I want tanned skin: how to do it, tips at home. How to make skin darker without tanning and cosmetics

We all love golden tan. There are many ways to get dark skin, but there are many factors involved in achieving the perfect bronze tan. You won't always be able to enjoy the sun and sunbathe outdoors if you live in a seasonal climate. Fortunately, there are other ways to get a beautiful tan. If you like to do procedures at home, in this case, cosmetics will be the best choice for you, but some still prefer to seek help from a professional. Before making a decision, you should take into account the state of your health.


Natural sun tan

    Spend time outdoors. Being outdoors is not only a great way to get a tan, but also benefits your health. This is the best and most natural way to tan. It doesn't matter if you are walking, exercising or going on a picnic - as long as you are constantly in the sun.

    • Sun exposure is necessary to get vitamin D. Vitamin D helps your body fight infections, including colds and flu, and a sufficient amount of it in the human body reduces the risk of cancer.
    • If you are concerned about the possibility of getting an ugly "collective farm" tan (or that it will lie unevenly), then you should not forget to cover certain areas of the body with clothes. This will help to even out your tan.
  1. Take sun baths. Sunbathing requires you to lie or sit in direct sunlight to achieve an even tan. Be sure to wear a sunscreen with an SPF to protect your skin.

    Always apply sunscreen. Contrary to popular belief, you can get a tan if you use sunscreen. Without the use of products with SPF, you run the risk of getting burned, dehydrated, which can lead to the development of skin cancer.

    Go to a tanning studio

    1. You can get a bronze skin tone with a special spray. One way to get a tan without sun exposure is to use a spray that is applied as a fine mist containing tannins to the surface of your body (the spray contains the same ingredient found in self-tanning lotion). Sprays are growing in popularity as they are safe and the effect lasts for 7 days. The disadvantage is its high cost, which is $ 25-50. You need to prepare for getting a tan with a spray.

      Go to the solarium. Solariums use the light of an ultraviolet lamp to create UV radiation. This UV radiation acts on the skin in exactly the same way as UV rays from the sun. While tanning beds have become very popular these days, there are many health risks involved (including the risk of skin cancer), so be careful if you do decide to get a tan this way.

      • The allowable time spent in the solarium is 7-11 minutes. Even if you are used to sunbathing frequently, never use a tanning bed for more than 20 minutes in one session. It is recommended to visit the solarium 1-2 times a week.
      • Always wear suntan lotion and goggles to protect your skin and eyes from potentially harmful UV rays.
      • Most cities have tanning salons, so look online for the one closest to you. Prices in different salons are different, but for regular customers there is a flexible system of discounts that will help you save a significant amount of money when visiting the solarium regularly.
    2. Take care of your skin. In winter, people miss the sun, so many of them are very fond of sunbathing. If you choose the tanning method for this purpose, then it is very important to protect the skin.

We all know from childhood that prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays on our face and body skin can result in quite negative consequences, including cancer.

But what if nature has rewarded you with pale, almost white skin and you really want to look beautiful and tanned throughout the year?

Precautionary measures

And the first thing you need to remember: try to visit the solarium as little as possible. It turns out that a tan obtained in such an artificial way is much more harmful than constant exposure to the sun. After all, here you can get burns to the skin, eyes.

But if you still decide on this method of acquiring a tan, you should remember a few rules:

And one more thing: so that going to the solarium is not so traumatic for your dermis, you should remember one simple truth - you can repeat such sessions no more than once every seventy-two hours. And the optimal number of visits to the solarium per week is only once.

But today we will talk about how to make a tan at home. After all, you must admit that it is not always possible to get out to warmer climes in winter. But a weekly visit to the solarium is quite an expensive pleasure.

Dark skin at home: how to do it

And, before we move on to learning how to give the dermis a dark shade with folk remedies, I would like to draw your attention to what you should not use. Namely, self-tanning cream.

Of course, if you buy such a tool in the store, then you do not have to spend time preparing homemade masks. But remember that these creams can also harm your skin. For example, do not forget about the presence in any cream of parabens that can have a destructive effect on the cells of the epidermis. Parabens are absent only in natural, and, therefore, very expensive, creams. And if you are thinking about the fact that it would be possible not to save on your beloved, then before buying such a tool, we recommend that you practice a little in mathematics.

For example, you can roughly calculate how many times a year you will need to use a similar cream. After that, you need to calculate how many jars of this wonderful remedy you will need. Well, in the end, do not forget to calculate the total amount. After that, compare the result with the cost of a trip to the sea. And believe me, you won’t need to report much to the cost of the ticket.

And what is better in this case: to use expensive tanning all year or to fully relax in warm regions?

So, if you opted for homemade cosmetics to give the dermis a dark shade, then first of all, let's talk about nutritional features. Yes Yes! It turns out that the color of the skin depends on the diet. Therefore, if you do not want to be too pale, then you should include foods such as carrots, peaches, tomatoes, apricots and other red and orange foods in your diet.

This need is explained very simply: pale skin may appear due to anemia.

And in order for you to look a little rosier, you should replenish your body's reserves with all sorts of useful microelements.

Also, in order for your skin to become darker, you should eat foods rich in iron. These include pomegranate, apples and dietary meat. And of course, in order for the painful pallor to disappear forever from your face, you should remember the need to remove toxins from the body.

And the first thing you need for this is to drink at least one and a half liters of water a day. By the way, pay attention to the fact that drinking enough water will help you cope not only with the problem of excessive pallor, but also restore the water balance of the epithelium. Accordingly, you will look much fresher and healthier.

How to make skin darker: folk remedies

So, now let's get down to the direct description of ways to make your skin darker at home. And the first product that can help you with this is ordinary coffee. By the way, for a more delicate dermis, you can use cocoa, although this remedy is less effective.

Making this mask is very easy. You need to take a small amount of freshly ground coffee or cocoa and pour boiling water over it. The consistency of the resulting product should be quite thick. Then we apply the resulting mixture to the whole body or certain areas and leave it for ten to fifteen minutes. After that, wash off coffee or cocoa with plain warm water.

Attention! In the process of washing off, in no case should you use shower gel, soap or a washcloth. After all, in this way you will wash off all the coloring particles from the skin and there will be no effect. Remember that you can wash off such a product only with warm water.

Now for the face. If you want the skin of your face to become darker, you can use black tea or chamomile infusion for this. Application should be as follows: brew about seven tablespoons of loose grass with one liter of boiling water. Such a decoction should be infused for two to three hours. Then carefully filter the liquid through a strainer.

The resulting infusion should be washed every day. In doing so, pay attention to two features. First: you can use such a decoction only for two days. Second: you should not use sachets for such purposes, since there will be no effect from the decoction.

Useful for the acquisition of dark skin and a product such as rhubarb root. It should be used as follows: one tablespoon of dried roots is brewed with a liter of boiling water. Then we put the pan with rhubarb on the stove and cook its contents over low heat for twenty minutes. After this period, carefully filter the broth and leave it to cool.

You need to use this tool as follows: we moisten the sponge in it and gently wipe the dermis.

And after fifteen minutes, the product can be washed off.

As you can see, it is quite possible to make the skin darker at home. And all you need for this is a little time and desire. So we brew decoctions, prepare scrubs and get closer to your ideal! Good luck!

There are many ways to give the skin an even, beautiful and natural tan. But often sunbathing in the sun or doctors is not recommended. Tanning at home is not a fantasy, but a possible and affordable way for everyone to give your skin a tanned look. These methods are completely unrelated to . I offer you several options on how to get a tan at home.

Consider some of the ways to get a tan shade, which are considered the most effective.

The use of creams, capsules, self-tanning gels, which are widely available in cosmetic stores, is the most common way to get a tan at home. It is necessary to apply such products on previously cleansed and dried skin with uniform movements and allow to be absorbed well. The result is a good, even color, if you strictly follow the instructions for using these products. Among the latest popular tools -.

But if you can't get self-tanner, don't worry, you can make your own.

How to tan with coffee

For example, to get a tan at home, it is common to use strong brewed coffee. Coffee grounds should be applied to the body, hold for 10-15 minutes and rinse. For a more pronounced tanning effect, repeat the procedure for a week. Coffee also has a tightening effect.

The effect of sunburn with carrots

Another common remedy for sunburn at home is carrots.

Carrot juice should be evenly applied to the body and washed off after 10-15 minutes.

Frequent use can cause a strong shade, so use no more than 1 time in 2-3 days.

Keep in mind that carrot juice can give an orange color to the skin. It is best to use carrot juice for swarthy girls, as yellow spots may remain on pale skin.

Tanning shade with herbs

Infusions and decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, string, calendula will also help to give the skin a matte and light tan. 7-8 tablespoons collection of herbs, brew a liter of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Rinse the body after taking a bath.

After applying any tanning product of your choice at home, you must apply a moisturizer for the body.

Precautions for tanning at home

  • When using tanning products at home, you need to be careful, as these products can ruin clothes.
  • And you should remember one important rule - you need to take into account that each person has a different type and shade of skin, and therefore, the same home remedy on different people can manifest itself in completely different ways. Therefore, the choice of method for tanning should be purely individual.

Tanning at home is easy to get. You can try several different tools and stop at the one that suits you. In general, you must agree that this method of tanning carries some pluses. It is easy to get a tan at home, it is safe for the skin, so it does not require the use of sunscreen. You can get a tan even in winter, and you don’t even need to go to the solarium.

Not all girls dream of fair and pale skin. Many people want to have dark skin of the face, and of the whole body, since tanned skin often looks simply irresistible. True, it is not always possible to visit a solarium or a beach, and many cosmetics simply do not live up to expectations. In this case, you can turn to folk remedies.

So how do you make your skin darker?

The most banal advice - sunbathe in the sun. But only in this case, more does not mean better, the main thing is the right approach. You should not fanatically sit under the sun for several hours a day. This can lead to dry skin and early wrinkles, and later redness and sunburn are possible. You should sunbathe gradually, starting from ten minutes, increasing this time every day. Only in this case you will achieve a natural and even tan. But what if summer has not yet come, and you need a tan right now?

To make the skin dark without effort, a solarium will help. Enough to visit it about once a week. However, the procedure is not too harmless, and many regular clients of the solarium experience dry skin over time.

As a safe and proven method, carrot juice and carrot masks can be advised. It is necessary to apply a mask of grated carrots on the skin every day for twenty minutes. For dry skin, add sour cream or olive oil to carrots. After a twelve-day course of masks, you will notice that the skin has acquired a slight tan shade. But if you want the whole body to become swarthy, then drink carrot juice. Just drink a glass of this juice every morning, and soon you will notice that you have become much darker. In addition, carrots are good for vision.

Tea baths are also considered effective, and the result will be similar to using self-tanning cream. Steep a small pack of tea and dilute it in a bath of water. Do such baths every other day, and the skin will become tanned, supple and elastic. This is a very effective method, but you have to spend money on tea. In addition, you can wash your face with strong black tea, although infusions of string and chamomile are also suitable for this purpose.

Fans of professional cosmetics can recommend a cream or spray for self-tanning, which will make the skin darker after a few applications. In order for the cream to lie more evenly and the tan to come out more naturally, it should be applied to the skin mixed in equal proportions with any cream or body lotion. It is better to choose a cream with light-reflecting particles, which will make the skin radiant and even.

The skin will be made darker and washing with a decoction of chamomile. Emphasizing the darkness of the skin, choose the right colors in clothes. Suitable light and pastel shades that will accentuate your tan. Don't forget about nutrition. Eat right, including in the diet as many fruits and vegetables as possible, preferably orange and red shades.

About the dangers of sunburn

The ultraviolet spectra of the sun's rays trigger the production of melanin in the body, which is part of the natural darkness.

The sun, according to many scientists, has a harmful effect, forming free radicals, the DNA structure is damaged, the stratum corneum thickens, and as a result, loss of tone and premature aging.

  • people with a predisposition to cancer;
  • persons with light, easily burned, pigmentation-prone skin;
  • owners of numerous moles on the body;
  • people with varicose veins.

Synthetic dyes

The market for cosmetics for the "chocolate" body offers a huge variety of different products that allow you to do without the sun. However, such drugs have drawbacks, and in most cases are even dangerous to health.

The history of the invention of tanning products

The very first product in the form of a quick tan cream was invented by the American pharmacist Benjamin Green back in the last century. And like many brilliant inventions, it happened by accident. While working on a drug for diabetics, Benjamin accidentally spilled a substance that contains a sugar molecule on his hand. The skin color in this area began to change. Most modern preparations are still based on the properties of the sugar molecule to give the body a tanned appearance.

Artificial tanning products can be divided into types - tablets, accelerators, injections, bronzates, etc. Of course, you can resort to the services of a solarium, which is also not very useful, or various cosmetic products for a quick tan.

Folk ways to tan without sunlight

At home, a beautiful tanned body can be made using simple and familiar cosmetic procedures using natural, safe products with appropriate nutrition. In this case, of course, you will not be able to achieve a chocolate shade, but you will definitely get rid of pallor.

The leader in the coloring effect is ordinary carrots. To ensure an even tan at home, it is advisable to use carrot juice, which can be prepared with a very fine grater. Grate the carrots, squeezing the juice, and apply the resulting carrot product to the skin for about fifteen minutes. Then rinse off with warm water. To achieve the desired effect, carrot juice should be applied every three days. And then you can do the procedure less frequently.

Coffee and tea can give no less pronounced effect than carrots. You can make an artificial color a little darker than usual with coffee at home by brewing an instant product in the proportion of half a teaspoon of powder to two tablespoons of hot water. As a result, we get concentrated coffee grounds, which should be used for fifteen minutes, and then rinsed with warm water. Moreover, this way we can perfectly tone the body without a tonic at home.

We will do this procedure every day for a week. Coffee gives a more natural shade of tan.

The same way, using coffee, will help to make a beautiful chocolate face at home. First you need to brew a very strong coffee drink and cool it. Every morning, you need to wipe your face with a cotton swab that is dipped in this coffee solution. By the way, cotton swabs can be replaced with coffee ice cubes.

To give the face a coffee tan at home, the following coffee mask is also used. Coffee beans must be ground with a coffee grinder, diluted with warm water, making the consistency thick sour cream. The mask is applied for ten minutes, on the face, décolleté and, if desired, on the whole body. For dry skin, water should be replaced with vegetable oil. Less importantly, if there is no coffee in the house, then cocoa can be used instead of coffee.

At home, a very effective means of achieving a tanned beautiful skin color. is of great value, as it allows not only to color well, but to gently cleanse the epidermis of dead skin cells. A more stable result will be obtained if the mask is applied daily for a week.

It must be remembered that in order to become an attractive mulatto using folk remedies, you need to be patient. Of course, the desired result will not come in one day ... However, it is much safer than the sun's rays.

A much greater effect can be achieved with a combination of cosmetic procedures and nutrition, as there are plant products containing carotenoids that color the skin from the inside.

Be beautiful and healthy!