there is a window from one casement, and at the second - from two. To determine which guest, which house, you need to determine how many syllables are in the name of the guest. If there is one syllable, then we will accommodate the guest in a house with one sash. If there are two syllables, then we put the guest in a house with two doors. To complicate the game, you can then invite guests to a housewarming party and distribute them according to the same principle.

3. The game "On the contrary"
Vocabulary Games
Target:- an exercise in the selection of antonyms (words - enemies).
It's your turn for us
Play the reverse game.
I will say the word "high", and you will answer ... ("low").
I will say the word "far", and you will answer ... ("close").
I will say the word "ceiling", and you will answer ("floor").
I will say the word “lost”, and you will say (“found”)!
I will tell you the word "coward", you will answer ... ("brave").
Now I will say “beginning” - well, answer, ... (“end”).

4. "Reporter"
The child is given a toy microphone in his hands, and he answers the journalist's questions. The teacher also has a microphone in his hands.
Question plan:
What's this? (Headdress …).
What parts does it consist of?
What colour?
What time of year is it worn?
Who is dressing? (men, women, children).

5. "Unravel the Words"
Target: learn to make sentences using these words.
Game progress: The words in the sentence are mixed up. Try to put them in their places. What will happen?
Suggestions for the game:
1. Smoke, goes, pipes, out.
2. Loves, teddy bear, honey.
3. Stand, vase, flowers, c.

preparatory group

1. "Animals"
2. "Count - ka"
3. Games for the formation of complex words.
4. "My-my-my-my"
5. "Think and name."
1. "Animals"
Games for the formation of new words with the help of a suffix.
Purpose of the game: form new words using suffixes.
Game progress: Bunny - hare - hare - hare - hare - hare.
Wolf - wolf cub - she-wolf - wolf - wolf.

"House - house - house - house"
Target: exercise in the formation of nouns using suffixes
-ik, -ishk, -ische; in the use of educated nouns in R.p.; develop the ability to hear grammatically correct speech.
Material: a card divided into 4 parts, each of which contains images of a house, a house, a house and a house; small cards of different colors (yellow, blue, red) depicting animals, furniture, dishes and other items in the house; colored squares (3 pieces of each color)
move: 3 cards of different colors with animals or utensils, furniture, clothes, etc. are laid out to the picture of the house. The child is invited to name the objects and determine whether they can be in the house, the house and the house, connecting the names of the objects with a certain suffix. First, the children perform the action on their own, laying out the results of their decision in colored squares, corresponding in color to cards with objects and animals, next to the image of different houses, then they explain their actions and name the words received. For example: “A hare and a cat can live in a house, because the words “bunny” and “cat” can be formed. And the fox will not be able to live there, because. the word "fox" does not exist.

2. "Count - ka"
Games for agreeing nouns with numerals in gender, number and case.
Target: learn to form the plural of a noun.
For example: Count to 5 with the word fox.
One fox, two foxes, three foxes, four foxes, five foxes. You can count hares, bears, hedgehogs, etc.

3. Games for the formation of complex words.
Target: to teach children to form complex words from two simple words.
Game progress: The chicken has a short tail - it is short-tailed.
The goose has a white head - it is white-headed.
The hare has long ears - it is long-eared.
The heron has long legs - it is long-legged.

4. "My-my-my-my"
an exercise in agreeing a pronoun with a noun.
1. An adult calls the words to the children and asks them to answer the question “whose?” (“Whose?”, “Whose?”, “Whose?”), Match the pronoun correctly with the noun.
Sample speech material:
ball, cube, bear, steamer, horse, ball, plane, stump, bow, tomato, pencil, bunny;
car, doll, book, stroller, arrow, bee, plum, ribbon, shirt, box, plate;
bucket, feather, wheel, ring, coat, dress, apple, cloud, mirror, tree, lake, sun;
felt boots, shoes, mittens, boots, eyes, scissors, socks, eyebrows, books, friends.
2. An adult throws a ball to a child and says the word either “mine”, or “mine”, or “mine”, or “mine”. The child, returning the ball, calls the right word.

5. "Think and name."
Target: exercise for children in the formation of adjectives from nouns
We invite the children to give the correct definitions with words.
Sample answer: If the shirt is dirty, then the shirt is dirty. In case of difficulty, the question “what?” is asked. ("which?").
Sample speech material:
If it is very cold outside, then the day ...
If there is noise on the street, then the street ...
If a person is lucky, then a person ...
If a person has talent, then a person ...
If it rains all day, then the day...
If a cow benefits people, then a cow...
If a person has health, then a person ...

Program tasks: learn to select definitions for an object, phenomenon, supplement the sentence with a word with the opposite meaning; determine the gender of a noun at the end of a word; activate prepositions in children's speech; form nouns in the genitive plural, determine the gender of the noun at the end of the word. Cultivate curiosity, develop logical thinking.

Material: Pinocchio and Malvina dolls, Artemon the dog, small toys: a bucket, an egg, an apple, a fungus, an orange, a scoop, a pear, a button, a nesting doll, pictures with the opposite meaning, prizes.

Lesson progress:

1. Introductory conversation about the season winter.

Mystery: Lukerya scattered silver feathers. Twisted, swept up, the street became white.

Educator: What is it?

Children: Winter.

Educator: Tell me? children, what is winter like?

Children: Snowy, frosty, cold, warm, wonderful, beloved.

Educator: Name the winter affectionately.

Children: zimushka, zimushka-winter, winter-beauty

Educator: The holiday is approaching, what do you think it will be like?

Children: cheerful, joyful, funny, happy, interesting.

There is a knock on the door, Malvina enters, greets.

Malvina: Guys, I'm looking for Pinocchio, have you seen him? We were going to work with him. Maybe he is already with you and hiding somewhere.

Children are looking for Pinocchio and find him.

Malvina: Pinocchio, stop playing hide and seek, it's time to take up your mind.

Pinocchio: How is it to take up the mind? Where is my mind? Probably in my head. I'll take my head. Malvina, I already took up my mind.

Malvina: Are you back to yours again? To take up the mind means ... Guys, what do you think it is?

Children's answers.

Malvina: That's right, to take up the mind means you need to learn. Today we will learn to speak.

Pinocchio: What are you, Malvina, I can speak.

Malvina: We will learn to speak correctly. Guys, let's go with us.

Children: good.

Malvina: Let's play game "Finish the sentence."

1. Sugar is sweet, and pepper ...

2. The girl speaks loudly, and the boy ...

3. Mom carries a heavy bag, and the son ...

3. The trees in the forest are tall and…

4. Porridge is cooked thick and ...

5. The stream is small, and the river ...

6. The road is wide, and the path ...

7. Medicines make bitter and ...

8. Apples are small and ...

9. If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair ...

10. If the sofa is wider than the chair, then ...

11. If the refrigerator is higher than the stove, then the stove ...

Malvina: Let's play now game "Three lines"- on the first step of the ladder put objects about which we can say one, on the second - one, on the third - one.

Malvina: Next game - "Artemon counts" .

Artemon is an absolutely extraordinary dog. Now ask him what his name is.

Artemon: My name is Artemon. I can reckon. Just ask me: “Artemon, how many tails do you have? I will answer.

Malvina: And now ask about the nose, paws, ears, eyes, mouth, cheeks.

Fizminutka. Pinocchio stretched, bent down once, bent down twice, spread his arms to the sides - apparently he didn’t find the key. To get the key we have to stand on our toes ..

Malvina: Now I will tell you an interesting story. A man was driving through the woods. It was summer. The heat was terrible. And suddenly the man sees - the snowman is standing. He was taken aback. Doesn't know what to do. Finally he came to his senses and asked: “Where did you come from here? And it didn't melt!" The snowman replies: “I am not a snowman at all, I am a boy, I am a prince. An evil sorceress has bewitched me. She said she’ll disenchant if I guess where she hid.”

The children will help the snowman. Let's find the evil sorceress! Where do you think she hid in the forest? After all, she could turn into a tiny fluff and fly anywhere, even hide on the boy himself. So where did she go?

Children's answers: (under the hat - disenchanted)

Malvina: And now folk game "Kuzovok"- here's a box for you, put everything in it that is “ok”, you will say something - you will return the deposit. (children take turns calling words with a rhyme for “ok”. I will put in a box - a ball, a scarf ...)

Malvina: And the last game "Find a couple"- children receive cards with pictures and find cards with the opposite meaning.

Whoever finishes the game first will be the first to receive the prize, and whoever finishes the game last will be the last to receive the prize.

Outcome: Well done guys, well done and you, Pinocchio, it was interesting to work with you. Pinocchio, it's time for us to go home. Goodbye, guys.