Formation of a healthy lifestyle of schoolchildren in the process of physical education

Testing takes place throughout the course according to the method of programmed testing. Tests by discipline provide for the following forms of tasks: choosing one correct answer, establishing a sequence, establishing a correspondence, etc.

Testing can be carried out during the course in practical exercises for various purposes, for example:

At the beginning of the course, to assess the student's theoretical knowledge on issues related to the main provisions of the methodology of school physical education in order to identify the weaknesses of the training;

For rapid assessment and self-assessment of the knowledge of students who missed a lot of classes and were not allowed to pass the test;

For additional control of knowledge in the process of offset, assessments based on test results may be one of the conditions for admission to offset.

    In physical education, the widespread use of verbal and visual methods, low "motor" density are characteristic of:

a) lessons for consolidating and improving educational material;

b) control lessons;

c) general physical training lessons;

d) lessons in mastering new material.

    The group, which is formed from students without deviations in the state of health, who have sufficient physical fitness, is called:

a) a physical education group;

b) the main medical group;

c) sports group;

d) a healthy medical group.

    The purpose of training at the stage of initial learning of the technique of motor action:

a) to form in the student the basics of the technique of the studied movement and achieve its implementation in general terms;

b) complete the formation of motor skills;

c) master in detail and consolidate the technique of the studied motor action;

d) achievement of unity and stability of the execution of phases and parts of the technique of the studied motor action.

    The group, which is formed from students with minor deviations in physical development and health status (without significant functional impairments), as well as insufficient physical fitness, is called:

a) a group of general physical training;

b) physical culture group;

c) average medical group;

d) preparatory medical group.

    Specify the duration of the final part of the physical education lesson in a secondary school.

c) 3 - 5 minutes;

d) 1 - 2 min.

    Movement training begins with:

a) creating a general initial idea (semantic and visual) about the motor and the method of its implementation;

b) direct learning of motor action technique in parts;

c) direct learning of motor action technique in general;

d) learning general preparatory exercises.

    The level of development of human motor abilities is determined by:

a) tests (control exercises);

b) individual sports results;

c) rank standards of a unified sports classification;

d) individual reaction of the body to an external (standard) load.

    Which of the physical qualities with its excessive development negatively affects flexibility?

a) endurance;

c) speed;

d) coordination abilities.

    The group, which consists of students with deviations in the state of health, in which increased physical activity is contraindicated, is called:

a) a special medical group;

b) health-improving medical group;

c) group of medical physical culture;

d) health group.

    To maintain emotional tone and consolidate the material covered in the physical education lesson, the teacher should complete the main part:

a) flexibility exercises;

b) outdoor games and game tasks;

c) watching educational videos;

d) exercises for coordination of movements.

    The ability to resist physical fatigue during muscular activity is called:

a) functional stability;

b) biochemical economization;

c) fitness;

d) endurance.

    Among the following, indicate the main form of organizing physical exercises with students who have deviations in their state of health:

b) daily physical education classes in extended day groups (“health hour in the fresh air”);

c) physical culture lesson;

d) individual classes in various physical exercises at home (health-improving aerobics, shaping, stretching, athletic gymnastics, etc.).

    At the lesson of physical culture, the performance of the body under the influence of physical activity changes. Specify which part of the lesson corresponds to the phase of stable functional performance with small loads, fluctuations in the direction of its increase and decrease:

a) introductory;

b) preparatory;

c) main;

d) final.

    Within the framework of one lesson at the stage of initial learning of the technique of motor action, training in movements must be carried out:

a) in the preparatory part of the lesson;

b) at the beginning of the main part of the lesson;

c) in the middle of the main part of the lesson;

d) at the end of the main part of the lesson.

    The ability to perform work of moderate intensity for a long time with the global functioning of the muscular system is called:

a) physical performance;

b) physical fitness;

c) general endurance;

d) training.

    The main method of developing flexibility is:

a) repeated method;

b) the maximum effort method;

c) method of static forces;

d) the method of variable-continuous exercise.

    The main (initial) document, on the basis of which all the multifaceted work on physical education is carried out in state educational institutions of all levels, is:

b) curriculum;

    Choose from the planning document listed below, which includes: 1) specific educational objectives of the lesson; 2) theoretical information on physical education; 3) the main means of physical education, methods of their application and the magnitude of the loads for each lesson; 4) control exercises (tests):

a) physical education curriculum;

b) curriculum;

c) lesson work (thematic) plan;

d) general plan of work on physical education.

    A good training effect in the physical education of children with poor health is provided by motor modes with heart rate:

a) 90 - 100 beats / min;

b) 110 - 125 beats / min;

c) 130 - 150 beats / min;

d) 160 - 175 beats / min.

    At physical education lessons, the most favorable temperature in the gym should be within:

a) 12 - 13°С;

b) 14 - 16°С;

c) 18 - 20°С;

d) 22 - 24°С.

    Physical education is carried out on the basis of compulsory state programs on physical culture and sports. These programs contain:

a) category standards and requirements for sports;

b) methods of physical exercises;

c) general socio-pedagogical principles of the system of physical education;

d) scientifically substantiated tasks and means of physical education, complexes of motor skills to be mastered, a list of specific norms and requirements.

    In the physical education of children with poor health, the amount of physical activity in a physical education lesson is controlled by:

a) by pulse (by heart rate);

b) by the frequency of breathing;

c) according to external signs of children's fatigue;

d) according to the pulse, respiration and external signs of fatigue in children.

    Specify the name of the method of organizing the activities of students in the lesson, in which the whole class performs the same task of the teacher of physical education:

a) frontal;

b) in-line;

c) simultaneous;

d) group.

    In the process of learning motor actions, the greatest number of motor errors is made by those who are engaged in:

a) at the stage of initial learning of motor action technique;

b) at the stage of in-depth learning of motor action technique;

c) at the stage of motor action improvement;

d) at the stage of interaction of different structured motor skills.

    Specify how many hours a year the physical education program allocates for physical education lessons in a secondary school:

    By motor activity is meant:

a) the total number of motor actions performed by a person in the process of everyday life;

b) a certain measure of the influence of physical exercises on the body of those involved;

c) a certain amount of physical activity, measured by volume and intensity parameters;

d) a pedagogical process aimed at improving sportsmanship.

    The duration of a physical education lesson in a secondary school is:

a) 30 - 35 minutes;

b) 40 - 45 minutes;

c) 50–55 min;

    Specify the optimal number of general developmental exercises for the preparatory part of a physical education lesson:

a) 4 - 5 exercises;

b) 8 - 10 exercises;

c) 14 - 15 exercises;

d) 16 - 18 exercises.

    During the period of study in a general education school, the motor activity of students during the transition from class to class:

a) slightly increased

b) increases significantly;

c) remains unchanged;

d) is decreasing.

    In the system of physical education of schoolchildren, physical education minutes and physical education breaks are held:

a) in general education lessons when the first signs of fatigue appear in students;

b) at physical culture lessons when moving from one exercise to another;

c) in sports sections and sections of physical training, as a means of active recreation;

d) after the end of each lesson (at breaks).

    If the intensity of work during the development of endurance is higher than the critical one (75 - 85% of the maximum), and the heart rate by the end of the load is 180 beats / min, then repeated work is resumed when the heart rate drops to:

a) 140 - 150 beats / min;

b) 120 - 130 beats / min;

c) 90 - 110 beats / min;

d) 75 - 80 beats / min.

    Indicate among the following the main form of physical exercise in elementary school (lower grades):

a) physical culture and health-improving activities during the school day;

b) physical culture lesson;

d) sections of general physical training and sections on sports.

    Among the following, indicate the main purpose of holding physical education sessions and physical education breaks at general education lessons at school:

a) increasing the level of physical fitness;

b) relieving fatigue, increasing the productivity of mental or physical work, preventing violations of posture;

d) strengthening health and improving the culture of movements;

c) promoting the improvement of physical development.

    In domestic pedagogy, the main method of education is:

a) the method of persuasion;

b) method of exercise;

c) incentive method;

d) a good example.

    The system of movements, united by semantic motor tasks, is called:

a) motor actions;

b) sports equipment;

c) outdoor game;

d) exercise.

    A set of exercises, techniques and methods aimed at teaching motor and other skills and abilities, as well as their further improvement, is called:

a) teaching methodology;

b) physical culture;

c) physical education;

d) physical education.

    An exercise aimed at educating and improving coordination abilities is recommended to be performed:

a) in the preparatory part of the lesson (training session);

b) in the first half of the main part of the lesson;

c) in the second half of the main part of the lesson;

    During the performance of homework by schoolchildren of primary school age, physical education minutes (physical education breaks) are held after ... continuous work.

a) 20 - 25 minutes;

b) 30 - 35 minutes;

c) 40 - 45 minutes;

    In physical education classes, endurance exercises should always be performed:

a) at the beginning of the main part of the lesson;

b) in the middle of the main part of the lesson;

c) at the end of the main part of the lesson;

d) at the end of the lesson.

    The main specific means of physical education are:

a) exercise;

b) healing forces of nature;

c) hygiene factors;

d) training devices, weights, dumbbells, barbells, rubber shock absorbers, expanders.

    Is it possible to improve coordination of movements against the background of fatigue?

a) it is possible, because with fatigue there is an objective need for more economical performance of movements;

b) it is impossible, because with fatigue the clarity of muscle sensations is greatly reduced;

c) it is possible, because fatigue relieves coordination tension;

d) it is possible, because against the background of fatigue, the sensitivity of the sensory systems involved in the control of motor actions increases.

    At primary school age, the following exercises are mainly given:

a) dismembered method;

b) a holistic method;

c) the conjugate method;

d) standard exercise methods.

    The student's individual work plan for the period of teaching practice at school is a document reflecting:

a) the specific content of the work of students in all sections of the program of teaching practice and the timing of their implementation;

b) consistent fulfillment of educational tasks in pedagogical practice;

c) the list and content of training tasks for the period of practice;

    The main document on the basis of which all work on physical education in general educational institutions is carried out is:

a) physical education curriculum;

b) curriculum;

c) lesson work (thematic) plan;

d) a plan of pedagogical control and accounting.

    Choose from the planning documents listed below the one that includes the specific teaching and educational tasks of the lesson, the means to solve them; organizational and methodical instructions for their use, dosage:

a) physical education curriculum;

b) annual schedule;

c) lesson plan for a quarter;

d) lesson summary.

    The duration of a classic physical education lesson in a secondary school is:

    Specify among the following forms of extracurricular physical exercises in a secondary school:

a) physical culture and health-improving activities during the school day;

b) physical culture lesson;

c) daily physical education classes in extended day groups (sport hour);

d) classes in groups of general physical training and sections on sports.

    Lesson timing is carried out in order to:

a) determining the total time of the lesson;

b) rational distribution of time in parts of the lesson;

c) determining the general and motor density of the lesson;

d) counting the time spent by the teacher on the explanation.

    The ratio of the time used directly for the motor activity of students to the total duration of the lesson is called:

a) the index of physical activity;

b) the intensity of physical activity;

c) motor density of the lesson;

d) the overall density of the lesson.

    The highest rates of motor density are typical for physical education lessons:

a) aimed at teaching motor actions;

b) requiring a significant investment of time for mental activity;

c) aimed at improving the technique of movements and the development of physical qualities;

d) aimed at forming the foundations of knowledge in physical culture.

    The reaction of the cardiovascular system of students to physical activity caused by the performance of physical exercises in a physical education lesson is determined using:

a) pedagogical observations;

b) lesson timing;

c) measurement of heart rate;

d) measurement of blood pressure.

    The optimal range of physical activity in physical education lessons for students of the main medical group should not exceed:

a) 170 - 180 bpm;

b) 130 - 140 bpm;

c) 100 - 150 bpm;

d) 120 - 200 beats / min.

    According to the external signs of fatigue in the process of physical exercise, you can:

a) judge the physical condition and well-being of students;

b) to determine the level of fitness and functional capabilities of the body involved;

c) determine the correctness of the regulation of physical activity;

d) to judge the degree of solution of the tasks in the lesson.

    Slight reddening of the face, moderate sweating, slightly rapid breathing, indicates:

a) lack of fatigue;

b) a little fatigue;

c) significant fatigue;

d) about a sharp overwork.

    Significant reddening of the face and sweating, a tired expression and a decrease in interest in the lesson, intense facial expressions and frequent mistakes in performing exercises indicate:

a) about a sharp overwork;

b) a little fatigue;

c) significant fatigue;

d) lack of fatigue.

    The main means of physical education of schoolchildren are presented:

a) in textbooks on physical culture;

b) in the abstracts of physical education lessons;

d) in programs for educational institutions.

    The main means of physical education of school-age children are:

a) outdoor games;

b) exercise;

c) sports games;

d) athletics and swimming.

    At what age should more attention be paid to strengthening the muscles of the feet and the formation of correct posture:

a) at primary school age;

b) middle school age;

c) at senior school age;

d) in all classes (from 1 to 11) the same.

    For primary school age, the leading tasks in the lesson of physical culture are:

a) gaming, entertainment orientation;

b) physical training;

c) education of personal qualities;

d) improvement of natural motor actions.

    The peculiarity of lessons with children of middle school age is:

a) achievement of sports results;

b) preparation for sports;

c) in-depth training in basic types of motor actions (gymnastics, athletics, skiing, sports games, swimming);

d) participation in competitions.

    A differentiated and individual approach is especially important for students with:

a) insufficient results of mastering the program material on physical culture;

b) high results of mastering the program material in physical culture;

c) average results of mastering the program material in physical culture;

d) either low or high results of mastering the program material in physical culture.

    A feature of the methodology of physical education in senior school age is:

b) separate physical education lessons for boys and girls;

c) widespread use of sports games;

d) self-guided lessons.

    For health reasons, all students are divided into groups:

a) healthy and sick children;

b) first, second and third;

c) basic, preparatory and special;

d) strong and weak.

    Pedagogical technology is:

a) systematic and consistent implementation in practice of a pre-designed educational process;

b) a set of specially selected means and methods for organizing the educational process;

c) a well-planned educational process;

d) methodology for organizing and conducting a lesson.

    A comprehensive program of physical education for educational institutions consists of:

a) from two sections (grades 1-5 and 6-11) that make up an integral system of physical education in a general education school;

b) from four sections (grades 1-4, 5-6, 7-9, and 10-11) that make up an integral system of physical education in a general education school;

c) from three sections (grades 1-4, 5-9, and 10-11) that make up an integral system of physical education in a general education school;

d) ten sections (from grades 1 to 10) that make up an integral system of physical education in a general education school;

    Each sectiona comprehensive program of physical education for educational institutions includes:

a) physical exercises and outdoor games;

b) classroom and extracurricular forms of conducting classes;

c) physical education lessons and sports competitions;

d) physical education lessons, sports and recreation activities in the mode of study and extended day, extracurricular activities, mass sports and sports events.

a) main and auxiliary;

b) basic and variable;

c) mandatory and optional;

d) classroom and extracurricular.

    The program material for the section "Basics of knowledge about physical culture" can be mastered:

a) only at specially designated physical education lessons;

b) at additional lessons of physical culture;

c) on electives;

d) both at specially designated lessons of physical culture, and during the lessons in parallel with the development of technical elements and the development of motor abilities.

    The basic part of the program material on physical culture with three lessons a week for students in grades 1-4 is:

a) 78 hours;

b) 52 hours;

c) 102 hours;

d) 84 hours.

    The basic part of the program material on physical culture with three lessons a week for students in grades 5-6 is:

b) 52 hours;

c) 102 hours;

d) 75 hours.

    The basic part of the program material on physical culture with three lessons a week for students in grade 7 is:

b) 52 hours;

c) 102 hours;

d) 75 hours.

    The basic part of the program material on physical culture with three lessons a week for students in grades 8-9 is:

a) 78 hours;

b) 52 hours;

c) 102 hours;

d) 84 hours.

    The basic part of the program material on physical culture with three lessons a week for students in grades 10-11 is:

a) 78 hours;

b) 87 hours;

c) 102 hours;

d) 84 hours.

    Physical culture and health-improving activities in the mode of training and extended day include:

a) sports competitions;

b) physical education lessons and outdoor walks;

c) gymnastics before classes, physical exercises during lessons, active breaks, a sports hour in the extended day group;

d) physical exercises, sports and outdoor games, athletics.

    Classes in sports sections and groups of general physical training refer to the section:

a) educational and recreational work;

b) extracurricular activities;

c) sports and mass work;

d) physical culture and sports work.

    The purpose of mass physical culture and sports events is:

a) in organizing the free time of schoolchildren;

b) in promoting physical culture and introducing schoolchildren to systematic sports;

c) in the organization of leisure and entertainment;

d) in the health of children.

    The annual schedule for physical culture is recommended to be:

a) the same for all classes;

b) separately for primary, secondary and senior school age;

c) separately for boys and girls;

d) for each parallel of classes.

    When developing an annual plan-schedule, it is necessary to take into account:

a) the total number of students in each class;

b) the number of boys and girls, their age characteristics;

c) academic performance, state of health, presence of a sports uniform;

d) physical fitness of students, the state of the material and sports base, regional and national characteristics.

    The working schedule for physical culture for a quarter or a semester is:

a) a list of means and methods used in physical education lessons;

b) a consistent presentation of the content of each lesson of the academic quarter in accordance with the tasks set;

c) a list of physical exercises, outdoor games, sports regulated by the program;

d) lesson objectives and ways to solve them.

    The outline plan of a physical education lesson is a document:

a) urgent planning;

b) long-term planning;

c) operational planning;

d) current planning.

    The purpose of the plan-summary of the lesson of physical culture is:

a) in a detailed description of the upcoming lesson;

b) in planning the activities of the teacher and students during the lesson;

c) in the development of a methodology for solving the learning tasks of a lesson, the selection of the optimal composition of means, methods and forms of organizing educational activities, which in their totality ensure the effective conduct of a lesson;

d) in the correct distribution of the load in the lesson.

    In each physical education lesson, 3-4 tasks are usually solved:

a) aimed at increasing the overall endurance and performance of those involved;

b) health-improving, educational and educational orientation;

c) aimed at improving vital motor skills and abilities;

d) aimed at strengthening health and normal physical development.

    Specify the correct sequence for the development of the main planning documents for physical education at school:

a) lesson plan-outline - work plan for a quarter (semester) - annual schedule;

b) annual schedule - plan-outline of the lesson - work plan for a quarter (semester);

c) work plan for a quarter (semester) - annual schedule - lesson plan;

d) annual schedule - a work plan for a quarter (semester) - a lesson plan.

    The main document on the basis of which the work on physical education in educational institutions is carried out is:

a) curriculum;

b) curriculum;

c) lesson plan;

d) annual schedule.

    Planning documents for physical education in a secondary school are developed:

a) the principal of the school;

b) deputy director of the school for educational work;

c) a teacher of physical culture;

d) education department.

    Physical loads that provide a training effect in each case should be optimal in terms of their parameters:

a) volume, intensity, intervals of rest;

b) time, number of repetitions, distance;

c) duration of exercises, pace and amplitude of performance;

d) the speed of movements, the number of exercises.

    When dosing loads in order to increase the functionality of the cardiovascular system of the body, their value in terms of heart rate should be:

a) not higher than 130 bpm;

b) not lower than 130 bpm;

c) within 110 - 130 bpm;

d) within 120 - 180 bpm.

    For recreational purposes, the optimal range of loads in the classroom is within:

a) 160 - 180 bpm;

b) 100 - 150 bpm;

c) 180 - 200 bpm;

d) 130 - 170 bpm.

    The reasons leading to a decrease in the overall density of the lesson can be:

a) unjustified downtime, unpreparedness of the teacher, ill-conceived organization, poor discipline of students;

b) weather conditions;

c) lack of inventory;

d) fatigue and lack of interest among those involved.

    The preparatory stage of the activity of a physical education teacher is aimed at:

a) organizing students and ensuring discipline;

b) formation of interest in physical culture and sports;

c) formation of motor skills and abilities;

d) ensuring the conditions for the qualitative conduct of the educational process.

    The practical activity of a physical education teacher in a lesson is aimed at:

a) management of educational, practical and cognitive activities of students in the classroom;

b) conducting a lesson and organizing students;

c) to solve educational problems in the classroom;

d) health promotion and prevention of various diseases.

    At the stage of monitoring the effectiveness of the pedagogical process, the activity of a physical education teacher is aimed at:

a) error detection;

b) elimination of deficiencies;

c) determining the winners;

d) analysis and evaluation of learning outcomes.

    What is the subject of assessment of schoolchildren's progress in physical education?

a) completeness and depth of knowledge of theoretical information;

b) degree of motor actions mastering;

c) theoretical knowledge, motor skills, physical fitness;

d) homework results.

    Pedagogical control in physical education is:

a) a system of measures that ensure the verification of the planned indicators of physical education to assess the means and methods used;

b) determining the results of the course of didactic processes;

c) correct assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities;

d) a targeted survey that allows you to objectively measure the characteristics of the pedagogical process.

    The reaction of the organism involved in physical activity is determined using:

a) heart rate measurements;

b) measurements of anthropometric data;

c) control standards;

d) visual observation.

    The main document regulating all issues of holding a sports competition is:

a) a detailed summary of the conduct;

c) regulation on the competition;

d) calendar plan of mass sports events.

    What document is required for a team to participate in a school competition?

a) passport;

b) a diary;

c) letter from parents;

d) application.

    Athletes categorically cannot take part in school competitions without:

a) a doctor's permit;

b) written permission from parents;

c) order of the director;

d) personal statement.

    The source document that determines the content and direction of a sports holiday is:

a) a letter of application;

b) position;

c) curriculum;

d) script.

    Determine the level of effectiveness of the physical education teacher, if the teacher can convey to students only what he knows himself:

b) low (adaptive);

    Determine the level of effectiveness of the physical education teacher, if the teacher not only can transfer the knowledge and skills that he owns, but also knows how to adapt the content of the material to the age and individual characteristics of those involved:

a) minimal (reproductive) ;

b) low (adaptive);

c) medium (locally modeling);

d) high (system modeling).

    Determine the level of effectiveness of the physical education teacher, if the teacher can form solid knowledge in some sections of students:

a) minimal (reproductive);

b) low (adaptive);

c) medium (locally modeling);

d) high (system modeling).

    Determine the level of effectiveness of the activity of a physical education teacher, if the teacher can form strong knowledge, skills and abilities in students in all aspects of motor activity:

a) minimal (reproductive);

b) low (adaptive);

c) medium (locally modeling);

d) high (system modeling).

    Determine the level of effectiveness of the physical education teacher, if the teacher knows how to use his subject as a means of personality formation:

a) higher (system-modeling motor activity and behavior of students);

b) low (adaptive);

c) medium (locally modeling);

d) high (system modeling).

    Indicate the main stages of the activity of a physical education teacher:

a) preparatory, main, final;

b) the stage of preparation for the lesson, the practical activities of the teacher in the lesson (second stage) and monitoring the effectiveness of the learning process (third stage);

c) introductory, production, final;

d) organizing a lesson, conducting a lesson and summarizing.

    The appearance and culture of behavior of a physical education teacher contributes to ...

a) moral education of schoolchildren;

b) increasing interest in physical education classes;

c) the formation of personal qualities;

d) aesthetic education of students.

    The professional readiness of a teacher of physical culture also implies the presence of:

a) sportswear;

b) the title of master of sports;

c) psychological and pedagogical tact;

d) good mood.

    Among the personal qualities of a teacher that contribute to his success in the field of physical culture and sports, business qualities are of great importance. Which of the following are among them?

    Among the personal qualities of a teacher that contribute to his success in the field of physical culture and sports, ideological and moral qualities are of great importance. Which of the following are among them?

a) integrity, responsibility, punctuality;

b) adherence to principles, patriotism, conviction;

c) justice, restraint, exactingness;

d) humanity, kindness, ability to empathize.

    Among the personal qualities of a teacher that contribute to his success in the field of physical education and sports, reflexive qualities are of great importance. Which of the following are among them?

a) integrity, responsibility, punctuality;

b) accuracy, smartness, self-criticism;

c) justice, restraint, exactingness;

d) humanity, kindness, ability to empathize.

    Among the personal qualities of a teacher that contribute to his success in the field of physical culture and sports, communicative qualities are of great importance. Which of the following are among them?

a) integrity, responsibility, punctuality;

b) accuracy, smartness, self-criticism;

c) justice, restraint, exactingness;

d) humanity, kindness, ability to empathize.

    Among the personal qualities of a teacher that contribute to his success in the field of physical culture and sports, empathic qualities are of great importance. Which of the following are among them?

a) integrity, responsibility, punctuality;

b) accuracy, smartness, self-criticism;

c) justice, restraint, exactingness;

d) humanity, kindness, ability to empathize.

    An important component of the pedagogical activity of a physical education teacher is the ability to manage a class team. Choose the most appropriate leadership style:

    The democratic style of team management is characterized by:

c) the position of non-intervention;

a) joint decision-making combined with persuasion;

b) the predominance of severity and tough measures;

c) the position of non-intervention;

d) conniving attitude to what is happening in the lesson.

    The liberal style of team management is characterized by:

a) joint decision-making;

b) the predominance of severity and tough measures;

c) the predominance of persuasion, mutual concessions;

d) conniving attitude to what is happening in the lesson, the position of non-intervention.

    What activities determine the quality of teacher preparation for the lesson?

a) study of special literature;

b) the choice of means and methods for conducting the lesson;

c) development of a summary, preparation of places of employment, equipment, inventory;

d) error analysis, summing up.

    What is the achievement of the objectives set in the lesson?

a) about the pedagogical skills of the teacher of physical culture;

b) good physical and motor fitness of students;

c) about the rational organization of the lesson;

d) about the tasks correctly set in the lesson.

    What plays an important role in the process of interaction between the teacher and the student?

a) visual teaching methods;

b) attentiveness, good discipline of students;

c) the appearance of the teacher;

d) the teacher's possession of communicative means of transmitting information.

a) sports achievements and titles;

b) deep knowledge of their subject;

c) appearance and culture of behavior;

d) professional competence, attitude to their work and love for children.

    Specify the main causes of injuries in physical education lessons:

a) unsatisfactory discipline of students;

b) organizational and methodological shortcomings in the conduct of lessons, poor preparation of places for classes;

c) low level of educational work;

d) insufficient physical fitness of those involved.

    What should I do if there is a fire in the gym in the first place?

a) call and wait for the arrival of firefighters;

b) release the children from the lesson;

c) urgently evacuate children from the hall through evacuation exits;

d) start extinguishing the fire.

    What to do in the event of a malfunction of equipment and sports equipment?

a) stop the class and inform the administration;

b) continue the lesson with insurance;

c) make repairs on their own;

d) move on to other exercises.

    If a student is injured, they should immediately:

a) send the victim to the school doctor;

b) call an ambulance;

c) notify parents;

d) provide the victim with first aid, inform the administration, if necessary, send the victim to a medical institution.

    What exactly should a teacher do before a lesson to avoid accidents?

a) check the condition of the equipment, make sure it is in good condition, exclude the presence of foreign objects on the site;

b) do a warm-up;

c) warn students about the danger;

d) put on a sports uniform.

Practice #7

Topic: Technology of conducting classes with children with poor health.

To consolidate the acquired knowledge on the technology of conducting classes with children with poor health; to form the ability to compose FU complexes for children with various deviations in the state of health; consolidate the skill of writing a lesson plan.

Knowledge requirements:

Characteristics of health groups; tasks of physical education of students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons; PV form; means of PV; methodological features of conducting lessons with children with poor health.

Skill Requirements:

Conducting tests to identify physical fitness; compilation of FU complexes for children with various health problems.

Visibility: table "External signs of fatigue", textbook "TiMFKS",.


I. Organizing moment

Greetings. Readiness of the audience for the lesson.

II. Student survey

Question and answer conversation

Describe the main medical group? Describe the preparatory medical group? Describe the special medical group? What tasks of physical education of students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons are solved at physical education lessons? List methods of load control? What is the main means of PV?

III. Independent work.

List the main tasks of physical education of students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons:
Fill in the table: "External signs of fatigue."
Control test. In accordance with the state of health, in physical development, the level of physical activity, all schoolchildren are divided into the following medical groups:

1) a) weak, b) medium, c) strong;

2) a) basic, b) preparatory, c) special;

3) a) without deviations in the state of health, b) with deviations in the state of health;

4) a) health-improving, b) physical education, c) sports.

The group, which is formed from students without deviations in the state of health, with sufficient PP, is called:

1) physical culture group;

2) the main medical group;

3) sports group;

4) healthy medical group.

The group, which is formed from students with minor deviations in physical development and health status, with insufficient PP, is called:

1) group OFP;

2) physical culture group;

3) middle medical group;

4) preparatory medical group.

The group, which is formed from students with deviations in the state of health, in which increased physical activity is contraindicated, is called:

1) special medical group;

2) health-improving medical group;

3) exercise therapy group;

4) health group.

Specify the main form of organizing FU classes with students with health problems:

1) physical culture and recreation activities in the mode of the school day;

2) daily physical education classes in extended day groups;

3) FC lesson;

4) individual FU lessons at home.

In the EF of children with poor health, the following are completely excluded:

1) gymnastic exercises;

4) acrobatic FU and FU associated with straining, long



In the physical activity of children with poor health, the amount of physical activity in the PE lesson is controlled by:

1) by pulse (HR);

2) according to the frequency of breathing;

3) according to external signs of children's fatigue;

4) by pulse (HR), by external signs of fatigue in children, by respiratory rate.

The FC lesson at school is usually held:

1) once a week;

2) 2 times a week;

3) 3 times a week;

4) 4 times a week.

The duration of a FC lesson at school is:

1) 30-35 minutes;

2) 40-45 minutes;

3) 50-55 minutes;

In the PE system for schoolchildren, physical pauses and physical education minutes are held:

1) in the classroom when the first signs of fatigue appear;

2) in the lessons of physical education during the transition from one FU to another;

3) in sports sections and sections of physical training, as a means of active recreation;

4) after the end of the lessons (at breaks).

Indicate the main goal of the behavior of physical education pauses and physical education minutes in the classroom at school:

1) increase in the level of AF;

2) relieving fatigue, increasing the productivity of mental or physical work, preventing violations of posture;

3) health promotion and improvement of the culture of movements;

4) promoting the improvement of physical development.

Record the selected answers to the control tests in the answer card.

question number

Answer No.

IV. Summing up and announcement of grades

V. Homework

1. At school age, the use of a wide variety of physical exercises is based on the provisions that are reflected in general principles domestic system of physical education. List these principles among the following:

1) the principle of the comprehensive development of the individual, the principle of the connection of physical education with labor and military practice, the principle of a health-improving orientation;

3) the principle of continuity, the principle of systemic alternation of loads and rest; the principle of age adequacy of physical education directions, the principle of cyclic construction of classes;

4) the principle of a gradual increase in developmental and training effects, the principle of an adapted balancing of load dynamics.

2. Motor activity is understood as:

1) the total number of motor actions performed by a person in the process of everyday life;

2) a certain measure of the influence of physical exercises on the body of those involved;

3) a certain amount of physical activity, measured by volume and intensity parameters;

4) a pedagogical process aimed at improving sportsmanship.

3. During the period of study in a general education school, the motor activity of students in the transition from class to class:

1) slightly increases;

2) increases significantly;

3) remains unchanged;

4) is decreasing more and more.

4. Indicate among the following the main form of physical exercise in elementary school (lower grades):

1) physical culture and recreation activities in the mode of the school day;

2) physical education lesson;

3) daily physical education classes in extended day groups (sport hour);

4) sections of general physical training and sections on sports.

5. At primary school age, speed exercises should be performed:

6. At primary school age, from the methods of exercise, the advantage is given to:

1) dismembered method;

2) a holistic method;

3) the conjugate method;

4) methods of a standard exercise.

7. In the process of physical education of children of primary school age, if possible, it is necessary to exclude:

1) endurance exercises;

2) exercises for the frequency of movements;

3) exercises associated with straining (holding the breath), and significant static stress;

4) speed-strength exercises.

8. A distinctive feature of physical education in elementary school is accent for a solution:

1) health problems;

2) educational objectives;

3) educational tasks;

4) tasks for the formation of physique and regulation of body weight by means of physical education.

9. In the process of physical education of children of senior school age first of all attention should be paid to the development of:

1) active and passive flexibility;

2) maximum frequency of movements;

3) strength, speed-strength abilities and various types of endurance;

4) simple and complex motor reactions.

10. In accordance with the state of health, physical development, level of physical fitness, all students are divided into the following medical groups:

1) a) weak, b) medium, c) strong;

2) a) basic, b) preparatory, c) special;

3) a) without deviations in the state of health; b) with deviations in the state of health;

4) a) health-improving, b) physical education, c) sports.

11. The group, which is formed from students without deviations in the state of health, who have sufficient physical fitness, is called:

1) physical culture group;

2) the main medical group;

3) sports group;

4) healthy medical group.

12. A group that is formed from students with minor deviations in physical development and health status (without significant functional impairments), as well as
lack of physical fitness is called:

1) group of general physical training;

2) physical culture group;

3) average medical group;

4) a preparatory medical group.

13. The group, which consists of students with deviations in the state of health, in which increased physical activity is contraindicated, is called:

1) a special medical group;

2) health-improving medical group;

3) group of medical physical culture;

4) health group.

14. Indicate among the following the main form of organization of physical exercises with students who have deviations in the state of health:

1) physical culture and recreation activities in the mode of the school day;

2) daily physical education classes in extended day groups (“health hour in the fresh air”);

3) physical education lesson;

4) individual classes in various physical exercises at home (health aerobics, shaping, stretching, athletic gymnastics, etc.).

15. In the physical education of children with poor health, the following are completely excluded:

1) gymnastic exercises;

2) athletics exercises;

3) outdoor games and ski training;

4) acrobatic exercises and exercises associated with straining, prolonged static stress.

16. A good training effect in the physical education of children with poor health is provided by motor modes with heart rate:

1) 90-100 beats / min;

2) 110-125 beats / min;

3) 130-150 beats/min;

4) 160-175 beats / min.

17. In the physical education of children with poor health, the amount of physical activity in a physical education lesson is controlled by:

1) by pulse (by heart rate);

2) according to the frequency of breathing;

3) according to external signs of children's fatigue;

4) according to the pulse, respiration and external signs of fatigue in children.

18. Lessons of physical culture in a secondary school are held, as a rule:

1) once a week;

2) 2 times a week;

3) 3 times a week;

4) 4 times a week.

19. The duration of a physical education lesson in a secondary school is:

1) 30-35 min;

2) 40-45 min;

3) 50-55 min;

20. In the system of physical education of schoolchildren, physical education minutes and physical education breaks are held:

1) in general education lessons when the first signs of fatigue appear in students;

2) at physical culture lessons during the transition from one physical exercise to another;

3) in sports sections and sections of physical training, as a means of active recreation;

4) after the end of each lesson (at breaks).

21. Among the following, indicate the main purpose of holding physical education sessions and physical education breaks at general education lessons at school:

1) increasing the level of physical fitness;

2) relieving fatigue, increasing the productivity of mental or physical work, preventing violations of posture;

3) health promotion and improvement of the culture of movements;

4) promoting the improvement of physical development.

22. During the performance of homework by young schoolchildren, physical education minutes (physical education breaks) are held after ... continuous work.

Insert-answer: 1) 20-25 min;

2) 30-35 min;

3) 40-45 min;

23. Physical education in the system of secondary vocational education is carried out throughout:

1) the first year of study;

2) first and second years of study;

3) second and third years of study;

4) the entire period of study.

24. Indicate what tasks are solved in physical education lessons in a secondary school.

1) educational;

2) educational;

3) health;

4) educational, educational, health-improving.

25. Specify the optimal number of tasks to be solved in one physical education lesson:

1) one task;

2) two or three tasks;

3) four tasks;

4) five or six tasks.

26. In the main part of the physical education lesson at the beginning:

1) previously acquired motor skills and abilities are fixed and improved;

2) new motor actions or their elements are learned;

3) exercises are performed that require the manifestation of endurance;

4) exercises are performed that require the manifestation of strength.

27. Exercises that require the manifestation of speed, speed-strength qualities, fine coordination of movements are performed:

1) in the water part of the lesson;

2) in the preparatory part of the lesson;

3) at the beginning of the main part of the lesson;

4) in the middle or end of the main part of the lesson.

28. As part of a school physical education lesson, the main part usually lasts:

1) 15-18 min;

3) 25-30 min;

29. Specify the duration of the final part of the physical education lesson in a secondary school:

30. To maintain emotional tone and consolidate the material covered in the physical education lesson, the teacher should complete the main part:

1) flexibility exercises;

2) outdoor games and game tasks;

3) watching educational videos;

4) exercises for coordination of movements.

31. At the lesson of physical culture, the working capacity of the body changes under the influence of physical activity. Specify which part of the lesson corresponds to the phase of stable functional performance with slight fluctuations in the direction of its increase and decrease:

1) introductory;

2) preparatory;

3) main;

4) final.

32. Specify the purpose of physical culture breaks in the system of physical education of students of secondary specialized educational institutions:

1) preventing fatigue and restoring the working capacity of students;

2) disease prevention;

3) increasing the level of physical fitness;

4) improvement of motor skills and abilities.

33. At physical education lessons, the most favorable temperature in the gym should be within:

34. Specify the name of the method of organizing the activities of students in the lesson, in which the whole class performs the same task of the teacher of physical education:

1) frontal;

2) in-line;

3) simultaneous;

When working with tests, you must carefully read the question, think about it and analyze the possible options for your answers, and only after that read the proposed answers and choose the one that is most suitable.

Testing takes place on all topics studied by the method of programmed testing. Each student receives a checklist of questions with suggested answers to them or questions requiring a short answer. In the course of work, it is necessary to mark the correct answers. You have 15 minutes to complete the tasks. For each correct answer, 1 point is awarded. For 90-100% of the maximum possible number of points - the mark is "excellent"; interval from 75% to 90% - "good"; interval from 55% to 75% - "satisfactory"; below 55% - "unsatisfactory".

    1. 2.6. Guidelines for performing control work

Test - according to the methodological block "Programme and methodological foundations of teaching practice at school" is carried out in writing on topics recommended for independent study, and is read out subject to the provision and protection by students of independently developed planning documents (annual and quarterly schedule), completed timekeeping tasks, pulsometry and written analysis of a school lesson.

If a student is absent from the seminars for a good reason, the student is given an additional question on the missed topic while writing the test.

offset - is accepted for the entire course of the discipline "Methodology of physical culture in a secondary school" subject to the obligatory fulfillment of tasks for independent work and educational practice, provided both by the methodological block "Programme and methodological foundations of pedagogical practice at school" and the practical block "Methodology for conducting physical education at school". The credit for the control work must precede the credit for the entire course of the discipline. When preparing for the test, it should be taken into account that the value of answering questions lies in the student's ability to explain the essence of certain processes, express his attitude and express his own opinion, support his judgments with examples from practice, analyze and evaluate what is happening, reveal shortcomings and give specific practical recommendations based on theoretical knowledge. Thus, transforming the acquired knowledge into special pedagogical skills: gnostic, associated with the presence of knowledge in the specialty; design, determining the ability to competently plan the passage of educational material; constructive, related to the construction of a specific lesson; organizational and communication.

Section 3. Materials of test control of students' knowledge

    The type of education, the specific content of which is the training of movements, the education of physical qualities, the mastery of special physical culture knowledge and the formation of a conscious need for physical education, is called:

a) physical culture;

b) physical training;

c) physical education;

d) physical education.

    Specific methods of physical education include:

a) verbal methods (orders, commands, instructions) and methods of visual influence;

b) methods of strictly regulated exercise, game and competitive methods;

c) methods of urgent information;

d) practical method, video method, methods of independent work, methods of control and self-control.

    How many stages does the process of learning a motor action include, which differ from each other both in particular tasks and in the features of the methodology:

a) three stages;

b) four stages;

c) two stages;

d) six stages.

    Motor (physical) abilities are:

a) the ability to quickly and easily master motor actions of various complexity;

b) physical qualities inherent in a person;

c) individual characteristics that determine the level of a person's motor abilities;

d) individual features that provide appropriate motor activity.

    When using specially preparatory exercises with weights for the purpose of educating the speed of movements, the weight of the weights should be within ... from the maximum.

Insert-answer: a) from 5 to 10%;

b) up to 15 - 20%;

c) from 30 to 40%;

    For the development of active flexibility, the most favorable (sensitive) period is age:

a) 5 - 7 years;

b) 8 - 9 years;

c) 10 - 14 years old;

d) 15 - 17 years old.

    In physical education, the widespread use of verbal and visual methods, low "motor" density are characteristic of:

a) lessons for consolidating and improving educational material;

b) control lessons;

c) general physical training lessons;

d) lessons in mastering new material.

    The group, which is formed from students without deviations in the state of health, who have sufficient physical fitness, is called:

a) a physical education group;

b) the main medical group;

c) sports group;

d) a healthy medical group.

    As part of a school physical education lesson, the main part usually lasts:

a) 15 - 18 minutes;

c) 25 - 30 minutes;

    The ratio of the time used directly for the motor activity of students to the total duration of the lesson is called:

a) the index of physical activity;

b) the intensity of physical activity;

c) motor density of the lesson;

d) the overall density of the lesson.

    The result of physical training is:

a) the physical development of the individual;

b) physical education;

c) physical fitness;

d) physical perfection.

    Which of the following methods is a sequential implementation of specially selected exercises that affect various muscle groups and functional systems in the form of continuous or interval work?

a) the method of conjugated influence;

b) game method;

c) method of variable-continuous exercise;

d) circuit training method.

    The purpose of training at the stage of initial learning of the technique of motor action:

a) to form in the student the basics of the technique of the studied movement and achieve its implementation in general terms;

b) complete the formation of motor skills;

c) master in detail and consolidate the technique of the studied motor action;

d) achievement of unity and stability of the execution of phases and parts of the technique of the studied motor action.

    The basis of human motor abilities are:

a) psychodynamic inclinations;

b) physical qualities;

c) motor skills;

d) motor skills.

    For the development of passive flexibility, the most favorable (sensitive) period is the age:

a) 5 - 6 years;

b) 7 - 8 years;

c) 9 - 10 years;

d) 11 - 15 years.

    The group, which is formed from students with minor deviations in physical development and health status (without significant functional impairments), as well as insufficient physical fitness, is called:

a) a group of general physical training;

b) physical culture group;

c) average medical group;

d) preparatory medical group.

    Specify the duration of the final part of the physical education lesson in a secondary school.

c) 3 - 5 minutes;

d) 1 - 2 min.

    A specialized process that contributes to success in a particular activity (type of profession, sport, etc.), which imposes specialized requirements on a person’s motor abilities, is called:

a) sports training;

b) special physical training;

c) physical perfection;

d) professional-applied physical training.

Three health groups

In accordance with the state of health, physical development, level of physical fitness, all schoolchildren are distributed (based on an in-depth medical examination) into three medical groups: basic (having no deviations in health), preparatory and special.

The preparatory group is formed from students with minor deviations in physical development and health status (without significant functional impairments), as well as insufficient physical fitness.

The main objectives of physical exercises with students of this group are to improve their health, improve physical development and physical fitness and transfer to the main group.

When studying and performing various motor actions associated with increased loads, the requirements for students are reduced. The material of the curriculum is passed with a reduction in complexity, a reduction in the duration of exercises and the number of repetitions. Exercises associated with large muscle tension are excluded. The load is limited in running, jumping, in exercises with weights, with overcoming obstacles, in relay races.

Motor tasks for schoolchildren of this group can be both group and individual.

The special group includes students with such deviations in health status that are a contraindication to increased physical activity. The inclusion of students in a special medical group can be both temporary and permanent (depending on the type of disease and other deviations in the state of health).

The main objectives of the physical education of students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons are:

strengthening health, promoting proper physical development and hardening of the body;

increasing the functional level of organs and systems weakened by the disease;

increase in physical and mental performance;

increasing the immunological reactivity and resistance of the body as a means of combating allergization provoked by colds and the presence of foci of chronic infection;

the formation of correct posture, and, if necessary, its correction;

rational breathing training;

mastering the basic motor skills and abilities;

education of moral and volitional qualities;

fostering interest in independent physical education classes and introducing them into the daily routine of students;

creation of the prerequisites necessary for the future work of students.

To solve these problems, classes in therapeutic physical culture (LFK) are organized. A specific program of classes is compiled by a physical education teacher together with the attending physician.

Depending on the nature of the diseases, students assigned to a special medical group are recommended to be divided into subgroups: with diseases of the heart, upper respiratory tract and lungs, with refractive errors of the eyes, with obesity, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main form of physical education for students with disabilities is the lesson, which is built according to the standard scheme: preparatory, main and final parts. However, it has its own fundamental features from ordinary physical education lessons. Unlike a regular lesson, the duration of the preparatory and final parts increases. In the preparatory part (up to 20 minutes), general developmental exercises are performed (at a slow and medium pace), alternating with breathing exercises. The load increases gradually; such exercises are used that ensure the preparation of all organs and systems for the implementation of the main part of the lesson. The selection of exercises in the main part of the lesson (20-22 minutes) provides for the solution of a number of tasks: mastering the simplest motor skills, developing (within the capabilities of those involved) basic physical qualities. The most widely used are gymnastic exercises that allow you to dose physical activity, selectively influence individual organs and systems, muscle groups and joints. Elements of outdoor and sports games, athletics and ski training are also used. Acrobatic exercises and exercises associated with straining, prolonged static stress are completely excluded. In the final part of the lesson (3-5 minutes), simple relaxation exercises, walking at a slow pace, breathing exercises are performed.

Motor modes for children with poor health are recommended to be performed at a heart rate of 120--130 beats / min, with a gradual increase in the intensity of physical activity in the main part of the lesson and the pulse rate up to 140--150 beats / min.

Motor modes with a heart rate of 130--150 bpm are optimal for the cardiorespiratory system under conditions of aerobic respiration and give a good training effect.

The teacher of physical culture controls the load on the pulse, breathing and external signs of fatigue of children.

In addition to lessons, other forms of physical education of students with health problems are also used: morning hygienic gymnastics; gymnastics before lessons, physical education minutes during general education lessons; physical culture breaks during homework; outdoor games of low intensity during breaks, various outdoor sports activities in the summer and winter seasons, etc.