Hooponopono - the secrets of the Hawaiian healing technique. Hooponopono for beginners: quick results

Many people are increasingly resorting to the treatment and restoration of their body using non-traditional methods.

Hooponopono is a Hawaiian method of healing without much effort, by correcting the mistakes of the past of oneself and relatives. It is necessary, at the same time, to separate the concepts of responsibility and guilt. Wrong behavior of a person leads him to diseases. Therefore, before embarking on self-healing, you need to understand yourself, understand your thoughts.

Having understood your mistakes, having unraveled the tangle of failures, the body is reconfigured and the healing process begins.

Try to forgive yourself, repent of what you have done. Then, you need to read affirmations for a complete transformation:

"I'm sorry", "Thank you", "I love you", "Please forgive me".

Affirmations are said in different places, many times, while putting in a feeling.

There is a technique "Eraser", "Pencil". If you feel that the relationship with a friend or girlfriend is upset, then you need to tap the eraser or pencil on your photo or object that needs to be cleaned. The method is able to smooth out the most inveterate problems.

The Hooponopono technique gives strength to the body, helps to overcome negative events that can block access to the Universe. Having learned to control its body, to be able to negotiate with it, it gratefully responds. You need to love yourself, your physical form and fill it with happiness and love.

This technique not only heals, but also gives a lot of knowledge about the universe and the laws of the universe.

To change the world around you, you need to say to yourself and others more often:

“I love you”, “I'm sorry”, “It's a pity that it happened”, “Thank you”.

It is necessary to create positive thoughts, pure thoughts. After all, your thoughts are you. If thoughts have a positive charge, then they exude Love. We must take full responsibility for creating thoughts and a positive aura around. Get rid of negative energy as often as possible, cleanse yourself by admitting your mistakes and repentance. As a result of this, space will be freed up, which will be filled with light.

To solve the problem, you must constantly work on your personality. If the problem lies in another person, then you need to ask him for forgiveness. You have to repeat this many times.

The healing and relief that came after affirmations is the miraculous effect of the hooponopono technique on the environment.

History of the method

Dr. Ihaleakal Hugh Lin is the very first person to put the Ho'oponopono method into practice. For many years, the doctor worked in a clinic in Hawaii as a psychologist. His patients were cruel and ruthless criminals who had serious mental disorders. The staff at the clinic did not stay long, because patients quite often attacked people in white coats.

The doctor was not going to leave the medical institution, he wanted to cure his patients without fail. However, Hugh Lin behaved rather strangely. He never personally communicated with his patients, did not give them different recommendations, he did not treat them. The doctor was constantly studying the charts of his patients, looking at the diseases of patients and trying to influence only himself. This is exactly what the ho'oponopono method practices. The doctor improved himself and treated his patients, and achieved incredible success.

Why did this happen? The doctor said that he only uttered certain words in relation to himself, and successfully treated crazy patients. They recovered right before our eyes. They were no longer given tranquilizers and psychotropic drugs. Some even went to the discharge, and they were absolutely healthy, and no longer posed a danger to society. Dr. Hugh Lin proved that hooponopono can work wonders!

Birth in Hawaii

Dr. Hugh Lin, of course, did not invent the ho'oponopono system with his own hands. He studied the ancient Hawaiian art, which allows you to get rid of your own problems and help others. The technique allows you to correct past mistakes and change life for the better.

The Hawaiians were sure that problems were all produced exclusively in the head. It is the person himself who provokes certain situations, gets into trouble up to his ears only because of himself. Human thoughts provoke a variety of diseases, troubles and disruption of harmony. The root of the main problem is in the past, it has a direct connection with other people's mistakes, which provoke problems. If this is changed, then life will be much better than before.

The aborigines believed that hooponopono, through prayers, phrases, repentance and forgiveness, helps to find the flow of abundance. The technique is able to erase negative programs in a person’s head, correct his personal mistakes and the mistakes of others. That is why you should not expect the result to come instantly. Also, the ancient method allowed only the chosen ones to perform rituals, and not any person. Shamans and healers were engaged in practices. One Hawaiian healer told Hugh Lin about this method. Now the technique has changed a little, it has become simpler, so each person is able to independently practice hooponopono and cleanse himself of negativity.

Philosophy of Ho'oponopono

Everything that is in the Universe and surrounds a person establishes mental programs that are controlled by memory from the past. All the mistakes and experience of the ancestors lies on the shoulders of a person, puts pressure on them and does not allow them to open up. In order to unlock this, you should carry out various actions that every person can do.

It is the person who is responsible for everything that happens to him, you should not pay attention to the past experience and mistakes of the ancestors, only he himself is able to change the status quo. Here we are not talking only about what happens to a person personally. He can influence everything around him.

Ho'oponopono considers the key phrase that the world begins with man. All events with acquaintances and relatives, with work and children, everything is under the influence of a person. For everything he should be responsible, even for watching TV. All conflicts, wars or disasters also occur because of a person, his conversations and actions in the past and present. If a person on the street sees a quarrel between strangers, then he should know that it was he who attracted it, made events unfold in this way and nothing else. If a person observes this, then he has already let the situation inside himself.

People around do not look like that, stop on the street, insult, only the person is to blame for this, which means he provokes such behavior. It is quite difficult to understand all this, but it is necessary to accept it.
You can not blame others for your own troubles, because the fault can only lie with the person himself. Also, you should not blame yourself for everything that happens, you just need to accept the situation and bear responsibility for it.

A person using the hooponopono method can change a lot and make his own life and the lives of others much better. You just need to learn how to work with your thoughts and mind. Every person has a great power inside that needs to be learned how to use it correctly. You need to be ready to accept the power inside, then it will not keep you waiting long.

Hooponopono teaches to feel responsibility and change the programs in the head, the mind is cleared. As a result, changes in life will definitely occur, and they will become noticeable from the very beginning of the practice.

Hooponopono technique and tools

First you need to try to change yourself, then others around you will change. Hooponopono has several stages. You need to learn to forgive, love, repent and transform. It is imperative to use the necessary phrases in order to actually change yourself from the inside.

I'm really sorry

When a person begins to realize that it is he who brings negativity into his life with wrong thoughts, then he must accept and understand this fact. A person must understand that it is in him that there is the root of evil, that it was he who attracted this problem. A person must repent of his actions, then he will be able to understand a lot and change.

Thank you

In this case, a person turns to the Universe. He should thank her for everything that happened to him and will happen in the future. Everything in the world is relative, you need to understand this. This phrase carries only positive, it has great power. The Universe will certainly take into account gratitude and will help in all difficult situations. Just don't expect instant results.

I love you

A person should feel an all-consuming love for everything that surrounds him, and also not forget about himself. Hawaiians say that it is love that is the personification of the Creator. One must love fully and unconditionally the Sun, the sky, passers-by, friends and everything that is in the world. Love must come from the heart, no matter what is happening around. If a person has love inside, then others will definitely feel it. This is the law, so you must give in order to receive in return. The constant repetition of this phrase can completely clear the mind of a person, bring it to the starting point, which is zero.

Please forgive me

It is necessary to pronounce these words periodically, but at the same time refer to yourself. It is imperative to ask for forgiveness for your actions from those around you, yourself, your body and mind, for everything that happens. You can not shift the responsibility for the fact that they commit bad deeds towards a person on others. He has only himself to blame for this.

The above phrases should be repeated as often as possible everywhere. Wherever the person is. Moreover, you need to accurately realize and understand why they need to be spoken, and not just said out loud. Dr. Hugh Lin said exactly these phrases, and this helped his patients to recover.

First you need to choose any of these phrases and say it several times. You can do this while looking in the mirror to see your expression and think. After practice, you can repeat all four phrases in any situation. Soon a person will definitely notice changes. Which will begin to occur in his life.

There is a huge variety of exercises in the practice of hooponopono that will help change yourself and your own life for the better. Each tool has its own tasks and goals. It is worth considering them in more detail.


You need to take a pencil with an eraser on the end. You need to tap on a certain thing that should be cleaned. You can even knock on yourself, as if erasing old problems and mistakes. In this way, a person will be able to eliminate negative memories from his head, to feel relief. All this is so simple that it seems truly incredible. You can also say those phrases while knocking. which have been described above. Washing gum will erase even the oldest and deepest problems.

Water in a glass

Fill the glass halfway with water. And then put it in your home. You need to change the water twice a day. If a person begins to worry or get nervous, then it is worth changing the water again. To solve a certain problem. You can write it down on a piece of paper and put a glass of water on it.

Blue water

You need to find a blue glass and pour water into it. Next, you should put it on the window so that the liquid is exposed to sunlight. In an hour you can drink water, wash your face with it, cook food and do whatever you want.


You need to look in the mirror as long as possible and imagine yourself exactly as the reflection shows. You should feel incredible love for yourself, love yourself with all your heart and soul.

Tutti Frutti

This practice helps to get rid of various diseases. Even if a person is currently feeling well, one can use the practice for prevention. All fears and suffering will disappear without a trace from a person's life.

Also, in the whole human race, in his relatives and relatives, all diseases go away. If you pronounce the word tutti-frutti, then you can clear your own memory and the mistakes of your ancestors.


This practice brings happiness to the family and makes you completely forget about quarrels and scandals. You need to put a photo or drawing of a bright butterfly on the wall. Refrigerator. On the monitor screen. In any convenient place, and periodically look at it. At this time, you need to pronounce the above phrases. Butterfly will help get rid of scandals and reveal your creative abilities.

Ice blue

This technique helps to eliminate pain, both mental and physical, to get rid of suffering. You just need to constantly repeat the words "blue ice" for as long as a person needs.

Milky Way

These words help to perceive new and interesting things, reveal the secrets of consciousness, remove all doubts and fears, suffering and pain. Such words can completely change a person's life, make it happier and more interesting.

Techniques for attracting money

In order to become financially independent, one must also use special practices. If you use them, you can attract money to yourself and keep it.

Orange juice

You need to imagine in your mind a glass of orange juice and drop a large banknote into it. Juice is a symbol of the sun's rays, because of this you can call it divine light. If a person takes loans. And then he pays interest on them, then the money is very offended by him. It is imperative to ask for forgiveness from them, which is why you should put them in orange juice.

The Ho'oponopono philosophy prefers to view money as living beings. With banknotes, you can have conversations and ask them for advice. It is banknotes that carry the energy of a huge number of people, both positive and negative. You need to have a heart-to-heart talk with money, say that they are loved and ask for forgiveness. In this case, all negative information is eliminated. The main thing is to pronounce words from the heart and believe in what is said.


A yellow flower will quickly clear the path to money and remove all blockages. You need to pronounce this word out loud, hang an image of a sunflower in the house or plant it in the yard.

Practitioners are sure that hooponopono will definitely provoke positive changes in the life of any person. Everything around him will change, the attitude of others will become much better, the problems will go away.

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In 1992, after Simeon's death, its former administrator and Ihaleakala student Hugh Lin, co-authored a book with Joe Vitale, which in translation into Russian sounds like "Life without limits", in the original the title of the book is "State Zero".

The book tells the story of the use of Ho'oponopono by a Hawaiian doctor who achieved stunning healing results in his work with patients in a psychiatric clinic.

Hugh Lin brings to the methodology a new idea of ​​the "zero state", in which there are no memories, no identification and no restrictions. To achieve a result, it is necessary to repeat a certain mantra (more on that below) and take full 100% responsibility for the actions of everyone who surrounds a person, and not just for yourself. Responsibility for everything that is heard, seen, touched, felt or experienced in any other way. That is, you should look for the problem in yourself. After all, once something happened in your life, it means that you somehow created it and are responsible for it. Everything outside exists as a projection of the inner world of a person, and in order to change the reality around, it is necessary to change yourself. And if we proceed from the concept of the integrity of the world and the universe, a person purifying his consciousness purifies the consciousness of others, to whom the practice is directed.

Hooponopono is also suitable for cleansing territories, spaces, objects, and events. This is a universal method.


By changing thoughts, actions, words according to the Hooponopono technique, we release energy in a certain way and start an important process of purification at the spiritual and energy level. Using this method, a person can almost completely solve many problems and remove those blocks from his subconscious that prevent him from finding happiness and success. The secret of ho'oponopono lies in just four basic meditation phrases:


Self-identity using Ho'oponopono is based on the following principles:

Solving problems within the individual.

· Involved, only you and your "I".

You are on your own.

Your repentance before yourself.

· 100% responsibility.

· Implementation of self-forgiveness.

Self-knowledge by a person through Hooponopono makes it possible to see any problem as an opportunity, and not as a test. Therefore, situations (problems) are just programs of the past that give people the opportunity to act through awareness and see the world through the eyes of Love.

Ho'oponopono meditation, for clearing a situation that may exist for even several generations, is very simple. It gives a chance to purify the Soul by simply addressing the problem: “Please forgive me”, “I love you”, “I am very sorry”, “Thank you”. In this case, the Love of your heart erases negative memories.

Using Hooponopono, it makes no sense to understand with the mind what is happening, because at this moment we look at the world through the eyes of the Heart, which means we speak the language of Love. To clear the situation in Ho'oponopono, to resolve the situation and work through the problem, you need to do this meditation several times a day, morning and evening, for several days (minimum 7 days, maximum is unlimited). This happens because many of our memories are layered one on top of the other and await their turn to be deleted.

You can start practicing Ho'oponopono at any time. For example, when you are heading to work or driving back home. Practice the Hawaiian Method to incorporate it into your life. Apply it in any of the most difficult situations, in case of any problems when they come into your life.

Speak the key phrases of this practice, not automatically, but with an open heart. And you will see how negative situations disappear from your life, and more and more harmonious and positive situations begin to surround you.

These phrases turn on a certain state inside us, our vibrations become higher, because behind them is the power of Love, which can change everything.

“I'm sorry, because I'm the reason for this situation.
Forgive me - I'm very sorry that this happened.
I love you with all my soul and all my heart.
I thank you - because thanks to you I created this situation and now I will change my life for the better.

When you SINCERELY, from the bottom of your Soul, pronounce these phrases, the negative charge is nullified and the negative manifestations of your life that are working around you cease to act. In ho'oponopono, healings are manifested in this way. Note - this is very important, you do not need to think about HOW to heal yourself or HOW to improve the situation, everything will happen by itself. Write down these phrases on a piece of paper, in a notebook or on your phone and practice with them for at least 7 days. And you will see the effectiveness of the Hawaiian Hooponopono.

If you need the help of a Master Guide in the practice of this method and / or an increase in the effect of this method, you can contact the leading parapsychic consultant of the Success Center - Elena Svetlaya. She successfully practices various healing systems, including Ho'oponopono, as well as Reiki, Theta Healing, Ricol Healing and others.

Clairvoyant magician Elena Svetlaya conducts remote diagnostics and healing at a distance and from a photograph. In the Success Center of Elena Svetlaya, you can diagnose the energy field, clear the field of negativity, restore the field, harmonize energy flows, perform various effective White rituals to improve health, order protective amulets (evil eye, damage), money amulets, amulets for health and others. services. Details can be found on the page here.

For those who wish to improve their health using the practice of Reiki, the magician and esoteric healer Elena Svetlaya conducts remote sessions and conducts counseling. Elena Svetlaya uses an integrated approach in healing - BODY-SOUL-SPIRIT, as to a single human system and translates it through harmonization and attunement to higher vibrations, including by changing approaches to nutrition and lifestyle. As a result, diseases recede. At the same time, everyone can learn various techniques of self-healing and spiritual harmonization. Psychic abilities and practical experience allow the clairvoyant to provide people with versatile assistance.

Hooponopono for Beginners: Fast Results!

Where "legs grow"

You've probably heard of the Hawaiian therapist who cured an entire ward of insane criminals who happened to be his patients? He did this without ever meeting either of them, and without being with them even for a little while in the same room? I'm not kidding. This is a real therapist, Dr. Ihaliakala Hew Lina. He studied each of the files with the descriptions of the diseases of the patients, patients, and then he healed them by healing himself. Amazing results seem like a miracle, but miracles happen when you use Hawaiian Healing. And Joe Vitale was the first to tell the whole world about the Hawaiian method of healing. It was the "Hawaiian Healing" with its simplicity and effectiveness that "blew up the Universe." What do people think about it in Hawaii? The article is a bit off topic, but Wikipedia describes Ho'oponopono perfectly!

Step 2: Ask Forgiveness

" Please forgive me!"
Don't worry about not knowing who you're asking 🙂 Just ask! PLEASE FORGIVE ME. Say it over and over. Remember, your repentance begins at step 1, before you ask for forgiveness.

Hooponopono: what is it?

Slowly and inexorably, a thought is ripening in the mind of a European person: the root of all life's problems is hidden in the head. This long history began in the second half of the 19th century in the form of psychoanalysis. Having decomposed the human psyche into simple schemes, psychoanalysts, like pathologists, began to dissect human fears, complexes, and neuroses. A new problem arose unexpectedly: the problems that were pulled out had no solution. A person was shown a "rotten" inside and released into free swimming.

And people went to look for magical salvation further. Various methods and techniques taken from the ancient peoples came to their aid. One of them is the shamanic practice of hooponopono. How does this magic method work? Why is it so easy to use? You will receive answers to all questions in order.

Hawaiian healing

“The world starts with me,” says the hooponopono. Initially, this practice belonged to the closed areas of the cult and was used only by Hawaiian shamans to maintain harmony in an isolated society. The complex name of the method comes from the merger of two words:

Hoo - bring, establish, make;

· Pono - order, harmony, balance.

It turns out: "Put in order, establish balance, come to harmony."

Ho'oponopono is a method of correcting errors. His techniques strive for unity with the world through work with one's own "I".

What problems does practice solve?

Cuts off the negative, relieves the burden of base problems;

brings all internal systems into a state of harmony and order;

heals the body and spirit;

Helps to let go of the negative of past lives (not only one's own, but also one's ancestors).

In a closed Hawaiian society, the keepers of the hooponopono were kahunas - shamans. They used a secret method to keep society alive. The loss of understanding in such a narrow space limited by islands would lead to the disappearance of the nationality. The ancient Hawaiians believed that the world rests on the sacred laws of harmony. When a person violates them, he creates disharmony in his heart and the world around him.

Negative consequences affect all surrounding people, family, tribe. The imbalance is reflected in physical illnesses, troubles and misfortunes, quarrels and disagreements. When the problem became pronounced, a kahuna, an ancient wizard-psychologist, came to the rescue. If an attack happened in a Hawaiian family, one of the members of the community fell ill, the shaman would gather advice. He listened to each member of the family, and then with wise speech and instruction he resolved the conflict, giving physical healing to the sick and spiritual healing to his relatives.

How did the kahunas manage to establish harmony and peace in society? The secret is in working with consciousness. In ho'oponopono, each person is responsible for their actions and events in the outside world. He does not shift the blame onto other people's shoulders and works on his own "I", observing positive changes in the surrounding reality. This makes the hooponopono method related to Eastern practices - the next alternative to classical psychoanalysis.

Philosophy of Ho'oponopono

Hooponopono copes with all the problems that lie both within the boundaries of consciousness and beyond:

· A pessimistic view of the world - after practice, reality does not look like a faded series of negative events.

Feelings of guilt - practice teaches you to let go and forgive yourself and those around you.

Conflicts in the family - hooponopono is an excellent prevention of quarrels and insults.

Anxiety - the method inspires confidence and helps to cope with constant tension, suspicion, inferiority complex.

Stress - after regular practice, the reaction to life's difficulties becomes positive, and the number of negative accidents decreases sharply.

Despair - hooponopono gives a guide, opens a new path of possibilities, brings a person into a state of harmony.

Regret - the method teaches you to painlessly let go of the past.

· Diseases of the body - a healthy mind heals a sick body.

What makes the adherents of practice achieve such a result? The secret is in clearing the human memory of garbage. Hindus would call this process the purification of karma. Ho'oponopono begins with a few simple truths.

Magic affirmations

The essence of the ho'oponopono exercises is revealed in one phrase: "Change yourself, and the world around you will change." The practice is divided into three stages:

Forgiving yourself and those around you



To achieve the goal, special mantras are used. They are called affirmations. By repeating them, a person is transformed for the better, erases unnecessary programs, removes negative settings from memory.

I repent

In this phrase lies the awareness of responsibility for the events of one's own life. A person understands that he himself has become the cause of negativity in material reality. He admits that he thought and acted incorrectly, opposed the law of the Universe consciously or unconsciously.

Thank you

This is an affirmation for addressing the universe. A person thanks a higher power for the opportunity to live here and now, whatever they may be. Words of gratitude open up new channels of opportunity. They contain powerful positive energy. Right thoughts create a positive response. The Universe will hear you and meet you when the time is right.

I love you

You say this affirmation to the world. To every part of it: a blade of grass, a flower, the sky, people. Saying this phrase, you open your heart and let the positive energy of life into your life. Love the people around you, banish the feeling of superiority, disgust, hatred. Love clears the negative attitudes of the past, helps to get rid of the harmful garbage of memory.

The affirmation of love brings a person to a state of zero or emptiness. This is the starting point of miracles and the moment of transformation.

Forgive me

You ask for forgiveness from the higher "I", which you have not heard until this day, apologize for imperfect thoughts. By repeating the affirmation of forgiveness, you accept responsibility and refuse to blame those around you or random events.

You need to repeat phrases consciously. Did you have a fight with a colleague? Stop. Stop for a moment and think, “I am sorry because the quarrel is my responsibility. Forgive me for my temper. Thank you for this day and the help you give me. I love you". This is an appeal to the higher mind. And only words of love are addressed to the material world. Use the hooponopono technique to address each negative situation.

Work through the first time of affirmations separately, starting with the first, moving to the last. Set aside 10 to 30 minutes a day for exercise.

Over time, repeating these phrases will become a habit, and you will notice how life changes for the better.

You have nothing to lose by trying the Hawaiian cleansing method. Doubt takes more time than repeating affirmations. You will get a useful psychological experience that will help you cope with long-standing problems. Hooponopono struggles with stagnation in life. If you are bogged down in long-standing experiences, give up, lose interest in life, then this practice is for you. Away with fear and skepticism. It's time to bring harmony and strength back to life.

How to practice HO "OPONOPONO

I warn you right away: the technique is so simple that it may seem banal and ineffective. It comes down to only four affirmations (for those who do not have time for a long text, they are highlighted in red below). In fact, everything ingenious is SIMPLE, and trying here is far from torture and does not require many resources. Try it, you won't go wrong!)

Ho'oponopono is the ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. In Hawaiian, the word Ho'oponopono means "to correct a mistake" or "to do right." Ho'oponopono helps to remove, neutralize and erase destructive programs in order to become one with the Divine consciousness that is inherent in every person, merge with the flow of Abundance and receive Inspiration.

Basic principles of the method:

1. You have no idea what's going on.

It is impossible to know about everything that is happening around you. Your body and brain are self-regulating right now, without any input from you. There are numerous invisible signals in the atmosphere, the range of which is very wide - from radio waves to thought forms. You cannot perceive all these signals. You are indeed taking part in the creation of your own reality right now, but this is happening unconsciously, without any awareness or control on your part. That's why you can think positively and still be in need. Your conscious mind is not the creator.

2. You don't control everything.

Obviously, if you are not aware of everything that is happening, then you cannot control it.
This is just a trap for your Ego to think that the world is governed by your orders. Since your ego is unable to see what is happening in the world at the moment, it is not entirely wise to let it decide what is best for you. You have the right to choose, but you cannot control events. You can use your consciousness to choose what you prefer to experience (experience), but you must let it decide for you whether these events will happen or not, how they will happen and when. Submission is the key here.

3. You have the ability to heal everyone you meet in your life.

Whatever appears in your life (no matter how), it can be healed only because it is in your sphere of action. The point is, if you can feel it, you can heal it. If you see the problem in someone else and it bothers you, then you can fix it (heal yourself). Or as I once said to Oprah Winfrey: "If you can spot it, then you've got it." You may not have the slightest idea why this happened in your life or why such circumstances have arisen, but you must accept it, because you do not know anything about it. The more you heal what is in your path, the purer you become and the closer you are to manifesting what you desire, as you free up energy now available to use for other issues.

4. You are solely responsible for all of your life experiences.

Everything that happens in your life is not your fault, but you bear full (100%) responsibility for these events. The concept of personal responsibility goes much further than you say, do, or think. It includes what others say, do and think in your life. Taking full responsibility for the events in your life means that if there is a person in your life who has a problem, then this will be your problem. This principle is closely related to the previous principle, which states that you are able to heal everyone who comes your way. Thus, you do not have the right to blame anyone or anything for what is happening. You can only take responsibility, which means accepting what is happening, owning it and loving it. The more you heal what comes your way, the stronger your connection to the source of life becomes.

5. Your ticket to no limits is repeating "I love you"

The pass that takes you to a world beyond comprehension, from healing to wish fulfillment, is the simple phrase "I love you." Repeating this phrase to God cleanses everything in you, which allows you to experience the miracle of this moment - the absence of restrictions. The idea is to love everything around. Love your extra weight, your problem child, neighbor or spouse, love them all. Love transforms energy and releases it. The phrase "I love you" serves as a magical password to experience God.

6. Inspiration is more important than intention.

Intentions are the playthings of the mind, but inspiration is a command from God. At some point, you give in and start listening instead of asking and waiting. Intention is an attempt to manage your life based on the limited vision of your ego.
Inspiration is receiving a message from God and acting on that message. Intentions work and produce results, inspiration works and works wonders. What do you choose?

Ho'oponopono Cheat Sheet:

I am guided in my life and in my relationships with people by the following principles.

1. The physical universe is the embodiment of my thoughts.
2. If my thoughts are harmful, they create a harmful physical reality.
3. If my thoughts are perfect, then they create a physical reality exuding LOVE.
4. I am fully (100%) responsible for the creation of my physical universe.
5. I bear full (100%) responsibility for the transformation of harmful thoughts that create a harmful reality.
6. Nothing exists apart from me. Everything exists as thoughts in my mind.

Healing techniques from the book “Life without limits. Secret Hawaiian Technique”

In the process of reclaiming self-identity through Ho'oponopono, each problem is seen not as a test, but as an opportunity. Problems only reproduce the memories of our past, giving us more opportunities to look at ourselves through the eyes of LOVE and act on inspiration.

To heal your illnesses

Talk to your body. Tell him, “I love you. I like the way you look. I thank you for being with me. If I offended you in any way, please forgive me." Stop and examine your body. Let your eyes be full of love and gratitude. “Thank you for being in you. Thank you for moving me. I thank you for the fact that I breathe, for the fact that my heart beats.

Treat your body as a partner in your life, not as a servant. Talk to your body the way you talk to a small child. Become friends with him.

Norrettranders writes: “Each second, our sense organs deliver to us a stream of information consisting of millions of bits. But in most cases, our brains can only process about forty bits per second. Millions and millions of bits end up as our experience, which is essentially not useful at all.”

So if I understand Dr. Hugh Lin correctly, we don't have to worry about what's happening to us at any given moment. We just have to accept everything as it is and trust in a Higher Power. This is where the question arises about 100% responsibility for your life - responsibility for everything that happens. The doctor says that his work is like cleansing himself. And there is. During self-purification, his world becomes pure, because he is this world. Everything outside of himself is a projection and an illusion.

It sounded a little Jungian, in the sense that the outer physical world that you see represents the hidden side of your own life. But Dr. Hugh Lin's description went beyond that definition. He believes that everything is a reflection of ourselves, and says that it is within our responsibility to correct all negative experiences through spiritual "connection" to God. For him, the only way to correct another person is to say the phrase "I love you" in relation to the Divine Essence, which can be called God, Love, the Universe, or any other word for the Higher Powers.

Fixing Situations

There are four affirmations that you must repeat over and over again, non-stop, turning to God.
"I love you".
"I'm really sorry".
"Please forgive me".
"Thank you".

In short, ho'oponopono is a problem-solving process. But it occurs exclusively in the person himself.

In fact, there is nothing complicated about Ho'oponopono. For the ancestors of the Hawaiians, all problems began with a thought. However, the thought itself does not create a problem. So what is its source? The fact is that all our thoughts are permeated with painful memories of people, places and events.

The mind alone is not able to solve these problems, because the mind only manages.
Managing is not about finding solutions to problems. You want to get rid of them! When you use Ho'oponopono, your Higher Power takes away your negative thoughts, neutralizes and purifies them. You are not clearing a person, place, or event, but neutralizing the energy associated with that person, place, or event. So, the first stage of Ho'oponopono is the purification of energy.

After that, a miracle happens. There is not just a neutralization of energy, but its release, as a result of which space is released. In Buddhism, this is called the Void. At the final stage, you allow God to come and fill this void with light. To use Ho'oponopono, you don't need to know exactly what the problem or error is. All you have to do is identify something that is hurting your body, mind, or soul. As soon as you have identified the problem, you must immediately begin the cleansing, say “I'm sorry. Forgive me.



Hooponopono is an ancient practice of forgiveness and reconciliation that originated in Hawaii. In those places, it is traditionally and now used by shamans, in the process of healing, performing the functions of clergy, or in another way - kahuna. They arrange forgiveness practices among all family members of the person who asked for help.

In many Polynesian cultures, it is believed that the causes of disease are human mistakes in life. Confession and recognition as a result of one's mistakes and shortcomings is a therapy that prevents the onset of the disease or heals it. The patient himself and his family members can confess, and if this is not done in a timely manner, then he may die. There is an opinion confirmed by practice that secrecy, concealment of problems and mistakes, strengthens the disease. When erroneous actions are recognized and realized, they no longer have power over a person. At the same time, the direct performance of rites aimed at liberation from "mistakes", with the help of, for example, the rituals of "forgiveness", can help to heal. That is, confession and repentance - a ritual of forgiveness - a real way to restore inner balance. Thus, the Hawaiian ho'oponopono method is practically the easiest way to achieve health if the cause of the disease lay in internal negative blocks.

In 1976, the Hawaiian healer Morna Nalamaku Simeon began to spread her own version of Ho-o-pono-pono, adapting the ritual for any problems, considering this method as a way of psychological help for a person to himself. As in traditional Gawai practice, she also highlights the main tools of Ho'oponopono: confession, repentance, prayer, forgiveness. However, in her opinion, the root of the problems is negative karma and a person must experience for himself everything that he has done to others.

Wrong deeds retain the memory of themselves in the Soul of a person and are reflected until the moment of working out in various incarnations, manifesting themselves as the cause of what is happening. The Law of Karma (Cause and Effect) - prevails throughout life. And the goal is to get rid of this negative experience, work off the traumas by removing them from the field of the Soul, purifying the Spirit.

Joe Vitale talks about a technique called Ho'oponopono in his book Zero Limits.

This technique is healing, it opens up many possibilities. But the most interesting thing is that it allows you to heal different phenomena, situations and people in your environment ... through yourself.

Many of you will agree that we are responsible for everything that happens in our environment, right?

On this occasion, the practitioner of this method, Dr. Ihaliakala Hugh Lin, says: since this problem, situation, people have appeared in your life, it means that there is some part of you that needs healing. You can heal this part of yourself and the problem will go away, evaporate, disappear.

Do you have any idea what opportunities for healing open up?! - You can heal other people just by healing yourself! This is a very powerful tool. It turns out that other people with their problems appear in your life not by chance, they come for healing. Not just like that, but precisely so that you pay close attention to some part of yourself - and heal it.
According to the secret Hawaiian system of Ho'oponopono, the healing of any situation or problem - whether in your life or in the life of another person - is possible through self-cleansing through Ho'oponopono.

How to heal yourself? - Saying and living with all my heart the phrases: “I am sorry (repent). Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you".

You can say these phrases to yourself, without referring to anyone in particular. And you can turn to God.
When working according to this technique, you yourself, some life circumstances, are cleansed. The situation around you begins to change, relationships in your environment are improving, and many problems are solved literally by themselves.

By purifying yourself, you help to purify other people and situations.

Basic principles of the Ho-ponopono method:

1. You have no idea what's going on.

It is impossible to know about everything that is happening around you. Your body and brain are self-regulating right now, without any input from you. There are numerous invisible signals in the atmosphere, the range of which is very wide - from radio waves to thought forms. You cannot perceive all these signals. You are indeed taking part in the creation of your own reality right now, but this is happening unconsciously, without any awareness or control on your part. That's why you can think positively and still be in need. Your conscious mind is not the creator.

2. You don't control everything.

Obviously, if you are not aware of everything that is happening, then you cannot control it.
This is just a trap for your ego to think that the world is governed by your orders. Since your ego is unable to see what is happening in the world at the moment, it is not entirely wise to let it decide what is best for you. You have the right to choose, but you cannot control events. You can use your consciousness to choose what you prefer to experience (experience), but you must let it decide for you whether these events will happen or not, how they will happen and when. Submission is the key here.

3. You have the ability to heal everyone you meet in your life.

Whatever appears in your life (no matter how), it can be healed only because it is in your sphere of action. The point is, if you can feel it, you can heal it. If you see the problem in someone else and it bothers you, then you can fix it (heal yourself). Or as I once said to Oprah Winfrey: "If you can spot it, then you've got it." You may not have the slightest idea why this happened in your life or why such circumstances have arisen, but you must accept it, because you do not know anything about it. The more you heal what is in your path, the purer you become and the closer you are to manifesting what you desire, as you free up energy now available to use for other issues.

4. You are solely responsible for all of your life experiences.

Everything that happens in your life is not your fault, but you bear full (100%) responsibility for these events. The concept of personal responsibility goes much further than you say, do, or think. It includes what others say, do and think in your life. Taking full responsibility for the events in your life means that if there is a person in your life who has a problem, then this will be your problem. This principle is closely related to the previous principle, which states that you are able to heal everyone who comes your way. Thus, you do not have the right to blame anyone or anything for what is happening. You can only take responsibility, which means accepting what is happening, owning it and loving it. The more you heal what comes your way, the stronger your connection to the source of life becomes.

5. Your ticket to no limits is repeating "I love you"

The pass that takes you to a world beyond comprehension, from healing to wish fulfillment, is the simple phrase "I love you." Repeating this phrase to God cleanses everything in you, which allows you to experience the miracle of this moment - the absence of restrictions. The idea is to love everything around. Love your extra weight, your problem child, neighbor or spouse, love them all. Love transforms energy and releases it. The phrase "I love you" serves as a magical password to experience God.

6. Inspiration is more important than intention.

Intentions are the playthings of the mind, but inspiration is a command from God. At some point, you give in and start listening instead of asking and waiting. Intention is an attempt to manage your life based on the limited vision of your ego.
Inspiration is receiving a message from God and acting on that message. Intentions work and produce results, inspiration works and works wonders. What do you choose?

Ho'oponopono Cheat Sheet

1. The physical universe is the embodiment of my thoughts.
2. If my thoughts are harmful, they create a harmful physical reality.
3. If my thoughts are perfect, then they create a physical reality exuding LOVE.
4. I am fully (100%) responsible for the creation of my physical universe.
5. I am fully (100%) responsible for the transformation of harmful thoughts that create
harmful reality.
6. Nothing exists apart from me. Everything exists as thoughts in my mind.

To heal your illnesses

Talk to your body. Tell him, “I love you. I like the way you look. I thank you for being with me. If I offended you in any way, please forgive me." Stop and examine your body. Let your eyes be full of love and gratitude. “Thank you for being in you. Thank you for moving me. I thank you for the fact that I breathe, for the fact that my heart beats.

Treat your body as a partner in your life, not as a servant. Talk to your body the way you talk to a small child. Become friends with him.

Norretranders writes: “Every second our senses bring us a stream of
information consisting of millions of bits. But in most cases, our brains can only process about forty bits per second. Millions and millions of bits end up as our experience, which is essentially not useful at all.”

So if I understand Dr. Hugh Lin correctly, we don't have to worry about what's happening to us at any given moment. We just have to accept everything as it is and trust in a Higher Power. This is where the question arises about 100% responsibility for your life - responsibility for everything that happens. The doctor says that his work is like cleansing himself. And there is. During self-purification, his world becomes pure, because he is this world. Everything outside of himself is a projection and an illusion.

It sounded a little Jungian, in the sense that the outer physical world that you see represents the hidden side of your own life. But Dr. Hugh Lin's description went beyond that definition. He believes that everything is a reflection of ourselves, and says that it is our responsibility to correct all negative experiences through spiritual "connection" to God. For him, the only way to correct another person is to say the phrase “I love you” in relation to the Divine Essence, which can be called God, Love, the Universe, or any other word for Higher Powers

Fixing Situations

There are four affirmations that you must repeat over and over again, non-stop, turning to God.
"I love you".
"I'm really sorry".
"Please forgive me".
"Thank you".

In short, ho'oponopono is a problem-solving process. But it occurs exclusively in the person himself.

In fact, there is nothing complicated about Ho'oponopono. For the ancestors of the Hawaiians, all problems began with a thought. However, the thought itself does not create a problem. So what is its source? The fact is that all our thoughts are permeated with painful memories of people, places and events.

The mind alone is not able to solve these problems, because the mind only manages.
Managing is not about finding solutions to problems. You want to get rid of them! When you use Ho'oponopono, your Higher Power takes away your negative thoughts, neutralizes and purifies them. You are not clearing a person, place, or event, but neutralizing the energy associated with that person, place, or event. So, the first stage of Ho'oponopono is the purification of energy.

After that, a miracle happens. There is not just a neutralization of energy, but its
liberation, resulting in free space. In Buddhism, this is called the Void. At the final stage, you allow God to come and fill this void with light. To use Ho'oponopono, you don't need to know exactly what the problem or error is. All you have to do is identify something that is hurting your body, mind, or soul. As soon as you have identified the problem, you must immediately begin the cleansing, say “I'm sorry. Forgive me.

Take a simple pencil with an eraser. Write your problem. Short. For example, if you have problems with your parents, write "Parents" or "Mom Dad". Tap the rubber band three times on the inscription and say "Dewdrop". After that, erase the inscription. a pencil with an eraser is used, which is lightly tapped on the object that they want to clean. It can be books, a computer, you, whatever. You can chant the cleansing mantra or simply tap the eraser. When tapping, you clean the object from the past through generations and time up to the moment of its creation.

Dewdrop ~ works for everything. You can say "dewdrop" when you are frightened, threatened, sad or angry. You might think "dewdrop" if you see someone in trouble. There are no restrictions on its use. Use at least every second.

Lie on your back, arms loosely along the body. Relax. Imagine above your head, above the top of your head, a small cloud. If it takes on any color, so be it. Start saying "I love you" calmly. At the same time, start moving the cloud towards your feet. A cloud envelops you. Bring the cloud to the feet and begin the reverse movement to the head. Say "I love you" all the time. Move the cloud up and down along the body as many times as you like. Finish the exercise like this. Stop the cloud at your feet and imagine that it began to increase. It gradually envelops you from head to toe. And now you are already completely surrounded by a cloud woven from love. Lie in this wonderful cloud. Feelings are just magical.

We live in the material world and money is an important part of it. I will not talk more about money, I turn to technology. Get the money out of your wallet, out of your pocket, in general, from where you carry it. Lay out in front of you. Start saying "I love you". At the same time, stroke the money, take it in your hands, look at it. When you pay somewhere with money, before you give the money, mentally tell her "Thank you."

cleansing breath
Another very simple but effective technique. Stand up straight, keep your hands free, relaxed. Exhale completely, pulling in your stomach. Breathe in through your nose. Fill the lungs and stomach with air, filling it as much as possible. Then, sharply push the air out of you through your mouth, drawing in the abdominal muscles. A slightly hissing sound, similar to pronouncing the letter "x", should escape from the throat. Draw in the abdominal muscles even more, pushing out the remaining air. At the initial stage, perform 1-3 times. Increase the number of repetitions gradually. The maximum number of repetitions is 10. Do not rush! This breath perfectly clears the airways. In addition, with regular practice, peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized. Energy channels are cleared.

healing water

Pour into a glass of water. Sit on a chair, keep your back straight, do not cross your legs. Place your hands palms facing each other at chest level. Say "I love you". Feel the warmth in your palms. Say "I love you" 10-15 times. It is not necessary to count specifically, speak according to your feelings. Then grab a glass of water with your palms. Say "I love you" 10-15 more times. Drink and be healed. You can wash your face with this water, wash your eyes with it, rinse your hair, etc.

3/4 cup water
A glass made of transparent glass ¾ filled with water. It can be placed in any of the rooms of your house/apartment. It will help to remove and erase the memory, even when you do not think about it. Change the water in the glass twice a day, or more often if you feel particularly anxious, agitated, or upset. You can write the name of the situation that is bothering you on a piece of paper and place a glass of water on the piece of paper. Don't forget to change the water throughout the day.

Blue Solar Water
it is a strong cleaning tool. The more you drink it, the more it erases "those" memories and takes you back to your childish worldview. To get it, you need a blue glass or a transparent blue bottle. Any shade of blue will do. Put it in the sun or under a lamp for an hour. If you are using only glass, cover the top of the vessel with something non-metal, as bugs and other creatures are attracted to this clear water. After an hour, you can drink water, wash your face with it, cook food on it, or put it in the refrigerator for later. A drop of this water will purify any vessel into which you add it. Addition on the "blue solar" water: a blue glass container with water should stand in the sun for at least 1 hour in summer, and 4 hours in winter. "Filling" the water with the sun / sorry for the translation / depends on ambient temperature, geographic location and time of day. In the water, which is "filled with the sun", put a piece of ice. When the ice melts, the water is ready to drink. The longer the water is exposed to sunlight, the stronger its cleansing properties.

Breath Ha
Dr. Lin says that even breathing "Ha" alone can cure depression. Inhale, counting to 10 (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10), the counting speed is normal for you, you should not artificially slow down the count if you do not want it intentionally. Then hold your breath for a count of 10. Then exhale for a count of 10 (can be accompanied by a sigh of relief or "haaaa" if you like). Repeat this 10 times or more. This is a wonderful thing!

Lack of money... How to deal with it?
1. You can put a banknote of any denomination in a prominent (for you) place and a pencil with an elastic band. Every day, tap the rubber band on the bill, saying "dewdrop". 2. Technique "Wallet" In the purse put a piece of paper on which write "I love you. Thank you" or Morrna's prayer. The wonderful vibrations of these phrases will gradually harmonize the financial situation. From any (even the smallest) amount that you receive, give at least 2% to the world. If you want, give alms, if you want, help the poor, etc.
3. Technique "Sandwich". Cheerful title. Take three sheets of paper (you can use 3 halves of an A4 sheet). On two sheets of paper write "I love you. Thank you." On the third sheet - "I live in my own apartment" or "Own apartment." Put this sheet between the first two. Do not hide this "sandwich" far and deep. And, of course, say Morrna's phrases or prayer as often as possible. All in your hands

I am the Pillar of the World
the moment you simply think "I am the Pillar of the World" you are automatically surrounded by divine radiance. Your entire being is protected from negative vibrations. Then you can direct this radiance to anything or anyone to harmonize them, just by thinking "I am the Pillar of the World." Use this throughout the day.

Technique "Palms"
cleaning the interior space. Walk clockwise around the room in which you want to renew the energy. At the same time, clap your hands loudly. Slam the corners especially well. It is good if at this time the room is ventilated. Also, classical and light instrumental music has a great effect on cleansing the energy of rooms.

Breathing exercises
works great with memories, depression, Alzheimer's, release of earth spirits and negative vibrations and closes all psychic doors that are open. They can also be used to overcome time zones and as a flight defense, doing one round for every hour of flight, before boarding the plane. A round of breathing exercise is done by inhaling through the nose to count seven, holding the count of seven, then exhaling through the mouth to count seven, then holding again to count to seven. Then repeat nine times. You can also do anywhere from seven to ten times, for seven to ten rounds.

Ho'oponopono is an ancient practice of forgiveness and reconciliation that originated in Hawaii. In those places, it is traditionally and now used by shamans, in the process of healing, performing the functions of clergy, or in another way - kahuna. They arrange forgiveness practices among all family members of the person who asked for help.

In many Polynesian cultures, it is believed that the causes of disease are human mistakes in life. Confession and recognition as a result of one's mistakes and shortcomings is a therapy that prevents the onset of the disease or heals it. The patient himself and his family members can confess, and if this is not done in a timely manner, then he may die. There is an opinion confirmed by practice that secrecy, concealment of problems and mistakes, strengthens the disease. When erroneous actions are recognized and realized, they no longer have power over a person. At the same time, the direct performance of rites aimed at liberation from "mistakes", with the help of, for example, the rituals of "forgiveness", can help to heal. That is, confession and repentance - a ritual of forgiveness - a real way to restore inner balance. Thus, the Hawaiian ho'oponopono method is practically the easiest way to achieve health if the cause of the disease lay in internal negative blocks.

In 1976, the Hawaiian healer Morna Nalamaku Simeon began to spread her own version of Ho-o-pono-pono, adapting the ritual for any problems, considering this method as a way of psychological help for a person to himself. As in traditional Gawai practice, she also highlights the main tools of Ho'oponopono: confession, repentance, prayer, forgiveness. However, in her opinion, the root of the problems is negative karma and a person must experience for himself everything that he has done to others.

Wrong deeds retain the memory of themselves in the Soul of a person and are reflected until the moment of working out in various incarnations, manifesting themselves as the cause of what is happening. The Law of Karma (Cause and Effect) - prevails throughout life. And the goal is to get rid of this negative experience, work off the traumas by removing them from the field of the Soul, purifying the Spirit.

Life Without Limits - State Zero

In 1992, after Simeon's death, its former administrator and Ihaleakala student Hugh Lin, co-authored a book with Joe Vitale, which in translation into Russian sounds like "Life without limits", in the original the title of the book is "State Zero".

The book tells the story of the use of Ho'oponopono by a Hawaiian doctor who achieved stunning healing results in his work with patients in a psychiatric clinic.

Hugh Lin brings to the methodology a new idea of ​​the "zero state", in which there are no memories, no identification and no restrictions. To achieve a result, it is necessary to repeat a certain mantra (more on that below) and take full 100% responsibility for the actions of everyone who surrounds a person, and not just for yourself. Responsibility for everything that is heard, seen, touched, felt or experienced in any other way. That is, you should look for the problem in yourself. After all, once something happened in your life, it means that you somehow created it and are responsible for it. Everything outside exists as a projection of the inner world of a person, and in order to change the reality around, it is necessary to change yourself. And if we proceed from the concept of the integrity of the world and the universe, a person purifying his consciousness purifies the consciousness of others, to whom the practice is directed.

Hooponopono is also suitable for cleansing territories, spaces, objects, and events. This is a universal method.

Ho'oponopono practice

By changing thoughts, actions, words according to the Hooponopono technique, we release energy in a certain way and start an important process of purification at the spiritual and energy level. Using this method, a person can almost completely solve many problems and remove those blocks from his subconscious that prevent him from finding happiness and success. The secret of ho'oponopono lies in just four basic meditation phrases:


Self-identity using Ho'oponopono is based on the following principles:

  • Solving problems within the individual.
  • Involved, only you and your "I".
  • You are on your own.
  • Your repentance is before you.
  • 100% responsibility.
  • The realization of self-forgiveness.

Self-knowledge by a person through Hooponopono makes it possible to see any problem as an opportunity, and not as a test. Therefore, situations (problems) are just programs of the past that give people the opportunity to act through awareness and see the world through the eyes of Love.

Ho'oponopono meditation, for clearing a situation that may exist for even several generations, is very simple. It gives a chance to purify the Soul by simply addressing the problem: “Please forgive me”, “I love you”, “I am very sorry”, “Thank you”. In this case, the Love of your heart erases negative memories.

Using Hooponopono, it makes no sense to understand with the mind what is happening, because at this moment we look at the world through the eyes of the Heart, which means we speak the language of Love. To clear the situation in Ho'oponopono, to resolve the situation and work through the problem, you need to do this meditation several times a day, morning and evening, for several days (minimum 7 days, maximum is unlimited). This happens because many of our memories are layered one on top of the other and await their turn to be deleted.

You can start practicing Ho'oponopono at any time. For example, when you are heading to work or driving back home. Practice the Hawaiian Method to incorporate it into your life. Apply it in any of the most difficult situations, in case of any problems when they come into your life.

Speak the key phrases of this practice, not automatically, but with an open heart. And you will see how negative situations disappear from your life, and more and more harmonious and positive situations begin to surround you.

These phrases turn on a certain state inside us, our vibrations become higher, because behind them is the power of Love, which can change everything.

“I'm sorry, because I'm the reason for this situation.
Forgive me - I'm very sorry that this happened.
I love you with all my soul and all my heart.
I thank you - because thanks to you I created this situation and now I will change my life for the better.

When you SINCERELY, from the bottom of your Soul, pronounce these phrases, the negative charge is nullified and the negative manifestations of your life that are working around you cease to act. In ho'oponopono, healings are manifested in this way. Note - this is very important, you do not need to think about HOW to heal yourself or HOW to improve the situation, everything will happen by itself. Write down these phrases on a piece of paper, in a notebook or on your phone and practice with them for at least 7 days. And you will see the effectiveness of the Hawaiian Hooponopono.

If you need the help of a Master Guide in the practice of this method and / or an increase in the effect of this method, you can contact the leading parapsychic consultant of the Success Center - Elena Svetlaya. She successfully practices various healing systems, including Ho'oponopono, as well as Reiki, Theta Healing, Ricol Healing and others.

Clairvoyant magician Elena Svetlaya conducts remote diagnostics and healing at a distance and from a photograph. In the Success Center of Elena Svetlaya, you can diagnose the energy field, clear the field of negativity, restore the field, harmonize energy flows, perform various effective White rituals to improve health, order protective amulets (evil eye, damage), money amulets, amulets for health and others. services. Details can be found on the page.

For those who wish to improve their health using the practice of Reiki, the magician and esoteric healer Elena Svetlaya conducts remote sessions and conducts counseling. Elena Svetlaya uses an integrated approach in healing - BODY-SOUL-SPIRIT, as to a single human system and translates it through harmonization and attunement to higher vibrations, including by changing approaches to nutrition and lifestyle. As a result, diseases recede. At the same time, everyone can learn various techniques of self-healing and spiritual harmonization. Psychic abilities and practical experience allow the clairvoyant to provide people with versatile assistance.

You can read more about Elena Svetlaya's professional specialization.

For the spiritual, energy and physical healing of people in the "Helena Svetlaya Success Center" a unique Service No. 7 - esoteric healing has been developed.

Service No. 7 - the author's technique of Elena Svetlaya, which includes: remote meditations, enchanted foods and objects, various effective rituals on a magical altar with healing stones and enchanted candles, mandatory nutritional recommendations, and much more. At the same time, a person receives additional energy that the body needs for self-healing and self-healing. From the first sessions, the human biofield is significantly enhanced, and when passing from one to three courses and following all the recommendations, as practice shows, most diseases recede. Elena Svetlaya's technique helps a person in need of healing to achieve the higher vibrations of the Soul and Body necessary for this.

To make an appointment for a consultation, you can contact Elena Svetlaya by sending a request by e-mail [email protected] website, with the subject of the letter “Reiki Healing” or by clicking on the button at the bottom of the article “Register for a consultation”. Price Services No. 7 are negotiated individually, depending on the problem and the depth of study!

With hope and faith in the best,
Your Elena Svetlaya