Effective treatment of nail fungus with drugs and folk remedies. Nogtivit painless removal of the plate. Treatment of an advanced form of nail fungus

The longer the fungus lasts, the more difficult it is to get rid of pathogens. Local remedies are effective in the initial stages of mycosis, in other cases, therapy must be supplemented with oral medication. "Mycosan" is indicated only for the treatment of the affected surface.

It is an antifungal serum that spreads over the surface of the nail like a varnish. The product is packaged in a tube with an applicator brush for easy application. The drug was developed in 2011 by the Dutch company Serrix B. V., and in the neighboring countries it is produced under the brand name "Invar".

In addition to a tube of serum, the box contains ten disposable nail files and a special calendar, which records each procedure for applying the medicine. And also templates in the form of a nail, on which monthly measurements of the affected and "recovering" areas are noted. This is important to monitor the effectiveness of therapy.


The drug has a unique combination of components. According to the manufacturing company, clinical studies have shown that they are all absolutely safe for the body. The composition is as follows.

  • Rye Enzyme Concentrate... It is the main active ingredient. Contained in serum at a concentration of 40%. Active against all types of fungi that provoke nail mycoses. Not addictive to pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Water. Forms the basis of the funds - 47.6%.
  • Pentylene glycol... Contained in an amount of 10%. Enhances the action of the main active component.
  • Dimethylisosorbide... The 1.5% concentration of this substance ensures maximum penetration of the drug into the deepest layers of the nail plate.
  • Hydroxyethyl cellulose... A 0.9% solution of this polymer thickener allows you to create a special protective film on the surface of the nail, and also determines the viscous consistency of the product.

Operating principle

When applying the serum, the components penetrate the nail plate, forming a water-soluble film. Thanks to this, the porosity of the nail is reduced, and it becomes denser.

The active substances of the drug destroy the lipid membrane of pathogenic microorganisms, without which the latter are unable to exist. The action of the remedy not only leads to the death of fungi, but also creates an environment in which their development is impossible. This effect can be observed as soon as a healthy nail begins to grow.

Indications and contraindications

The drug is prescribed in the following cases.

  • Onychomycosis. This is a fungal infection of the nail plate on the hands and feet. The drug is active against dermatophytes (Epidermophyton, Microsporum, Trichophyton), most yeasts (in particular the Candida family, which cause thrush) and molds.
  • Prevention. It can be used when visiting "fungal" places (sanatoriums, baths, saunas, swimming pools) to prevent mycoses of the nail plate.
  • Strengthening nails... By changing the properties of the nail plate, the drug protects it from fragility, promotes rapid growth and improves its appearance.

The drug is safe for human health. It can be contraindicated only in cases of intolerance to one of the components. It is also not recommended for use in children under four years of age.

Pregnancy and lactation

The instruction does not include pregnancy among the contraindications. But before using "Mycosan" during gestation, it is better to consult a doctor. The effect of the components of the drug on breast milk has not been studied, therefore, use during breastfeeding without switching to formula is not recommended.

In very rare cases, the product can cause irritation of the skin around the nail plate, accompanied by redness, burning and itching.

Schemes and application features

The drug is intended for external use only by applying to the nail. The algorithm of actions is as follows.

  • Training . Before use, the nail must be cleaned of dirt and varnish, and also dried.
  • Time . The instruction recommends using the medicine twice a day - in the morning and in the evening with an interval of 12 hours.
  • Technics . It is applied like a varnish, covering the entire surface of the nail. After that, you need to let the product dry for two to three minutes.
  • Prohibitions. In the near future after the procedure, the limbs should not be wetted. It is also important to avoid physical activity. Otherwise, the drug may be partially removed from the surface of the nail, which will reduce its therapeutic effect.

Once every seven days, it is necessary to remove the surface layer of the nail using a special file that is included in the kit. It is disposable and must be disposed of after use, since fungal spores remain on it, which can later be transferred to healthy areas.

Duration of treatment

The duration of the course is from three to six months. It depends on the degree of fungal infection and the rate of nail growth. After the first 30 days of use, the product is applied once a day until the healthy nail grows back completely. To consolidate the result, the serum is applied for another two weeks after the healing of the nail plate.

For prophylactic purposes and for the improvement of nails, the drug is usually used no longer than one month.

special instructions

Do not use serum internally. There are no data on the interaction of the drug with other drugs and alcohol. But it is not recommended to use "Mycosan" in parallel with cosmetics, especially with varnishes.

Store in a dark place out of the reach of children at temperatures between 5 ° C and 25 ° C. Expiration date - 36 months.


"Mycosan" is a unique agent in its composition, therefore, it has no structural analogs. But in terms of the direction of action and indications, the following drugs are similar to it.

  • "Mikozon". Antifungal cream with imidazole derivatives at a concentration of 2%. It is applied twice a day until the symptoms disappear completely. In addition to onychomycosis, it treats dermatomycosis.
  • Exoderil and Micoderil... The active substance is naftifine at a concentration of 1%. They are able to fight against skin and nail fungi. Method of release - solution and cream for external use.
  • "Neilexpert". The product has a similar effect to "Mycosan" due to the unique DS12-Complex. Also available as a lacquer serum.
  • Lotseril. Anti-fungal nail agent. The active ingredient is amorolfine hydrochloride. Apply to the nail plate twice a week. Creates a protective film. The average course of treatment is six months.
  • "Batrafen". Another healing varnish. The main active ingredient is ciclopirox. In the first month of treatment, it is applied every other day, in the second - twice a week, in the third - once every seven days. The maximum course is six months. Also available as adjuvant therapy cream.
  • "Demicten". Antifungal varnish based on formic acid aldehyde. It is more often used for skin mycoses. It is applied once a day. The duration of the course depends on the degree of damage to the skin or nail plate.

"Mycosan" has a fairly high cost compared to other antimycotics. In Russia, the average price per pack is 800-1000 rubles (data as of March 2018).

Mycosan for nail fungus is produced in a special tube with a brush in the form of an applicator. Additionally, 10 files for single use are included (one side of the file with a fine abrasive, and the other with a large one).

pharmachologic effect

Antimycotic agent ... Mycosan creates a water-soluble film when applied to the nail plate. The protective film penetrates deeply into the thickness of the nail, forms a water-soluble coating that covers the entire surface of the nail plate. The film created by Mycosan protects nails from the aggressive effects of pathogens, creates conditions that have an adverse effect on their growth and development. Against the background of treatment, the porosity of the nail plates decreases, their density increases. The principle of action of Mycosan is based on the destructive effect of the active substance on the lipid membrane of the fungal cell, which leads to the death of the mycotic agent - the fungus. Fungal nail polish prevents the further spread and growth of fungal infections along the nail, allowing natural regrowth.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

A detailed description of the features of the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics of the antimycotic agent is not provided by the manufacturer.

Indications for use

Mycosan varnish is used to eliminate fungal infection of nails , to prevent the development secondary fungal infection ... The drug can be used to nourish and strengthen the nail plates with excessive delamination and increased fragility.


  • age barrier - up to 4 years old;
  • bearing.

Side effects

Skin reactions in the form of eruptions and .

Mycosan instructions for use (Way and dosage)

The medication is used only externally. The consistency is applied to the affected areas of the nail plates after thorough cleaning of the plate and removal of the varnish. The package includes a special file for single use, with which the nail is cleaned once a week. This cleaning system helps fight fungal infection even with advanced forms of the disease.

Instructions for use Mycosan recommends applying the medication to the entire nail after cleaning twice a day. The course of antimycotic therapy is designed for 3-5 weeks. After applying the consistency, you must wait for it to dry (approximate time - 2 minutes).


The clinical picture and specificity of treatment when using an antifungal medication in large quantities are not described by the manufacturer.


Mycosan does not enter the systemic circulation, because it is applied externally, there is no drug interaction with other drugs.

Terms of sale

Antimycotic means can be purchased at the pharmacy without presenting a special prescription form from a doctor.

Storage conditions

The effectiveness of the medication is preserved when stored in its original packaging at room temperature.

Best before date

36 months

special instructions

Mycosan for nail fungus is used only externally. You can not transfer the tool to others in order to avoid development cross infection ... Each nail file is used only once and for one nail plate only.

Prevention and treatment of fungal infections of the nail plates

Feet and hands should be kept dry and thoroughly wiped after showering, paying particular attention to the interdigital folds. When diagnosed mycotic infection only individual clean towels should be used. Self-removal of the cuticle is unacceptable. The nail plates should be trimmed with a slight rounding at the tips in a straight line and regularly. Do not bite / gnaw on the nail plates. Feet should be ventilated and shoes should be comfortable. It is unacceptable to wear shoes made of synthetic materials. With increased, frequent change of socks is recommended. During treatment, only cotton socks should be used (keep the feet fresh and cool). Regular disinfection of footwear is required. In public places (changing rooms, saunas, showers, swimming pools), special slippers must be worn. Fungal infection multiplies intensively in warm, humid rooms (swimming pool, showers, public baths). The application of nail polish is unacceptable, despite the seeming sensation of creating protection for the nail against fungus. The varnish is capable of retaining moisture. Obligatory use of individual tools for manicure / pedicure.

Any fungal infections are triggered by pathogenic fungi that affect the nails or skin. Such diseases are highly infectious. The fungus is easily transmitted by household contact. The risk of infection is especially high in places with high temperature and humidity. The same applies to non-compliance with hygiene rules. There are other risk factors for the progression of a fungal infection. Regardless of the cause, the disease is difficult to treat, so it is important to find the best remedy for toenail or toenail fungus.

What is nail fungus

In medicine, a fungus is called a fungal infection of the nails or skin. In the first case, the disease is called onychomycosis, and in the second, mycosis. People who often visit swimming pools, gyms, baths and saunas are more susceptible to infection. Violations resulting from infection are difficult to miss, because the pathogen is capable of completely destroying the nail. The disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • yellowing of nails;
  • nail plates begin to crumble, exfoliate;
  • soreness, redness, and itching of the skin.


Medicine today offers many treatment options for fungal infections. For it to be truly effective, a doctor must be in charge of prescribing certain procedures and drugs. When choosing a treatment regimen, a specialist takes into account:

  • the area of ​​the affected surfaces;
  • features of changes in the nail plates;
  • the patient has concomitant pathologies.

Doctors do not recommend using the advice of forum users. Such recommendations are not only ineffective, but also dangerous in some cases. Only a dermatologist is able to prescribe an adequate treatment regimen. If the disease is not too advanced, then conservative therapy is prescribed first. At an early stage, local remedies are used, such as:

  • ointments;
  • gels;
  • creams;
  • plasters;
  • varnishes;
  • solutions.

Treatment regimen

There is no point in trying to hide the disease by masking the symptoms with cosmetics. This is dangerous not only for the patient himself, but also for his loved ones, who are at risk of contracting the fungus. After correct diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe an effective treatment for nail fungus. The general scheme of therapy includes the following activities:

  1. Elimination of factors provoking infection. It is necessary to exclude synthetic materials of tights and socks, excessive sweating, tight shoes. To disinfect shoes, you need to use a solution of chloramine or formalin.
  2. Strengthening the immune system. Treatment should be comprehensive and include immunomodulatory drugs.
  3. Local or systemic therapy. External agents are used at an early stage of a fungal infection, when the surface of the lesion is not too extensive. Otherwise, only pills will bring results.

An effective remedy for nail fungus

There are two main methods of traditional treatment for fungal infections. Each involves the use of certain drugs. Depending on the method of using drugs, they are divided into two groups:

  1. Local. In the pharmacy, they are presented by such means as ointment, cream, gel, spray, solutions, varnish. These forms of drugs are applied directly to the site of infection by the fungus and are considered effective for mild to moderate disease.
  2. Systemic. Includes capsules and tablets that are indicated for oral administration. Their use at an early stage is irrational due to possible side effects.


The main indication for the appointment of antimycotics in tablets or capsules is a large area of ​​the fungus. The active components of such drugs are fluconazole, terbinafine, itraconazole, ketoconazole. These substances have a broad spectrum of antifungal activity. Tablets or capsules based on them are taken in a continuous course or in the form of pulse therapy. In the latter case, the period of treatment alternates with rest from the medication. Effective antimycotics in the form of tablets are:

  1. Diflucan. The active ingredient in the composition is fluconazole. Capsules contain 50, 100 or 150 mg of this substance. Fluconazole is effective against mold, yeast and yeast-like fungi. The advantage of Diflucan is its high oral bioavailability, which is not affected by food intake. In addition, in most cases, a single dose of 150 mg of the drug is enough. The downside is the high cost of the medicine. Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation. Side effects: increased muscle excitability, convulsive syndrome.
  2. Irunin. It contains itraconazole, which has a wide spectrum of antifungal activity. Plus the tablets - after the completion of the 3-month course of treatment, the therapeutic concentration of the active ingredient remains for another six months. In addition, the drug has many cheap and expensive analogues, including Itrazol, Mikomax, Itraconazole, Clotrimazole, Canditral, Orungamin. The downside is that it is necessary to take Irunin for a long time, unlike Diflucan. The daily dosage is 100 mg. You can not take Irunin if you are allergic to intraconazole, pregnancy and lactation. The list of side effects is large, so this item should be clarified in the instructions for the drug.
  3. Terbizil. This is a terbinafine-based medicine. Dermatophytes, molds and dimorphic fungi are susceptible to it. The advantage of Terbizil tablets is that in relation to the yeast strains of the pathogen, they exhibit fungistatic and fungicidal effects. The advantages include the safety of terbinafine for humans, as well as the absence of absolute contraindications. Among the minuses, only possible side effects stand out. A contraindication is sensitivity to terbinafine. The dosage for adults is 250 mg per day for 6-12 weeks. Side effects: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite.

Ointments and creams

Before using an ointment or cream, you should understand their differences. The main is the principle of influence. Ointments create a greenhouse effect, due to which the medicinal substance penetrates deeper into the layers of the marigold. Creams are considered more cosmetic products, but with fungus, they also show good results. Effective in this group of antimycotics are:

  1. Exifin. The composition of the ointment is based on terbinafine. This good remedy for nail fungus belongs to the category of allylamines, which exhibit both fungistatic and fungicidal effects. The advantage of Exifin is a broad spectrum of action against most strains of the fungus. In addition, the drug is also available in the form of tablets, which can be included in the treatment of chronic infections. The pluses include a large number of inexpensive analogs, such as Fungoterbin, Miconorm, Thermikon, Terbinafin. The downside is the duration of treatment - about 6-12 weeks. The cream is used with caution in liver failure, children under 12 years of age, alcoholism, tumors, metabolic diseases. With onychomycosis, it is necessary to apply the agent to the lesions daily for 6-12 weeks. After use, itching, flushing, burning are possible.
  2. Zalain. Sertoconazole ointment with a concentration of 2%. In a therapeutic dosage, it has a fungistatic and fungicidal effect. The advantage is the additional antibacterial activity against gram-positive microorganisms, including staphylococci and streptococci. Another advantage is that when used topically, sertoconazole is not detected either in the patient's blood or urine. Of the minuses, the high cost of a small tube volume (20 g) is noted. Zalain is contraindicated in hypersensitivity to sertoconazole. You need to apply the cream 2 times a day for 4 weeks. Among the side reactions, allergic manifestations on the skin are noted.
  3. Fundizol. It contains petroleum jelly, lanolin, potassium iodide, oak bark, nipazole, nipagin, celandine extract, salicylic acid, vegetable oils and vitamins. Advantages: has deodorant, antiseptic, antifungal effects, can be used to prevent fungal infections in people of any age. The downside is the lack of analogues in composition. Apply the cream with a cotton swab in the morning and evening. A contraindication to Fudnisol is intolerance to the components.


Solution is a convenient treatment for fungal infections. This form of drugs is simple to use and highly effective. The solutions dry instantly and remain on the nail plates for a long time. The following formulations are especially effective against fungus:

  1. Creolin. It is a brownish or brownish oily liquid. Its downside is a specific pungent smell. Creolin is based on ichthyol, rosin, alkalis, soaps and oils of the coal-tar type. Advantages: additionally possesses disinfecting properties, stops bleeding, relieves painful sensations. For the treatment of onychomycosis, Creolin is applied with a cotton swab to the affected nail plates. The procedure is repeated daily 1 time. The drug is prohibited for liver diseases. After application, there may be an itching and burning sensation in the treated area.
  2. Lamisil UNO. It is a 1% solution based on terbinafine. It is transparent or pale yellow in color. The downside is the slight smell of ethyl alcohol. In addition to onychomycosis, the agent is used in the treatment of foot mycoses. The advantage is the only contraindication in the form of hypersensitivity to the components of Lamisil. You need to apply the solution once a day after steaming the legs and removing the dead parts.
  3. Mycosan. Whey based on rye enzyme filtrate. Produced in a convenient form - a special tube with an applicator brush. Plus - an additional set with the preparation contains 10 files with small and large abrasives for single use. Among the disadvantages can be noted the lack of a description of the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the drug. Mycosan is contraindicated under the age of 4 years, during pregnancy, individual sensitivity. The medication is applied to the cleaned surface twice a day. The course of admission is designed for 3-5 weeks. Adverse reactions: itching, rashes.


In addition to solutions, there are various anti-fungal fluids. They are also easy to use. In this category of funds, inexpensive drugs with high efficiency are allocated, such as:

  1. Exoderil. The composition includes naftifine. It inhibits the synthesis of ergosterol in the cell membrane of the pathogen. The drug is effective against mold, dermatophytes, yeast fungi. You can not use Exoderil with naftifine intolerance and the presence of wound surfaces. With onychomycosis, the solution is applied 2 times a day to the affected nail plates. The course is about six months. After application, hyperemia, burning and dryness of the skin are possible. Plus - even in the presence of adverse reactions, drug withdrawal is not required. Among the disadvantages is the smell of ethyl alcohol.
  2. Fukortsin, or Castellani liquid. The composition of the product includes boric acid, acetone, resorcinol. Fukortsin contains phenol as an auxiliary component. The disadvantage of the drug is the ability to stain the skin and nail plates in a dark red color. In addition, due to phenol, the liquid has a specific pungent odor, reminiscent of the aroma of gouache. Fukortsin is not prescribed for sensitivity to resorcinol, phenol and boric acid. After applying the liquid, pain and burning are noted at the site of use. In case of fungus, it is necessary to lubricate the affected nail plates with a solution 2-4 times a day, using a cotton swab for this.
  3. Antinogrib. It is a water-oil emulsion based on copper, pine vinegar, propolis, tea tree oil, linseed oil and silver ions. The advantage of the drug in its natural composition, which is why it is completely harmless. The agent is applied to the nail plate once a day, then the finger is wrapped in a bag and fixed with a plaster. The affected parts must be cut off every 3 days. Antinogtegrib has no contraindications.


At an early stage, effective treatment of nail fungus is provided with varnishes. Some of them are even allowed to be applied under a manicure. Before use, it is important to steam the feet and remove the affected parts of the nail plates as much as possible. The files that come with the varnish cannot be used to treat healthy and diseased areas at the same time. Then the varnish treatment will be effective. Among the commonly used antimycotics in this category, stand out:

  1. Batrafen. The medicinal component of this varnish is ciclopiroxolamine. It is a colorless liquid in a transparent bottle with a brush. The first month of treatment should be applied in a day, the second - 2 times a week, the third - 1 time in 7 days. Weekly during therapy, the agent must be removed from the nail plates with a solvent. Treatment should not last more than six months.
  2. Lotseril. The active component of this varnish is amorolfine. When using a remover, do not touch the neck of the bottle with a brush. After the procedure, the container must be tightly closed immediately, and all instruments must be disinfected. Complex treatment of the fungus lasts until the nail plate grows back. The varnish is applied 2 times a week.
  3. Oflomil. Like the previous varnish, it is based on amorolfine. After application, the product dries quickly, forming an impenetrable film. Use varnish only on steamed nail plates cleaned of dead parts. For disinfection before the procedure, it is necessary to use cotton pads moistened with alcohol. After application, you need to wait 3-5 minutes until the product is completely dry.

Fungus-affected nail removers

When the nail plate is already completely affected by the fungus, and ointments, creams or varnishes do not help get rid of the disease, it is necessary to remove it. You should not immediately turn to surgical methods. There are special nail removal products such as:

  1. Nogtivitis. It is a mixture of stearic acid, urea, triethanolamine, tea tree oil and propylene glycol. Before using the product, you must steam your feet in a solution of 1 liter of water and 1 tsp. soda and laundry soap. Then they need to be dried, after which Nogtivit can be applied in a thick layer, avoiding contact with the skin. A patch is glued on top, which is left for 4 days. After this amount of time, the exfoliated part is cut off. The procedure is repeated until the complete removal of the nail plate.
  2. Nogtimycin. Acts similarly to Nogtivit, softening the nail surface. The difference is the composition, which additionally includes essential oils of lavender, mint, kayeput, corn, salicylic and stearic acid, wax. The instructions for use also coincide with the scheme for using Nogtivit.
  3. Onychoplast. It is a remedy from the category of keratolytics. After the foot bath, the ointment is applied in a thick layer to the affected nail, and glued on top with a plaster. After 3 days, it is removed and the dead parts of the nail plate are removed. The procedure is repeated until it is completely removed. Similarly, you can use Ureaplast.

Treatment of an advanced form of nail fungus

With extensive lesions, effective treatment of nail fungus cannot be carried out with ointments, creams or varnishes. In this case, systemic drugs are prescribed, such as Fluconazole, Terbinafine, Itraconazole. Against this background, the use of ointments continues. Before applying them, the affected areas are polished so that the active ingredients penetrate deeper into the tissues. In more serious cases, the doctor prescribes:

  1. Laser therapy. Before the procedure, the specialist treats the finger with an antiseptic, and then covers it with a special gel. Next, the nail plates are cleaned with a laser. To completely eliminate the infection, 3-4 procedures are enough. There are 1 month breaks between them.
  2. Surgical removal. This is an extreme way to eliminate fungal infection. The operation is carried out under stationary conditions. During the procedure, the doctor removes the growth area of ​​the nail plate.

Folk remedies

For the treatment of fungal infections, one cannot completely rely on folk recipes. With neglected forms, they will not bring the desired effect. Healing herbs can only be used as an auxiliary method of therapy against the background of the use of ointments, creams or tablets. So they will speed up the healing and regeneration of an already healthy nail plate.

Natural oils

The antifungal activity of some essential oils has been proven by medicine. Complex chemical components in their composition are effective against yeast and other types of fungi. Oils are a safer treatment. They can be simply applied to the nail plate in pure form or in combination with vegetable or any cosmetic oil. The procedure is carried out regularly 3 times a day for several months. Before rubbing in, the feet must be steamed with the addition of tar soap and soda.

Another application is appliqués. A cotton pad moistened with oil is applied to the sore nail, fixed and left overnight. Reduce the risk of getting a fungal infection

  • lavender;
  • cinnamon;
  • rosemary;
  • tea tree;
  • lemon;
  • oregano;
  • carnations;
  • thyme;
  • geraniums;
  • lemongrass.


Warm baths are a useful procedure for nail fungus. They help to steam the legs, after which it is easier to remove the affected areas of the nail plates. For the procedure, conventional formulations are used, such as:

  1. Vinegar. You need to take 1 glass of this product at 9% concentration and dilute with 2 liters of warm water. The feet are kept in such a solution for 15-20 minutes. Next, they wipe their feet dry and put on cotton socks. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, you can apply hydrogen peroxide to your nails after it.
  2. Celandine. Requires about 100 g of plant material. It is crushed to a state of gruel, diluted with 1 liter of boiling water and left for 20 minutes. Then the solution is filtered, water is added in a 1: 1 ratio and the feet soar for about a quarter of an hour.
  3. Pour Listerine into a bowl, add 6-8 drops of lemon juice and 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar. Soak feet in this solution for 15-20 minutes, then wipe your feet with a towel.


There are several ways to use iodine solution to treat a fungal infection. Before the procedures, it is necessary to apply a small amount of the product to the bend of the elbow. If itching and redness do not appear, then iodine can be used. Variants of its application:

  1. Apply 1 drop of iodine to a diseased nail twice a day and 1 drop to a healthy one.
  2. Add 2-3 drops of iodine to a bowl of hot water, steam your feet in this solution for 10 minutes. Next, cut off the affected areas, and treat the skin near the nail with hydrogen peroxide.

Tea mushroom

Compresses are made with this tool. It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime. It requires one plate of kombucha, which is applied to the sore spot. They wrap it over with cellophane and a bandage, after which they put on socks. The composition is left on the leg overnight. In the morning, you need to rinse the place of the compress with warm water. Next, the dead areas are removed and smeared with iodine. An antiseptic such as Castellani liquid or Fukaseptol can be used instead.

The use of copper sulfate

This substance is represented by small crystals of copper salt of light blue color. With a fungal infection, copper sulfate helps to restore immunity and eliminate inflammation. In the fight against such a disease, this remedy is used as follows:

  • pour heated water into a large basin;
  • add copper sulfate at the rate of 1 tsp. for 1.5 liters of liquid;
  • soak the feet in the ready-made solution for at least 15-20 minutes;
  • dry your feet well with a towel;
  • treat the nail plates with an antifungal ointment or cream.

The best remedy for nail fungus

Only a dermatologist can determine the most effective remedy for nail fungus for a particular patient. There are several groups of antimycotics that differ in their active component. The effectiveness of the drug against a certain type of fungus depends on it. The causative agent is detected by a special analysis in the form of a scraping from the affected nail plate.

After such a procedure, the doctor identifies the type of microorganism and prescribes an effective remedy against it. Among the commonly used drugs that enjoy good reviews, stand out:

  • Exoderil;
  • Batrafen;
  • Demicten;
  • Diflucan;
  • Nitrofungin;
  • Creolin;
  • Fukortsin;
  • Bifosin;
  • Mycozoral;
  • Mifungar;
  • Fukaseptol;
  • Lotseril;
  • Lamisil.

Prevention of nail fungus

Since a fungal infection is highly infectious, some prevention rules must be followed to prevent it. The main recommendation is to strengthen the immune system through proper nutrition and regular physical activity. Additionally, you need to follow the rules from the list:

  • wipe your feet dry after washing;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • do not wear someone else's shoes and socks;
  • do not go barefoot in the gym, steam bath, sauna or pool;
  • wearing shoes on the beach;
  • change socks daily.


Fungal diseases of the feet especially often affect those people who lead a healthy lifestyle. And all because such people regularly visit the gym, pool, sauna, etc. It is in such places that a malicious fungus lurks and is just waiting for the moment to attack our poor legs.

Nail fungus- a very persistent infection, and over time, it affects all parts of the nail, destroying it, and spreads to other nails or skin. Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is a fungal infection that is easily transmitted from person to person. Nail fungus- a source of infection for other parts of the body. Even if all foci of the fungus on the skin of the feet are cured, re-infection will come from the remaining foci of infection in the nails. Very common infection nail fungus happens in the family - through common shoes, but sometimes through other household items. With equal frequency of infection nail fungus also occurs in public places: saunas, showers, gyms and sports halls, swimming pools.

External manifestations nail fungus consist in a change in the color of nails, their thickening, and in the future - crumbling or destruction. Nail fungus makes them white, gray, yellow, brown, sometimes black or green. The nail plate becomes opaque, since the fungi themselves are located between it and the base of the nail.

Thickening at nail fungus caused by increased keratinization of the nail bed, this is a reaction to the introduction of a fungus. Horny masses in the nail build up over time and impede effective treatment.

Untreated nail fungus leads over time to the introduction of the fungus into the entire thickness of the nail plate and to its stratification. Crumbling of the nail, that is, the destruction of the nail plate from the free edge, is observed simultaneously with thickening. External changes caused by nail fungus, confirms the obligatory laboratory examination of skin flakes or nail pieces.

Remember that fungal diseases of the feet are not among those that "resolve" over time (if such diseases exist at all). On the contrary, over time, everything only gets worse: the nails affected by the fungus change their color, thicken and often collapse. So, as you noticed the problem - immediately start treating the fungal nail disease. Nail fungus treatment not so long ago, it consisted only in the removal of the nail. The problem was that the new nail often grew with fungus too. Now the surgical method of treating nail fungus can be used for some forms of severe onychomycosis.

Also, from ancient times, complex medicinal compositions have been preserved for nail fungus treatment containing acids (salicylic, lactic), dyes (blue, brilliant green), iodine, vinegar and sulfur. All this was applied in the form of various solutions, liquids, ointments, plasters, detachments and varnishes. The treatment lasted for a year or more.

Folk remedies for the treatment of nail fungus

It is very important to remember that in addition to its extraordinary persistence in the environment, nail fungus quickly develops immunity to substances that are part of the main antifungal drugs. That is, if the fungus was not cured, or a re-infection has occurred, for example, through old shoes, then the treatment with the previous drug will no longer be as effective. It is necessary to select a drug with a fundamentally different mechanism of action, for example innovative serum Mycosan on the basis of rye enzyme filtrate, which has a high antifungal activity and at the same time does not form addiction in the fungus. This serum destroys the fungus in the deep layers of the nail, thereby reducing the risk of relapse.

There is an effective folk remedy for the treatment of nail fungus... Make an ointment using a raw egg, a teaspoon of dimethyl phthalate, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, or the same amount of 70% vinegar. Store this mixture in the refrigerator. At night, you need to rub the ointment into problem areas, put on a plastic bag and socks on top. (A similar "greenhouse" is made for the hands). When the form is running nail fungus the compress should be kept around the clock, for 3-4 days. The fungus will get away, old nails will peel off, making room for pink, young ones.

But all of the above cannot be compared in effectiveness with modern antifungal agents that destroy the fungus, and sometimes with additional methods that help improve the condition of the nail itself. True, efficiency nail fungus treatment varies considerably today, depending on the competence of doctors and their application of the latest achievements, as well as on the stage of patients seeking medical attention, adherence to the treatment regimen, sometimes quite long, and compliance with preventive measures after the onset of recovery.

The newest antifungal drugs not only actively act on the fungus, stopping the development of mycosis, but also stay in the nails for a long time, which makes it possible to shorten the treatment period. Modern antifungal drugs are usually taken within 2-4 months (instead of 6-12), and in the most progressive regimens (pulse therapy) - several weeks.

Treatments for nail fungus come in the form of oral preparations - capsules and tablets, and topical forms - nail varnishes and peel-off patches.

Nail fungus varnish

Antifungal varnishes for topical treatment of nail fungus are applied only 1-2 times a week. For severe forms, new external forms are combined with treatment with capsules or tablets. Such combined preparations have appeared, where antifungal components are combined with softening horny masses. This helps to combat thickening of the nails. Devices for hardware processing that have appeared recently - modified drills with special cutters for nails - also cope with this task. Each time the doctor selects the specific treatment regimen individually.

An important issue during and after nail fungus treatment disinfection of everything with which the fungus came into contact is also - floors, walls, inventory of baths, showers, bathrooms, as well as personal items: linen, shoes, skin and nail care items.

The walls and bottom of the bath should be treated with a mixture of equal parts of washing powder and bleach or chloramine (the powder must be washed off after 30 minutes). It is recommended to treat footwear with solutions of formalin (25%) or acetic acid (40%). Carefully wipe the insoles and side areas of the shoes with a dampened swab. Then put the tampon in the toe of the shoe, and place the shoe in a hermetically tied plastic bag for 24 hours. After the shoes are ventilated to eliminate the smell. Linen, stockings, socks, tights can be disinfected by boiling for 15-20 minutes in a 2% soap and soda solution. Then they should be ironed with a hot iron. Manicure scissors are disinfected by dipping in alcohol and then firing over a burner flame.

Yet the most effective treatment for nail fungus is primary prevention. To avoid infection with nail fungus in the family, it is enough to follow simple hygiene rules and use only your own shoes. You should not walk barefoot in public areas. In the same place, in order to prevent a probable disease, you can use antifungal agents - sprays and aerosols, with which it is convenient to treat the skin of the sole and interdigital folds. But the main thing is to always monitor the health of your feet, wearing comfortable, not tight and not causing excessive sweating shoes, and regularly caring for the skin of your feet and nails, at least at home.

Almost every person has encountered onychomycosis. Antifungal drugs for nails will help not only quickly solve this problem, but also provide prevention of this disease. In addition, many of them are supplemented with various mineral and vitamin complexes that help to strengthen the nail plate.


These are not expensive, but effective antifungal drugs, they are very convenient in that they are suitable for treating both nail and foot problems. Due to their versatility, they are most widespread. The main difference between a cream and an ointment is the absorption rate. After the ointment, there is often an unpleasant sensation of a film on the skin. The cream is quickly absorbed, leaves no marks on clothes (although it depends on the composition and its fat content). Consider the most effective formulations:

Name Note
Suda care Suitable for treating toenail and toenail fungus. The main component is chamomile extract, which provides a mild antiseptic effect. Calendula, which is also part of the composition, helps to relieve severe inflammation of the soft tissues.
Zentiva A.C Mycoseptin Reduces the ability of fungi to reproduce and resistance to aggressive factors. Helps to develop local immunity. Quickly relieves inflammation.
Mycospore Set It is necessary for the complex treatment of onychomycosis. Provides complete destruction of bacteria and fungi, disinfects, relieves itching.
Terbizil It is used to treat cracks between fingers, fungal foci, eliminate unpleasant odors and other traces of infection. Kills spores by creating an invisible protective layer on the skin.


Fungus ointments are effective and affordable antifungal medications. They are divided according to the principle of action. Some of these drugs are intended solely to eliminate the acute symptoms of the disease, while others penetrate deep into the epidermis, creating local immunity.

Name Notes (edit)
Clotrimazole This drug is on the list of must-haves for every medicine cabinet. It has a fast and strong action. The symptoms of fungi disappear after a few hours after applying the ointment.
Kanespor This is a kit for the treatment of athlete's foot at home. It includes cream, ointment and antiseptic. Bifonazole is an active antibiotic - it destroys spores even in the deep layers of the skin.
Ketoconazole It is included in the ranking of the 10 most effective antifungal drugs for nails. Contains azoles, which destroy spores and restore the skin after mycosis. Helps to strengthen the plate.
Exifin Helps with nail fungus caused by the Trychophyton organism. Promotes rapid healing and elimination of itching. Can be used during pregnancy.


Nail varnishes are suitable for topical treatment of fungus on the feet and hands, these topical antifungal drugs eliminate the possibility of spreading the disease. In addition, they quickly strengthen the plate, protecting it from aggressive environments.

Name Description
Batrafen (Indian varnishes for the treatment of athlete's foot) Contains ciclopirox, a powerful substance that eliminates active spores within 2 days. It is an example of a broad spectrum drug - there are no fungi that could resist this antibiotic.
Demicten It is a drug without an antibiotic. It does not have a vivid healing effect, but it prevents the multiplication of fungal spores. It should be noted that it can be used only either in the initial stages of the disease, or for prophylaxis.
Oflomil Contains amorolfine hydrochloride. Relieves heat and itching, kills spores on the nail plate. Together with this, it helps to increase local immunity.
Lotseril Long-lasting varnish. It only needs to be applied once a week. It acts on the skin and nails, saturates the plate with vitamins.

Antifungal drops

The drops are also very effective drugs against fungal infections of the fingers and toes. They do not smear clothes and are easy to use. They are often prescribed during pregnancy, since antibiotics are not included in the vast majority of these drugs.

Of these, you need to highlight:

Propolis Geliant is a powder based on beeswax and propolis. It should be diluted according to the instructions and moistened the nail plates and the skin around them. This is a broad-based remedy. The natural composition makes these domestic drops one of the most affordable and popular for the treatment of onychomycosis.

Thermikon - new domestic drops with bright fungicidal properties. They help not only against mycosis, but also against lichen, stratification of nail plates and other diseases caused by microorganisms.

Mycosan is a serum for fungus. These are the latest drops with a broad spectrum of action. Eliminates porosity, promotes the growth and strengthening of plates, helps to get rid of even old fungus. Its analog is Fundizol.

Terbinafine is an allylamine solution. White, odorless. It is prescribed by doctors for the treatment of mycosis of the hands, nails, fingers, and other parts of the body. This antifungal drug is included in the list of the most effective solutions for oral and topical use for the treatment of nail mycosis.

Exoderil Sandoz is an antifungal drug in drops, made in Israel. Requires use only once a day. Intolerable during pregnancy and lactation. A cheaper analogue is Cyclopirox. The price of this antifungal nail drug is about $ 2.

Diflucan is a popular tablet or solution that contains Fluconazole. In medicine, it is used not only as an external drug, but also as an internal agent. The tablets are effective not only against all types of fungus, but also against various other bacteria that cause diseases of the skin and nail plates.

Many antifungals are also sold in pills. They enhance the effect of external drugs. The most famous of them: Chlornitrophenol - a good remedy for athlete's foot. It helps not only the nail plates, but also the skin. Contributes to the suppression of the development of spores and their reproduction. These tablets can be taken orally or prepared into solutions. The concentration is described in the instructions, it is selected based on the specific types of fungus.

Irunin is another means of general action. These are capsules with a powerful antibiotic. They are used to treat any type of fungal disease. They consist of the synthetic antibiotic Itraconazole. You can buy them at any pharmacy. By the way, these are the most affordable capsules of the types described. Its counterpart is Orungal.

Fluconazole is a pill for thrush. They are prescribed for any fungal diseases. It is used as the main medicine and begins to act several hours after consumption. Its analog is Fungoterbin.

Video: nail fungus