Georgian wedding toasts. Georgian wedding toasts

The most popular genre of congratulations on the day of marriage is, of course, Caucasian wedding toasts. Highlanders are rightfully considered true masters of eloquence. Their legends and parables are very beautiful and poetic. It is from them that the best Caucasian wedding toasts are born: wise wishes to parents, the bride and groom, relatives and friends.

There lived a shepherd in the mountains. He was lonely, because he was very poor, and in love with a beautiful girl - the daughter of a rich man. Her father did not want to pass her off as a beggar. A shepherd worked for several years tending his flock in the mountains and valleys. Finally, he was able to buy a house worthy of the bride and acquire a good household. He went to the father of the girl he loved. He comes, and there is a wedding going on, his bride is given in marriage. The shepherd entered the house and said:

Who dared to marry my fiancee? She is destined for me.

The groom did not want to give the girl to the shepherd, and the father of the bride was angry at the appearance of the poor man. Then the shepherd said:

If you do not believe that the girl is mine, then let's check it out. Bring two apple branches. Let the groom take one of them and stick it in the ground, and I will stick the second. On whose branch the fruit will appear by morning, the bride belongs to him.

So they did. In the morning everyone saw that the groom's branch had dried up, and ripe apples had appeared on the shepherd's branch. So the shepherd got his beloved as a wife.

Let's drink to love, in the name of which people on earth create true miracles!

Long ago, a man lived in the mountains. He somehow angered fate - and was severely punished for his sin. This man was constantly thirsty, but he could not quench it. He drank from wells, drank from fast mountain rivers, but thirst haunted him. And even the best wine could not help him. Once he went into an unfamiliar house and asked for a drink. A girl of unearthly beauty brought him a jug of ordinary water. A man fell in love with her at first sight and forgot about everything in the world, except for this girl. Even about your thirst.

So let's raise a toast to the kind of love that can quench even the strongest thirst!

A wealthy merchant lived in a mountainous Armenian village. He was so greedy that his greed was legendary in neighboring villages. He had a son. Just as greedy as his father. But he was young. One day he fell in love with a girl next door and decided to marry her. He told his father about this, he was delighted - you can open another shop, there will be someone to trade in it. Went to get married. But the girl did not want to talk to them, she did not need such a greedy husband. The young man was sad. He really wanted this girl to become his wife. Then he took all the money that he had earned, and with it bought the girl the most expensive and beautiful gifts that he could find. The girl understood that love had changed the son of a greedy merchant, and agreed to become his wife.

Let's drink to love that changes a person - and always only for the better!

In the Caucasus, they tell a beautiful mountain legend about love. In the mountains lived a girl of incomparable beauty. She was kind, accommodating. Everyone knew that she was an excellent needlewoman. In the flat area, in the neighborhood, lived a beautiful young man. He was a dexterous horseman, he was not afraid of anything. He heard a rumor about a beautiful girl from a mountain village. And he had already decided long ago that he would marry only such a girl who one day, from dawn to dusk, would sew him a cloak, Circassian coat, hood and dudes. The young man went to the beautiful Goryanka. He went to her house and told her about his condition. The girl liked the horseman, she accepted his conditions.

The next day, at dawn, the girl set to work. In the evening, everything was already ready, but the girl did not have time to sew fasteners to the Circassian coat. If the sun had lingered a little, she would have made it, but the sun was already setting. Then the girl, seeing that she would not be able to fulfill her promises, which means that she would not be the wife of a beautiful horseman, left the house and turned to the sun with a prayer:

Sun, I beg you, stay a little longer in the sky so that I can finish my work!

The girl's wish came true: the sun, which had almost set, suddenly rose up. So the girl was able to finish the job. The young man came. All the clothes fit him. And soon they played a wedding.

So let's drink to the fact that even the rebellious elements are always on the side of lovers!

A shepherd rode across the field, looking for a sheep that had strayed from the flock. I drove up to a vast vineyard. He sees that some gray-haired aksakal works there. The shepherd greeted him and said:

Have you seen my sheep, good man?

No, I haven't, but maybe my older brother can help you with that. He works over there on the other side of the vineyard. Ask him.

The shepherd drove up to the elder brother of the gray-haired man. This one had a black head and beard on one side and gray on the other. The shepherd greeted him. I asked about my sheep. The half-haired man says to him:

I didn't see your sheep, but my older brother caught someone's sheep this morning. He works on the opposite edge.

The shepherd drove up to the eldest of the brothers and sees in front of him a young man without a single gray hair on his head. The shepherd greeted him and told him about his misfortune. The young man gave the shepherd his sheep. The shepherd thanked him and asked:

Tell me, kind person, why do your younger brothers look older than you?

Our younger brother turned gray because he did not marry for love, he took a rich but evil wife. The middle brother is half gray because he has not yet married. And I am young because I married my beloved girl - and every day spent with my beloved prolongs my life.

So let's drink to the love that makes people forever young!

Old mountaineers in the Caucasus tell such a legend. When God created the Caucasus Mountains, he plucked a beautiful white lily from a mountain lake and threw it deep into the clear waters of the lake. Lily turned into a beautiful woman - tender as a lily and light as the wind. She looked into the crystal waters of the lake and exclaimed: “How beautiful I am!”.

The woman walked along the mountain paths, through the flowering valleys, and everything around her silently admired her. But she soon got bored with it. She exclaimed: “Everything around me admires me, but I don’t hear about these delights, everything admires silently or in a language I do not understand. I want to hear how they admire me, I want to be caressed, to be protected and loved, so that I can love too.

And God made a woman a husband.

So let's drink to the fact that men and women never forget what they live on earth for! Let's drink to the love of a man and a woman!

Three travelers were walking along a rocky mountain road. Day go, two. The water has long run out, the thirst has tormented, and there is not a single source nearby. But suddenly the travelers saw an orange tree on their way, miraculously growing among impregnable bare rocks. Losing strength, exhausted travelers reached the tree, which turned out to be three fruits.

The first, not wanting to spend the last of his strength cleaning the juicy fruit, tried to squeeze the juice from an orange. But the thick peel missed very little saving moisture, which was not enough to escape thirst. The second, seeing the fate of the first, tried to eat the whole orange without peeling it. However, the bitter and tough peel stuck in a parched throat. The third traveler took into account the mistakes of the first two. Having spent the last of his strength to remove the peel, he peeled the fruit, and the life-giving pulp saved his life.

So let's drink to the fact that the newlyweds always take off the bitter peel of quarrels, insults and hardships and revel in the juicy fruits of love!

The journalist came to the most remote and highest mountainous Georgian village to find out from the 120-year-old aksakal what is the secret of his longevity. Aksakal tells him:

Every year I get older and wiser, and every year the girls seem to me younger and more beautiful. How can I die, because then I will not be able to admire them.

So let's drink to the love of beautiful women, because it is the meaning of our life!

One mountaineer had two of four sheep killed by lightning.

Yes, it’s not sweet for you, ”the neighbor sympathized.

From what? God himself is now my brother, divided the cattle in half with me, - answered the resilient highlander.

Let's drink, friends, to the optimism that helps us survive in any situation! Be optimistic and never give up, dear newlyweds!

Sad and unfortunate in Georgia is the year when the grape harvest is poor. And, on the contrary, the years are successful and joyful when the grapes are successful. Good wine amuses the soul, brings prosperity and tranquility to our homes. Only children can give us the same joy.

So let's drink to the fact that every year in every family of our relatives good wine flows like water, and most importantly, that every year is not only harvested for grapes, but also brings them the joy of fatherhood and motherhood!

In ancient times, a huge eagle, the king of all birds, lived in an impregnable gorge in the Caucasus. Every day he flew around the world in search of precious stones, which he then strung into a necklace of extraordinary beauty. But one day, trouble happened - the necklace accidentally broke, and all the precious stones scattered around the world. And a few of them ended up at our table.

Let's drink for them, for the beautiful women who are now next to us!

Caucasian toasts to parents at the wedding

One merchant had a son. A merchant once gave him a coin and said: “Take it, son, and try to save money.” But the son threw the coin into the water. The father found out about it, but said nothing. The son did nothing, did not work, but only ate and drank in the parental home.

Then the father called his son and said: "Go, son, and earn money yourself." Then the young man got a job. From morning until late evening, he kneaded clay with his bare feet and, having received the money, brought it home.

“Look, father,” said the young man. “I made money.” The merchant replied: "Well, son, now go and throw them into the water." Then the son realized that he had previously been unfair to the kindness of his father and lowered his head.

So let's drink not for a belt and rods, but for the wisdom of our fathers and grandfathers! Thanks to them, our young people have grown up to be respectable people.

To smelt an ingot of gold, you need a living and zealous flame. To complement female beauty, you need to make jewelry from this ingot. In order for a man to be a real man, worthy of the honor of his kind, he also needs jewelry, but not from gold. A worthy woman, the mother of his children, should become such an ornament!

So let's drink to the most worthy of real men - to our fathers, who successfully withstood all life's hardships and made our mothers happy! They can be proud of their choice!

High in the mountains lived a gray-haired and wise elder. He was telling an old legend about a young, unlucky Niko. He wanted to marry, but they did not give him, such an unlucky one, not a single girl in the village. His mother went to the village and betrothed the most beautiful girl for him. Niko got married, had children, but they were so naughty that his wife could not cope with them. Niko's mother began to sit with her grandchildren, play with them, educate them. Niko had a herd of rams, but the wolves got into the habit of dragging young lambs out of it. He wanted to ask his mother for advice, but he did not have time. She died. But after death, she turned into a hawk and began to drive away the wolves from her son's herd. And Niko had no more troubles, and he lived a long and happy life.

So let's drink to our mothers, the wisest and kindest, ready to help us in any difficult situation!

One wise man remarked: “A woman in love loves the most, a wife loves best, but a mother loves us longest.”

So let's drink to the longest and boundless love of our mothers, who always waited for us and forgave us! After all, a person cannot be educated and subjugated only with the help of severity, and maternal kindness does wonders, subordinating both the rebellious will and the zealous heart.

Caucasian wisdom says: if a kind person wants to live in the same beautiful place for a month, he should sow corn there, if for a year - build a house, and if all his life - then raise a child.

Let's raise our glasses to the fact that our dear parents planted more than one cornfield, built a beautiful home and raised such wonderful children!

In one mountain village, peasants planted a tree. They came a year later and see: the tree withered. They consulted, loosened the earth, watered it and left. They come a year later and see: the tree has drooped, dimmed. Then they called the aksakals and asked them for advice. And the aksakals answered: “It is not enough to plant a tree, to loosen the earth, to irrigate with water. Put a support on it so that the winds do not shake it from side to side.

The peasants did everything as advised by the elders. They come a year later and see: the tree has turned green, has risen up, has spread its fluffy crown.

So let's drink to the support (bride), so that this tree (groom) will always flourish!

In ancient times, two horsemen lived in the Caucasus. They were different, like the sun, which warms the earth with its rays, and the moon, which frightens putikov on night roads with its coldness. And yet there was something in common between them: they were born in the same year, they were rich, and each had a beautiful wife.

Only one of them was so happy in life that people called him lucky, and the other walked like a cloud. He was always dissatisfied with everything. One lived and enjoyed life, while the other constantly grumbled. One lived as if every day in his life was a holiday, and the other seemed to save his joy for the future. So the years went by, they had children, and then grandchildren. The joy of the first knew no bounds, and the second was not at all happy, on the contrary, he became an even greater grumbler. He seemed to be afraid of something. It seemed to him that the time had not yet come to enjoy life and be happy.

Many years have passed and they have grown old. One told everyone that his life was a success, while the other did not understand why he lived. And now the one who lived as if he was afraid of life, realized that he did not live at all, that he did not know anything about how people live in happiness and joy, he had nothing to tell his descendants. He decided that his life was wasted. And the one who was not afraid of life and tried to live every moment as if it were the last in his life, was satisfied with his fate.

So let's drink so that the life of the newlyweds is long and full, like our glasses! For them to try to do as much as possible and not sit waiting for miracles!

There is a custom in the Caucasus: when a girl is born in the house, the father takes out a gun and shoots once. When a girl grows up and they want to marry her, her father fires a gun twice, but when a girl is married off, her father fires a gun three times.

So let's drink to the fact that rifle salvos are often heard from our houses!

The woman originated from the rib of the man.

Not from the foot to be humiliated.

Not out of my head to excel.

And from the side, to be side by side with a man, to be his equal girlfriend.

From under the arm to be protected.

And from the side of the heart, to be loved.

So let's drink to the fact that from this rib, as from a true friend, only good comes! And may our bride always be loved and protected by her husband!

In our family, one parable is passed down from generation to generation.

When my great-great-great-grandfather married a girl from a neighboring village, he took her to his house on a horse. But on the way the horse stumbled - and my ancestor said: "One." When the horse stumbled again, he said, "Two." But when the horse stumbled for the third time, he hacked him to death. Then his wife exclaimed, "Why did you kill the poor animal?" In response, she heard only one word: "One." Since then, all the women in our family have been told this parable before they get married.

So let's drink to wise women who know how to shut up in time!

A proud dzhigit fell in love with a beauty.

If you refuse me, he told her, I will die.

She refused. He took it and died ... however, after eighty years.

Girls, remember: when you refuse a man, you kill him!

Let's drink to the fact that real beauties never refuse real horsemen!

Once an Avar got married. The young wife tells him after the wedding:

Dear, I must confess to you that I can only cook two dishes - khinkal and scrambled eggs!

The Avar looked at the dish in front of him and asked:

And which one is this?

So let's drink to women who never fully reveal their virtues!

A long time ago in the Caucasus there was such a custom. The girl, before getting married, had to tame a mountain sheep. She took with her a bunch of fresh grass and climbed early in the morning high into the mountains. If she managed to see a mountain sheep, she would detect her presence and throw grass to him, while she herself would leave. This went on for some time. In the end, the ram got used to the girl and, having eaten the grass brought to him, lay down at her feet and dozed blissfully.

Only after that, when the girl managed to tame a proud freedom-loving animal, could she get married. After all, an untamed beast lives in every Caucasian man.

So let's drink to the women who manage to tame us!

A long time ago, there was a custom in the Caucasian villages: when a son grew up in the prince's family and he had to choose a wife, the villagers brought their daughters to the prince's court. The groom's parents asked the girls different questions - they checked how economical, hardworking, and economical they were. In the end, they chose one and only. And what do you think: what should be the future wife of the future prince? And here is the answer - they chose the most beautiful.

So let's drink to the feminine beauty that wins in any competition! Our bride is generously endowed with this gift!

There is one legend in the Caucasus: once there lived a beautiful prince's daughter and a poor, but brave and noble young man. They loved each other very much. But it so happened that a very wealthy man began to woo the princess. He sent matchmakers to the prince - and he, without thinking twice, gave his consent to the marriage. The princess did not want to obey her father and ran away with her beloved far into the mountains.

They walked, climbing the mountain steeps. One day a man saw them. He ran to the prince and, for a large fee, told him where the fugitives were. The prince grabbed a gun and galloped into the mountains. When he began to catch up with the fugitives, they made their way along a narrow path. The young man walked in front, and the girl behind him. Overwhelmed with rage, the prince fired and hit his daughter. She fell on her back - and her scythe hung down from the mountain. A girl's blood flowed along this long braid, and a spring was formed, the water in which does not dry up to this day.

So let's raise our glasses in honor of the heroic women who are ready to sacrifice their lives for love!

In the Caucasus they say: “If you want to be happy one day, drink wine. If you want to be happy for two days, drink fine wine for two days. If you want to be happy all your life, respect, appreciate and take care of your wife.”

So let's drink to the young wife! May she prolong the happiness of her husband for life!

There is a beautiful legend in the Caucasus. The old khan had only one son, and his name was Sandro. He was good to everyone - and handsome, and strong, and dexterous, and smart, but the trouble is: he had no memory. The old khan wanted him to have many grandchildren, so that cheerful children's voices sounded in the house. Only his son could not marry. Whatever girl Sandro met, after five minutes he could no longer remember who she was or what her name was.

And so Sandro decided to go for the bride to distant lands. The khan gave him an amulet at parting and said: “My son, when you meet a girl who will please you, give her this amulet. She will put it on her neck, and you will always be able to remember her by this amulet.

Sandro left and traveled for a long time through high mountains, valleys and villages, but did not meet a single girl who would take his fancy. And then one day, tired, hungry and tormented by thirst, he wandered into one village. In the center of the village there was a deep well with clean cold water, and a girl stood by the well and drew water.

Beauty,” Sandro turned to her, “give me a drink, I'm dying of thirst.

The girl poured him not water, but delicious wine, and he got drunk.

Dear girl, give me a piece of bread, I'm dying of hunger.

The girl baked a magnificent cake and fed him. And he realized that he would not meet a better girl on his way, gave her the amulet, and said that if she wishes to become his wife, then let her come to his homeland, he will recognize her by the amulet. And left.

The girl thought and realized that she fell in love with the young traveler. She went to Sandro in the city, but lost the amulet along the way. Therefore, he did not recognize his bride when he saw her. The girl brought with her her delicious wine and magnificent cake. Sandro tasted them, remembered her, and never forgot them again.

Let's drink to the golden hands of our bride! Let her be a wonderful hostess, and from the divine taste of her dishes you can forget everything in the world!

There is an old Caucasian legend. High in the sky, under the very clouds, a young eagle flew. A deer was running below, saw her and shouted:

Eagle-eagle, look how good I am: I run fast, and I am wise with experience, and my eyes are big and bright. Come down from the sky, be my wife.

No, deer. You are really good, you run fast and low, and you are wise with experience, but you are really stupid, and your eyes are beautiful, but not keen - you don’t see that I don’t suit you. Run on, don't be my husband.

Let's raise our glasses to the beautiful bride and the groom, who flew high, and was smart, and had keen eyes, because high in the sky he saw such an eagle and was able to take her as his wife!

Once, in a mountain village, a mother admonished her daughter before her wedding: “My child, never argue with your husband, in no case do not contradict him with a word - cry right away!”

So let's drink to ensure that not a single tear is shed by the eyes of our newlywed!

When one respected aksakal was celebrating his eightieth birthday and the fiftieth anniversary of his life together with his wife, he was asked:

There is no secret in this. When my wife and I got married, we made an agreement: as soon as we quarrel, I put on a cloak and go to the mountains. So it was daily walks in the mountains that brought such benefits to both my health and my family life.

So let's drink to the wives with whom we become long-livers!

Since ancient times, in the Caucasus, a man and a woman have been likened to two notes, without which the strings of the human soul do not give a correct and complete chord.

So let's drink to the newlyweds, who, complementing each other, give birth to heavenly music!

A huge pack of wolves lived in the foothills of the Caucasus. The leader of the pack, of course, was the most experienced, but he was already very old and could no longer lead the pack on the hunt. And so he chose the old leader as his assistant to the young strong wolf.

One day the flock returned from hunting. The wolves gathered for advice. And each began to brag about his booty. There were many successful hunters that day among the wolves. Many sheep and rams were torn apart by wolves that day. And seven shepherds guarding the flock died that day.

After that day, the pack went hunting several times. But the wolves did not have such prey anymore. And here again the flock gathered to hunt. The old leader did not go with his pack this time either. She followed the young wolf. For a long time they did not appear: in the sky, the moon replaced the sun four times. And then, finally, a young wolf appeared. He was all wounded and bleeding. The old leader realized that something had happened to his flock... The young wolf said with all his might that they killed a lot of sheep, rams and bulls. Their hunt was successful. Then the wolves decided to attack two people. They killed the whole flock. The leader's surprise knew no bounds:

How could this happen? There was a time: you coped with seven shepherds, but this time you could not pick up two.

Yes, this is correct. But these two turned out to be true friends. Each wanted to save the life of a friend so much that together they defeated the whole flock.

Let's raise our glasses to true male friendship!

Georgian poet Shota Rustaveli said: “What you hid is gone; What you gave is yours!”

Let's give each other the warmth of the soul! For you, dear newlyweds!

These Caucasian toasts can also be made on significant wedding anniversaries - pink, silver, gold. Indeed, over the years, spouses become closer to each other, and their feelings become stronger. And Caucasian wedding toasts promise the newlyweds just such a relationship - long, strong, time-tested and adversity, sincere, tender and beautiful.

    I propose to drink to this wonderful lamb, which until recently ran through the meadows, and now adorns our wonderful table!

    To the table and for it to be always decorated with wonderful lambs!

    When Vaso, after the wedding, began to calculate his honeymoon expenses and compare them with the size of his wife's dowry, he concluded that he married solely for love.
    So let's drink to women who marry exclusively for love!

    At the height of the velvet season, a cyanotic northerner comes to the Black Sea. A Georgian approaches him:
    - Daragay, what is this beliy? What, you didn’t have a summer at all?
    - Why, it was summer. I was the only one working that day.
    So let's drink to the fact that our summer in the Caucasus is long, long, hot, hot, and the people are beautiful, beautiful!

    In the hands of the wife of a Georgian businessman somehow ended up with a collection of poems called "Love Lyrics". For some time she leafed through it with a bored look and suddenly exclaimed in surprise:

    Wow, Norik, some Petrarch stole from you a poem that you dedicated to me fifteen years ago!

    So let's drink to the soft-spoken poets of the Caucasus, whose works, starting from the famous poem by Shota Rustaveli and ending with all the famous toasts, brought them well-deserved fame, as well as the love and respect of their descendants!

    Every woman is like a rose - just as beautiful. But there are no roses without thorns. Petals quickly fly around, but prickly thorns remain.
    So let's drink to women keeping their petals longer!

    One young horseman fell in love with a beautiful girl, but since she was poor, his parents forbade him to marry her. The young man grieved for a long time, but time passed and his parents found him a rich bride, but not distinguished by beauty. There is nothing to do - not to go against the will of the parents - the horseman married a rich, but terrible girl. More time passed and the horseman met the most beautiful girl in the world and realized ... how happy he is that he married a terrible, but rich!

    The beautiful woman traded her beauty right and left, "sold out" to him for one night. A horseman came home, hugged his ugly wife and said: “Glory to you, Allah, that you gave me such a rich ugly woman as a wife, with whose money I can have fun with any beauty without any problems, without fear of growing horns!
    "Fortunately, he did not know that he had been horned for a long time.
    So let's drink to ugly, but rich women who walk themselves and let their husbands!

    Somehow, the swallow had to leave the nest with the chicks, which was attacked by a predator. And they ran to the mountain gorge. The chicks did not know how to fly, and a predator is about to pick up from behind.
    - Mom, move me, and I will always, always love you!
    one chick asked.
    - You're lying!
    - did not believe the swallow and pushed the chick into the abyss.
    - Mommy, please move me, and someday I can save you!
    - begged the second.
    - You're lying!
    - repeated the swallow and pushed the second chick into the abyss.
    - Mom, move me!
    And when I grow up, I can save my children!
    - asked the third.
    - Yes, - the swallow answered, - you told the truth. And saved her baby.
    So let's drink to the truth, even if it is bitter like wormwood!

    Once a young Georgian got married. The young wife tells him after the wedding:
    - Dear, I must confess to you that I can cook only two dishes - semolina and pear compote.
    The young Georgian looked at the dish in front of him and asked:
    - Which one is this?
    So let's drink to women who never fully reveal their virtues!

    Once a young horseman was driving along a mountain road with his beautiful wife. His mind was tortuous, like a scrawl on a hat. His sword was sharp as a needle. His fist was as hard as a mountain boulder. And his horse was as fast as the wind.

    They drove for a long time and were very hungry. Suddenly I saw a horseman: a mountain goat was standing on the top of the hill. Then the horseman took off his gun and fired at a gallop, but the goat did not even move. The jigit stopped the horse and fired again, but the mountain goat jumped back. A horseman got off his horse, knelt down, took aim, fired, but the mountain goat dodged. Then the beautiful wife dismounted from her horse and walked along the road. The mountain goat stared at the woman, because beauty also fascinates animals. And then the horseman fired the last, fatal shot for the animal.

    So let's drink to women who, thanks to their beauty, can captivate not only a man, but even a mountain goat!

    Once, having quarreled with his wife, Givi asked a rhetorical question:
    - Weird!
    Why do the biggest fools have the most beautiful wives?
    - Well, you suck!
    - answered his wife with a forgiving smile.
    So let's drink to naive women who hear a compliment in every word!

    Wise people told one very old legend, which I remembered that day. And this is what this story is.

    Among his peers, one boy with sad and beautiful eyes always stood out. People avoided him, they said that God was angry with his family and sent the boy eternal sadness. But everyone lied evil tongues.

    Mavlchik grew up, became very smart, did not avoid danger, but did not look for her as a beloved girl, so his peers called him a coward, a warrior who would run away at one formidable glance of the enemy. The young man did not pay attention to the spiteful critics. He proved by deed that he is not a coward, but a real man. The war began, and he bravely fought against the enemies, and was even seriously wounded. One wise nun took care of the young man, and after a few days he was already on his feet.

    The recovered young man went to the mountains. He had known these places for a long time and wanted to climb higher. With great difficulty, he did this and ended up on the top of the highest mountain. Something trembled in his soul when he saw, as it were, the beauty of the Caucasian region in a new way. And our hero realized that he had no way back. He decided to settle here, and only here, and live as a real hermit in this fabulously beautiful land.

    Many years have passed since then, but they say that the cave of that hermit is still located in this place, which neither menacing winds, nor heavy rains, nor snow whirlwinds can destroy. They say that things of extraordinary beauty are kept inside this mysterious cave and they were made by the hands of an old hermit, whom we are talking about.

    So let's drink to the fact that beauty and harmony always reigned in the house of our dear new settlers. Let every thing in your new home keep the warmth of your hands. Let this house be a real fortress for its owners, let it not be afraid of either severe cold, or the scorching sun, or long rains!

    Once Gogi had a wonderful dream. He dreamed that all the women on earth began to suffer from sexual impotence. When he told about this dream to his friend Katso, he asked him:
    - Listen, Gogi, what was the sexual impotence of women expressed in?
    - That they could not refuse any man.
    So let's drink to the fulfillment of our dreams!

    Once a Georgian married a Ukrainian. When they celebrated the wedding, and the young people were left alone, the Georgian sat on a bench and said in a moralizing manner with an accent:

    Now you're my wife, and I'll tell you what. If I come home, and my hat is right here, - he pushed his hat on his forehead, then you feed me, give me drink, caress me, but don’t pester me with anything!
    .. And if I come home and I have my hat right here, - he pushed the hat to the back of his head, - then you feed me, give me drink, caress me, and then you can ask for whatever you want!

    Now listen here!
    interrupted his young wife. - If you come home, and my hands are right here, - she rested her hands on her steep sides, - then I didn’t give a damn where your hat was!

    So let's drink to female persuasiveness!

    In ancient times, a kind and hardworking man lived in one aul, and he had a wife so angry and quarrelsome that you couldn’t find another like that, even if you go around all the auls three times. She argued with everyone, scolded everyone, found fault with everyone, did everything on the contrary, and out-argued everyone in the village. And the poor husband had no life at all from her.

    Once he went to the forest for firewood and found there a deep, deep hole. "If only an evil curser fell into this hole," he thought, "it would be easier for me and for the whole aul." He returned home and said to his wife: "I found a deep hole in the forest, and there is a lot of gold in it, tomorrow I will go and get the gold." The evil wife did not let him go alone, thinking that he would not carry away much gold. They went together. He wrapped a rope around his wife near the pit and began to lower her into the pit. He lowered it deeper - and let go of the rope from his hands. The good man returned home, lived a day, another, a week. And he decided to go into the forest to find out what had become of his grumpy wife. He approached the pit - from it came the screams and abuse of his wife and someone else's oohs.

    "Hey, who's groaning there?" asked the kind man. - "It's me - a monster. I was completely tortured by an evil woman!
    "- came from the pit. Then the good man took pity on the monster and pulled him out of the pit. For this monster agreed to fulfill his three wishes. He promised and disappeared. And the man went to his village.

    A little time has passed, this man heard that some kind of monster lay down near one village and does not let anyone into the village, does not let anyone out of the village. Not only that: every day someone grabs and devours. Then a kind man helped the people of this aul and spent his first desire. His second and third desires also went to the aid of the inhabitants of other auls, where the monster was villainous.

    When all desires were fulfilled, the inhabitants of the fourth aul came to a kind man and asked for help in the fight against the monster. The kind man said that he was unable to help them, but the people insisted, asking to have pity on their children. Then the good man went to the monster. The monster got angry, began to threaten to eat the man, but then he said: “I came to help you - remember the evil woman who didn’t let you live in the pit? So, she got out and is looking for you everywhere.” Then the monster was frightened, rose, swirled and disappeared. Nobody has seen him since.

    So let's drink to our grumpy wives, who, even thanks to their abuse, are able to do good deeds!

    And now, I want to say a purely Caucasian toast.

    A long time ago, when Heaven and Earth had just parted with each other, giving birth to Life, they had another beautiful daughter - Love, the sister of Life. But Father Sky refused to recognize her, suspecting the Earth of betraying him with the mighty Ocean. Mother Earth could not do anything with the stubborn, and so that he would not destroy their daughter, she made her invisible and sent her to wander through her vast expanses.

    A very, very long time passed until unhappy Love met Happiness and fell in love with him. Happiness also fell in love with Love and they, in turn, had a beautiful daughter - Happy Love. If father-Heaven had recognized his daughter and she would not have had to wander, it is still unknown whether the unfortunate Love Happiness would have met and their daughter would have appeared - Happy Love, who filled people's lives with meaning and gave birth to so many beautiful girls!
    I propose to drink for Happy Love, which brings so much joy!

    Two roosters were fighting in the yard. One defeated the other and became proud. He flew up to the roof and began to boast of his strength and dexterity, began to brag and sing loudly at the top of his voice. For a long time he screamed and crowed louder and louder. The eagle heard his cries, fell from the sky, grabbed the rooster and carried it away.
    So let's drink to the fact that strength and modesty always live in friendship with each other!

    Unusually hot weather has settled in Tbilisi. People simply did not know where to hide from the scorching, sultry sun. Coming out onto the porch of his house, Rustam exclaims:

    Enough heat!
    I want it to be colder tomorrow!

    His neighbor, Zurab, who was watering tobacco in the flower bed, grinned sarcastically. However, at night the weather changed dramatically, it began to rain heavily, and by morning it really got noticeably colder.

    The next morning, the neighbor, throwing on a raincoat and taking an umbrella, went to Rustam, knocked on the door and asked:

    Excuse me, dear, is there anything you could do about our economy?

    So let's drink to those people who are able to make the weather not only on the street, but also in various areas of our lives!
    Even in the economy. For real weather forecasters!

    In a distant time, in a distant village, there lived a young woman of indescribable beauty, but no one dared to marry her, - after all, the elder of this village once said: That horseman who kisses a girl will die!
    But all the horsemen knew that their elder had never made a mistake, and therefore they could not even speak to her. But one day a young man rode up and immediately fell in love with a girl. The young man jumped off his horse and kissed her without saying a word. Not!
    - shouted the horsemen. "Now he's dead!"
    But the young man kissed the girl again and again, and she immediately agreed to his hand and heart. But why?!
    - asked all the horsemen. - After all, the elder promised that the one who kisses the girl will die?!
    But it will be so once, - said the sage. “But I didn’t say it would happen right away. No. He will die years later, later, when such a period comes after a happy life. So let's raise our glasses to those horsemen who can listen attentively. And including those long tales!

    I want to talk about a man. After all, he is a horseman!
    Moved from the Caucasus to the city, where the smoke and smog.
    When the evening falls on the shoulders and the chest hurts
    He pulls out a letter from an old cabinet:

    "I live among the snow and ice. Through the noise of the stars,
    Where icebergs scratch their sides on ice floes.
    I have almost nothing. But I'm breathing.
    This is the main thing. So we are alive. Write. Till.

    You live in the Caucasus and the mountains are your path
    Imagine a candle smoldering over your table.
    Wherever you go, you can never be discouraged!
    Smiling, good luck is waiting for you around the corner."

    He reads and smiles (so many years!
    And the blues recedes. He's still "hoo"!
    Drinks some wine, takes out his blanket.
    Imagine the wind beating its transparent gong.

    Let's drink to letters and words that make us strong!

    toasts at the table, from there this tradition takes its roots. Even in ancient times in the Caucasus, toasts were considered a separate genre of literature and were an attribute of any holiday.

    All words in caucasian toasts are filled with special strength and energy, as they are pronounced from the bottom of the heart and praise only the best concepts, such as courage, friendship, love, family and courage. Caucasians are very generous and hot people. And this one is best revealed during fun and celebration, when a real Caucasian makes a toast. Making a holiday like a Caucasian one is a very bold and good idea, but it may not always work out, but a toast said in the style of an oriental person will always be in place.

    All the guests present will not remain indifferent to such a toast, especially if it is pronounced with a Caucasian accent. Such toasts at first glance may seem amusing and even ridiculous, but every word here is filled with a deep philosophical meaning. Each toast carries a piece of the wisdom of the southern people, accumulated over many years. The most common wish in the Caucasus is the wishes of long life. After all, these people know well that experience and wisdom come only with age and are passed down from generation to generation.

    Eternal values ​​in toasts

    A Caucasian man will definitely drink to the women he loves and who surround him. At every holiday, a real horseman will say nice toast dedicated to his life partner. Caucasians, like no one else, value female beauty and care, therefore they respect and love all the representatives of the weaker sex. Such toasts can be filled with very subtle and appropriate humor about the female soul and nature. Everyone knows such a toast as "For the ladies present here" - it was presented to us by Caucasian men. The Caucasian toasts also speak of eternal life values ​​that are important for any person. These include toasts about life, love, friendship and death. And each toast is filled with a special flavor, some kind of Caucasian philosophy. The holiday will be much more interesting if there is a real horseman at the table, and the toasts he utters will melt the hearts and make all the guests present think.

    How to pronounce Caucasian toasts?

    Each toast is pronounced in a special way. This is not just a spoken phrase, but a whole ritual that adds even more charm to the spoken words. For example, one of the toasts is pronounced, holding a glass in an open palm, and at the same time the following words are heard: "Let there be as many sorrows in our life as there are drops of wine in this glass after we drink it."

    A certain lesson can be learned from each Caucasian toast - in this they are very similar to fables. Although such toasts are pronounced to the culprit of identity, everyone present emphasizes something for himself. In the hearts of your guests, a holiday with Caucasian toasts will be remembered for a long time and leave a pleasant aftertaste on the soul.

Often at any holiday they say not only lyrical and beautiful congratulations in verse, but also toasts. They are funny, humorous or life with meaning. In this article, Georgian toasts will be presented to your attention, which are ideal for a friendly feast. They bring a lot of laughter and joy to guests. They also teach those present about worldly wisdom.

A toast to women

In the Caucasus, men appreciate, respect and love the weaker sex. Therefore, in those places a lot of congratulations have been created that are dedicated to women. Here is one beautiful Georgian toast. Listen to the Caucasian parable that has spread all over the world:

Once, one sunny day, a snake crawled to Allah and said: “I'm tired of crawling, I want to remove my scales. Turn me into a woman And I can sting people anyway. It doesn't have to be a snake." Allah helped and turned her into a woman. Soon a white dove flew to him and asked for the same request as the snake. And so it happened. Allah turned the dove into a woman and said, "Go and do good." Since then, there are two women: evil and kind. So let's drink to good, lovely ladies, who are more than bad and harmful with a black soul.

Toast to love

A lot of poems and songs are written about love. There are probably as many toasts, if not more. They are not only about women, men, but also about a strong feeling. Georgian toasts are famous for their simplicity and beautiful sayings. Indeed, in the Caucasus it is not customary to say wishes in a rude form. In Georgia, there is a beautiful toast about love and family relationships:

The horseman chose his future wife among three girls who were attractive to him. He asked the first: "What is 3 times 3?" She answered without thinking, "Eight." The horseman decided that his wife would be too frugal. He asked the same question to the second girl, and she said that it would turn out 9. The horseman realized that he was facing a very smart young lady. The third bride replied that 3 times 3 would be 10. The horseman decided that the girl would be generous and it suited him.

And here is the question: “Which young lady will the horseman decide to marry? On economical, smart or generous? If you don't know the answer, it's easy. Dzhigit marries the girl that his heart points to, and at that moment he did not hear the voice of reason. So let's drink to the fact that we always listen to our hearts, especially when it comes to love.

birthday toast for a man

From time immemorial, Georgian toasts have been valued for their depth of thought. Their artistic style of presentation, solemnity, emphasis amaze and touch many people. Georgian men are beautiful and vital. We offer one of them:

In Georgia, in one driving school, a student is asked a question during an exam and the situation on the road is explained: you are driving along a narrow road, there are high mountains to your left, and a steep and large cliff to your right. Suddenly you saw that right in front of you was a beautiful girl with a terrible old woman. Question: what will you push? The student answers: "A terrible old woman." The teacher says: "Wrong, you need to press the brake." Let's drink to the fact that in any, even the most difficult situation, the birthday man does not forget to press the brake in time.

This Georgian birthday toast to a man teaches that every person can stop in time, take their time and avoid unpleasant situations. And if a person has a difficult birthday, but an anniversary? What kind of toast would you like? Read more about this later in the article.

Georgian toast for an anniversary

Very long, but clever and instructive congratulations. Hear how beautiful it sounds:

Once, a long time ago, God gave man only 25 years of life. For some reason, he decided that this was enough. Animals (horse, dog, monkey) God gave as much as 50 years. However, the man decided that this was not fair, went to the animals and asked for a request. He begged the horse, the dog, and the monkey to give some of their lives.

Since then, it has become customary that the first 25 years a person lives well. He has a happy childhood, a carefree youth and no problems. For the next 25 years, people work, that is, they plow like a horse, not sparing themselves and their strength. For the next 25 years, the man lives like a stray dog. The children left him, many acquaintances forgot about him, no one needed him anymore. For the last 25 years, man has been living in the manner of a monkey. Those around him laugh at him, because he is an old and weak old man (old woman). So, let's drink to ensure that our hero of the day lives for another hundred years, not like an animal that no one needs, but like a real person, without worries, problems and troubles. So that children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and friends never forget about him.

This Georgian birthday toast has a meaning that many people understand. He teaches to value himself, his closest and dearest people.

Georgian toast to newlyweds

As a rule, a toastmaster is organized at the wedding. However, guests can also amuse, entertain, delight guests and newlyweds with original congratulations. We suggest you prepare Georgian It will help you beautifully congratulate the bride and groom:

Once a man died who believed in God and was righteous all his life. However, he so wanted to return to earth that he asked the Almighty about it. God for his righteousness allowed him to live on. However, before lowering him to the ground, he gave him three chests with gifts, with the words: "Do not open them until you come home." After these words, God lowered him to the ground.

This man was walking homecuriosity took over. So he opened the first chest, and from there joy flew out and quickly flew away. He opened the second gift and saw love, which also suddenly ran away. The man did not want to risk a third time. He clasped his chest in his arms and quickly walked home with it. Soon he came to his land, went into the house, firmly closed the door and only then dared to open the third chest. There was also hope, which began to live in the same house and help her master in everything. So let's drink to the fact that our newlyweds never lose their joy, hold fast to love and live with hope.

A toast to men

What holidays are held without strong, dexterous, smart defenders? Of course, these are men who also love when beautiful words are said in their honor at the festive table. That's what Georgian toasts are for:

  1. Even in the old days, a vine was planted only when a daughter was born in the family. If a son appeared, an oak was planted next to the house. So let's drink to every garden growing as many strong and strong oaks as possible, and the vineyards bearing fruit every year.
  2. Once a ground horseman found himself with two girls at the same time. They were different. One is blonde, the other is brunette. For some time he talked with the young ladies and noticed that they were completely different. One of them asked: “Which girls do you like better: brunettes or blondes?”. To this the dzhigit answered shortly: "Yes." Why do you think he responded that way? That's right, because he was a real man who did not want to offend the girl.So let's drink to those wonderful qualities that only real men have.

These Georgian toasts are positive and entertaining. However, remember that they cannot be told one by one, so as not to get bored with the guests. Between toasts, you should always take at least small, but breaks.

Toast to parents

When they congratulate the birthday man, they always say beautiful words to him. However, in many countries, including Georgia, parents are not forgotten. After all, it was they who gave birth to a birthday boy. We invite you to read a Georgian birthday toast, which is intended not only for the hero of the occasion, but also for his father and mother:

Two friends are talking. One says: “When my husband Goga does not communicate well with me, and I don’t see respect from him, then I promise him to go to my beloved parents in the village. The husband immediately changes and becomes kinder. Another woman adds: “And in case of disrespect from my husband, I threaten him that I will bring my parents to live with us. That's when my Vano becomes not only kinder, but also the most affectionate in the world. So let's drink to the fact that our parents are with us now. We are always glad to see them, and especially today, at our festive table.


In the Caucasus, a holiday is never complete without toasts. After all, it is very important for them to drink at least a glass of wine and wish the hero of the occasion all the best. All Georgian toasts are very similar to fables, legends, stories or fairy tales. That is why it will be interesting for each guest to be distracted and listen to another congratulation, which will help to think about life.

See also:
Russian poems
Texts of funny congratulations to the boss
-Happy Birthday Poems
Funny birthday greetings to a colleague
Happy birthday mother
-Sms fun - texts
-Toast to the boys
-Toasts about love
Poems m Tsvetaeva
Beautiful congratulations to a colleague in verse

Wedding Georgian toasts

Wedding Georgian toasts
Once, an old man lived in a distant mountain village, and he beat his beautiful daughter. And so he decided to marry her. He called the jigits and said to them this speech: - The one of you who climbs this high mountain so that not a single pebble falls from under his feet will catch a mountain sheep there, bring him to my feet and slaughter him so that no one drop of blood will not fall on my snow-white robe, and so, one of you will become the husband of my beautiful daughter. And whoever does not do this, I will kill him. And then the first dzhigit came out. He was brave, dexterous, smart, but one small grain of sand fell from under his feet - and his old father killed him. Then the second horseman came out, and he was also brave, dexterous, smart, handsome. He brought the mountain sheep to the feet of the old father and began to cut him, the sheep, in the sense, the throat with his sharp dagger. But one small drop of blood fell on the snow-white robe of the old father - and the second horseman fell, stabbed, next to the first. And then the third horseman came out, and he was the most proud, brave, dexterous and handsome. He brought the ram to the feet of the old father, surgically cut his ram's throat without a single drop of blood, and joyfully looked at the old father. But his old father killed him too. The beauty's daughter screamed in horror: - Listen, atets! After all, the third horseman did everything as you ordered! Why did you slaughter him? And the old father said to her: - For the company! So let's drink to good and warm company!

Georgian birthday toast
It was a very long time ago, when the mountains of Armenia were even higher than they are now. Ashot stood naked by the rock, he had a hat on his head. A primitive naked woman approached Ashot. Ashot covered his lower abdomen with a hat. The woman first removed one of Ashot's hands, then the other. The hat continued to cover the lower abdomen. Let's drink to the power that held the hat!

Wedding Georgian toasts
One king was given a horse. He turned to his advisers:
- Where will this wonderful horse be useful to me?
- At war with the enemies of our state, - someone said.
“No,” the monarch shook his head.
- For horse races, - another adviser tried to guess.
"No," said the king shortly.
- But why then? the courtiers asked in bewilderment.
- This horse is useful to those who have a bad neighbor, to ride away from him as soon as possible and away.
People say: do not buy a house, but buy a neighbor.
Let's drink to our good neighbors!

Oriental toasts
The Georgian ended up in Siberia in the winter. All frozen, he stands at the bus stop and curses:
- Your mother, damn Sibyr! I put on two fur coats, and the flock, as if in shorts !!! ..
You gave me such a warm welcome that it’s time for me to scold your regions: “Your mother, damn Si-byr! I’m sitting in a T-shirt and shorts, but it’s as if I put on two fur coats! ..” Thank you for your warmth and hospitality!

Wedding Georgian toasts
A wise man had a daughter. Two men came to her to woo her: a rich man and a poor man. The wise man said to the rich:
"I will not give my daughter for you," - and gave her away as a poor man. When asked why he did this, he replied:
"The rich man is stupid, and I am sure that he will become poorer. The poor man is smart, and I foresee that he will achieve happiness and prosperity."
If that wise man were with us today, he would raise a cup of wine so that when choosing a groom, brains are valued, and not a wallet.

Wedding Georgian toasts
A woman came to Nasreddin and began to ask him to help cure her husband of his addiction to drinking.
- I'm not a doctor, - said Nasreddin. But I can give advice. Does your husband have any big dream? Of course, not fabulous, but one that can be performed?
“Yes,” the woman said, thinking.
- Very good! Nasreddin rejoiced. - Promise him: if you stop drinking, then you will fulfill this dream.
- Well, I'll try, - the woman said and, having bowed, left.
And when she came home, she explained to her husband:
- Here's what I'll tell you, dear: stop drinking - every day I'll put you half a liter.
So let's drink to the fact that our wives can always fulfill wishes, turning a dream into reality!

Wedding Georgian toasts
One day, Molla and his son had to go to a neighboring village. He put his son on a donkey, and he went on foot. After some time, they met people and one of them said:
- Look, an old man is walking, and a young man is driving.
Molla lifted his son off the saddle and rode himself. Soon they met a whole crowd of people, one of them, looking at Molla and
his son said:
- Look at them! A large man sits on a donkey, and a small one trudges on foot.
Molla got down from the donkey, let him go ahead, and he went on foot with his son.
They went on a ride a little and met people again. One of them said:
- Look at them, look at them! The donkey goes empty, and they beat their feet on stones and sand.
Molla mounted a donkey and took his son with him. They drove a little more, and once again they met several people, and they began to laugh:
- Look at them! Together they climbed onto the donkey, the poor fellow cannot even breathe.
Molla slowly got off the donkey, removed his son from him, put the donkey on his back and said:
“It seems to be the only way I can get rid of the cursed language of these people.
So let's drink to the fact that we never pay attention to people's rumors, but confidently go our own way!

Wedding Georgian toasts
Drinks a warm group of Georgians, toasts in a circle. One gets up
- I want to drink for our Dato! This is a real man: he can drink three horns of wine in a row and fall in love with three women!
- I want to drink for our Gogi - this is a real man: he can drink ten horns of wine in a row and love ten women!
A third gets up, mournfully looking at the floor:
- And I propose to drink for Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ... I don’t know how much wine he could drink, and I don’t know if he could love women in any way, but only a real man could avenge the death of his older brother!
So let's drink to real men!

The most popular genre of congratulations on the day of marriage is, of course, Caucasian wedding toasts. Highlanders are rightfully considered true masters of eloquence. Their legends and parables are very beautiful and poetic. It is from them that the best Caucasian wedding toasts are born: wise wishes to parents, the bride and groom, relatives and friends.

There lived a shepherd in the mountains. He was lonely, because he was very poor, and in love with a beautiful girl - the daughter of a rich man. Her father did not want to pass her off as a beggar. A shepherd worked for several years tending his flock in the mountains and valleys. Finally, he was able to buy a house worthy of the bride and acquire a good household. He went to the father of the girl he loved. He comes, and there is a wedding going on, his bride is given in marriage. The shepherd entered the house and said:

Who dared to marry my fiancee? She is destined for me.

The groom did not want to give the girl to the shepherd, and the father of the bride was angry at the appearance of the poor man. Then the shepherd said:

If you do not believe that the girl is mine, then let's check it out. Bring two apple branches. Let the groom take one of them and stick it in the ground, and I will stick the second. On whose branch the fruit will appear by morning, the bride belongs to him.

So they did. In the morning everyone saw that the groom's branch had dried up, and ripe apples had appeared on the shepherd's branch. So the shepherd got his beloved as a wife.

Let's drink to love, in the name of which people on earth create true miracles!

Long ago, a man lived in the mountains. He somehow angered fate - and was severely punished for his sin. This man was constantly thirsty, but he could not quench it. He drank from wells, drank from fast mountain rivers, but thirst haunted him. And even the best wine could not help him. Once he went into an unfamiliar house and asked for a drink. A girl of unearthly beauty brought him a jug of ordinary water. A man fell in love with her at first sight and forgot about everything in the world, except for this girl. Even about your thirst.

So let's raise a toast to the kind of love that can quench even the strongest thirst!

A wealthy merchant lived in a mountainous Armenian village. He was so greedy that his greed was legendary in neighboring villages. He had a son. Just as greedy as his father. But he was young. One day he fell in love with a girl next door and decided to marry her. He told his father about this, he was delighted - you can open another shop, there will be someone to trade in it. Went to get married. But the girl did not want to talk to them, she did not need such a greedy husband. The young man was sad. He really wanted this girl to become his wife. Then he took all the money that he had earned, and with it bought the girl the most expensive and beautiful gifts that he could find. The girl understood that love had changed the son of a greedy merchant, and agreed to become his wife.

Let's drink to love that changes a person - and always only for the better!

In the Caucasus, they tell a beautiful mountain legend about love. In the mountains lived a girl of incomparable beauty. She was kind, accommodating. Everyone knew that she was an excellent needlewoman. In the flat area, in the neighborhood, lived a beautiful young man. He was a dexterous horseman, he was not afraid of anything. He heard a rumor about a beautiful girl from a mountain village. And he had already decided long ago that he would marry only such a girl who one day, from dawn to dusk, would sew him a cloak, Circassian coat, hood and dudes. The young man went to the beautiful Goryanka. He went to her house and told her about his condition. The girl liked the horseman, she accepted his conditions.

The next day, at dawn, the girl set to work. In the evening, everything was already ready, but the girl did not have time to sew fasteners to the Circassian coat. If the sun had lingered a little, she would have made it, but the sun was already setting. Then the girl, seeing that she would not be able to fulfill her promises, which means that she would not be the wife of a beautiful horseman, left the house and turned to the sun with a prayer:

Sun, I beg you, stay a little longer in the sky so that I can finish my work!

The girl's wish came true: the sun, which had almost set, suddenly rose up. So the girl was able to finish the job. The young man came. All the clothes fit him. And soon they played a wedding.

So let's drink to the fact that even the rebellious elements are always on the side of lovers!

A shepherd rode across the field, looking for a sheep that had strayed from the flock. I drove up to a vast vineyard. He sees that some gray-haired aksakal works there. The shepherd greeted him and said:

Have you seen my sheep, good man?

No, I haven't, but maybe my older brother can help you with that. He works over there on the other side of the vineyard. Ask him.

The shepherd drove up to the elder brother of the gray-haired man. This one had a black head and beard on one side and gray on the other. The shepherd greeted him. I asked about my sheep. The half-haired man says to him:

I didn't see your sheep, but my older brother caught someone's sheep this morning. He works on the opposite edge.

The shepherd drove up to the eldest of the brothers and sees in front of him a young man without a single gray hair on his head. The shepherd greeted him and told him about his misfortune. The young man gave the shepherd his sheep. The shepherd thanked him and asked:

Tell me, kind person, why do your younger brothers look older than you?

Our younger brother turned gray because he did not marry for love, he took a rich but evil wife. The middle brother is half gray because he has not yet married. And I am young because I married my beloved girl - and every day spent with my beloved prolongs my life.

So let's drink to the love that makes people forever young!

Old mountaineers in the Caucasus tell such a legend. When God created the Caucasus Mountains, he plucked a beautiful white lily from a mountain lake and threw it deep into the clear waters of the lake. Lily turned into a beautiful woman - tender as a lily and light as the wind. She looked into the crystal waters of the lake and exclaimed: “How beautiful I am!”.

The woman walked along the mountain paths, through the flowering valleys, and everything around her silently admired her. But she soon got bored with it. She exclaimed: “Everything around me admires me, but I don’t hear about these delights, everything admires silently or in a language I do not understand. I want to hear how they admire me, I want to be caressed, to be protected and loved, so that I can love too.

And God made a woman a husband.

So let's drink to the fact that men and women never forget what they live on earth for! Let's drink to the love of a man and a woman!

Three travelers were walking along a rocky mountain road. Day go, two. The water has long run out, the thirst has tormented, and there is not a single source nearby. But suddenly the travelers saw an orange tree on their way, miraculously growing among impregnable bare rocks. Losing strength, exhausted travelers reached the tree, which turned out to be three fruits.

The first, not wanting to spend the last of his strength cleaning the juicy fruit, tried to squeeze the juice from an orange. But the thick peel missed very little saving moisture, which was not enough to escape thirst. The second, seeing the fate of the first, tried to eat the whole orange without peeling it. However, the bitter and tough peel stuck in a parched throat. The third traveler took into account the mistakes of the first two. Having spent the last of his strength to remove the peel, he peeled the fruit, and the life-giving pulp saved his life.

So let's drink to the fact that the newlyweds always take off the bitter peel of quarrels, insults and hardships and revel in the juicy fruits of love!

The journalist came to the most remote and highest mountainous Georgian village to find out from the 120-year-old aksakal what is the secret of his longevity. Aksakal tells him:

Every year I get older and wiser, and every year the girls seem to me younger and more beautiful. How can I die, because then I will not be able to admire them.

So let's drink to the love of beautiful women, because it is the meaning of our life!

One mountaineer had two of four sheep killed by lightning.

Yes, it’s not sweet for you, ”the neighbor sympathized.

From what? God himself is now my brother, divided the cattle in half with me, - answered the resilient highlander.

Let's drink, friends, to the optimism that helps us survive in any situation! Be optimistic and never give up, dear newlyweds!

Sad and unfortunate in Georgia is the year when the grape harvest is poor. And, on the contrary, the years are successful and joyful when the grapes are successful. Good wine amuses the soul, brings prosperity and tranquility to our homes. Only children can give us the same joy.

So let's drink to the fact that every year in every family of our relatives good wine flows like water, and most importantly, that every year is not only harvested for grapes, but also brings them the joy of fatherhood and motherhood!

In ancient times, a huge eagle, the king of all birds, lived in an impregnable gorge in the Caucasus. Every day he flew around the world in search of precious stones, which he then strung into a necklace of extraordinary beauty. But one day, trouble happened - the necklace accidentally broke, and all the precious stones scattered around the world. And a few of them ended up at our table.

Let's drink for them, for the beautiful women who are now next to us!

Caucasian toasts to parents at the wedding

One merchant had a son. A merchant once gave him a coin and said: “Take it, son, and try to save money.” But the son threw the coin into the water. The father found out about it, but said nothing. The son did nothing, did not work, but only ate and drank in the parental home.

Then the father called his son and said: "Go, son, and earn money yourself." Then the young man got a job. From morning until late evening, he kneaded clay with his bare feet and, having received the money, brought it home.

“Look, father,” said the young man. “I made money.” The merchant replied: "Well, son, now go and throw them into the water." Then the son realized that he had previously been unfair to the kindness of his father and lowered his head.

So let's drink not for a belt and rods, but for the wisdom of our fathers and grandfathers! Thanks to them, our young people have grown up to be respectable people.

To smelt an ingot of gold, you need a living and zealous flame. To complement female beauty, you need to make jewelry from this ingot. In order for a man to be a real man, worthy of the honor of his kind, he also needs jewelry, but not from gold. A worthy woman, the mother of his children, should become such an ornament!

So let's drink to the most worthy of real men - to our fathers, who successfully withstood all life's hardships and made our mothers happy! They can be proud of their choice!

High in the mountains lived a gray-haired and wise elder. He was telling an old legend about a young, unlucky Niko. He wanted to marry, but they did not give him, such an unlucky one, not a single girl in the village. His mother went to the village and betrothed the most beautiful girl for him. Niko got married, had children, but they were so naughty that his wife could not cope with them. Niko's mother began to sit with her grandchildren, play with them, educate them. Niko had a herd of rams, but the wolves got into the habit of dragging young lambs out of it. He wanted to ask his mother for advice, but he did not have time. She died. But after death, she turned into a hawk and began to drive away the wolves from her son's herd. And Niko had no more troubles, and he lived a long and happy life.

So let's drink to our mothers, the wisest and kindest, ready to help us in any difficult situation!

One wise man remarked: “A woman in love loves the most, a wife loves best, but a mother loves us longest.”

So let's drink to the longest and boundless love of our mothers, who always waited for us and forgave us! After all, a person cannot be educated and subjugated only with the help of severity, and maternal kindness does wonders, subordinating both the rebellious will and the zealous heart.

Caucasian wisdom says: if a kind person wants to live in the same beautiful place for a month, he should sow corn there, if for a year - build a house, and if all his life - then raise a child.

Let's raise our glasses to the fact that our dear parents planted more than one cornfield, built a beautiful home and raised such wonderful children!

In one mountain village, peasants planted a tree. They came a year later and see: the tree withered. They consulted, loosened the earth, watered it and left. They come a year later and see: the tree has drooped, dimmed. Then they called the aksakals and asked them for advice. And the aksakals answered: “It is not enough to plant a tree, to loosen the earth, to irrigate with water. Put a support on it so that the winds do not shake it from side to side.

The peasants did everything as advised by the elders. They come a year later and see: the tree has turned green, has risen up, has spread its fluffy crown.

So let's drink to the support (bride), so that this tree (groom) will always flourish!

In ancient times, two horsemen lived in the Caucasus. They were different, like the sun, which warms the earth with its rays, and the moon, which frightens putikov on night roads with its coldness. And yet there was something in common between them: they were born in the same year, they were rich, and each had a beautiful wife.

Only one of them was so happy in life that people called him lucky, and the other walked like a cloud. He was always dissatisfied with everything. One lived and enjoyed life, while the other constantly grumbled. One lived as if every day in his life was a holiday, and the other seemed to save his joy for the future. So the years went by, they had children, and then grandchildren. The joy of the first knew no bounds, and the second was not at all happy, on the contrary, he became an even greater grumbler. He seemed to be afraid of something. It seemed to him that the time had not yet come to enjoy life and be happy.

Many years have passed and they have grown old. One told everyone that his life was a success, while the other did not understand why he lived. And now the one who lived as if he was afraid of life, realized that he did not live at all, that he did not know anything about how people live in happiness and joy, he had nothing to tell his descendants. He decided that his life was wasted. And the one who was not afraid of life and tried to live every moment as if it were the last in his life, was satisfied with his fate.

So let's drink so that the life of the newlyweds is long and full, like our glasses! For them to try to do as much as possible and not sit waiting for miracles!

There is a custom in the Caucasus: when a girl is born in the house, the father takes out a gun and shoots once. When a girl grows up and they want to marry her, her father fires a gun twice, but when a girl is married off, her father fires a gun three times.

So let's drink to the fact that rifle salvos are often heard from our houses!

The woman originated from the rib of the man.

Not from the foot to be humiliated.

Not out of my head to excel.

And from the side, to be side by side with a man, to be his equal girlfriend.

From under the arm to be protected.

And from the side of the heart, to be loved.

So let's drink to the fact that from this rib, as from a true friend, only good comes! And may our bride always be loved and protected by her husband!

In our family, one parable is passed down from generation to generation.

When my great-great-great-grandfather married a girl from a neighboring village, he took her to his house on a horse. But on the way the horse stumbled - and my ancestor said: "One." When the horse stumbled again, he said, "Two." But when the horse stumbled for the third time, he hacked him to death. Then his wife exclaimed, "Why did you kill the poor animal?" In response, she heard only one word: "One." Since then, all the women in our family have been told this parable before they get married.

So let's drink to wise women who know how to shut up in time!

A proud dzhigit fell in love with a beauty.

If you refuse me, he told her, I will die.

She refused. He took it and died ... however, after eighty years.

Girls, remember: when you refuse a man, you kill him!

Let's drink to the fact that real beauties never refuse real horsemen!

Once an Avar got married. The young wife tells him after the wedding:

Dear, I must confess to you that I can only cook two dishes - khinkal and scrambled eggs!

The Avar looked at the dish in front of him and asked:

And which one is this?

So let's drink to women who never fully reveal their virtues!

A long time ago in the Caucasus there was such a custom. The girl, before getting married, had to tame a mountain sheep. She took with her a bunch of fresh grass and climbed early in the morning high into the mountains. If she managed to see a mountain sheep, she would detect her presence and throw grass to him, while she herself would leave. This went on for some time. In the end, the ram got used to the girl and, having eaten the grass brought to him, lay down at her feet and dozed blissfully.

Only after that, when the girl managed to tame a proud freedom-loving animal, could she get married. After all, an untamed beast lives in every Caucasian man.

So let's drink to the women who manage to tame us!

A long time ago, there was a custom in the Caucasian villages: when a son grew up in the prince's family and he had to choose a wife, the villagers brought their daughters to the prince's court. The groom's parents asked the girls different questions - they checked how economical, hardworking, and economical they were. In the end, they chose one and only. And what do you think: what should be the future wife of the future prince? And here is the answer - they chose the most beautiful.

So let's drink to the feminine beauty that wins in any competition! Our bride is generously endowed with this gift!

There is one legend in the Caucasus: once there lived a beautiful prince's daughter and a poor, but brave and noble young man. They loved each other very much. But it so happened that a very wealthy man began to woo the princess. He sent matchmakers to the prince - and he, without thinking twice, gave his consent to the marriage. The princess did not want to obey her father and ran away with her beloved far into the mountains.

They walked, climbing the mountain steeps. One day a man saw them. He ran to the prince and, for a large fee, told him where the fugitives were. The prince grabbed a gun and galloped into the mountains. When he began to catch up with the fugitives, they made their way along a narrow path. The young man walked in front, and the girl behind him. Overwhelmed with rage, the prince fired and hit his daughter. She fell on her back - and her scythe hung down from the mountain. A girl's blood flowed along this long braid, and a spring was formed, the water in which does not dry up to this day.

So let's raise our glasses in honor of the heroic women who are ready to sacrifice their lives for love!

In the Caucasus they say: “If you want to be happy one day, drink wine. If you want to be happy for two days, drink fine wine for two days. If you want to be happy all your life, respect, appreciate and take care of your wife.”

So let's drink to the young wife! May she prolong the happiness of her husband for life!

There is a beautiful legend in the Caucasus. The old khan had only one son, and his name was Sandro. He was good to everyone - and handsome, and strong, and dexterous, and smart, but the trouble is: he had no memory. The old khan wanted him to have many grandchildren, so that cheerful children's voices sounded in the house. Only his son could not marry. Whatever girl Sandro met, after five minutes he could no longer remember who she was or what her name was.

And so Sandro decided to go for the bride to distant lands. The khan gave him an amulet at parting and said: “My son, when you meet a girl who will please you, give her this amulet. She will put it on her neck, and you will always be able to remember her by this amulet.

Sandro left and traveled for a long time through high mountains, valleys and villages, but did not meet a single girl who would take his fancy. And then one day, tired, hungry and tormented by thirst, he wandered into one village. In the center of the village there was a deep well with clean cold water, and a girl stood by the well and drew water.

Beauty,” Sandro turned to her, “give me a drink, I'm dying of thirst.

The girl poured him not water, but delicious wine, and he got drunk.

Dear girl, give me a piece of bread, I'm dying of hunger.

The girl baked a magnificent cake and fed him. And he realized that he would not meet a better girl on his way, gave her the amulet, and said that if she wishes to become his wife, then let her come to his homeland, he will recognize her by the amulet. And left.

The girl thought and realized that she fell in love with the young traveler. She went to Sandro in the city, but lost the amulet along the way. Therefore, he did not recognize his bride when he saw her. The girl brought with her her delicious wine and magnificent cake. Sandro tasted them, remembered her, and never forgot them again.

Let's drink to the golden hands of our bride! Let her be a wonderful hostess, and from the divine taste of her dishes you can forget everything in the world!

There is an old Caucasian legend. High in the sky, under the very clouds, a young eagle flew. A deer was running below, saw her and shouted:

Eagle-eagle, look how good I am: I run fast, and I am wise with experience, and my eyes are big and bright. Come down from the sky, be my wife.

No, deer. You are really good, you run fast and low, and you are wise with experience, but you are really stupid, and your eyes are beautiful, but not keen - you don’t see that I don’t suit you. Run on, don't be my husband.

Let's raise our glasses to the beautiful bride and the groom, who flew high, and was smart, and had keen eyes, because high in the sky he saw such an eagle and was able to take her as his wife!

Once, in a mountain village, a mother admonished her daughter before her wedding: “My child, never argue with your husband, in no case do not contradict him with a word - cry right away!”

So let's drink to ensure that not a single tear is shed by the eyes of our newlywed!

When one respected aksakal was celebrating his eightieth birthday and the fiftieth anniversary of his life together with his wife, he was asked:

There is no secret in this. When my wife and I got married, we made an agreement: as soon as we quarrel, I put on a cloak and go to the mountains. So it was daily walks in the mountains that brought such benefits to both my health and my family life.

So let's drink to the wives with whom we become long-livers!

Since ancient times, in the Caucasus, a man and a woman have been likened to two notes, without which the strings of the human soul do not give a correct and complete chord.

So let's drink to the newlyweds, who, complementing each other, give birth to heavenly music!

A huge pack of wolves lived in the foothills of the Caucasus. The leader of the pack, of course, was the most experienced, but he was already very old and could no longer lead the pack on the hunt. And so he chose the old leader as his assistant to the young strong wolf.

One day the flock returned from hunting. The wolves gathered for advice. And each began to brag about his booty. There were many successful hunters that day among the wolves. Many sheep and rams were torn apart by wolves that day. And seven shepherds guarding the flock died that day.

After that day, the pack went hunting several times. But the wolves did not have such prey anymore. And here again the flock gathered to hunt. The old leader did not go with his pack this time either. She followed the young wolf. For a long time they did not appear: in the sky, the moon replaced the sun four times. And then, finally, a young wolf appeared. He was all wounded and bleeding. The old leader realized that something had happened to his flock... The young wolf said with all his might that they killed a lot of sheep, rams and bulls. Their hunt was successful. Then the wolves decided to attack two people. They killed the whole flock. The leader's surprise knew no bounds:

How could this happen? There was a time: you coped with seven shepherds, but this time you could not pick up two.

Yes, this is correct. But these two turned out to be true friends. Each wanted to save the life of a friend so much that together they defeated the whole flock.

Let's raise our glasses to true male friendship!

Georgian poet Shota Rustaveli said: “What you hid is gone; What you gave is yours!”

Let's give each other the warmth of the soul! For you, dear newlyweds!

These Caucasian toasts can also be made on significant wedding anniversaries - pink, silver, gold. Indeed, over the years, spouses become closer to each other, and their feelings become stronger. And Caucasian wedding toasts promise the newlyweds just such a relationship - long, strong, time-tested and adversity, sincere, tender and beautiful.