Homemade labyrinth for those who study walk. Games labyrinths. Game complex to order

Print and pass best maze for children! Choose children's labyrinths by age: simple labyrinths for children from 3 to 4 years; Classic - from 5 to 6 years old and complex maze for children over 7 years old.

What is a labyrinth?

Labyrinth - puzzle with various options for complexity. The goal of the labyrinth is to find the way from the entrance to the exit.

There are algorithms for the passage of labyrinths, but children do not need to immediately show them. Better let the baby shifts the reality and decides the logical task itself, and not learning to think pattern. After all, labyrinths for children are not only entertainment, but also the development of thinking.

How to choose a labyrinth for passing?

In labyrinths for children, the beauty is that the separation of complexity is quite conditional. Children even in three or four years can pass quite complex labyrinths, paint them and celebrate the wagons found by Flomaster ... you just need to start doing the child in a timely manner!

The selection of labyrinths for children is wide, the section is periodically updated, you can print a color labyrinth, and you can black and white so that the child first paints it. This option is ideal if you first learn the child to pass the labyrinths. The baby will be surprised when he sees that at first glance, a simple coloring is turning into his eyes in a busy game!

Logic and imagination

It is important with the time of passing the labyrinths by the child, it is not only logic to develop in it, but intuition, so that one of the options for passing is painted in thoughts. However, before that, you need to get a winding road of clarifications and training, when you choose more and more complex pictures.

Children use various skills to pass labyrinths. Someone step by step tries all the options, relying on logic, and some imagined "run by Naobum", parents and caregivers it is important to monitor that in each next labyrinth the child has already used the existing experience, and did not start first. It is very important and it is interesting to ask the child to comment in the process of passing the labyrinth, why he makes some specific steps. It is equally important to give labyrinths to different children for speed. Who will pass faster? Competition strengthens the efforts and creates the playing spirit of rivalry.

Labyrinth is

  • a fascinating means of development of attention, perception, memory and thinking;
  • wonderful opportunity to create spaces of children's holidays, quests, travels;
  • excellent assistant in increasing the speed of reading and other specific applied moments.

Let's plunge into the world of large and small labyrinths.

Little labyrinths

From 1.5 years, children can make small maze from the primary means.

Children on them can walk with small toys, fingers (as legs) along the corridors of the labyrinth, roll on them balls.

Or put in a labyrinth a light bulb from a wool or napkin and drive it along the labyrinths with air - blow into a cocktail tube ..

Someone will deal with a labyrinth within 1-2 minutes. Another child he can passion on 5, 10, 15 minutes. Both are good. How such a plot is not very important here. At this age, children are usually actions for the sake of action. Playing with a labyrinth, kids learn attention and concentration.

Somewhere from 2.5 years in children there is a desire to build labyrinths on their own. Let's children with different designers and natural materials for their labyrinth clauses.

Maze can be done almost out of everything. Pick the material that at the moment I like the child.

  • Labyrinth of bricks (and other building material)

  • From cocktail tubes

  • From counting sticks of cueizer

  • Plasticine Labyrinth

  • Labyrinth of shoelaces, belt, rope

  • You can also use chestnuts, cones, acorns, sticks and twigs, stones and beans. Everything that is at hand.

Playing with labyrinths, the child is aware of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe labyrinth and its borders, that in the future it will help him easily pass drawn mazes, develops its creative potential.

The labyrinths can be built in both themselves and insert them into the story game.

Play or not to play depends on a particular child. There are children who like the process - just pass the labyrinth, make it, sketch.

There are children who are important to the plot.

And then the princes can save the princesses. Mumina-Troll to visit Snusmumric, machine to drive into the garage.

After 3.5 years, you can already offer to build labyrinth according to the scheme.

The drawn scheme is given, and building material (bricks, countable sticks). Start with simple labyrinths, with straight corners.

In the same period, it is possible to offer an inverse task - draw diagrams of labyrinths invented by a child.

Such classes are a soft transition from visual-effective thinking, to a clear-shaped, and also build a track to abstractly logical.

Also at this age, you can already offer to pass by a finger and / or pencil (felt-tip pen, shallow) drawn labyrinths.

First, choose simple labyrinths with smooth lines.

They are easier to pass with a finger and make it easier to lead a pencil.

Drawn labyrinths, in addition to the development of attention and perception, help "hone" a small motorcycle. The child learns to carry out smooth lines without going beyond the limits of the labyrinth.

And another important point - a child to learn to move through the eyes of a given trajectory, which is an important skill, when mastering reading.

Those. On the one hand, the child playing with a labyrinth is honing a logical thinking, on the other, it gets skills that will help him learn to read.

Therefore, after 5 years, offer a child to pass the labyrinth at first, and then a pencil.

At the same age (provided that the child can already build a simple labyrinth according to the scheme and draw the diagram of the labyrinth constructed), you can add tasks for the development of memory.

They are simple.

You show the scheme, the child is studied for some time (from 30 seconds to 2 minutes, depending on the complexity). Then the scheme turns over, and the child is building a labyrinth.

Start with very simple schemes.

And complicate as a child readiness.

The opposite is also possible.

The child looks at the ready-made labyrinth, then he fades and draws its memory scheme.

These tasks are relevant for children from 5 to 12 years.

I also like to insert games with labyrinths in home quests and holidays. In one of the following mailings, I will share the ideas of using a maze in the encryption of messages and on holidays. Watch for mail!

In the meantime, let's continue and see what "middle labyrinths" are.

Middle labyrinths

Not big, not small. Middle.

Maze for playing alone and team.

Ride in a labyrinet machine from entering to exit. Agree, understand each other. Such labyrinths are relevant from 4 - 5 years and indefinitely. They are an excellent continuation of any holiday and just yard games.

They can be made from the primary means, as in the photos below - cardboard and cocktail tubes

And it is more serious, for reusable. For example, from plywood and rope or cardboard and plastic pipes. Below I will give some photos from the network to help you come up with and make your unique labyrinth for team games.

In this issue, you have learned about a variety of flat labyrinths and options for games with them.

And in the next issue of the "labyrinth of ideas" you are waiting for a story about the big labyrinths and games in them and with them, as well as the ideas of bulk labyrinths and labyrinths of spaces.

Stay with us!

The mystery of labyrinths. For which they were created and how to take the power of Zhikarentsev Vladimir Vasilyevich

Classic labyrinth, how to build it and how to work with it

The classic labyrinth (he is Cretan) looks like in Fig. 14. Note that in it there are two groups of circles: external and internal - each four pieces. At first, the person moves along the external circles, then goes to the internal and, in the end, comes to the center. External and internal circles are external and internal in the formula of Christ.

Fig. 14 - Classic Cretan Labyrinth

How to build a labyrinth. The order of constructing any labyrinth is shown in Fig. 15. The labyrinths differ from each other by the number of corners (below you will understand what we are talking about) and the form: the basis of the one is based on others - the cross. There are also labyrinths that are based on a person's form with its five members (see). Separately there are labyrinths in which 30 corners, and the cross in them is present in an implicit form, we will talk about them in detail later.

Fig. 15 - the principle of construction of labyrinths

Billets for the construction of labyrinths and the labyrinth themselves are shown in Fig. 16-21. The complexity of labyrinths depends on how many angles you add to it. Let you not be confused by the fact that the entrance from the Cretan Maze, who built a mirror in relation to the classic, just before it I built several labyrinths, who had the entrance to the left, so I decided to make the entry right. On the other hand, there are many labyrinths in the world with this input location.

Fig. 16A - the basis for building a ternary labyrinth-fork

Fig. 16b - Labyrinth Troika, built by me

Fig. 16B - he is in winter

Fig. 17A - the basis for the construction of a six-art limb

Fig. 17b - a checker Maze-Vila who built me

Fig. 17B - a cheerful labyrinth, top view

Fig. 17 g - he is in winter

Fig. 18a - the basis for the construction of the chime-free maze

Fig. 18b - the four-crossed sovereign labyrinth that I built

Fig. 18B - he is in winter

Fig. 19A - the basis for building an octal labyrinth-cross - Classic Cretan Labyrinth

Fig. 19B - Cretan Maze built by me

Fig. 19B - Cretan Maze built by me

Fig. 19 g - he is in winter

Fig. 20 - the basis for building a twelve maze-cross

Fig. 21 - the basis for building a labyrinth-man

The meaning of labyrinths. Each of them has its own, we will discern only two labyrinths, think over the meaning of the rest yourself.

Labyrinth Vila. If you look at the labyrinth in Fig. 16A-B, then you will see in front of me, the ends of which are bent. A dead end where a person coming around the labyrinth is, this is where the Minotaur lives - our me. The vila consists of two ends, one of which bent, pointing to the closed on himself, and the other end is another opposite - it surrounds from all sides. For example, a man is surrounded from all sides of a woman - a feminine start, and a woman is men. Going to the labyrinth, it can be seen and experienced how you always surround what you deny.

In general, the meaning of this labyrinth is as follows. Our closed on myself, from all sides surrounds the opposite by us (the more denials, the more such circumferences), and the holistic world itself surrounds from all sides, and the world with his opposites lies even something, emptiness - that's what You can feel and survive in this labyrinth.

Labyrinth Cross. Look at Fig. 18a-c. The perpendicular lines of the cross indicate two starts - male and female consisting within themselves from opposites. The curved end, where the minotaurus lives, is the position of the mind or thought, a look at things in which a person closed. For example, someone closed on democracy, someone on money, on women, on religion, on the Internet, and the opposite position is denied, of course. But she, as you can see from the picture, does not go anywhere, she surrounds from all sides - this is another end of the line that envelopes the entire labyrinth. For example, the moralist surrounds debauchery from all sides, the materialist - believers, and so on. And not only surround, but get it, annoy. About how you get what you deny, you might think, coming to the center of the labyrinth to the minotaur.

Further. Look, as the opposite of the horizontal line, which represents another beginning, changes in places: the left end of the horizontal line goes to the right, and the right one is left, surrounding the closed on itself. What does this mean? The fact that in the head the vision turned over is the pride of the node (see). He turns everything that you see around and presenting white black, black - white, good intentions - as evil, evil - as good, etc. So the putanka and lies, illusion settle in the head. This illusion, this deception can also be searched when you come to the minotaur.

All you see around is not the case, the opposite is. Hence the famous saying: listen to the woman and talk on the contrary.

How to work with a labyrinth. If you mentally go through the labyrinth, then notice that alternately move on one side of the maze to another - this is the connection of the left and right - male and female began - in fact, the left and right half of the body are connected here, while the brain hemisphere begin to work synchronously .

External and internal circles are an external and internal in the famous Christ expression: when you connect the external and internal, left and right, top and bottom, you connect with God. And where is the top and bottom in the labyrinth? This we will discuss below.

How to walk on the labyrinth? This is clearly stated in the story of the fall of Jericho. Joshin, Jawin, went around the city of Jericho with the ark of the covenant, the pipe in the jubilee pipes, and the walls of the city fell. In other words, if you, thinking with love about an exciting problem, will pass through the labyrinth on seven environment in the center, it will decide, and you will find yourself in paradise in this place of your being.

The transition from one side of the labyrinth to another this is the same jewelry pipes - forks, in which the "Trubits" running along the maze of a person. Look at Fig. 22, See, in the profile pipe exactly depicts Wile?

The labyrinth connects the torn mind into an integer ... With what kind of united mind is broken? He is torn the mindset. Let's talk about them (in more detail about the networks of the mind, see the textbook "Building and the laws of the mind").

This text is a familiarization fragment.

As a classic labyrinth actually acts - it was in power, this discovery came unexpectedly, after one woman, having passed the Cretan Maze (see Fig. 14 and 19a, B, B), asked: "And where is the square, here Should there be a square? " Logic was simple: once the square holds

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The labyrinths are such pictures with tangled tracks or threads, leading through which eyes or finger, the child will find a way out or the end of the rope, tracks. Baby playing maze very willingly, but it is not only entertainment, but also a learning didactic game. The game develops attention, patience, tangled labyrinths teach keeping events in memory - you need to remember all the tracks for which the child has already folded and came to a dead end. Pictures with labyrinths can be downloaded from us and print, black and white offered to the child to color.

Coloring-visits Find the end of the rope

If the child is difficult to navigate where the line leads, it is possible to start a finger on it.

Who caught the fish?

Labyrinths tracks

Help the clarification find the shortest path to the nest.

So the duckling hatched, now he needs to get to Mom duck.

What track need to go through a white bear to catch 2 fish at once?

Help ant hit the anthill.

Spend your baby along the track that leads to the Michem.

What kind of path goat will reach your home faster?

Princess lost a ring, how to find it?

Find the shortest way for hamster to green leafs.

Spend train through all stations to the station.

They are about to catch the guys geese-swans, show them the shortest path to the house and save them.

Mishke needs to return to the garage, but he cannot remember the road. Can you find it?

Now slightly more complex labyrinths for those who have mastered simple.

How to get to the planet Saturn?

Help the mountaineer to climb the mountain.

Bunny gathered to visit the hedgehog. Conduct it.

The butterfly is grouped in the meadow, but everything can not take care of the desired flower. Show her track.

Children built a labyrinth of cubes, and a teddy bear stayed on her other side. How do you guys get to toys?

What track is the boy can safely get from the slide on the slook to the forest?

The worm was already ate apple and wants to get out of it. But here is not enough: the worm is lost and does not remember the road back. Help him get out.

Pass the labyrinth in the wings of a butterfly.

The owners left and left the door unlocked the parrot cage. Help him get out of the will.

Help the icebreaker get to the shore.

Which path you need to go a jelly to get to your baby.

Thread from which coil is driving into a needle ear?

Are you sure you can always find a way out of the most difficult and completely incomprehensible position? Test your strength and prove to everyone that there is no barriers to you, you will help you exciting labyrinth games! The tangled narrow moves of the labyrinth games will lead you to the most incredible adventure in your life - the main thing, do not be afraid. Boldly go to meet new discoveries and unexpected (let, and sometimes unpleasant) meetings - the exit is already somewhere close!

Mysterious paths

Build a prison in which there would be no door, but from which criminals could not get out, once hitting inside ... The kings of antiquity literally dreaming this thought! It seemed to them that a person just was just to deprive the freedom: the deft mind of the criminal is always looking for applications, and there is no such camera and such a castle that they could lock it safely. But leave it among the intricacies of subtle corridors and allow you to wander around them, how much I want - it is much more efficient. After all, if you have ever played the games of the labyrinths, then you yourself know how hard it is to choose the right way in a variety of branching and crossing each other tracks!

Now such prisons already, of course, do not build. But the legends about them were left, as well as about people, that they rinsed them forever, failing to find exit. And everything that is composed of a legend, invariably attracts our attention; And so, we already want to go through the whole path of the game labyrinths and feel like a hero of antiquity.

And sometimes labyrinths wait for us where we are not waiting for them. If you have ever been to the ancient narrow streets of the cities of Eastern Europe or Turkey, you know how to get lost to the same type of facades and completely identical intersections. Do you remember how Andrei Mironov's hero in "Diamond Hand" could not find the right courtyard? When traveling along so tangled roads, you should always be very careful not to divert in the city labyrinth!

And at all at all to laughter, if someone is communicated to get lost in the labyrinths of underground galleries. Water and time create underground incredibly bizarre voids, for which you want to climb! But it is impossible to go far, because if you can't remember the road, that is, the chance can never get out to the will.

Underground of Minotaur

At the heart of your favorite game about the labyrinths, there is a beautiful legend of heavy trials, standing on the path of love, as well as the mind and courage that can overcome any obstacles. You probably heard myth about Tsar Minos and a fierce beast, which he sharpened on the island of Crete. The terrible monster with the body of man and his head of the bull, Minotaur, lived in the most confusing labyrinth in his center. Regularly as the victim, the king sent 7 young girls and 7 beautiful young men to the island, and none of them returned from the labyrinth ...

So far, once among the captives did not have a brave and strong warrior of the Testa. His beloved, daughter Minos Ariadne, gave him a long thread with him. Testa listened to the reasonable advice of the girl and pulled this thread over the entire labyrinth. When the battle with the Minotaur ended the victory of the Tereus, it was the guide thread of Ariadna that helped him and his comrades in misfortune to get into the will.

Want to experience your strength and try to get out of the labyrinth? You will have to be brave, like Teshele, and wise, like Ariadne to overcome all obstacles and achieve your goal! Games about labyrinths - this is your opportunity to try yourself in the most difficult test, which reached us from ancient times. Be extremely attentive, and then luck will definitely turn to your face! Do not hurry and play as much time as you need to have time to get together with thoughts: on our site all entertainment are available to you completely free, and therefore unlimited!