Photos of costumes for the autumn ball. DIY children's dresses and costumes for the autumn ball

The autumn ball at school is an important event for both students and teachers. There are no trifles here, because you need to compose an interesting script, and think over the costumes so that the holiday is really a success.

Ideas, ideas, ideas

How and what should be the costumes for the autumn ball? You can literally do anything with your own hands. The main thing is to choose the right idea and be able to implement it. And, of course, to have various improvised materials. Let's think about what exactly we can offer our participants.

Both girls and boys can do it with their own hands. Of course it's easier for girls. Do your hair, put on an elegant fluffy dress of appropriate colors - and that's it, you are a queen! It is somewhat more difficult for boys to express the idea of ​​a holiday through an outfit. But they will cope with the task, especially if mothers or grandmothers come to their aid. So, what ideas come to mind to create costumes for the fall ball with your own hands?

Talk about details

First, colors. For girlish dresses, bright, juicy shades of red, cherry, yellow, golden, fawn, ocher, piercing blue are suitable. They are associated with the color of autumn foliage, festive, elegant, as well as a clear sky on a fine sunny day. Or calm, muffled, resting nature - olive, transparent gray, soft bluish and others. The choice is great, and most importantly, the costumes for the autumn ball, sewn with our own hands, suit our beauties. Secondly, fabrics. Silk, cambric, chiffon, organza and other light, flowing, lush materials will suit you. Thirdly, accessories that will so successfully complement your costumes for the autumn ball. You can make them with your own hands. Improvised materials can be beads, sparkling Christmas rain, collected on the alleys of the park, dried flower stalks, bunches of mountain ash or viburnum, and other plant material.

Styles and details

For example, a costume for an autumn ball for a girl can be like this. Long airy dress made of transparent material with a puffy skirt embroidered with multi-colored leaves. Beads and necklaces made of rowan berries, earrings, threads woven into hair, or a crown, an elegant hat or a wreath of leaves and spikelets will help create the very image of a luxurious queen commanding "nature wither". Thread gloves to the elbows, shoes decorated with foil will also come in handy. A fluffy hairstyle with flowing curls will organically fit into the costume for the autumn ball. Everything should glisten, flow, shimmer, like nature in a light autumn drizzle. Ladies usually take elegant handbags and fans to the ball. And the queens of the autumn holiday can hold in their hands a “bouquet” of real wheat ears tied with a ribbon. Just do not forget about such an important detail as convenience. After all, the girls will want, or maybe they need to dance according to the script. Therefore, the dress should be such that it does not constrain movements and allows you to do the most intricate steps.

Ideas for boys

Do not forget the boys, who also have to attend the autumn ball at school. Costumes and for them you can come up with unusual, memorable, festive. Outfits may resemble medieval knightly images. For example, the Wind costume for the autumn ball. with feathers, a gray or bluish silk shirt or blouse with puffy sleeves, a turn-down collar and always with a fringe, embroidered with silver rain, with lace cuffs and the same breeches or pantaloons with frills at the bottom will be a very good option. In general, a wind suit must be airy, light, and elegant. You should choose either light tones, characteristic of a light breath on a fine autumn day, or, conversely, dark, gloomy, reminiscent of the storms and bad weather of the winter. Clothing details such as a chiffon or organza cape will do. Or make a poncho raincoat, preferably with a fringe. It is important that the edges of the cape flutter, creating the effect of movement, oscillation, wings of the wind. You can put on a vest and sew on it many pieces of white and light blue fabric of different lengths. And make a similar hat on your head. By the way, for boys, as well as for girls, the issue of shoes is very important. The wind flies silently, so use light Czech shoes in light shades.

In a word, fantasize, master, good luck to you!

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Children's events are a joyful event for children and parents. However, often I find out about this event a few days before it. How to create a costume for the Autumn Ball with your own hands for girls and boys from improvised materials? I'll tell you about the options tested on my kids.


I chose this creative image when there was a little less than a day before the event. I never suffered from forgetfulness, but somehow I missed the holiday. I woke up with horror and began to look for the simplest outfit. The result was very pleasing.

So, I bought a simple hat from those with which it is not a pity to experiment. It was strong enough and held its shape well. The original source suggested using the plastic version, but to be honest, I did not find it. By the way, in order for the color to come up, you can simply give the desired tone with spray paint or sheathe it with a cloth.

To make the headdress look like a cloud, I glued the entire surface with cotton wool. The more fluffy material, the more beautiful the final result, so I advise you not to save on raw materials. The resulting mop looked like a blond clown from a children's cartoon. From above I walked a couple of times with spray paint, adding gray notes.

It is better to make droplets from felt: the material does not shag, which saves time and nerves. I still had pieces of blue and light blue, which I fixed on the thread with hot glue. I ruined the first few pieces because I tried to sew them to the twine with a needle. I glue the finished rain garland to the brim of the hat, under the cotton wool. In the course of work, I experimented with the length of the ropes, so it turned out unusual.

Such a headdress is combined with any dark clothes, although it is most beautiful in a raincoat and bright rubber boots. The advantage of the image is that it is relevant for both girls and boys. I recommend that you immediately warn the child not to touch the top layer of the hat, otherwise the active child can tear the cloud into pieces.

autumn fairy

If tomorrow is a themed event, and you don’t have a costume ready, then you can quickly create a bright outfit from improvised materials. As a basis, I advise you to take a T-shirt (or golf) and a puffy skirt of one tone. From this combination you get an interesting and memorable image.

Artificial autumn flowers, berries and fruits look best on clothes. They are easy to sew on, at the slightest touch they do not crumble in the hands of a child. Due to fragility, I do not recommend taking dried herbarium or fallen leaves. Among natural materials, I like acorns and bunches of mountain ash.

If there is no time to look for autumn decor, then you can sheathe clothes with bows of bright ribbons. There is enough such goodness in needlework stores, and the choice pleases the eye. The most relevant colors for the Autumn Ball can be:

  • yellow;
  • Orange;
  • brown;
  • red;
  • sand.

I just make bows of different sizes and sew them to the neck, hem and sleeves. Are there large beads and sequins? Great, they'll work too! It is important not to overdo it with brightness, otherwise it will not look very beautiful.

Copper wire bends well and does not break, so I advise you to make small wings out of it. I fit it with a thin transparent fabric, sew on a little autumn decor and fix it in the upper part of the outfit with a ribbon or elastic band. To complete the image, you need a decoration for the head. I glue the children's bezel with leaves, berries and acorns. Everything, the costume is ready!

Costume for the Autumn Ball: tree

If there is no desire to engage in outfits for a long time, then I advise you to collect from what is at home. As a basis, you can use any plain clothes - a turtleneck, trousers. Got a loose brown shirt? Great, fit!

We decorate the upper part with leaves, acorns. Of course, artificial options look chic, but at home, figures cut from bright fleece are relevant. Several layers in the neck area and don't forget about the "plumage" on the cuffs. Apple trees with fruits from multi-colored balloons look very funny.

Particular attention should be paid to the headdress. For a girl, I advise you to make a crown headband with decor. Boys wear hats decorated with foliage. For trees at the Autumn Ball, you don’t have to worry about an excess of colors, so I use everything that is at hand.

By the way, put an artificial bird on your child's shoulder. My squirrels have a toy squirrel, so I draw a hollow in the belly area of ​​the costume, and anoint the furry beast on the body. Everything looks natural and funny.

Scarecrow - an interesting costume for the Autumn Ball

A very undemanding image that is easy to "collect" from what is in the house. As you know, this character is also one of the main characters at the Autumn Festival. Without it, it was difficult to get the entire crop from the fields and orchards.

The boy is best dressed in jeans and a plaid shirt. On clothes I sew bright, contrasting patches with large stitches. After the event, they are easily removed and leave no traces. I put a straw hat on my head, and pieces of dried hay peep out of my pockets.

For girls, the image of the Scarecrow will also be relevant. You can correct the first option, although it is better for small fashionistas to choose something more feminine. After all, even in the role of the Scarecrow Garden, they always want to look like princesses.

So, the simplest alternative is a brown elongated jumper, to which I sew multi-colored pieces in the form of a skirt. The more bright material, the more beautiful the costume. I do not regret the raw materials, so the outfit is very unusual and memorable.

A long dress in yellow or orange is suitable for creating a Scarecrow look for a girl. I make a “straw” hat out of cardboard, decorating the surface with large dried plants. I complement the outfit with huge sunflowers that look incomparable and natural.

So that the holiday does not turn out to be a headache, you need to have time to switch to the creative in time. Don't worry if you tocostumeafor the Autumn Ball with their own hands for a girl and a boy from improvised materials there is no such chic as the purchased one. It is made with soul and will be a good option for family art.

Autumn Ball.

Presentation of costumes by class 9a at the Autumn Ball

MOU "Bessonovskaya secondary school of the Belgorod district of the Belgorod region"

Michael: Hello dear friends! Today, class 9a presents two suits to your court: the first Autumn - economy and the second Autumn Rich.

Let's start with the Autumn suit - economy. We invite the model and support her with applause. This costume was developed by a special company to make life easier for girls who save their budget, future thrifty housewives.

Pay attention to the suit material - high-quality, heavy-duty, practical and completely waterproof polyethylene. Everyone knows that even in the ground it remains and rots for 265 years, therefore, with careful wear, it will be enough for 5-7 generations of economical girls, and they will not need to spend money on clothes.

Take a look at the headpiece. It will always protect your hair from getting wet and windy. And a T-shirt, it can be summer, and winter, and autumn, and spring. For autumn, our T-shirt is just right, but if you want to wear it in a cold winter, you will have to buy an additional cheap and warm accessory - glass wool. Stuff it under the T-shirt and, voila - a winter, warm vest is ready. Now we will not demonstrate this process, so as not to violate the integral exposition.

We also chose a belt made of polyethylene in gray sparkling colors, which is ideal for the autumn atmosphere and emphasizes the elegance and rigor of the costume.

Here we come to the skirt. She, however, like the whole suit is ultra-light. You literally fly in it.

Next are the shoes. Of course, they haven’t come up with a name for it yet, but I think it will be something French, like “Cherche-la-legs”, which means rubber boots in the past. These shoes will emphasize your individuality and save your feet from water.

And finally, if you want to save money, and like to dress stylishly, and always be the first and most fashionable, then this costume is for you!

Daniel: And now let's look at the Autumn Rich costume. We ask the second model on the podium. We greet her with applause!

Not everyone can afford this costume, but it is undoubtedly the best and most presentable.

Let's start with the crown, which is inherited in the rich and noble houses of the world. It is cast in solid gold and adorned with nineteen Swarovski crystals, each worth $3 million.

We go below. A $120,000 Dolce Gabbana dress adorned with 999 gold leaves. Do not touch, or you will erase.

And now the shoes. Shoes bought in France by Louis Vuitton, high crystal heels. In these shoes, you will not get your feet wet, even if you walk through puddles. Such shoes should have been worn for planting trees in the fields of the Oryol settlement, and heels would have kept your feet clean and dry.

Everything is combined in this suit - elegance, rigor, superiority over others, beauty, independence, originality. Just like this girl. No one will call her not stylish or poorly dressed.

Michael: But... But...

Daniel:(gently, but for everyone to see, gives Misha 100 dollars and whispers in his ear and into the microphone) - Because her father is the general director of Gazprom.

Michael: Ah... Ah... Excellent! Amazing! Unique!

Daniel: Our suit is the best! Hooray!

Michael: The costumes were presented to you by students of grade 9a -

03/10/2017 - 01:45

Many kindergartens and schools are actively preparing for the first autumn holiday of the academic year. It is called differently: autumn festival or autumn ball. But regardless of the name, its essence is the same - the guys celebrate autumn with all its many gifts.

It is customary to dress up for the holidays, and the autumn festival is no exception. However, it is not enough to wear a full dress, it should also be themed. Learn how to beat and decorate a boy's costume for the autumn holiday in our article.

If you are not faced with the task of making a costume for a particular character, then the most suitable clothes for the holiday will be trousers with a shirt, you can additionally wear a vest. As for the color, it is better that any color of autumn is present in your suit - red, brown, yellow, gold. For example, brown trousers with a yellow or white shirt. If only the classic black and white version is available, do not be discouraged, and you can make a masterpiece out of it.

The main attributes of the decoration will be leaves (it is best to cut out of thick paper and color), cones, twigs, acorns, clusters of mountain ash, etc. Of course, it is best to decorate the upper part of the costume. The easiest option is to sew leaves on a shirt or vest. It will also be interesting to look at a tie embroidered with autumn leaves.

Another option for decorating a men's suit is an autumn boutonniere.

Also, do not forget about the headdress. However, it is worth considering the age of the child. Surely very young children, it will interfere more. For older children, you can make a crown of autumn leaves or a hat with autumn gifts. The crown is very easy to make, cut out the base from the cardboard and glue the leaves (whichever you prefer) to it. In addition, the crown can also be made from real leaves, connecting them together using the bases as shown in the photo.

You can take the most ordinary hat for decoration (maybe someone has been idle since the summer) or also cut it out of cardboard (but here you need to take into account that such a hat will not withstand a lot of weight). Cones, twigs, autumn fruits will look best on a hat (now there are a lot of artificial ones in stores). It is best to attach themed decorations on a thread or hot melt adhesive. Creative inspiration to you!

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The autumn ball is a wonderful tradition popular among students, schoolchildren and toddlers in kindergarten. They prepare for a seasonal holiday in advance, as if for a New Year's carnival or graduation party. Among the abundance of troubles and worries, the most important, perhaps, is the selection of outfits. It is especially difficult for young fashionistas and fashionistas. A costume for the Autumn Ball made of leaves, bags and other improvised materials should not only be thematic, but also beautiful, stylish, original and unique. And if high school students can choose an autumn dress for the ball on their own, then preparing costumes with their own hands for the youngest "madame and monsieur" falls on the shoulders of their mothers.

So, what should be the outfit for the Autumn Ball for boys and girls at school and in kindergarten? How to quickly make it with your own hands in a master class, and then successfully present and protect it? Let's talk about all these important things in more detail!

Dresses for the Autumn Ball to school with your own hands from improvised materials

Preparing a dress for the Autumn Ball with your own hands from improvised materials begins with the selection of a successful style. The model should never be too open or short. Such an outfit is unlikely to be adequately appreciated by teachers and guests of the holiday. The best option is a puffy long dress with sleeves or wide straps with generous trimmings and numerous decorative elements. Do not forget about the right color scheme. A do-it-yourself dress for the Autumn Ball to school from improvised materials can be golden, yellow, orange, red, burgundy, terracotta, peach, beige or brown. Any natural shades and colors of autumn nature are welcome, while artificial tones will look out of place.

The style and decoration of the dress for the Autumn Ball often depends on the role of the participant. If a girl is going to be a simple guest of a ball or a nominee for the role of a queen, it is better to choose an elegant floor-length evening dress, complemented by autumn attributes. It is unlikely that you will be able to buy a ready-made outfit, but it is very possible to purchase a basic dress and decorate it with your own hands! If the outfit is intended for one time, you can safely embroider it with burgundy and golden beads, paste over with velvet maple leaves and rowan clusters, decorate with satin ribbons and tulle patches.

If the dress is bought for the purpose of further wearing to other grandiose events, you should not get carried away with decorative elements. It is better to create an autumn look using suitable accessories: fabric bracelets and boutonnieres made of spikelets and dried flowers, an elegant crown made of autumn leaves or felt, red beads made of rubies, amber or other natural materials, large "gold" earrings and a matching pendant, a small themed hat or bag.

Girls participating in the competition for the best autumn outfit can not spend at all. If a long-forgotten tasteless dress hangs in the closet, redo it with the help of improvised materials for master classes. Everything that used to interfere can come in handy: old yellowed newspapers, garbage bags, plastic dishes, scraps of fabrics of suitable colors, pieces of fur from old fur coats and raincoats, pieces of ribbons, dry leaves and flowers, beads, beads, rhinestones, sequins, buttons, etc. .d. It is enough to successfully combine the materials found and trim them with an old unnecessary dress. The result is a stunning outfit, one and only of its kind!

Do-it-yourself costume for the Autumn Ball for a girl: pictures

Traditionally, the scenario of the Autumn Ball is filled with all sorts of competitions, skits, performances, choreographic compositions. This means that the costumes of the participants must fully correspond to the role received. Most often, this is one of the seasonal vegetables, a plant from autumn nature, Mrs. Autumn herself, or a fairy-tale forest character.

"Queen Autumn"

Mom can make a costume for the mistress of autumn for a girl at the ball with her own hands. According to most workshops, this will require a base dress, artificial maple leaves (plastic, paper, felt, knitted, etc.), tulle, wire, satin ribbons, an arrangement of dried wild flowers, etc. The collar and hem of the chosen dress, suitable in color and size, must be sheathed with leaves and satin ribbons. Make a light hat out of tulle and wire and decorate it with wild flowers ikebana. In addition to the outfit, you can pick up bright accents in the form of large beads, bracelets, handbags or umbrellas.

"Wood Fairy"

The handmade production of a forest fairy costume is very similar to the previous one. The only differences are the length of the outfit (the fairy dress is usually shorter - to the knee) and the presence of air wings. To make graceful wings at home, you need to form a frame from a strong wire and cover it with any translucent stretch fabric. Don't forget the magic wand. Reward the fairy with a wonderful attribute - wrap an ordinary pencil with shiny foil and attach a small star made of bright cardboard or plastic to the end.


It is no less easy to make a funny sunflower costume for the Autumn Ball for a girl with your own hands. To make the outfit match the character and look like a lush flower, it is worth using materials of yellow and brown colors. A thick elastic band, thin tulle, an old hat and artificial sunflowers will come in handy. From tulle, it is necessary to cut 35 brown and yellow pieces of fabric (1.5 m long and 7 cm wide), sew them alternately to the elastic band, bending them in half, and attach the straps there. On an old felt hat, you need to carefully glue an artificial sunflower flower. The outfit can be complemented with black round beads and thick plastic bracelets.

Do-it-yourself costume for the Autumn ball for a boy: photo

Traditional male images at the autumn ball are a gnome, a harlequin, a mushroom, a pumpkin, a cone, a tomato, a bear, a wolf, a mouse, a raven, a woodpecker, a beetle, etc. Making such a costume for the Autumn Ball for a boy with your own hands is more difficult, but quite realistic. The main thing is to stock up on fabric and get a sewing machine.

"Pumpkin", "Mushroom"

The costume of a mushroom and a pumpkin is sewn almost the same, with the exception of the hat. From thin red or orange satin and linen elastic, it is necessary to sew wide breeches to the knees, using patterns from master classes on the Internet. From a material of a darker and more saturated color - a blouse or shirt with a vest, a puffy collar and ruffle cuffs. The top and bottom can be decorated with contrasting ribbons and bright stripes. The headdress for the fungus is a cone-shaped foam hat, for the pumpkin - a round orange hat with a ponytail, tied with a cord in the shape of a pumpkin.

"Good Bug"

Unlike previous outfits, the beetle costume does not require a shirt, but a long frock coat in black, dark brown or red. Pants or breeches do not play a special role in the composition, so they can be sewn according to any style you like. The upper part has an important role and should resemble the back and wings of a bug. Most often, a frock coat is trimmed with a golden cord, shiny sequins, large plastic buttons, etc. The character's headdress is a voluminous hat with horns or antennae. It is important that all elements of the image are chosen in the same color scheme: beige-brown, red-orange, gray-black, etc.

Do-it-yourself elegant costume for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten

Thinking over an elegant costume for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten, parents should check with the teacher about the program of the upcoming holiday: will there be a costume performance, will there be dances, games, competitions. Most often, educators give the kids roles in advance, thereby suggesting which outfit is better to choose. The only rule applies to all costumes, without exception: clothes should not be too massive, heavy, restricting movement.

When creating costumes for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten, parents often make the same mistake - they follow the traditions of Soviet matinees. There is absolutely no need to sew huge baggy outfits and stuff them with cotton wool and foam rubber to depict an ordinary carrot, corn, tomato. It is enough to whip up bright pants and a blouse, in the color of the chosen character, and add a green hat to them, resembling fresh tops. Such a suit will look neat and will not cause discomfort to the child.

The most popular characters at the autumn ball are autumn, forest fairy, September, October, November, mushroom, fox, wolf, hare, hedgehog, bear, mouse, pumpkin, tomato, carrot, beetle, forest gnome, etc. For these and other famous characters, it is easy to make an elegant costume on your own according to master classes from several cuts of fabric and natural materials, or you can rent an outfit for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten.

Presentation and defense of the costume for the Autumn Ball

Making a beautiful costume for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten or school is an important task, but far from the only one. An outfit will fail if the wearer fails to properly present and protect it. In order for the participant of the Autumn Ball to win the competition, the speech made must be bright, colorful, but at the same time concise. For example, the defense of an elegant costume for the Autumn Ball for a girl may sound like this:

All the stunning colors of autumn are intertwined in this marvelous dress. No wonder they say that autumn is the last smile of the year. It is impossible to create an outfit more magnificent! Gold, orange and brown leaves seem to be dancing on a lush hem. The delicate bodice is trimmed with sparkling glass beads. It emphasizes all the elegance of a fresh autumn look. Light and airy tulle sleeves look like the last gossamer of Indian summer. The composition is complemented and completed by velvet shoes, in which Mrs. Autumn herself flies around the world, giving us a variety of colors. The headdress is a weightless lace of delicate wildflowers and fading maple leaves. This is a crown worthy of a real autumn queen...

When choosing and creating a costume for the Autumn Ball with your own hands for a boy or girl to school and kindergarten, do not forget about important things. An outfit for a holiday should be not only beautiful and suitable for the theme of the event, but also comfortable for the child. Think in advance how to make a dress from improvised materials, and then successfully protect it.