I want to become a man where to start. How to be a man: a practical guide

Alas, not every man can be called real. And it doesn't matter how old you are or what size your biceps are, because that's not the point at all.

Maturity is not determined by years, muscles, or even the amount of money. It's all about your actions, and even at 40 you can act like an unintelligent and stupid boy. How to avoid this and become a hero of women's dreams and just a good person?

Your masculinity is determined not only by the presence of the Y chromosome, but also by intellectual, psychological, emotional and spiritual development. If all these areas remain undeveloped and at the same level, the man is immature.

How to become a real man - strong and successful: basic rules

Many representatives of the stronger sex want to realize themselves at work and in their personal life. But not all of them succeed. Thanks to our article, you will find out what is required of you to receive the honorary title of Real Man.

Fearlessness. Yes, yes, you understood everything correctly, but this does not mean that you should not have fear, only idiots do not have it. You must have the courage to do things that make you fearful. A real man knows that the path to fearlessness is endless and you will have to overcome your fears all your life.

Be steady. You must be flexible and reliable at the same time, have patience and not give up. Different situations can happen in life - don't give up and keep going, even if you have to start all over again. Accept fate, do not become a victim of it.

Listen to your heart. Do not hide your feelings and intentions, do not be afraid to be gentle and sensual. Be able to express your emotions and have compassion for others.

Anger. You must learn to express or control your anger, depending on the situation. He should not rule you, remember this, otherwise he will destroy you. It is sad to look at men who constantly scream or get into trouble. But the fact that you hold him back is not good either.

Martial arts. How to become a real man? You also need to monitor the condition of your body, sign up for martial arts and attend them regularly. They will help to develop not only muscles, but also the mind - to release energy, get rid of stress. In addition, situations may arise in your life in which you have to rebuff your opponent, but you cannot do this.

Make love passionately.
A real man does not hold back his sexual impulses - become a wild animal in bed. Open tenderness and rudeness for your woman, she should feel like a princess and a porn star at the same time.

Get out of your comfort zone. Boring and correct men only cause boredom. And you yourself are not tired of living on the same schedule? Don't be afraid to change jobs, visit new places, go on a journey!

Be vulnerable. It didn't seem to you, it really is. A coward always tries to hide weak points, and a real man works to eliminate them. He is ready and able to reveal himself even in the worst moments of life.

Rules of etiquette. And of course, a successful man must know the basic rules of etiquette - how to behave correctly in society, at the table and in other places. Modern society does not require the fulfillment of all the rules of etiquette, but you need to know the simplest ones.

Now you know how to become a real, strong man and cope with all tasks. Start changing your life today!

Many people ask how become a real man what to do for this and where to start learning. Being a real man is very good, because in this case a man can find a real woman, create strong and happy relationships and a family with her, and also achieve happiness and success in life. A real man achieves what he really wants from life and never gives up.

In the article you will find out how to become a real man what you need to do for this, what methods, tips, recommendations and principles exist for a man to become a man. Today, information is presented incorrectly and therefore many have wrong views and opinions in relation to what a man should be.

Set goals and achieve your goals

To become a real man, you need to set a big and clear goal in life that is really important to you. But you also need to start achieving it and do everything necessary for its implementation. A real man always achieves his goal, and not a man, gives up and does not bring the matter to the end. Therefore, define your life goal and go to it, no one needs losers who can not achieve anything in life.

Get out of your comfort zone

Get rid of bad habits

Also, to become a real man, give up temporary pleasures. Bad habits, blocking the path to become a man. A man loses himself when he goes into these hobbies, entertainment and pleasure. To become a man, you need to work on yourself and improve your soul, and not get carried away with your body shell, which soon dies.

Do what you love

To become a real man, you need not only to work, in an unloved job, to bring money to your family, but also to do what you love. When a man does what he hates, he often commits quarrels and scandals in the family because of the accumulated negative emotions. Therefore, work only where you like and then your family will have money and happiness. A man who only studies but does not work cannot become a real man.

Engage in self-development

To become a real man, you need to study yourself, look for yourself and improve yourself. Read books, do your favorite things, work, study, sports. When you spend your life and all your time on entertainment, rest, pleasure, you lose yourself and you will not be able to be a real man. When a man has not found himself in life and has not become an independent person, he will not be able to find a worthy woman who will love him as a man, for his soul and character.

Give up everything that gets in the way of your dream

Learn from a man

To become a real man, you need to find a real man who will teach you, train you to be a man. There are few such people and often a man, once in the wrong company, environment, cannot be a man. Even a father cannot always be a teacher for his son, since he himself has not yet become a man. If a man is not found in real life, then read the books of successful people, go to seminars, watch videos and films where men are taught to be a man. A woman, mother, wife, has no right to teach her son, husband how to be a man, since she will destroy him.

Hello to all readers and guests! In this article we will talk about how to become a real man. One can talk and argue a lot about this. But in our time become a real man not that hard. And especially for you I have selected the rules of a real man... There are not many of them and they are quite simple. So read on and start putting them into practice.

The rules of a real man:

1. Take responsibility

Learn from Adam. You should not do anything knowing that you are wrong in this situation, and then also blame other people for all the blame. If you make a mistake, take full responsibility for your own sins. One of the definitions of the word "husband" is one who knows how to manage his own family. Real men always take full responsibility for themselves. A man who blames his girlfriend or wife cannot arouse any sympathy. The responsibility is not removed from him. A man must analyze his behavior and decide how he can change his behavior so that such situations do not happen in the future.


If you want to be a worthy man, then you need to show leadership. If a leader sees some problem awaiting a solution, he is simply obliged to take a step towards a meeting and immediately solve it. Admired by those who take on a difficult problem. Instead of admiring those who passively stand on the sidelines and wait for someone to do it.


The meanings of the word courageous means a decision maker. You must make a decision and take responsibility for its outcome. If you are having difficulty making a decision, the woman you love will clearly not like you. A necessary component of decision-making is understanding the opinions of other people and the ability to be loyal and flexible in difficult issues. Women don't want to be constantly monitored, but they also don't want decision-making to fall on their fragile shoulders.

4. Be strong

You ask, “Who is strong? It's simple. Strong is the one who knows how to control his passions. " Anyone who can control his anger is many times stronger than a physiologically strong person. Outbursts of anger can seriously ruin a relationship. If a person is sure that he cannot control his angry outbursts, let him pretend that his boss is calling. Will he be able to calm down in this case? Of course, yes, because otherwise he will simply lose his job.

5. Be courageous

To be courageous is to be macho. Masculinity lies in positive qualities like determination, independence, self-discipline, high moral character, honesty and conscientiousness. The courageous person has the courage to face difficulties, pain and danger.

6. Good manners

In the modern world, this point can be called so: "No bad manners." You perfectly understand what I am driving at, but, unfortunately, not everyone can afford such a “luxury”. Although it is quite easy: do not swear in the presence of ladies, respect the older generation, when leaving the transport, shake hands with the girl. Of course, there are girls who like cattle and swearing people. But we are now talking about normal decent girls, of which there are quite a few now. Therefore, do not neglect the banal rules of etiquette and culture.

7. Well-groomed and neatness

It is difficult to add something here. Everything is just plain obvious. It just so happened that girls are often more inclined towards cleanliness, order and tidiness. This is inherent in them at a subconscious level. No need to go to beauty salons and become a metrosexual, clean shoes, ironed clothes and neatly styled hair will be enough.

What does it mean to be a man today? How can you express your peasant essence, but at the same time not become neither, nor a heartless asshole? This BroDude is always good for understanding!

Make real decisions

A man understands and respects the power of choice. He lives according to his own ideas about how it should be. He knows that if he does not make a decision, stagnation will immediately form in his life, and therefore he always chooses his own path.

When he makes a decision, he opens the door for his desires and closes the door for what he does not want. A man and strives for her at full speed. There is no guarantee that he will achieve it, and he knows it, but he does not need any guarantees. When a man follows his path, he will not care even if the whole world is against him.

First of all, the planes

And the girls, of course, later. A man who puts relationships (or family) first in his life is either lying to himself or weak and cannot be trusted. He does not have a peasant value system. A man who considers others more important than himself is no good at all - he is just immature.

A man knows that he needs to do something more meaningful than meeting the needs of a bunch of people. He doesn't want to be tamed - he wants to take responsibility for something meaningful. He knows that by neglecting it, he is becoming a stranger. When others see that he has beliefs, values ​​and ideals, he is trusted, respected, even if not directly supported. The easiest way for a man to lose respect for others (and self-respect too) is to betray his beliefs.

Life will test the peasant so that he opens up. He will have many opportunities to betray himself for the sake of someone else's approval. He will be tempted, but he must withstand this onslaught. When a man sacrifices his views, he loses his freedom and himself. Now one can only regret him.

Desire for failure

A real man wants to make mistakes. He wants to be wrong. This person would be more than happy to try and fail rather than do anything.

A man trusts himself, and this is his strength. He does not ask himself a hundred times over whether he is doing the right thing, he does not worry about failure - he would only make himself weaker. The stupid man considers the likelihood of failure, but does not bother with early worries. He understands that if it happens, he can deal with it.

A man grows even more through failure than through success. Success cannot test his resolve as much as failure. Success is not a test, and a man learns from tests when he takes risks. If you worry about safety all the time, sooner or later you will lose strength and enthusiasm.

Self confidence

The man speaks and behaves confidently. He knows his own worth.

A man does not take a confident posture to give himself confidence: he just knows that everything will work out. A man often knows that the case is likely to end in failure, however, when the signs of failure are present, he still does not lose confidence. Not because he's wearing rose-colored glasses or because he's used to denying everything. The fact is that there is strength in him and he does not doubt himself. Thanks to her, he is persistent.

A man wants the world to conquer him. He wants circumstances to prevail over him, but refuses to lose his head and retreat due to self-doubt and constant doubts. He knows that when he stops trusting himself, he will lose himself forever. He surrenders to the mercy of fate, if necessary, but does not give up in the face of fear.

Show of love

When paired, he gives, not receives. He is the first to initiate communication, he asks if anything is needed, the first to say: "I love you." Waiting for someone to take the first step is unacceptable for him.

Redirecting sexual energy

If someone is intimidated by his masculinity - well, that's their right. There is no need for him to be less of a man in order not to scare someone. A man knows what are the consequences of being a man - this is nature.

However, he will never allow lust to prevail over him. He redirects his sexual energy to the head so that it can serve a higher purpose, instead of stimulating animal instincts.

A man walks towards fear

For a man, fear of something is reason enough to do it. Male fear is a challenge that says that he needs to test himself for strength. When a man hides from his fears, he is afraid to know himself. So he begins to feel fear, helplessness, etc. The peasant has an unbearable feeling of doom, and he will do anything to get rid of it. It is only when he meets his fear that he finds peace.

The man is taking risks. He does not run away or hide - he turns to face his fear and enters into battle with it. Further, either success or failure. Only cowards never try.

A responsibility

He deliberately chooses his friends and women. He actively seeks companies of people who inspire him, challenge him, and break up with those who pull him back.

A man does not blame others for problems in his relationship. If the relationship has become obsolete, the man ends it and moves on without a hint of guilt.

He starts a relationship consciously. He makes a conscious decision to be around someone. A man teaches others how to treat him by setting an example for them through his own relationships. He refuses to fill his life with negativity and destructive emotions.

A man knows how to die

The most important task for any man is to develop his inner strength and express himself. When he has done this, he is ready to die. If he did not, death becomes his enemy and hangs over him like a sword of Damocles.

A man cannot die with dignity if he has not lived with dignity. Part of a dignified life is accepting your own mortality and the temporality of your own existence. When a man faces inevitable death and sees in it not an enemy, but an ally, he finally becomes stronger. So a man is not ready for life until he learns that he is already dead.

How to become a real man and who is he, this real man, which most women dream about? What qualities do you need to possess in order to become one?

Be able to choose and be clearly aware of the consequences of your choice

In simple terms, don't mumble. A man understands the importance of making decisions, including the speed at which they are made. He does not stop, realizing that by postponing the choice, he slows down his life. At the same time, he understands that not all decisions may be correct, but this does not scare him.


This goal is the main thing in a man's life. He sees no obstacles, moving towards it, confidently resolves emerging issues. He knows for sure that there are no insoluble situations, he clearly sees his path and does not turn away from it.

A man has his own value system, from which he does not deviate. Despite the fact that life regularly throws a couple of temptations to each person, a real man does not deviate from his course and does not react to them. He does not betray his views, does not change his point of view under the influence of the opinion of the majority. This is a fully formed and self-sufficient person, for whom it is enough that he is sure that he is doing everything correctly (within the framework of the criminal and moral code, of course).

Not afraid of failure

Success or failure is equally effective for him. A man will not be marking time, he is not afraid of defeat, realizing that even if it comes, he will be able to cope with it. He does not worry in advance that something may not work out, although he calculates as much as possible unsuccessful options for the development of events.

A real man understands that the process of his formation is based on mistakes and failures. Since it is the strength with which difficulties are overcome and make him a man. Success does not provide the same strong energy.

Man in a relationship

As in all other spheres of life, a man is not afraid of rejection, he always takes the first step. He understands that he will get what he wants. He is not afraid to take responsibility for the relationship. At the same time, relationships are never a fundamental moment in his life. His own goal is what guides all his actions.

If the relationship is not satisfying, he ends it honestly and moves on without feeling guilty. The decision to be close to a woman is his deliberate choice. As for the quality of the relationship, he himself, by his actions, sets an example of how to behave with him.

The man is fearless

The emergence of fear is reason enough to do what causes it.

Overcoming and struggle - this is the life of a real man. He does not turn away or hide in the sink, he does not retreat, no matter what the result awaits him.

Self confidence

The man speaks and behaves confidently. This behavior is a manifestation of a clearly formulated position in life. He does not need approval from the outside, the presence of principles commands respect from the people around him, even if they do not share his principles.

A responsibility

A man is responsible for everything that happens in his life: successes and failures at work, friends, relationships with a woman. He chooses what helps him move forward and eliminates what pulls him back.

The creation of a safe environment for those for whom he is responsible: a woman, children, parents, also applies to this point. Protection, like prey, is one of the primary tasks that a man has faced since time immemorial.

He works on himself and makes himself better.

A real man has a clear idea of ​​what kind of person he wants to become, what skills to have. He devotes time to his own development, reading, sports, studying the materials necessary for him. Moving forward is something without which his life is impossible.


It is wrong to focus only on psychology and goals.

A man should be a man in every sense. Therefore, strength and endurance are what should also be paid attention to.

Sports and the gym several times a week are mandatory items on a man's schedule. You should also work with bad habits, if any.

Summing up, I would like to say that a real man is a happy and self-confident person who clearly understands his place in life and has a built hierarchy of values ​​that he adheres to. In fact, it doesn't matter what exactly he does, but his activities bring him satisfaction. This is an internally calm person who realizes that his world is in himself.

A state of mental equilibrium that cannot be disturbed by anything gives him the strength that makes him a man. It is not easy to achieve this state, it can take a lot of time, however, as already mentioned, a real man is not afraid of anything, he just goes to his goal.

Alexander, Samara